tv America Tonight Al Jazeera February 16, 2014 12:00am-1:01am EST
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8-round shoot-out. the final score u.s. 3, russia 2. tj oshie scoring the winning goal. >> the medal count: >> those are the headlines. "america tonight" starts now. gooech and thanks for -- good evening and thanks for joining us. i'm joie chen, and you're watching "america tonight," the weekend edition. we start with california, running dry. the northern part of the state is seeing some showers, it won't be enough to help the state-wide drought emergency.
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it could pour for the rest of the year and it wouldn't be enough. the before and after pictures from above shows how severe the situation is. snow-covered peaks are brown bare mountain tops. what a difference a year can make. this weekend president obama is spending the week in california to meet with farmers in the hartland, offering 160 million in relief aid. as "america tonight"'s chris brewery reports, the lack of hydration is forcing ranchers to make tough choices. >> for frank, the most devastating drought in memory means hard choices.
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>> his grandfather started the farm, but now he is calling a family meeting as to whether to sell most of the herd. >> we'll go through the herd. we have 20 picked out. we'll probably cut 40 to 60. in two weeks it will rain more, the grass is growing. >> never in frank's lifetime nor in recorded history has california seen so little water over a 12-month period. >> you have not seen water up here for seven or eight years. >> seven inches on average, 15 below formal, and the driest since behaviour california keep records. not enough to water cattle or grow the grain. >> that creek, it used to be a river, should be 15 feet higher than it is now. >> 15 feet. this is what frank
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wants to avoid. many fellow ranchers made hard choices. at this cattle ranch they come from all over the state. normally 200 head of cattle would be up for sale. on this day more than 1,000 hut the auction black. janet burback brought three truck loonds of cattle. 20 head altogether. she could not afford to raise them. a cow stuck its ear out the trailer side, all the way down i bawled my head off. dumped them off bawled all the way home. >> for some tiny cals have been
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sold, animals so young they are barely weaned. >> there's a little black one, they are tiny, who knows if they'll survive where they go. they may go nebraska, south dakota, or feedlots. the whether will be different. they are going young, but no one has a choice. >> we can't afford to keep them. >> harry sold 68 of his cattle and is holding on to a few dozen more, hoping to wait off the drought. . >> it doesn't feel good. we took off the tail enders that are not doing good. i i want to hold out until the middle of march. >> bob has been trimming his
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heard a few head at a time. he started with 70, and now has 50 left. >> i farmed 200 acres of hay. it hasn't come out the ground. i sold half my heard and used the money to buy hay. know we are getting to the point by the end of february, if we don't get grain, i'll have to sell more. >> one ranchers misfortune is another's opportunity. an internet camera allowed cattle men from around the country to place their bids. nearly all the cattle are headed out of state. >> the cattle here, when i enter the price, i track it. they can tap in and bid.
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>> jim, the auctioneer and owner said the draught has driven hundreds of farmers to the brink. >> the sad part is a lot of people put energy and time over the last couple of years to produce a high-quality product. when they sell the cows, they have to start over. >> the light rain falling is welcome. it's not likely to make a department. this hay field shows why. normally the hay would be 18 inches high, it's barely an inch. the 500 acre crop planted at thanksgiving may not survive. >> you dig down, it's dry. bone trial a couple of inches beneath the surface. >> the tips are burnt, one lack
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the water and two, we had frost. >> since frank has no hay to feed his cattle, he has to buy it from far away farms. utah. >> this is my reserve. i had to buy the hay. from? >> 900 miles. given the scarce supply, in the cost has skyrocketed. >> we don't buy much hay, but right now you are looking at a 300-400 difference. this meat packing plant, 600 miles away in the imperial valley is closing. jobs. >> devastating.
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more than the 13-00 jobs that will be lost. a lot of these folks are neighbour. my next door nab or to the rest of me works for the national beef and is the sole survivor. that's one of the families that will be impacted from this. when you talk 1300 jobs, it's tremendous. the job losses add to the pain in the county. one of state's leading banks predicts the drought will cost the state 40,000 jobs, most in agriculture. the ripple is clear to see at 101 life stock supplier, they fear the sell off of cattle will desmate this business. >> this time of year they are giving vak seeps, doctoring cavs, i sell -- calves, i sell
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that. they are using ear tags, i sell those. they selt the calves, i sell fly spray, fly tags, wormers. if they sell the cow, they won't buy that stuff. it dents my business. >> in california the governor declared a drought emergency meaning ranchers can qualify for low from loans to buy the hay. most farmers don't want to be deeper in debt. they want the government to think bigger, much bigger. >> the look up and see the clouds and think couldn't someone make it rain. we can do everything else, we go to the moon and go to mars and spend billions of dollars trying to save a fish down a creek, letting water out of a trillion rain. >> he's gambling against nature, holding off on selling his cattle.
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time is running out. soon he and his family will have no choice but to leave the business that has supported them for three generations. looking ahead - a toxic city in the golden state. >> richmond is my home. at the statement there are other cities where there's not a chevron spilling toxins into the air and no one communicating with you. >> this sediment is going into our bodies, into my children who have no protection, except me. >> when we push back, we are fighting for our lives, our dignity as a community. a community that has a right to health and well being. >> when chevron is your neighbour. angry residents in richmond california say the refinery gets the profits, they get the problems.
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when enough is enough. we tour the toxic city and the fight against air pollution, coming up next week on "america tonight." >> coming up next on the program tonight, deep under the sea, a prized delicacy and an aphrodisiac kicked out of china. what it can mean for a u.s. community that counts on it. >> every sunday night, join us for excusive... revealing... and surprising talks, with the most interesting people of our time. hip hop pioneer russell simmons talks with soledad o'brien >> i make mistakes everyday, i don't try to count them... >> about his music.... >> the artist should say what's on people's minds. >> his cause... dominion over the animals does not mean abuse... >> and his future... >> i wanna make movies and tv shows that reflect the new america. >> russell simmons up close and personal... talk to al jazeera only on al jazeera
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innovation changes our lives. opening doors ... opening possibilities. taking the impossible from lab ... to life. on techknow, our scientists bring you a sneak-peak of the future, and take you behind the scenes at our evolving world. techknow - ideas, invention, life. on al jazeera america >> a foody's delight with a charm that defies expectations. the gooy duck, coming from a native american word meaning dig deep. a botched shipment from the northern specific shores has caused problems. as jacob ward reports, the
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blockage has caused problems for a tribe in washington state. >> sinking down into the waters, a diver seeks a rare prize. it's buried deem in the sediment, hidden to all but the trained eye. it's called a gooey duck. it's rarely seen in the united states, but it's prized as a delicacy and afro diseasia in china. essentially a giant clam, the gooey duck can live over 150 years. some survived in these waters since the civil war. they are an un likely thing of wealth. but it is for this tribe. they collect them and sell them.
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the tribe limits the work to 25 contract divers chosen by lottery. >> how much can a diver make in a year? >> $150,000. cody is a new diver. he is going to be close to $100,000. week. >> yes. >> that's $150,000 a year for a single diver working one day a week. >> is finding the gooey ducks hard. they are money. you see them. >> yes, it's like a dollar bill sign. you see a little grove and once you hit the ground you see it duck. >> china appetite for gooey duck is so vor ashes that the u.s. exported $68 million. once a simply tribal food for
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the squamish now transformed to a global tribe. >> what part do you eat. >> you blanch it in the water or eat as a suchy. the skip peels out. it's all edible. you don't waste nothing. >> washington state exports 90% of gooey duck. as china's prosperity climbed, so have the tribes. then, in december, a shattering setback. chinese officials found a gooey duck shipment contaminated with arsenic and mapped all exports. the squamish tribe were forced to shut operations. divers are today collecting samples for a weekly test. >> i'm concerned about pollutants going into the sounds. i live here, go into the water, eat and fish. >> this woman has been diving
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for 13 years, one of only two women divers. >> the income is huge for the tribe, which is a big part of the budget. that's why the ban worries my tribe. we use it for the tribe's elders checks. 40% goes to the divers and 60% goes to the budget to give the elders a monthly check. we are up in the air wondering what will happen now. >> behind me is the facility where the demand for gooey duck was met. the plan was to destroy the building and replace it. the ban came and those plans are on hold. >> this man is the manager at squamish sea foods. ban? >> it's unprecedented for us. we have never seen anything like this happen lost? >> i would suspect half a
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million. >> in january washington's statement department of health tested gooey duck and found them safe. the results have been sent to chinese officials. their response is hard to predict. 10 years after a ban of beef, the u.s. still ant chi china. >> if the ban continues, is do? >> we are looking into doing urchins, it's a big expense. they won't clear much money. >> how does the price of gooey duck compare to other sea forward. >> the gooey duck is see foot. >> they have found another buyer, but learning the global market is new for the tribe. >> the market is uncertain. something could happen next week
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that disrupts it or anything. we are trying to take the best advantage. what was once a lucrative business is held hostage. bad luck for a tribe building modern life on good fortune called the gooey duck. >> now to sharks. and a new way of learning from them. it seems sharks can fight off disease because of what is in their skin. scientists are learning how to mimic the sign of shark skip. thanks to a feared oceanic specie, the threat of species may be reduced. they spend their lives under water. but they are
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algae and barn abbingle free. dr tony, from the university of florida discovered attached to the tentacles teeth-like shape all over the skin. them. >> when you try to draw a shark skin, it's difficult on flat paper. i modified it. i came up with a pattern. the first time i used it on algae over the navy ship. it stopped it 85%. and nothing ever stopped it other than toxins. this was no toxin, it doesn't release anything, it's a physical structure. >> the pattern davis cuply kated formed a film barrier. it's so mine ute it's invisible to the eye. in the lab they run numerous experiments demonstrating an ability to block bacteria. >> we
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exposed the as far as with shar sha sharklet and without. the side with more bacteria is the side without sharklet. >> has to be 90% reduction. >> this is about 90% reduction. >> it's believed the film could be applied to any high traffic surface. they created place mat and light fixture prototypes and partnered with a firm to create office chairs covered with it. it may reduce people who get infections, by covering tubing. it may block the growth of antibiotic resistant
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bacteria. >> technology doesn't care if it's strong or week. but if they don't attach, they won't grow. >> you can see the full exploration of biomimicing on techknow on sunday night: >> coming up next here, living with schizophrenia. one woman's tale of her living nightmare, the hope and strength inside her troubled mind in "the other america." >> heavily armed, combat tactics >> every little podunk wants their tank and their bazooka... >> with s.w.a.t. raids on the rise... >> when it goes wrong, it goes extremely wrong... >> what's the price for militarizing our police >> they killed evan dead >> faul lines, al jazeera america's hard hitting... >> there blocking the door... >> ground breaking... >> we have to get out of here... >> truth seeking... break though investigative documentary series... new episode,
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>> when the subject of schizophrenia comes up in the media, it is och connected to a rare -- often connected to a rare violent event. how accurate is that portrayal. as part of our series "the other america", we wanted to know what it is like to live with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. tonight we'll meet a remarkable woman, approving that it is possible to live and thrive in spite of a debilitating mental illness that afflicts nearly 1% of all americans. >> i had an episode in high school one day in the middle of school, got up and walked five miles hope, and i felt i was
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sent message "you are special, you are specially bad, repent", i was not hearing voices. i felt entities were putting thoughts in my head. it was upsetting and scary. >> elyn saks was just 16. the thoughts became increasingly intrusive worsened. >> i had the delusion that i killed hundreds of thousands with my thoughts. i had hall use nations of a man with a knife above my head. it's like a waking nightmare with the odd, bizarre scary things, but with a nightmare you sit in bed. >> for years elyn saks kept the severity of her illness from her family. she graduated from college. her symptoms became too severe to hide. >> i was having a breakdown.
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i said to my classmates -- are you copies infiltrated like mine are. my professor took me to the e.r. i was saying crazy things. >> when she threatened an tapedant she learnt the -- attendant she learnt the hard way that she would be treated. >> they lifted me high and slammed me on a bed and tide my wrists and ankles. i screamed at the top of my luption. it never -- lungs. it never occurred to me that i would be treated like that. >> worst was the diagnosis of schizophrenia. i couldn't believe it was true. >> when a yale psychiatrist told here she should withdraw from law school and get a job as a cashier, something rebelled. >> i thought, "i've been a tunt
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all my life, i'm good at it. how much more stressful would it be to have people demanding change. she refused to drop out of yale and developed strategies. >> when i'm focussed on writing an article, the voices faded to the back. >> she is a person with an awful illness who has decided that that illness will not define her life >> steve behnke met elyn saks at yale law school. their friendship eld elyn saks to sna touch with reality. >> when elyn saks become herself. she has fantasies that she is responsible for killing people, that there may be
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nuclear explosions going off in my head. there were times i'd get a back and read. she would sit. being with someone, i think, elyn saks found helpful. in those psychotic periods, they'd pass. >> with the help of friend like steve, elyn saks graduated with honours. steve is a psychologist and elyn saks talk every day and educate others about the misconceptions surrounding schizophrenia. >> having a friend who is psychootic once in a while makes them different. >> friends can play a helpful role in supporting those experience. having a kind, non-judgmental person that accepts you for the empowering. >> when eljen becomes psychotic
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she uses me as a sounding board saying "is this real? is this true?" i can say maybe yes, maybe no. >> i can't imagine life without friends and thank god it's one thing i'm able to do. >> the friendship has been tested by elyn saks's multiple attempts to get off medication, something many with scits wr wrestle with -- consists messle with. -- schizophrenia wrestle with. >> much of elyn saks's life was fighting the idea that she had an illness. >> it was a big blow. i wanted to prove if wasn't true by getting off medication. >> she'd go down and get more psychotic. i'd feel "goodness, haven't you tried this enough, isn't it time . >> i did it over and over and over.
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when i look back i wsh i was smarter sooner. i'm glad i wasn't forced, that i came to the decision in my own way at the time. it works for me, making my life better. being on the drugs consistently changed my life. i have fewer symptoms, and i like >> elyn saks has been stable for years, she's a tenured professor. with symptoms under control she focused on other areas of her life. >> i went 18 years with a couple of dates. i was too tormented by internal demons. then will and i started dating and i really fell in love. i never thought it would happen. it's like the best thing to happen to me in my life. >> during the years i worked at the law library at u.f.c., she'd
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come in occasionally coming down asking for help with one thing or another. later she told me she was trying to flirt with me, which i told effective. >> then he invited me to lunch and the poppies in lancaster. >> imagine acres of orange flowers covering hills, swaying in the wind. >> at the end of the day he gave me a long lingering kiss, and the thought that went through my mind was "this is better than getting an article accepted." i'll acknowledge being a bit naive about all the implications about how well i understood the seriousness of her condition, but on the other hand, i was not at all put off by it. >> my husband deserve incredible credit for how he's been with me, interacted with me.
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i never thought it would happen. i consider myself the luckiest woman in the world. >> because she hit her illness from most people, elyn saks continued to feel like she was living a lie. in 2007 she wrote a book and wept public with her -- went schizophrenia. >> when my book came out, on a faculty which of 40-45, maybe 10 knew. the others didn't. situation.. >> she felt like keeping the secret was part of what citying itized mental il s. it was a -- stigmatised mental illness. it was relief for her and a political act. >> in 2009 elyn saks won a mcarthur genious award for her work "helping people understand
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her illness", those around her understand that society is a long way from accepting those with schizophrenia. >> how to see someone as a person with mental illness, as opposed to a mentally ill creature that is the huge question. when elyn saks got her mcarthur i ward i sent an -- award, i september an email -- i sent an email to everyone and said "people deal with the devastating illness, we see them on the corners every day." we needed to work, to not be afraid of them. the u.s. has a long way to go. if we take a look and you walk down a street in any major city, you're going to see a lot of folks with mental illness wandering around. no place to sleep, they are
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looking through the gashing can, and i -- garbage can and i want to say wow, look at elyn saks. if you give someone the right treatment and support. they can be the most that that intvedual can be -- individual can be. that is the take home point. >> that report from "america tonight"'s lawry jane glooe har. >> elyn saks continues to educate people. a talk she gave recently sur past 1.5 million views. >> when we return, inside afghanistan, behind the lens chronicling 25 years of war and peace in a troubled land.
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agree to anything in washington no matter what. >> antonio mora, award winning and hard hitting. >> we've heard you talk about the history of suicide in your family. >> there's no status quo, just the bottom line. >> but, what about buying shares in a professional athlete? real perspective, consider this on al jazeera america in an act of defines this week afghanistan set free 65 suspected mill tans from bagram prison. the u.s. condemned the release, but karzai said that these decisions are of no concern to the united states. the release of the detainees complicates america's relationship with afghanistan. as a pact to keep u.s. forces in the country - as it remains anside. u.s. troops come and gone, an embedded photo journalist found
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every reason to go back. >> when i got to afghanistan the soviet army killed a million people, it's a lot of violence to throw down on people in less than 10 years. they caused the movement of 6 million people, estimated. >> the bureau became a region, where a journalist and photographer would want in their territory. >> pakistan and bangladesh were under marr sham law. afghanistan had the soviet army occupying for over 10 years. it was a volatile region. >> it's not just the volatility, it's the news value. >> in the early days mujahideen fighters, civilians, took a
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liking to the camera. their only exposure was through government controlled media, stations, television stations. they'd rarely meet people. it was a strict party line. they didn't understand the cycle of taking a picture and seeing it printed. they'd never see the final copy. this person, shot in 1990, is still alive and is known as the don quilione of afghanistan. essentially he's the first person to look for funding for global jihad outside of afghanistan. he was the recipient of a great amount of money from the c.i.a. and befriended osama bin laden. this picture is interesting to
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me because it shows the government communist party newspaper being sold on the street by a newspaper hawker. most likely - well, of course, an industrious boy. there's a good chance that he's not literate. what you see is a person behind him, who bought the paper, is reading the paper out loud to the people around him. who are also unable to read the paper. there are a lot of homeless kids and families that are split, and children that go hungry and are left to forage for themselves and sent out by their parents to find food to eat, beg, forage. >> this is a family that is fleeing their neighbourhood because of interfactional fighting between mujahideen groups because the civil war took over the country.
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what is interesting is this is a bicycle, a tea cup and a chicken. that's pretty much all they could get out. i didn't have a problem with the taliban. pictures of human being are not permitted, and the photographs of women were not permitted. >> every trip in afghanistan had unexpected moments. that's the nature of the region, the country, the story, it's a country without law. the people are hopeful. they have reached a certain amount of employment, economic and social improvement, schools are open, but at the same time corruption is rife. kidnap goes on at a low level. there's no solid sense of security.
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i'm not numb to it, i'm quite sensitive to what happens to the people and the surroundings in every situation. i have tried to keep a balance as much as possible. the story i started lopping ago, and the -- long ago and the narrative it enough for me. going. >> hip hop pion year and business mogul is a man of having. he's into music and fashion and a pervasive cultural influence and a strong advocate for justice. in an interview for "talk to al jazeera". soledad o'brien caught up with her friend russell. >> you were on twitter talking about philip seymour hoffman's death, and your perspective about drug laws and his death.
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>> if he were alive today would he go to gaol or rehab. end the war on drugs. the war an drugs has done more to destroy the fabric of the black community, not the effects of jim crow and slavery. it's taken innocent diseased people, locked them up, and dumped them in the hood with no hope. it became gaol culture for the hood, not the schools, not for the prisons. prison has it, you learn, you are educated in how to do things you never would have done. whites and blacks - don't they use and sell drugs at the same rate. you can't end drug laws. 94.5% of people were incarcerated under the drug laws, in a state that was not 94% black and brown.
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we incarcerate more people than anyone in the world. america responsible for locking its own up, and creating criminals and a cycle of criminality in the community. >> michael sam, number 52, came out of the closet before the draft. it started a fire storm, i think it's fair to say. you've been vocal in gay rights. tell me why, and tell me a little about what you think of the young guy? >> people are suffering. people need to wake up. consciousness, it's the same thing. have you a voice, say gays should get the rights that we want for ourselves are the ones we should give to others. the respect that we demand for ourselves we should give to others. that is a simply manned re that i -- mantra that i try to live by. i want to marry again.
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not now. >> let's here what news you are making for me. go ahead. >> i want to get married again. people should have the right to get married and live freely in our society. thinks like that are obvious. if you see an injustice and don't say anything, maybe you have other issues. >> this kid, if he played in the n.f.l. >> he'll play in the n.f.l. >> will he be the first openly gay n.f.l. player? >> good for him. bad for america that he's the first openly gay. there's a lot of gay football players that will be proud of him and rooting for him. gay football players in every locker, every team who are rooting for him. straight guys like me rooting
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for him. >> what is the biggest change in the record industry that you have seen. >> you say the record industry >> i know, the music industry. >> i have a digital music company, all deaf music discover them through internet. promoting through the internet. it's the great evehicle. youtube is the place where music is consumed. there should be a collaboration between music and youtube. my company, and one or two others, it's a whole. why would we not partner with create music programming through - and enervate music through - promote innovative music to, not just let it happen. the business has changed. it's dramatically shifted.
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other forms of revenue are the great one, but how to promote them, manage them, should be on the minds of executives. they are slow. i remember the guys came to me saying "we want to meet the head of the company, the chairman." "don't talk to them", well, they are talking to you whether you like them or not. you sell them and there's another creative, innovation. when it comes you have to embrace it and use it. >> see all of conversations. >> ahead - dusting off memories of yesterday. another view of the invasion that rocked america 50 years later.
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>> al jazzera america presents... documentaries from around the world that inform... >> they were bombarded with shells... >> inspire... >> we can deal with our conflicts... >> and touch our soles... >> it was my dream to get a high school diploma. >> award winning film makers create create unique perspectives. >> everybody's different here... >> just gotta tell ya, it was just a very magical moment... >> al jazzera america presents... on al jazeera america
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gentlemen, the beatles. ed sullivan's interuchgz -- introduction of the fab four 50 years this week launched beetle mania. 2.5 months later before a smaller audience, the band played their first concert. now the arena that hosted it and that event got another encore in washington d.c. >> this room was packed and there was not much noise until the beatles took to the statement >> on that cold february night, with 8,000 screaming fans gathered here, the washington colosseum became sacred ground. mike mitchell was a freelance photographer trying to stay focussed as the beatles took the stage to mayhem. >> the screaming was so loud and constant that i talked to people who were 10 rows back and they
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wouldn't hear the lyrics. ♪ i want to hold your hand" >> just 18, barely holder than some of the kids in the crowd, mitchell knew it was a once-in-a-livetime moment. >> i was panicky because i didn't have a flash. i jumped into action, winded my way through the could and got up close and personal. after i got up on the stage behind them someone turned on tv lights and that was a god send because it was too dark to have lights. >> when the show was over, that golden moment faded, quickly. mitchell was horrified to see how his magazine editors used the pictures. >> the adults at the time didn't get it. these guys did a satire of "mad" magazine, with a mast head at
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mad. and had bugs crowelling on the page. it was mortifying to see how it was used. it hurt me deeply. >> so he boxed up the negatives, packed them in the basement and moved on. >> i remember labelling the envelope, "beedles" because i wasn't is a good speller when i was a ki. >> the colosseum looked headed for the dust bin of history, hitting its low in the late '90s. >> 1996 was when the building took a turn for the worst, sold to a waste management company, using it as a transfer station. >> rebecca miller works for the d.c. preservation league, an organization that protects district. >> my work started in 2003, when
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we put out a list of endangered places. it was because the waste management company was looking to demolish the building. >> naomi's memories were at risk. she remembers the colosseum in its glory days. too. >> at that time the tickets were two, three and $4. >> he was one of the few african-americans who saw the show that night. >> i didn't look at it as a black and white thing. i looked at it as entertainment coming here. >> the colosseum hosted malcolm x, joe frasier, bob dylan. >> it's the same building with this many memories, and you see it
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decaying and falling apart. >> after 50 years dye hard visit. >> they come every year and write their name. this will be the last opportunity to do that >> that's because a developer is planning to fill the colosseum with officers and shops. the shell and its name will remain intact. >> i was happy about that. i was happy that it would keep the name "colosseum", mike mitchell's memories are getting a look. mitchell spent 1,000 hours removing decades of dust and crime to reveal the magic of that night. >> they are collaborations between two different photographers - the 18-year-old who shot them, and the 60-whatever-year-old that realised them. >> restored the collection
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brought mitchell a small windful helping to reboot his career and all. >> i did feel swept up by the music. it got into you, you know, it got into you. the world was different the next morning. >> a special concert was held to remember the special night, but it's not the same, is it? that's it for "america tonight." any comments log on to the website. you can meet the team, get sneak previews of the stories that we are working on and tell us what you want to see. join the conversation on twitter and facebook. goodnight. we'll have more of "america tonight" tomorrow.
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dunn. jurors were deadlocked on the murder charge but convicted him of attempted murder. prosecutors will pursue murder charges. >> future syrian peace talks are in jeopardy, a u.n. mediator apologised after the second round of peace talks ended in failure. police are clashing with protesters, demonstrators are angry over inflation and crime. the u.s. is deeply concerned by reports that the government is mass arresting protesters. italy is without a prime minister. the country's president is expected to nominate the mayor of florence. he's the third italian prime minister to fall in three years. >> another round of snow is ripping through the north-east. 5-10 inches is expected in the boston area. it's the third snow storm in new
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england. >> american okinawa scored the game-winning goal in the hockey usa versus russia, 3-2. as for the meddle count. russia is in the lead. i'm morgan radford, stay tuned. >> a man who could become the n.f.l.'s openly gay player could face a backlash for coming out. >> why did a zoo cut up a giraffe in front of kids. >> are major failures in life not a bad thing. >> the high price of face. models abused in their entry. hello, i'm antonio mora. here is more of what is ahead. >> i am a gay man and happy to be one.
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