tv News Al Jazeera January 28, 2014 11:00am-11:31am EST
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other american news channel. >> tell us exactly what is behind this story. >> from more sources around the world. >> the situation has intensified here at the border. >> start every morning, every day 5am to 9 eastern. >> with al jazeera america. executive decision, we are learning new presidents about what the president plan to say tonight when he speaks to the nation. doing an about face on anti-protest legislation, trying to calm the streets of kiev. plus pictures from space for sale.
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that is his lowest number ever ahead of the strait of the union address. now, during the speech he will announce he will use his powers to raise the federal minimum wage for contract workers. that will go up to $10.10 an hour. lisa stark is in washington, and it has been a tough year for the president. if you think back to october when the president was riding high. were up whether, but then they fell after that disastrous roll out, the affordable care act has not recovered yet. the president is hoping to use
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tonight to make a fresh start and gain some momentum. >> president obama is looking to leave a turbulent 2013 behind. and turn the tide in 2014 with his fifth state of the union. tonight, mr. obama is polling numbers are at an all time low, face as congress whose numbers are even lower. i have a pen, and i have a phone. >> that was president obama nearly two weeks ago, who says he has a new plan of action, doing that he can on the big issues when this congress is unable or unwilling to act. >> success in washington, of a president, of any party should not be pleasured alone by how many bills congress passes. >> let's be care that have we don't create a situation and a momentum where congress is sort of an after thought. >> president obama is expected to focus on three key words. opportunity, action, and optimism. the president talked about
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this in this vine video monday. >> it is time to restore opportunity for all. >> words that democrats hope address every day concerns of americans. like job training, retirement accounts who don't have 401 ks. promises from businesses to hire the long term unemployed. >> that is precisely what is needed in my state, where the middle class is shrinking. >> and then there's the other issues ranging from immigration. but he will be facing an even more friday locked congress. with more up for re-election this year, and past battles like the debt ceiling coming around again. >> and if president obama wants to give an honest candid state of the union address this week, we will address the fact that his economic policies are not working. >> many themes in his past speeches will likely be repeated. >> background checks, comprehensive reform. >> raise the federal minimum wage. >> republicans have three responses ready, they are
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already calling tonight's speech just more talk. it would be nice to hear how he is going to put this into action. >> now, the president and his aids are calling this the year of action, and this morning in the news conference, house speaker said hey, that sounds good to him. and he urged the president to meet congress in the middle, a middle ground common ground so they can get some things done. republicans are urging the president not to go to that pen and phone philosophy, not to take things into his own hands. they are washing him not to bypass congress. kale. >> lisa, thank you very much. foreign policy also going to be the focus of tonight's speak. two years ago, they began to focus on asia. al jazeera melissa chen taking a closer look at what is being called the asian pivot.
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pat of president obama's pivot to asia. by 2020, the plan is to shift a majority, 60% of the country's warships to the region. along with maintaining six aircraft carriers. >> this is one major reason some consider the only reason behind the asia pivot, china. it's growing power too the united states and other countries. >> everyone in asia following the same approach, and that includes united states, japan, southeast asia. japan has watched as china has become boulder. they also claim possession over majority of the south china.
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when they stopped chalk it the pivot, opting for the more benigned rebalance, some wonder whether he had changed his mind. for a softer approach. they are top trading partners after all, and china has not lucked. considering the strategy. >> chinese, yes, they have this almost par par knowed view. and you can say and you can lay out, look at all the ways in which we are not encircled you, we have huge economic relationship with you. >> the obama administration, still has the chance to put it back on track. >> the quite has a profound stake in what happens here. because we need and we are and we will remain a pacific power. >> it's one with thing to move ships to sea. the hard part won't be with military affairs but with with trade.
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>> am al jazeera will have complete coverage of the state of the union speak tonight, our coverage beginning tonight at 6:00 p.m. eastern time. ukraine's parliament repealing it's unpopular protest laws. after these new laws sparked days of violent protests also today the country's prime minister submitting his resignation, the opposition still urging people to consider the demonstrations. jennifer glass is in kiev, what is is mood now following these new concessions.
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>> a water channel to divert water, it is being funneled dune by police that have been creating ice flows. the opposition leader says it is not everything they want, but it is moving in the right direction. >> now that the -- >> we have revoked those shameful laws can were voted for with hands instead of electronic cards against constitution. this has never happened before in the history of the ukrainian parliament since 1991. this is a small but very important step. today we also need to bring up a question a very important question of amnesty to stop the prosecution of all the protestors. it is that amnesty that is still part of the parliament. they will leave tomorrow to discuss it further but it gives you a sense of how far
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apart the two sides are. the opposition wants amnesty for all the protestors. the progovernment -- but also for the police and security forces. that attacked them in late november and early december that made this such a big demonstration, you know, that made it the demonstrations grow. so that is one of the big sticking points between the two sides. there is still a long way to go, the opposition saying that the government still not really moving as far towards democracy as they would like to see. >> now that the protests is spreading across the country, is there any chance that the government will meet all of their demands? >> well, i think the government is giving them little by little slowly. it is a trust bidding exercise. no indication that he intends to resign, feeling they would like to see early, presidential elections called there's no indication that he will do that either.
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i think he is givenning what he can, seeing what he will get, but for the protestors i spoke to today, said until they see real change on the streets and until they see real change in the government, they are not going to go anywhere soon. >> jennifer, thank you very much. joining us from kiev. in geneva the afternoon session on peace talks was called off today, those talks concerning syria, both sides trying to end the deadlock over that transitional government. now they are trying to make the u.s. the punching bag, this morning it started when the regime members handed out this flier, and then we heard from the deputy foreign minister echoing what this flier says he is blaming the
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opposition for not listening because he says he is arming groups around the country. >> we were again disappointing that a drafted statement on behalf of the syrian delegation was prepared and brought out during the morning session. suddenly, the they don't agree with such a statement and that they support the united states' steps to arm terrorist groups. to give you some background, but behind the scenes they have been emailing out statements to reporters multiple time as day.
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>> this is a and i that has been besieged. he was talking about how there are people walking down can streets screaming saying we are hungry, people eating grass, bark, simply having no medicine, no food for almost a year. what the u.n. says is look, we need to get this food in, food and water and everybody in not only in homes but also around the country. >> we are -- calling for the party to the conflict for the safe passage of human assistance towards part of the country. this cannot be a fig leaf. we need access to all part of syria.
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it has to go everywhere, it is the regime's fault, the regime is the one encircling these cities not letting them know, we don't want to talk about this, we want to talk about terrorist and what is u.s. is arming or not arming. the two are not even talking about the same thing, they are talking past each other. >> mo hamed morsy is back in court today. more than 20,000 inmates escaped leading to one of the most violent days. morsy protested being placed ininside a metal cage. he questioned why he is inch in jail. >> tell me who you are, do you know where i am? >> i am the head of this court. >> morsy already facing three other trials on various charges, some of them carry the death penalty.
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the government looking for ways to learning who it is spying on, the associated press reporting the office of national intelligence looking at how to build an even stronger anti-hacking system. it would protect all that data collected from your phone calls. one idea is to create an ecrypted shield that would allow the government to securitily share information the third party such as phone companies detailed remain vague. so then we with have to talk about winter weather, dry for now. across the northeast, these temperatures into the teens and down to zero in cleveland, wind chills is a bit colder, going to work our way south, and we will get to warmer temperatures. 27 in atlanta, 17 in
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knoxville, still teens in single differents there. a little inlet, now here is where it gets interesting. the temperatures try to climb above the freezing mark. 36 in new orleans. 21 in alabama. so it does get a little warmer, but still below freezing. now you are talking about rainfalling into air which is below freezing. so it remains frozen as snow or comes down as sleet and freezing rain. space the final front teen we will be right back.
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the state of the union on al jazeera america. join us for complete coverage of the issues facing all of us from health care and immigration to the economy an national security. we're talking with those affected most. understanding where we are, taking a critical look where we're going. >> there is much progress to report. >> immediately after stay with us as we get your reactions live from around the country and across the globe. don't miss special state of the union coverage as only al jazeera america can deliver. right here on al jazeera america.
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>> daniel lack reportses that just part of the controversy. >> voting outside the international space station the senior russian cosmo gnats are installing two cameras that will send a constant stream of high definition pictures of earth live via the internet. the royal pipelines to volcanos riot to refugee movements the canadian company that built the cameras says all sorts will be available to almost anyone with an internet connection. >> to the minister secondly will be targeted businesses, people who want to be able to track, farms, business intelligence, mining resources and things like that. and thirdly, will take it process it and stream it out over the web so the farmer can log in with their phone, and get a picture of their farm two weeks ago. so it is awe three segments of the market. >> they say their images will
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be higher quality and much more details. and that does raise privacy concerns. one commentator said the rush to provide data from space amounted to sill can valley sending up it's own spy satellites. they say they will be watching closely. the other isn't yet providing quality data. lit be several more months before the picture stream from space. up close is more personal than before. al jazeera.
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giving the markets a boost, also focusing on the fed which begins it's two days today. down 7% apple report selling 51 million i-phones over the holiday season, but that fell short of expectations. revenue in the quarter could decline. last year was a good one for ford, the car maker earning more than $7 billion but investors not celebrating. ford is warning that profits this year will be down as it launch as record 23 new vehicles and build seven plants around the world. washington getting ready for the state of the union. filled with secrets there libby casey will be along to break it down for us.
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welcome back to al jazeera america. the afternoon sex was called off. both sides still trying tond that deadlock. meanwhile delegates are trying to get humanitarian aid into parts of the country ravages by war. barr limit holing an emergency session after days of violent demonstrations. to address the nation tonight in the fifth annual address. recent polls show his approval numbers are the lowest they have been going into the speech. he is expected to focus on the economy. and that speech has come a long way. it used to just be a written letter congress, now it is a prime time media event. an annual address on the help and direction of the country,
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an address loosely defined in the constitution, that from time to time, the president gave to the congress information on the state of the union. now an annual tradition. a night when you can expect to hear that. >> the state of our union is getting stronger. into a night of political theater. today, seller thomas say its media who watch closely. >> often ridiculed for big laundry lists but their groups happy to hear that their issues mentioned. think the most important transformation has occurred in understanding that this is not really a report to congress. this is a speech to the nation. >> the president of the united states. >> the president's trim down the avenue is itself symbolic as he walked into the house
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chamber, members of congress plant themselves along the aisle for a hand shake, and a moment in the spotlight. some camping out for hours. it is a night of political pop, of applause, and ovations. or sometimes staying mum. the most explosive moment was a silent one, supreme court justice samuel leto mouthing not true, as the president criticized the court's citizens united designature on campaign finance. whether or not members of congress like the message, most show up to respect the office and tradition. >> i think it is important, that when the president of the united states whether he is a republican, or a democrat, man or a woman, when the president of the united states comes to address the congress. that we be there to listen. also in the audience, all the cabinet secretaries by one, the survivor at an undisclosed location for safety, him tear leaders and the first lady, sitting with special guests who often represent the priorities.
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millions of americans will tune in, not because of an a crisis or tradition, but but because it is a tradition. >> there is no rule requiring the president to deliver the address each year. now to the other state of the union, the state of the freezing and cold and wet -- >> that about covers everything. >> yeah. >> depends on where you are. we have frigid, cold, bitter cold, now we are talking about wet weather, the temperatures are key here, because if they are down below freezing that's at the surface. we have some warm air coming in off the gulf, and off the atlantic, and that is bringing in moisture, be uh that's a loft. that rainfalls into the cold air, and now you rah getting some ice and snow falling here. many winter weather advisories winter storm warnings are in effect. all snow, that's where the air is cold enough in that snow
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falling. it's either sleet if it hits the ground frozen or freezing rain if it freeze when it hits in new orleans all the way up to the northeast, that is dealing with freezing rain and ice accumulations, you can see this continues until about 8:00 o'clock tonight, the snow is still up to the inland a bit, in western south carolina, and western north carolina but this cold air and moisture begins to work it's way south stimfreezing rage wednesday morning is pushing just off the coast, but we are seeing it linger here. what are we expecting here today. good accumulations here in north carolina. when the colt surfaces it is coating the roadways and bridges.
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that is what can break tree limbs for more on the outages are likely. the ice accumulating on sir passes and that is certainly what we are seeing there. just bitter cold temperatures these are the actual air temperatures down below zero, and again, when you factor in the wind, maybe not quite as cold, but still with the temperature down to 15 below, another five degrees when you factor in that wind chill. bismark is 19 below. now where it is warmer but getting a storm, we need it is across california, finally seeing this pat person change just a little bit. to areas in the mountain there. between now and april 1st, because that's what feeds into the reservoirs there in california. thank you and thank you for
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