tv Consider This Al Jazeera February 8, 2014 1:00am-2:01am EST
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friday. 25% of the people do not have jobs. government buildings, including the president's, were ransacked. thousands took to the street. those are the headlines. "consider this" is up n. -- is up next. >> a leak tape has u.s. furious. russians gloeting. >> the middle class in decline. big business focuses on the rich and the pour. a half century after america caught beatle mania. we hear from a man at the center of the craze. >> welcome to "consider this," here is more op what is ahead.
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>> top u.s. diplomat victoria nuland takes a swipe at the european union:. >> the video was neated and tweeted by -- noted and tweeted by the russian government. >> the opening ceremony in sochi. >> the all-female group held hands. they came to prominence because of a lesbian kiss. >> a passenger demonstrated the flight be diverted to sochi. >> on the same days as the opening ceremony for the winter olympics. >> companies say they intend to higher more folks. >> the job markets is weak. >> for a second straight month employment numbers below expectations. >> this job report is an indication that the american people are struggling. >> ladies and gentlemen, the beatles. >> sunday marks 50 years since the four young lads came to america, changing music and pop culture forever. using distinctly undiplomatic language about the political
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turmoil in ukraine. it's all getting a very poor reception in the u.s., russia and europe. as al jazeera's janet tavoni reports as the olympic games begin. >> it's safe to say that president obama an and president putin aren't the closest of friends. >> the one thing i'll give president putin credit for, when we sit down to talk there's no beating around the bush or political niceties. i tell him where i strongly disagree with him and he does same. >> not shockingly spying. the u.s. on russia, russia on the u.s. the white house suggests that russia tapped and leaked this recent phone call between two american diplomats and the are situation in the ukraine. >> the
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u.n. help glue it and (bleep) the eu. >> that is going to leave a mark. strong reply criticizing the u.s. for arnlg syrian rebels. not a move that pleased obama. >> i think the latest episode is just one more in a number of emerging differences that we've seen over the last several months. >> believe it or not this epic battle between world powers has led to yogurt. it blocked a shipment of chobani, a pro protein packed american breakfast. it is serious. >> we've been in touch with the russian government trying to stop this. >> dukes are up for obama and putin and their diplomatic dual to the arena .
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jean na gianna tobioni. al jazeera america. >> it is great to have you both back on the show, thank you for being here. you. what happened to secure phone lines, to such a thick still exists? >> i guess they do and i guess there was a slip here. strange of course that the country harboring snowden should in fact be so blatant in its publication if i can put it this way of american diplomatic traffic. i suppose you can't blame diplomats being frustrated from time to time. i've been there. i think this is probably a one day story than anything that has any long term significance. the things we can look at is whether in fact we can work together on iran, whether there
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are real possibilities in syria, where putin has called for some kind of an olympic truce which i think makes a great deal of sense. whether secretary kerry will make progress on israel israel-palestine. whether on afghanistan pakistan we say eye to eye on a lot of things. whether russia will continue to help and assist us in the network which has been helpful in afghanistan and whether down the road after sochi there is some kind of opening for additional nuclear disarmament. all of which i think are important. all of which count. and all of which hopefully will slide by slipups as we have seen here today. >> i'll get to the fallout a little bit later. but assistant secretary of state victoria newland podled for using the f--- apologized for
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using the f-word. why do it now for putin putting on the good face for the olympics? >> sorry you wanted to ask me? >> i'm sorry bast base baz judge basil. >> sochi, during the day of the sochi opening ceremony, you would want to try oavoid these kind of scandals. but it is a big country. what might pleas the kremlin, it's not necessarily coming from the kremlin. but russia always tries a way to stick it to the west. that's unfortunate, 20 years after the soviet union -- >> it's tit-for-tat? >> tit-for-tat. they used it for what they could.
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absolutely, they are not going o, if the united states is spying all over the world, russia absolutely legitimately can open up the hypocrisy. the hip okay rations of the west. he is going to open it up to the community. >> for the rest of the world if they are doing this kind of spying then why complain about the u.s? >> it's a points i tried to make a moment ago, and i think is that's correct. what kruschev has said. the way to do that is to kick the u.s. hard. i think there's a certain amount of that and why not in a day where it looks like everything is going very well for him at sochi he should take a whack at the u.s. as well. there's not anything that says i.t. has to be all sweetness and
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he light all the time. those kind of issues that have been very much endemic, in our relationship, is endemic on the fact that we are each slogging at each other on what i would call interesting but second-order questions. >> as the ambassador said nina, this does bring up all sorts of issues in relationship. this is also creating problems with the u.s. and the e university because angela merkel was not happy at all and expressed her outrage about this phone call. >> that is what very often putin is, a russian president is, after the collapse of the soviet union. it doesn't have any power, show up power but not a real power, it does act as a splinter, a spoiler in international relations and i think that's exactly what they just tried to do to try to get influence and
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importance by beaning somebody else. >> what the outcome should be, who should be backed, they are certainly backing those who are not favorable to russia. let's listen to the comment about what politician to back in the ukraine. >> we have got to do something to make it stick together. if it does start to gain altitude, the russians will be working backstage to try otorpedo the government. >> ambassador what does this conversation reveal about the state of our relationship with russia and the consequences of ukraine, the biggest country in europe? >> there is possibility for serious change in
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ukraine cs against yanukovych. but where popular sentiment for reform and change rests and therefore who to support and it shouldn't come as a shock to the rest of the world that american diplomats take interest in these questions and through their diplomatic interests try to support one side or the other, on issues of this sort which is of paramount importance to the united states and interestingly enough to the eu. with all respects chancellor merkel should be complaining when she herself was deeply disturbed when others were listening to her conversation. we should ground ourselves and state, which pot is calling the kettle black. >> what about the yogurt mess?
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why are the russians not allowing the yogurt that the americans want? is it tit-for-tat once again? >> it's a one day story, that's exactly what the splinter problem is, you come up not with serious issues but slightly idiotic issues such as yogurt. obviously we know they went against putin's antigay law propaganda, so russians decide tit-for-tat to reciprocate. this is not a lasting story. it shows russia has been discombobulated as ever since 1991. >> all i can say is maybe the yogurt was the secret weapon for our success and the russians are going to cut it off and their gold metal toll will increase. >> let's hope our american athletes get their yogurt. ambassador, glad to have you back on the
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show. >> not at all, glad to be with you. >> performance by tattoo, a popular russian duo. as the ceremony they held hands, had dancers distress dressed in rainbow colors and had rainbow lights. this comes after the russian harsh treatment of the gay and lesbian community. for more we're joined from london by malen larson, who produced the documentary young and gay in putin's russia for vice tv. and the passion of pussy riot. one of 200 writers who published a letter, denouncing the choke
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hold on freedom of expression of russia. what if anything should be read into allowing tattoo to perform at the opening ceremonies in sochi? >> it is a perfect russian ploy. russia has been trying to play the domestic audience separately from the international audience forever, especially on the lgbt issue. they decided this was just the perfect idea. because tattoo is read as a pseudo lesbian group in the u.s. and not in russia. perfectly innocuous program in russia. >> but they've kissed on stage which-- >> that was ten years ago. >> again as we were just saying, these women who performed tonight are known for kissing on stage which would be against the law. does this pass because it's two women and not men? >> well, what i found out,
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speaking to the activists on the ground, was it seemed like generally lesbians were more accepted in society than the men. but you know, you book a band like tattoo and their lesbianism is just a gimmick and the man who created them even admitted that their whole image was to play on male fantasies about young women. you can book tattoo to sing at the opening ceremony of the olympics but that's not going ochange anything on the ground in russia. because the only thing that's going to change anything for lgbt community is to create more knowledge and awareness. because the russian government is commuting that with pedophilia. is.
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>> you left after -- because a spokesperson for the antigay propaganda laws said that russian orphans needed to be saved from perverted family like masha gessens is. >> my partner and i have three children together and we didn't think we could risk any of them. so we left for united states. and i think you know, i'm an opposition journalist and i've been an opposition journalist for years. what has happened to me as an openly gay person in the last couple of years with the number of death threats and the number of direct threats to my family, doesn't even compare to the kinds of things i used to hear as a journalist. >> russia is one of the most dangerous places for journalists these days.
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i can imagine what it is for gay journalists. what did you see? how bad is the situation? >> well, you know, there in big cities like lost cow and st. petersburg of course you have young people open minded. but you know, i mean, you can look at it from several levels. like generally the ignorance i met on the street just doing question-and-answers with me and especially young people would almost answer aggressively when you ask them about homosexuality. but you can see when you introduce state sanctioned homophobia which is what the law against felon traditional relationship to minor aka the antigay marijuana law, you create hatred and hatred leads to violence. and as most of the russian lgbt minority has come out with, there's a lot more violence.
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people are -- the gay community, the lgbt community is ostracized, young people no longer can -- you know they can no longer find support, they cannot get support by parents, teachers, there's no discuss of home owes sexuality in school which from those i have met, has led to credit suicide in the country. >> you have written a credit biography of putin, he let pussy riot go, he let kornukofsky go. putin panicked when he saw gay people on the delegation. >> you noticed they had no one to put to his left. thomas bach was on hit right and there was
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a anonymous woman on his left. i think effect has been twofold. i mean, he certainly did believe that lgbt people are the one minority that he can beat on without the world noticing and so he was very surprised practically ambushed when he realized that in fact there was a very strong international reaction to what's going on in america, the campaign of hatred that's been released by the kremlin. after president obama announced his delegation and was cleared that no highly placed official was traveling orussia, he released some high profile political prisoners. it's not a change in policy, it's a very transparent, very cynical are attempt to appease the west. low profile prisoners are in jail, the prosecutor's office is asking for incredibly harsh
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sentences for them and more people are getting arrested. >> as tonight, the opening ceremonies began, ten more people were arrested. the question is what the future of these laws are once the olympics are over and the spotlight recedes from russia. thank you for bringing attention to this and joining us tonight. >> coming up. gls plus, our social media producer helmela aregawi is tracking the top stories on the web. what's trending, hermela? >> antonio, what's in a name? i'll explain coming up. you can join the conversation by tweeting to us @ajconsiderthis or leaving a comment on our facebook and google plus pages.
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berger, and alyssa. >> they have got the big goal and missing a big opportunity. every single country and every single company that focus he on green technology and they are the economy that has the most renewables on their grid. average of 40% renewables on their grid sometimes up to 85% in the summertime they're closing their expensive urge nuclear power and expensive and plughtd coal power and they are a powerhouse of economy. >> hasn't germany increased its emissions after closing their nuclear power because they are going more towards coal and fossil fuels? >> quite the contrary, they are
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going to renewables. if you line up the utilities and their stock prices the best utility increased stock price by over 60%. the worst fell over 40%. the ones on the top all had renewables in the mix, the once at the bottom had zero renewables in the mix. the green segments are doing the best. >> i can see you disagreeing with alyssa and what she was >> yes. two things that were incorrect. the first is that germany gets 22% of its electricity from renewables. half of that is from burning wood and half of that is from hydroelectric dams. both of those things are highly destructive environmentally. germany has seen its emissions go up and not down, it's building more plants, increasing the amount of coal burning it's been doing as it moves away from nuclear. by contrast, the united states
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has seen its emissions grow faster than any other country in the world, doing that by switching from coal to natural gas. not only has it been reducing its emissions, but at a net economic benefits, cheap natural gas has delivered to the u.s. economy every year over the past five years. that's proof you can pretty quickly reduce your emissions by also doing good by the economy. >> alyssa, people would argue that nuclear power is the way to go, that if we want to protect the environment, it has the lowest co2 and safety reasons have greatly improved. >> first actually michael's not right about that. nuclear has more co2 than solar and wind, for example. but you know what, whether you're pro-nuclear
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or guess nuclear, and whether nuclear is not low but lower than other methods, if you are for nuclear or for nuclear, the reality is we can't build enough nuclear if a fast enough. we have brought on 180 megawatts of solar, only 30,000 megawatts of nuclear. it's ten or 20 nuclear plants in the u.s., that's 140 nuclear power plants worth of solar. the google co-founders and ray kutzweile believe we could have clean renewable no ra paight costs and no chance of
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power leaks like fukushima. >> ah leas ah lis alyssa mentioned fukushima. >> the recent estimates for clean july is one fifth the total cost. obviously the tairnl terrible tragedy after the tsunami. solar generated less than .2% of our electricity. in germany solar generated 5%. alyssa is just wrong on what generates and what's fastest. sweden and france over an 11
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year period generated five times and seven times more electricity than germany did from its solar panels using nuclear. and so if you want to generate a lot of power and the world needs a lot of energy because of countries like africa and asia are consuming lot of electricity and you want to deal with climate emissions, nuclear is by far and away the fastest way to generate electricity that's zero carbon. >> unfortunately we're out of town. i hope we'll have more time flex time. >> we'll get michael -- >> straight ahead our business is shifting to target the rich and the poor, while the middle class is being left behind.
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anded 113,000 -- only added 113,000 jobs last month. less than the 126,000 expected. unemployment ticked down to 6.6% 6.6%, meanwhile president obama said he's still looking forward to a turn around. >> companies across the country say they intend to hire even more folks in the year lady. that's why i believe this can be a break through year in america. >> for more i'm joined by westchester, peace prize by mark sudan di. ceo of moody's analytics. now we've had these two back to back weak job reports. last this changed your outlook? >> no, no. i'm equally as optimistic as i was back in december.
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it's bun a tough couple of months but the weather has been awfully bad in those last two months. record cold, storms in many parts of the country. so i think a lot of the weakness we're observing ask related to the very bad weather. >> there seems to be a debate about this, we've had this terrible weather over the last couple of months, joe naroff told the congress, this is the year from hell for wall street. but julia naroff told the journal, rebounding and manufacturing was also solid. so where do you put the weather as a factor here? is it really the main problem? >> well, you should know joel and i are nearly neighbors so we are experiencing the same weather.
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so it's really cold here in philadelphia, and a lot of people don't have power because of all the ice storms. you know, there was a bounce-back in construction in january that would not be consistent with the idea that weather is having an impact. >> right. >> but i think what's going on is that business activity in general across lots of different industries has been very depressed by the cold weather really since early december. and businesses just aren't hiring the way they normally do because of the down business. so it's most obvious in treelg. i mean if you look at sports, toys, hobby stores, they laid off 22,000 people in january. i don't think anything has chainld funnelly fo funnelly -- fundamentally in those businesses. people are not going to stores to buy. auto dealerships, once the more normal weather returns and it
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will, these companies will start ramping back. and we'll get normal hiring and job growth. >> as you said construction jobs grew, they grow by 48,000, professional services by 36,000, manufacturing by dwun,000. private employers were the big engine, they put 142,000 influence people on the payroll. but what kind of numbers do we actually need to see a broad based recovery? >> i think 200,000 is the bogey. if we are below 200,000 per month on a consistent basis and we were there in the fall before we got into this bad weather, that's pretty good. strong job growth. that will mean lower unemployment for the right reason because we're creating more jobs and i think a good solid year of that kind of job growth and most people will begin ofeel it. unemployment will be low enough that real wages will start to pick up and at that point most
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people will feel good about how they're going or better than they are now. >> the establishment survey, that showed the drop by 113,000 and the other survey said the economy grow by a whopping 616,000 jobs. which where survey tells the right story? >> neither do. i don't think we 616,000. that is a very small survey. i don't put any real weight on any moves in that data. but the 113,000 jobs in january is showing what's going on fundamentally because of the wet. the reality is in between. i don't think anything fundamentally changed in our economies from back where we
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were in october and philosophy. i think underlying job growth is will be back to normal. >> the dow closed up more than 165 points on friday. so is that because they expect job growth or is it because they think the economy is slowing down and the federal preserve might be pumping money into the economy? >> i think more the former than the latter. i think is stock market, not reflecting what's going on fundamentally, corporate earnings are good, i don't think there's evidence in today's market action to suggest that the fed is going to come to the rescue and i don't think the fed will. it has a transcript and will only deviate the if our numbers go way off track and today's numbers don't reflect that way.
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>> president obama has played income inequality a major theme for the rest of his term while his republican opponents say they are focusing on increasing opportunity. either way, the middle class needs help. businesses responding to a shrinking middle class, by providing goods and services for the very rich, while make less. times reporter who wrote the story, the middle class is slowly eroding, just ask the business world, what did you find? >> basically we looked at different businesses that catered to consumers. what we really saw was brands and businesses that cater to the middle, say red lobster and olive garden were having a hard time in the restaurant space, whereas capitol grill which is
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owned by da darden is doing well. you see this in business after business, casinos, hotels, even appliance makers. >> you see that in retail too, stores that go after the middle class. >> yep, yep. >> in that case do you think it's a shift from brick and mortar to online, or is it a different issues. >> if we looked at how sears and j.c. penney were doing poorly. it's not just in treelg. you're seeing -- retailing, it suggests many, many sectors. you can't say it's just the internet or that kind of thing. >> i want to are read you a
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quote from stephen frozzy from washington university. can we achieve the turn around that we need with the economy if the middle class which is the majority, the flowrm amount of plairns in decline? >> no, i don't think we thrive. if the middle class is struggling, in retail and other businesses, that enter long running trends that are in place that suggest that this will continue, have it's going to be very, very difficult for the economy to gain the kind of traction year prownd that we want to see. see. at the end of this period we're all not going to see very good about it because we're not all participating.
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the middle class is going to be left further and further behind. particularly for high income households. >> we have a social media question. >> what do these classes mean for small slinking middle class. now when we talk about job numbers we ofng talk in terms of those who are unemployed imierl. since i did a quick switch, i found that unemployment was mentioned over 30,000 sometimes, peefn if you put the phrase part time in the mix that's only mentioned 5,000 beings times, can you gives being give underemployed special floation? >> there's another are million and a half more today than
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before the pr recession, workers who had completely stepped out of the workforce because they can't find a job but say they would like to work if they could find a suitable job. so the underemployment problem is indeed very significant, very severe and i would pos pot of po postulate, that's the group that is struggling the most and is that underemployed group that you're speaking of. >> and there's also the income issue, 2012 the median household income is just over 51 thousand, up 20% from where it was in 1999.
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but housing college, health care costs all those are more expensive so is there little doubt that the middle class is worse off ? >> that's why you're seeing them spend less where they can afford to cut back like retailing or hotels or health care costs. you can't cut back on your health insurance, hopefully you can't. and people are paying for education which is going through the roof in terms of clem cost. i would just like in the today's ungloivment wages increased by about 1.9% over the past year. and remember inflation is running about 1.5%. so really, wages are stagnating and i think that really speaks volumes, even if the number of jobs were added in the 200,000 range, the rest of us who are
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employed, wages are kind of stuck. >> yes, we're not gaining any ground, consumer spending again is the compler's main motors. have 5% of earners are accounting for 38% of consumption. that is making the economy much more volatile. >> yeah, i mean we're very reliant, tied to what the top 5% are doing. so it does make us quite vulnerable if that group suffers a setback for whatever reason. it also reduces rates of growth bought the top 5% have savings that are large, whereas middle and lower income households will spend more of their income over time. obviously, i don't think anyone thinks this is a healthy
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situation longer run. policy makers need to focus on this and try oaddress this. unfortunately, this is a problem that's been long in the making. you know really over the past 30 years so i don't think we're going to find a solution to it next year or the year after. this is something we're going to have to address over the next 30 years. are. >> nelson did you find businesses that cater to the middle class hoping to expand? >> i mean actually not really. i would just add you know, if the uj employment rate does drop enough then you will start seeing some income gangs. but know as mark said niece are funnel trends. what i found the most interesting thing when the topic of inequalities comes up, about whether it peefn exists -- even exists, this is something they will have to deal with whether they like
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it or not. >> mark zandy, nelson schwartz, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. >> let's check with hermella. >> one of the things americans might struggle with is their name. started by talking to immigrants do, with an h. he changed his flame not northern ohio gmc dealers the name to john doe. >> emily is half caucasian and half chinese. she married a smith but wanted to keep her unique name.
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benefit stipen and tax breaks to working parents. more parents have a 4-day work week allowing them to spend time at home with the kids. no wonder they are happier. there are reasons for the rest of the world to cheer. education in rome is up. significant increases in a handful of countries, including the u.s. and canada. teenage pregnancy rates and alcohol and marijuana use dropped in a high percentage of countries, including the u.s. the u.s. ranked 21st in child wellbeing among the 29 developed nation, one down from where we were a decade ago. i guess there's room for improvement. >> beatle mania from the inside. five decades after the invasion, a first-hand account. for more on the 50th anniversary, check out our piece at
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>> this sunday marks the 50th anniversary of one of the biggest and most important television shows in u.s. history. february 9th, 1960 that america got its first look at the beatles. the long running ed sullivan show on cbs. 73 million viewers. 45% of the u.s. population, a record that stood for years. earlier i had a chance to speak with broadcaster and author larry kane, the only broadcast journalist who had a ticket to ride for the three beatles tours in 1964, 65 and 66. larry is also author of three
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books on the beatles, the latest is, when they were boys, the true story of the beatles rise to the top. you have been in the broadcasting business for almost six decades, you have interviewed american presidents, martin luther king jr. this wasn't a job you wanted but was this a defining moment in your career? >> there was never anything like that, all the political candidates, all the presidents, i didn't want to go because i was busy as a news guy in miami, where the cuban exodus was happening at a rapid pace, the birth of the civil rights movement, when i got an invitation to come on board, when i sent them a simple letter asking to interview them, you know these guys will be here in
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september and gone in november. that just shows you the vision i had for the future. >> i won't take any stock tips from you. but what did you think when you first saw them? we just showed pictures of you back then when the beatles. you looked like a baby. >> well, they were babies, too. 23, 23, i was 21, paul was three months older. george was a year younger. i thought that -- i worried about what my father said. when i left for the trip he pulled me aside, world war ii veteran okay? he said larry i have to tell you, watch your back, they are amen as t amenas i t menace to society. august 20th, 1964, we were in las vegas, they had two concerts. in between concerts i found out
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from my station in miami that the gator bowl in jacksonville florida was going to be greated. great -- segregated. mccartney told me, we're not playing there. george and ringo said, we're not going to be part of it. brian epstein was april ow apoplectic about it. just before we got to the gator bowl, the place announced they which are going the integrate. the beatles took a stand. they brought the first black group on, and for me, that was a pretty remarkable for four very young people to do and they made news. >> going back to what your dead told you, a lot of people
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thought they were the end of civilization. their haircuts which now look squeaky clean were thought to be totally revolutionary. they weren't out there like the rolling stones but what was it like behind the scenes? >> they were wild no question about it, mild in a moderate way, three of them were single of course in 1964. one of them was married and i don't think he reald cared about that. they had a very active social life. i don't do play by play, that's not what i do for a living. but there was stuff about them that was pretty extraordinary. they had opening acts, righteous brothers, the most listened-too to song of all time. jackie de shannon, these were big groups and they were totally drowned out. the kids would scream, we want the beatles, we want the beatles
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and they never really listened to this great music. every night on the airplane, the four of them would get freshened up, have their cigarettes, take their drink and walk to where their opening acts sat and to make sure they were okay. you have to say something for young artists and going to other artists and show that empathy and sympathy and sense of caring was extraordinary. >> social media question hermella. >> larry, jeremy wants to know, could the beatles have become as iconic in today's industry and easy irto do? >> easier to do it. remember hermella, they did not become iconic until the 1980s. 1964, '69, in the middle of the '70s when they performed alone nobody really knew that this was going to be the greatest band of all time. it took
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decades to realize how extraordinary they were. easy, they would have been on electronic formats, people would have been able to buy them for very low amounts of money, download and listen to them. the fact is, it was not that easy in 1964, 1963 when they got started in england for their arduous start to get well-known. they would have gotten known easily and 50 years from now they would have been as strong as 50 years behind us. >> that's an interesting point. mant lewis wrote, where the beatles were concerned they defied the laws of celebrity physics. it was inconceivable in 1964 to celebrate a band that had come 50 years before in 1914. now they had -- they still are one of the top selling acts out there. is it new hampshire credible to
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you that this act has become timeless? >> not really, incredulous in the beginning and incredible because i didn't quite understand it. you remember my prediction with the band. but once i traveled three days into it i realized several things. number one, the music was extraordinary. the way it was played was perfect, every night. i saw seven beatles concerts, than maybe anyone else on earth except them. but in 1964 all we saw was fantasia, incredible reaction of young women, believing that the group were singing to them, you mean, they weren't singing to me? they had guttural screams, i'm not talking about screams cheering for a team, i mean guttural screams. the women were entranced. but here is the fact. that was the beginning.
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the beginning was beatle plain ya and the rest of it was wow, the music, can i believe it, like a broadway musical ten times over. and martin lewis was right, they never descended from the heights, although there was a bit of a down side in the 1970s, after the death of john len non, when they said are you kidding me? they wrote all this music. >> and the music is sphek tack lar. i know you have stayed in touch with them over the years with them and you have so many interesting things over the book, how it was a myth, they were rags to relinquishes, paul was the leader, i wish we could get into it, i hope you'll pick it up and read it, it's a wonderful story about the band that crosses so many generations. >> antonio, glad to be with you.
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>> the book is when they were boys . the show may be over but the conversation continues. you will find us on twitter @ajconsiderthis. we'll see you next time. >> hello and welcome to al jazeera america i'm richelle carey in new york. >> fullying for their lives. >> bus loads of refugees coming out of homs as experts are trying to get humanitarian aid. >> death caught on camera - the moment an elderly man shot and killed a father for texting in a movie
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