tv News Al Jazeera January 20, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EST
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tonight and talking about this. thank you. >> the show may be over, the conversation continues on the website. or facebook or google+. we'll see you next time. geefntiongood evening everyone. welcome to al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler in new york. a new wave of violence erupts between police and protestors in the ukraine. political protestors in sochi, fears that they may have already infiltrated the city. public schools 138 educators
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implicated. plus cop encounter. the officer who stopped his car for a football encounter with the boy tells us how the incident is changing his life. we begin tonight with a growing unrest in ukraine. this is a live look at kiev tonight. thousands of antigovernment protestors are taking to the streets and battling with riot police. jennifer tbleas is i greas glase capital of kiev. >> this remains a front line of this line of protestors and the police on the opposite side, with shield and riot gear. they're exchanging explosions. the protestors have been firing fireworks at the police lines and the police respond with flash grenades filled with kind
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of, trying to move the crowds back. it hasn't been very effective, thousands of protestors to come to support the protestors. the protestors say they'll do whatever they want, stay here as long as they can until they get whatever they want. they're making lots of noise making themselves heard so they know they're here. despite concessions from viktor yanukovych saying he will hold talks with opposition, a lot of people don't hold out hope. the prosecutor general says this street protest is a crime against the state so very menacing words as these protests go on. >> jennifer glasse reporting from kiev. monitoring the situation from
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washington, d.c, tonight, jim can you give us some sense of why these protests are going on especially tonight? >> well, the protests really intensified in the last couple of days, following the promulgation of new laws trying to curve protests -- curb protests that made it an offense to be wearing a helmet and a mask, to be traveling in car convoys and things of this sort. it is rather ironic because a few days ago, the protest numbers had dwindled into under 100. the content is not all that different than what you would find in washington or berlin or brussels. you can't attack public buildings or attacking police with clubs.
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which is what we're seeing in kiev. >> it's and ugly battle. what else do protestors want? >> it's been evolving as far as what the justification was. it started with the protest when president yanukovych didn't sign a are deal with the european union which was actually warranted. but now we see renewed intensity. it has been ebbing and flowing as circumstances change. people with some really radical groups now, one sign with his 14/88 which is some kind of neonazi symbol and things like that. it's getting very, very messy over there. >> doesn't this remit a geographic and cultural split in ukraine?
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>> it does. ukraine unfortunately has been a very divided country and still is a very divided country. it is known that ang awful lot of the protest -- an awful lot of the protestors fr protestorse north and from the south and east, a completely different view. >> jim yatris giving his view of the issue. thank you. reports out that authorities are looking for a young woman known as the black widow. >> one in particular her name is rozana ybrajimova, 23 years old,
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that group has taunted russian authorities and threatened to launch attacks on the winter games. a post teer has been handed out, with her face on it. the u.s. olympic committee is saying they are working with the state department and with local russian law enforcement doing what they can to ensure the safety of americans traveling to the game. security documents say she is a widow of another of the caucasus 'eemirate. she may have arrived in sochi as long as ten days ago. 40,000 police and security forces are now deployed in the sochi area with the opening ceremonies of the winter games just 17 days out. meanwhile the pentagon says if
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the russians need additional security and if americans need evacuation help they will have two naval vessels and air on hand in the black sea. what do you make of this john? >> good to see you. >> i know this is impossible to predict but how serious a threat of this to the games? >> i think you have to say it's serious, right? if a group has carried out a couple of attacks at railway stations and then release a video saying they plan to do it in a context, in a historical context where there is a region that has been rife with extremism and some really nasty violence on both sides yes, i any you have to take it seriously. i will add quickly for folks who are going there, for terrorism, it's important to remember what that means, mathematical odds of
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anyone being injured with all the people at the games is very, very very small but i think it's clear they intend to do something and i think you have to assume they will try. >> who are the black widows? >> the black widows it is a metaphor for any time of have this sort of violent dispute you will have more often than not men who are killed. they are going to be brothers, they are going to be husbands, they are going to be sons and those family members are going to be embit erd by that. they embittered by that. we see this, the family members, the wives, the mothers, the daughters of folks who have been killed who take up that cause. >> and of course as you say terror is what this is all about. the most terrifying to people who might be going to the sochi games is that there are some people embedded, potentially
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terrorists embedded somewhere in sochi already. >> yeah and you got to say that only because of two things, time and proximity. russians got this a long time ago, years ago, we know this has been on the calendar. and dagustan and the caucasus are physically close by. and travel there is not impossible. my guess, it's a guess, my own guess is that the sites, close sites are going to be secure, rye? if you are going to try to get into a building, that's going to be difficult. if you are going to try about get into event sites, that's difficult. but soft targets where the public gathers that are outside the venues, those are going to be tough to police. >> are there other security
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measures outside the black widow threat? >> i think so far the discussion about this is focused on one person and one group. there are multiple players here with multiple grievances. so i think we have a tendency to focus on an organization. or one leader. and what often happens is, extremists, there are multiple groups with overlapping membership. people are off doing their own thing. so i think this is just, for the russians they put themselves in a really really difficult situation. there will be thousands of people there, thousands of media people there and lot of people who are going to want to cause trouble. >> sadly enough this has become a magnet for anyone with a grievance. >> john, absolutely. i think that's exactly right. and it's tough. you know the russians are going ogo all-out on this and if they weren't going ogo all-out the fact that there are already
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bombings and videos, they are going to go all-out. we know putin is sensitive to this, people in prison, pussy riot, other people critical of the government, he doesn't want bad press. they had a shoot-out today that killed seven people in dagustan. they are close by that makes it super-tough. >> jim wallace thank you jim. >> thank you john. >> syria's talks are back on, after an argument about who should attend. iran refused and u.n. withdrew its invitation. more violence in syria. at least 1616 people killed after two car bombs exploded on
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the border of turkey. >> syria's war is as violent as ever and monday's deadliest attack, more than a dozen people killed at a border crossing. destroyed nearby shops and killed their customers. we are right on the syrian turkish border, it might be seemingly calm here but a few minutes ago, just a mile from here, an explosion of car bomb. most of them were victims, women and chirld who were trying to flee and come to turkey. >> we were at the crossing and heard a hue explosion. five minutes later another explosion went off. many people died. >> in aleppo which is witnessing
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the worst fightings two car bombs gutted, a man tried to extinguish the fire but both cars burned for hours. targeting other rebels they think are too moderate even though both wanted to oust bashar al-assad. government fighter jets dropped missiles the on two targets in darra which is controlled by the opposition. the air strikes destroyed dozens of homes. survivors were carried away on makeshift stretchers into makeshift ambulances and as people look for more survivors they found only the dead. in the yarmuk refugee camp people had to take fire from pro government snipers, they tried to forage for food.
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conditions here are so bad, people are dying here of hunger. nick shifrin, al jazeera on the syrian turkish border. >> the eastern seaboard is bracing for a blast of arctic air again. kevin corriveau is here. >> coming out of alberta, why we call them alberta clippers. goa minus 17°. we are going to -- fargo minus 17°. as john said, we'll see big problems. if you are traveling across most of the coastal regions, particularly, tomorrow, the warnings are out, the dark blues indicate the winter storm warnings. we even have blizzard watches
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for cape cod because the blizzard warnings are expected to be so strong. we are surprised how this has actually turned out. they have increased the numbers as the day has progressed. eastern part of long island, ten to 14 inches of snow. going down into delaware as well as maryland, across the northeast for massachusetts it's going to feel more like a blizzard because the storm just off the coast is going to bring those winds up. tomorrow morning this is what it feels like: new york 8 degrees and the temperature is not going to get any better, not until saturday john that we finally get above freezing. >> all right, kevin thank you. two people died in an explosion in omaha, more than a dozen people were injured. part of the building collapsed after the blast and police say they believe everyone in the building has been accounted for. coming many up. chris christie accused of
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>> north korean prisoner kenneth bae spoke out today. the american missionary talked to journalists and asked the u.s. government to help get him released. bae was arrested 15 months ago while leading a group tour. our craig leeson reports. >> kenneth bae was brought in by state police wearing a gray cap with the number 103 on it. spoke with journalists, during that time he made this statement: i believe my problem can be solved by close cooperation and agreement between my government and the government of this country. that appeared to be north korea reaching out to washington and south korea for ongoing or renewed talks with the country. kenneth bae was jailed in november 2012 for what was said to be crimes against the state after leading a tour group through the country.
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he was sentenced to 15 years hard labor. he has visited hospital in that time. he recently became a center of headlines after dennis rodman's trip to north korea. he took in an nba basketball team to play a game for kim jong-un's birth daze. that caused problems when he said maybe kenneth bae was at fault for his crimes. he was castigated by bae's family for that statement. >> now increased support for our government the to secure kenneth's release. we have faith in our government to protect the well-being of americans both at home and broad. we hope that the security council and secretary of state
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kerry can secure his return home. dolphins, japan kills roughly 20,000 dolphins porpoises and small whales every year. u.s. ambassador to japan caroline kennedy has tweether unhappiness about the event. u.s. government post office dry hunt fisheries. she is the nation's first female leader, katherine samba panza takes the helm while her country is in deep conflict. barnaby phillips reports. >> outside the national assembly everyone was listening. everyone wanted to know who was the new president. someone they can respect someone's authority does not only come from the barrel of a
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gun. inside they were voting. the process was slow, painstaking. as if the members wanted to show that in this broken country something could be done right. then the announcement and victory for the lady in pink. katherine zamba panza, the mayor of bangui, she's styling herself as the mother of the nation. >> translator: i launch a strong appeal to my children of the antibalaca movement and to my children who are in the salaca movement put down your guns. >> the speech was well received especially by women. until now the most senior political positions in this country have always been held by men. >> katherine zamba panza takes on an enormous responsibility.
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she is the head of state in a country where the government has essentially ceased to exist about.if she is to succeed she will need the support of the international community. >> the new president was showered with messages of goodwill. in a country that is poised on the edge of an abyss, this was a welcome day of hope. barn bbarnaby phillips, al jazea bangui. >> the best defense will face the best offense in just two weeks. one player's performance on and off the field is what they're talking about. and michael eaves is here to tell us about the story. >> a story that was overshadowing a very compelling football game. the worst or best postgame interview afterward.
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seattle quarterback richard sherman gave an in the moment view into his mindset. >> i'm the best football player in the game. that's the result you're going oget. don't you ever talk about me. >> who was talking about you? >> crabtree, don't you open your mouth about me or i'm going oclose it real quick. >> it went even into today. many going as far as to label him a thug as well as other obscene and racially charged terms. sherman explained what led to his comments and he shared the reaction to his comments. i said good game good game that's when he shoved my face and that's when i went off. it was loud in the moment and a small part of the person i am. i don't want to be a villain because i'm not a villainous
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person. to those who would call me thug, don't judge a person a's character what he does on the lines. judge a person by what he does for his community what he does for family. and people find it easy to use words on twitter. it is unbelievable to me that the world is still this way but it is. i can handle it. joining me now the is nick eaton. , a good amount of criticism, what did most fans probably not know about the seahawks corner back? >> well, i think everybody knows how passionate richard sherman is but i don't know whether people understand how articulate and educated the man is. he's its his third year in the league. he grew up in compton and he ended up second of his class in
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high school. he was saluteorian and it was hard to get in in stanford even if you're a football player, performed well in stanford where he was playing under harbaugh with when harbaugh was there. so he is a very articulate and educated guy. i think what people don't realize is he really knows what he is doing a lot of the time and he really knows how to get people talking about him and i think he's done that. >> what has been the response in seattle amongst seahawks fans to his interview? >> it's been really interesting. i've gotten a lot of feedback from our readers online and we actually put up a poll today asking our readers what they felt about it. and we wanted to know if they -- if it turned them off or if they really liked it and were getting further behind him or if he just thought hey this is football, trash talk happens. and the results i thought were
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very interesting because it was very split three ways. it's a very divisive topic here in seattle. i think there are a lot of people who don't like what he did last night, think that he went too far and then i think there are a lot of people who think wow, this guy is so passionate and we're going to the super bowl and yes, let's go! and then there are just some people who just say this is sports, guys, this stuff happens and enjoy it. >> and i think a lot of people are enjoying some of it, maybe more than others but nonetheless we'll see if it will become any kind of distraction when we go to the super bowl in new york. nick eaton, thanks so much. >> thank you. >> we have talked about the fans reaction, the media reaction. we haven't heard about what they say about his comments. >> i think we'll hear about this
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>> welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler in new york. here are our top stories. a threat from black width owes, the police in russia hunt for potential suicide bombers in sochi 17 days before the opening of the winter games. they may have already infiltrated the city. protests fill kiev's independence square leaving
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dozens injured. demonstrations demand the president support a european trade deal. limits on the right to protest. crisis averted. syrian peace talks on again after a diplomatic disagreement on who should attend. the united nations withdrew its invitation to iran. the geneva 2 talks begin wednesday in switzerland. the city's sprawling public school system and a heating scandal where it's the teachers not the students accused. richelle carey reports. >> it is the latest cheating scandal to hit a major american city and one of the largest. scores of educators at least 138 as of tonight are linked to what is now a widening criminal investigation in philadelphia. and it covers dozens of schools within the city.
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ranging from public to charter schools. charges provided to the city's reform commission. after unusual patterns were discovered in standardized tests. >> they looked at the test scores that were classroom by classroom, school by school to see statistical anomalies. for instance huge test score increases from one year to the next. or unusual numbers of erasures of wrong answers to right answers. >> evidence of cheating was reportedly uncovered involving teachers, principals, counselors and a security guard. >> they somehow tampered with the test score booklets or they gave improper instructions to students or otherwise did unethical things to inflate the scores, the test scores of students in the philadelphia schools. >> cheating scandals have made headlines across america in
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recent years. one in atlanta involving nearly 200 educators. in that instance the focus was on making the scores better so districts could receive no federal aid based on the no child left behind initiative. the pennsylvania district is pursuing charges against current or former employees. investigating whether crimes are committed. richelle carey, al jazeera new york. >> camiko royal, dr. carol, thank you for coming. >> thank you for happening. >> how does this happen to a school district like philadelphia? >> i think it can happen in any of our school districts, any of our schools when we have this sort of climate that says that test scores are the way, the be all end all of achievement. not just for students but for educators as well. i think some people end up
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feeling like they don't have a choice but to manipulate the scores so they can complaint their professional lives. >> they can say they keep their job, if they don't cheat they keep their job? >> right. >> it sounds tough when you are talking about teachers who are teaching children not to cheat, right? >> well, we would lope that they are teaching children not to cheat but you know that may not always be the case. >> i guess i'm sort of surprised at the widespread nature of something like this. you know one or two teachers but more than 100? >> yeah, i'm not surprised by the widespread nature of it. i think this is a difficult thing because we all know that cheating is wrong. but i think people sometimes educators are looking at a lot of things that are wrong but are happening. and say you know since all these things are happening i'm going to do the best thing for me or this particular situation. i don't think this is necessarily bad people, i think these are educators who made bad
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choices -- >> given the -- i'm sorry go ahead and finish. >> given the situations they were working in. >> let's try this situation, aren't schools that come from underprivileged neighborhoods in a more difficult situation than teachers from other neighborhoods? or do you think this could happen in any school district in america? >> you know, i think this could happen in any school district in america. depending on what sort of conditions or pressures you put on the educators in those conditions. but i do think that there is a lot of pressure on people in underresourced districts, particularly in urban districts. >> talk about that. why? >> well, since a nation at risk in the 1980s, we have heard people saying, our schools are failing and teachers are the problem and we need to do
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better. there is a lot of pressure on teachers and teachers not doing enough. so when you add what poverty sort of can do to communities and the conditions, teachers not having the resources and the supplies they need to, to actually do their jobs and sometimes you know what they're dealing with in terms of families and just trying to meet everybody's needs, i think that those pressures can kind of lead to a buttible situation and that's where i see people do things like cheating. >> what do you think is the appropriate punishment for teachers in a case like this? >> if it were true, i think it's appropriate to terminate them. i think it could be appropriate. i'm not sure. i think on a case-by-case basis to revoke their licenses. what i don't think is appropriate is what happened in atlanta which are the criminal charges. that, i don't think that's appropriate at all. >> dr. royal, it's good to have
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you on the program. thanks for providing your insight. we appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. >> new jersey's governor fires back against another claim of wrongdoing against the christie administration. the mayor hoboken set the an aid of christie threaten to withhold hurricane sandy relief. quidanno delivered the message and told her it was from christie himself. today she denied zimmer's allegations. >> mayor zimmer's allegations is not only false but is illogical and doesn't withstand scrutiny when all the facts are examined.
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>> calls the allegations partisan politics. but tonight, zimmer says she has documents that back up her allegations and has spoken to the u.s. attorney's office about it. >> people across the country have celebrated martin luther king jr. day. president obama the first lady and their two children worked at a soup kitchen for the event. how far have we come? as stacy tisdale reports it is a dream still incomplete. >> america has defaulted on this promispromisory note.
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>> poverty and income disparities being the ultimate segregators. >> in 1968 he pivoted all of his attention on what was then called the poor people 's campaign. and he was killed before his first march. >> his poor people's campaign was focused on pedroiaing economic rights between blacks latinos native americans and whites. he asked for a $30 billion poverty package including massive infrastructure, job training, job care and higher minimum wage. the same thing lawmakers debate about today. >> it is having control over your life and the personal financial dignity and the choices to create the reality that you want i think is the issue, and i think we have never in that regard been in control of that destiny.
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>> 50 years later, in some areas, financial disparity has become worse. when the poor people's campaign was launched in 1968. the median black family was making 60 cents to every dollar the white family made. census shows that it's now 57 cents to one dollar. 110,000 dollars for hispanics and 98,000 for blacks. while people are color are currently on the losing sides of the income and wealth gaps in this country a key concern has to be what happens in about two decades when the struggling minorities become the majority and the primary drivers behind the u.s. economy. >> we've got a shift to people of color all around the world younger and darker. and unless we emfour these folks the world's got a problem. >> i have a dream that one day,
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this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed. we hold these truths to be self--evident, that all men are created equal . >> with an equal chance to enjoy the freedom and peace of mind that come with economic security. stacy tisdale, al jazeera, new york. >> now i spoke with a young activist named daniel maria, founder of the million hoodies movement for justice and talked about why this day is so important. >> yeah, i think the significance of the holiday is really to -- for all generations of americans to again reflect on what his legacy actually means for this country and renew are their dead -- their dedication
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to achieving that legacy. >> where the the country on this mlk day? >> i think we're having -- we're struggling a little bit. we're having to ask ourselves some very tough questions as we're neer nearing the end of te presidency of our first black president. we're seeing an increase i think in mass incarceration of black americans. of having to reassess how far we've come and how far we still need to go. and i think it's especially important, with a million hoodies, help young people assess how we can move forward as a country. >> do you get tired of people my age saying well you weren't around back then. you really don't understand.
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do you think you're able to, based on history, really grasp what happened? or are you tired of that question? >> no, i think it's a valid question. i think we -- we will never really be able to go the direction we want unless we understand where we've come from. i grew up in south africa and my father was very involved in antiapartheid legacy. my legacy. everyone who works on million hoodies is very much understanding of the legacy that we are a part of within the civil rights movement. so because of that we take care to really partner with other organizations in this field. and really complement them as best we can. we're a little different in that we focus on really progressive came and progressivism and technology, to complement what other organizations are doing within the movement. >> do you think there's a
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tendency among either caucasians or some african americans to say look, the civil rights movement is over, we've achieved a lot of things, things are better now and let's move on? >> i do, i do, that is a common refrain of what we hear but when you look at the facts and the statistics it's simply not the case. again mass incarceration, the dropout rates among african americans ant minorities, when you start to look at the actual facts it's clear that the issues are still very prevalent. and we no longer -- we can no longer avoid them. you know? we're becoming a more multiracial society and as a result we have to do better at addressing these issues. >> daniel maria, it's great to have you on the program again. thank you very much. >> thanks john, for having me. >> this marks the 50th anniversary of signing the civil rights act. a prominent photojournalist
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captured many of the iconic images of that era. christina puig speaks to a person who witnessed the history through his camera. >> bob adelman explains why he felt a calling 50 years ago to document the pursue data of southern segregation wheel doing freelance jobs on the side. >> the treatment of african americans and blacks was completely unacceptable. >> in 1952 adelman first photographed dr. martin luther king jr. in brooklyn new york. he used his camera to chronicle king's push for equality. in private they became friends. >> in private he spoke very thoughtfully and he loved to laugh.
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>> adelman was in the march on washington in 1963. >> police expected a riot or something. it was very dignified and very jubilant. >> he was the only photographer standing on the steps of the lincoln memorial just a few steps away from the man he called doc. >> he said free at last and i have a dream speech. >> that photo along with over 150 shots, are on exhibit at fort lauderdale. >> the water hosing pictures became quite famous. >> the award winning journalist now 84, lives in south florida. his images have been published in more than 50 books. he still has his cameras. >> the way you used the camera was like this. which was, oh yeah, it's very
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effective. >> this is pretty heavy. >> this i couldn't -- this was more for portraits. i didn't photograph casually. i mean, i -- if i picked up my camera it was because i thought it was something important. >> nearly 50 years after king's assassination. adelman's photos are indeed an important partly of history. christina puig, al jazeera, miami. >> now to the chemical leak in west virginia. seven days after the leak many will still not drink the water. robert ray was there and posed and important question to the governor of the state. >> obviously we continue to test the water supply. every hour and it is showing up at a non-detect level. as i've been told. we will continue to do that and
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you know to try to get the smell out of the water as quickly as possible. you know if people are not comfortable drirking the water they should use bottled water we're still getting that out. trying to get things back to order just as quickly as we can. it's been a long ordeal here. hoping the next few days the people can use the water again with confidence. >> you drinking the water? >> i drink it occasionally. >> more than 200 people have reported feeling sick after drinking the water. still ahead photo-finish. one of the photos that got our attention today. and caught on tape, a cop's kindness, taking the time out to make a child feel less alone.
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been seeing has been extraordinary as far as those air masses coming down. first on monday night there's the cold front. over here to the southeast over the next couple of days and with it those temperatures are going to be dropping. of course they're already very cold towards the northern plains and will be coming down here across many parts of new england as we go through the next couple of days through wednesday and thursday. we have a major weather system to talk about that's associated with this, that is an area of low pressure as well as the snow. it is going to be dropping quite a bit of snow across the metro areas. we are really concerned tuesday some places may see accumulations anywhere from 12 to 14 inches, up towards massachusetts it could be blizzard like conditions especially at places like cape cod. we are looking much better but the air behind this is much cooler, we are talking single digits, real time temperatures below freezing in many locations
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>> a former commander of the international space station is now a celebrity here on earth. chris hadfield, has written a book called an astronaut's guide to life on earth. i asked him if he actually intended to become such a viral video sensation. >> i was so inspired by the early part of the space race, with the race and neil and buzz walking on the moon. it just -- it kind of set a long term goal and path for my life that i've been pursuing ever since. i think it's just recently, living on the space station, the connectivity, the ability to share that experience has opened it up to the whole world and i'm delighted to see the level of interest in the stuff that we've been doing up on the space station. >> so why did you write an
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astronaut's guide rather than an autobiography? >> what is interesting about space exploration and the book is just a natural progression of that. of telling some of the stories of the amazing things that happened on the way to being an astronaut. but at the same time what's useful about that back on earth. >> talk about what else did you learn in space as an astronaut an what you think might surprise people. >> you know, the most dangerous thing i've done in my life, john is to ride a rocket ship. i've done it three times, twice on the shuttle and once on the soyuz ship.
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how do you not let fear keep you from doing something? how do you deal with something that you know should generate fear and yet, reap the benefits of the magnificence that can follow if you can just get around it? how do you deal with fear? and the way we do it is so much wrapped up in really identifying each of the things that might happen. >> others have said don't sweat the small stuff. you say you should sweat the small stuff. >> well gosh, astronauts and test pilots who don't sweat the small stuff are dead. trying to get to a destination, you have to think about the small things. things go wrong, that's life. if you haven't thought about what you should do when those things go wrong, you are counting on charm or luck to get you through. if you have ten minutes to prepare, think about those likely things to go wrong, sweat the consequences and if you don't happen you're all right, if they don't happen you're all
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ready for them. instead of being pessimistic or fearful, it actually brings you into a situation with optimism and prepared for the situation. >> did you ever dream you would become an inspiration to others? >> to see maybe some idea i had or some experience i had gave them a confidence or maybe broadened their horizon to make different choices with their life, to become a more confident, more productive person. i can't think of a better compliment and a better reward than to see that type of thing happen as a result of the choices that i've made. and i'm really pleased to have had a chance to go live on the space station for five months, share that experience and now see the results that it's having. >> the name of the book is called an astronaut's guide to life on earth. chris hadfield, thanks for being on the program.
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>> nice to be here thanks john. >> in texas a recording of a game of catch. officer oriel sultura talked about it. >> i've been on the police department for about six years and i think i've always had a passion for law enforcement. i've always had a passion for helping people. i had actually just happened a traffic stop adjacent to the young man playing by himself. i noticed he was still around when i was done with the traffic stop. i went in the complex and kind of turned in. i noticed he was having a game in hi mind, throwing the football, quarterbacking and those kinds of things. i wanted to play with him. it was a beautiful day in rosenberg, it was two guys playing final and i wanted to inject some positive feelings. dash cam videos probably exist in stations across the
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inflation. it was a wonderful moment captured on a dash cam that included a little boy that was looking for somebody to come into his life and at that point in time it's really just a game of catch. i just kind of stuck my hands up did the universal sign for throw me the football and again he knew at that point in time that it was just two guys playing football. it's truly wonderful. it is an awesome job and truly rewarding that you're making a difference in people's lives. >> our top story, arrest in ukraine. a protestor protecting himself with a hockey mask and shoulder pads and chest pads. improvised protection from the police. the headlines are next. mediocre education. >> stealing education, part of our week long, in depth series. america tonight only on al jazeera america
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pictures, demonstrations turned violence sunday after weeks of mostly peaceful protests, they went violence when the deposit refused the union deal. police are hunting for 18th government protestors in sochi. one called the black widow. police say attackers may have already infiltrated the city. syrian peace talks are still on after a dispute over who should attend. united nations invited iran to the talks but rescinded that today. said it could attend only agreeing to certain preconditions. syria's opposition confirmed they would still be at the table. hundreds of philadelphia coolers under investigation for
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cheating. unusual results appeared on test scores, revealed by the school reform commission. those are the headlines, america tonight is next. can you always get the latest news on i will see you back here tomorrow night. boundary hopping can and do parents really go to jail for stealing education? >> handcuffed with a leather belt. >> with handcuffs. >> we went in jail. >> also tonight, more to come. new threats for tourists coming to the winter olympics. why there's reason to stay away from sochi.
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