tv News Al Jazeera February 2, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm EST
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adults, like vodka, it is supposed to be for adults. >> on that note, ray, we have to stop you. we are out of time. thank you for the great discussion. see you online. >> helicopter. welcome to theays news hour. with the name stories this hour. twin blasts at a cinema in pashawa. five people are dead. mary more are injured. an activist prepares to leave ukraine. how parts of europe are struggling with heavy rains and flooding.
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>> sport and super bowl sunday in just a few hours' time. millions across the world will turn their eyes to metlife stadium in new jersey as the denver broncos take on the seattle seahawks. loading this hour, at least five people have been killed in two blasts in pakistan. the attacks happened in the city of pashawa. more than 20 others are injured. our correspondent joins us from the phone from islamabad. camal, what more do you know of this attack >> reporter: in the last few minutes, the information" minister has found at least two were logged at the picture house cinema as it is known.
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a number of them were wounded besides the five people who were killed. at this early stage, any idea who could be behind this attack? >> that's an interesting question because the attacks happen at a time when the government of pakistan has announced the committee to hold talks from pack stone, welcomed the talks in the last few minutes. also said that they have nothing to do with this particular attack. as the prospect for talks include, there would be talks to sever the peace talks. the tpt distancing itself from this particular attack. the government saying this is
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uncalled for and this happened at a time when security in the city of pashawa is already in a heightened state of alert. >> before we let you go, could you give us an idea of what the area is like? you mentioned the taliban in there as well. give us an idea of how packed the area is. yes. this is the old part of the city known also as an area that is the storytelling bazaar. there are narrow alleyways so it is easy for any attacker to come to the congested alleyways, strike and disappear into the labirynths. they areb they have been a number of attacks against police officials, sectarian killing. so again, it has seen a lot of attacks in the past.
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how far, security forces are in a heightened state of alert as i mentioned e we were in pashaw a: we met early this afternoon f we have seen significance presence. police. they would be question marks. an update on the situation. our correspondent there speaking to us over the phone from islamabad. a ukrainian activist who was left badly injured and being tortured is expected to leave the country in the next few hours. jonah hull is in our european newscenter with more on the story >> reporter: that's right. thanks. the treatment at the hands of kidnappers left anti-government protesters furious. there had been fears he wouldn't be allowed to leave ukraine. al jazeera's david chatter is in
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kiev for us live now. david, there do seem to be signs that mr. pulataf is about to leave. what do we know about his whereabouts at the moment? >> i can't confirm that he is now at the airport in kiev. so he is about to catch a flight. we don't know where to. but our team has been filming him. they have confirmed that they have seen him at the airport. so this is at very important development because it means yet another concession from pet yanokovich. the final hurdle came when he ordered the arrest warrant against palatov for so-called incitement for mass protest was cancelled. doctors where the injured he activist is recovering from surgery is making good t the
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wounds inflicted during his eight days of kidnap and torture. at this moment, his condition of medium difficulties. hez healing is in accordance with the injuries he sustained. no faster or slower than normal. prognosis is good. >> the police are stationed outside the hospital. they did make another attempt to interrogate him. they are allowed to his bedside but he refused to answer their questions saying that he felt sick. the doctors then ushered them out. the arrest warrant against him has been cancelled and he will be free to leave ukraine tonight. we can't send him to one of the european countries for the urgent treatment he needs. we consider today will save his life. in kiev's independence square,
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tens of thousands of demonstrators still calling for the resignation of the yanokovich due back at his desk on monday after recovering from a ris operaespiratory illness. the u.s. secretary of state, john kerry has pledged support, what he called the fight for democracy by protesters here sunday prayers were held in the square for the future of ukraine. as the stalemate continues, the fears for violent confrontation are growing. right-wing groups are politering away from the main body of protesters, determined to keep the demonstrations peaceful. some of them were out on the streets of kiev being trained in tactics in close quarter fighting with the police. you spa spoke about prayers for the future of ukraine. let's talk about the weeding ahead for ukraine for the moment. president yanokovich duke back
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from sick leave. what do we expect? >> on the a flight to latvia and his event annual destination is lithuania. >> that's what we heard on the team on the ground. he is on his way for treatment. now returning to your question about president yanokovich, al we have got parliament coming out of recess on tuesday. they are going to have to form a new cabinet. what cabinet he decides to put in place. the square behind me. his resignation. i have been talking to one of his closest advisors. he has given me an indication of what will happen, perhaps over the next few days if the president takes his advice.
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>> that's that they are going to try to limit the constitutional powers of the presidency and it may be parliament much more important. they are going to change the electoral laws to make any e elections much more transparent, free and fair and they are going to call essentially he has asked the president in austum of this year. >> david, thanks. of course you will be there for us throughout the week. in the friday marks the start of the olympics. it's antent put inhas taken a keen interest in. thousands of people marched that you the streets demanding freedom for liberaling prisoners. paul brennan was there. the evidence of our own eyes
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showed that to be an atthetime. the time has not dimmed the sentence of injustice here we are losing ouring justice day by day. actually minute by minute. so scary. it seems if we do not do anything, it's not going to save us us. it's terribly embarrassing. >> what happened on may 2012 remains disputed. at a demonstration on the eve of the's third inauguration, 27 people were arrested for alleged mass writing. for the prosecutions have been politically motivated. a massive police presence.
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one of the original 27. he was one of those granted amnesty in december but that hasn't diluted his frustration. listen to what the people need and not do what the government, itself, thinks is the right thing. campaign has high profile supporters. nickal is a former prime miles per hour sister of russia and an out spoken critic of the putin. for him, it is synonymous with just one thing. ? >> illegal activity of the states, just putting these guys in jail. absolutely legal. >> that's why we are protesting against such an activity demand these people to be released. >> this is a good turnout in sub-zero temperatures amend despite a very heavy police presence but the mention from the protesters is clear, although the word's attention may be on sochi, it is the not going away. paul brennan, al jazeera,
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moscow. >> more from europe later in this news hour including... downward trajectory, why a control demolition is proving popular in germany's financial capitol. >> forensic detectives are working overtime in el salvador and voters choose a new president, how a soaring murder rate is a major election issue. >> in uganda, for protection, they are the best. when you look at what we are doing, we are. >> how construction, corruption and pollution are wiping out uganda's natural brute. in sport, all of the latest from the english premier league as arsenal aim to reclaim top spot. a vote counting has about begun in tie land after a general
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election marked by disruption and protests. anti-government demonstrators forced around 1 in 10 polling stations to close. scott hideler has the latest now from bangkok. >> in her north bangkok neighborhood, shinowat arrived. she hoped millions of thais would follow on sunday. we must support the election process. >> in other parts of the capitol, there were problems. >> this is one of the polling positions here in bangkok. the leader of the protesters vowed not to prevent voters from coming in. followers have stationed themselves right outside this poling position. now, the organizers here opened the polls on time at 8:00 a.m. but they clothes them at 9:00 a.m. because they are worried about voter safety. more than 400 polling sentencers were closed in bangkok.
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some were blocked. some never got their paper ballot and some have no workers. before voting, 93% of the polling centers were able to open in the capitol and around 90% across the country were accepting voters. but because of the disruptions. the voters would not be made known and that's more than -- also clearly shows that the protesters are in the minority. >> the two sides squared off near a polling center. officials there shut down voting. a pull back in a group of people who denied their vote marched to the municipal building. i am disappointed. this is a democracy.
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through the front gate and demanded they be allowed to vote. but they will have to wait until special e elections who could not vote on sunday. with no clear did he have fintive results expected for weeks, there is little chance that the divisions will soften between the thai people scott hideler, al jazeera, bangkok. the professor is president of the institute of future studies for development in tie land. he says unrest is likely to continue. thailand will be in this limbo for three to six months because all of those seats unfilled will need to have some sort of an election date set and by election for certain seats. it will take a long time before we can have the quorum for parlortoral to convene.
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therefore, for a longer time, the tension will continue, both sides will continue to move according to their own a gentry a. i do not see the solution come quickly. of course, under this kind of pressure, maybe it's something to happen, it may be because the pressure is so great, to try to bring some solution to a closure. this may happen during the next three to six months or even sooner. signature if we continue this process with just ceremonial, in terms of procedural democracy, or democracy in form only. you keep purring and fighting for legality and the technicality of the legal matters. i think there will be no solution because both sides are powerful enough to continue to t confront within another. it could be on the street, it could be ugly.
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i hope they will have some sensibility to talk. >> police in kenya have stormed a mosque after the raising of an al shack ab flag. one person has died. two police officers are seriously injured. ne raided the mosque in the district after worshippers defied a warning not to meet. they sympathized with the fighters who want to enforce islamic law in neighboring somalia. a court in the cairo has cleared the cameraman of all charges. bader was arrested last august, accused of taking place in riots at ramsey scare during anti-coup protests. 61 other defendants have been acquitted. the court has yet to arrested his release from jail. it's been 36 days since egyptian authorities detained three al jazeera english journalists, mohammed fami and peter greste have been held without charge since december 29th.
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they are accused of spreading false news and having links to the muslim brotherhood which egypt has classified as a terrorist organization. the government in kcairo says their cases have been referred to the criminal court. however, the al jazeera network has not been notified of any formal charges. campaigning for afghanistan's presidential election has officially begun. 11 candidates are vying to become the successor to hamid karzi barred from standing again. >> the vote is seen as a major test of whether the country can make the transition to stability after 13 years of violence and war. jane ferguson reports now from kabul. >> people in kabul will have these faces staring down at them for the next two months. men with powerful aspirations. saz presidential election campaigns kick off, the candidates are finally, allowed to put up posters across the capitol. several frontrunners held large gatherings in the capitol hoping to compete with big turnouts and
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rousing speeches. there were problems. as one candidate followers fought with those of his deputy over men and women playing in a band together. one keeping the piece inside individual campaigns. he is one of the issues for the e elections. we do know that the enemy, the taliban, they are also trying to disrupt the security of the election we have good experience. we are big in numbers and we are a much better this time. >> campaigning outside the capitol will be important and potentially more vulnerable to ethnic and tribal influences. some worry the country'sethnic divide could be exploited people
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are protected. trying to stop the world. talking to go supporters not to use that. it should be a national process. the numerous stretch through afghanistan's e elections are so grave some worry the vote may not take place. dispute divisions across the country, sunday's large of the campaign is a crucial start. jame ferguson, al jazeera. kabul, after gapstan. >> voters in el salvador are choosing a new president. the maple concerns of voters include the economy, healthcare and gang violence. the tiny central american country has one of the highest murder rates in the world. as andy gallagher reports from san salvador, politicians are
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accused of conspiring with gang members to hide the real numbers of deaths. san salvador's forensic labs were painstaking lee reconstructed, haven't been this byrd in years. forensic scientists have discovered 31 bodies in one neighborhood controlled by one gang. two years ago, a truce was declared here despite that, the list of missing salvadorians continues to grow. >> this is now a politically sensitive issue and new investigations have for now been stopped. the attorney general's office says it's a matter of resources. this lab's director says that's no not true. we feel frustrated because we are scientists and for reasons
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that have nothing to do with scientific work, we have had to stop. we are disgusted all of this is for statistical reasons where the aim is to show fewer death did and fewer missing than there actually are. it has been credited with drastically reducing the murder rate and social programs liking this bakery having successful. there have been accusations between conclusion between politicians and gang members to keep the real numbers of murders down and some say the truce is simply propaganda. >> they took a lot about us. they say think about a truce. but it's aly. listen to the president. you know he is lying. he is making things up. there are people trying to make a difference. antonio rodriges works with san salvador's youth.
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i want children and people to have dreams and in this country, there are no dreams. i wish for the wanting to life. to live or to kill. his efforts haven't gone unnoticed by el salvador's gang members. he is a marked man. his own safety, father antonio is leaving until the election is over. a sign of how powerful games are here let's get the latest on the voting. al polling station in the capitol, san salvador. cam papering. seems to be still in full swing. you can see the flags of the arena party and rivals, fmla. one subject that unites all voters. >> that's safety and gang violence. the flm party.
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at mistake or a problem from what we have seep is too big for either man. remember, the winning candidate need to get more than 50% and so far, it's looking like a tight race if neither man gets enough votes, there will be a run-up election in march. >> following from andy's story, gang culture is actually quite prevalent. and it's front a rise in veg lint groups among them former u.s. my grants who have returned to the west mexican state of michuakan to take on the karlthsz. one family is determined to fight back against the infamous knights templar. >> hennesy wraps about life in his town, battling the knights templar cartel and how their fight will never be any vain. the past 20 years, he found
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himself in the middle of a war but instead of pleaing, he and his brother fought back. what are we going to do? why are we going to leave? every time they are called to go out to patrol, it might be the last time she seeds them. i give them my blessing and say to god, take them. but bring them back home. don't let them be captured because the knights item particular won't just kill them. they are coward and would torture them like they did to my brother. hennesy along with his father and brother are part of a 20,000 group to combat the drug cartel. for years, heavily armed cartel members have controlled hundreds of towns extorting, kidnapping and killing.
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>> a successful sawmill business like this one behind me. in the knights templar, the cartel demanded over 10,000 a month in so-called protection money and everything changed. now their sawmill looks like this. after building up the business piece by piece they weretorsed to abandoned it. hennesy's brother, rick card 0 says it's hard to look back at how things used to be. question doing good. we have more than 15 people working, giving jobs to people who need it. epthis past week, vigilante groups agreed to a government plan to incorporate them into a rural defense force. regard 0 and hennesy said they are happy they no longer have to stand alone and hope this is the beginning of the end of a war that has already gone on far too long. al jazeera, mexico.
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still to come on this news hour, a toast to germany's defense minister, the mother of seven children is promising a more family-friendly soldier of the future. an impact on germany. what is going down. in the sport, steven gallagher makes history. here with all of the details. aljazeera america presents eye opening documentaries. they are impartial... >> if you wanted to be a good journalist in iraq, you have to risk your life... >> they observe. and report... >> kidnapping is a very real problem... >> journalists on the front line >> sometimes that means risking death >> getting the story, no matter what it takes
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>> the struggling midddle class >> we just can't get ahead... >> working longer hours, for less pay. >> people are struggling everywhere. >> school loans... morgages... inflation... taking it's toll... >> we live paycheck to paycheck... >> now in a continuing series, join ali velshi as we follow families, just like yours, as they try to get by... >> we're all struggling financially... >> america's middle class: rebuilding the dream only on al jazeera america! >> al jazeera america is a straight-forward news channel. >> its the most exciting thing to happen to american journalism
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in decades. >> we believe in digging deep. >> its unbiased, fact-based, in-depth journalism. >> you give them the facts, dispense with the fluff and get straight to the point. >> i'm on the ground every day finding stories that matter to you. >> in new orleans... >> seattle bureau... >> washington... >> detroit... >> chicago... >> nashville... >> los angeles... >> san francisco... >> al jazeera america, take a new look at news. welcome back. top stories, grenades have been thr thrown into a crowded scinema. at least four people were killed and over 30 injured. no one has claimed responsibility as yet. anti-government demonstrators have forced around 10% of polling stations to close in tie land's general election. votes are now being counted. ukraine's government is allowing an anti-government agent visit to get medical treatment abroad.
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dimetro said he has been tortured. thousands are calling for victor yanokovich to resign. the u.s. secretary of state, john kerry held a meeting over the controversial nuclear program. he met with mohammed zarif on the sidelines in germany. on saturday, iran received the first installment of $42,000,000,000 worth of frozen funds. $500,000,000 u.s. dollars are been transferred to a swiss account, which tehran can access. the european union and the united states began lifting sanctions on iran on the 20th of january, following their deal in november. o under that plan, the u.s. agreed to impose no new sanctions. it did stipulate that most sanctions would remain in place until nuclear talks resume later this month. mohammed marundi is a profits at the university of tehran.
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he says talks will be successful only if the u.s. tones down its demands. >> the united states seems to think or imagine that president rohanni is going to give up iran's rights as a sovereign country, his rights within the framework of ntt. >> that'scism not going to happen. the iranians are not going to halt enrichment. president rohanni is serious when he says this, but i think within the united states think tanks and iran experts like to believe president rohanni is going to say one thing today and do tomorrow am i think that's a major misreading and if the united states bases its policies on such a false assumption, then obviously, we are not going to come to an agreement and the talks will lead to a dead-end possibly. so, i think that the only way forward is basically for the united states to take
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and to find a solution that is acceptable to the iranian people, and that solution is peaceful nuclear program within the framework, something iran has been saying all along. >> news out of syria where activists say intensive aerial raids are killing hundreds of people. mohammed val has more >> reporter: this is the latest weapon in the syrian's army's arsenal and probably the deadliest. the airway look like huge but there doesn't seem to be any propulsion or precision as they dum bell down and land in areas like this one. the amount is emotion. several residential compounds came down. dozens of people were instatly buried under the rubble.
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people used bear hands trying to rescue the wounded and to recover the dead. this man is still alive. it's a great surprise. everyone is trying to help speed up his rescue. while many are shouting to warn, more helicopters coming their way to drop bombs. they have found more bodies under the concrete. the lucky man is freed from the rubble. this is a situation. the devastation caused by one explosive bout has done. missing family members are in a state of shock like this man who lost his three children who were -- while he search for bodies. be patient, young men. be patient and thank god. i have just lost all of my three sons. may god accept the sacrifice.
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>> other parents of victims vowed to continue the fight. i swear to god every bomb you drop on us, 20,000 new men will take on supplies. we will sooner or later step on your head with our boots inside your palace. in just two days, the barrels have killed to 200 people across syria, most of them civilians. >> the rebels say they have ground areas during the last couple of days. they have attacked the army check points with canons shop on this video. the pim balance of power is making it difficult. mohammed, al jazeera. south sudan's rebels say government troops are continuing to attack their positions in an attempt to damage the peace talks. both sides recently agreed to a cease fire but violence has continued with each side blaming
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the other for violations. south sudan's military spokesman says he is not aware of any new fighting in the unit state. meanwhile, many of south sudan's displaced people are still without food or shelter. the united nations says 3.7 million are in need of food because of the recent conflict. it stilts that more than a billion dollars is needed to help the population cope. let's go ba can to jonah in london with more news out of europe. high wednesday and heavy rainfall are continuing to deluge parts of europe even though temperatures haven't been as low as usual. that's done nothing to stop the weather woes until pain, the u.k. as simon mcgregory woods reports now >> reporter: torrential rain fell all over italy. coastal defenses were battered by waves whipped up by
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storm-force winds. towns and villages were flooded. ancient landmarks. in rome, it was close to overflowing. what fellow as rain at sea level fet at snow in the mountains. it rained on the pope's weekly address where he called for prayers for those affected. do not leave brothers in affliction out of our concrete solidarity. dear brothers and sisters, i am thinking of you: damaging sea walls, causing widespread disruption. parts of southern eke land it has been like this. huge land has been inundated with towns and villages cut off, low lying land prone to flooding, but rarely this bad.
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2 gray years. this year, the second that happened. happened in 1999 and 2000, over christmastime. a situation, a lot of flood water and storms at tied. pushed it up. there has been criticism at the agency responsible for maintaining flood defenses, man made water courses have been neglected when the rape has come, there has been no where to go basmati forecasters say more rain is on the way. simon mcgregor wood, arizona. a thousand people have been rescued from a businelizzard continuing to battle northern serve i can't emergency services have been rescuing passengers from subatica. power has been cut to parts due to the bad weather sglaem's new
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defense minister says she wants the country's armed forces to become more family friendly. germany's defense fmin sister i seen as a possible thing. more flexible work schedules from bur lin, nick speicer. is the german armed forces will march to a different more family friendly dinner. mother of 7 and germany's defense minter, a hot seat job. getter work life balance in the armed forces t she told this tank unit deploying abroad. >> the deployments overseas always mean special strain on men and women in the army.
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i want to do everything so that we as a society on other service -- honor the service as best as we can. allowing soldiers to save up over time to take care of children or elderly parents, making more day care available and ending the system of transferring soldiers every two or three years. oversee of the man. this will cost money and i have my doubts whether she will beability finance the reforms within the existing budget. scone of the most modern best equipped armies, one of the lowest funded receiving around 1.3% of gdp. a war skeptical germap public.
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what we are doing there. what is our mission and our mission abroad that we sometimes have to fight, it's not our task as an army. german troops in afghanistan. she may get her way on a family friendly army, one of germany's most popular politicians seen as a possible successor. there is a chance that is needed. money will be found. nick spicer, al jazeera, berlin. buildings en massedonia, getting new facades. the government is trying to introduce a distinction brand of architecture but its money many think would be spent better elsewhere >> reporter: this is a building
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for macedonia's state company. it's been providing energy to the people for 69 years. it is generating controversy. >> that's because city authorities want to update the facade with an older style and that facelift doesn't come cheap. the price tag, 10 million euros. organizations strongly object to the project saying the money should be spent elsewhere. 10 million already existing building. they could have built 500 apartments and provided accomodation for 500 families or 2,000 citizens. every homeless person could get a roof over the head for the same amount of money being spent
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on this. another building, construction works are ongoing to insure the building of macedonian government. ornaments. the plan changes. >> finances will be insured in cooperation with the state authorities. these facades we are cham angel are old and they are not in the scope. this is why they will be changed. >> they don't have much i hopefluence in the process. no interest for dialogue. i hopestitutions exist only to carry out order. they are not competent enough that thorough bodient and ready to implement someone else's ideas with no questions asked. experts estimate that when it is
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finished, changing the look of buildings would reach as much as 50 million your o, money that many think would be better spent elsewhereeuro money that many think would be better spent elsewhe elsewhere back to germany now where one of europe's biggest building dem lists has taken place. 950 dil grams. police estimate 30,000 people turned out to watch saz 116 meter skyscraper turn to rubble. two new office towers are to be built on the site. that's all. thanks very much. we are about to get into the olympic spirit. >> it's been far and away the most expensive olympics ever.
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capitol say it was first built on seven hills. now, it covers more than 20. between the hills were wetlands. they can be seen on the outskirts, they host fragile eco systems draining into nearby lake victoria, the world's second largest lake. as the city grows, the remaining wetlands are disappearing fast. a campaign to save them. they have been protected by-laws since 1995. he says it's not enforce did. for uganda for wet land protection, they are the best. when you look at what we are doing, we are the one. it is a wide range of people devastating the wetlands ranging from at a time i hope vestors to the peasants like me and you. people build homes.
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sfloodz are common. it's arnold's job to stop the buildingfloods are common. it's arnold's job to stop the buildi building he said someone ignored court orders. our government, so, corruption is just one of the many challenges on this side, already so much concrete in the ground, they probably won't recover anywhere. downstream, running straight into the middle of the wet lapped. continues to the lake. this part, smells strongly of sewage and chemicals.
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it's black in color and almost completely opaque. he 0 systems. some action is being taken. authorities have started marking the edge of wetland areas. city officials say they plan to reclaim what wetlands they can and turn them into nature parks. they will have to move fast before they are all gone. uganda. >> time for sports. one of the world's biggest suppo sporting events, the super bowl, denver broncos taking on the seattle seahawks with an estimated global audience of 100 million. al jazeera john terek is taking in the atmosphere in ho city, new jersey. looking like a fan, himself. this is not just about football?
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is it? shall now, you don't write, text or call. you turn up at the super bowl. i haven't seen you for seven years. it's more than about football. this is about a party, an excuse to get your family and friends together, watch the game. it is almost but not quite a national holiday. on top of that, you also have extraordinary commercials that run in the middle of the super bowl that cost about $400 million or something for 30 seconds. they are more like miniholdwo h wood movies. you see the full commercial finally, in the football telecast when the game is on. third and finally, oh, yeah, football game on. between the bronc owes and seahawks. how is the weather like? >> that is a terrific question.
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you are absolutely right. four years ago when they said it would be held at met life stadium in new jersey, the pope populous state in the union, most new jerseys appears are here there is an open air stadium and there is no roof and it snows in new jersey. it will snow tomorrow, february 3rdrd. jersey has dodged a bullet, and, you know, so far, the weather, i have to say is pretty baum type of. it's nice. when the game is on tonight, the temperatures will plummet. the weather is on so nice, the reason the fact the weather is so nice is the are so many people have turned out here. about 4,000 people here expecting only three. >> thank you very much for that. we will catch up with you later on. top spot in the premier league, beat crystal palace 2-nil at the em rat's stadium.
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both goals for the gunners. his first of the season. now hold a 2 point lead over manchester city. vert branner. put the reds ahead after 24 minutes. defender gifted west bram a second half equalizer. finished 1-all. >> i am not disappointed. four points from six this week. tough fixtures. and another point away from our rivals, so i won't be too concerned. >> football preparing for an onset to the turn of their whole nation after a historic victory. they won the first international title as the african nation's championship made more remarkable considering their domestic league has been suspended for the last two years. robb and adams reports from cape town. even before the start of the
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final, libya's fans were confident their team would play candidate second in africa. it's a big thing for us. we didn't play for the last game. since 1982, especially at this time, hard time for us. a thing to win. for libya. >> fast forward a few hours. the nerve racking penalty shootout and libya are crowned champions. good the situation. it must be said ghana's fans have been humble. >> we wanted to take the camp back home. sfooi nothing we can do about this. that was football. >> libya's time to celebrate. the national team's achievement sparked massive celebrations in tripoli. players inspired happiness in a
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country so in the midst of turmoil. it's helped from god. time to make the situation change in libya because libyan people need to have it in this difficult time in libya. the first of february t one of the strongest teams. robb and adams, al jazeera. cape town. at the start of the day, two over-par final round left him 4 stroke. on the 17th. now check out
1:55 pm there is details there on how to get in touch with our team using twitter and facebook. >> that's it for me. >> thank you. the most expensive ever olympic game starts on friday. russia has spent around $50,000,000,000. that's almost 10 times what canada spent four years ago. so why the enormous difference? rob revenldz reports from vancouver. flames no longer leap from the cauldron. but the city has tangible reminders in the form of several sports stadiums. a new rail line to the city's airport, housing and community centers. vancouver's olympics caused about $62,000,000,000 u.s. dollars, a fraction of what russia is spending on sochi. vancouver olympics john if you arelong says his team scrutinized every penny that was
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spent. blood, sweat and tears, absolutely everything, you know, that we simply went into every single account. when the russian president pitched sochi in 2007, he promised to spend $12,000,000,000. cost has ballooned to $51,000,000,000. >> russian activists, opposition politicals and even a senior member of the international olympic committee, much of the enormous cost of the sochi games is due to corruption. project pocket the difference, running over with their anticipated to be so it's been far and away the most expensive olympics ever been. >> these olympics vancouver
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convention center are a reminder of canada's national pride in hosting games. >> robert van wines berg at the university of columbia has study financing closely says the games have become nationalistic spectacle did spiraling out of control. >> despite talk of sustainability, those things are becoming massive show cases for entire nations. we are seeing it, you know, was real. we are seeing it with sochi. we saw it with beijing and now the world cup is becoming like this in some ways, too. the games are just the platform upon which you build an international image. as that trend continues, the relatively modest gains held here on candidate's pacificific shore may prove to have been the last of their kind. rob reynolds, al jazeera, vancouver. >> it for the news hour. another bull at this time right at the top of the hour.
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welcome to also al jazeera america. reports that award winning actor phillip seymour hoffman was found dead in his manhattan where a protestor said he was beaten for eight days announced that he is leaving the country. where the cost of sex abuse settlements has now left the diocese completely bankrupt. and over in california they are facing the driest winter on record,
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