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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 22, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. these are the stories we are following for you. >> bashar al-assad will not be part of that transition government. >> world leaders gathering to discuss ending syria's bloody civil war, and there are already disagreements on how to make peace. chaos and death in the streets of kiev. crowds protesting the ukrainian government clashing once again with riot police.
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and thousands effected by the cold weather from the midwest to the northeast. ♪ tense moments this morning in montrow switzerland. they are in switzerland trying to hammer out a peace deal, but even the peace talks are anything by that. nick schifrin is in switzerland, the setting behind you almost portrays the gravity of the situation and the fireworks that happened earlier. tell us about them. >> yes, just a few feet from me, i saw a pro syrian government journalist, actually yelling at the opposition. we have seen competing rallies for and against president bashar al-assad, and inside the halls the diplomats themselves are
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just divided. on one side you have the united states supporting the syrian opposition, and they say that president bashar al-assad has to go. they say the very notion of this -- of this conflict is to create a transitional government in which everyone agrees assad steps down. he has given no indication that he is willing to do that, in fact he has said he wants to run for president again. so john kerry this morning spoke directly to what he thought has to happen. >> the right to lead a country does not come from torture, nor barrel bombs, nor scud missiles. it comes from the consent of the people. and it's hard to imagine how that consent could be forthcoming at this point in time. >> and in response the syrian foreign minister looked around the room and pointed at countries supporting the syrian opposition, he said you are using your western dollars, and
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petrochemical dollars in response to the middle eastern countries, and then waved his finger at john kerry and say how dare you say what we can or can't do. >> translator: no one, mr. kerry, in the world has the right to -- to give legitimacy or to withdraw legitimacy from a president, a government, a constitution or a law or anything in syria but syrians. this is the right of the syrian people and it is their constitutional duty what will be agreed upon here no matter what it is, will be subject to a popular referendum. >> in response the u.s. said that assad and his government has responded to peaceful protests with bullets and bombs and that is the sign that he is the one that is not legitimate. so we have both sides very differently viewing the situation del. >> does the syrian opposition in
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this case have any leverage? >> i think that's really the key question. right now the assad government has to feel it doesn't have the ability to go after the opposition with the kinds of bombs and violence we have seen so far. and until it feels that the international pressure is high enough, it will continue to do that. so can the opposition get to the government and say, look, we are strong enough or forceful enough that you need to stop? right now that is not clear. u.s. diplomats are admitting there is no plan b. if this conference does not go off well, they have no ability to stop the violence, and therefore it is up to the opposition to gain strength. but the opposition admit they are infrastructured right now. >> nick thank you very much.
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in syria, meanwhile the fighting goes on. millions of refugees living in camps. they any talk of peace is being met with scepticism. we talked to refugees in a settlement. >> reporter: we spoke to some families earlier today who were watching the news. they said okay we know this is happening. we're following, but we're not very interested in knowing all of the details, because we don't have very high expectations of this conference. they say the conference comes three years too late; that it will be all talk, even the more optimistic say if the conference and these negotiations come out with decisions, it will be so difficult to implement them, because they say there are so many different rebel groups fighting on the ground in syria,
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especially the ones affiliated with al-qaeda, those are not part of these negotiations, and even if a ceasefire agreement is reached, or there is a decision to try to reach a calm, those groups will not be part of that, and people here feel that no one is going to commit to any such decisions. so people aren't really following the conference, but they do know it is happening. >> all of this on top of reports of murder and torture inside syria. i talked to the global advocacy director for the human rights watch. i asked her if we are in danger of citying history repeat itself. >> we no barrel bombs have been dropped and bombs have been dropped on hospitals. and people don't respond the way we need them to so get real action to happen on the ground, and that means getting syria to
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stop these abuses, and opposition forces as well to look at the abuses they have committed as well. >> there is a saying that failing to heed history's warnings makes us doomed to repeat its mistakes. washington was told that jews were being killed by the thousands in the holocaust, and yet nothing was done. are we looking at another period in history where we are going to look back and woe this day? >> yes. there does need to be a stronger reaction across the international board. and the push is upon russia, who has been shielding the security council, which is the one place that can really take significant action to address this crisis. >> in the meantime they are still talking. we are also anticipating that secretary of state john kerry will speak shortly. when he speaks we will take that
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news conference to you live. protests in ukraine turning deadly. at least three people are dead as demonstrators continue to clash with police. demonstrations have been going on now for two months. the protesters are upset with the government's rejection of a european treaty agreement. edward snowden saying allegations that he is a russian spy is absurd. it was aledged that he had some help when he stole those documents. he strongly denied the accusation saying . . . snowden was given temporary asylum in russia. a cold blast of winter worth affecting millions of people across the country, the latest
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storm stretching a thousand miles from kentucky to new england creating havoc for millions of commuters. and john a lot of people effected by the storm? >> reporter: we reckon 50 to 100 million americans, something like that. this was a big storm. it has gone overseas now. it's over the ocean and left us with a lovely sunny day here, but boy is it cold. frigid temperatures have moved in. it is about 8 degrees in new york city right now, but with the wind chill factor it is minus 14, minus 15 something like that. it closed the federal government in washington, d.c., state workers were sent home, state of emergency in new jersey and delaware, governor chris christie had his inauguration party canceled because it was so bad. and here at penn station,
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running basically a sunday service. and amtrak doing pretty much the same. a lot of people affected, and i think a lot of people are probably going to stay at home and ride this one out. >> are things any better at airports up and down the east coast? >> no, it's terrible. don't go to the airport, really. what happened yesterday is about 3,000 flights were canceled. today about 1500 have been canceled. the airlines are not there. they keep the planes away. that is happening now. this will take a couple of days to get your flights back on track. so it's not very good news at the airport. and it is always worth saying, that we have to remember there are starts of the united states that always get much worse snowfall than this. think of the states up to the
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north. here in the northeast there are so many people and centers of business and tourism, when it comes, that's why it makes the headlines that it does. it is gone now, and the costs i'm afraid pretty astronomical. >> john terrett joining us live from outside penn station in new york. john says we have now moved on from the snow, but it is cold out there. >> yeah, the storm is gone, but behind the storm we get the wind now. really intense storm just off of the coast that brought all of the snow through and cleared, but now the skies are clear, the cold air is coming in, though. the actual air temperature is measured 1 meter off of the ground. when you factor in the cold temperatures and that gusty wind this is what it feels like.
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bundle up. colder air is now moving through north and south dakota, blizzard warnings in effect, reducing visibilities, you see the actual air temperature down below zero in fargo and bismarck. feels like 51 below. that is dangerous cold air. and this cold air is pushing south and east, the pattern not changing much. we're talking about another wave coming in, plus dry weather continues. del? >> thank you very much. al jazeera has now learned that a second chemical finding its way into theel river. now freedom industries has been ordered to release any information regarding unknown chemicals by 4:00 pm today. by way of history, on
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january 17th part of the ban was lifted. but yesterday officials confirmed the situation was far worst than first reported. >> reporter: for nearly two weeks the western was about a chemical called mchm crude that le leaked into the elk river. now residents are waking up to news that a second chemical was in the water. this one called pph. west virginia officials learned tuesday about 300 gallons of the chemical were mixed in with the other chemical that leaked into the river. health officials at the centers for disease control and prevention say the amount of the chemical was small enough that it was likely diluted by the river water. state chemical experts believe
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water treatment processes will have removed it. what is gone for good is trust. a spokesperson for west virginia's governor says, quote, it was freedom's responsibility to let people know there was another chemical in the tank and they did not. up next, thousands of anti-apportion protesters braving the bitter cold for the 41st annual march for life. plus those mini cars, will is a report out that raises concern about their safety.
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conditions. with oceans arm, it's feared the
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welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. thousands of anti-abortion protesters are gathering for the 41st annual march for life. that march held each and every year to support the supreme court decision of roe v. wade.
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libby the events are going off right now. those gathering have vowed not to let the weather slow them down. >> that's right, del. it's about 10 degrees at the national mall with a bitter wind chill. that hasn't stopped thousands from coming to the event. the crowds won't be as big as they usually are. this is an annual event. usually there are tens of thousands on the mall. organizers are trying to adjust this event this year. they are trying to make it more inclusive. they are trying to make it, i would say a little hipper. a lot of young people come to this event from their churches,
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cat lick universities, and you see a lot of hearty young people out here. we'll also hear from some politicians today, del. >> libby, this year we're going into the midterm elections, how will that effect the messages this year? >> republicans are interested in mobilizing people around this issue. the meter hasn't moved a lot in terms of the american opinion on abortion, and access to abortion on social grounds, so republicans are trying to get more people vote mated to vote for their perspective, tie this to the federal healthcare law known azamat obamacare. we heard from judy schroeder
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from ohio. >> i will for sure, for sure vote for people who will protect life at all stages from conception until natural death. >> she is here with a catholic group. but can republicans mobilize not just the diehards, but people who wouldn't necessarily brave this kind of weather. democrats also see this as an mobilizing issue, del. we saw the race for governor in virginia, and that was an issue that helped the democratic candidate win that election. the republican national convention is meeting in washington this week, and this is the first time they have arranged to have their meeting to coincide with this event, so they are trying to connect those two events. libby casey from washington, a cold washington, d.c. libby thank you very much. ♪
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it was another mixed day of trading on wall street. the dow right now down 35 points. the blue chips are being pulled back by ibm after the company reported disappointing earning sales. almost all of the smallest cars failed when it came to protecting passengers. out of 11 mini cars tested only the chevrolet spark received an acceptable rating. unrest in syria, and the widening gap between rich and poor awrong the topics of discussion in switzerland. >> reporter: it is often described as a giant networking event or a constellation of egos in an orgy of adulation.
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many of the top people are here again. the headline appearance will likely be that of iran's president. his country may have been invited and then uninvited at talked aimed at peace in syria, but his invitation here is secure. >> i think he is going to come here and present the friendlier face of iran and convince this audience that he is somebody they can do business with, that they can talk with. somebody they can reason with, and negotiate with. >> reporter: the suffering in syria will concentrate minds as increasing western reaction with iran. benjamin netenyahu will be in the same convention center. the two countries are avowed
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enemies. while politics and crisis threaten to overshadow events here, attendees who are the richest and most powerful people in the world will try to stay focused on this year's headlines, k looking at possible causes of instability like climate change,ment income inequality and the vast and growing numbers of unemployed youth around the world. >> why this is so important? we're thinking about the youth of today that are teenagers, in their early 20s. these are the leaders of rm for. >> reporter: but while they talk about the gap, one particular statistic already hangs heavy in the swiss mountain air. the charity ox-fam say the
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wealthy has the majority of the wealth in the world. >> you can see ali velshi's report on "real money." make sure you stay tuned to al jazeera america. going after one of nature's great creditors. officials down under allowing shark hunts to take place. a move that is sparking outrage. every day, someone leaves their home searching for a better life. >> two hours in, we come upon a body. >> now, in a breakthrough television event, al jazeera america takes you beyond the debate. experience first hand the tragic journey of these migrants.
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>> a lot of people don't have a clue what goes on until you live near the boarder. >> six strangers with different points of view... >> i don't believe in borders. >> our government is allowing an invasion. >> ...get to experience illegal immigration, up close and personal. >> its very overwhelming to see this many people that have perished. >> a lot of families that don't know where their babies went. >> i want to make sure that her life, its remembered. >> what happens when lost lives are relived. >> the only way to find out is to see it yourselves. >> on borderland. only on al jazeera america. >> any of you guys want to come to the united states? is, because the demand is driving the poaching. credit to namibia, but should we be selling permits for the world's most endangered animals because someday wants to shoot one of them. what if somebody wants to shoot
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a sigh we areian tiger or asian he will insanity if these folks at the safari club want to contribute to namibia's good programs, they don't need to link their contribution to the killing of an animal, just give the money. that's what advocates do every day. >> one last quick question, where do you stand on elephants and their tusks? you justify talked about the value of rhinoceros horns and trying to fight that demand. how about elephant tusks? the u.s. and chinese governments welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. here are today's headlines. west virginia officials now confirming a second chemical also finding its way into the elk river. now the department of environmental protection
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ordering freedom industries to release any unknown chemicals by 4:00 pm today. anti-abortion protesters gathering in washington, d.c. the march is held every year to protest the decision of roe v. wade. and a short while ago the un envoy to syria says there is no guarantee they will be able to bring both sides to the table in the talks. world leaders have gathered there trying to end the violence. our other top story being the frigid cold weather effecting millions up and down the east coast. >> yes, there are very dangerous wind chills. first off we have this blowing and drifting snow. that is creating a blizzard
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warning. visibility is down because there is blowing and drifting snow. we're seeing visibility down along with the gusty wind. the temperatures are being reflected by this cold air down below zero. look when you factor in the wind this is what it feels like on your skin. low-pressure, this is the storm that brought all of the snow to the northeast. it's moving out. really intense storms, so that's what created that gusty wind. you see the temperatures much colder across the northeast, but there is another shot of arctic air from the north. and then we have another one approaching coming with light snow. del? >> dave warren thank you very much. australian officials sang showning a shark hunt. they say it is in response to a growing number of attacks along
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the west coast. but not everyone believes the hunt will do anything to reduce the risk to humans. >> reporter: they are the fish we love to fear. go to any australian beach and conversation turns to the chance of being attacked. in western australia, of the 20 fatal attacks in the past 100 years, seven if been in the last three years. so the state government is taking action, baiting big sharks with meat and authorizing the killing. >> we are talking about destroying those large sharks in those particular species that have proven to be a direct threat to human life. >> reporter: but there have been big protests on thousands on perth's beaches. experts lined up against the policy. >> anything that looks at
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specifically targeting apex predators is always going to end poorly for the species. >> reporter: protesters are threating legal action and district disruption when the depreciation does begin. with those direct threats, attempts by fisherman have been abandoned. instead government employees will do the job. meanwhile more benign action is being taken more than 300 big sharks have benefited with transmitters. when they are picked up a computer accepts out a tweet, people can then make a decision about whether to join them in the sea. people are saying to swim with sharks in there.
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there is a chance of being bitten in the ocean, and that's a chance that the government says they need to do something about. >> thank you for watching al jazeera america. i'm del walters in new york. "the stream" is next. ♪ hi, i'm lisa fletcher, and you in "the stream." are some of the secrets of the no-fly list about to be revealed? for the first time a judge orders one person taken off of the list. does that open the door to more transparency? ♪ our digital producer


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