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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 8, 2014 3:00am-3:31am EST

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>> the u.n. says millions affected by the violence in afghanistan and it is on the rise. >> you are watching al jazeera america, live from doha. also ahead - escaping the war. dozens evacuated from the syrian city of homs, and aid is expected to arrive shortly. >> clashing with police and setting government buildings on fire - dozens injured after protests over high unemployment in bosnia.
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>> and a burst of light to mark the start of the sochi winter olympics. >> aid is expected to arrive in homs despite overnight shelling in neighbourhoods in the old city. yesterday dozens were evacuated from homs under a u.n. brokered deal between the government and the opposition. our front joins us live from beirut. how is the ceasefire holding? >> we heard reports from activists saying that there was shelling by government forces in a christian area of the old city of homs. however, we have spoken to the governor of homes, who told us
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as far as the syrian government is concerned, the cease fire holds. the incident had to do with two mortar shells launched from inside the city near a police post. the army retaliated responded but the situation has been contained and it's expected that up to three tonnes of aid, including food, medical supplies would be delivered on saturday in the afternoon. >> elections, the 83 people evacuated on friday - will they continue today with the 150 that they had planned for. how will it work today? >> well we understood on friday they were supposed to evacuate 200 people. out of the 2,000 civilians who
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are left inside the old city of homs, they only managed, as you mentioned, to evacuated 83. the evacuation process will continue, and the aid deliveries inside the town will begin. as far as the governor of holmes is concerned, evacuation will take place. according to the world food program a lot of people evacuated on friday appear to be weak, hungry, malnourished and straight. some of them were carried out on stretchers, some in tears, asking about relatives, because they hadn't been out of the neighbourhoods for a long time. some had not eaten bread in overfive months. they had been living off of eating leaves, grass, olives.
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you can mag the situation, how important it is -- imagine the situation, how important it is for them to beevacuated and receive food supplies. >> thank you very much for that. >> to other news. the number of casualties in afghanistan is rising. >> a un report says women -- u.n. report says women and children are baring the pursuant. civilians deaths grew by 7%. since 2009 conflict killed more than 14,000 afghan civilians. 2013 was the worst year for women and children since 2009 in afghan. child casualties rose by 34%. the cause is the increased use of improvised explosive devices or. >> eds, by groups opposed to the
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government. a political analyst joins me now. good to have you with us on al jazeera. these are terrible figures. who is to blame? what is to blame for the worsening security situation, for the increased civilian casualties? >> first thing is that it is tragic for afghanistan. we are now seeing for the last two years the highest amount of civilian casualties by the afghan groups and american forces groups. it's important for us to make it clear that it is a war crime and has to be made clear to everyone
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that they have to understand it. everyone who are killing the civilians for any purpose, it's unacceptable. it's a war crime and they'll be put on to trial. they have to understand it's an easy target. the most vulnerable groups of the community are target, which is the women and the children. >> how much do you think the figures undermine the u.s. stance that only fighters are targeted in afghanistan. it may just be fighters, but it's civilians that are being killed. >> the importance for me as an afghan is it's the afghan life which is lost.
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we are the people who are suffering from all these casualties. it's important that the majority, 70, 80 persons of the casualties are coming from the government forces. however, the other important thing for us is that the afghan people should be protected. it is specific game, rule of the game for rule of the game. again, it's not a political issue that we debate. for or against. it's a clear take for afghans. >> no doubt. this will no doubt be a big election issue, security. it always is in afghanistan. how much hope do you have, mr assissi that the figures will not worsen with the political transition. >> first thing, unfortunately
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the current situation tells us that we will get more closer to the elections, the civilian casualties may get higher. it's important. it's important for the forces that plans are put in place and the delights of the ordinary people are not affected. there'll be different plans in order to demotivate the afghan people from voting. at the same time it is important for the presidential candidates to make it clear for the afghan people, what sort of a government forms in the future, and the conversation that we are having in terms of security with the united states of america. then it's also very important that what sort of dialogue do you want to have with the taliban and make sure that the taliban have to come to the table and discuss the issues in the state of fighting and
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killing people in this country >> thank you for that. that's political analyst joinings us from kabul. thank you. >> firefighters in bosnia worked through the night after protesters stormed government buildings and set them alight. thousand vented their anger over high unemployment rates and corruption. it's the worst social n rest in the country. tim friend reports. >> the protests are spreading. thousands of people across the country are taking to the streets, and in tweept the unease -- between the uneasy stand-offs with riot police, there have been clashes. >> many have been injured, including police. the targets of the anger have been government buildings and factories, laying off thousands of workers, particularly in the northern towns. a local government building was
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set on fire on friday. there has been demonstrations in the capital sarajevo. it's a sign of deepening social unease over the lack of economic and political progress since the war which ended in 1995. in some parts of the country unemployment stands at record levels, the highest in the ball cans. bickering leaders in place through a power sharing system created under the peace deal are seen as ineffective. the protesters included workers made redundant when state-run companies were sold off. they have been joined by students and families. >> as tim friend explained demonstrators are unhappy about the state of economy. according to the agency for statistics, 44% of the working population are unemployed.
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the central bank puts the figure at 27.5%. bosnia is among the poorest countries in europe with a salary of $570. this means one in five people live below the poverty line. protesters blame the lack of growth on corruption and a failure to recover after three years of war. >> a bosnia political analyst is up next. >> i don't think there is a one thing we could identify as a thing that sparked the anger and basically isight the protests, it's been accumulating for some time. we had attempts to try to exercise pressure on the political people in the country. last year, doing demonstrations, the demonstrations ended up peacefully.
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this is the first time that we have seen violent protests in bosnia, which are the combination of 20 years of corruption and irresponsibility, and the declining economic situation in the country. this is something that we should have seen coming. it was a matter of time before something like this happens. the identity politics is reinforc reinforced. reinforced after the war. the politics has been used as a cover by political leads who are simply people who are trying to capitalize on the situation, pilage the country, which they are doing successfully, and hiding behind the ethnic
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interest we are supposed to represent. >> still ahead -. >> our lives depend on this. without it the orchard will not survive. >> why ancient watering systems are drying up. >> and a revolution in egypt inspired documentary makers at the berlin film festival.
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>> still ahead - these are the top stories - the u.n. says the
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number of civilians xild and wounded in afghanistan rose by 14% last year, and women and children are increasingly bearing the brunt of the violence. >> aid is expected to arrive in the syrian city of homs, despite overnight shelling in old nab ou ohhed -- neighbour hood. thousands were evacuated. >> firefighters in bosnia worked through the night after protesters set government buildings on fire. thousands of demonstrators rioted over high unemployment and corruption. >> the first full day of competitive action at the winter olympics in the blachlly resort of sochi. the most expensive games opened with a spectacular ceremony. we have had report from rory
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challands. >> sochi 2014 exploded into life on friday. fireworks over the fish stadium kicking off the action. a little girl floated across a wintry russian landscape before five landscapes morphed into the rings. one failed to open. as expected, there was a notable absence, no david cameron to welcome the brits. obama for the u.s. or angela merkel for the germans. this was a dramatic and breath taking show, the realise ace of one man's patriotic vision. vladimir putin cannot control everything. while the opening ceremony was under way in sochi, a different theatre was acting out in the red square. gay rights activists tried to sipping the russian anthem with
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a rainbow nothing. excitement, not defiance is the main emotion. >> i'm glad, emotional. there are so many people here. >> this will you night our country, russia will be stronger, more united. >> sochi may have the shiny, expensive infrastructure, and the gales have created -- games have created a feel-good fact. after the olympics leaves sochi - what then? >> these games have permanently altered the coastal resort, and not always for the better. >> this stream has fish in it. now it's polluted by the apartment blocks up the hill. >> the athletes and officials at the olympic park are celebrating. the problems for sochi are here. after the olympics is the citizens of sochi that have to cope with the problems.
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all those problems appeared because of the olympics. >> the pageantry and the sport will take precedence. previous olympics has been judged by their legacy. behind the smiles and excitement the legacy is a huge question mark. >> a ukrainian man tried to hijack a plane and divert it to sochi. the passenger on the pegga suss airline flight claimed to have a bomb. the pilot and crew tricked the man into thinking they were heading to the olympic city, but landed in istanbul. the suspect was arrested after a 4-hour standoff. >> according to our translator he said he wanted to go to the city where the olympics are taking place. he said he was carrying a bomb. >> there has been a great
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interest in spain over the court appearance of the koiping's daughter. princess christina is said to be questioned over the theft of public funds by her husband. it's the latest blow for the spanish monarchy amid high unemployment and recession. >> an intensifying media presence outside the court a day ahead of an appearance by the princess. preparations for the high-profile and highly sensitive event are under way. it was nearly two years ago when the duke turned up to court, accused of embezling public funds by syphoning them through his nonprofit organization. they were dark days, but they were not over. it's the turn of his wife. the king's youngest daughter to answer to money laundering and tax fraud.
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the accusations is they benefitted from public money. forfeiting her right to appeal she'll appear in front of the magistrate, after preparing extensively with her lawyers. >> this is where princess christina will face questioning, she'll be in front of a judge and a port rate of her father. it's the first time a member of the royal family will testify. there'll be 40 children in the room. >> what's more, police launched an operation for security purposes. more than 100 offices will be present. they'll be drafted in from the mainland at a cost to the taxpayer. >> the royal household attempted to isolate the case from the rest of the family. the involvement of the duke and duchess in one of the biggest corruption scandals, tarnished
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the image. >> the public doesn't tolerate corruption, stealing funds or tax fraud. all of this has left the public disinchanted with the royal family. >> the case highlighted a level of corruption in spain. members of the royal family were involved and impressed disillusionment. what her appearance in will signify is that she'll answer difficult questions vouching her financial activities. >> israeli soldiers evicted hundreds of palestinians from a protest camp in the occupied west bank. they had been demonstrating in a village in the jordan valley. dozens were injured during the ras. israeli troops went to another camp. >> israeli security forces
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fought palestinians and occupied east jerusalem. seven were arrested at the alabbing sea mosque compound. stun grenades and tear gas were fired. >> a u.s. citizen detained in north korea for 15 months has been moved to a labour camp. kenneth bae was transferred to hospital. he was sentenced to 15 years of hard labour. north korea accuses him of being a spy. the u.s. says he's a missionary. >> now, more than 24 million people have been displaced across the globe, mainly because of war and conflict. draught is forcing thousands to aba aba abandon their land.
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>> this is a remote village in pakistan. water is a precious commodity. the village relies on an ancient irrigation system. >> translation: our lives depend on this. without it the orchard would not survive. >> it is a deep well tapping into the underground water table and feeds the community by a series of tunnels and access shafts and only gives out water without disrupting the groundwater level. >> we have tried dams and everything. all these things - it's not right with the climate. >> they face frequent droughts.
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as a result water sources, 150 years old, are dying. the structure is made by specialist workers, and the water comes through here. out of the 3,000 that worked here, only a third are functional. water sources act as the glue holding together the communities. thousands of people migrated after their land dried up. the sense of depravation and poverty leads to what is happening in that area. >> groups live together. when the water dries up they left. it was destroyed. >> the government says it ignores the extent of the props and thinks building dams will help, but it doesn't have the funds. promise do not many much for those that depend on the water
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outlets. >> the water level is going down. land is dry. we have no financial sources. unless steps are taken to rehabilitate, self-sufficient res dependents will be forced to become nomads. >> heavy rain fall and flooding killed 38 in bolivia. tens of thousands have been affected by the rising waters. rain is forecast to continue for the next month. >> british prime minister david cameron visited flood-hit areas in the south-west of england. the environment agencies was criticised to its slow reaction to floodwaters that wreak havoc. they failed to remove mud and vegetation from river beds. david cameron promised
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£120 million in aid. >> now one of the world's biggest film festivals is underway in berlin. the berlinale is featuring films focussing on the political situation in egypt. we have this report. >> berlin is a long way from cairo. 3,000km. the scent of revolution is in the air. this is what it looks like. this movie explores egypt's situation through the eyes of different people at different times and questions whether revolution is the appropriate word for what has happened, is happening there right now. >> revolution means a social system is completely changed and if the change doesn't happen, it's rebellion. that's my opinion. >> this movie was shot over several years. it had to be filmed discretely, which is important now,
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considering current fears over journalist, and claims that freedom of speech is being stifled. i don't know what will happen when the film comes out. it is outspoken about army or the police and the human rights abuses. it is something that is about human rights abuses. >> egypt is a big theme. this place is showing four egyptian films, and this is the international forum of new cinema. unofficially it's known as the daring section, and here you find the harsh stark accounts of people's lives and struggles. like, "amira's mother", the story of a woman with a seriouslily ill woman selling potato chips at night, putting
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herself in danger to afford care. this is the first film shown o for 31 years. it had a tragic conclusion. >> amira died when we were shooting. >> she died? >> yes, her daughter. we stopped filming. she said "this is my last." >> other films show the berlinale. some may not have happy endings. safety, stability are probably the most some can ask for. >> now 42 days since egyptian authorities detained three of our journalists, mohamed fadel fahmy, mohammed badr and peter greste have been held since the 29th of december. they are accused of spreading false news and having links to
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muslim brotherhood, which are classified as a terrorist organization. abdullah al-shami has been in custody since last year. al jazeera rejects all the charges. >> a reminder that all our news can be found on the website >> get a leg up in the tough job market. three jobs that give you a bang for your buck. and a look at how the farm bill will happy a family's dairy business. why the next gold rush could take place in outer space. i'm ali velshi, this is "real money". conversation over the next half hour at @aj realon


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