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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 11, 2014 10:00am-11:01am EST

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>> announcer: this is al jazeera. ♪ hello and welcome to the al jazeera news hour. i'm in our broadcast centers in doha and london, the top stories. the bombs keep falling in syria as little progress is said to be made in the latest round of peace talks. a grenade attack on a cinema in pakistan leaves ten dead. >> i have all of the news from europe, including, the british
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prime minister under pressure. and why russia's last independent tv channel would be closed after being criticized for giving air time to the opposition. ♪ the second round of talks to try to bring peace to syria have got underway in switzerland. both sides have met in the same room for the first time in this round. but there has been little sign of progress. and inside syria the violence does continue. there have been more government bombing raids. activists say at least 15 people have been killed. across to stephanie decker in beirut for the latest on the situation in syria, but first let's cross over to james bays
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for the latest on the peace talks. >> very little sign of progress, i would go further and say i think what we're hearing from the two sides, no progress at all. they seem to still be very divided and more angry than ever. they don't even agree on the agenda of these talks and what should be focused on. the opposition saying all focus should be on the negotiation of the government that is supposed to run the country in the future. the government saying, first you need to stop the fighting and go point by point. and the first points about stopping the fighting and what they call terrorism are the most important points. so where do you go from here? is it time for the special representative to impose an
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agenda? >> i'm not sure whether i can impose an agenda on people who don't want -- how can you put a gun on -- on their heads? you know, it is their country. this is a huge responsibility they have. they came here at the initiative of russia and america with the support, i think of the entire world, and everybody is looking at them, most of all the people of syria. >> james is there a feeling with the americans there, the russ n russians on the way that there could make a difference? >> possibly, you have heard dr. brahimi saying he didn't impose anything, he doesn't have a gun to their heads, well certainly the u.s. and russians havement some considerable sway. the russians over the syrian government. the u.s. over the opposition,
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that's why i think dr. brahimi has put out the phone call. i think the timing is important. we're seeing a u.s. envoy and russian envoy on their way to geneva. i think the plan is to try to put pressure on both sides to try to kick start this process, which right now is really going nowhere. >> thanks for that update, james bayes in geneva. let's go to stephanie who joins me live from beirut. the ongoing attacks, what happened today? >> we know of three separate air strikes in the eastern district of aleppo. using barrel bombs we're hearing from activists that at least 25 people have lost their lives, and unfortunately it's not an isolated event. the government has stepped up their campaign in aleppo since last year, using barrel bombs
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very indiscriminate. hundreds of people have been killed and this is an effort to regain that city. it is now divided western part in the hands of the government and the eastern part in the hands of the rebels. >> we're not seeing fighting in holmes. and i know al jazeera has spoken to the governor of holmes. what did he have to say? >> that's right. we spoke to the governor a little earlier, and he told us the aid is on hold for today due to logisticalish yous. there are five areas inside the old city they want to reach, but they are trying to figure out the best way to get there. this is a very old city, so -- very small roads, cobblestones, cars can't come in, so i think the -- logistical issue is a huge challenge. he told us it will probably go on for as long as it takes to
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get everyone out. >> thanks to both of you. there has been another deadly attack on a cinema in the northwestern pakistani city. assailants -- hurls three gegern -- grenades at the building. do you have any ore details kamal? >> first of all as you mentioned the assailants were able to get into the cinema with relative ease despite the fact that cinema is located in the central part of this city and is a relatively secure area. the grenades were lobbed as the movie was on.
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there were about 80 people inside the hall when the explosion struck the place. and in the panic it appears that the assailants were able to make their escape as pandemonium broke out inside the theater. and a second deadly attack, and it happened at the time when the government of pakistan is in peace talks with the taliban. they were very quick to say they had nothing to do with this, they condemned the attack, and that of course is leaving quite a few question marks as to who did this? >> it could be a tall ban tactic to pressure's the talks, or the taliban is not in charge of the other groups fighting the government on the ground? >> well, you cannot rule out a splinter group, but this is not a tactic used by the taliban even in the past. they have not attacked any cinemas like this before, so it
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appears that it is not a main stream taliban group that is involved, because there are fears in pakistan that there is a third force which wants to sabotage any peace attempts. >> always another front. thank you for that kamal. gunmen have assaulted a military barracks in northern iraq, killing 15 police officers. it happened in a village not far from a major city. they were in charge of protect an oil pipeline that sends oil from iraq to turkey. protests are being held in yemen against the president's plan to transform the country into a federation. people in the country say the federation plan favors those living in the more populous north. iranians are marking the
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35th ref lugs that created the islamic republic of iran. it freed the iranian people from foreign interference. it overthrow the shall, installed ayatollah humaneny as the supreme leader. >> translator: our revolution at first a move against dictatorship. then from 1968 our revolution was an anti colonial one, to overthrow the shaw's are seem and end the unjust interference of the united states in iranian affairs. no foreign country helped bring this revolution to victory. it was our nation whose religious motivation motivated them to stand against all other
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nations. >> reporter: it's the 35th anniversary of the revolution that overthrow the shaw of iran, and replaced it with an islamic republic. humaneny of course being one of the leaders of the revolution, and now the president of course of iran has held post for six months, and made a very important speech today about his government, about the revolution, the goals of the revolution, and keeping on the path, his message is one of moderation. it says iran will not give in, but it is not going to be confrontational either. it will be moderate, rational in its thinking, it will approach domestic and foreign policies in this way as well, and a message to the iranian people and the rest of the world as iran at the moment is in a very delicate position regarding foreign
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policy and of course these nuclear talks, all very topics today. the south sudan ease government and the opposition are set to resume talks to try to end the conflict there. fighting has left thousands dead and close to 900,000 people displaced. violence broke out between the army and forces loyal to the former vice president. the two sides find a ceasefire on january 23rd, but the fighting continues. the foreign minister joins me lye now from london. thank you for taking time to talk with us. i hear the ceasefire is not holding. what is going on? >> i can assure you that we signed this decision, that on our side, the ceasefire is holding on our side as a government. but as you know, with the
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rebels -- with the rebels, sometimes there are contests with the fighting forces, there's noment command and control, so the information seems not to have trickled down, so when they see government troops moving, doing their constitutional duties of maintaining the sovereignty of the country, they sometimes shoot at our troops, and our troops have strict instructions from the commander in chief they will only respond in self protection. but i can assure you, we are committed to the cessation of hostilities -- >> that's good to hear, but maybe you can explain these two incidents to me. we are hearing that government forces are marching on lear, and rebels still say the uganda army is still involved in conflict. if that is true, isn't it time to reign them in? >> i can assure you as the
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foreign minister of the republican of south sudan, that the ugandan troops are not moving on rebel troops. >> to the rebels -- that claim is not true? >> yes, it is not true. yes. the ugandan troops have been in south sudan since 2008 as a result of the african task force. in order to track down the law resistance army -- >> yeah, but we're talking about the -- >> with an america -- >> no. most of these troops were deployed first in the west. they only came because in this the protection of the important infrastructure, which was juba airport, and the juba road, this is an economic road for south
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sudan -- >> when the u.s. calls for the immediate withdraw of foreign troops invited by either side, who do you think they are referring to when they are talking about the government? >> well, we have 12,000 united nations troops in juba now, and we have agreed out of the request of the security council to bring in another 5,000. the ugandan troops are there not to participate in war against the rebels, but they came in to protect the juba airport and the airstrip because they were being used in equating foreign citizens. the americans were then able-to-transport their citizens out, so was britain was able to transport, so was european union, as well as sudan, as well as kenya and uganda. so the presence of the uganda
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troops was a legal sort of presence in the area which [ technical difficulties ] >> -- opposition, how are you going to talk about peace, instill peace if you're not able to make that happen first of all? >> i can assure you that the government of the republic of south sudan is committed to the peace dialogue which is being mitigated by the other countries, many other countries are facilitating to see that peace comes back to south sudan. secondly, as you know the seven detainees were released by the president, and handed over to
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the kenyan president, so really you cannot say these people are under detention. they are free, and they have left our country. they are now under the care of the kenyan president -- >> can i jump in -- because we have very little time, and my apologies for that. but i want to ask you about the humanitarian efforts underway. what is it that you are doing to stop this -- the humanitarian situation? and how bad is it as far as you know? >> yes, i agree with you there is a very high humanitarian need, and we need humanitarian assistance to go in to south sudan as a whole, and we as the government have said that we allow unhindered humanitarian relief no any parts of south sudan, including where the
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rebels are. we would want food delivered to them. so yes, we need assistance. that's what south sudan needs. what we need now is help to resolve this challenge, but not punishment. i think it should be clear to everybody that the go will cooperate in that direction, so we can bring about peace to our country. >> all right. south sudan foreign minister, i really appreciate your time. >> thank you very much. a little girl has become the first person in years to contract polio in afghanistan. coming up, we'll look at the country's efforts to stop others from falling victim. >> these numbers are just impossible. >> also sky high deals at the singapore air show, so how does
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this booming industry plan to keep soaring. the olympic committee lifted a ban on athletes allowing them to compete for the winter olympics. those details coming up with jo. ♪ china and taiwan have held a new chapter in relations after holding their most significant talk since separation 65 years ago. but no formal agreements were signed and china still refuses to recognize its neighbors sovereignty. rob mcbride reports. >> reporter: the delegation from taiwan for the highest level talks with their chinese counterparts in more than half a century. it is the surest sign yet of improving relations. >> translator: we need to make efforts to realize meetings like this, but we must also think more creatively for the future
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of taiwane se. >> translator: i hope we can further promote the relationship on the consensus of the basis reached previously. >> reporter: they have seen an increase in social and economic integration in recent years, but diplomatic relations have lacked far behind, a fact that these talks might help to change. >> reporter: since the civil war lead to the split in 1949, relations between the two sides have been marked for decades by sporadic conflicts and constant acrey moanny. with most sides saying they are the true government of china, semiofficial relations were only reestablished in the early 1990s. for china the long term goal is
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the ultimate reunification with what it regards as its rebellious island. more immediately is taiwan's desire for a security guarantee that china won't invade it. faced by such profound differences, it has taken years of behind the scenes ground work to produce this meeting, resulting in such fundamental protocol issues as even how to address each other the fact of the meeting itself, is historic enough. rob mcbride, al jazeera, bay sheening. now to jonah hal in our european news center. >> jane, thank you. the talks have been stalled for almost two years, but many believe economic necessity may finally bring about a solution. the island has been divided
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since the turkish invasion in 1974 triggered by a greeked-aimed coup. turkey has occupied the north but lacks international recognition. in 2004, the un put forward a reunification blueprint, but greek separatists voted against the plan. here is the report. >> reporter: it's only the beginning of the beginning. the process will likely makes months or even a year, but this meeting in the no man'sland may be the most auspicious start cyprus has had. >> recently the business community from both sides came together, calling on the leaders, to reinitiate their
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talks and reunite guidance as soon as possible, because they declare this the only way out of the economic predicament that cyprus finds itself in. >> reporter: studies suggest a $15 billion boost for the economies. think basis for talks is still the same, to create a federation of two constituent states. to the outside world there would be citizenship and sovereignty, but any plan would have to be approved by people on both sides. that was the problem ten years ago, when the greek separatists rejected a plan. now they will come together. >> now we are in a different situation and the idea for us is much, much better. we need to find a way to
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reconcile. >> reporter: cyprus entered the european union divided ten years ago. they now seem to have tired of that. there is greater emphasis on human rights. they are now ready to place themselves if i recally in the eu. thousands of homes are under threat of flooding after the river thames burst its banks. >> reporter: foot by foot, house by house, the river thames has taken over. about 50 people live here, most have moved out. it's the same story all along this stretch of the river. hundreds of homes lost to the water. all michelle grey can do is
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rescue her possessions, through freezing knee-deep water. inside, this is our kitchen, these are the clothes she needs for work. >> it has been very difficult. it started in january, when the road stayed dry. but this time it came up very quick within the space of 24, 48-hours. no warning no nothing. >> this small community was first built in 1947, and it has -- before here since then? . it has been the wettest december in january on historic record. all across the southern part of the united kingdom. in other places the flooding is much worse. like here in summer set,
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hundreds of kilometers of low-lying areas have been flooded for weeks. further west, rail lines washed away. coastal defenses smashed by storms. the forecasters say more rain to come. global warming and climate change are to claim some say. wetter winters like this could become the norm. but that hasn't stopped the politics government accused of indifference. with less public money to spending, tough choices lie ahead. in willowway they have been left to fend for themselves. for michelle grey and the others, this could be a sign of what is to come. >> we have simon to talk to live now. briefly first of all give us the lay of the land where you are standing now.
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>> reporter: well, as luck we have it, a glorious sunny afternoon, jonah, but you'll have to take it from me, another morning of almost torrential rain, which is the last thing the people living along this stretch of the river thames need because that's all they have had for the last two months. and the ground is completely saturated, so whenever it rains again, there's nowhere for the extra water to run off, except into the river. and when we first arrived this morning, i thought that was the river. but the river is normally about 200 meters behind me. that is normally a field. that gives you some idea of how high the river has come in the last days and weeks. >> [ inaudible ] was asked who was to blame, and he said simply the rain. but it's not quite as simple as that, is it?
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>> reporter: well, no, and that's why there has been so much of a public slinging match between various politicians and representatives of the environment agency which has come in for a lot of criticism. one argument is that this weather is part of a shift in the weather pattern that the uk can look forward to as a result of global warming, and if you take that argument, and if these wet unusually stormy winters are set to become the norm, so the argument goes, some very tough decisions will have to be made. because as it stands right now, this country's coastal defenses and infrastructure of flooding defense simply will not be up to the job as this winter has shown. but all of that is in the context of increasingly tightened public purses, less and less money to spend on the grand projects that will probably be needed to protect
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everyone from the floods. so who gets to be protected in the future? and who gets to be abandoned to the ever-more frequent flooding? that is an argument that is beginning to come into this public debate and might explain why kr emotions have been running to high in recent days. >> thank you simon. and there will be more from europe a little later this news hour, but for now back to jane in doha. >> thanks, jonah, still ahead -- ♪ it's all. ♪ >> we'll look back at life of shirley temple who has died at the age of 85. and canada strikes gold in the sport that has made its olympic debut. all of those details from sochi coming up with jo in sport. ♪
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al jazeera america gives you the total news experience anytime, anywhere. more on every screen. digital, mobile, social. visit follow @ajam on twitter. and like aljazeera america on facebook for more stories, more access, more conversations. so you don't just stay on top of the news, go deeper and get more perspectives on every issue. al jazeera america. ♪ the top stories on al jazeera, the start of the second round of the geneva peace talks has been dominated by
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disagreements between syria's government and the main opposition, both sides accuse each other of wasting time. there has been another deadly attack on a cinema in the northwestern pakistani city. assailants hurled three grenades at the building. four people were killed in a similar cinema attack on february 2nd. china and taiwan have held a new chapter in relations, after holding their most significant talks since separation 65 years ago. and china still refuses to recognize its neighbor's sovereignty. three years ago to the date, the choir in cairo was a scene of jubilation. since then the country has scene
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wave after wave of political violence. >> reporter: february 11th, 2011, egypt long-serving leader resigns. for the millions of protesters on the streets of egypt, this was the end of decades of a d k dictator rule. a year later mohammed morsi became the first democratically elected president. but was then deposed. and the country is now return by an intern government, but it is the army under this man which has the final say. so many the growing power of the army and police is a sign of the
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old regime. >> mubarak's status quo was corrupt and oppressive. i think what egypt is witnessing at the moment is probably the worst [ inaudible ] in its history. >> reporter: hundreds of meme have been killed in fighting between pro morsi protesters and the military. the muslim brotherhood has been declared a terrorist group, and thousands of its members have been put in jail. the authorities hope presidential elections expected this year will stop the cycle of violence. this man is a prominent politician who ran in the 2012 presidential elections. he says he won't take part in these polls. >> translator: every egyptian who wants to express his views
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freely is worried he might end up being arrested, his house attacked or facing false accusations. >> reporter: but the ar army's leader is determined to move forward. the trial of three al jazeera english journalists detained in egypt is due to begin on february 20th. they are part of a group charged in this case accused of having links to a terrorist organization and spreading false news. mohammed fahmy, baher mohamed, and peter greste were taken by the egyptian authorities on december 29th. the acquisitions against them having ties to the muslim brotherhood, which egypt declared a terrorist organization on december 5th. a correspondent from our sister station has been in detention
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since july. al jazeera denies the charges and continues to demand release of its staff. at least 99 people have been killed from the crash of an air plain. it went down in an mountainous area. it was reportedly carrying soldiers and members of their families. in the afghan capitol an emergency polio vaccination campaign has begun. afghanistan, pakistan, and nigeria are the only countries in the world in which polio remainsen demmic. >> reporter: there is an urgent campaign to vaccination children. a 3-year-old girl was diagnosed with the disease.
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the child has recently returned from neighboring pakistan. >> the child is coming from a normal family, and some family members are living in pakistan with frequent travels back and forth. >> reporter: but it now means that the thousands of afghans who visit india each year will need a vaccination card. india has been free of the disease for only three years, it's ambassador say they are not taking any chances. >> our immunity levels are still very low. the socioeconomic conditions are such that it creates a very fertile ground for spread of polio virus in terms of urban slums, very high density of population, inadequate sanitation. riverbed mining, these are all factors which add to spread of polio. >> reporter: most of afghanistan
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is polio free, however, in the south vaccination programs are
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[ technical difficulties ] >> and where every tv channel is required to do. we're covering all possible sides of each problem. >> reporter: last month they briefly ran a phone-in poll, asking if it would have been better in lennongrad has surrendered. the press secretary said they crossed the line. the very existence of the tv channel is now in doubt. dozens of supporters of the channel gathered near moscow's red square and symbolically opened umbrellas. dodge translates to rain in
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english. commentators see it as a direct continuation as the recent crack downs against gay rights demonstrators. >> over the last two years the kremlin has been less and less tolerant, and we have had actually a crackdown on freedom of assembly on non-government organizations, there was a huge campaign against non-government organizations receiving funding. >> reporter: dodge is nonetheless putting together a survival plan, pushing on with its internet broadcast. whether it can survive will speak volumes about the state of russia. this is much bigger than just a story about an opinion poll. this is about the freedom to have a decents voice in modern russia, as the people here say, we did not set out to pick a fight with putin, we just wanted
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to be independent. paul brennan, al jazeera, moscow. a group of women have been supporting of the police have been demonstrating in kiev. they took down a line of wooden crosses put up by the anti-government protesters. protesters have been gathering since november after president yanukovych pulled out of the deal with the european union. italian authorities say they have broken up a major mawfyia group. protesters at a detergent factory in boss anyia are
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continuing their protest. tim friend reports. >> reporter: they used to employ hundreds here, tough but steady work at the detergent factory in bosnia's industrial heartland. now the workers, some of whom have not be paid for a year, can only guard their shutdown plant. >> translator: we have not been paid in a long time, no health insurance or benefits. last june we have been guarding the building. we hope it will reopen one day. >> reporter: the anger and frustration that the workers feel about being let down by their political leaders suddenly erupted last week. they rioted and burned the local government building. the violence spread to sarajevo
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and other cities. some politicians have since resigned, but critics say that the power-sharing system set up after bosnia's war in the 1990s is unwielding and even corrupt. >> translator: the people here finally said they had had enough of the corrupt, and the unprofessional government, the government that for the past 20 years hasn't listened to the people. a government that does not see the people are hungry and unemployed and have no chance of a future. >> reporter: back at the factory, the sit-in continues. all they need is investment they say. under the socialist system, they used to own 30%. now they say they are at the mercy of speculators.
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>> and that's the news from europe, back to you, jane, in doha. thank you, jonah. could real madrid set up a final with barcelona as they get set to take on their city rivals. those details with jo coming up. ♪
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♪ the commercial aviation industry is focused on singapore this week. the world's biggest carriers are there for the asian air showy promises to be the biggest addition yet. and big deals are being signed.
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>> reporter: it's an aviation marketplace in the world, fastest growing region. aircraft manufacturers, airlines, and suppliers from around the world are all here. this year globally 3.3 billion people will climb aboard an airliner, and nearly 25% of them will be arriving or departing from right here in asia pacific. >> this is something which is really exponential, and i actually have to pinch myself still. watching this market for 30 years, and i start thinking these numbers are just impossible. we have never seen anything [ technical difficulties ] >> reporter: -- but it will also help theoff ration sector. >> last [ inaudible ] our airlines [ inaudible ] profits.
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[ inaudible ]. >> reporter: for the first time ever, the two most advanced airliners in the sky are next to each other. this is the first time this aircraft is on public display. it is still undergoing flight testing, but later in the year it will start carrying passengers. >> reporter: it's critical the airlines and governments plan ahead. >> so the industry together with governments need to work together to coordinate and plan to make sure the infrastructure does keep pace. there are markets where the infrastructure has not. and that degrades the service to the traveling public. >> reporter: and it's not just about plains and runways, you need trained manpower to make it work. so this aviation industry is at
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an important cross roads. qatar's football world cup organizers say they have responded to concerns about workers. fifa had given qatar until this week to explain how conditions for workers will improve. ♪ let's get the update on the olympics and other sports new, jjo? >> absolutely. the international olympic committee has lifted a ban against india, and the decision will allow indian athletes to compete in sochi. the opening ceremony of an
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olympics is an moment that few athletes will ever forget, but for three athletes from india, the participation was bittersweet. they were forced to participate as independent athletes and fly the olympic flag. india had been banned from top level sporting events since 2012 after their committee was accused of corruption. >> it is the first time in olympic history that a suspension has been lifted during the games, and the decision will have an immediate impact. the decision means they can now compete for the national olympic committee of india, and will walk behind their flag at the closing ceremony on the 23rd of february. >> reporter: it comes to late for this athlete who was forced to compete as an independent athlete on saturday and sunday. but he is delighted that his
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country's flag will finally be rais rais raised in sochi. >> we will be very careful and see that there is actually going to be some change, and i think all of the athletes of india want to see change and good governance, and this is the first step. >> reporter: the decision may be too late for this man, but it means other indian athletes can take part in international events. joining us now there new delhi to discussion this further is a veteran journalist. there needs to be good governance, he said at the indian olympic association. are those in charge now the right people for the job? >> well, in some senses, yes. because the specter of
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corruption and wrongdoings which have marred this sport for the last 14 months -- actually much longer than that, and the ioc banishment which came 14 months ago, was actually like a very, very strong kick, and it seemed to have jolted the entire sporting fraternity and accountability of indian sports officials. the person to the world squash federation who has twice presented squash's claim to be one of the olympic sports, he has a kind of [ inaudible ] that the ioc likes. and also there could be a marked change in the nature of offic l officiald on sports, which is what the ioc wanted. >> so ultimately this ban although it was a very harsh 14
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months has benefited sport in india? >> in some senses, yes. it certainly gains you a lot of credibility and accountability. the government of india is spending a lot of money to train and send people out to allow people to compete at their expense. when you have sports which have worked very hard and the government is spending money, and when you know the money is not going in the right direction, it of course is extremely painful. and when the athletes have to compete at the highest levels in represents like the olympics and asian games and to walk behind a flag which is not your national flag of course is quite painful. forever athlete it is the ultimate ambitious not just to win the medals, but also to compete under your national
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flag. >> have sports fans really felt the hit from this ban? has anyone even noticed in terms of real fans of the sport there? >> oh, certainly, yes. even though cricket happens to clog up about 80% of the air time, sponsorship, and much else, the olympic sports in india are well followed. they have always been extremely popular with the indian population and sports fan. so the last 14 months has been extremely painful for the sports fan. in 2013, when the -- at the asia youth games when a lot of indian young athletes had to walk and win medals and they couldn't hear their own national anthem play, it really was an emotional moment, it was something everybody was extremely angry
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about. so when the indian olympic association has been accepted back in the committee fold. it is actually a matter of great relief not just of joy. >> okay. thank you very much for joining us here on al jazeera. canada has surged ahead in the medal table. howell clenched gold ahead of the usa and fellow canadian. the mens event will be taking place later in the week. norway also have four gold medals, having clenched the win in cross-country sprint-free finals. on to football now where real madrid are getting ready to take on their opponent. the best 3-0 up in the spanish
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leg. chelsea can open up a 4-point lead later. they are going into the match unbeaten in their last ten-league games. they are looking for their first league title since 2010. in the nba, the pacers strengthen their hold on monday, when they crushed the denver nuggets. they lead by 11 by the end of the first and never gave up the lead. roy hibbert also has a big game with 14 points and 12 rebounds. indiana 119-80 winners. their largest winning marge of the season. jane. >> thank you very much for that, jo. the former u.s. child star shirley temple has died at the age of 85.
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during the 1930s, she was one of the country's most popper lar performers, and is still the youngest person to receive an academy award. we look back at her life. ♪ >> reporter: this is how shirley temple will be remembered by her fans, a singing, dancing, curlily hair little girl who charmed her way to the top of the box office during the darkest days of the depression. her most memorable performances include four films she made with a dancer 50 years her senior, who she later said was her favorite costar. ♪ >> reporter: before the age of 12 she made over 40 films, saving 20th century fox studios from bankruptcy. they recognized her importance with a special miniature oscar.
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>> mommy, can i go home now? >> hollywood's biggest social event of the season, the wedding of shirley temple. >> reporter: her acting career would end at the age of 21. known today as mrs. shirley temple black, she became an ambassador, and believed her diplomatic career was made easier by her past. >> shirley is remembered with love, with affection, i'm thought of as a friend, which i am. >> reporter: from sailing the good ship lollipop, to charming the cold war adversaries, she leaves a lifetime and legacy of warming hearts. so good-bye to shirley temple there, and us on the news hour team, but i'll see you in
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