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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 15, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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essay. we ask people what their ideal of beauty is. the show may be over, the conversation conditions on the website or google+. you can find us on twitter on jam -- on this. >> in is al jazeera america, i'm jonathan betz live in new york. >> we are so very happy to have just a little bit of closure. >> guilty op four of five -- on four of five counts. the man that shot a teen in florida, california, now faces decades behind bars >> riot police clash with protesters in venezuela, as the country's president calls for peace. >> do they want the pros to take place or not?
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>> the future of the geneva peace talks in doubt after a second round failure. >> we have a black hole in our parts. >> korean families torn apart by war, refuse to give up the hope of seeing their loved ones. >> tonight michael dunn is facing what amounts to a life sentence in a case highlighting race, guns and stand your ground laws. a florida jury found dunn guilty of three counts of attempted murder. the deadlock over a charge of whether he murdered teenager jordan davis. we go live to the courthouse. >> what happened tonight? >> the family's reaction to the missed trial on the first degree murder count and the convictions on the other four counts was mixed. jordan davis's mother is
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grateful for the convictions and that the truth came out. but that the family will seek justice for jordan. >> the jury delivered a mixed verdict. they rejected michael dunn's argument that he feared for his life when he fired into an s.u.vl filled with teenagers playing loud music. >> the verdict came a day before jordan davis would have turned 19. >> we'll continue to stand and wait for justice for jordan. >> the jury found michael dunn guilty on three counts of the attempted murder and another charge of shooting in to an occupied car. each count carries a 30-year sentence. >> we are so very happy to have a little bit of closure.
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it's sad for mr dunn. that he will live the rest of his life in that sense of torment. and i will pray for him. >> he must be remorseful for the killing of my son. >> the jurors refused to speak with reporters following the verdict. >> he is in disbelief. when he sat next to me he said how is it happening. >> state attorney angela cory vowed to re trite the case against dunn. cory did not respond directly when asked if the mistrial was proved. she had overcharged in this case, something the office was accused of doing in the zimbabwe
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cause. >> outside the courthouse, protesters we spoke to said the four days of dlib rightses had them worried. killed nine months before days. >> relief of verdict and punishment. >> all along davis's parents hoped to have a conviction. >> it may not be a complete conviction that they were hoping for, they got their wish. >> when asked if he had regrets. he said it's clear that the jury took their time, deliberating 30 hours, but he has regrets. >> what do we know about michael dunn's sentencing at this point. >> well, we know that they'll reconvene at the courthouse on march 24th, and set a date for sentencing. >> live outside the courthouse
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in jacksonville. >> protests turned violence. police used tear gas and water gannons on people who set fire to streets. secretary of state john kerry said tonight that the actions have a chilling effect on: and to released detained protesters. >> for a fourth day in a row, int government demonstrators took to the streets. the demonstrators faced off with police and the situation became tense. the police retaliated by firing tear gas and rubber bullets.
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earlier in the day president nicolas maduro held his own pro-government rally. for that rally 150,000 people showed up and gathered on the boulevard. the rally, which was supposed to be one promoting peace had moments of interpretation, when the president said he was ordering the press to act on an arrest warrant to arrest the leader. as the situation heats up, both sides are digging in their heels, and so far there aren't signs of information that the situation is calming down. >> earlier we spoke to the author of the book. we spoke about how the opposition movement it changing. >> what you are seeing on the streets, alongside well-meaning students is a ferocious right wing of the opposition movement that had not rzed -- recognised
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the venezuela government. what you see is the disipt grayings of the unity -- disipt grayings of the union put together, and a lashing out with regard to calling people into the streets, knowing there'll be violence. >> protests drew smaller numbers than they used to. >> syrian peace talks are in jeopardy. a second round ended in failure. it's unclear if a third round of talks will happen. >> after chairing a second round of talks that achieved nothing, mediator lakhdar brahimi first wanted to address the syrian people. >> i'll very, very sorry and apologise to the syrian people well their hopes, which were high, that something will happen
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here. i think that what has - the little that has been achieved in homs gave them more hope. >> the doctor explained there had been arguments. he made a compromise proposal and made it clear which side objected. >> unfortunately the government have refused, which raises the suspicion of the opposition that are, in fact, the government doesn't want to discuss it at all. >> within minutes both sides came to brief the media, even though everyone heard dr lakhdar brahimi say it was the syrian government that did not accept his order of the agenda items, the syrian representative had a different interpretation. why do you not accept his order for the discussions that he proposed? >> the other side gave his open interpretation, saying there's no need to finalise the first
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item. we will gave it one day, one day for discussion, and then we'll move to the other item which is the interim government. he's the chairman, why don't you accept his chairmanship? >> hold your horses. we cannot move from item one to item two or three or four without fully considering this item and concluding a common vugs. >> the opposition claims the government is installing to intensify attacks. >> our hearts are in pain. our delegations are in pain. as we speak here, searching for a political solution the regime chose to bombard towns and cities. >> the peace talks started with a meeting of world leaders. sips then there has been -- since then there has been two
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sessions, 14 days of talks, and 5,500 syrians have died. james bays, al jazeera. >> as you can imagine, there were fears that failed talks added to the distrust in syria. the government wants time to help those trapped in the crossfire. >> this could be anywhere. a local football match in a dusty playground. but this is a shelter in homs. a syrian city clipping to a fragile ceasefire. until a few address ago these people lived in old city under siege. since these new incidents started we used the fireplace to cook. we never went out of the house or knew what was going on. us women were not able to go
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ou.. >> translation: i lost my husband two years ago and heard no news. we were together and we went out. from that moment we have not heard anything. >> the u.n. brokered humanitarian cease fire allowed them and 1400 others to leave. the government wants the cease fire extended as more people struggled to get out. there were concerns for their safety. >> yesterday 70 young me left the camps to go back to their homeland. they can live wherever they wish. according to the instructions of the president and by his sponsorship and the government's plan, we are working on settling things for all the young men here with us, and in particular those not involved in the blood shed. >> if they managed to leave, they too will be displaced. many made it to neighbouring lebanon. there the residents are setting
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up lives as refugees. from homes, a city more than 2,000 years old, to a new home, this one a tent city. >> and tomorrow night we'll discuss foreign intervention and whether international efforts to end bosnia's war could help stop syria's violence. >> the u.s. army is forcing out more soldiers involved in crime, misconduct, drug and alcohol abuse. the number of soldiers kicked out for bad behaviour doubled since twooech. officers breaking the rules tripled. repeat tours in iraq and afghanistan put troops under pressure, and army recruiters shifted focus away. >> they fled their war-torn country.
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six decades later korean americans are trying to reunite with loved ones. >> i feel like i'm being punished because i left them behindment if i meet them again, i'll feel reborn. >> next, an al jazeera america special. the two koreas - divided families. >> once against new england hungers down for a massive snow storm.
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>> secretary of state john kerry is currently in asia. the u.s. has been devoting more resources to the region. kerry's first stop is south korea, a powerful ally. high on the agenda is north korea. it continues to be unpredictable. here are recent event. in december 2011 kim jong un becomes the supreme leader after the death of his father,
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november 2012 kenneth bae is arrested and charged with trying to bring down the government. he's sentenced to 15 years hard labour. 2013 north korea reports a third nuclear test. april of that year, a joint industrial park is closed by the north, i mid mounting interpretations from the south, although it reopens six months later. >> he ex-cutes his uncle jang song-thaek. there's talks of rising instability. both of his regimes tightened grip on power. north and south korea made tentative agreements to hold reunions for families. the last family reunion. harry fawcett sent an update from seoul. >> preparations for next week's family reunion in which families
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separated for more than 60 years will be able to see one another again. they're under way thanks to agreements at high-level talks, committing both sides to going ahead as planned, taking place between the 20th and 25th of february. they had been under threat. north korea was objecting to the reunions taking place at the same time as annual u.n. seen exercises. they are due to get underway on january the 24th. no concessions have been made. military exercises will go ahead as planned. they agreed to a request for an end to cross-border slander. the north korean side objecting to things that the seen government says, and the south korean media. the negotiator from south korea is saying he couldn't police the free media in south korea. it comes at the same time.
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there were talks in seoul with the president and foreign minister. and the united states would never accept north korea becoming a nuclear armed state. it'll be in budget where he pressed the chinese to do more. >> so not huge breakthroughs in terms of relations between north and south korea, but the fact that they are talking again is zapt, and for the number of families that they will meet. it's been an important couple of address. some of the families separating live here in the united states. we spoke with some in chicago. >> when this family escaped the brutality of the korean war in 1951, they were happy to survive. >> this is my younger brother.
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>> later they realised they may never see the sib lippings they had to -- siblings they had to leave behind. >> i was crying all the time, going crazy, running from one room to another, crying, crying. i still feel that way. >> mrs. so, who is 83, and mr so who is 91, are hanging on to their chicago home, resisting a move. >> we did not sell the house because we are waiting for siblings, brothers and sisters, and we wanted a house where they could live. >> this woman thought she'd be spirited from her father for a week or so, when he sent the family away from the north. she never saw him again, and doesn't know if her brother is still alive. >> we have lived with a black hole in our heart. i have stories to tell.
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millions of people took their stories with them. >> over the past decade there has been a handful of reunions. stan field made it her mission to get americans involved. she lobbied congress, and made corian american unions a strong possibility. it looked close in 2011, buts then kim jong-il died and everything stopped. >> we were so close. is crashed. the hopes crashed again. i was worried. >> stan field says to be close and not reach an agreement has been devastating. the gratitude felt has been replaced by giment. >> if we had started earlier, it
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could have happened by now. sometimes i cry. but i cannot sit down. there are still enough people who believe in us. >> they console themselves by pouring over old photos. the reason her father ran marathons was to get publicity in north korea, so word would get out to his family in the south. >> he was going to run until he reunites with his family. in south korea. >> that reunion never happens, and many koreans are hoping north korea gets desperate for u.s. aid that it will give in, allowing the american reunions. >> i feel like i am being punished because i left them behind. if i need them again, i'll feel reborn. >> but the families are desperate too. and time is not on their side.
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>> earlier i spoke to human rights consultant who said the reunions are tied to politics. >> i believe the reason that they are delayed time and time again is that the north koreans - the authorities, know how much korean americans, and they know how much south koreans want these family reunions, so they often attach political conditions to the reunions, which the seen government is not willing to do. >> do you see this as an merging time that relations are improving between the two countries? >> yes. if it happens. >> if it happens. >> if it happens.
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sometimes these - what appear to be steps forward are cancelled at the last minute. but we certainly hope it will happen. and we hope it's the beginning of an improved relations between north and south korea. >> has the current leader kim jong un given an indication that he may soften his stance, allowing more of them in the future? >> well, by virtue of the fact that he's allowing one of them, you have to say yes, he has softened. there are some 73,000 south koreans still on a waiting list. the family reunions that happened between 2000 and 2010
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only renunted 2,000 on the lift. >> north korea is facing kuveringss of crimes against humanity. monday they'll reveal findings of a year-long investigation. it lists findings into torture, forced starvation and widespread kidnapping. it does not blame specific people. north korea denied the usings. >> i don't recall i asked a research associate at mit about whether he found the report surprising. >> i don't think it's that surprising because we have known the conditions are horrible. it's what we spoect with the government. and we had convictors making
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reports. this is an important story. it's rare for the countries to be charged. it's a horrible thing that started lopping ago. it's important to recognise. but what do you do next. in the short term there's not a lot that will happen. it's hard to press that. the u.n. security council might take it up and tact. i don't think china will allow that. early indications are that the report criticises china, because times people leave north korea, plea and are return the and imprisoned. there's criticism. not a lot in the short term. it's important to shine a spotlight. there's going to be a
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conundrum - do you deal with them. because they are bad people, do you shot them out. the answer is you have to engage them. that's the path to treating people better. the more you pressure them. the worst if becomes. >> food in north korea kim jong un threw a birthday party for his late father. officials who attended promised to remain loyal to the dynasty. the birthday of his father kim jong-il is known as the day of the shining star. >> still ahead on al jazeera america - syria's refugee crisis worsens by the day. many of the displays are headed. distraught in the rest, blizzards in the east. what the zeefr whether says or does not say about climate change.
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>> welcome back to al jazeera america. here is a look at the top stories. >> a florida judge declared a partial mistrial in the murder of jordan davis by michael dunn. he was convicted of four other charges, including attempted murder and he faces 60 years in prison. >> police are clashing with protesters on vns's yk venezuela's streets. >> future syrian peace talks are in jeopardy. a u.n. mediator apologised to the syrian people after a second round of talks ended in failure. no date has been set for a third round of talks. >> one small town in sweden took in more iraqi refugees than canada and the u.s. combined. now the country is opening its
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arms to syrian. we report on an immigration policy facing questions. >> mohammed was on the verge of an adult life in damascus. with a degree in engineering he was poised to start a new job. he feared to be arrested after they both went to an opposition demonstration. he fled. he has an internship with a swedish company and takes swedish classes in the evening. >> we have to start from scratch again, learn new language, adom new -- a dopt a new society. >> sweden has an open arms policy. many syrians end up south of stockholm. now, 90,000 citizens, 30,000 are imgrand, putting strains on the
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local services. >> the big problem is the refugees stay with relatives. >> the bell rippings for a successful -- rippings for a successful deal at a call center. down the hall is a class for gart ners with lessons -- gardeners with lessons on how to keep accounts. >> schools had to hire extra councillors for children -- counsellors traumatised by school. schools like this fuel support for the swedish democratic party. they hold 20 of parliament's 349 seats. they are unabashedly ant immigrant. >> we want to lower immigration to sweden with 90%. it's a big change, people coming
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from syria. they get a permanent residency, which is irresponsible. >> support for restrictions on immigrations is growing. the democratic party wants to stop the open arms policy and more and more people are joining them, and they hope to increase their share of the votes in the elections coming up in the autumn. >> demonstrators in bahrain are marking the third anniversary of the arab spring uprising. tens of thousands marched, demanding the kipping surrender -- king surrender his grip on power. >> a protest calling for political reform and equal rights for all citizens - me, women, the young and the old. they came out in large numbers, showing they have not forgotten what was started three years
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ago. >> further south, mourners gathered for the journal of a policeman killed in a bomb blast on friday. several security officers were wounded after protesters turned violent. demonstrators threw rocks at the police, who fired tear gas. they were trying to stop the demonstrators were reaching the roundabout, the vocal point of the anti-government protest in 2011. since then talks have been held. the opposition says the ruling family is discriminating against the shi'a majority. the government insists that's no sectarian division. >> the sheates and sooun -- shiites and sunnis are one people. we are refer to groups with political demands. those are given opportunities for dialogues. to sit at the negotiating table
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to reach an agreement. it's important not to distinguish then them. >> they have to sit with political groups to reach consensus. >> the country's main opposition group which organises the rally says talks with the government are more general. >> the main issue is between the people, as the information, the minister was saying. the sunnis, and the shias, the ruling family, because the ruling family is holding all the authorities. >> a third round of dialogue is expected. for now it seems there's no political agreement in sight. >> today marks 25 years since soviet forces withdrew from afghanistan. the anniversary is becoming national holiday. the taliban is using the
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coalition to withdraw from the country. they said in a statement: >> italy is without a prime minister. the country's president ended a long day of consultations without nominating a new head of government. he's expected to favour the mayor of the florence, the former major resigned. he's the third italian prime minister to fall in three years. >> opposition acts visits in the ukraine are gearing up for a mass rally in kiev. clashes broke out in the capital between anti-government protesters, and those opposing the demonstrations. several people were hur. >> chinese bloggers urged the secretary of state to help fight internet censorship, the great fire wall of china.
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john kerry met the bloggers and he's discusses climate change. the two countries are pledging to work together. >> china and the united states will put an extra effort into changing information and are discussing policies that will help both of us to be able to develop and lead on the standard that need to be announced next year for the global claping agreement. >> secretary of state john kerry's speech will be on the heels of president obama's climate action plan. we have seen extreme weather. but one season does not tell the whole story. >> president obama took the opportunity to push his climate change agenda while addressing the drought in california, saying he would ask congress for $1 billion to research climate
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change and impact. the worst change in california's modern history is an example the extreme weather. the eastern sea board has been slammed. months of rain caused flooding and landslides. heavy rain, severe wind and flooding are battering parts of england, where the river thames has reached highest levels in 60 years. japan's transportation is in chaos due to the worst storm in deccates. this year's winter olympics looks summary. this weather sparked theories that the melting arctic ice helps with the jet stream. >> the jet stream is a highway upon which storm systems drive. >> andrew is a climate reporter. this winter we've had a jet
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stream that is done like a deep dive out of canada into the seerp states. that is open to the refrigerator door of the arctic, letting the cold air spill down. because of the positioning of the jet stream, it was so cold. average temperatures fell by 1 degree. we are seeing higher than normal accumulations. still experts say the weather patterns of any one season don't tell the whole story. >> it's too early to say if it's exceptional. when we look at the debelling aid from 2000 to 2009. we saw twice as many extreme heat records broken. >> rodney horton published
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research exploring whether the weather can be linked to the melting sea ice. >> he says another decade of research is needed. >> we can't say because the one season is extreme, that we'll get more of this. we see more heatwaves, and coastal nuding. >> they are the big risks. we may see snow in the future. it is less certainly. >> a lot more snow. rebecca, we'll see more, you're telling me? >> we have a little more. we have it going on in the north-east. it is interesting that we have two big storms on each coast. one in the west, one in the east. let's address the east. as you go up to boston, we have snow and heavy bands and a
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blizzard warning. south of boston, and to the north of boston. wind gusts, this is what is causing the powerful gusts. note that all the winds coming out of the north-west, gusting to 30 miles per hour, blowing snow around, taking visibility to zero in place, but the blizzard warning in place, up to plymouth, we have winter storm warnings on sunday up into maine. the storm, or the peak snowfall will wrap up after midnight. highest snow totals in parts of massachusetts, anywhere from eight to 11 inches. far lesser amounts for new york. about 2.5 compared to central park. >> here is the storm that brought all the snow and bringing the bliss ard conditions into north of dash places around boston, and then we go to the west coast where we have a tap into moisture from the south-west.
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pulling a series of storms in. one after the other, just pounding the west coast with rain and snow. rainfall totals have been impressive. changing the showers to the west. the mountains are piling up. so wind crusts at the center of low pressure are riding up the coast, 40 mile per hour gusts. rain fall amounts, an inch for portland. that's a lot. we have a series of storms focused to the west and another tomorrow. there are flooding concerns, landslide concerns and avalanche warnings stretching to utah. we are talking whether right now. courtney was discussing the climate. whether - very active. >> thanks.
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still ahead 100 days after typhoon haiyan hit the philippines. we return to see how the youngest survivors are doing. >> people in louisville are being exposed to toxic chemicals. analysts say a legal loophole is letting it happen. details next.
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>> a loophole in environmental conditions is being blamed for lax conditions. >> this is a former engineer,
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enjoying his retirement, working in his yard. >> sand, shape, contour. >> he's concerned about the neighbourhood. he lives in an industrial corridor in sorrento. >> all the plants are that way. >> and not far. we are talking... >> not really. >> most u.s. industries have to report emissions over 10,000 pounds to the environmental protection agencies. it was created so the public knew what was released into the air. >> if people don't know what is in the air, they can't assess their own risk. >> when the epa set reporting standards, it didn't include sport and production. >> nobody is looking at it, monitoring it. they can release 100,000 and tell you they released 13,000,
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who would note. >> 395 facilities in colorado, louisville, texas, wyoming had toxic releases surpassing 10,000 pounds. the study calls the current rules arbitrary. people who live in homes like this, a few feet away, know what is going into the air. for the people living by similar oil and gas facility, air quality could be a mystery. >> they've been escaping tapes through the loophole for many years. >> with a nation-wide energy boom. oil and gas facilities are expanding. the louisville gas and oil foundation didn't return calls, but the epa will consider them reporting emissions. >> it shouldn't be a question.
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i don't see why it wouldn't. >> for now, all russells can do is wait. >> tomorrow marks 100 days since ty un haiyan slammed into the phil poons -- philippines. many lost family and many are still without homes. >> this ring has become a source of comfort for 14-year-old mooeko, it is all he has left of his mother. he lest his parents during the typhoon. >> i pray that her hope and are watching over me.
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mico is happy he found relatives to take him in. many children are living in evacuation members. humanitarian groups classified more than 400,000 as vulnerable. meaning they have no family. they have the danger of being exploited and abandoned by caregivers needing to look for jobs elsewhere. >> the end up in the streets. >> this girl escaped. she and four siblings ended up
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in a shelter. they were abandoned years before. "i'm happy now because someone is taking care of my sib lippings", they are getting an education. so far a small number of vulnerable survive juniors have been helped. there is much to be done. the rain no longer frightens him. he feels his family is with him. one day he says he may be happy again. >> a volcanic eruption caused widespread destruction. residence are collecting the ash to use as period lieser and pesticide. they are used to make cement. still several have been killed there and more than 50,000 have
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been forced into shelters. >> college students put up a protect ty wall in a show of support for former university of missouri football player michael sam who came out as gay. the students made a wall half a mile long. the idea was to drown out an aipt gay pro -- antigay protest. michael sam got a standing ovation as he and the team accepted the cotton ball trophy. >> let's hope it happens in the n.f.l. >> we'll talk about the all-star game. tomorrow's event is the all star game. the biggest viewing audience often is on saturday night where the n.b.a.'s best is singled out. we'll look at the sharp shooters. a 3-point contest where players
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get one minute to shoot 25 balls. this came so a shoot out. spurs marco belina, beating a wizard. >> then in the high-flying event shaquille o'neal. ben mcill more dumping over the big man. shak would crown him as well. after that the crown did not last long. that is because john wall, who is a point guard, check it out, grabbed the ball from his mass got and does the dunk for the wizard, coming home with the brig trophy. interesting to see the point guard get it. the real game is tomorrow night. some of the particulars would rather rest in a grinding seep.
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>> i think the guys love doing it. you soept see base wellar pick-up games, these guys are competitors, you can tell they'll play hard. the key for me, what makes it an all-star game is it's relatively close. you see two teams going at it to win, and the pride kicks in, that's what the fans have to root for, a close game in the fourth. >> you can see the competitivenessment players are not seeking the citizen event. >> why is that. >> i beg to differ. we have three all stars in the don't contest. it's the first time, which is why michael jordan and clive dressler, the biggest one being
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paul george. top five stars. this is one of the best fields in years. i'm specting a contest, golden state. i'm excited about it. this is actually one of the saturdays i've been more excited about. the game will take a lot of fresh faces which i think will help it. trying to prove themselves, trying to prove and keep an eye on some. paul george is a young face still. there'll be nice young blood in the league that is excited, and put on a show. >> this changing of the guard, the front office - adam silver taking over, replacing david stern. this is his first big event. what do you see is going to be the biggest challenge.
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>> there is no david sterp, he p did -- david stern. he didn't come. he didn't want to overshadow sill va. plenty of companies are trying to get a piece of the n.b.a. there's a billion dollar deal. he has his mind on that. there'll be a lock-out. possibly again. i think there's a sense that the door is open now more than before. >> don't get me wrong, he's a duff guy, a lawyer. he will not be a push over. >> the americans gave us some must-see tv. this was the match up everyone was looking forward to. it did more than live up to the hype. the u.s. men beating russia in a
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thriller: in the process, tj oshie has a new fan club. the st. louis blues club got eight goals. the same player is allowed to take multiple shots. and tj oshie was september up to battle. he has four goals out of six times, that was the winner. >> it's something you dream about going into shoot outs and imagining. it feels good. it's not like we were focussing on tomorrow. to get the win was big. it doesn't mean much. it's exciting, fun, we have a job to do here. >> elsewhere - american matt antwon grabbed the bronze in the fourth and final run. he's the fourth to medal. here is where we sit. the u.s. and the neth tied for
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second. followed by norway. they are doing well in sochi. >> very impressive. we'll talk about the snowball. an 800 pound snowball causing damage in portland oregon. there are other photos. they made the snowball. they lost control and the run away snowball rolled foo a dorm, impacting a bedroom wall. the students have been upset and felt awful about it but have not been punished. >> how would you do that? >> you would think they'd know it could cause problems. have a good night.
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>> you are watching al jazeera america, i'm jonathan betz with the headlines. a partial verdict has been reached in the trial of michael dunn. jurors were deadlocked over a murder charge, but they
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convicted him of an attempted murder charge. prosecutors will pursue murder charges. >> the future of syrian peace talks are in jeopardy. a second round ended in failure. no date has been set for a third round of talks. police are clashing with protesters on venezuela's sheets. the u.s. is concerned by prorps that the government is arresting scores of protesters. >> italy is without a prime minister. the country's president is expected to nominate the mayor of florence. he's the third italian prime minister to fall in three years. another round of snow is riping though the north-east. 5 to 10 inches is expected. this is the third storm new england had this week. in socchi, the u.s. men's hockey team defeated russia after an
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8-round shoot-out. the final score u.s. 3, russia 2. tj oshie scoring the winning goal. >> the medal count: >> those are the headlines. "america tonight" starts now. gooech and thanks for -- good evening and thanks for joining us. i'm joie chen, and you're watching "america tonight," the weekend edition. we start with california, running dry. the northern part of the state is seeing some showers, it won't be enough to help the statde


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