tv America Tonight Al Jazeera February 12, 2014 4:00am-5:01am EST
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store in jacksonville florida. he is charged with shooting at three other teens in the car. >> those are the headlines, i'm not thomas drayton in new york. "america tonight" coming up next the the latest news online at to stand his ground. >> he said he's threatened. and i said you're not going to kill me, and i shot him. >> and president obama said that crisis could destabilize the region. >> we have a horrendous situation on the ground in syria. >> and bad bite. chemica chemicals in some of your favorite foods that are banned almost every everywhere else in the world.
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>> good evening, thank you for being with us, i'm joie chen. in his effort to make his own case, the man accused of killing an unarmed teenager outside of a jacksonville convenience store took the stand. it echoes george zimmerman and trayvon martin, with some distinct differences. zimmerman did not testify in his own trial. but on the stand, dunn said that he shot the teenager because he had no choice. the confrontation escalated to life. >> after hearing the something
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something cracker i heard, i should [ bleep ] kill hem. and not only is he escaping screaming, and not only is he saying he's going to kill me, but he's showing a gun and threatening me. >> as it turns out, michae there was no gun, but michael dunn is still justified in defending himself. under stand your ground, a person may. a former prosecutor with the broward county state attorney's office, i appreciate you being with us, and this whole notion of being able to say that you have to stand your ground because you thought you were under threat, even if no evidence is found. and how does that come together like that? >> unfortunately, this law in
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florida allows any individual to claim that they were in fear, and based on that fear of potential bodily injury, they can stand their ground and not retreat and fire a firearm and kill someone. so the law here is allowing the defendant, mr. dunn, to make that defense, which is a firm defense in florida, and the stand your ground language is part of the instruction that the jury will hear. >> i wanted to play a little bit of dunn's testimony. and this does speak to no gun being found. but he has said that he thought this was a gun used against him.
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live a reality few of us could imagine. trapped, cut off, under siege, bombarded daily for two years already. now, finally, there is hope for some of them to escape the nightmare. "america tonight's" sheila mcviccer has more >> reporter: this is what a cease fire sounds like in the bereceived old city of holmes. it's dangerous to be on the street, but people are desperate to leave this behind. u.n. and red crescent workers have beenshelled and shot at. they have not been able to deliver even the most basic aid. with threats of snipers, women, children, the old and sick and some men huddle in the shelter of u.n. vehicles to move across no man's land, for separating the warring sides. it's terrifying. clutching their children, their luggage, whatever they are able to carry with them from their
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homes, scrambling just 500 yards to safety. >> reporter: in the confusion, this woman screams for her son, somehow lost in the crowd. others abandoned bags. in the months they have been trapped in the city, food has become scarce. some have been eating leaves and grass. there are no medical supplies. no one wants to take the chance of being left behind. >> what's taking a long time to negotiate these. >> we reached this unicef field office by sky in the government-drooled section of hommes. >> for those people who are still inside the old city, what them? >> reporter: ? >> the conditions are very, very bad.
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lack food, lack of medical care, contaminated water, and, of course, insecurity. >> even once the security of the controlled sides, regime forces have taken some men, more than 400, aged between 15 and 55 and are reported to be detaining and questioning them, searching for links to rebel forces. >> that is president guarantee that they have provided. >> in this conflict marked by reprisals, accusations of war crimes, the evacuation of fewer than 2,000 civilians through an imperfect cease fire counts as a victory. the tiniest step of cooperation
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between the regime and rebel forces and just about the only conflict. >> we still have a horrendous syria. i don't think anybody disputes that. and what is absolutely clear is that with each passing day, more people inside of syria are suffering. the state of syria, itself, is crumbling that you is bad for syria, bad for the region action bad for global national security u.n. officials say they hope it will continue for a few more days which will permit them to bring more people out of the city and as importantly get humanitarian aid especially medical aid back in. >> isn't there a worry that you left up with the fighters left in the city, that women and children who are allowed to leave but in a sense, you would
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be creating an arena of more limits? >> the agreement between the government and the rebel groups and the united nations said that men between the ages of 15 and 55 would not be allowed to leave the old city. in fact, more than 300 men in that age group have left and are currently, as we said, under government interrogation. the government has given the u.n. ainsurance of safety and safekeeping for those men, but it's not known yet what will happen to them. of course, this has been a very, very difficult situation, very bloody war, and there have been atrocities on all sides. >> that's a concern. the question about who is left in the old city, those who will be left in the old city are either those who are unable to get out because they are too weak, too ill, to elderly, or they will be the
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fighters. i want to bring in someone who knows the situation in hommes as well as other people of the country dr.sahloul, of the medical society. we have talked to him several times on this program. we know that you have very direct connections into hommes. hearing? >> what we are hearing right now that the evacuation was suspended today, the situation fled indications and blood products and surgical services are not allowed in. some of the nurses who are inside the city are telling us that they are dealing with patients who sometimes bled to death but because there is not -- no blood products and no iv fluid, they were not able to treat them. of course, we prefer that humanitarian aid and medicine are
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allowed in instead of evacuating the whole city. we believe that this is against international law to force the civilians out. also, as we are hearing that the president of the united nations observers is, by itself, a positive step. this is something i think which should be highlighted more because it led toward the fight nothing area. >> doctor, you have teams on the ground, i understand, particularly in aleppo. you had scene quite a bit of violence directly striking some of your own patients. >> that's really one of the unfortunate situations that is happening in syria that we know that there is war in syria, but even war has laws that have to be respected. and what's happening in syria with the beginning of the crisis is hospitals and doctors have been targeted systematically by the regime. in the last three months, we had three field hospitals including this largest trauma hospital in eastern aleppo which were bombed and destroyed by the syrian
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regime by fighter jets. two patients who died and unfortunately, two other patients who had brain damage because of the ventilator stopped working because of the strike. we had three staff, medical staff, who were injured and right now, we are trying to relocate the hospital. this is a hospital in a very crowded neighborhood. the civilians in that neighborhood depend upon the hospital for surgeries, for medical care and right now, they don't have any access to save medical care. >> president obama said again today, the situation in syria is horrible. the only solution is a political solution and for that political solution, we have to look to the negotiations, which are taking place in switzerland. those negotiations are so far so unsuccessful, they cannot even agree an agenda. how are they going to talk about about? >> doctor, i understand your organization has worked so hard to product the health and safety of people within syria. when you see these geoneva talks underway do you have much hope
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this will produce any practical solution for the people? >> unfortunately, no one is putting too much hope on the geneva conference. what we are seeing on the ground for the past three weeks since the beginning of the geneva conference, more antic -- intentionfying of the bombing, especially in the city of aleppo. the only way to stop the carnage is by forcing the regime to abide by the rules of law of war and, also, allowing cross-border humanitarian assistance to syria and, also, making sure these areas under siege are allowed unfetterred access to the civilians there >> reporter: unfortunately, th that has not happened. sheila mcviccer with us and dr. sahloul, we appreciate both of your insight. >> thank you. ♪ >> ahead on "america tonight," food for he knowsics, breaking down the additives, the plastic in your snickers might be in your sandwich.
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the house today voted on the debt limit. republicans who voted against the bill said that congress has not done enough to curb the government spending. it's expected to pass stephanie. a potential interruption to the underwater food chain. heeding environmentalist warnings, banning plastic exfoliating beads in facial scrubs, and they're not biodegradable much and. >> the slaughterhouse at the center of the controversy, sick animals without inspection, and this comes on the he would see of another shocking discovery in the food industry. first, it was the subway sandwich bread, stuffed with plastic used in yoga mats and sneakers. turns out that the chemical
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keeps loves white and it has been banned in europe and australia because of possible linking to asthma, skin irritation and cancer. >> who needs to be eating mask in bread? >> mcdonald's bread is so full of it, so that billions and billions served could really be billions and billions served toxic chemicals. >> and food industry critics point out that the yoga mat material isn't the only risky native in some of our most popular food stuff. it's used in gum and gummy candies. but it also goes into cosmetics and cigarette filters, and something called tbhq, a
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preservative used in crackers, chips, and varnish too. consumer wash dogs say that the government has the responsibility for keeping track of what's in our food. >> the fda has the responsibility to captain inshe's things very carefully. and they can't go on decades-old standards. >> but critics are excited too. >> it's exciting that ordinary bloggers are joining together and saying, what thi is this stf in my food in and getting companies like craf kraft or subway to stop using certain chemicals in their food. bloggers fut back, an online petition about the subway bread. 50,000 folks signed it in less than 24 hours, and she joins us now.
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so what is it specifically about the subway bread. and in fact, we heard senator schumer said it's not just subway, but there are other bakeries that always use this chemical. >> subway has the healthy minimal, they use the word, eat fresh, and they have a ton of olympic endorsements and a ton of olympic athletes, and the endorsement of michelle obama's let's move campaign. she went into subway and started eating these with kids, and said that it had the highest nutritional standard. and when i saw that, i knew i had to do something. >> why has it been such an emotional response? it has touched a nerve with a lot of folks. >> it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that we shouldn't be eating plastic chemicals. this is used to make yoga mats
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and leather, and if it's up against the other chemicals in our food, what's the cumulative affect of eating all of these things? we don't know, and as a person who eliminated processed food and cleaned up their own diet, by eating organic and as many plant peaced foods as possible, i know the benefits of eating this way, you can drastically change your life. i lived my life with asthma and skin rashes, and it wasn't until i started to give up these foods that i got better. i had appendicitis. and you get inflamed by eating inflammatory foods. >> but it's not clear about exactly which chemicals are a problem for specific health problems. some of them might be gross on the surface, and unpealing at
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that level, but we don't exactly know which are the most dangerous or pose the most risks. >> well, this ingredient has been studied all over the globe. the world health organization has studied it, and there's a study that shows when it's heated it causes cancer, and the center of public interest has come out and said there's a maul cancer risk when you eat this ingredient. so it's important for us to avoid this stuff. when virtually every other country around the world has banned it in their food, we should being doing it as well. you're right, we don't know what the cumulative effect is, but the fda has been slip at the wheel. and they have not reviewed all of the generally regarded safe ingredients that these food companies are standing behind, and saying, we're going to use these ingredients as long as they're safe, and we need to speak up as american citizens,
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and take back our food. >> i have a feeling we're going to be hearing from you, she's the founder of food thanks for being with us. looking ahead on "america tonight," the underwater money maker. >> they are money, right? you see lots of money right there. >> it's like a dollar bill down there, you see little grooves, and once you hit the ground, you'll see it sink, and you know that's a good one. >> a rare delicacy, an aphrodisiac, and a wonderful find in wash state until a top customer threatened their livey hood. the deep dive on gooey ducks, and what's ahead underwater. and still tonight, the hope and strength that live in schizophrenia. the troubled minds in the other
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>> every morning from 5 to 9 am al jazeera america brings you more us and global news than any other american news channel. >> tell us exactly what is behind this story. >> from more sources around the world. >> the situation has intensified here at the border. >> start every morning, every day 5am to 9 eastern. >> with al jazeera america. real reporting that brings you the world. giving you a real global perspective like no other can. real reporting from around the world. this is what we do. al jazeera america.
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>> as part of our series, the other america, we wanted to know what it's like to live with the diagnoses of schizophrenia. and we'll meet i remarkable woman who knows how to thrive with the debilitating illness americans. >> i had an episode in high school, i got up and started walking, and i felt they were sending me messages. you are special, you are ep bad, repent. and i felt like entities why putting thoughts in my head and it was scary. it really was. >> ellen sacks was just 16, and the thoughts why increasingly scary, and her psychosis worsened. >> i had a thought of a man
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raising a knife above my head with a waking nightmare, with all of the bizarre things. and only with a nightmare, it goes away, but no such luck with a psychotic episode. >> for years, she kept her mental illness from her family. and she graduated from law school, but then her symptoms were too severe to hide. >> i asked my classmates, are your copies of the documents being infiltrated? hospital. >> when she was at the hospital, she learned how psychosis is often treated if the united states. >> they lifted me high off of the ground and threw me on the bed and tied my arms and ankles to the bed. and i just screamed at the top of my lungs.
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today never occur to me that someone would do do that to to a per. >> almost worst that the restraint, schizophrenia. >> i felt i was set to a bleak and painful life, and i couldn't believe it's true. >> but when a yale professor told her she should withdraw from law school and get a job as a cashier, somewhere inside she rebelled. >> how much more stressful would it be? >> she refused to drop out of yale. >> the crazy stuff that you see from the sidelines, the instructor and the relationship are incredibly important to me. >> it's an awful illness, who
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has decided that that illness is not going to define her life. >> steve met elyn at law school. >> ellen, when she becomes scottic is quite scared because the content is quite scary. the fantasy that she said responsible for having killed people, and there are nuclear explosions fog off in her head. there are times that i would get a book, and being with someone, i think elyn found helpful, and those psychotic periods would pass. >> steve, now a psychologist, and
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elyn, still talk every day, and schizophrenia. >> having them around makes them different. >> friends can play a hugely helpful role in supporting the person during those times. >> having a kind and non-judgmental person who concepts you for the good, but the bad and the ugly is incredibly powerful. when elyn becomes psychotic, she'll use me as a soundingboard. maybe yes, maybe no. >> i can't imagine life without it. to do. >> but the friendship had been tested by elyn's multiple attempts to get off of medication.
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>> much of elyn's life was fighting the idea that she had an illness. it was such a big blow to accept that i wanted to prove it wasn't true by getting off medication and doing well. >> she would just go down and down and down and get more and more psychotic, and i would feel goodness, haven't you tried this enough? is the it time to make peace with this? >> over and over and over again, and when i look back, i wish i was smarter sooner, but i'm glad that i wasn't forced and i came it my own decision in my own time. it works for me, and makes my life better. and being on the drugs consistently has changed my life. i just have fewer and fewer symptoms, and i like it. >> elyn is a professor for years, at the university of california, and an expert on
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mental health law. with her symptoms under control, she's able to focus on other areas of her life. >> i went a couple of years without dating in the middle. and then will and i started dating and i really fell in love. i never thought it would happen. it's the best thing that happened to me. >> during the years that i worked here in the law library at usc, she would occasionally come down and ask me for help for one thing or another. and later, she told me she was trying to flirt with me, which i told her had not been terribly effective. >> then he invited me to lunch, and then to the poppies in lancaster. >> if you can imagine acres and acres and aches of orange flowers in the hills, swaying in the wind. >> at the end of the day, he
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gave me a long lingering kiss, and i thought, i swear to god, this is better than getting an article accepted. >> i'll acknowledging a little bit naive about all of the implications about how well i understood the seriousness of her condition, but on the other hand, i was not at all put off by it. >> my husband deserves incredible credit with how he has been with me and interacted with me and loved me. and so i consider myself the luckiest woman in the world. >> reporter: yet because she hid her illness from most people, ellen continued to feel that she was living a lie. in 2007, sheio a book and went schizophrenia. >> the book came out and maybe 10 people already knew, but the other people didn't know. so it was really a coming out
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kind of situation. >> she felt like keeping the secret is part of what stigmatized mental illness, so it was therapeutic for her to live honestly. and also a political act wanting to destigmatize mental illness for other people. it's very brave. >> in 2009, elyn won an award, but it's a long way to understand those with schizophrenia. >> as opposed a mentally ill creature, that's the huge question. when elyn got her mcarthur award, i sent around an email to everybody, and as part of that message i said that people deal with this devastating illness,
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and we see them on corners every day. we all need it to work, to not be afraid of them. >> the u.s. has a long way to go. if you take a look and walk down a street in any major city, you're going to see a lot of folks with mental illness wandering around, and no place to sleep, they're looking through the garage can, and i want to say, wow, look at elyn sachs. if you give someone the right treatment and the right support, they can be the most that individual can be. and that, to me is the take home point. >> and elyn continues to speak out and educate people about her illness. a talk she gave recently views.
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>> thank you. and ahead in our final thoughts in this area. shirley temple, we reflect on the life of america's first starlet. consider this: the news of the day plus so much more. >> we begin with the government shutdown. >> answers to the questions no one else will ask. >> it seems like they can't agree to anything in washington no matter what. >> antonio mora, award winning and hard hitting. >> we've heard you talk about the history of suicide in your family. >> there's no status quo, just the bottom line. >> but, what about buying shares in a professional athlete? real perspective, consider this on al jazeera america
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>> every sunday night al jazeera america brings you controversial... >> both parties are owned by the corporations. >> ..entertaining >> it's fun to play with ideas. >> ...thought provoking >> get your damn education. >> ...surprising >> oh, absolutely! >> ...exclusive one-on-one interviews with the most interesting people of our time. >> you're listening because you want to see what's going to happen. >> i want to know what works what do you know works? >> conversations you won't find anywhere else. >> talk to al jazeera. >> only on al jazeera america. >> oh my! al jazeera america. we understand that every news story begins and ends with people. >> the efforts are focused on rescuing stranded residents. >> we pursue that story beyond the headline, pass the spokesperson, to the streets. >> thousands of riot police deployed across the capital. >> we put all of our global resources behind every story. >> it is a scene of utter devastation. >> and follow it no matter where it leads - all the way to you.
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al jazeera america, take a new look at news. finally, from us this hour, we say goodbye to an american icon. 8 decades after she first tap danced her way into hollywood and into the hearts of millions of fans, shirley temple died late on monday at the age of 85 ♪ some day i am going to cry". >> before "child star" was followed by "scandal" she was america's original sweetheart charging the nation out of the darkest days of depression. with ring let's the envy of little girls everywhere, a smile as sweet as the kiddy cocktail
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named in her honor, she was a star by the age of 3 because no matter how grim the times were, who wouldn't be charmed? ♪ on the good ship localli p /* lollimop, it's a sweet trip to the candy shop. >> her pint-sized perform applications upbeat and unforgettable like this duet with bill bojangles robinson. temple starred in more than 40 films before she was even a teenager and beyond the screen, shirley temple became a brand. the shifrley temple doll was the best selling doll of the decade. the bright, curly locks copied by generations and races of girls trying to recreate that shirley temple look. >> thank you very much. >> after winning an honarary and appropriatelysized oscar 1935? >> mommy, may i go home now.
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>> temple reretired from the big screen when she was 22 years old. in the 1960s, she returned to the spotlight bringing her charm to the international stage. >> raise your right hand and repeat after me. known then as shirley temple black, she served as u.s. ambassador to ghana and czechoslavakia during the fall of communism? >> world peace that's difficult to achieve, and i think that all of us have to be involved, and i am proud that i am able to participate, and i am particularly proud that i have been able this year to be a united states representative to the united nations. ♪ happy birthday ♪ >> an ambassador for goodwill and good spirits always. >> i have one piece of advice for those of you who want to receive the lifetime achievement award. start early. >> still spirited indeed. by the way, you can still get
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that shirley temple kiddy cocktail, of course. in 1988, 1 company tried to bottle it for the masses but ms. temple filed a lawsuit to brock that saying all a celebrity ever has is their name. she had a great one. that's in it for us here on "america tonight." we will have more of "america tonight" coming up tomorrow.
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>> announcer: this is al jazeera. >> hello, welcome to al jazeera. we are in doha, and this is a newshour. the search for the missing anti-drone activist feared kidnapped in pakistan. we talk to his lawyer. the evacuation of people in the city of homs resumes as peace talks begin again in geneva. >> too much water for some. too little for others. the extremes of weather impacting the planet. >> and what happened when
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