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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 13, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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much attention as he deserves. bill wyman good to sigh thank for joining us. >> thank you. >> the conversation continues on our website westervelt >> good evening, welcome to al jazeera america. i'm john seigenthaler in new york. >> bitter blast - no relief from one of the worst storms in decades. >> thousands of flights grounded. nearly a million people in the dark and the new york mayor taking heat for not closing schools. >> ethnic cleansing in central african republic, investigators find a mass grave. >> an aimish couple fighting ohio over chemotherapy treatment
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for an 11-year-old girl. >> thunder road - the first report from a photographer who turns america's extreme weather into works of art. >> from the deep south to the canadian border there was a collective grown of enough already. the latest winter storm is more than many can take. white outs, icy roads, travel nightmares and downed powerlines. it's far from over. hitting the north-east and new england, where some places will get 2 feet of snow. hundreds have no power, and there's no telling when the lights will come on again. jennifer london is here in new york with the latest on the storm. >> mother nature holding nothing back. it's been a steady combination of snow, sleet, freezing rain.
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that is what we are seeing right now. in the winter it is not unexpected to see snow. this even the amount of snow fall and the amount of storms is not expected, and it is definitely not normal. consider this - by 10:30am central park saw an accumulation of 9.5 inches of snow, making the morning commute difficult. the evening commute was not better. it's been a challenge to keep the streets clear, the sidewalks clear. pedestrians are out here, trying to navigate slushy, icy mess. the state's governor declared a state of emergency for the state. the city's mayor increased the winter weather budget by 67", bringing it to $92 million. it will be used for snow removal equipment, maintenance. the challenge is keeping the streets clear. it is not just new york that is getting the brunt of the snow. some of the neighbouring states
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are seeing plenty of winter white. the national guard is on standby. in pennsylvania and philadelphia, schools were closed again. it is the fifth time schools have been closed in philadelphia. schools were closed in boston. back in new york schools are open. this did cause confusion and create - it generated criticism from parents who thought the school should be closed and it was not safe to keep the schools open. the mayor said, "no, we'll keep the schools open. it will be safe", new yorkers take it in stride. i talked to a couple that said "we can deal with it, we are new yorkers", but everyone is pretty much waiting and hoping for spring >> jennifer london from new york. kevin corriveau warned us it would be bad and joins us with an update. >> there's good news. in washington d.c. we are seeing the snow and right on the edge baltimore, philly dealing with the snow and freezing
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precipitation. in new york we had a switchover. earlier, last summer i was talking to you, it was heavy rain. now we are looking at the rain go through. now we are dealing with a mix of sleet and freezing precipitation forming here. now, what is going to happen is over of the next couple of of hours we'll deal with that, and also into new jersey. see the wrap around snow right here. that will come in around midnight to 1am across this area. temperatures dropping to about 30 degrees. some places have seen - oakland maryland saw 23. in west virginia, they had 27 inches, we are not quite done. in places that are further away from the coast. these numbers will go up, especially the ones in connecticut. as i said, 30 degrees tomorrow will be the low. we won't see a bunch of snow on
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the ground. we'll see windy conditions, snow, dropping visibility. if you drive tomorrow, it could be a problem and cause slow downs, there'll be some slick spots there. the forecast. saturday, i'll tell you about what is happening here. the next time i see you we'll see another snow storm >> i'm not sure i want to hear about it. but thank you. the relentless winter has been a big test for elected officials, from georgia to new york, mayo, and governors under fire >> with each storm elected officials think they have a plan, only to discovery that they are no match for mother nature. >> it was a grave situation. >> new york city's mayor trying to explain his decision to keep schools open as blizzard-like conditions blanketed the
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decision. >> we were convinced we could keep the kids to school. so many have to go to work. they need a safe option. >> before the first bell, some parents and teachers blasted the mayor's move. >> the mayor believes it's dangerous enough for people to stay off the street, yet he has children under the age of 18, mind you, many of them, to go to school. >> retired army lieu tenened russel honore -- lieutenant general russel honore agrees that the mayor made the wrong call. >> the idea of opening the schools so the children can be dropped at school when you can't get flow the streets, that's wrong. >> he is the latest official to catch grief from the public for the way authorities are coping with the storms. last month the mayor and governor are blamed for a traffic jam.
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schoolchildren were unable to get home. hoping to avoid a similar debacle, north carolina's governor made an appeal to drivers to stay off the road. >> don't put your stupid hat on at this point in time. protect yourself, your family and your neighbours. >> many north carolinaans didn't here the governor, or paid him no attention, like cara, who was stuck in the storm. >> i guess i didn't pay attention, i didn't think it would be bad. >> the solution. >> close the roads. close the interstate and the highways. close them by putting state troopers out there >> it's a fine line when a city shuts down and a storm doesn't happen, politicians are blamed for it not happening. >> mona davids is a parent of the new york city parents union and joins us from new york.
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welcome. >> thank you for having me >> i assume you would have liked the mayor to close the schools. >> absolutely, mayor bill de blasio put the safety of children second. there's no reason why, during a state-wide severe emergency that mayor bill de blasio will decide and choose to keep the schools open, unlike every other school district in new york state that was closed, new york city schools were open again. this was not putting children first, or the safety of the students, the school workers first. i do believe -- >> why do you think he did it? >> it's two fold - one, he's a new mayor >> does he get a break in his first week in office? >> he does not get a break of the the new york state of education does not have a protocol when it comes to deciding snow days.
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the first thing is for the mayor and his staff to develop a proto cole on how to determine a snow day. new york state requires 180 days of instruction. new york city allocated 184 days. we used one snow day. we have three days left. bill de blasio should have called a snow day. he needs to own up to this, put our children first, and stop playing a popularity contest. >> let me of course you this even: don't you think the mayor is interested in the students safety. do you think he would have done this if it wasn't safe for the students? >> new york city had a 44% attendance >> say it again. >> 44% - parents kept their children home. it's not like bill de blasio, who is a public school parent,
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didn't know that students have to walk themselves to school, elementary, high school students travelling across the city. come on, put our children first. put the safety of our children first. next time there's a snow storm declare a snow day. >> you know, i am sure you heard the press conference in which the mayor said "there's plenty of parents that have no other choice. they need to go work and their kids to go to school. and they get a hot meal at school." what do you say to that? >> my response to bill de blasio is, you know what, give parents some credit. if parents are notified in advance that the next day will be a snow day parents can make childcare arrangements. using the excuse about working personalities, using the excuse about children this is the only time they'll get a hot meal. that is insulting and offensive to parents. we she had bill de blasio, that he made a huge mistake in not
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declaring a snow date. 44%. students came in school. what does that tell you, mayor bill de blasio, that tells us next time declare a snow day. you have three days, do not put our children, teachers, staffers at risk. do not put their safety at risk. put the children first. >> many a politician had to deal with the problem before. we'll see how mayor bill de blasio respondents next time. thank you for joining us. >> the storm had a huge impact on travel as well. john terrett reports tonight from d.c. >> still snowing in the nation's capital as it has for the next part of 24 hours. travel across the states has been difficult on thursday. the biggest problem in the air, 6, 700 flights were cancelled on thursday, according to flightaware.cox. the aircrofts are in the wrong
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place, it will take a while to get them back. delays expected into the weekend. >> on the railway, nothing travelled south of union station. except for the one train, the chicago train. it goes south into virginia, before turning north where it arrives something like 24 hours after it leaves here. >> what about on friday? already at this hour there are around 900 cancellations in the air. although airports in the washington d.c. area, between here and baltimore, and the local airport, regan national. the runways are open. once again, even though they are open, planes are in the wrong place. >> on the railways, not much heading south from here. the north-east corridor, amtrak is talking about running a regular service, including the
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keyberg restaurant to -- keyberg train to harrison. >> coming up, on the brink. bearing witness to the sectarian violence unfolding in central african republic. >> plus, big deal - comcast and time warner cable - what it means for them and the consumers.
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>> the united nations a warning of ethnic cleansing in central african republic. u.n. peacekeepers uncover a mass grave with at least a dozen bollies at a former mus -- booedies at a former muslim rebel camp. it's not known who committed the killings, but retaliatory attacks are continuing. >> joining us is former ambassador in the central african republic, larry wohlers. welcome. >> thank you for having me. >> you were flown out of car in 2012 because of security reasons. >> that's right. >> the violence has gotten worse since then. can you tell us why? >> yes, it's gotten worse, and
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particularly in the last several weeks, the cycle has gotten worse. this all starts with seleka, the coalition of rebels that took power a little less than a year ago. the seleka came down from the north. the leaders were from a loose band of rebel groups from car, but they were too weak to take power themselves. so... >> these were muslims, yes? >> they were muslims from the north. they were too weak. a fateful decision was they brought in hired gun, mersinaries from the conflicts in darfur and chad. they were brought in on a promise of getting paid when victory was achieved. >> victory was achieved. they kicked out the former president, took power last march, but there was no money to
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pay the fighters. even more than that, the seleka leadership could not feed and house the fighters. so the fighters said, "we're going to take it ourselves." they went out and started to pillage and over time the pillaging and the abuses became worse and worse. they were essentially uncontrolled bit the leadership. now, this was not primarily a muslim christian conflict in the begin, even though most of the country - 85% is christian, and the seleka were muslim. what happened was these fighters tended to abuse the christians more and pillage from them more and it got worse. so eventually the christians organised themselves to fight back. that's the militias that have been talked about in bangui.
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>> and you got a new interim president, catherine samba-panza. is she going to be able to make a difference there? >> we hope so. i know madam catherine samba-panza, she's an amazing woman, and shows a new prime minister with a lot of experience. it's a real techknow accuratic government. they are facing challenges. the civil servants have not been paid in four months, there's no money there. the economy has flattened. many muslims who are fleeing were precisely the people in commerce who made the economy run. so there's a huge need there. >> what can ut international communicate -- can the international community do to help. >> a lot of the focus is on peacekeepers, do we have enough, should we have more? there are less than 10,000 peacekeepers
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for our country that is the size of france or texas. we probably do need more. >> it would be a mistake for us to focus on peacekeepers. the peacekeepers can temporarily calm things down, take a little bit of the energy away from some of the most violent extremists, but putting the country back together again will have to be done by the central africans. that means giving the government the monetary support to start the economy going, to pay people. and it's going to be to do all the humanitarian work that needs to be done, and especially so the gast can get its own central african republic forces operating again. local security forces can re-establish trust and order in a way that foreign peacekeepers who don't understand the nuances
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of the local situation can't do it. >> good to have you on the program. thank you for sharing your insight. >> despite objections from the united states, the afghan government release dozens of detaine detainees. >> the afghan government did what washington asked it not to do, releasing 65 taliban-suspected members from bagram prison. president hamid karzai accused the u.s. of meddling in afghanistan's affairs. >> afghanistan is a sovereign country. if the afghan's judicial authorities decide to release a prisoner, it is of no concern to the u.s., and should be of no concern to the u.s. i hope the united states will stop harassing afghanistan's procedures and judicial authority, and i hope that the
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united states will now begin to respect afghan sovereignty. for weeks they have campaigned to keep the men locked up. on thursday, even though the federal government was closed because of a snow storm, the obama administration still criticised carr zi's actions. >> they are responsible for the results of its decisions. we urge them to ensure they do not commit acts of violence and terror and bring to justice any who could. >> none of the men were tried in court. a review board looked at their cases saying there was not enough evidence to hold them. guards said the men left quietly. >> translation: they were taken out of the prison. they had clothes in their hands and received instruction from a
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cleric, and they all went home. >> even though the afghan military ran the prison, hamid karzai calls bagram a destobleizing force. the prison ever release is the latest spat between the u.s. and president hamid karzai, who refuses to sign a security pact that let's u.s. troops stay in the country. and it's raising new concerns in washington about whether kabul is taking its country's security seriously. >> the growing instability in iraq is feeding violence across the border in syria. hundreds of inmates escaped from prisons since american forces withdrew. many fled to syria to join hardline sunni fighters. the united nations is pushing for progress and peace talks between the syrian opposition and the government. the u.n. says the international envoy will meet the two sides
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for talks. u.s. and russian documents pushed to keep the talks alive. >> the u.k. is dealing with a rough winter. hurricane-force winds knocked out power to tens of thousands of homes. storms have been inundated with water. there's concern with flooding west of london. it may get worse. jennifer glasse is there. >> not far from the thames river, about 25 miles west of london is the parish of st. paul's in egham, where the community pulled together to help its own. guided by father michael roper, originally from chapel hill, north carolina. >> this is all food bags. >> this is food parcels, cold food, hot food. >> the waters of the thames spilled on to nearly every street. father michael tours daily. >> how much of your parish is affected. >> two-thirds is under water. >> people take advantage in the
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break in the weather to visit their homes. >> where are you heading today? >> i'm going take as much stuff and put it into a friend's shed and back to my parents. >> here aid comes from the unexpected kindness of strangers. not everyone is here to help. especially afterdark. two, three streets over, closer to the school, there has been definitely break ins. the empty waterlogged homes too big a temptation for some. this is at the end of the parish. they are helping as many as they can. all they can do is wait for the waters to go down. >> it doesn't look like that will be soon. the british army arrived with men and trucks to support the community through what comes next. >> we are providing mann power to relieve some of the flooded houses. >> waters have re-seeded but are expected to rise again. a new storm is due to hit
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friday. some areas expected to see an inch and a half of rain. everyone here, including father michael, is taking it one day at a time. >> medical news - cluster headaches can be more severe than migraine head aches. the intense attacks have been known to drive people to suicide. those that experience them say government officials should do more to help. tom ackerman has the story. >> describing the pain of a cluster headache is one thing. showing it is another as many patients have done by recording their own experience. >> i'm about an hour into my attack. it's getting worse. >> the waves of pain spread from a facial nerve but are activated by the brain's hypofall imous which regulates the wake and sleep cycles. >> all the parts of the brain act in concert to create short
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but incredibly intense storms of pain for klufter headache patients. >> they can last one to three headaches, coming in daily attacks or cycles. >> after four months of this, suicide looks like a good option. it's not that you want to kill yourself, you want to get rid of the pain. >> it's a disorder making daily activity knock. >> i keep isolated. i can't be around people. i need to be in a dark room, in bed or in a dark room. that is the on place i feel okay. and, you know, it's waiting out the pain. >> once a year cluster headache sufferers come it appeal for help from a member of congress. help that has been lacking. breathing pure oxygen has been shown to shorten the attacks,
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but government health plans will not cover it. national institutes of health funded one study. >> three substances... >> hallucinogenic drugs showed some promise. >> when lsd was discovered, we were looking to migraine and cluster treatments. it was in the mix and was shelved for 40 years. >> as substances like marijuana become a main-stream treatment, those suffering from klufter head aches want the law to give the same attention to their pain. >> coming up, storm front. we are tracking extreme weather on the east coast and will have the latest on where it's headed and how bad it will be. plus, putting the weather in a different light. our first person report on the astonishing images.
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>> welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm john seigenthaler in new york. we have a lot to cover this half hour, including religious freedom. legalized or bigotry. >> what is the next - what is next for the bill that some say would allow cann sans to discriminate against same-sex couples. >> life and death - an aimish child in hiding to avoid chemotherapy which doctors say would save her life. >> mystery of the mummy - what sicientists hope to sort of. >> richelle carey with the top stories. >> it's dangerous, considered dangers and blamed for 21 deaths. it dumped snow and size. more snow is forecast for tonight. officials warn drivers to stay
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off the roads. nearly 7,000 flights have been cancelled, more than 10,000 delayed. in fact, today may be the worst one-day disruption in air travel since hurricane sandy. charlotte's douglas international airport was hit with many flights cancelled. many states are dealing with power outages brought on by ice and falling trees. 750,000 homes lost power from the storm, starting in georgia and the carolinas, in the south, and moving north to new york and new jersey. some had power restored. others will be without electricity and, of course, without heat. >> not good. >> not good at all. >> kevin corriveau has been following the storm. what is the latest? >> we are not over yet with this storm. we are looking ahead to the next storm, unfortunately. i'll take you to the mid west. you can see what we call on
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alberta clipper coming through. the other storm came up the east coast. this is moving rapidly, not intensifying. it's dry. what will happen is the system will move by tomorrow, across the ohio river, and dump 1-3 inches. here in new york we'll be about 40 degrees. that'll be the warmest. the alberta clipper making its way up here to us. here in new york we expect to see 1-3 inches of snow. for maine, on top of what they'll see tonight and tomorrow, they'll see 18-20 inches of snow by the end of saturday. that will be a major problem. we are dealing with flooding across parts of the north-west. that will go on all weekend. >> thank you. >> tonight - virginia is the second state in the south to have a ban on same-sex marriage
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declared unconstitutional. news came from a federal judge in norfolk, within the past two hours. a battle over the rights of same-sex couples is playing out in the heart land. a state law is proposed in kansas, some say it calls for outright discrimination of homosexuals. >> in the push for same-sex marriage, one state is resisting. kansas may soon have a controversial law on the books. what some consider blatant consideration. a new bill controversial within, giving businesses the right to refuse services to gay couples. on wednesday, the kansas statous approved the bill. it's headed to the state senate judiciary committee. the legislation would protect people in businesses from sanctions if, based on their religious beliefs, they turn away same-sex couples.
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critics attack the bill as state-sanctioned homophobia. a republican, charles macheers defends the law saying: >> he said: >> joining us now is state representative barbara boyay, a republican voting against this. good to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> you heard the comment by some of your republican colleagues, that the bill is intended to prevent discrimination against religious groups. what do you say? >> i disagree. i felt like this bill was definitely trying to discriminate against people who
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had a certain sexual orientation. and i believed that those who have religious beliefs are protected by the laws - not only federally, but in our state that we have. >> what do you think it means for the state of kansas. do you think it will be challenged in the senate. >> that's a crystal ball question. i don't know. there are rumours it will not be heard, meaning it won't go to committee. until that happens, we'll see nothing is dead until the gavel is done, at the end of session. we'll have to wait it out and see. i hope it will end. >> do you feel like you are standing alone in the legislature on this one. >> no, just in the minority. as a republican, there were 17 other republicans that voted against the spill. so it really, to me, wasn't a party line bill, it was more like a - well, certainly a
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religious convictions bill, shall we say. >> it goes back to gay marriage, is that what you are saying? >> definitely. >> it's all about gay marriage. >> that's what it appears to be. certainly how the republic is responding to it. >> good to have you on the program. >> thank you. nice to visit with you. >> arrests and charges filed by a couple killed by a parcel bomb. their son-in-law is in custody, police say he planted an explosive package at his in-laws home. >> it is an ongoing having, but we feel like we have the single person responsible for committing this crime in custody. >> he lived behind the victim's house. one died monday, the other two days later. both in their 70s. a complex court case in ohio.
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an aimish couple is at odds with the state regarding medical conditions for their daughter. the parents pulled her out of cancer treatment, making the decision because they believed the treatment was killing her. the hospital went to court, trying to force the family to condition chemotherapy. the parents want to take the case to the ohio supreme court. joining us to talk about the case is maurice thompson, the attorney for the hershbergers, the parents. good to see you. thank you for joining us. >> sure thing. >> is it simply that the parents just didn't believe the doctors and didn't believe the hospital? >> well, there's certainly a trust factor there. this was an experimental form of chemotherapy which was preventative in nature. what happened is the chemotherapy can kill some children and certainly causes, more often than not, infertility in little girls and witnessed it
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killing the child. the aimish are not opposed to chemotherapy -- >> they are not opposed to modern medicine. >> no, they are not opposed to modern medicine. they would take their daughter back to chemotherapy, but they wanted to try a natural treatment that was less invasive, and that's when the hospital came after them. >> we saw cases where religious convictions of parents prevented them from seeking medical help. that is not this case, is that what you are saying? >> that's not this case. the aimish embrace modern forms of medicine. chemotherapy can cause more harm than good. this is a child, but we have the state of ohio working with the hospital, a one size fits all health care regime. that is what we are fighting for. >> why do you think the hospital
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did this? >> it's difficult to say. i think they honestly believe there's one way to treat cancer, and that is chemo. right now the daughter is doing well, being away from the hospital, on a austio path ir medicinal regime. >> you don't thing the hospital targeted the hershbergerses because they are aimish. >> there may be a little stereotyping or bias. there's tendency to believe that ammish are backwards or left behind in the times, but these are bright, sophisticated people who put a hot of effort into taking care of their daughter. she is doing well. if that continues, we may have breakthroughs in new ways to treat cancer. if they use a holistic means. the only way to innovate is
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think outside of the box. >> where does the court case stand now. >> it's a procedural complicated case. we are at every level in ohio. in the soup reams court, every level. we are fighting in the ohio supreme court for parents rights to make difficult medical decisions for their child, without hospitals and government stepping in and overruling the decision. that is really what is critical here - not about what the final choice is, but who makes the chose. >> how long will the girl stay in hiding? >> they are out of hiding. the guardianship was stalled by the judge. they are able to come out into the light of day. they are not worried about kidnapping. they are fighting the guardianship, but the person causing a lot of the trouble stepped down.
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>> maurice thompson, attorney for the hershbergerses. thank you for joining us. >> general motors is recalling 70,000 compact cars. engines can shut down, causing crashes. six have been fatal. heavy key rings could be a factor. they can pull the switch mechanism out of the run position. it affects chevrolet cobalts, pontiac g 5s made between 2005 and 2006. >> the nation's biggest cable company is hoping to get bigger. comcast announced it's buying time warner cable, that would give comcast a third of the pay tv, broadband market in the united states. mary snow has the story. >> comcast's proposal to take over time warner cable is huge. there's a $45 million price tag and the reach. by buying the second-largest cable provider, comcast would
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have 33 million subscribers, cementing its place as the largest cable company. >> to put it in perspective, when chase bought jpmorgan, that was a $33 billion deal. this was a large merger. >> the deal was unexpected, coming after comcast became a major comcast producer by finalising purchase of n.b.c. here is how comcast stacks up. of paid tv providers, they are the largest with 22 million subscribers. satellite providers, direct tv and dish network. time warner is next. >> what can consumers expect. an analyst covering the industry says changes for consumers will not be dramatic. >> consumers who are in comcast markets probably won't see a change at all. consumers in time warner cable
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see subtle changes. some sorts of improvements over time, that will probably take a while to implement and integrate. but relatively subtle over time. although not inconsequential. >> comcast is seen as more aggressive with time warner cable with tv everywhere, allowing content on mobile devices. comcas has more on demand programming. comcast calls the deal proconsumer. critics think not. >> in 19 of 20 largest cities, there's one choice, or will be after the merger. the problem for cop assumers is that -- consumers means we'll get second class service at high prices with no options to choose anyone >> the two companies have no
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geographical overlap, it will come under scrutiny. comcast says it will shed 3 million subscribers. observers suspect nor concessions will be needed. >> some real estate in the bankrupt city of detroit is cheap. three aspiring writers could be home owners for free. bisi onile-ere explains. >> these three houses in detroit may not be much to look at. they are old, abandoned structure. when toby barlow, and a few friends came across the properties, they saw room for growth. >> there are plenty of people taking apart homes and terring them down. there were not a lot restoring them. >> two of the houses were sold at $1,000 apiece. they acquired a third through a donation. the plan is to renovate and give them away to three aspiring
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writers, for free. it's called the writer house project. >> the city needs and deserves writers - whether you are a poet, writing essays, a journalist or a novelist, there's a lot to write about. >> in a stay with 80,000 abandoned structures, more houses are torn down in detroit than there are being built. once word got out about this project, the news spread fast. not just locally, but worldwide. shannon lowell worked and lived here his whole life. >> this is trying to put the soul back into the skeleton of a neighbourhood. it's a good thing. >> there's a lot of work to be done, and it will cost between 25 and $50,000 to renovate each house. one the work is complete the writers can move in. the only cost will be to pay
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property taxes and insurance. toby barlow believes it's a concept that could hit home. >> our hope is that it inspires people to do something different. we are focused on writers, but there's no reason you couldn't take the model and bring teachers or say to the fire department or the police, "how would you like to have a house." after money is raised to support the project, youth carpentry begins work. applications will be made in the spring, with a hope of making a difference in detroit, one house at a time. >> coming up, a picture of the day. a storm chaser and a photographer's breath taking images of nature that is most fierce.
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>> it will be a messy night for many people. ice will melt quickly. for washington, philly, baltimore, you'll see the snow until 3am in the morning. in new york we had rain and thunder going through in that rain. it's embedded. we'll change over to freezing as well as snow. that will happen about midnight. it will go on to 5am. we expect to see 3-5 inches of snow.
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maybe eight inches up here towards jersey, bringing totals for the event to about 18-20 inches. compared to other years in 2006, we saw a storm dropping 26.9. in 1996, 20.2. close to the top five, top 10 event, towards the north-west it is the flooding. that's been going on for days. we don't expect to see a break over the next couple of days. if you want to know what is happening - look at the temperatures. sochi on friday. 67 degrees in the higher elevations. 62. that's a look at the weather. news is next.
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>> in egypt archeologists uncovered an ancient mummy. according to egypt's antiquities minister, it dates back to 1600 b.c., found in a wooden sar cough iing us, enraved and
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decorated with feathers. egypt says it's been struggling to preserve treasures during the unrest. >> a coffee making robot, laser cutter and 3d printer. you will not find them at a typical cafe. but in seattle you can get an expresso request a high tech side of manufacturing. allen schauffler has the story. >> it's a place anyone can walk in and make just about anything with just about anything. from sewing and knitting machines to laser cutters and 3d printers. >> we have parts, supplies, snacks, coffee. >> this is a place to mix, mingle and make. it's part of the tool curve. >> at the bottom of the curve, hammers and nails, things that everyone has. >> there the curve goes up to the super modern high-end presses, printers and cutters.
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>> they are tools that are not in your house. now we have some things not found in university labs. >> like the protolaser that just came in, it can shave weeks off a project. by printing circuit boards. >> metrics is open. >> there's a vending machine in the corner, not just for snacks. you can get cookies. do you need a circuit board, a tv remote control, or a 16 channel driver shield kit. it's all here. >> terance tam is a customer describing instruments and microcopes. at night he has a chance to get out and played. >> there's a lot of like-minded geeks like me that come down here. >> they spurred the idea for a 3d printer, and ha raised
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$120,000 on the online tool kick starter. >> savvy parents can assemble a kids price, can put it together with a child's helping in a weekend and start printing. >> you can print the parts to make more. >> it was the cool tools that had tam in the door, it's the creative people that keep him coming back. >> when you put the guys together in a room, in a place like this, that is when the magic happens. >> for matt, the hardest part is figuring out what the next big thing will be, so he can build it or help others build it. >> now to storms and storm chasers get closer to storms than most, capturing the most powerful images of mother nature at work. one storm chaser captured a super cell storm. in the first person report we talk to photographer mike.
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>> we have thunder storms out here, lightening, the storms are great. the supercells, the structure makes them look like mother ships, space ships and they rotate. it's an ultimate storm that you can get. when you time lapse it and capture the motion, it's rotating and doesn't look like it's part of the world. it looks like a space ship that is hovering over the earth. there's lightning and the storms have hail, golf ball, hail. they are pulling air into them, through, like, the rotating wall cloud area that you can see the rain that is falling on the right side, sucked into the storm. you see the dust and it's evident of circulation and updraft going into a storm. that is usually what tightens up and becomes a tornado, it's the first one i have seen that looks
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like that. it's the first one i captured on camera. >> there was something unique. it was over a flat area. there was a corn field chopped down. it looked apocalyptic. there you have the sun behind it and the perfect way to generate the backlash, and a weird orange and it was picking up dirt. there was something about that that looked a little more meaner than you usually see. >> i have been a weather junkie my whole life. i liked it. if storm clouds are coming, i want to look at it. it's seeing nature in a way that is just so much bigger than we are. i mean, the whole storm is in front of you, above and you to the sides. it's so massive and powerful that it makes you stand there in awe. there's a balance you play where you have fun and try to film this thing and have to calculate when you need to get out of danger. at the chaser convention, they are doing a memorial for chasers that died in those tornadoes.
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friends of mine were close to those people. when i put the time lapse up, after that happened a lot said, "wow, you made us realise why we do this, and how beautiful the storms are. despite the loss and destruction. >> despite the risks, mike enjoys the beauty in storms and is grateful to capture them with his camera. >> to our photo of the day, the long wait for flights at atlanta's hartsfield jackson airport, thousands trying to get through security. back to normal after cancellations from the big storm. the "journal-constitution" said lines went all the way through the eightry um to baggage claim. headlines are next.
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. i'm richelle carey. here are tonight's top stories. the winter storm starting in the south and is in the north-east has been blamed for 21 deaths at least. it's been more than many can
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take with the icy roads and downed powerlines. some are struggling to restore heat and electricity. nearly 7,000 flights have been cancelled. 10,000 delayed nationwide. >> more rain and high winds in the uk, and that means more flooding. tens of thousands of homes are without power and thousands of homes are inundated with water. broadcasters say a months worth of rain could fall in two days. >> afghanistan releases 65 accused militants against strong actions of the u.s. military. the they they are taliban fighters like i to attack collision forces. president hamid karzai says the release is their right as a sovereign country. >> a man has been arrested for a parcel bomb that killed an
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elderly couple. the son-in-law has been charged with murder. >> general motors has recalled 70,000 cars. they can shut down. recalls are chevrolet cobalts, and pontiac g5 g 5. keep it here, those are the headlines. on america tonight, so you canned in and bracing for more. the slow steady march of this blast of winter. knob wants two storms back to back. >> also tonight, the other extreme. tough choices and why all of us will feel the pain. you look up and go, gosh, couldn't someone make it rain.


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