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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 16, 2014 5:00am-6:01am EST

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> hello welcome to the newshour. i'm here in doha. the top stories - a car bomb in a hezbollah stronghold just as the hague looks into the killing of the former prime minister. >> live in geneva. >> dozens of u.s. officers in charge of nuclear missiles are dismissed for allegedly cheating on tests.
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>> play suspended. thunder storms and soaring temperatures cause havoc at the australian open. >> today was supposed to be about international justice finally dealing with the asass nation of hav eke harr eerie. then this happened. a car bomb in northern lebanon. an attack in a hezbollah stronghold. a suicide bomber detonated his explosives near a local government building, killing three, wounding dozens of others. thousands away. the trial of hezbollah have begun. we are going to go live to james bay, diplomatic effort at the trial. first to zeina khodr. e reached hermell where the
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explosion was. can you describe the scenes for us. >> >> the explosion was in the major center of the city, targetting the square. three civilians were killed. another explosion, another time when civilians paid the price. lebanese officials are linking the attack to the war in syria. this is considered to bea hezbollah stronghold. it has come under repeated attacks in recent months. according to people here, this is a retaliation. this is a decision to fight
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alongside the syrian president. it comes at a delicate time. tensions are ripe. there is no government. there's a caretaker government. rival parties are trying to reach an agreement, they have not farmed a government. there has been no claim of responsibility yet. over recent days groups linked to al-qaeda, audio regardings, statements, saying that the agenda, their agenda against hezbollah and iran continues. >> zeina khodr at the scope of the car bomb explosion. >> it comes on the opening day of trial of four men on trial for murder. raffic harirari was assassinated. he was prime minister twice,
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until his resignation in 2004. four members of hezbollah were indicted, they have not been arrested. there were major protests against hezbollah, and its syrian backers. the cedar revolution forced syria to end its military presence in lebanon. >> now to james bays at the hague. the four suspect are not appearing in court. >> that's right. almost nine years after the massive bombing in beirut - yes, the trial has opened, and we are hearing the opening statements, and the prosecutor is laying out his case. he'll do that for another day, laying out his opening case, and we'll hear from lawyers representing the victims and the defense counsel, but the defense are defending defendants who are not here. they are being tried in
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absentia. the presiding one said everyone in the courtroom had to assume they were there and not guilty. it's unlike other international court cases. the hague is used to trying international cases, whether they relate to africa, sierra leone. this is different. this tribunal in the way it's been formed authorised the security coup to try people who are not here or present. a trial that will take time. the tribunal will only last until 2015. the mandate is likely to have to get it extended. i don't think anyone here thinks the trial will be completed in 13 months s >> we'll be following so.. thank you for that. >> now, a paedophile ring has been streaming life scenes of the paedophile abuse.
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they were watched by pead files in 13 countries - united states, canada, britain, netherlands, france, germany, denmark, sweden, taiwan, honk con and australia. this ring has been broken up, dozens arrested. children from as young as six years old were rescued by the philippine authorities. we are joined from london with more on this. a massive international investigation. raves taking place in many countries. >> that's right. it's a huge operation. they are calling it operation endeavour and it's involved the arrest of 29 people around the world and on top of that 17 arrests within the united kingdom and a number of convictions over the last few years. it started in 2012, when british police made a visit to the home of a sex offender named timothy
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ford. they found images from his computer and dvd taken from webcams. when analysed they realised abuse was going on on the live streams, of children in the philippines. they have coordinated with counterparts in the philippines. but the investigation has been led from britain, the united states and australia. it led to a number of people in the u.k. being convicted to sentences of six years, it's ongoing. there are nine people peeping investigated in the u.k. the amount of money paid to the families of filipino children who were being abused totals around $60,000. that could be just, if you like, the tip of the iceberg. they are investigating and saying that they do believe that this could be a larger problem. >> thank you so much for that it
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>> it's distasteful, but let's stick with it. a vatican delegation is appearing before a united nations committee. it's expected to answer allegations of covering you have abuse cases. simon mcgregor-wood is in geneva for us. what is happening so far? >> it's the first time since 1994 that the vatican or the holy seer has turned up to be question the by the committee on rites of a child. the vatican has signed the convention to protect the rights of children. but it has been a long time since they last reported on it, and since that time, of course, this huge scandal of sex abuse within the vatican and the catholic church erupted. we had ha statement read out in the building behind me by the
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ambassador to the u.n. what people hoped for was a change in the vatican's tone, a signal that they'd do more to combat sexual abuse, more to deal with the injustices of the past, to start providing the u.n. and others with real details of the cases that it is prosecuting internally, of the new measures and procedures being set up to ensure that things don't happen again. >> there's a pope in charge. he is popular for a number of rhetterics, threatening transparency and openness. the threat here was was the vatican going to show the openness on this toxic issue of child abuse. the initial response has not been positive. there's a lot of general rhetoric, there's no detail.
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once it was delivered they want a lot more questions answered and they were tough in the question. >> as i said earlier there were a lot of people here hoping there was a new atmosphere. we spoke to some, represented by various groups. we hoped the vatican would turn a page to deal with this in a different way. >> peter saunders was a victim of sexual abuse at the hands of his catholic priest at school. so was his brother mike. for him abuse delivered a life cursed by drink and drugs and an early death. peter runs an organization helping other survivors. >> most survivor are not interests in compensation. they are friday in change, interested in knowing that what happened to them is not going to happen to future generations. having said that, compensation is entirely appropriate when it
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comes to people whose child hoods have been stolen. >> the vatican has a new pope. he's popular and made big promises, pope francis wants openness even on this toxic issue. he set up a committee of his own. the extent to which they engaged seriously with the u.n. will be a test of francis's papacy, and on whether he can deliver on the issue of sexual abuse and the allegations of cover up. a new report details how widespread the abuse will be. >> we have sort of traced back over the last sort of two decades all the promises that they made versus what happened. there has been many promise in the past, but very little happens concretely. everything that happened
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happened in secrecy. >> in 2012 the u.n. asked the vatican to respond to questions about child abuse and what it's doing about it. many questions remain unanswered. if the institution acknowledges many failings, then i, like many others who suffered at his hands will have, like you say, have a form of closure and means to move on. >> the vatican says it takes its treaty obligations seriously, although its action or inaction over child abuse might suggest otherwise. this is a good opportunity for the church or pope pope francis to signal that they'll do something about it. >> joining us lie from rome is gerald o'connell.
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from vatican insider online. italy's newspaper. our correspondent there is saying that many victims of child sex abuse within the church are hoping for openness from the church. that it will accept its failings. this is the first time the vatican will be questioned in public about the issues. do you think it will be more open. >> well, i think, first of all, you have to look what is the remit of the committee in geneva. the committee is a committee of 18 members not representing states, but from different parts of the world. they are experts in the field. their task is not to look at individual cases, but they are to look at how the vatican, the holy seer. is applying, expecting the convention of the rites of a child. the vatican signed on to it in
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1990. it has to be clear what the committee can do and what the vatican is asked to say. the vatican is being asked to say in the vatican territory, "what are you going to respect the rights of the child?" secondly it's asked to say worldwide, you are the catholic church, you have priests, nuns, religious working in different countries with children. what are these people doing to protect children in the different countries. >> hasn't the vatican said that its only responsible for what goes on in vatican city and has said to the committee it has know responsibilities for the action of priests or nuns elsewhere. that will be unwelcome news for the victims and human rights organizations and we were hoping for something more. >> there are two things.
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any country, the head of any state like cattar, he surely cannot be responsible for what one of his cattary people does in a lot of country. from the vatican's point of view. he's issued instructions. the vatican has given clear instructions that any priest that abuses people or children is reviewed -- >> the accusation is that the church is doing these things with an air of secrecy, that it's not open. >> it's not true. >> this is not true. for example, yesterday or today, in chicago, they released 60,000 pages of documents on the abuse of children. in some cases the local state, judiciary forced the disclosure.
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pope francis has given a clear instruction, that the church in every country has to cooperate with the civil justice system. it has to immediately denounce an abuser it has to provide the information to the abuser in the local country. it is clear. the church is taking action to help the victims. some of their lives have been shattered, destroyed. nobody denies that. the local church has to do something to help the individual victims and to put in place standards and procedures that guarantee from now on this will never happen in any kathling institution. >> we'll have to leave it there. thank you for that. jarrod o'connell speaking live from rome. >> more to come. we'll tell you about the world's
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biggest mass migration taking place. >> plus... ..migrant workers in the philippines wins x factor, why can't she profit from her success. >> christ yarno ronaldo - days after being named the best footballer. >> 34 u.s. air force officers in charm of launching u.s. missiles have been released from duty. some allegations include cheating in tests to prove they were competent to be in charge of the weapons. david shuster reports from new york. >> they are at the heart of strategy of deterrence, intercontinental ballistic
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missiles. the head of the pentagon, and service chief of staff revealed that 34 officers at the air force base in mcdonald's are under investigation for drug youse and cheating. they are the officers in charge. land-based nuclear icbms. >> this is unacceptable behaviour and completely contrary to our core values in the air force. as everyone knows the number one core value is integrity. >> 16 officers shared the answers to a test by texting them to each other. 18 knew about the cheating but failed to report it. >> we decertified all 34 officers. they are retributed from missile crew duties, clearances inspecteded and investigations will continue. >> the command and control system for u.s. nuclear missiles dates back to the 1950s. to this day, nearly 600 air force officers in pairs oversee
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the readiness of nuclear missiles working from a silo themselves. 5% of the nuclear force has been caught in a cheating scandal. air force officials insisted that their mission has not been compromised. >> based on everything i know today. ip have great confidence in the security and effectiveness of icbm force. >> the secretary announced that all remaining icbm officers will be retested by the end of the week. in fact, cheating scandals emerged from a drug investigation. the air force says two officers in montana was accused of the drug use and stripped of their duties, 10 other officers are facing drug investigations as well. >> drug and cheating infractions are sensitive in launch
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facilities for america's 400 land based missiles. the officers responsible for those missiles have no margin for error. >> now, counting is under way in egypt after two days of voting in a new constitution. this is at first ballot since mohamed morsi was ousted. the vote is a crucial test of support. cole is the executive director of transparency international and joins us via skype from cairo. your organization was involved in monitoring some of the voting that took place. what were you looking at and how did it work? >> thank you very much. greetings from cairo. we deployed a team of eight international observers to
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monitor the referendum in elections. we spent 10 days here working on our d administrations including the assessment of environment and legal framework, and deploying people to monitor the weapons that take place at the whole governor race in egypt. we have watched nearly two. >> and your conclusions as to the transparency and freedom of people's choice and fairness of the vote. >> well, the proceeding of the referendum on 14 and 15, it went smoothly. there were problems that need to be improved, and to bring the consistency of the knowledge, and the professionalism of the judge in administering the
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votings. but there is a fundamental problem here in the period leading up to the referendums which involved in repress ion and the people expressing a voice against the constitution. >> there were quite a lot of arrests of people that campaigned for a no vote. there was media coverage was criticised for being one-sided. don't those things impact on people's freedom of of choice. it's kind of a political conduct. positions are called to be free and fair compared to international standards. we sent the vast majority of people in a desire to move forwards back to stability, peace, and to normality.
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>> can i ask you a quick question. the state media is reporting that of those that voted 19% voted yes. in your capacity, organization capacity, is that a free and fair result. >> we don't say it's a free and fair result, but as i said, the context before the referendum that has been fair, the position called free and fair. the difficultyies, and the complexity of the political landscape done in egypt. it's difficult for us to measure a level of freeness and openness and transparency in the context. it exists in egypt in this moment. so we are dealing with recommendations to the government and to the election committee to improve the - you
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know, the area of problems that will be hopefully consider the -- >> interesting stuff, very complex stuff that you are doing there. thank you for joining us. cole from transparency international. al jazeera continues to call for the release of mohamed fadel fahmy, baher mohamed, and correspondent peter greste have been hold for 19 days, accused of spreading lies harmful to state security and joining a terrorist group. alleges which are fabricated. they are held in towera. the other journalists are from sister channels. a reporter and a cameraman. they have been detained for five months now. >> now, the ongoing heatwave forced the suspension of play at
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the australian open tennis tournament. a heat policy was implemented around 2:00 pm local time. it continued on the two major arenas after roofs were closed. so very high temperatures in australia. richard is here with the weather. what kind of heat are we seeing there, richard. >> it is well into the 40s under an area of high pressure, producing extreme conditions. you'd expect a maximum of 26 degrees. we are looking at temperatures around about 42, 43 degrees, depending on where you take official readings from. we could have had something closer to 44 during the course of thursday. and a sign ta this heatwave will continue. in theory, all the way through the tournament, the extreme heat policy would have been enacted. any time you have temperatures above 35, or the world wet globe
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temperature gets in excess of 2 degrees, which is a heat stress, humidity, wind and solar radiation, it's at the discretion of tournament referees whether to enact it. it's causing problems. it will be redundant by the time it pushes through. until then, certainly through the course of friday, it will be incredibly hot. disturbed weather further north, alice springs looking wet. there is the colder weather sweeping through much to the relief of the players. let me take you to the northern parts of china. with the luna new year, many are travelling home. we have a problem if terms of air quality. anything above 300 is considered extremely hazardous. and pollution levels high in the next few days. >> thank you for that.
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it will be a nice welcome home for hundreds of millions in china, using trains, plains and automobility to get home for the loanar holiday. this is the biggest mass migration. >> imagine your worst travel experience. over crowded airport. large train queues and arguments over seat allocations. that is a picnic compared to this. in china it's the start of spring transport. that means hundreds of millions of chinese migrant workers, schoolchildren and families begin an annual migration to villages for chinese new year. that places enormous stress on the transportation system here. 280 million people travel by train, 43 million by boat.
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35 million by air and 3.2 billion trips by road. it is the largest migration of people anywhere on the planet. so how does china's rail system cope? well, the simple answer is it doesn't. despite billions spent on the rail network in the past few years 120,000 kilometres of track is not enough. what is the experience like for chinese. >> if i bought a train ticket now it would be sold out. i have to buy it more than 10 days earlier. we got up earlier to come here from the construction site. three in the morning. >> we are lucky we got the tickets, two left. >> i don't know how to use internet. i am a migrant worker. young people know how to guy the train ticket. >> making travel more difficult for chinese is the rising cost
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of train tickets, high-speed train taking you from beijing to kwondo, a trip taking 22 hours, taking eight. that is half the monthly wage of a migrant worker. for 25 usd, get a trip on a local train. that can take you 48 hours to reach your destination, that is standing room only. toe to toe with others of chinese, as you make your way back to your village across country. it's a gruelling journey, one that many are willing to make. >> still to come - the former president of mali - did he look the other way as al qaeda fighters entered his country.
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>> great news for people with an incurrable form of blindness. the eye-opening details coming up next.
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>> welcome back. the top stories on al jazeera. a car bomb in northern lebanon killed three people. the area is a hezbollah stronghold, coming on the first day of the trial. of four men accused of being involved in the murder of lebanon's harirari. >> a vat gan delegation is appearing on a u.n. committee.
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the holy seer providing details of information on all cases brought to its attention. 34 u.s. air force officers responsible for launching nuclear missiles have been suspended for cheating on their tests. some that knew about the cheating failed to report it. >> let's get more on the trial of four men accused of murdering raf eke harirari. lena is director of the kahn iingy endowment for international peace. good to have you on the program. what is your assessment of the trial. do you think it could fuel tensions and violence in lebanon. >> unfortunately the hearing today comes nine years after the assist nation of havic harirari, which is a long time and during this time the opponents of the
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trial have spoken very strongly against it, and regard it as not being credible, whereas its opponents have grown n ipp patient. we are at a stage where the trial is likely to have little impact on the political situation in lebanon. >> hezbollah has refused to arrest the four suspects. it's not clear where the suspects are. what happens if they are found guilty. it will be a long time before the suspects can be found guilty, if they are guilty. the fact that they have not been found. it is actually severely limited what the hearing can do and the tribunal can do. during the hearing it's not possible to cross-examine the defendants. so the evidence on earth by the tribunal can only go so far in the absence of suspect to integrate.
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at least in this case someone is held accountable. in the nine years since harirari's death, nine profile critics of syria and hezbollah have been murdered. including mohammed chasa. no one has been held to account. yes, unfortunately the issuingest raters of the series of asass snagss have been careful about not leaving a trail. these crimes are complex to investigate, and getting hard evidence is incredibly difficult. as we know within lebanon, there has not within full cooperation within the tribunal. the lebanese government is doing what it has to in terms of following legal requirements. we are not seeing meaningful cooperation on the ground that would allow accountability to
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happen. >> i read analysis saying this was extremely expensive and an expensive trial. it's not about revenge or justice. it could have an impact on the future of lebanon. do you agree with that. >> i think it has already had an impact on lebanon. the positive impact is that it's an attempt changing the culture of impunity that has existed, but at the same time other tribe ums of a similar international character showed that these kinds of tools of international judds take a very long time to achieve results. and i think we should all be realistic about what the scores cap achieve. >> good to speak with you. thank you for joining us. lena from the kahn age endo youment of international peace. s. >> president obama is set to announce reforms to the way the
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security agency enacts surveillance. it's in relation to the theft of the documents by edward snowden. the theft of documents 40 years ago led to an alarm over government spying. we met two people involved in that heist. >> yes, the powerful stuff. >> when should decent people act against the abuses of the state? at the height of protests against the vietnam war john and bonnie raines vased that dilemma. >> you don't break the law lightly or go after the fbi lightly if you have three children under 10, as we did. >> they were convinced that the fbi was spying on those protesting against government policy and joined others to find proof. bonny raines was given the job of casing an fbi office to break in and see if they could steal the proof.
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she posed as a student. >> they didn't notice i never took my gloves off. >> activists broke in to an office behind me, hoping that the agents inside were too distracted by a jo fraser-mohammed ali tightal bout. the documents was a revelation. the fbi was satisfying and destroying and blackmailing martin luther king into committing suicide. for the rains, the reforms following the break-in were undone after 9/11. >> an important document we got from the fbi said clearly, "we want to increase the paranoia that is endemic to these folks and persuade them that there is an fbi behind every mailbox", that's not surveillance, that's
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intimidation. the purpose was to stop decent. the same thing is going on now. massive surveillance across the country. and the purpose of that is there's an n.s.a. guy looking over your shoulder every time you open your mouth. >> they have not been able to cite an instance of prepting acts of terrorism with the massive surveillance. >> they see a direct line between their actions praised be the u.s. establishment and the actions of whistleblower edward snowden. >> when the law is the crime, then you have to break the law to reveal the crime enforced by that. i think the same thing applies today. you'll try it again and go after it again. >> federal forces in mexico stepped up the efforts to control the western state of
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michoacan. in one of the towns federal authorities rounded up local military police who were being investigated for their alleged ties with drug car tells. the opposition comes days after vigilantes took control over the town in an attempt to drive out a cartel. >> our objective is that men and women of the great state turn to civic activities. our objective is to reinstruct collaborative relations between society and government, and to secure at all times state law without exception. >> a union wry at comes after violence. it has been linked to corruption amongst gaolers, hired from a
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third party. 62 inmates died in prison violence last year. >> those hired from a third party has no capability. the gaolers from the third party had a week or a lecture. some can't use handcuffs and guns. >> venezuela will not be devaluating currency to curb legislation. in a state of the nation speech. alternative foreign exchange mechanism will try to attract investors. they have seen a big drop in value. we report from caracas. >> people, observers and economists were waiting for other initiatives. central among them devaluation of the local currency.
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maduro says he'll keep the change rate for 2014. and he's hoping to get foreign investment into the country, letting foreign investors in some areas of the country to legally cell u.s. dollars in venezuela at a higher rate. many here are doubting this will be enough to restart the economy and address the important issues. >> heavy flooding in john eeshia forced 40,000 to flee their homes. days of rain triggered a landslide killing 13 people. >> rivers burst their bangs and washed away. a former president of mali is accused of high treason for targetting people instead of al qaeda. the triag fought or
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independence, but the rebellion crushed when taliban entered the county. >> in 2012 the tuareg declared themselves independent as fighters were forced out of the region. independence was short lived. al qaeda-led fighters moved in. allegations were made that the government worked with them. he is a fighter claiming al qaeda was unchallenged. >> the evidence that i have that mali brought them is the way that they are fully armed in front of soldiers. the welcome they get from the government of mali. the mon force support a factor. they are not used to fight terrorism. an irragsal person sees how they
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were treated. >> they are facing charges of high treason and the administration is accused of taking money. they raised cash. >> according to commanders, they were accused of drug smuggling. >> the money from drugs, and the money from hostings were used to fund militias to fight the tuareg. the same that raised the black flag with the words "no god but allah." >> the tuareg's claims appear to be backed by cables released by wikileaks. it accuses mali of channelling aqim into tuareg zones to fuel rumours of ties to terrorism. and that they were working with aqim to secure a ransom for the release of two hostages.
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the fight for autonomy goes on. northern mali is an untable reason. the president is living in senna gal. it's not known when or if he'll face charges. >> that report from a documentary called "orphans of the sahara." >> coming up here on the program - all the sport, including a small town in colorado that produces more winter olympians than any other town in north america. stay with us.
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>> welcome back. scientists in the u.k. managed to restore sight in people born with an incurrable form of blindness. they used gene therapy to help people with a disease that affects one in 50,000 people, mostly men. emma hayward reports from ox ford. >> many of us take our eyesight for granted. but if you live with some diseases your vision is restricted, and this disease can lead to blindness. >> tony had problems was a boy. >> peripheral vision sinks. >> after taking part in a trial, his vision in the eye way was
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operated on has improved. co-roid dereema is linked to a gene. it causes the retina, the lining at the back of the eye to degenerate. scientists injected the retina with a modernized virus which is safe. it halts the further loss of vision in cells and can improve it too. six months after the treatment the patient's vision in dim light improved, and a third of them could see further down on the lines chart. >> with gene therapy, i agree we are genetically modifying people. but we are genetically modifying them in a positive way. we are putting back the gene missing. it's not as if we are enhancing, we are correcting an underlying defect.
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the sample study was small. it helped participants think positively about the future. >> until then, there was no real hope, and what the fantastic thing about the trial is that is has given me and people like me real and tangible hope that the, as i call it, the awful inevitability of the creep of blindness, that is not going to happen. >> scientists say the study should offer new hope and may help in the treatment of other eye conditions. >> it's incredibly good news. let's get some sport. as you heard earlier, play was suspended at the australian open on thursday as an extreme heatwave continues. temperatures soared for a third consecutive day. al jazeera's andrew thomas reports from melbourne. >> the temperature was in excess
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of 41, when a decision was made to suspend play entirely on the outside courts and close the roofs of the somehow court. extremely hot on court. organizers don't take a decision likely, doing something they call wet temperatures baste on the complicated equation, taking into account humidity, wind speed and sun light. when that reaches a threshold is a decision made to suspend play. >> maria sharapova completed her max but was critical and was confused by the extreme heat policy. >> i think the question i have is no one really knows what the
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limit is. no one - not the players, trainers themselves when you ask them when will the roof be closed. no one knows what that number is in comparison to humidity or the heat. sometimes you wish you know. >> rafal nadal booked his spot. against an australian teenager, advancing 6-2, 6-4, 6-2. grand slam champion roger federer had straight set wince. in the draw, assar enga eased past forcing andy murray's match, which will begin shortly. >> bernie ekel stand must face trial tore corruption.
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he was indicted over allegations of bribery in a financial deal in 2006. a spokeswoman says the trial will be given in april. ekel sten could face 10 years in prison if convicted. >> a hear for asafa powell has been adjourned until next month. he faces a jamaican anti-doping commission, and is trying to state why he tested positive. he claims he forgot to check if the supplement he took. he failed drug tests at the event. the world footballer of the year award was celebrated by christiano ronaldo. he was gifted a goal.
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the hoeler putting real 1-0 up. they netted a second after starting at the expensive sale. advancing 4-0. the quarterfinal opponent will be espan yol. >> manchester city with an easy passage. their victims from blackburn rovers. the original third-round tie. city made sure of the result. and one from sergio completing the 5-0 demolition. city have a date with watt ford in round four. i repeated that it was important to try to win a trophy. but in a way i think the team has played, it's important for the fans to come here, and they will know that we are going - at least we are going to play a
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good game, to score the most amount of goals that we can. >> carlos has been forced to retire from the dakar rally after crashing in stage 10. he was in third place when he went off track and crashed his buggy. he had light injuries. nasser was the category driver, ahead of stefan petter han sell. >> one of major league's baseball parks is preparing to host an n.h.l. game. the ballpark is being covered in ice. the new york rangers will face the devils, and the islanders on the 29th. the yankee stadium game is one of six games held this season. >> it's a lot of history and it's a lot of great players that play there. a little different. obviously you won't have the fans as close to you.
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at the same time it's a great venue and we are excited to go. >> the sochi winter olympics weeks away, the world's attention is focussed on the athletes competing at the games. >> a small town in colorado known as ski town usa has sent more athletes to the winter games than any other town in north america. al jazeera's correspondent reports. >> forget football. this is how they do friday night lights in steamboat springs. the kids line up and launch themselves into the darkness. >> saturday morning it's time for speed camp. >> and saturday afternoon a cross-country race. >> i'm on top of house and kill. it may be humble compared to big sister steam boat.
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around here holes howelstan is built out of teams. >> they had the first medallist. >> the winter sports club produces good athletes because all the kids are having fun. you can't be successful in any sport without numbering what you do. >> this is the history of steamboat springs. >> yes, and here is the man who started it all, carl howelston. >> he founded the club in 1942. he develop all. 92 olympians have come from here. two children grown up are on their way to sochi. and mum says it's more than medals. >> it's a community gathering spot for kids to come here and
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learn training, sportsmanship. >> make no mistake, the boys and girls have visions of olympic glory. >> my heroes are the ski jumpers. it's the first year they are jumping in the olympics. >> in each room each flag represents an olympic appearance by an athlete. proof that here, more than any place else, olympic dreams take flight. >> you can get more sport on the website, including the news that f1 boss bernie ekel sten will says trial for bribery. that's it for me for now. >> thank you for that. before we go, a couple of showbiz stories. a 47-year-old philippina migrant worker in israel won the local version of "x factor." but the taste of victory turned
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bittersweet for rosa. local media report that she could be banned from profiting because her visa allows her to work in the country as a caregiver. >> translation: when i won "x factor" it was shocking. i didn't thing i would win. first of all, i'm not from around here. i'm not israeli, i was shocked when i won and very happy. >> that is mean, isn't it. in a little over two hours, the academy of motion pictures will announce which movies are up for an oscar. >> i survive. >> some of the favourites for the best picture include steve mcqueen's "12 years a slave", and "america hustle." the 86 academy awards take place on 2 march. one to look forward to. that's it from the newshour
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team. for now, from me, bye-bye.
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>> a stinging new report about the deadly attacks in benghazi libya. a senate committee says it's possible they could have been avoided. >> tough questions for the catholic church. the united nations set to take the vatican to task for allowing priests to abuse children and looking the other way >> explosive accusations against air force officers in charge of nuclear missiles - why dozens have been pulled off the job for cheating on safety tests and worse. >> and a unique training facility that churns out future olympic champions.


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