tv Consider This Al Jazeera February 6, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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catholic hostel and soup kitchen. those are the headlines. see you back here at 11 eastern 8 pacific. consider this is up next. sey back here at 11. l it's is our face's power grid vulnerable to terrorists? a stunning attack is raise be concerns, inside of minds of a child with autism. what's it's like to have the disorder? plus facing an armed militia with nothing but courage and, surviving a real-life house of horrors. hello, i am antonio mora, welcome to "consider this." here is more on what's ahead. ♪ ♪ >> scare a salt on the power grid in california. >> whoever did this appears to have a plan beyond just putting
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a few bullets in foy power planned. the lips move. the sound comes later they are out of sync that happens to chirp with autism. >> their per seven tull world is coon fusing. >> controversies on the campus of wellsly college. the man with no hadn't has everyone talking. >> i thought it was funny. >> it's the tonight show with jay leno. >> he's been number one for two decades. >> leno's final show is tonight. >> and he will hand the keys to every jimmy fallon. >> how that possible? >> ♪ ♪ we within with what might be the most significant incident ever of domestic terrorism involving the american power grid. an attack that until how has flown under the radar. in april of last year, unknown attackers cut communications cables and fired more than 100 rounds at a san jose power station. knocking out 17 transformers, that provide power to silicon valley. quick action by the power company minimized the impact to consumers but more than
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$15 million worth of damage was done. joining us now from washington, d.c. is brian michael general kids a senior adviser at the ran corporation who has served as an ahead describedder to the state department. he now focuses on terrorism. great to have you with us, the fbi said at this point in the investigation, it does not think it was a terrorist attack. do you agree with that? >> well, i don't know where the investigation is so it's hard to say whether i agree or disagree. there was no claim of responsibility, no attempt by the perpetrators of the attack to gain publicity, which is often a hallmark of terrorism could be a motive but other motives could be a hospital ill employee, potential criminal extortion or other motives we don't understand yet.
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>> no arrests. they said it wasn't an incident where billy bob and joe decided after a few brewskis to shoot up a substation, they said it was a well thought out attack and targeted specific components. what does that tell new. >> well, that suggests that they had either done their homework or potentially they had inside knowledge of how the system works. you know, we look at these -- at these facilities, there is an array of transformers, and power lines, to the ordinary outsider, it's mystifying, one wouldn't know which one to fire rounds at, which ones to go after. the fact that in this case, it's reported that they were targeting specific components, does suggest a degree of more so 50 kayed nothing. >> right, john the former
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chairman of the federal energy regulatory commission believe it was an act of terrorism and it was likely a dress rehearsal for a bigger terror plot that could take down the u.s. power grid and block out much of the country. what do you think, do you think there is a likelihood athlete that this was a test for a big air tack? >> i can't say that. i mean, we certainly have seen in our own history in the united states, attacks by terrorist on his the power grid. in fact, in years past, there were attacks on the same power grid that was attacked last april in the 1970s a group calling themselves the new world liberation front carried out a bombing campaign directed against the electrical power grid and caused some fairly serious blackouts in sauce lead ansauce litoand san jose, so itt unprecedented but to carry out a
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major attack that would bring down the system nationwide that would require hitting a number of specific points simultaneously to preclude the possibility that the authorities could reroute power. it could happen, i don't want to say it's not feasible. but in recent years, we really haven't seen terrorist plots that have reached that magnitude. most of the terrorist plots we have seen in this country since 9/11, 68% of them have involved a single individual. the others have been tiny conspiracies. >> in the past there have been block blackouts and they have created all sorts of redundancies to protect against any one of the three major grid in the united states going down again. but here they really took out 17 transformers, six circuit breakers, it was 15 1/2 million dollars in damage. this is pretty significant what they managed to do. and, again, a lot of the power
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grid is really out there unprotected, right? >> it is. there is no question that there are vulnerabilities. the question is, what is the scale of threat against those vulnerabilities. we have in our society, especially, you know, a technology dependent society like the united states, vulnerabilities are almost infinite. that does not necessarily translate in to an actual threat. we have to make decisions on how we allocate finite security resources to protect against these. we can protect against every single possible contingency, we simply don't have the resources for that. >> as you bring up technology, when u.s. officials warmed about attacks on electric power facilities and on the grid, the first thing that most often comes to mind is somehow sophisticated computer hackers somehow getting mal malware and
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shutting us down, do you think that's the bigger threat? >> i don't know it's the bigger one. we have certainly seen more activity in the cyber area as opposed the area of physical sabotage. and that is simply because we are now so dependent on these systems because there are so many people with this technical know how, which has become increasingly available. and we also see a lot of activity, because it's -- it's criminally driven. that is that there are commercial opportunities here. you don't want to conflict that with terrorist attacks, but it certainly keeps the issue of cyber vulnerabilities in -- on the front pages. >> a lot to think about. brian michael vinnie kins of the ran corporation, great to have you on the show. thank you. >> thank you. turning now to a disturbing discovery. 55 bodies have been found on the dozer reform school in florida's panhandle think men who attended
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the cool say it was hell on earth and recall the small white house on the product with they endured sexual abuse and brutal beatings, many are believed to have died from the abuse and the search for 40 more bodies continues. joining us now from naples, florida is jerry cooper he was sent there in 1960 when i was h- he was 15 years old he's the president of the white house boys organization which tworbgz stop violence against children in schools. good to have you with us, jerry. now, this was a reform school, you were sent to it because you had runaway. and for decades there were horror stories about the abuses taking place there. so how did it stay open for 111 years? >> antonio, the only thing that i can say to that, you know, that question is that the mind set there, it never changed. you know, from the day it started until it ends.
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the place was never policed by the right authorities. and they did what they wanted to at will when it came to us. >> you believe that you actually witnessed a murder? >> absolutely. >> what happened in that case? >> i have four other witnesses. we were actually being coached months before the regular season would open for the football team, i was the quarterback on the football team, and we were actually practicing illegally according to state law. and the heat was so bad and they hid us in the gym because that way, you know, none of the other schools or people would know that we were practicing at that time and it took a boy's life. he was actually run to death. >> and you -- >> and i tried to intervene -- go ahead, sir. >> no, please, go ahead. you tried what? >> i tried to intervene when he collapsed and, is it okay to use
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names? >> sure. >> okay. his name was edgar elton, he was 15 years old. and he had collapsed a couple of times on the gym floor and troy tidwell, along with r.w. hatton forced him to get up and run again when i tried to intervene, r.w. hatton reached for his pistol. he was in the gym that day. and they made him run until he collapsed again and he died. he didn't stand a chance. >> i know some of those men have faced charges in the past. now, you believe that many of the boys died because of brutal beatings that led to shock? >> absolutely. we had children there as young as 10, 11, 12 years olds they couldn't tank some of the
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beating. i know i took on 135 lashes at 2:00 in the morning and he i actually passed out. and went in to shock and literally had to rip my cloth, my night clothing out of my rear end and also my legs. and i just can't imagine some of the 10-year-old, 11-year-old kids being able to survive beatings like that. they were quite common. they went on every day. >> and anything could lead to a beating? >> absolutely. if you looked at somebody wrong, they called it you know, yo youe eyeballing me, you could go to the white house. if you stepped out of formation on the way to the chow line, you might go to the white house. anything could put you in the white house at any given time. >> and the university of south florida is leading the search for bodies on the school produ product. they said they expect to find a total of more than 100 bodies
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when they are done. >> yes, that's what i understa understand. i understand for the last few days that they have had cadaver dogs in there from up, you know, massachusetts, connecticut, and i was told by a pretty good, reliable source there has been some hits for the dogs but that's all i know at this point. >> the university as released a list of names hoping for information on boys who went missing. they know very little. or anything tied to their death. you say at times if kids tried to escape they would send dogs out after them. >> absolutely. the fullback for the football team just before we started or football practice had tried to escape and he ended up with about 200 stitches in his face, arms, chest, and that was from a
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dog attack after he had tried to get way. i mean, these dogs were brutal. they had doby and they also had pitbull mixes along with bloodhounds and the odds of you escaping was about next to none. >> now, florida prosecutors have yet to file really any significant charges or any big criminal investigations. what do you hope will come out of this? >> i would hope that after finding 24 more bodies in a graveyard that the fble stated there was only 31, would be due cause to launch a criminal investigation, wouldn't you, sir? >> you and -- seeing all these boyds, certainly. but one instructor at the school was accused of abuse in a class action lawsuit that was filed by you and 200 former students in 2009, but that case was dismissed after a judge ruled that the statute of limitations on those specific charges had run out and he was one of the
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last living instructors, murder there is no statute of limitations but at this point do you have any hope that anybody will be held accountable for this? >> when a used troy tidwell to the lead investigationer of the fdle of murder he said he would be questioned to that effect. but when the fdle agent approached troy tidwell he immediately took on the fifth amendment and he is protected right now to this day under the fifth amendment. and the only chance that we stand, to even get him in a court of law will be if the justice department comes in and i want convenience. because it's not going to happen through the state of florida. i have been through every political office there is in this state asking why. i even contacted the the district attorney for the 14 account district which is where the crime happened and he refuses to discuss it with me. so he stays under the --
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>> i am sorry, how did your experience at the school affects your life? >> badly. after i left there i have been treated all my life for post stress. anger management. i have been in anger management on a couple of occasions and i just have been an angry person ever since i left there. my life was changed when i left there. i wasn't the same kid that went in there. and it ruined a lot of these men's lives. i have men right now that are white house boys that are incarcerated and they are my age. and yes, this had a lot do with that. you can not treat children like that and not expect repercussions down the line. >> i am sorry for what you -- >> we just never healed from it. >> i am sorry for what you went through and hess other kids went through and i wish you the best of luck in our efforts to
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uncover the truth of what happened there. the jerry cooper. good to have you with us. coming up despite autisms growing prevalence it's often misunderstood. what's it really like to suffer from the disorder. we'll have a unique look at a minds of a child with autism. also the curious case of the half naked male statue. why it's causing such a stir on campus at wellingsly and hermela is tracking the top stories on the web. what's trending. >> revolutionary technology gives home to amputees, i'll have the details coming up. and what do you you think, join the conversation on the 30 at aj consider this and on our facebook and google plus pages. this is the 900 page document we call obama care. and my staff has read the entire thing. can congress say the same?
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there's more to it. reports now. some of the preparations here have come down to the wire, with armies of helpers and volunteers putting the finishes touches to the olympic dream. but on the've of the games an unlucked development, a warning from the government that bomb making equipment could be smuggled on to planes on tooth paste
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tubes. this information is being checked, if confirmed this means our security services are on alert. this information allowed us to city the security in the city of sochi will be provided appropriately. >> it's been 6 1/2 years since the host city was announced. >> the city of sochi. and russia celebrated. but since is then, a new study might provide
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vital clues of what happens in the minds of childrens stud are stufferring from autism. a million are believed to suffer from it. the brains appear to experience a lag which they try to match sight and sound. where people without autism take less than a quarter i've second to connect the sound with the sight of whatever produced it. children who have autism can take more than twice that long to make the connection. al jazerra america janet a shows us how that might affect the mind of a child with autism and the results are deeply disorienting. >> reporter: imagine irrelevant in the minds of a child with all autism. sites and sounds aren't matching up. lipsing moving but the voice is delayed. >> no this, way where are you going? >> reporter: confusion ensues, now you are scared and embarrassed. a buzz approaches.
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but you only hear it once it's passed. you don't know any better. to you this is normal. something as routine as riding in the car can be confusing. >> do you have homework? what document for doubler? yeah. what's going on? tell me what you do today? what did you do at recess? huh? are you okay? are you okay? >> reporter: even play dates, what most kids look forward to can be too much. >> my dad is getting ice cream for me! yea.
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[laughter] >> do you want to come and play with us? maybe you can get some ice cream too? >> reporter: this is the not so ordinary afternoon of a child with autism. >> that was from janet and for more i am joined from nashville by dr. mark wallace, director of the vanderbilt brain institute and a prefoes or of hearing and speech sciences who led the study. mark, good to have you with us. >> pleasure to be here. >> you know, deeply disorienting to watch that. do you think that is an accurate representation of what might be going on their minds? >> i think it is. i think we really believe that these children live in an extraordinarily confusing sensory world and i think the video and audio captures that very well. >> and why did you decide to focus this? has there not been enough study of how children with autism are struggling with linking sight
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and sound? >> i think exactly. there has been a tremendous amount of focus on children having problems in language and communication, in social interactionses and these restricted interests and repetitive behaviors. or perspective is there is an interesting sensory piece behind as well. and that was the real motivation for the stud toy explore it in more detail. >> how did you figure it out? how did you determine that this was going on? >> what we did is we actually -- we just created a series of in essence what i consider to be video games that the children played, which in the context of the video game it was a way for us to di derive data that let us know how well they were binding sight and sounds of the stimuli that we were presenting. >> and you had kids of the same age and what you believe are similar i.q.s, how could you determine that? don't kids with autism struggle with i.k. tests and standardized test something. >> excellent question actually. and what we worked with in this
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study is what are considered high-functioning with autism. those are children that have i.q.s of what we consider a typically developed child. >> what are the con kens of this kind of sensory lag? it can have all sorts of consequences from learning to speech, to even safety, when we look at the video of that bus going by and not hearing the bus, that is actually very frightening, i think. >> i completely agree. and i think the consequences are, you know, when i talked earlier about the domains, these three domains, language and communication, social interactions, those are two that we think are extraordinarily multi sensory, they really rely on children finding both sights, sounds, and even touch. and so if this process of binding this information together is impacted, then we believe it's going to have these affects on processes like social interactions and language and communication. >> it's things as simple as i think you describe it at one point if i have a cup and say
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point it at the cup and say this is a cup trying to teach a child the word, that they may not be hearing cup when i am pointing at the cup. >> exactly right. i think there is, you know, there is a did he synchronization in that time and it's a very good example when children look to read it's binding together the sight and sounds of the words and it takes place within a very narrow interval of time if that interval is expanded then there will be a confusion in terms of what sights, sounds, elements of the words belong together. >> you mention that it's not just necessarily the sight and sound senses it also could be touch. and so, a child could be touching something and then not reacting to that again brings up all sorts of issues of safety. if a child is touching something that's hot. >> yeah. completely agree. i think it's a great illustration and you know, we haven't focused on safety, but i think you are right. there is an enormous implication that relates to that as well. >> do you think this could apply to children across the full range of the autism spectrum?
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>> we do. in fact, we believe that probably children who are more severely impacted are going to even have greater deficits in the types of things we are measuring. that was part of the toronto start with the high-functioning children now we are trying to adapt our tasks, these games so that they can be played by children who are lower and lower if yofunctioning. >> did the children in your study understand what you were doing and did they learn anything that helped them in. >> i think they did. these are wonderful children, first of all. and obviously they are very bright. and they are extraordinarily interested in cooperating with us. partly to learn more about themselves but also because they have this sense that they want to help other children with autism. >> what about treatment, is there anything that you can do to help the kids out? >> it's early right now. but our hope is that we can -- we have a pilot study right now where we are training children on these same video games, where rather than just playing the game, they are actually getting
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feedback or reward based on their performance on the game. and the hope there is by using this game to train their sensory systems, we can narrow this window that we have discovered to be larger in children with autism. and our hope that that will have cascading affect odds language and communication and social interactions. >> as the unck of two children who have autism i can only wish you the best and hope that the results of your study and efforts do help so many of these kids who are suffering from this and we wish you and them the best. dr. mark wallace, thank you. >> thank you very much. appreciate the opportunity. switching topics now, a sleep-walking man in his underwear has been accused of triggering apprehension, fear, and thoughts of sexual assault on the all women wellesley college campus near boston. even though the man in question, is a work of art. sleep walker is a sculpture by artist tony and part of an exhibit at wellesley's davids museum. here is what students said about it on thursday. >> i thought it was funny. and i was like is that real?
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it didn't offense me. >> personally, i don't mind it, but i know a lot of other students do. >> if we can't put cloth on it, i would like it to be moved. i knew it was there, when i saw it, at night, and i still thought it was a real person. >> i like understand that people are really bothered by it for sure, but i think it's really weird. >> and hundreds of wellesley students signed a petition complaining about sleep walker asking that it be moved inside the museum. for more i am joined from newton, massachusetts by sculptor tony, who created sleep walker. and other works that are on display at wellesley's davis museum. good to have you with us being it's cause i had a really big uproar, hundreds of students signed the petition asking that it be taken off the campus grounds, the petition calls sleep waller an inappropriate and potentially harmful addition to our kuhn this. it's become the source of apprehension and fear, triggering thoughts regarding sexual assault, for some members of our campus community. were you surprised by the intense i of the response?
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>> i was totally surprised. it was surprising, i think to me and the davis museum itself. no one had expected this kind of reaction. although i think all types of reaction to artwork is great. we wanted this kind of dialogue. but we were really surprised by the nature and intensity of it, yeah, for sure. >> it was such a big reaction that you actually had to meet with some wellesley students today to discuss the reaction to sleep walker. what did they say? >> well, it was largely around the idea of it being a trigger for some intense memories. a trigger for those kind of traumatic memories and i am sensitive to that, i think it's important that we think about that. but artwork is subjective. and we can't be -- i can't be totally responsible for what people bring to a particular sculpture. >> what is the resolution? is it going to stay? >> i think it's going to stay.
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i think after meeting with the students they got to air their voices and talk to us more about this and i think with time, everyone is going to appreciate where it is and i think now after i had a chance to explain to these students the reason it's in that particular location, everyone i think is a little more comfortable with it. and let's see what happens in a few days, i think everyone is going to have a little bit more time to think about it. and hopefully this will come to a really calm conclusion. >> now wellesley's president and the museum's director are backing you. they said in a statement that the very best works of art have the power to stimulate deeply personal emotions and to provide unexpected new ideas and this sculpture is no exception. is that what you were going for? >> well, i wasn't intend to go make any controversial i thought it was a very quiet sculpture. i thought that people would have feelings of empathy towards this figure.
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after all, it's a sculpture of a man who is unconscious, he's passive, completely, and i -- and isolated in this landscape, a snow eiland escape at that. one that's cold and desolate and he's completely dislocated and lost. so i thought the people would have empathetic reaction to this sculpture not such a hot reaction the way that they have had. i wasn't intend to go make anything controversial and it's took my completely by surprise. >> has any of your work created this kind of controversy before? >> no, not in this way. some of my other works are more visceral, some of the older works but i thought that show in particular. i thought this show in particular was one of my more formal and one of my more conservative shows. so in comparison to some of that other earlier work, i thought
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this was really surprising to have this type of reaction towards something that i thought was quite serene, let's say. >> what did you think when you heard some students went out there overnight and dress dressed the sleep walker? >> you know, i sort of expected that. i was told that there is a row dan sculpture on campus for a while and it's called walking man which is a sculpture of a naked man and it was dressed up by students and with scarfs and hats and treated more or less like a mascot i suppose. so i kind of expected that. and i saw images or taken on instagram where people had built snowman next to it and put t-shirts on it, and all of this sort of thing and i think that that kind of affectionate response is what i was really expecting actually. i was kinds of prepared for that and i think that's cool. that's totally fine and the way that people should probably interact with the sculpture like this. >> that's pretty amazing the response it's gotten.
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would you be upset if they moved it inside the museum? >> well, i don't think they will. and it doesn't belong inside. so if they want to move it inside, then we'll remove it from the campus entirely. this is a sculpture that was designed to be in the landscape, it's best in the landscape and it should be remain in the landscape the reason it's in that particular location because it's the only spot that's visible from the fifth floor gallery so when you are in the fifth floor gallery looking out the big window the only window in that museum, by the way, you look down upon that figurer and it just am identifies feelings of impact i towards this figure, am identifies his isolation and the sense that he is displaced, alone and wandering in an almost cinematically baron slant escape it's important that that's in that location it's not necessary he's in that particular low characters i think he will function anywhere just as well. but there is no bring him inside. >> a fascinating conversation and controversy. thanks for having you.
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time to see what's trends on this website. >> for the first time scientists have created a prosthetic hands that gives an amputee the sense of touch. 36-year-old den ups sorenson of denmark who lost his hand in a fireworks accident volunteered to be the test subject on the project. the week-long experience led dennis feel different objects, a bottle, a baseball, some cotton and an orange. to make sure he didn't cheat he wore a blind phone and headphones and he could tell if they were hard, is off, and adjust his grip. markly doctors impacted tony electrodes insides two nerves of stum of his arm, when they zapped the nerves he felt his missing fencmissing teamsers yoe moving. it wail take years more of research and development before a hand that feels is available to the public, you can read more on the website. back to you.
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the stream is uniquely interactive television. in fact, we depend on you, your ideas, your concerns. >> all these folks are making a whole lot of money. >> you are one of the voices of this show. >> i think you've offended everyone with that kathy. >> hold on, there's some room to offend people, i'm here. >> we have a right to know what's in our food and monsanto do not have the right to hide it from us. >> so join the conversation and make it your own. >> watch the stream. >> and join the conversation online @ajamstream. revolutions are defined by courage and strength against the most insurmountable odds but the costs are often brutally high. that's the subject of the next
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course-nominate the documentary in our series the short subject film. it follows the attack by government force on his a peaceful protest in yemen that took 53 lives. the footage is chilling. >> sarah directed the film and joins us via a skype fry jim. karama has month walls is playing in select cities across the country with a program showing the other oscar-nominated short subject documentaries it will be
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available on itunes as of tuesday. great to have you with us, you had ca rams filming these peaceful protests as part the country's arab spring and show step by step how it started with fires and peaceful people were getting killed as if they were sitting ducks. why did this happen? >> nobody really knows why it happens. it came as a shock to everybody, myself included, which is why, you know, i really felt the need to make a film about it. the willingness of the cameraman to stay steadfast in the frontlines the way they did and document regardless of the danger they were putting themselves in it was incredible. it was like nothing i had ever seen before. >> reporter: because what i tried to show in the film as well in the begin, the first 15 minutes of the film or 10 minutes, was the peaceful setup.
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the peaceful, the sit ins, the way that people assembled and it was a very peaceful environment and atmosphere and yemen it became something very festive and it was like a day out event that they would take part in as a family and so that was what i he experienced and my friends experienced and the cameramen i knew experienced. and every friday there was a bigger gathering with the prayers. and it was something -- one of the most peaceful things that you could do is go to prayer gathering. and it was completely unexpected. it came as a complete shock as well because of the way it hand it was very systematic, the wall suddenly appeared and then just after the prayers happened, tires that were piled up behind the walls were set on fire. and the smoke from the fire formed a smokescreen so that then the snipeers could g go ono the buildings and shoot directly
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at the protesters. i didn't hire the cameramen and didn't know them beforehand but i met them afterwards through snippets of their footage youtube and i reached out to them and found these amounts of footage of the details of the events which were completely hidden real and i there was a completely blackout about what happened on the day. >> we see the fires as they started everything was peaceful the fires start and the shooting begins, now there are more than weapons than people in yemen have you ever till everyone is armed there. but the protesters were now. and you can see throughout this how they couldn't fight back other than throwing a few stones. their courage was incredible. but as you mentioned the courage of those two photographers was incredible, because they were targeted, people were shooting a them and they had by dye all around them. >> that's what made it incredible. it was a very symbolic gesture by the protester they knew they
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couldn't get credibility from the rest of the public that wasn't demonstrating at that point, but also from the outside world. you know, they wanted to basically show that they were willing to ask for solace to step down in 2011 without using the -- you know, the means which the methods that they are so used to using which is weapons and warfare and violence. so because they knew that their image was tainted inter fashionly, you know, by being associated with terrorism you know, whatnot, they wanted to move away from those stereo types and really show the world that they could -- that they could go out and demonstrate without the use of weapons. so it was a conscious decision that they made and even if they did have the weapons, i don't think they would have retaliated with force.
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there are scenes during the film the more the gunfire rains down upon them men were taking off their shirts and standing up did, -- >> defying the shooters, as you go through it, little kids shot, one lost his eyes, did the reaction to this horror later help topple yemen's long-time president? >> it was the moment did h defiy spurred a little people to the square. it was a training points for sure, you wouldn't say it was the defining moment or the moment that made him him step down, it took almost a year for that a to actually happen. finsters resigned and hundreds of thousands of people flocked to the square so the crowds multiplied. they were tenfold of what they were will hav bench and people a
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responsibility to that their fellow citizens and realized how far the government was willing to go in order to thwart them and remain in power. i guess that really was a wake-up call that yemen needed. >> but then he was almost assassinate aid year later, finally handed overpower to a deputy but he's still in yemen and in fact he or his son may run for president. so in the end was anybody really held accountable? did the protests really accomplish anything? >> no, it didn't achieve anything. the council gave him immunity for being trial for anything. nobody is being held accountable. the people that were captured whether they are be tried or nod, all the information about the case and surrounding the case has been very vague a human rights lawyer was defending the
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victims and their rights and he was assassinated so there has been a lot of silencing and question marks surrounding whole case. >> it's incredible to see a dictator end up being able to stay after a tragedy like this. and who knows if he may some day have power again. it's a very powerful fill. karama has no walls is playing in select cities across the country with the program that shows the other oscar-nominated short subject documentaries. it will also being available again on itunes as a tuesday, sarah, thank you so much for joining us and best of luck at the oscars. >> thank you very much. straight ahead, do russian squirrels make good pets? what about gators? some of the strangest pets in the world are next for our data dive. and jay leno walks way from late night with some controversy. what's his legacy?
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>> we lost lives... >> that make a difference... >> senator, we were hoping we could ask you some questions about your legal problems... >> that open your world... >> it can be very dangerous... >> i hear gunshots... >> the bullet came right there through the widdow... >> it absolutely is a crisis... >> real reporting... >> what we do... >> america tonight, only on al jazeera america. ♪ ♪ today's data dive gets a pet, a somewhat strange one, squirrels are disappearing from parks in moscow apparently they are being stolen by russians because they have become popular pets. squirrel poachers can resill juan for $140, but they now face a fine of nearly $600 if they are caught in the act.
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squirrels look cute, but they aren't good pets. still, they are far from the strangest ones you'll find. thousands of americans keep alligators as pets. yep, gators, they can grow to 12 feet and could kill you at snack time, which is why several states have made having one at home illegal. that didn't stop john quincy adams from keeping one in i a bathtub in the east room of the white house. that terrified some guests. the marquee gave it to him, maybe we should blame the french. small desert foxes are a pretty common pet even though they have sharp teeth. but they only weigh as much as a chihuahua and are not considered to be dangerous. there are dozens of videos like these of them on youtube. wallabies are in the dang roo family, they are very cues, gloria he is stepan used to have some and owner can board by carrying them in a sling. pigs have become a favorite for some celebrities, among them
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paris hilton, david beckham and george clooney, maybe because they are supposed tour very loyal and smart. however the strangest celebrity pet has to be to nicholas cage, the oscar winner once owned an octopus and a king cobra. he said the cobra didn't like him and turned his back on him when he would walk in to the room and that the cobra would also sway side to side to try to hypnotize him. i think i'll stick with my dog. coming up, jay leno says goodbye to late night. we'll say look at his legacy next. future, and take you behind the scenes at our evolving world. techknow - ideas, invention, life.
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on al jazeera america >> start with one issue education... gun control... the gap between rich and poor... job creation... climate change... tax policy... the economy... iran... healthcare... ad guests on all sides of the debate. >> this is a right we should all have... >> it's just the way it is... >> there's something seriously wrong... >> there's been acrimony... >> the conservative ideal... >> it's an urgent need... and a host willing to ask the tough questions >> how do you explain it to yourself? and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5 eastern only on al jazeera america
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a decades long era of late night television is coming to an end as jay leno says goodbye to the tonight show which he has hosted for the last 22 years, where will he go from here? and what does it mean to late night television? joining us now is al jazerra culture critic bill why why man, great to have you with us, this is not the first time we have seen jay leno's last episode as the host of the tonight show. this time do you think it's for real? >> we are going to find out. the thing i is it's not up us and/or ja jay leno it's up to te ratings and the affiliates. what happened last time is all the nbc affiliates basically revolted with the ratings that conan o'brien got.
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did he deposed him and brought leno back and here we are four years later we'll see if fallon can keep them all happen. >> i well, talking about ratings, leno is going out on top. he was on top for most of his tenure there. but these days there is so much competition in late night. not just on broadcast networks on calls, weapon dvrs, streaming other digital entertainment. the ratings are nothing compared to what carson had in his prime. do late night talk shows matter the way they used to? >> they don't people don't talk about them as much as people do in the need ya. i don't think they matter. the big change is social media. fallon, kimmel, they are master of the social media. the viral videos ways to get in to people's -- buzz around in people's head in the morning, right? and but, of course, the ai era s not quiet over, david letterman is in his saddle. he should be there a few more
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years, when he leaves, it will definitely be the end of late night. and as you said, boy, these guys, i don't think everyone we are talking about together gets ratings equally half of what carson did. so we are talking about viewer interest that's very small. >> carson made some comments they resonated unless something goes viral it's nothing compared to what existed then. big picture, do you see anything significant leno legacy or will we just see him as a very pleasant man who amused us for many years? it's of course not a bad thing. >> no, it isn't. and, boy, he stayed on top for decades. and just to do that in any venue much less the fabled sequel to the johnny carson show is a big deal. it should be said that ben leno's regular is a is a small one. unfortunately, he's left a pretty bad legacy amongst the comedian community. i think it's fair to say people like letterman, jimmy kimmel, conan o'brien, johnny carson him
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certainly none of them had much very many rostislav the for jay leno and i think that's the tag that will follow him. >> the tonight show is of course a big brand that exists outside of leno. didn't help conan that much. do you think the viewers are going to be loyal to the shore owe leno? will they leave or will jimmy fallon hold on to the audience? >> right. well, it's jimmy fallon's role to take on right now. and as a very, very fast guy. he's incredibly smart. great mimic his thing with bruce spring string about chris christie is one of the best things we have seen on late night for a long time. >> it was comical. >> it's a really great venue late night because you can do amazing things with it. the sad thing, again, is the audience isn't there. on the other hand, as we saw in the whole leno, letterman, carson, conan o'brien, fallon legacy, it's a great story. story. let's also remember that the guy behind the scenes is the guy behind saturday night life,
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lorne michaels he will have two shows on nbc, saturday night live, and he has association with some prime time too. so this is also going to be the lauren michaels era going forward. >> we have a social media question for you, let's go hermela. >> i wish i could care about len on's last week but haven't we been there and done that enough already. even after 20 plus years with the tonight show leno's farewell seems mooted compared to carsons, do you think it's because people said goodbye once before? >> i do. and he does have a loyal audience and i am sure they'll misimpressiomiss him. it's a mainstream audience that doesn't have the social media influence anymore and doesn't have mean allies in the big city media either. you are not seeing the sort of morning that wenmourning with sg and johnny leaving. there is not as much drama. this time but we all wish him a great happy retirement.
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he's a great working, going to be available in standup all around the country and i am sure he will be back on nbc in some for him at some point. >> let's turn from the end one era to being days way from the fifth anniversary of the beginning of another one. the beatles first appearance on the american television, on the ed sullivan show three weeks in a row and that kicked offbeatal mania and we have never seen anything like it since, have we, bill? >> no. honestly i have been spending the last three weeks trying to figure out anything other things in the 20th century that had quite the cultural effect that the beatle had this week 50 years ago, maybe the film birth of a nation in 1917 or so, but the beatles changed everything. you gotta remember that the songs that were number one hits before the beatles were things like dominique by the singing nun, two or three weeks -- make six weeks off the beatles were on ed sullivan for the first time they had the top five singles on the billboard charts. they eventually sold half a billion or more records. they created the hippy movement. they created the rock and roll
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movement. the psychedelic movement. and i don't think we'll see anything like that again for sure. >> and it's 50 years later communications have changed and all that. but we are still celebrating these guys, again, five decades later, back in the '60s i am sure we weren't celebrating stars from the -- from 1910, were we? do you think -- >> isn't that true? >> celebrating these guys 50 years from now? >> it's kind of interesting. part of it is the resilience of the boomer generation, they are still around and still have money and can go out and buy the beatless greatest hits records, but the younger viewers might not realize that the beatles had probably the single most successful songwriter of the 20th century in palma cart i. his partner was probably the sixth most popular song writer of the 20 is this century. both among the most handsome men among the 20 century and happened to come together at a time where there was this new middle class in america longing
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for something to do. the country was still reeling from the jfk assassination and they came bong over from england at the right time and opened up a whole lot of energy. >> it's not just the baby boomers and we only have 32nd left. but the beatles compilation album released in november of 2000, was the best selling album of the first decade of this century. and it was also when their library was on itunes within 24 hours 11 of the top 25 albums and 60 of the top songs were by the beatles. are they unique? >> absolutely. but that is the boomers they were happy buy those things over and over. >> my kind kids too. >> what? >> my kids too. >> it's combineed with the song-writing skills, songwriting will never go a we and the songs that mccartney and lennon wrote together will be with us for deck says hence. >> it's still great to hear those songs and let letterman has had big stars playing their music every neat that week
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tomorrow larry kane on the show the only broadcast journalist to travel with the beatles through their three american tours. the show may be over but the conversation continues. you can also find you want on twitter. ♪ notes >> good evening, everyone, welcome to al jazerra america, i am john seeing en thought never new york. >> reporter: you have just been raped, beaten and insulted and then they say they will do the same to your daughter. >> a developing story and a disturbing one of the thousands of women reportedly abused, tortured and impressed in iraq. wonder drug, the surprising new report about aspirin, what it may mean in the fight against a leading cause of cancer deaths. self-defense or murder? an argument over loud music end in a young man's death
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