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tv   America Tonight  Al Jazeera  January 9, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm EST

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welcome to al jazeera america. the indian diplomate arrested in new york last month was indicted today charged with visa fraud and making false statements. the white house requested she leave the country and her lawyer says she will fly out tonight. new jersey governor apologized for the political motivated lane closures on the george washington bridge today and fired a top aid for her role. he says he is sick over it, and denies any involvement. the obama administration designated five areas after promise zones today. the plan followed
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president lindon johnson's war on poverty ageneral da which started 50 years ago. stale television show him attending ask art gallery opening. the first time he has been seen in public in nearly a year. those are the headlines i will see you back here at 11:00 eastern, 8:00 pacific america tonight with joey chen is coming up next, and of course you can always get the lastest news on we will see you later on tonight. on america tonight, reconsidering a return to fukushima. in the final part of our exclusive look at the aftermath of the nuclear power disaster we ponder that nation's energy future.
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ism imagines of an iraqi city under power. and why falujjah is luking to descend into a new cycle of violence. it is not just this spectacle, to rap revelation. >> the outsider acts that cob signs of a slow thaw with north korea. good etching and thank you for joining us. for many of us there are
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certain fears, real, imagined, about nuclear power tie the most memorable vision of that long controversy energy resource, there's three-mile island through nobodile and now fukushima. this week in our series of reports return to fukushima, we focused on how the jap please people have been coping with the hue imagine and the political fall out of the nuclear plant disaster that began three years ago. tonight in the final segment of our exclusive series america tonight's michael spoke with a man who led japan through the crisis and explores the controversial battle to bring japan's idle nuclear reactors back online. i had first received the news that it has lost all power and all cooling functionality.
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>> within days three reactors has melted down. multiple hydrogen edge motions ripped through the plant. causing con to consider the unthinkable. >> i had experts simulate a worth case scenario, showing how far the accident could spread. the conditions were to deteriorate, there were 50 million people within a 250-kilometer radius. all those people would have to evacuate. >> the country and the world held their breath. as the disaster that could have turned tokyo into a ghost town, was slowly brought under control. we were walking on a knife's edge, wondering if the worst case scenario would occur or not. the close call. >> while you were prime
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minister, in the middle of this, is when you are view on nuclear power changed. >> i came to believe that we should halt nuclear energy. >> he is also haunted by the human fall out. i visited fukushima, and i met with those that came from the disaster zone, the majority of the people were still far from where they used to live, their families were torn apart. and they were leading a very harsh life. >> you feel a responsible to personally reach out to those people? i felt that the biggest political responsible for it all lay with me.
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>> you can't have another nuclear accident, i came to believe that the only way to keep that from happening is to get rid of nuclear energy itself. after leaving office, he made it his mission to ridder japan of nuclear energy, four other prime ministers inclinable the influential have since joined him. the movement he helped build has forced all of japan's 50 reactors off line, but that success has come with a price. >> the sudden shock has driven up electricity prices. and japan has a trade deficit for the fist time in decades due to massive imports of fossil fuels. >> nuclear was about 30% of the total electricity supply by the electric power companies. that is gone now.
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they went scrambling to replace that. in order to avoided blackouts and brown outs. by firing up coal lng, and to a lesser extent oil fired thermal plants. a japanese energy policy expert at the university of tokyo says japan's national security is at stake. >> the national security reasons basically stem from jay ban's overreliance on fossil fuels because it has no viable natural resources of its own to increase dealing with it's economic demand for electric power. consequencely the industry would like to see these get on line. >> japan's nuclear industry has mount add drive. and the current prime minister has joined fourses with them. >> based upon the lessons of the nuclear accident, we must create a new culture, to improve safety.
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last year, prime minister reversed the former administrations promise to rid japan of nuclear power by went 30. >> and in addition, after making sure that it's safe, we must restart nuclear nudger. >> will there be nuclear power five years from now? ten, 15 years from now. >> yes. of this i am fairly certain, i think you will see at least two or three, maybe more within the next two years. massive protests but a public overwhelmingly against turning on the nuclear reactors have failed to sway the administration. so local toll tises have taken up the fight. home to the world's largest nuclear complex, also owned -- the governor has sometime mid tex's efforts to restart the plants seven idles reactors.
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what exactly did you mean by that? >> they knew on march 12th that fuel has melted down. but they continued to lie for almost twon't mos. >> this is flat out a company that can't be trusted? >> they haven't made an accounting of the past. we first need to determine why they lied and how to rectify the situation. if we don't do that, i worry that another accident can happen again. >> he says they have to acknowledge mistakes made before he will let them restart the plant. >> i haven't made a decision about whether or not to restart the reactors. they need to reflect upon the experience of the fukushima accident. and come one a policy
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based on that. >> in spite of resistence, the size and power have dwindled in japan. >> i'd say that more than half the people are against nuclear nudger. but because they don't speak out, the antinuclear movement doesn't grow. >> less than three years after the fukushima disaster, prime minister is aggressively promoting japanese nuclear technology abroad. he recently signed agreements to sound nuclear reactors to turkey, and india. teed we are focused on supplying nudger to the world through power generations. >> even if the crisis continues at home, major manufacturers are vying for a share of the trillion dollars market. and 370 new reactors expected to be built by
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2030. >> the international customers who need our technology i would think it is our responsibility to respond to that kind of expectation. in international orders last year, new technology and reactive designs they say ensure that this time will be different. we will learn a lot from what happened and we apply what we think into our technology. so the technology is always improving to overcome any events. >> but for many people here still living with the aftermath, the push to restart nuclear energy comes to soon. beam like the decon tom nation worker who was exposed. >> if they were truly
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sorry, why are they saying that they will restart the nuclear power plant? purse, they need to resolve the problems at fukushima. >> people like year she the cattle raunchier who risked radiation to stay in the hot zone with his cattle cattles that are now contaminate contaminatd unsellable. >> simply put there is no hope for our village. the government wants to take us back to the age of nuclear energy. they want to restart the reactors, export nuclear technology, and put a list on the fukushima nuclear disaster. the current administration is learning the wrong lesson from the tragedy. until 311, i felt the same way. since realizing my way of thinking has been wrong,
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i no longer feel we should sell nuclear nudger. either domestically or internationally. >> he is confident that now is the time to transition to renewables. japan can supply sufficient energy without nuclear power. over laugh of japanese citizens are demanding that, whether that will be crushed will be decided in the next one or two years. who is likely to win with that battle? >> i believe in a not so distance future, japan will stop using nuclear power, i believe that to be true. >> con a lawmaker again having returned to the diet -- he wants to pass a bill promoting renewables and he has questioned whether private companies should run ale toic plants. when you speak to him, you get the sense that he is deeply effected by the enormity of the crisis he and his nation faced and that he is haunted by the
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specter of another emergency perhaps even more potentially he that will. i was struck by what appears to be his heart felt sincerity, but there is no question that he is also fighting for his legacy. and the governments chaotic response to the melt down. and of course he resigned from office just five months after that crisis. what do you come away with? what do you remember? >> i am struck by how this is on going. the extent to which how this is not over. the fact that they are starting the dangerous removal of more than 1300 spent fuel rods. the massive amounts of contaminated water.
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and also just this collective psychology, i think, that's scarred the japanese people. i mean that's what i'm struck by the most. the enduring image i have of our state in japan is this army of workers. on hillsides and at homes litter rally trying to take the topsoil, the contaminated topsoil from the surface of an area the size of the state of connecticut and it is a constant reminder, at least those folks in fukushima that they are still in this fight. >> that is hard to even imagine. the size of connecticut, incredible. matthew mckenzie joins us now. you hear all that, and want with to talk more about how it effects the psyche in the united states. as i mentioned earlier,
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nuclear is always a thing. that arouses great passion, interest, concern, the ice, and particularly after fukushima, i wonder is there a sense that the u.s. pop luis is in some way moved by this to keep differently about nuclear power here? >> public opinion in the quite has shifted over the years. it's certainly hit a low point after the tmi accident. it also hit a low point after the fukushima accident. public opinion from some surveys may be growing a bit more positive. it is important to realize there is a spectrum of reas. the society said we no longer want nuclear power. in the quite and china, for example, they said -- the reaction was okay, let's have a pause.
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let's consider what lessons we can learn from the accident to make our nuclear infrastructure more safe. in france and russia, there was very public outcry and very little effect on their nuclear industry. >> do you see growth continuing in the united states for nuclear? there is at least one plant in georgia south carolina boarder that is going for it's expansion, do you see additional growth or interest? >> nuclear is not in a growth phase right now. just before fukushima there was what is called the nuclear renaissance. bill price of natural gas for example. nucleares to compete with assumption of renewable energy.
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do you see that echoed? as matthew said this sort of concern that took over both in japan and germany. did you have that sense that there was this emotional response that this was the end for us? >> when you talk to the japanese people, they say that immediately after that immediate crisis, in march of 2011, that most people were then against nuclear power. you have to remember that is japan is unlike the united states in terms of its energy. it consume as great amount of energy, yet at the same time, they don't have the natural resources that we do here. so if they do not get -- if they don't rely on nuclear power, they have to import fossil fuels. it is expensive a lot of japanese know that, they don't want to rely on the
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outside word. it is a proud nation, and yet at the same time, what this cries i has done to the japanese people now, it has pitted them against each other in terms of what they do about this source of energy. incredible reporting on all of this. an important time for the nuclear industry all the over the world. appreciate both of you being with us. you can watch the earlier reports and meet some of the people whose lives have been so up ended by the nuclear disaster, log on to tonight. after the break, a decision in a rape case that brought national attention to small town america. will there be justice for daisy?
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she is doing okay. other than that, you know, it was really emotion filled. we were very anticipating today. it to clarify here, you said that daisy may or may not be in the hospital, can you explain why? is. >> i believe she is still in the hospital. she had a suicide attempt earlier this week, and she was sent to the hospital. >> related to the stress involved with that. >> yes. there was a lot of online bullying this happened this past weekend, and
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she then attempted suicide. >> i am so sorry to hear, your daughter page as well has she been the subject of additional bullying? additional stresses. >> yes, she has. she has been back in school two days and has already talked to the suspect. she has had problems. >> can i ask, do you have any regret about coming forward so publicly, both with the names and the stories? it has become quite an international, and even international incident. >> well, you know, there are times when we think did we do the right thing. but i think the number of young men and women who have come forward and talked to daisy and page and voiced their appreciation has made it worthwhile. for us. i believe had we not come forward and been outfront
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with who we are and what was going on, i don't think there would have been any change. >> robin, thank you for being with us. >> guilty plea beal was justice served in this case? you also victims advocate, you follow this closely as well, do you see this any sort of wind for anybody? >> well, the one win is that this case actually was brought forward and it is striking a conversation among all of us. the unfortunate part is what we have seen is what would have probably played out in court, which is the victim being the one that was on trial. and i look at this is an opportunity for myself to help educate people out there. and tell themes victims make great victims. a drunk girl is likely to be a victim, because she does make the perfect victim, which makes
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things like this happen. and by not having a trial you don't get to educate jurors about that. >> in this case, and there is an acknowledgement of some participation and that the boys went along, they were clearly underage, however, and then the very sad part about the girl being abandoned in the colted at her mother's doorstep, this is where the changer endangerment goes to. so in the end, whatever plea was agreed to didn't have too do with the sexual assault, it had to do with endangering her, leaving her outside, right? >> right. as a property prosecutor you look at settling the case. you have million dollars verses felony, you have probation, verses jail time, and then you have registration verses nonregistration, in this case the defend won all three. it was a million dollars, no jail time, and no registration. i guess the only silver lining is there was a case but for these victims families coming forward there would not
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have been. >> what does this tell us about prosecutions going forward in sexual assault? particularly when we hear so many cases about young women college age women we with have covered this quite a bit on america tonight, and younger women than that, being intoxicated and then being subjected to sexual assault. >> the victim has been revictimized over and over again. there was the night of the incident, then it was that she had to come forward to the media with their name being told and being blamed by the public but by the first prosecutor. the fist prosecutor hung out that victim to dry and said hey, she didn't want to prosecute, but the reality is the prosecution happen every day when victims say they don't want to. so the prosecutor really sold this victim down the river for early on. woe appreciate you being with us tonight, talk.
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>> next on america tonight, a bridge too far? how one misstep even by those working for you can set up a would be candidacy into what might have been.
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and in those cases where formal education isn't feasible because of the security
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now a snapshot of stories making headlines. counting calories where hour about 6.4 trillion of them. 16 major companies have cut backstroming daily calorie counts by an average of 78-calories per person, and that is more than four times the original goal. the 87-year-old attempted the opening of an art studio. last time the cubans saw their former leader was nine months ago. and making false statements. prosecutors accused of lying to get a work visa, although she was indicted she was granted
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diplomatic immunity and asked to leave the united states, her lawyer says she will be leaving on thursday night. a reminder today how fleeting political porches can be. new jersey governor chris christie. since his re-election last fall, he has been a media darling widely assumed to be a leading contender for the 2016 presidential nomination. but now he finds his reputation headed? the reverse, all because of a traffic jamming. >> new jersey governor isn't known for being apologetic but today he was just that. >> i have come out here to this office i have been many times before, and i come out here today to apologize to the peel of new jersey. i apologize toe the people of fort lee, and the state legislature. >> his unusual display of humility was prompt bed i
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this string of emails. emails which suggest one of his closest aids compared to create massive traffic jams. against retribution, for refusing to endorse kristy. in one email the aid writes time for some traffic problems in fort lee to which a transportation official responds got it. fort lee is home to one end of the george washington bridge, the world's busiest, those loan closures lane closuressed several days delaying commuters school buss and first responders. >> those that are responsible need to be held accountable and we need an assurance from someone that's going to tell us unequivocally this is not happening to fort lee again. >> since the landslide re-election last fall, christie has been riding high, he was recently installed as chairman of the governors association, and is often mentioned as the front runner for the republican nomination in 2016. patter of his appeal is
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it image of tell it like it is politician, but what some see as straight shooting others see as arrogance, a charge critics say is reenforced by these latest revelations. i feel passionately about issues and i don't hide my emotions. i am not a focus tested. you ask me a question after the election, are you willing to change your style, in order to appeal to a broader audience, and i think i said no. because i am who i am. but i am not a bully. >> u.s. attorney has now opened an inquiry into the bridge closures. kristy question though is whether this controversial is going to blow over or will it cause him permanent political damage. bill, you know what, what about that? long term is this something to pass us by?
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yes, he says he doesn't know anything about this, my staff is out of control and they lied to me, i'm not sure that says anything good about him. those members of his staff are going to testify. if any of them contradicts and says yes the governor knew about it, this whole thing will explode. >> if it does not come do that, and this is just a reputation question, ribbing shoulder withs the wrong people, is that something that will have a long term damage? because he does have -- after all, he jumped up there and said i'm not a bully. >> reminded me of somebody else that said i'm not a crook. he was a crook, we don't know about this governor. however, the new york times ran a piece which she sited several
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instances of what sounded like bullying. where a professor was deprived of his funding because and a former governor was deprived of his security. there seems to be a pattern here. the big problem he has is that he comes across, or trying to sell himself as someone that can be bipartisan. he is a republican governor in a heavily democratic state. was resoundingly re-elected and now he is here going after democrats or at least his staff is going after members of the opposition party. that doesn't sound very bipartisan. >> and also doubted in some sense by republican conservatives around the country. because of the relationship with president obama? >> that's right. he locked arms with president obama a lot of conservatives are very critical of him. they call him a rhino,
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which is a curse word, republican in name only, and they don't want to see him get the nomination. that might be a problem. looking at other politicians as well, after all people get reputations for drinking in the middle of a speech, or going out on a wind surf board and running around in a tight wind suit. politicians to have to look at everything over the time, and yet how close do you have to be to the election for that to hang on? after all we are a good distance are. >> we are, but the problem is what kind of image does it create. this' a fine line between being forcible and a bully. in his first term, president obama was seen as a president who exhibiterred resolve. after 9/11, people admired him, in his second term he crossed the line, and his resolve became stubbornness.
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it is easy to cross the line between being forceful and a bully. if he gets the image of being a bully, it can be long lasting and damaging. >> tonight our cleaning will be joined by the author of chris christie inside story of his rise to power. that's coming up on consider this, that's at the top of the hour. in the meantime, new york newly elected mayor also found himself emeshed in some controversial. on the program cbs this morning his top cop commissioner seemed to back off from the mayor's campaign promise, to end a practice known as stop and frisk. >> so will you end stop and frisk? >> not at all. that would be like you trying to get out of here without asking a question, that's what police do.
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no, stop and frisk is an essential tool, we are just going to try to do a better job of training our officers. >> under the stop and frisk policy, tens of gnaws are confronted each year. the program is of particular concern to african-americans and latinos. in one campaign ad, he made clear his intent to end the practice. >> bill debels owe, the only candidate to end the stop and frisk era that targets minorities. >> he is another politician whose rebelled in his image as a regular joe, and while he ran on a strongly liberal platform, he is also closely associated with democrats like the clintons. todays appearance has asked how much change will bring to city hall.
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>> by the way, we asked the office for their reaction to the remarks we did not hear back from them in time for our broadcast. joining us now the donald lib berman, so what do you make of this? do you see an amount face by the new administration? by mr. debels owe for his top cop says yeah we aren't going to end this, we are just going to change it up a little? actually not at all. the mayor did not campaign on a promise the end stop and frisk, what he did promise to do was to end the abuse of stop and frisk. is and to have the new yorkpd only use stop and frisk in accordance with the constitution. which requires criminal suspicion before you stop someone. that's what he promised new yorkers. that what communities united for police reform
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has been asking for. and that's what the commissioner said he was committed to. so nobody is asking him -- well some may be, but we are not asking him to end the use of stop and frisk. we are asking to retrain the police didn't, can do it right. to retrain the police to do it right. >> i guess it is confusing because he said he ran an ad that said he would end. >> he never really claimed to end it, he claimed -- >> i won't ask you to defend his campaign, i am just saying it was in a printed ad on television, so -- you can understand why there would be the perception that he intended to end it. what would really make a difference? if you agree there is some appropriate police use of it, what would make the difference in the use of stop and frisk? well, abandons the appeal peel of the class action lawsuits.
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which bans racial profiling that was pass bedty city council. and to end the excessive broken windows policing that has resulted in ten times more marijuana ares overwhelmingly of people of color. and under even giuliani, so these are all racially biased programs that need to be reformed. and we have every confidence that working at his direction, will make these reforms. >> well, we will watch and see. executive director of the new york civil liberties union thank you for being with us. >> thank you. when we return, iraq's flash point again, an american photo journalist, and images that echo a not too
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distance past.
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has everything andthat anything he wanted. including iron fists control over the 24 million people in north korea, which kim john-un has now ruled for more than a year. who used torture, prison camps, and brainwashing to control the state. as you might have seen this week, if your birthday buddy is kim john-un, something a little personal may be in order. >> perhaps something that inspired the already adoring masses to stand and cheer on cue although they always do.
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but this week, they were inspired by the spectacle of kim john-un's new bff, dennis rodman, and some former nba pals. in a special birthday tribute. ♪ happy birthday to you ♪. >> the past 24 hours haven't all been happy ones for rod mapp, after an admitted drunken attack on kenneth bay, the american currently serving a prison term in north korea. >> you tell me, why is he held captive? >> they haven't released any charges. >> he was steeped with criticism forcing an apology to the family, and the early departure of some teammates. kenneth bay's family has accepted the apology, but for many, rodman's basketball diplomacy should never have started to begin. >> . >> i think he is an idiot. he is very -- a person that of not great intellect, who doesn't
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understand that he really does provide propaganda for one of the very brutal ruthless young man. >> he isn't the only private citizen making very public overtures to north korea. in desks also known as packman and peso to appearing rap musicians went to north korea to shoot a music video. escape to north korea was released on wednesday, the same day as the great leaders birthday. is that at some level kind of ping-pong diplomacy. >> i wouldn't choose dennis rodman to be my adversary. he is entertaining and i think the people he is interacting with will be touched one way or another, but i think the better model of real
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ping-pong diplomacy is when you have normal people to people engangment, & this kind of engangment is one of the ways that peaceful change will some day come to north korea. so there is something to be gained in terms of developing a relationship? >> absolutely. we have to readjust our time schedule, but the lesson we have learned from the case studies of china, orr places like south korea, that also used to be a dictatorship is that engangment can help to open them up. for about 25 years the west engaged the soviet union even at a time of great repression, and haw moon rights abuses and the lives that were touched those were the very people who helped to promote class and reform an opening up when the opportunity came. >> he spent 15 years in the senate foreign
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relations committee before taking up leadership of the human rights agency. his concern isn't that entertainers are there, his concern is that others aren't. it countries me that dennis rodman -- in order to manage the risks on the peninsula. >> is the situation difference than china. it is in one important respect. we are still technically at war with north korea. and i think one of the difficulties for the united states attempting to support a policy of engangment with north korea. is that until that war ends north korea constitutions a security threat both to the u.s. allies south korean, and indeed othe united states itself.
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and how how do you justify engangment with an enemy? all i can say is that engangment has to start somewhere, and the longer they wait, the more difficult this problem is going to be. still ams inty international remains highly critical, demanding kenneth bay's release, and continuing to track the prison cities. >> make no mistake, you don't believe there has been any reduction in human rights abuse abuses . >> sadly no, and satellite analysis from as recent as may of 2013, confirms the continuing north korean investment in what we with call the architecture of repression. >> repression that human rights groups fear is getting worse. >> the united nations has established a commission of inquiry which will report its findings this year. and they will chronicle
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the extent of the human rights abuses inside north korea, that dennis rodman has not seen. and i would hope that anyone who is wanting to engage with north korea, would do so with their eyes open. >> in another place where conflict and oppression are current themes we look to iraq, a still which we have been following closely. as al quaida forces have retaken control there. it is a name familiar to many americans after the hard fought battle u.s. forces put up there a decade ago. only one american photographer was with there with the marines first battalion as they thought its way through. now journalist remembers the fight and sees the violence echoed in what is happening today. >> i was a photographer for the north county times newspaper. in 2004, and reporter darrenmore tenson said there's a marines they are going to go back and they are going to be
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doing this operation let's go, and i am like yeah let's go, we didn't know anything about it. the whole mission we were told by the commanding officers wants to win hearts and minds of the iraqis. they went to meet city leaders, the mayors office, or compound, when they got there, the insurgence did a loiter attack, and 16 marines got injured with shrapnel. some of them pretty siriusly, and that right there told us that the insurgency is pretty serious. marines were planning an operation, literally as the army is rolling out to go into the eastern part of the city basically to say we are here. we are different, and we are tough. early that next morning they were doing house to house searches. knocking down doors, or knocking on doors but just going in and searching and they would
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check certain men that were walking around, or talk to people at their houses. and there was a slam of a gate almost like a signal and then seconds later, pow pow. just right at us from you don't know where. the sniper killed the guy on the roof. the report we got, some of the marines thought he might be calling in mortar attacks. we will never know. there was a lot of blood and the brother was crying next to it, and he saw the marines and he got up and he said why. sometime in the afternoon we ended up walking right past that same house, and there was a lot of men and boys that had gathered and mourning for this man that had been killed, and you could hear the women behind the gate whaling. i remember just feeling
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very cold stairs. then a few days later, suddenly the news came out about four contractors, american contractors that had been ambushed and kills and burned and hung from the bridge over the you freightties and what a shock that was. after that happened, then it wasn't just our battalion, it was multiple battalions coming to encircle the city, basically what the marines had done there was this railroad that boarderred that northwest side of the city, and from there they were guiding in air strikes. jets coming down, dropping 500 laser guided bombs. the marines went in and they were bringing injured back. one fairly seriously, and i saw it hit the impact the marine nearby me, because this was his
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friend. and one of the staff sergeants came back up, and he called out to that marine and he said you okay, get it together, because we are going back in, we are going back in now. and he -- his choice was choking his eyes were teary behe just went with okay, okay, okay. and got up, and i watched them all, i shot them as they all marched back into the city. what is going on now seems really similar to nearly ten years ago. the encircling of the city and the use of air strikes that's exactly what the u.s. military did. any time i see a headline with falujjah, you are still involved in that story, you never leave it. >> photo journalist remembering and reminding us of falujjah.
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no neither hand fried nor hard boils popping fresh right from the printer?
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you may notice the days of one dimensional printing are long gone. taking over creating forever from shoes to handguns and now believe it or not, maybe your next meal. al jazeera takes us to barcelona, where the hue dinni is printing out ingredients ready to cook pop it is a meal, but not as we know it, this is possibly the future of fast food, freshly made, straight from the printer. that's a specially designed plate. >> the foodini mark as new phase in kitchen appliances the ultimate gadget for those hard pressed for time, a dish like this is programmed then a short beat, while the meal of your choice, is printed out. using capsules of fresh unprocessed ingredients the point is to get more people preparing addive
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free food without too much purse. >> well, it might seem very futuristic but it is certainly not out of reach. if you can print your own meals it brings the term convenience food to a new level. >> it is an odd concept, but at the end of the day it is a 3-d printer. it is a technology kitchen appliance, but it is a kitchen appliance. >> but will it ever catch on? we put it to the test. >> being printed out? but how is it done? it's good. it tastes like normal cooking. it is really good. >> but for some the idea is perhaps as little too radical.
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no, thank you. >> it is from a printer? no. i don't trust it. printing a meal may take some time to catch on, it is zillion in the preliminary stages and it is not a complete process. a dish would need to be flavors and cooked and that's where skill can't be replaced. a meal prepared by printer may be hard to swallow. al jazeera, barcelona. >> oh yeah, delicious, we will have more of mischaracterize tonight, tomorrow. agree to anything in washington no matter what.
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welcome to al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler here are tonight's top stories. breaking news out of west virginia tonight, the governor declared a state of emergency after a chemical spill into the elk river in charleston, west virginia, nine counties are being used to not use drinking water to drink, bathe, cook, or even wash clothes. formal charges filed today against the indian diplomat arrested in new york last month, charged with visa fraud and making false statements, but she maintains her innocent. her lawyers says she will fly out of the u.s. tonight. i am


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