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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 9, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm EST

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group. >> until next time, raj and i will see you online. >> from the aljazeera national news center. this is the news hour. the taliban releases video, planning to show buildup of their attack on a compound in gaza last june. people are rescued from the city of hom, despite mortar fire. >> i'm in london with the main stories from europe. closing the door, the situation
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narrowly back a move to limit immigration from eu countries, and protesters in ukraine reach out to europe to try to end the standoff. >> in russia, the first gold in sochi. highlights from the winter olympics later this news hour. a talk show in aljazeera has obtained the planning and execution on of the attack on the cia compound in gaza last june. this was a mange breech in security in an area close to the presidential palace. though aljazeera continue identify when the pictures were filmed, the taliban said that the attack was in retaliation
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for its flag being taken down at its office in doha. >> reporter: this is not the training exercise of an conventional military. these pictures have been shot by fighters. planning an attack on the u.s. compound in kabul. >> the cia and americans think and say they are ruling the world through technology, but this is not true. we entered the compound, it's time to destroy them. >> reporter: they are referring to the attack that happened in june last year, but we can't verify when the exhibits were shot. taliban said that the target was the cia headquarters in kabul, and they planned if for months. they are capable of planning sophisticated attacks. they have fake i.d.s, and they look like solers with official
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looking vehicles. they were lud to enter the highly secure area. they were able to pass through multiple checkpoints without any trouble. these scenes were filmed independently. it appears to be the same video in the taliban video. but the taliban pictures appear to contradict the police chief's statements after the attack. >> a man using a car with a fake i.d. came to the date. while they were being asked to show i.d., they came out of the car and it exploded, killing several. >> this video shows extensive planning and training. he said that they stole the u.s. gear and stole some of it on the black market. >> they are effective, and they can move complex operations. across the world, we need to
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look at this video to see that within a span or four, five, six years, these people have a lot of information and dovetailed together. don't ignore their confidence. >> this is what a u.s. official told us there. the taliban has made no secret of its efforts to attack u.s. and coalition forces in. and they spoke to the meticulousness of the group's planning. the taliban said that it was launched in retaliation to their flag being taken down. we are fully prepared to to achieve retaliation. >> toe asked to revive talks between the taliban and the
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afghanistan government. some say that this is propaganda, but it shows the evolution of the fighters in the mountains who are launching attacks. these are a concern for international troops who are handing over security to the afghan army. and for those taking up the challenge to secure the country. >> the chairman of a security consult at for, he is the former director of the cia counter terrorism center, and the former chief in islamabad. and robert jobs us from washington d.c. thank you for joining us on the show. the warning is don't ignore their confidence. and that's the warning about the taliban. now, this attack and this video exposes the vulnerability of american bases, though the taliban are able to strike at them.
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>> true to an extent but we have to see that what the group succeeded in doing was in an area, the presidential palace and the head of the security force and the cia base. it's important to point out that they were not able to penetrate any of those targets, but they were successful in penetrating layers of afghan security to get into those areas in the first place. >> but if they were able to do that, who knows how much further they can do? >> we have to remember that the taliban doesn't have a force that's contained anywhere. they have access to afghanistan, outside of the areas that they're capable of actually physically controlling, so it means that the initiative is with them, they can strike
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virtually anywhere, and as has been pointeddous, they're sophisticated in doing so. this is no surprise. this force has evolved a great deal in recent years. they were relatively defeated in 2001 and 2002 because they were a conventional army and not sophisticated. but since then, they have become very capable in what we call the black arts. they're able to engage in assassination and intimidation and subversion. we have seen the effects of the propaganda, and unconventional warfare strikes. >> it doesn't as the u.s. troops drawdown this year -- >> no, it does not, in kabul itself, the afghan security forces are relatively able of taking care of themselves, though they're not invulnerable
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to this attack. but when you're talking about the other parts of the country, it gives you pause knowing that the international forces will be leaving shortly. >> robert, the obstacle to peace talks, do you think that once they leave, the next president will be able to enter intoer formal peace talks with the [ speaking italian ] just like we're seeing in pakistan? >> well, this is an open question, and let's not be too hasty about adjourning the trajectory of the talks in pakistan. they have only just begin, and there's a request of whether they will go at all. the afghanistan excus not workih the current government, it's a
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puppet government. and they're not willing to negotiate with them so along as there are troops in afghanistan. and they may take a different turn when the forces do leave. but let's not forget, the taliban was locked in a civil war with the alliance for many years, before there were any foreign forces inside of afghanistan. they're locked in a civil war with the current government now, and my suspicion is that even after the fox leave, they will press that. >> very interesting insight. robert grenier is the chairman of a consulting firm. thank you for speaking to us from washington. >> in other news now, humanitarian assistance teams have interview 600 people from homs. this includes the 83 taken out
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on friday. the attacks are a violation of three day ceasefire agreed to by the rebels and the government. and now the government says that a three-day extension has been agreed on. >> captured on video, the help they didn't believe would come did come. these are the first u.n. cars, these people have been living under siege, and finally their way out. finally a moment of happiness in a war that has brought nothing but suffering for those caught in the middle. republicans left inside of the old city. >> they are smiling, they are exhausted and starved. they are crying, and we are crying too. we want to see all of our people happy.
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every citizen has a right to live and live a dignified life. >> this is how it all unfolded. discussions about who is left, and those remaining, waiting for a way out. this has been an operation with great challenges. this is earlier on sunday. activists groups reported casualties among civilians. among all of the difficulties, this day is being hailed a successful. >> most of those who left are bill, children and older people. they are receiving medical attention and relief aid. they are being helped bid government representatives and health organizations. we managed to overcome the challenges we faced in the morning. and it will continue. >> reporter: this was supposed to be the last day of the u.n. brokered ceasefire, and it has been extended by another three days. sunday's evacuation could be called a human kerian break
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through, but it's a war that has left millions of syrians exhausted and desperate. >> stephanie joins us from beirut in lebanon. so a ceasefire, any details on that? >> that's from the governor of homs, and hees that this is going to be extended for another three days because hundreds of civilians remain in homs, and they want to go out. sunday was a humanitarian victory in a country in a war that goes for three years, and it's rare that good news comes out of it. but i think we can safely say that it's good news for the people who were able to come out. happy and exhausted and desperate. but many have families in other places they can go to, and others will be going to camps for the internally displaced. so happy is relative. but certainly, the circumstances
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under which they have been living for a year and a half under siege, very very difficult. so as we have heard there, people are extremely relieved to be able to get out. and the feeling is because they can't evacuate every who wants to get out by today, it is nighttime, and of course the ceasefire starts at 6 a.m. and finishes at 6:00 p.m. this is what has been agreed under this humanitarian break. so i think that the feeling was on the success of today, it's very difficult, since we have reports of seven men killed from mortar shelling and gunfire, but they want to keep this momentum going for everyone who wants to get out. >> stephanie, this latest violence, no doubt, will be talked about in the upcoming geneva talks, and will there be anybody with the talks? >> they are facing huge
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challenges, the envoy from syria, when he took the job initially, he thought it was going to be very difficult, but something had to be done, and achieving that both sides come to the table is a huge achievement. they are coming to the table with differences. al bashar al-assad and the government is he it has to be part of the solution, so they're starting on difficult terms, but we can't be underestimating the importance of them returning to the table for a solution. it's hard to come up with this easily, it's a very complicated situation on the ground. we have many different faxes and allegiances and changes of command. it's not something that can be dealt with at the table. but the fact is they will be returning to that table on monday is a positive steph. >>ed in, it is.
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stefanie dekker reporting to us from lebanon. now, there are pictures of 12 orthodox nuns said to have been kidnapped in syria in december. and the nuns welcome any change that they can have to their freedom. aljazeera is not certain of the conditions that the women are being held in. at least 19 people have been killed in barrel bomb techs in the city of aleppo. one explosion occurred near a square where people were waiting for public transport. the u.s. meat processing company has recalled nearly 4 million kilograms of products. recall came because the meat came from disseized and unhealthy animals. rancho feeding corporation,
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based in northern california, has been operating without a full federal inspection if e. >> two of the owners of a bangladesh factory, which caught fire, killing more than 100 workers, have surrendered to the please. they have been on the run since november, and they are in prison until they have bail. >> it caught fire in 2012, killing 112 workers. he has been charged with criminal negligence, but it took the police 15 months to do so. many were trapped inside. survivors said that the gates were locked. doar said that he was the victim of sabotage. his sister was killed in the fire but nobody has been charged with murder. >> reporter: my sister called
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me from the factory as it was burning down. she couldn't get out because the gates were locked. he said this is a tine of progress. >> it was progress, but it took us too long to get here. the first factory fire happened in 1990. 52 workers were killed. and they have taken a step against the factory owner. and if we had accused him at that time maybe we would have stopped all of these other factory fires from happening. >> reporter: back in 2012, several were injured in the blaze and ended up in this possible in order to get treatment. today, one victim is again struggling for her life. >> she has cancer, and her mother said that they never received the compensation that was due. it would have allow her to get treated. activists and workers hope that the arrest is a sign that the
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cycle might finally be coming to a stop. >> still to come on the aljazeera news hour. a bomb blast in yemen kills an n officer on the third anniversary. and an emergency is declared in bolivia after devastating floods. and in sports, a dramatic night as reigning champs drop more points at home. from the english premier league. >> in switzerland, backing the plan for immigration from eu countries. let's go to barbara. >> reporter: thank you, and yes, with early all of the votes now counted, it looks like the proposal won with the narrowest of largeins. critics say that limiting the
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freedom from the movement will be better for the swiss economy. >> reporter: in a country that rise heavily on foreign work,, a vote for immigration control is a contention one. the promotional to limit the flow of immigrants was brought by the people's swiss party. it wants the government to abandon it's free people movement with the european union. the reason, switzerland is becoming too crowded, contributing to a steep rise in housing prices. initial results point to a narrow victory. just over 50% support it, a difference of around 30,000 votes. >> the people here, they feel like they press down the salaries, they raise the housing prices, there's pressure on the education system, and criminality has increased because of them.
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and there's a perceived feeling that the immigration has a lot of problems in switzerland. >> switzerland is not a member of the european union, but it has adopted large sections of the eu policy, providing access to the borders in you're open's market. the swiss government will need to renegotiate the deal it has with the eu. several industries relying on foreign workers, and critics say that implementing a quota is a mistake. >> if you look at economic relations with europe, about every working day, 700 million pounds of trading is conducted between switzerland and the eu. and you get the impression that this won't be doing switzerland any favor, and it could have disastrous economic consequences >> reporter: they said switzerland cannot cherry pick policies, but with them so clearly decided on the
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immigration caps, this could be a changing step toward the relationship with the european block. >> well, and switzerland seems to be pushing the eu away, there are some in the ukraine calling for help. they have urged europe to try to do more to help their cause. for nearly three months, tens of thousands of demonstrators have packed into kiev's main square, calling for the president to stand down. >> in a square plastered with anti-government slogans, the protesters are doing something different. with blank placards and covered mound, they xxxiv through the city to the embassy. they are demanding that europe do more to help in the bitter stand off. >> we're calling for people to pay attention to our cause, and open their eyes, and stop being blind and steph to atrocities
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and murders. >> others who have been camped here for weeks, while away the time with a game of chess. 6 there are always nights and pawns in this game. and we the people are the pawns. we are becoming more and more powerful. >> they have drawn tens of thousands of demonstrators with groups from different political parties are sharing ideas on what to do next. opposition protesters have described independence scare as a state between the states. and the ice barricades are starting to melt. making them more than fragile
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and vulnerable to police attacks. but over in parliament, inns no sign of political thaw. it hangs on a new government. but so far, no decision is being made. the question is, will that lead to russia or europe, and will ukraine's next prime minister be the people's choice or the president? aljazeera, kiev. >> two people have been killed and six others have been bounded in a shooting on an island a few of russia's eastern coast. a man opened fire at a cathedral, killing a nun and a churchgoer. there's a fear of attacks in sochi, but there's no apparent listening to the games. gunman was detained at the scene. going to sochi itself, behind the glitz and glamor of the olympic games, there's a different side of the city. sochi suffered years of decline after the soviet union collapsed and now this has been refused
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with all of money that the games brought:. >> several times a day, he goes to fetch fresh water. it's easy to slip on the muddy hillside, especially when bearing her heavy load. but the trips are necessary because the taps in her house are dry. >> they keep promising and promising that we'll get water. we put in a sink because we had hopes. >> it's a village just 15 minutes from downtown sochi. but residents told me it might as well be in a different century. >> we live in the middle ages. they come and promise everything before the elections and then they forget. >> i need to bath my baby every day, and how can i do it?
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>> we take our children to the main square to see the atmosphere, and then we return to our homes, and the excitement vanishes. >> you can see their plight. down in the malls where they're teaming with olympic visitors, everything is shiny and new. this is where some of the 51 billion dollars that the games have cost have been invested. but even in the city itself, just around the corner from our hotel, there are neighborhoods where sewage ones down unfinished roads. >> this is something that people living in sochi have had to get quite used to. electricity has been off for a couple of hours now. there is a generator running down the stairs. you might be able to hear that. that's keeping the hot water going. but lights are off, and nothing. >> reporter: last week, foreign journalists arriving to cover the games report of
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stories and hotel rooms and things in disarray. according to this blogger, many were lies, to reinforce stories of russian incompetence. >> [ unintelligible ] yes, but we can find that it's from ukraine and newspaper. and it was two years ago. and this article tells about bad water occurring. >> reporter: but she doesn't care about the agenda or not, she just wants her taps to work. >> okay, let's go back to fazio. >> still to come on the aljazeera news hour. brazil's battle to tackle the
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fever in front of the world cup. she already has one of god's most famous names, and now a major title. we'll have all of the details.
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>> welcome back to the top stories on aljazeera. while aljazeera has exclusive access it a video filmed by the taliban, it shows the group plotting in the cia headquarters in june last year. a humanitarian group has moved people from homs, 600, and this includes the 83 on friday. swiss voters have backed a vote to limit migrants. 55% of the people voted for the proposal. a military intelligence officer has been killed. and three others were injured in a blast in the yemeni capital.
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a bomb was placed inside of the car that the officer was traveling in. three years after ousting the president, he is in sana. >> reporter: according to the military, the blast in yemen has killed one person who was apparently targeted in the explosion. and a senior officer from the army from the security department of the army. he was not well-known in the political arena, but this is one of the typical incidents in yemen where prominent senior officials are killed. and nobody knows who killed them. and as hart part of the general security in the country that has been increasing since the downfall of the president. chanting for a more radical change. with the same old slogans of 2011.
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and against the same man that they opposed back them. they say that the remnants of the former regime are still in power. >> interpreter: the popular revolution has not started. that's because we're going to struggle until we have removed all of the tyrants and wrong to doers, and until we have reached every institution in this country. >> reporter: 50% of the cabinet members are still loyal to him, he has a strong influence on the army and on yemen's politics. and while it seems that mr. salah is faring well in his role behind the scenes, yemen is not. security has detier created with frequent assassinations and bomb blasts and tribal nations taking control in districts. the al qaeda factions have
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increased. like this one in january, security shroud most of the acts of violence. >> the old regime was like a cancer, causing the country to rot socially and politically, to the point where we're going to have a complete disintegration. and now we have gotten rid of part of that cancer, but parts of it are still within our system. >> reporter: many oppose the anti-salah revolution. >> there has been no progress for the better. and detier of politics, and economy and everything. highway robbery. jo it has been a very negative change. if you drive here, you will go through 20 tribal checkpoints.
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country is disintegrating >> reporter: but with the uprising, many insist that they will continue it fight on for change. >> flooding has killed 40 people across bolivia. and families have been affected by the heavy rain. government has declared a state of emergency in many of the regions, but aid has not reached the worst affected place. >> reporter: the damage is clear. ruined by floodwaters. for months, bolivia has struggled to cope with heavy seasonal rains. in the city of trinidad, they have set up pleases on the road to escape from the rising floodwaters. and this is where theresa and her family call home. >> we had to leave everything behind in the floodwaters. we couldn't get it out with all of the rain.
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there was nowhere to go, and we're living on the side of the road. >> reporter: people's lives are under threat 160 hectors of agriculture land has been affected, devastating farmers, and cattle are in scarfvation because the herders have no dry feed left. >> interpreter: this area is at risk, and if we don't receive help or take them to high ground, haul of these cattle will die. >> reporter: the government has declared a state of emergency across bolivia, but food and supplies have yet to reach those who need it the most. the rains remember expected to batter the country for at least another month may. >> he said that he will run for
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president. meanwhile, it has been 43 days since aljazeera journalists were detained by egyptian authorities. they are accused of being with the cia and the muslim brotherhood. aljazeera is continuing to demand the release of its crew. >> we categorically deny that they were with a terrorist organization. and i think that any descenting voice in egypt today is in trouble. i think that they have not just silenced aljazeera. it appears to be larger than that. i think any descenting voice has been closed down, slowly but
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surely. >> if you would like to make your voice known. head over to and click on the icon on the right with the hashtag subsequent free aj staff." it will take you to the page, and watch all of the reports that we have in egypt. in bosnia, protesters have gathered outside of the prosecutor's office inside of sarajevo, and they are calling for the protests for people arrested in the demonstrations last week. many are upset about the poor living conditions. let's go to sarah in london. >> reporter: thank you for that, and tensions have been heightened in bosnia. and the question weighs, whether protesters think that their protests and demonstrations will have any impact.
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a report now from sarajevo. >> reporter: the protests and frustrations for bosnia's leaders are unrelenting. the violence has ceased for now, but the passion remains. >> you have to fight for your future. because they don't fight for our future anymore. >> reporter: this country is in crisis. years of pent up anger over a stagnant economy finally erupted last week with street battles with the police. >> the protesters here are praying for a peaceful demonstration, but they also know that to achieve their aims, they have to keep up the pressure on politicians, at the national and local level. >> reporter: two local government workers examine their offices, burned out after friday's rioting in sarajevo.
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they managed to save the building during the bosnian war in 1992, but now it's being wrecked by their own citizens. of 44 people held. and 10 remain in custody. civil rights groups claim the police are leaking these photographs of seized guns and drugs in an amount to discredit demonstrators. and the police deny the claim. unemployment has hit the young the hardest here. an economist tells me this may be the moment when ethnically divided politicians finally see sense. >> we have a limited number of resources, and what we need at this moment is to invest to modernize the education system, which is a weak link in preparing youth to the labor market. >> reporter: attempts at genuine political progress may be the only way to prevent further violence.
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tim friend, aljazeera, sarajevo. >> thank you for that update from sarajevo. >> the possibility of further violence here remains, because there's a very tense atmosphere, and the situation developing behind me is a crowd, now outside the prosecutor's office in central sarajevo. some of the detainees are still being held there, and the crowd are insist on their release. now, obviously, the authorities are not prepared to do that. but we understand that some of the crowd, some of the leaders of the protest, in so far as they have leaders, have gone inside to try to negotiate some sort of a compromise. but certainly, for the moment, though the atmosphere is tense, the demonstrations have been peaceful. nothing like the kind of ritingg
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that we saw on friday evening here at the capital. but that threat of violence remains, because the main issue in this country, the economic crisis, is not going to go away. unemployment is huge, particularly amongst young people. and we were talking to economists and local people here earlier. and they say, really, inaction, as they perceive it, of politicians at a national and local level, has to end. that they have to move and galvanize themselves into some sort of action to get this country back on its feet. >> the united kingdom continues to be hit by heavy storms with warnings of more flooding to come. cleans are being hit by winds of 130 kilometers an hour.
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in devin, a mainline railway has been swept into the sea. >> reporter: rail lines here in the south of england, are hit by severe atlantic storms hitting the coast. this used to be a road and a railway line. what happens, a massive wave crashed through here late tuesday and wednesday, and 80 meters of the seawall collapsed and the railway line. the workers can only work in six-hour shifts during the day and night. >> well, it has been absolutely catastrophic, as well as the damage, we have had lightning strikes on equipment, and we have had one particularly big landslide, which, and the southwest has been completely cut off by rail. >> reporter: it wasn't just the railway line, it was the
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houses. a lot of the families have been forced to get out quickly. and they're not sure when they're going to be able to return. >> i don't know whether we'll come back. i don't think so, it scares my wife and daughter too much. they're petrified. and the wall is gone, and we never thought it would. >> reporter: problems in the north, large parts are still underwater, and the water continues to rise, and the river thameexpected to reach levels nd in a decade. more is expected on tuesday and wednesday. >> that's it for me and the rest of the team in london. >> in western mexico, a local defense group, working with government forces, has entered a going-held city.
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the leaders are continuing to clear cartel gunmen out. the city has been under effective correctly of the knights templar drug cartel for several years, and the authorities have arrested about 200 gang members, including the brother of one of its lead,. as the mexican government legalized vigilante leaders last month. and works with them to regain full control of the state. >> interpreter: we are going to stay here. we are going to continue, and our colleaguesworking with the federal forces. >> as brazil prepares to host the world cup this summer, more concerns over dengue fever. and crowds are more vulnerable to catching the disease. >> reporter: it's that time of year again, and members of one of the oldest schools, are going through their paces.
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carnival is weeks away, and though it's a long-awaited party for tens of thousands of residents and tourists, it's an unfem feast for unfem guests. a mosquito thrives on crowds, and it's a common debilitate of with a disease for which there's no vaccine. >> interpreter: you feel as though you've been given anesthesia. you can't move out of bed. it's incredible that a mosquito with knock a human being down like that. >> reporter: a campaign to eliminate the mobs keet's breeding grounds, not just for carnival, but for the world cup. >> interpreter: as i >> as it gets hotter, the mosquitos are more active.
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and we have always got a nice temperature for the mosquitoes. >> reporter: the professor, an expert in dengue, said that they are concerned about the risk of the disease during the world cup, and they're mounting a surveillance program. it includes putting out thighs traps. >> if we detect that there are mosquitos infected in one place, we go there and try to eliminate the mosquitos. >> reporter: but totally eradicating these insects that can breed in a spoonful of still water is impossible. this is the best way to ward off the pesky mosquitoes with the disease, especially going into a football stadium where the world cup will be held. but fans who are going to the state, may need more than a
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mosquito repellent. they recommend that anyone going there, first get a yellow fever vaccination. in june and july, the risk is lower here in rio, but higher in cities that are hosting the games. all more reason for authorities and fans to take precautions. rio de janeiro. >> still to come on this aljazeera news hour, hope around the cocoa field. but will the magic bean be good for neighbors. and the surprising downhill gold medalist.
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>> it wasn't all fun and games. not only security concerns, but widespread criticisms in the costs leading up to the games. many of the russians consider it a showcase for their country. >> reporter: in the cool wooded hills above sochi, homes nestled out of sight, russia's most fearsome ruler loved this region, and came here when the oppression became too much. vladimir putten has such a soft spot for the capital that he chose it for the winter
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olympics. >> it's my honor to present sochi for the olympic winter games in 2014. >> reporter: his vision is a reality, but one that as come with a price tag, the highest ever. for those that are wondering why such an expense for a sports event, this kremlin insider has an answer. >> the olympic games are so important for our russian public, because it ensures that russia finish those social [ unintelligible ] cuts from the soviet union, and the bitter is over, and now russia is able to conduct these international events with high honor.
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>> reporter: he ensures this is about brand russia, and the way that the countries try to make themselves look attractive on the world stage uses a widely used name, soft power. >> we are living in a world now where soft power has become increasingly important. where the way that people view you is just as important as the threat that you compose. so a lot of countries don't necessarily want to use military might. and they want to be able to rely on other things to either influence other countries or indeed improve their image in other countries around the world. >> reporter: the of -reported stories of corruption and human rights abuses and rampant spending have many many doubt sochi, but it's too soon to make that final assess many. it's difficult tonight, but it's
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likely that this man here would have been as enthusiastic about the games as vladimir putin would. but the times have changed. and russians have too. but they're an attempt to convince the world that we're in a modern, confident russian era. this country may still like hard men as it's leaders, but in today's world, even hard men can be soft. with the 2014 world cup, with large crowds have a risk of disease, which is why officials have launched to protect football fans from dengue fever. >> it's that time of year, and they are busy going through their paces.
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carnival is weeks away, and though it's a long-awaited party for tens of thousands of residents and tourists, it's a feast for unfem guests. a mosquito thrives on crowds, and it's a common debilitate of with a disease for which there's no vaccine. >> interpreter: you feel as though you've been given anesthesia. you can't move out of bed. it's incredible that a mosquito can knock a human being down like that. >> reporter: welcoming a campaign to eliminate the mosquito's breeding grounds, not just for carnival, but for the world cup. >> as it gets hotter, the mosquitos are more active. they breed more, and we have always got a nice temperature for the mosquitoes.
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>> reporter: a professor, an expert in dengue, said that they are concerned about the risk of the disease during the world cup, and he's mounting a surveillance program. it includes putting out these traps. >> if we detect that there are mosquitos infected in one place, we go there and try to eliminate the mosquitos. >> reporter: but totally eradicating these insects that can breed in just a spoonful of still water is impossible. this is the best way to ward off the pesky mosquitoes with the disease, especially going into a football stadium where the final of the world cup will be held. but fans who are going to the state, may need more than a mosquito repellent. health officials recommend that
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anyone going there, first get a yellow fever vaccination. as for dengue fever, in june and july, the risk is lower here in rio, but higher in cities that are hosting the games. all more reason for authorities and fans to take precautions. rio de janeiro. >> it was 50 years ago that the beatles made their first live tv debut on the ed sullivan show. they broke broadcast records with an estimated 53 million viewers. aljazeera takes us back to the place where it all began. >> reporter: it is from this northern england port city from liverpool that the legend that would be the beatles began. the river that runs through the town is characterized by multiple harmonies and lots of guitars. fewer than half a million people
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live here, but more number 1 hits have come from liverpool than any other city in the world. 56 so far, according to the guinness book of world records. billy kinsley used to play alongside of the beatles. he says that the merchant sailors and the nearby american military bases imported the sounds that influenced them all. >> it's a combination of all of the bands in britain, plus the association with all of these people going back and forth to america, bring these great records that no one else in america had. >> reporter: but the seaport is all but dried up and liverpool is facing hard times. luckily, the beatles are a big industry here. a british government analysis showed that liverpool gets $400 million a year from music tourism.
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from all around the world. >> this is the place where paul mccartney met 17-year-old john lennon. >> reporter: for 7 years, he has been showing it to people. and without his city, the public would never know penny lane or strawberry fields. >> we say that it was liverpool that made the beatles, and not visa versa. >> reporter: but there's little doubt that the beatles changed the city profoundly. it's clear from when you step off the plane to when you check into a hotel, this is beatle's territory. they may have conquered america and changed the music landscape forever, but in this hearty england town, they are firstly four local lads who made good. aljazeera, liverpool. >> you're watching aljazeera america. more news at the top of the hour. i'm morgan radford. and for more, head to
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>> welcome to aljazeera, and i'm morgan radford. a california meat company recalling diseased meat. and in kabul, uncovering the lebron james that the taliban used. u.n. aid workers vowing to evacuate 600 people from homes, despite attacks on their


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