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tv   America Tonight  Al Jazeera  February 12, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm EST

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derek jeter will retire at the end of this season. his are injury prone 2013 season led him to want to retire. you can get the latest on the flooding, t drought rigt now. extreme weather of every kind, and why all of this could be our new normal. >> the next 48 hours are going to be very tough here in the carolinas. >> extreme weather has become all too common and all too frequent. >> from upstart reformer to a raft of corruption convictions even in a city well known for political implosions, the
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verdict against new orleans former mayor rocks the big easy. >> it doesn't reflect the heart of the city. >> from the sea, a prized aphrodisiac, what that could mean for one community that depends on it. good evening. think for being with us. i am joie chen. the worst predictions are coming to pass with more than 100 million people in its path, the second vicious winter storm system is heading to a deep freeze. despite efforts to war residents of safety, the disaster is in full swing. drivers abandoning cars, trying
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desperately to get off of the roadways and avoid a repeat of the scene down in atlanta two weeks ago. it's not just this weather disaster either. waves of flooding wash through the pacific northwest. some parts of the west are parched with drought. weather at its most extreme is the center of our focus this hour. beginning with the crisis which has left more than 300,000 without power already in georgia and the carolinas, cities across the south virtually on lockdown and meteorologists and emergency managers out of words to describe how bad this is going to get. >> in a sign of how great the concerns and how big the challenge is. hurricane hunters were pressed into rare service to tap the ice monster with tracking devices that often check how many wind and water will swirl in from warm weather systems. on the ground, the warnings are
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dire. >> these things are changing quickly. this is going to be a very thresh russ system coming through. >> with a giant ice storm colliding across northern alabama through georgia and into the carolinas, the fear isn't just about slipping and sliding but that the region's great trees felled by heavy eyes could leave hundreds of thousands to struggle through days in the cold. >> our primary point of concern at this point in time are power outages due to the freezing rain and ice in addition to difficult road conditions. >> georgia, stung by its epic fail two weeks ago hushrushed t ahead of the game. residents stocking up for what they have learned can be a long wait for a thaw, putting salt and sand out early and mulling in more than 150 generators from f. fema. hundreds of flights at hartsville jackson cancelled even before the weather fell
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from the sky. >> the state's nabors sounded determined to learn fromga's mistakes declaring states of emergency before the storm moved north, closing schools, pulling out road crews and letting the public know what to expect. >> this storm has been very unusual, very, very hard to predict. we are going to wait for the snow to start falling. as soon as we have enough accumulation and we have to have like six to eight inches, then we will plow the street and salt right behind. >> headed into a holiday weekend, worried families have cleared out store shelves expecting to be indoors for the long haul. >> i am hoping i got everything. i am hoping that i got all of the food, the juice, the milk, so i don't have to come back. i don't want to get out in the snow. >> with meteorologists warning the giant system will pummel up the eastern seaboard over three days and snow snowfall predictions of as much as 10 inches in the most densely population parts of the country around new york city. the tumble of predictions are
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that the cancellations that have started in the south will lead to delays, upwards of two hours by thursday across a busy northeastern air corridor and worries that this disaster is just a sign of more trouble to come. >> we are monitoring the weather once again in the quote, unquote world of the new normal and extreme weather, where extreme weather has become all too common and all too frequent. >> in the southeast, extreme weather is still not as frequent but enough of it lately to havega angels on guard. went -- georgia angels ans on w airport tar macs said no planes waiting to take out. flights were cancelled. nationwide, more than 3200 have been closed down for the time being. al jazeera robert ray has been covering the storm from atlanta.
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>> the major winter storm that is blanketing the south with snow and ice has been hitting the atlanta metro area very hard all day. you can see on a major bridge overpass here just north of the city, virtually empty. i-75, if the camera turns over there, also virtually empty. >> that's where all of the gridlock was just a couple of weeks ago. people calling it one of the court withs traffic situations they have ever seen in atlanta. some of theition forming on the fence here that's the big worry in atlanta overnight as the ice will hit the power lines and the big pine trees here can perhaps cause even more power outages than we have seen all day. there has been over 200,000 power outages in the georgia area so far, the govern warning we are not through this there is more to come tonight into tomorrow. to sum all of this up, it's been a winter sandwich, essentially
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at 3:00 a.m. here on wednesday, started with rain. then went into sleet. then went into freezing pebbles that actually hurt when they hit you and snow. it keeps going back and forth all day. you can see the streets are filled with ice right now. this was snow earlier. and now, it's just completely complete ice all over the streets here in atlanta. they have pre-treated this time, unlike two weeks ago, which is a good thing, a lesson learned. so, most of the people in atlanta, six million plus in the metro area, have stayed home today. the governor asking people to stay home tomorrow as a state of emergency is still in effect. businesses not open. it's hard to en find somewhere to eat. hotels are booked. schools are closed and people are hunkering down as this winter storm has blanketed georgia, is going up into the carolinas tonight, south and north carolina with traffic gridlock in raleigh and up into d.c. where they are expecting in some places nearly a foot of
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snow in virginia and then up into the new york area. >> robert ray reporting to us from atlanta. now, let's look ahead. al jazeera meteorologist kevin coriveaux, i think my team are chattering seeing what robert ray was seeing in atlanta. is it over for them now? >> it is not yet joie but we are close. we have to remember this storm has been deadly here across parts of mississippi and texas. six people have died because of those ice conditions there. let's put this into motion. for atlanta, see all of the ice they had here across the region. as i said, they have about another three to four hours of icy conditions for them. let's put that into motion as well. you can see we still have those warnings, winter storm areas in effect. >> that's ice storm warnings there. now, i want to put the forecast into motion starting at 9:00 o'clock tonight. you can see atlanta right there in the icing area. as we go through, at about
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11:00 p.m., things start to break out for them. the ice, though, take a look at south carolina. look at north carolina. major problem there. so, it's going to be a series of events that happens. atlanta will clear out. the carolinas are going to get the brunt of the storm overnight and as we go towards tomorrow, it will make its way up toward the eastern seaboard and washington, joie, you are going to see mostly snow coming through that particular area. there is expected to be some ice. it's not going to be that much at all as we go toward tomorrow afternoon, charlotte, wilmington, raleigh clear out and the ice will turn stosnow in that particular area as we take a look at that. you can see, here it is right there. you can see, as we go into motion, washington right here, beginning too get snow. it will be mostly a snow event for washington as well as in new york. >> meteorologist kevin coriveaux, thanks so much.
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europeans and south americans, too, are dealing with climatic conditions not usually this intention. in england, they are having their wettest winter in more than -- get this -- two sentence trees and some of the worst flooding in decades as the river thames burst its banks. it is not over yet. much of the u.k. is under a flood warning. a red alert has been issued for 80-mile-an-hour winds. jennifer glass wadded into southern england to give us a view of the historic flooding here. >> this is something we are seeing all over britain, one ofman hundreds of roads flooded, houses threatened. if the water goes up just a few mo more feet here, this is on higher ground. we have been to dozens of houses here today who were where the water is just inches away. a lot of people have already left their homes here in raysbury to across the country. many have moved furnishes to the
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second floor, what they can and taken things off of the ground. worry seeing the army come into these villages going door to door, helping people that they can here in the an army truck getting through these villages, trucks and big four-wheel-drive vehicles are the only way to get around. we have been to several villages nearby and many are them are worse off than here in raisebury. some areas totally cut off, the water is three, four feet deep. here in raysburgy many have left thomas. others have moved belongings up onto the second floor. these are scenes we are seeing repeated across britain as this flood really affects the whole south of britain now. the prime minister has said they will spare no money to help these people and to try to prevent future floods. the government has come under a lot of criticism about how its handled this situation and it's not over yet. we are expecting more rain. there is a lot of concern about what the thames will do in the coming days. london, so far, not really
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threatened it has a thames barrier on the other side of london where they can help regulate the flow of water there. we are not far from heathrow airport. a lot of people badly affected here an across the country. and more rain expected later this week. so this is not over yet. it could take days, weeks, or even months foremost this water to go away. >> al jazeera jennifer glass, remarkable to see what's going on there in raysbury in england. there is devastating flooding in bolivia. more than 40 people dead, hundreds of thousands left homeless in the wake of relentless mudslides across large swaths of that country. communities are in desperate need of food. military relief et cetera try to reach those who have been cut off. thousands of acres of prime, ag cultural land under water, in flooding that many believe to be worse than in that country's
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2007 el nino floods, and that displaced nearly half a million bolivians. ironically, next door in brazil, the problem is the opposite. vote gripping parts of the country. willings healthy rivers reduced to dry beds by unusual dry and hot water. they provide major cities like sao paolo. and it is taking a toll ol export costs of coffee, corn and citrus. what is behind the wild weather we are experiencing both here and all around the world? joining us via skype, climate central meetrologist bernadette woods-plaky. you are joining us because the weather is so unpredictable, you needed to be safe. we appreciate you talking to us about this. the thing that occurs to me is we heard governor queer mo say
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i am wondering is, is governor cuomo about that? >> one thing we do know in an atmosphere that's warming, when you get down to the basic physics of it, there are some fundamental things we are doing to our atmosphere. it can hold more moisture. ebb in the balance of weather patterns where we see some drying and we do see these storms, even in those dryer areas we are receiving heavy precipitation on the rise and that is something that's going to continue. you covered a range. this has been ongoing and on the rise. we will continue to see that. >> will the patterns stay the same? in other words, places like atlanta, which really isn't accustomed to this sort of weather, should they get a come offed to this happying every year in the future? >> not necessarily this exact thing. we are going to have variations in our weather pattern. >> will always happen. what we have to do when we talk about climate change and global warming is look at the large picture and the long-term trend. no case, we are warming. and one of those side effects of
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warming that's really being researched right now is what is exactly that doing to our weather pattern? there is some interesting research out there that, as we warm the arctic at the rate that's happening right now, we look at the difference between the tropics and the arctic and it's that difference in temperature that drives our jet stream which drives all of our patterns along, it pushes our storms along. but as we warm the arctic it's lessening that temperature difference. sot that may be slowing down our jetstream. now, i can't say for certain, but it's a very active area of research that as we do this, atmosphere is doing something to weather patterns. we are trying to find out what. >> brings us back to the basics we know in a warmer atmosphere, we will continue to see the heavy precipitation events on the rise. >> we were also listening, talking about bolivia and the whole el nino effect, back to 2007, people might remember the significance flood that took
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place then we were just talking about. is this a characteristic? one of the things that went along with that was super hot? right? >> it was. i roncally, a lot of this is happening outside of an el nino. so we just had an above average year for the united states for the globe, it was a top 5 year on record for warmth. that's that global picture we have to look at. so en though the united states came in the 30s for the globe, we were top 5. >> that's outside of an el nino year. the thing is as we look forward, there is a really good chance that we could kick back into an el nino late this spring or summer. >> that's generally the sign that has been showing up in a lot of the models. and the reason that's significant, some people not up to date with these terms, as we enter el nino years, that as warmth into our atmosphere which continues to drive these stormy patterns and heavy precipitation events. >> it could be a hot one for us as well. appreciate your being with us. climate central meteorologist bernadette woods plaky.
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thanks? >> thank you. >>. our focus on climate, change and what it means for all of our communities continues thursday on "america tonight" when we look to camera where hope for better weather is drying like a raisin in the sun. >> i keep on saying in two weeks, things are going to change. i want going to rain more. the grass is going to start growing more. i don't know. i mean you look up in the clouds and you go, couldn't someone kind of make it rain? >> farmers and ranchers running dry on cash, forced to make tough calls, and it turns out, they are not alone. what california's drought emergency means for all of us thursday on "america tonight." after the break tonight, final words to the florida jury considering a novel stand-your-ground defense in the case of the gunman who shot and killed an unarmed teenager over loud music. word yet on the case with
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details of closing arguments. ♪
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jurors heard the closing arguments in the loud music murder trial at a jacksonville convenience store in november of 2012. the shooting took place when dunn confronted 17-year-old jordan davis about the loud rap
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music coming from the car. florida's controversial stand your ground law whose fate is now in the hands of the jury. america tonight sarah roy with the story >> reporter: let me be very clear: on november 23rd 20012, when this defendant shot and killed warren davis, there was no gun in that did you range 0. there was no stick. there is no bat. there was no led pipes. there was no begun. >> assistant state attorney erin wilson kicked off closing arguments in the trial of. >> jordan davis didn't stand a chance. sitting in the back of that s.u.v., he frantically pulled by his best field leland and this defendant fired round after round after record into that
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car. >> dunn is charged with first degree murder and three county of attempted murder in the november 2012 shooting of 17-year-old jordan davis over loud music. >> i am looking out the window, and i said, you are not going to kill me, you son after (bleep)" and i shot him. >> yesterday, jurors heard dunn's version of events when dunn took the stand for over 4 hours? >> after hearing the something, something, cracker and this and that, i hear, i should kill that (bleep) and even in a morelvated voice, i hear i should (bleep) kill them. now he is screaming when he says, i am going to kill you. i look and i am looking at a barrel. he is showing me a gun and he is threatening me. i didn't call the police at all until the following morning. >> that didn't go through your head like maybe i just shot at something because they pointed a gun at me. i should call the police? >> you know, you are right. it sounds crazy and i couldn't
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tell you s thinking when all of this happened. i could just tell you that i didn't do it. >> defense attorney cory strollo gave his closing statement before the lunch break? >> they have to overcome it with their evidence, not emotion, not anger, and not sympathy. >> dunn who has pleaded "not guilty" admits shooting davis. his attorney claims it was self defense. >> he had no duty to retreat and had the right to stand his ground and meet force with force including deadly force. >> dunn and his fiancee stopped at a gas station in jacksonville, florida where davis and three friends with were parked in a s.u.v. the courtroom heard from the fism ance who gave a tearful account of what happened. >> what did the defendant say? >> oh, i hate that thug music.
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i heard pop, pop, pop. >> after you got back in the passenger's side of the car, did you see see a firearm at that point in time? >> yes. michael was putting it into the glove box. >> when the white defendant and a black victim, the trial has generated national attention because it parallels with the trayvon martin case. martin, a black 17-year-old, was shot and killed by george zimmerman who is white in early 20s 12 during al dispute in sanford, florida. zimmerman was acquitted. in the case of michael dunn, police say no we hope was found in davis's vehicle. >> at any point that night, did you see anybody take a weapon of any kind out of that car? >> no, sir. >> but the defense argues the times had team to dispose of a weapon and dunn had the right to defend themselves under florida's controversial stand-your-ground law. the case has gone to the jury. if convicted, dunn faces life in
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prison. >> america tonight, sarah has been following trial closely us here. >> arrest this young man had a weapon? >> the defendant is saying one think, prosecution saying another. we heard that. >> that's on the record. dunn said i saw inches of a barrel. i had reason to believe that this kid had a weapon. >> so that's his story and he is sticking to it, if you will? america's tonight, sarah hoy, thank you.
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a closer look at this event, criminal defense attorney and former prosecute ken padowitz who jives us from dafshing, florida. we appreciate you being with us this evening. i know you were following the developments through the closing today. can you give us an idea where you think this is going? >> absolutely. i thought it was a very, very good case for the prosecution. the reason is just to get right to the point is rarely do you have in a trial a window right in to the head of the defendant and what he was thinking. and we have that window in this case. and that window is after firing not once, not five times, but 10 times at a vehicle as it was pulling away as well, as he is driving away with his fiance, he never tells her, his fiance that there was, in fact, a we hope in the car and that's why he had to fire his gun. >> is huge. >> that's a window into this man's mind at the time of this shooting. >> sarah hoy and i were just
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talking about the presence or absence of any sort of weapon in the car that the teenagers were riding in. does it matter to the stand-your-ground defense whether there really was a weapon or not, whether it was a gun or a baton or anything else? >> no. actually, it doesn't. unfortunately, the way the law reads in florida, as long as the individu individual, here the defendant, reasonably believed his life was in danger, then he could stand his ground and use force including deadly force in order to defend himself. so, it doesn't really matter so much as to whether or not a weapon was found in the other vehicle. what matters was in the mind and was it reasonable in the mind of mr. dunn. i think again the window into his mind, the fact he doesn't call 9-1-1 while he is fleeing the scene, he is going back to a hotel. and he doesn't say that, in fact, there was a gun in the other vehicle. >> raises questions? >> those are going to be huge pieces of evidence. >> those are questions that are hard to answer.
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the prosecutor argued a stir can convict him on a lesser charge of second degree murder. let's listen to what was said today. >> sending nine bullets into a cal full of unarmed teenagers. >> that's second degree murder, no doubt. it is reasonably certain an occupant of that vehicle could suffer death or great bodily harm. that act, itself, shows an indifference for human life. >> interesting. what is it, do you make of it that she is suggesting the jury can convict him on a lesser charge >> she would be correct because the law in florida is the charge is first degree murder in this case. then the jury is going to be instructed and has been that there are lesser included crimes that they can consider. second degree murder and man sla slaughter are lesser included crimes of first degree murder. the evidence in this case is for a very, very strong second
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degree murder case. there is evidence that shows pre-medtati pre-medtation. it will be up to the jury. it's a stronger, second degree murder case in my opinion after looking at the evidence that i see in this case. >> all right. i want to take a look at another comment was made. this was from the defense attorney, arguing that no adequate search -- we have been talking about the possibility, presence or absence of a weapon in the vehicle the boys were riding in. let's listen to this. >> how many times did the state ask their witness: was there a weapon in that truck? was there a gun in that truck? was there a truck, truck, truck? never asked about the plaza, never asked about underneath the cars in the plaza, never checked the bushes, never checked the dumpsters. >> what's he getting at here, ken? >> well, the defense attorney is doing the best job that he coan with the evidence that he has available with him. it's going for the weekest link.
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weakest link would be to have the jury focus on the fact that no other weapon was in the car because there was a number of minutes that went by where these young men had taken the vehicle and could have gotten rid of a weapon that mr. dunn claims that he observed. >> that's what the defense attorney is focusing on. the problem, again, though, is the fact that mr. dunn doesn't tell his fiance moments after the shooting or even the next day that, in fact, he had observed a gun. >> really, i think, overshadowed the defense attorney's good point that he is making to the jury but it's going to become overshadowed by this window into this man] mind as to what he was thinking after thatshoot shooting. >> we will see what the jury decides, criminal defense attorney ken padowitz, thank you for being with us again? >> thank you for having me. >> coming up on "america tonight," nagan's nasty fall from his passionate plea after katrina to a guilty verdict. what's next for the former mayor
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of new orleans. later in our program? >> i imagine a day when women wake up in the morning, put on whatever they want to or don't. >> dancing in the streets, the energetic movement to mobilize the power of women.
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>> a sinkhole collapsed, part of the national corvette music wednesday swallowing eight cars in the process. the hole opened up early in the
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morning, set off alarms and tears from vette fans. >> a visit from israeli benjamin netanyahu. the israeli ligeader has been critical of iran and its nuclear program. the president will meet with the kings of jordan and saudi arabia. class action law suit over the nsa's phone data collection program has been filed against president obama. republican senator rand paul of kentucky is leading the suit arguing on behalf of all americans who own a phone. the lawsuit claims the practices violate the fourth amendment. >> was on once one of the most famous politicians in the country, the face of hurricane katrina. now, former new orleans mayor ray nagan is facing up to 20s years in prison. a jury convicted him on 20 counts of corruption in a louisiana federal court the
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dpoechlevelopments. >> mobitz by a huge cluster of media cameras, once powerful and outspoken new orleans may or walked out stone-face and without addressing the cameras. >> the current new orleans may or mitch landrieu did have something to say. >> there was a loud cry from the courtroom today that that kind of behavior is not going to be tolerated. >> kind of behavior doesn't reflect the heart and soul of the people of the city of new orleans. now, it's time to look forward as we have been for the past four years and will continue to make great strides we have made in the recent past. >> a jury pounds nagan guilty of 20 corruption-related charges for committing bribery and wire fraud dating back to 2004. he is guilty after kickback scheme that delivered him hundreds of thousands of dollars in the form of cash, wire transfers, personal services, and free travel, including a
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vacation with his family to hawaii sand free cell phone services: in exchange, city contractors received exclusive business deals with the city worth millions over a span of several years. the conviction is a humbling fall from nagan's early political career when he roarred into office promising to clean up corruption. >> there are too many people who thought this city should go in a different direction. the people have said they like the direction we are going in. >> in his first month as mayor, he launched an asalted so corruption that saw entire city government departments suspended, a sting operation resulting in more than 80 arrests and voiding of numerous contracts that he considered to be sweetheart deals. his approval rating was hovering around 80% but everything changed on august 25th, 2010.
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more than three quarterbacks of city was flooded during katrina. hundreds of people died. and most of new orleans citizens were displaced. during the radio interview, nagan lashed out at the government. >> let's do something. let's fix the biggest crisis in the history of this country. >> but many residents blamed nagan. in january of last year, a federal government accused the former mayor of the same crimes he had originally campaigned against. while on the stand, nagan pointed the figurer at other people saying that most of them were lying and confusing facts. after just seven days of testimony involving dozens of witnesses, a jury sided with the prosecution. >> laura jane gleahw reporting. >> that's such a great fall even for louisiana politics, this is a big one.
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cleanings dubos. thank you for being hereancy du. thank you for being here. this is quite remarkable, but 20 out of 21 charges he was convicted on. what does that tell us? what's that one charge that he wasn't convicted on? >> interestingly, the onecha charge, joie was the one involving his songs. i am only speculating here but while the mayor -- the former mayor was on the witness stand at one point when the prosecution was cross nam anything him, he kind of threw his sons under the bus and said, well, i didn't do that. they did that on their own. and another time, he blamed his sons for not -- him not filing all of his income tax returns. i suspect the jurors did two things. first of all, they were very discerning in separating his sons from him. and i think he might have actually gotten some sympathy for his sons even though his sons were not on trial, they separated the actions of the former mayor's sons and the may mayor's own actions because the 20 counts on which he did get
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convicted all relate to actions taken by ray nagan, himself. >> clancy, ray nagan was always such a charmer. he did pick into the louisiana politics being able to charm his audiences. how did that play form him or against him? >> i think to whatever extend he had charm, it long since wore off after katrina and the lack of a recovery for the four years of his second term, i think most voters, most people around here have just had enough of ray nagan. whether people liked him or didn't like him or thought he was guilty or weren't sure, i think most people in this area -- and i have talked to a lot of them, they just want him to go away. they are tired of him. the city is moving forward now as mayor landrieu said in the story we just saw. and he is right. the city is moving forward. we just want this whole chapter behind us. and in a political sense, this disclose one of the saddest, sorriest chapters in the long
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katrina saga, the chapter dealing with ray nagan and his incompetence and now we know, according to the jury, also, his corruption. do you have a sense that he recognized at all what has transpired here, how much his legacy was tarnished by all of this? >> that's a good question, joie because i have said for a few years now, that i think ray nagan is a narcissist and anars sit will never acknowledge his own faults. he will always put it on somebody else. i can't read the man's mind obviously but i have known him for 20 years now. and i just saw something change in him. he was always charging, but ig his charm has worn off. i think he just has to man up at this point and recognize that he brought this on himself. >> you know, part of what is left is that sense that he tried to use even, at the end, that sort of it was someone else's doing. >> yeah. again, i think that's classic
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narcissism. he could do no wrong. it's somebody else's fault. a few people -- i was one of them -- were kind of wondering as he was on the witness stand: is he going to charm his way out of this? i never thought he would be acquitted but i did think that perhaps he would get one, maybe two jurors to say, well, wait a minute. maybe there is some doubt and get a hung jury. but as we saw, it just didn't work. there were no counts on which the jury was undecided. it was 20 to convict and one to aquit and that's a pretty good batting average for the prosecutors who, by the way, put on a very, very strong case. >> sentencing doesn't happen until june. what's your prediction? what will he serve? this is a very good judge, judge ginger barrigan. i think she will wait to see what the report is from the probation department. we really need to see that. their recommendations come out first and then the prosecution and the defense get to argue about it. the defense obviously will argue for lower points on the scale of the federal sentencing guidelines and the prosecutors may argue for upping the points,
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but i would be surprised if he got anything less than 15 years, possibly as many as 20. >> wait and see. clancy deb. on s, thank you for joining us this evening. >> thank you, joie. >> coming up on "america tonight,"? >> i know what violence does. i know the consequences of violence. i see what women go through and how long it takes to recover from one incidents of violence. >> seeing red, the worldwide call to rise for justice, for powerful valentine's day movement next.
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>> you know her as the author of "the vagina monologues." she is also the founder of one billion rising, a valentine's day global activist movement to end violence of all kinds against women and girls. the united nations says one in three women will be raped or beaten in their lifetimes. america tonight sheila mcvickers set down with eve convinceler to talk about this rise for justice. >> all around the world, or
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schools where women want boys to be brevity differently and have a different vision of manhood and masculinity what drives you to do this? this is more than a full-time occupation. what is your motivation? >> i think it's very simple. i want to end violence against women and girls my father was my perpetrator. i was violated by him and beaten by him and thrown against walls and had my nose punched and, you know, on a regular basis. i know what violence does. i know the consequences of
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violence. i see it isn't a act. it's a life. i wonder what the world would be like if women were free and safe and we weren't under this siege of violence. we are used to the siege, used to our cage we don't know where in it. i imagine a day when women put on what they want to or don't and don't worry that somehow attacks them or grabs they are or harasses them or puts them do you known down or jumps on them when they have had a few drinks. what would our world be like? >> of all of the events held last year, which one surprised you the most?
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>> the ones that moved me the most were where women risks their lives. we had an african summit and we all new the kind of risks she would face in mogadushu. last year, they rose in the streets and a wonderful thing happened. before that, after the rising, he was prosecuted. >> she was released? >> yes. we are seeing how this injury of rising, is giving people courage, trcreativity an allowing them to press forward in ways they haven't been able to press forward because they have the whole world at their
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back. it legitimizes them and products them and energizes them. one of the things we are seeing is, for example, women who have been traumatized and raped often don't feel safe in public space. we don't. and i cannot tell you how many women wrote in to say just dancing in public space changed them, that they could be in their body in public face, feel safe. they could feel a community and that began to save so much of their lives where they came back into their bodies. >> we know trauma removes us from our bodies because it becomes the landscape of pain. what dancing does and what a movement dancing does, it allows women to come back into their bodies which then allows us to think again, to envision, to imagine, and allows us to connect with everything around us. >> america tonight, sheila e
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viccer and her play, the vagina mon locals logs have educated millions. she hopes 1 billion people will take to the streets and dance for justice. ahead on our final thoughts this hour, in the market for gooey duck, they are banned from entering china. why? we will find out when we go diving for that lucrative seafood next.
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>> do you know the gooey duck? it comes from the native american work meaning "dig deep." one country is refusing this lucrative strange delicacy after a botched shipment. as al jazeera science and technology correspondent jacob ward reports, it is becoming a cosley loss for puget sound in washington. >> sinking down, a diver seeks a rare prize. it's buried deep into the saidiment, hidden to all but the trained eye. it's called a gooey duck. while it's rarely seen in the united states, it's prizes as a delicacy in china.
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essentially a giant clam they are an unlikely source of wealth, especially for washington's state's coastal tribes who by law are entitled to half the seafood harvest and specialize in exporting gooey duck. it is a cougheted job. the tribe limits the work to 25 contract divers chosen by lottery. >> how much can a diver make in a year? >> lucas would maybe 150,000. cody is a new diver. >> going out one day a week? >> yeah. >> that's $150,000 a year for a single diver working just one day a week. >> finding the gooey ducks
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themselves hard? is that a thrill? >> they are money. right? >> yeah. >> yeah. it's like a dollar bill sign down there. you seattle groove and then once you hit the ground, you will see it sink, and you know that that's a gooey duck. >> china's appetite is so voracious in 2012, the u.s. expected $68 million worth. once a responsible tribal food for 1200 zukuamis, now a valuable industry. >> what part do you eat? >> this here, you want to plant this in the water or you can eat it as a sushi. this skin peels out. this is all edible here so you don't really waste nothing. >> washington state exports 90% of its gooey duck harvest to china. as china's prosperity has climbed, so has the tribes'. in december, a shattering setback. chinese officials said they found a shipment contaminated
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with arsnic and banned imports. divers are collecting samples for a weekly test of contaminants. >> i am always concerned about any kind of pollutants going in to puget sound because i live here. i dive in the water. i swim here with my son. i eat fish out of puget sound all the time. >> lydia sago has been diving for gooey duck. one of only two women divers. >> the income is huge for the tribe and it's a big part of our budget which is why the gooey duck ban worries my tribe because we use that for my tribe's elder's check. 40% goes to the divers and the 60% goes into our tribal budget to give our elders a monthly check to help them pay their bills. so we are all kind of up in the air wondering what's going to happen now. >> behind me is the facility
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whe where the demands is met. the plan was to replace the building twice as large. >> tony forceman is the manager. >> were you surprised by the ban and the reasons the chinese government? >> it's unprecedented for us. we have never seen anything like this happen. >> how much revenue do you imagine you have lost so far because of this ban >> i would suspect we are down probably at least a half million dollar. >> in january, washington state's department of health tested samples from the area and found them to be safe for consumption. state officials say they have sent the results to chinese officials but china's response is hard to predict. in 2003, china banned beef imports after a case of mad cow disease in the u.s. 10 years o the u.s. still can't export beef into china. >> if this ban continues and you can't dive for gooey duck, is there something else you can do with this boat? >> we were actually looking into
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doing you aurchins but they are going to clear a lot of money. >> how does the price of gooey duck compare to other seafood? >> it doesn't compare because the gooey duck is so lucrative. >> tony forgeman said he has been able to buy a new overseas buyer in other asian kuntz trees. but learning the global market is new for this tribe. >> the market thing is still uncertain. i mean something could happen next week that disrupts it or anything. so, you know, we are trying to, you know, take the best advantage of it we can. >> what was once an almost impossiblebly lucrative business is held hostage between two kuntz trees. bad luck for a tribe that built modern life on an unlikely piece of good fortunate called the gooey duck. suquamash washington. >> that's it here for us on "america tonight." if you would like to comment on any stories you have seen here tonight, log onto
9:58 pm and please join the conversation with us on twitter or at our facebook page. good night. we will have more of "america tonight" tomorrow. welcome to al jazeera america. here are tonight's top stories: north carolina battling heavy snow, dangerous conditions right now. the governor declared a state of emergency. officials warned residents to
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stay off of the road, some did not, lead to go traffic jams. the wicked weather forced airlines to cancelled thousands of flights today. some airlines have grounded flights for tomorrow. more than half of the 4,000 cancellations in atlanta and charlotte. federal contractors who earn minimum wage will get a raise next year. president signed an executive order today increasing hourly wage by nearly three hours from 7.25 to $10 and $0.10. the raises take effect january 1st. former new orleans mayor ray nagan has been found guilty of 20 federal corruption charges. nagan faces up to 20 years in prison for taking kickbacks in exchange for lucrative city contracts. swallowed up by a sinkhole at the national corvette music. this security footage shows the ground collapsed underneath the haven'tage cars. no one was at the museum when the 40-foot wide sinkhole opened up. those are the headlines this hour. i am john seeingenthaler.
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see you back at 11, putting patients at risk, a doctor loses his listens for performing surgeries he was not qualified to do this. "consider this" with antonio morrow is next on al jazeera america. america is dealing with another nasty storm and weather related power outages. why can't our infra structure handle these storms. new questions over the effectiveness of mammograms cause major concerns. plus our major failures in life not such a bad thing? why did a college professor decide to live in a dumpster for a year? hello, i am antonio morrow. welcome to "consider this." here is more on what's


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