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tv   News  Al Jazeera  January 26, 2014 3:00am-3:31am EST

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check check >> looking for a solid win at the syria peace talks in geneva. the focus is on getting aid into homs. >> this is al jazeera live from doha. >> ahead - digging in their heels in ukraine. protesters reject concessions from the president. we are live in kiev. >> dozens dead, 1,000 in gaol as egypt marks three years since the downfall of hosni mubarak. >> and in china - an anticorruption activist gets a
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4-year imprisonment sentence. >> hello, the establishment of a humanitarian corridor to homs is the talk of the day. lakhdar brahimi, the delegation leader, said a convoy ready to go into the city as soon as the bashar al-assad government gives the approval. prisoner exchanges and ceasefires will be discussed. a deal on any issues will be the first tangible win, which the opposition says could set the tone for the rest of the negotiations. >> we need to open the humanitarian corridors so people can survive. our main purpose to negotiate is to enter into transition with the regime, from dictatorship to democracy. >> protesters in homs were among
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the first to rise in in the spring of 2011. today it is a battle ground. surrounded by government forces for a year, and homs is divided - with supports of the coalition. conditions are dire. >> translation: the old pard of homs has been disseized for a year. nothing gets in. there are 500 families here. about 2500 people, most of them are children. we have spoken to international donor organizations to provide food and medicine. the bashar al-assad government rejected this. now there are 12 convoys waiting to be allowed in. >> zeina khodr is in geneva. that's where the hard bargaining is about to begin. what are the main issues?
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>> like you mentioned, this will be the first tangible progress if they reach a deal on age reaching the besieged city of homs. we do know from lakhdar brahimi that this was discussed during yesterday's session and they were waiting for a response from damascus. the official delegation said they needed to consult with authorities back home, and it could happen by the end of today or tomorrow. they are pushing for progress on humanitarian issues. it is difficult to reach a political deal. we have heard international diplomats say time and time again in the interim while we are discussing, we cannot forget about the people in syria. like you mentioned homs has been under siege for a year. this is an area which the government managed to squeeze the rebels into the old city of homs. aid, food supplies, medical
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supplies have not been able to reach there: there is a tangible process and win for the coalition, because this will allow them to tell the people of syria that their decision to attend the geneva ii conference was not a mistake. >> is the feel in geneva where you are, from both sides that if that is successful, the establishment of the humanitarian corridor to homes, it will pave the way for a political solution to the crisis? >> it's too early to say. we heard delegates say this will be a confidence-building measure. they don't trust each other. the conflict has been, for the past three years, there has been attempts to enforce a ceasefire, there has been attempts to open humanitarian corridors. there is a lack of trust. this will be a goodwill gesture, but the hard bargaining, the
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political transition, which is what geneva i is about will be difficult. the negotiations will not start until monday, and this is what we heard from opposition delegates. what is clear is that the government does not believe is there's a need for a transitional body in syria, and what they told them is syria is a state, it's an institution and an army. it seems they are going to try to push or at least drag the process until president bashar al-assad can run for re-election and finish his constitutional term. a blit call deal -- political deal is not expected to be struck, but humanitarian aid can reach the people that need it most. >> zeina khodr reporting from geneva. >> there has been more unrest between anti-government protesters and demonstrators in
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kiev. demonstrators surrounded the convention centre. sue turtin is joining us giving us an update on the latest situation. what is going on at the rally behind you? >> yes, it's subdued on the streets of the city center, sunday morning. there's a bit of a service going on behind me. i think it's a time for people to reflect over the last 24 hours. we saw quite a bit of violence. there was a fear that the violence overnight would escalate. it happened outside of the convention centre, a few hundred metres to by left where a number of police officers were using it as a base and after the rallies and the speeches behind me the reaction to the negotiations that have been happening between the opposition leaders, after that rally people moved towards that area and really started to throw molotov
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cocktails and throwing fireworks into where the police were stationed. >> it took clits vitaly klitschko, a heavy weight boxer to calm down the violence, stopping the escalation between the police and organise a safe corridor to the 200 or so police men to leave the area. things started to calm down. >> there was a fear that it would escalate. >> on the political frond we saw the president over so concession to two leaders. all of this coming before tuesday, which is a big day. >> the opposition are calling it
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judgment day. they'll be repealing or debating what they describe as draconian laws in regard to protests. they are not allowed to put up tents, wear helmets or masks. they've been criminalized to protest in the square. the tuesday is where they debate those laws, where the president said he will reshuffle his cabinet. this is still on the table, the offer to the two main opposition leaders of the post of the prime minister and deputy prime minister. now, the person offered the job as prime minister, he said late last night that they weren't rule it out or in. i don't think they want to step away from the need that they could take over the reins of the government. there are key concessions they are demanding. they want the release of all the detained prisoners, including that of the former prime minister who has been incarcerated in ukraine for the
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last two years under viktor yanukovych. and they are saying that they want all the other detained prisoners to be released and they want immediate presidential elections. there's the two things they are holding out for. vitaly klitschko made it clear if they don't get that they are not willing to step down or say that the revolution is over, and they can join the government. >> thank you. sue turton reporting from the ukrainian capital. >> let's show you the live pictures coming through to us from the capital. there they are. the opposition, as sue reported, rejected a compromised deal proposed by the president. viktor yanukovych offered top cabinet jobs to opposition leaders to diffuse the political interpretations. these are the shots coming to us from kiev. >> protesting garment workers fought with police in the
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cambodian capital. 23 captured workers were taken. they are calling for minimal age to be doubled. currently it's at $80 a month. four people have been killed in a suicide attack in afghanistan. it happened on a bus carrying military staff. the bomber was on food when he detonated the bomb. two killed were from the african air force. the taliban says it carried out the attack. >> tunisia's prime minister failed to present a new government to the president. midnight was the deadline and it's not clear if this will affect the final vote on the constitution, scheduled for sunday. >> the number of people killed in saturday's violence in egypt rose to 49. more than 1,000 are in gaol. the country is marking three years since the revolution that removed hosni mubarak from office. patty culhane has more.
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once again there are scenes of chaos and bloodshed on the streets of egypt. a nation provided, but its leader are projecting an image of the unity. three years ago egyptians swarmed a square. three years later they are back, demanding a new military leader, general abdul fatah al-sisi take the job. this is it a military sanctioned and protected protest, where only their supporters were allowed in, free to talk to the media. >> i came down today to celebrate with all my egyptian brothers and sisters. a revolution. >> that was not the case for those opposed to the military-backed government. the stormer president ousted in a coup, the muslim brotherhood labelled a terrorist organization. a doctor told al jazeera of one
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case where police snipers fired live ammunition into a crowd. >> the protesters were not armed, they were throwing bottles at the security forces. in the past police used tear gas. on this day they used ammunition. >> to clarify, have you treated women or children tonight? >> few of the protesters were women. there were some children injured. a 10-year-old was shot in the head and decide. 14 that came to hospital from dead, seven died in a nearby hospital. >> dozens are dead as the egyptians turned on each other. three years after millions of egyptians united to demand democracy the country is clearly divided. >> here is what is coming up
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next on al jazeera. there's anger over the cost of the world cup, and thousands of brazilians out on the streets. details in a moment. the growing popularity of a political party in india. how successful will the elections be later this year.
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>> hello again. the top stories on al jazeera. the establishment of a humanitarian corridor to homs appears to be the goal of the day in geneva.
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prisoner exchanges and ceasefires will be discussed. >> thousands of demonstrators besieged the police station in kiev overnight. >> a number of people killed in egypt has risen to 49. dozens injured, more than 1,000 have been arrested. >> one of china's anticorruption activists has been sentenced to four rears in gaol. a beijing -- four years in gail. >> a court found him of organising crowds. he called for better access to education for rural children. activists say human rights will not improve in china without an independent judiciary. >> the on thing to keep the party relatively clear is an independent judiciary.
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that's not the case in china, the party is above the law. the only checks is the internal mechanisms of the party. it failed. we saw the revelations of the offshore accounts of the communist relief, where they were filling their pockets with money and establishing it away. when you have a citizen asking for low and official transparency, the response from the party and deposit is clear. they arrest this person and gaol him. >> a new anticorruption party in india is gaining popularity. over the past month 100,000 people have joined. we have this report. >> this is what happened when a dancer and activist went to sign
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up for the common man party. the number of media an indication of the the party's growing popularity. this is not her first time in politics, it's at her studio where she decided to run, but not with a political party. >> i never felt ethically comfort with any of them. >> since the a.a.p. was formed, it was popular with people from different backgrounds. >> i thought without a push nothing will happen. >> that push is gaining moment up. membership has increased by 100,000 in the past month. in the city, the registration
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desks have been open here here and here, and a dozen more. the same is happening across the count ri. the leadership of the a.a.p. are convince the that people across india are fed up with politics and their demand or change will get them votes. >> the people of delhi decided they want a change. we'll give them that same opportunity for the country and the people of the country will despite if they want change now or not. >> just being anticorruption is not efficient in a countries like india. >> analysts agree, saying if the country wants to attract supporters, they need to focus on other issues. >> it's not only financial
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corruption. with no experience in govern arranges the a.a.p. may find it difficult to lead, if it ever forms a government. supporters believe that as long as the party puts up candidates with integrity, it will push it to a paint where it delivers a positive change, badly needed in indian politics. >> well, india and japan pledged to fast-track negotiations for a possible deal on nuclear energy, it could open up a vast untapped market in the japan nuclear technology industry. abe is on a trip to shore it up. it raises concerns along the indian coastal communities with memories of the fukushima
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disaster. many are worried about the long-term impact of the project. >> a new nuclear plant came on in july. >> nuclear power plants are the centre piece of india's energy policy. consecutive governments invested in them for 40 years, in the hope of providing millions of people the technology. >> production started at the new addition. activists are convinced they have a cause to fight for. >> they claim that they started it. it doesn't mean that they cannot shut it down. it's the people's will, the democracy. >> earning a living is a struggle for people like that man. he fished in the waters for 50 years. a nuclear power plant in the neighbourhood ruined his livelihood.
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>> i used to earn $8 a day. i struggle now to make $0.50. i can't fish where i used to. if i try to go near it the nuclear plant authorities stop me. >> india's first nuclear power plant was built in the 1960s. since then the government went to russia for help in developing nuclear energy programs. >> the director of the observer research foundations says india's unwillingness to sign treaties hindered the chances of receiving help from japan. >> concerns heightened since e the -- fukushima disaster. japan wants india to sign some treaties, before it can proceed.
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this is where india has problems. >> from negotiation tables to seaside villages, there's little denying the impact that india's nuclear energy plant, if realised, could have. the building and operation of that nuclear power plant highlights a change that the indian government struggled to deal with - balancing development with the needs of local industries. nuclear development is a hard sell since the accident in fukushima. with few available alternatives, it's one of india's beast options when it comes to powering the future. >> one person has been killed and another seriously wounded during ongoing anti-government protests. access has been blocked to polling stations in the capital and they are stopping polling in the general election. protesters are demanding the
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resignation of the prime minister yingluck shinawatra. >> acts visits in brazil fought against government spending on the world cup a. the largest protest was in sao paulo. many are outraged that brazil spent $20 million to prepare for the tournament. there were protests in seven of the 12 host cities. >> this is the busiest important avenue in sao paulo, and this is the first anti-world cup protest held here in the city in 2014. the numbers are not nearly as big as what we saw last june. this is still very much a youth-led movement. well over 1,000 people here. they are saying that brazil is
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spending too much money on the world cup, and point to things such as this. if the country is spending over $20 billion to get ready for the world cup, over $4 billion to build 12 new stadiums. >> we are seeing huge amounts of money spent on the world cup. health, education, public transportation and housing - out the rights are being taken away. >> we see all sorts of signs, signs saying "f.i.f.a. go home", others say, "no to corruption and capitalism", and this one is self explanatory. "don't come to the world cup in 2014." a huge police presence, but this is nothing compared to what it will be like when the world cup is here. the brazilian government said if they have tens of thousands of police officers available, including a special riot force deployed to all 12 cities, they
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say they will not tolerate any non-peaceful protests. several members of the movement here in brazil are demonstrating. they are considered trouble makers and vandal. they say they are not. they say they are here to retaliate against potential police violence, against a peaceful protesters. things are starting to get a little out of control with some protesters and police. you can see some sounds going off now. this is how many of the protesters have turned into situations such as this. utter confusion. it shows how a few protesters can really turn the city into chaos. >> vigilante groups have taken over eight towns in southern mexico. about 500 armed men set up checkpoints on the highway to acapulco and said the government
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failed to protect citizens from organised crime. >> there are fears that mexico's violent drug war could be reaching the capital. there is a clamp down on knights templar. the government's offensive is being called into question. >> it's called operation shield. it's the latest step in mexico's fight against the knights templar drug cartel. thousands of police deployed to strategic locations. their mission to stop the so-called cockroach effect, where a government crackdown in one place sends criminals scrutling to other places. operations like this are taking place in mexico. more than 1,000 police officers are involved in check stops like this. people are starting to ask questions about whether this isn't a big show for the media. >> people say they understand the government has to do
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something, it doesn't mean they have to like it. >> i'm a civil engineer and, look, they are treating me like a delinquent. >> in midjoint enterprise a vigilante group in the western state launched an offensive against the knights templar cartel. street battles raged and the government sent soldiers and police to quell the violence. as the cartel lost grounds there were signs members would be picking up and moving to neighbouring states. some pointed to two burnt-out stores as proof. the head of mexico city's program is determined to keep this violence out of the capital. >> translation: we know we have a big responsibility, we have important infrastructure, embassy and structures. that's why we are investing in technologies allowing us to
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expand our company. >> some believe they may be better off using limited resources differently. >> it's more efficient to invest in intelt gens, and not stop everyone that comes to mexico city. it's impossible. i think there is a way to make people feel safer, and i don't blame the mexicans for that >> in mexico city and the six states boarding michoacan. operation shield will continue for the foreseeable future. what is less certain is whether the strategy will succeed in keeping knights templar at bay. >> there are celebrations down under for australia day. january 26th is the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the first british ships at sydney cove. thousands have gathered along the same shores 226 years later
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to mark that event. many sporting events are held. not everyone is celebrating. some aboriginal activists refer to this day as invasion day by foreigners. you can read about australia day on the website. you can read all the day's top stories at . welcome to "real money." i am ali velshi. you continue to be the most important part of the show even though i am in switzerland. tweet me at ali velshi or at ajrealmoney. i check those tweets as long as i have free wireless. i am in davo, switzerland where the world economic forum has be


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