tv News Al Jazeera February 18, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EST
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but don't worry. i'm here to take the fear out of finance. every night on my show i break down the confusing financial speak and make it real. >> this is al jazeera america, live from new york city, i'm tony harris, with a look rat the capital is engulfed in this hour in flames as riot police move in. iran drawing a line in nuclear talks saying it won't buckle to pressure to get rid of it's nuclear facilities. tens of thousands of protestors pack the streets as police arrest the leader of the opposition. and reports the white house is willing to trade taliban prisoners for an
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american sergeant, held captive. >> it is a deadly day in ukraine, six police officers and seven protestors were killed in clashes, right now take a look at pictures. fires, burning in a protest camp in the center of the capitol, that is independent square, this comes as police try to end three months of demonstrations against ukraine's president. al jazeera's gnawed dean has more. >> a return to scenes that ukraine hasn't witnessed for weeks. antigovernment protestors around parliament. ukraine's interior ministries says three were injured when protestors tried to drive a truck through their ranks.
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some threw stones and bombs. the police fired stun grenades made of rubber bullets several were reportedly hurt. >> their aim to pressure parliament that would restore the 2004 constitution, and limit the powers of public defender victorian that cove itch. but when that ediscussio en wasn't tabled blocked the session. >> as a responsible politician, the president of ukraine should call early presidential and parliamentary elections, and convince this will lower the temperature in society. this will be a way out, a brave decision, at the same time, i am urging the president to call them back off the streets. >> so far they have shown no sign he is prepared to
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do that, there was a break through when activists ended their occupation of city hall in exchange for an amnesty for scores of arrested protestors. >> we are appalled be i the violence that was already taking place in downtown, and reports of armed riot police on the edge. we continue to condemn street violence and ex-excessive force, the force will not resolve the crisis. to restore rather peace and stability we urge presidentian that cove itch to deescalate the presentation. has said that the u.s. is
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considering sanctions against those that increase the use of violence. images of these protests and violence are all over social media today. maria is following that for us. >> yes, tony, these images give you a glimpse of what is happening in ukraine. one of the main stages that they are using to get the word out. and over here to the right, you have this, the picture of a sniper has appeared, our sniper has injured the riot police, with a traumatic weapon. this is one of the cars that is fleeing it says the official surrender, the protestors are chasing the cars. and ma ray yeah writes they don't surrender, they just go away, they are not interested. and take a look at this, they are also using
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rocks, stones, to throw against the riot police, this is a chain of protestors of all ages as you can see. stonesss the stones along, and those are thrown against the police. christopher miller, he writes police firing rubber rounds, hundreds of these on the ground, good day to have picked up a vest. here you have a protestor. fired by police, with a rubber bullet, he is injured and there's a medical assistance here, they do have doctors that are going around trying to help these people. and euro has also sent out this message, people are jumping from three-meter height trying to escape, near the october palace, so that's in the kiev city center. and this is a video that's graphic, i want to warn you. these are protestors, they presumably have beaten up this police. who then goes away, and
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then over here, you have another officer with a flag, tony. >> maria, appreciate it. the former u.s. ambassador, with us now an ambassador, you are seeing these images in social media, you have seen the report, well, a number of reports coming in. police moving in on at the present times to the north side of the square, what are your concerns with thousands of people reportedly in that square? >> it's a very sad and tragic day. there appears to be a deescalation, demonstrators had been amnesties and the protestors. so that lowered the tension, and people were hoping that this would create an atmosphere that would allow a genuine critical dialog to go on. however, the fight is clear that the police were prepared to escalate. and the effort to crack
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down is a very worried sign. it is incumbent on the government to stop this. before he ends any chance for a dialog with the opposition. >> some 39 police officers with gunshot wounds how concerned are you that some in the opposition now may be armed? >> no, i think there have always been certain elements. there certainly has been a national section of that opposition. but the opposition also represents a fairly broad spectrum. and i think what you are seeing is that after three months separation breaking out. there's a very worrisome sign there's raw tension on both sides and unless they deescalate this, and get a dialog, this can control in ways that i don't think either side expects. >> terrific, that gets me to my next question, a more general sense, how concerned are you about this conflict expanding?
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>> i am very concerned about it. at some point and work out a i do log that may get you out of this crisis. this is a government that should not be signed in the streets. representatives come together and work out a solution. and lit be very very hard to do that. >> what is part of the solution here? you heard the opposition leader, called for early elections is that part of the solution in your estimation? >> my guess is the government will resist that, that would be one way to resolve the issue. another idea is that's been out there, could make some concessions that would allow the
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promotion of some kind of a national unity government, with the opportunity to in fact find some kind of a settlement that would address the concerns of the opposition. that's going to be very hard to do, but given today's events it will become that much hearter. >> what is the u.s. position? for anything? >> well, i think the united states and the european union have some influence, but it is very much at the margins. this first and foremost has to be resolved by the ukraines themselves. aimed at basically punishing those that resort to the use of force, but also at targeting people in the inner circle. to pressure them to push the president to really try to negotiate a way out. >> i think the u.s. government in that direction, if the european union which has been slower would also move in a parallel way.
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and european and american visa to sanctions might have an impact. >> can i ask you your view on the origins of three months old, that started rejecting an e.u. deal, in favor of closer ties with moscow and then the people of kiev taking to the square, but clearly it has evolved beyond just a protest over a trade agreement. >> sure. >> no, it originally started out, the first demonstration which took place on november 24, which was the protest about the decision not to sign the association agreement that would crush the european union, and you had 100,000 people on the streets. six days later, the special police went in, broke up a rally, put 60 in the hospital, and the
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next day you saw between 30,700,000 on the streets which i think was a sign of the public backlash. now in the last two months they have worked further, it isn't just about ukraine and aspirations to draw closer, it is also about people being fed up with corruption, which unfortunately has become worse in the four years that presidentian that coverrish's tenure, they are also unhappy about the authoritarian basis on the part of the president that have limited political space. so you have a mix sure of motives that had broad satisfaction. >> does the president use all legitimacy in his country, if there are mass casualties as a result of the scenes we are seeing tonight? >> i think it is important to remember, the president was elect an election that was seen as free and clear,
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unfortunately he has moved them back away from democracy. certainly to the etent that his police are predicting this kind ofa. he risks greatly undermining his legitimacy. >> u.s. ambassador the the ukraine, appreciate your time, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> diplomates from iran, return to the negotiating table looking for ways to curb the program. is expecting to last just three days. negotiators will try to build on the temporary agreement. but there is little optimism that they will succeed. al jazeera diplomatic editor has more now from vienna. >> irang's foreign
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minister greeting in charge of form policy. known as the p five plus 1. the five members of the u.n. security council as well as germany. as well as misinstruction and suspension. >> during these negotiations on the agreement, all concerns about the iranian nuclear program will have to be addressed. it will be, of course, there will be intensive and difficult. the overallabilityive remains to seek a comprehensive solution that would ensure that iran's nuclear program is exclusively peaceful. >> one of iran's main negotiators was
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interviewed on a state t.v. channel. deputy foreign minister knows many people at home including iran's supreme leader seem ton vinceed this process will not succeed. as he left the interview, i asked him about the progress so far. >> how would you describe this mornings talks? >> it was a good beginning. very constructive. decided to continue and vote by lateral decisions. >> no one involved in this process doubts that it will be difficult and complicated. there is a deadline, the interim deal is for just six monos, but there's a clause in it saying kit be extended for a further six months. there will be long negotiations. james bays, al jazeera, of the united nations in vienna. >> let's bring in former u.s. ambassador. christopher hill. he is the dean of international studies and just finished a university sponsored forum, with iran's foreign minister.
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mr. ambassador, good to have you back on the program, again, you spoke today, what is his view of these negotiations? he spoke to our students from vienna, and i would say he is from the school of thought that the glass is half full. he felt that there was progress today, that and he was looking forward to the next two days is he smokes about his hopes that by july something could happen. he was not pessimistic, at the same time i think he was caution. >> is it the official position of the u.s. government in these negotiations, maybe official is too strong. that iran must dismantle
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all aspects of it's nuclear program? >> well, i think foreign minister -- the foreign minister made clear today, he once again reiterated the iranian government has no interest in developing nuclear weapons. it's always nice to hear that, but the issue is we need to prove that this is not the case can. so certainly from the u.s. perspective you wonder why they have a underground enrichment facility. and so i think the u.s. does need to see the u.s. and the other parties do need to see these issues addressed. so how that is done, how much can they live with, if any. i think these are issues that have to be addressed as we go forward. certainly it is good to hear them talk about
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moving forward on this agreement. and i ask add follow up question, to foreign minister, how does he see the u.s. negotiation, will that go forward. and again, he was very careful. but i think we are dealing with a very professional diplomate. >> to the critical question, and i think it is the critical question, you outlined it, does iran have to make some kind of case for continuing to house not operate the facilities. the underground facility that you mentioned just a moment ago? >> they are going to have to make a case, because if your interest is in peaceful nuclear, what are you doing putting it underground. i think that's a very valid case, and i think
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the problem is certainly you won't hear this from the foreign minister. the opinions are very much police whether to go forward, so a lot of what we are seeing is a government that understands the -- what the sames have done to their economy, and that was something that the foreign minister made clear again. they too would like to kind of tiptoe out of this. i think they have to be very careful because not everyone agrees. >> so that brings me to -- one last point, the interim deal was front loaded as you know with iranian concessions halting the expansion of the enrichment program, and ending the enrichment of uranium at 20%. does iran have many cards left? >> so that tech go back to their people and say look, we can make
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progress for this. and we are pray serving our core positions that we have a right to. to a nuclear -- to a civil nuclear. but we can make progress, and if you like this, let us go back and make more problem. so i think it's very much an effort to show the iranian people that iran can break out of this isolation, and i think it is very important to understand, in addition to the nuclear talks they have been having, the so called p five plus germany, talks they have also had some direct talks to the quite, on the issue of what it would take to go ahead and normalize u.s. iranian relations. ambassador hill, good to see you again. antigovernment protest in thailand turns deadly
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today, a police was among four people died during gun battling with protestors in bangkok. dozens of people were wounded as the anticorruption agency accuses of improperly handling an expensive rice subsidy scheme. she could face impeachment, demonstrators want her to resign, we will break down the new numbers so u.s. military families are using food stamps more than ever before, and the new report that says raising the minimum wage would eliminate half a million josh. but first, a look again at the violent protests in kiev, ukraine. ukrainian police gave demonstrators there until 11:00 a.m. eastern standard time to clear that square. water canyon turned on demonstrators we understand that parts of the north end of that
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david chutedder joins us. >> this report comes from the department of defense, an analysis at military chen says these are the stores that sell food to military personnel and to their families at pricest lower than what private grocers charge. out of the $6.2 billions in total revenue, $104 million came from food statutes. that figure $104 million is double the military food stamp figure from four years ago, and yeah drop what will the food stamp total was for the military in 2007. the key issue involved the overall u.s. economy and the lack of opportunities for young military spouses. new soldiers with a child
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and a spouse earn about $20,000 a year, yet to frequent relocations make it harder for that spouse to find work and bring in supplementary income. it is especially hard seven years ago when the recession pushed up the overall unemployment rate. just two years ago, in 2012, the unemployment rate for young spouses of the u.s. him tear, spouses between the ages of 18 and 24. the military group that is relying on food statutes involved retired servicemen and women, whose who joined up after 9/11 have since retired. the food stamp usage will
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start to level off. >> thank you. >> the dow falls -- however, both the s&p and the nasdaq finish in the green. the nasdaq on the longest streak since july. meanwhile, a new report is adding fuel to the debate on the minimum wage. listen to this, it will likely pull millions out of poverty, but at the cost of thousands of jobs. joining nows from dallas, and managing partner with chapwood fund, good to see you again, so you have this report, the congressional budget office saying jobs would be lost, by the end of 2016, if you get a new federal minimum wage, of 1010, are you surprised by this report? >> no, it makes sense, and remember, the cvo is bipartisan, unbiased sort
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of a neutral party. and you know, unfortunately, it is the reality that we face and we must realize that yes, it does on paper sound good to give every federal worker a boost, but remember, they operate within a finite rule. just like local government. if we need to pay our employees more, and don't have any extra money, we may have to eliminate the other employees. the biggest problem is some of the lower wrung jobs. people need a ladder to climb. >> all right, i thought you'd go there. stay with me for a second. because you know these numbers i am about to rattle off, the average hourly wage, right, is just $20 an hour.
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if the new minimum wage doesn't exceed $10.10 an hour, or more than half the hourly wage of 2024, isn't it true, jared, that the cost of hiring and training new workers is greater than raising the minimum wage? come on? is. >> that's a tough one. remember, there's on the job training when you look at averaging, i read a great book, it is called how to lie with statistics. so again, i do think that yeah we need on the job training, if i was a worker, i grew up poor, i would rather have a job that pay as little bit, than no job at all. if those companies earning $10 tent an hour, get above the poverty level, they may get less government assistance, which can hurt them. so there's a couple sides to the story here.
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jared, i appreciate it. >> you took on the challenge, jared, joining us from dallas, jared appreciate it, see you again soon. dual progress tests tens of thousands of people filling the streets angry over high crime rates and a weak economy, we will take you live and why the fda may be stepping in to regulate television ads for prescription drugs. and let's take you back to kiev now. live pictures. >> again, police we understand have moved in to areas are thousands of people are protesting. many in that group want cover itch to step down. yanukovych, killed in demonstrations today, we are back in a moment, this is al jazeera america.
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a warrant for his arrest, angry over widespread crime and the weak economy on the other side. and rachel, if you would, take a moment here and tell us about that rally. >> . >> dressed in white, waiting for their leader, who hasn't even seen for nearly a week. went into hiding, after the protests which he led last wednesday.
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>> he said he would be going away for a while, but that he wanted them to continue the fight. which for him would mean taking to the streets, he stressed that these protests should remain peaceful, but he definitely encouraged his supporters not to give up. >> you know, rachel, who picks up the opposition mantle of leadership. lopez behind bars, conceivably for a while here, i am wondering what has happened to enrique the man who ran against nicholas in the last presidential election. >> . >> need to point out to our viewers that the opposition here in venezuela is not necessarily it's a coalition, it is the same as leopold lopez, he has always stressed that
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venezuela must follow democratic practices go through the mechanisms that already exist, in order to have a change in government. and these are the only way to do this is through elections, possibly a referendum. a year from now, so there's a split here in venezuela, even among the opposition, of who people say they are following right now, there are those that have followed lopez, because they feel like we tried the democratic process, it didn't work, we are ready now for civil disobedience, and there's a more moderate part of the opposition that says look, we need to do this through the mechanisms that exist, because essentially, 50% of the country still supports president nicholas, and without being able to kind of get into the base of -- or the way his base, the p osix really has no chance here. >> and rachel, let's talk about that -- let's call it a counter demonstration today. in support of the government and the
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president. with many of the demonstrators in red. >> red against white. >> right. >> he was addressed the state oil workers tens of thousands of people that came out. the government is able to all mobilize that number of people rah lot of people who work for state companies, are obligated in some way to be there, and a lot of people just support him. so he wanted to show his strength. strength in numbers and when he addressed the crowd, he said that the fascist threat, that of the opposition, has been contained. h also said some interesting remarks saying that he saved the life of leopold doe, because the government had uncovered a plot within the opposition party.
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to kill leopoldo. now, again, this could be just rhetoric, but essentially it goes to show you how divided this nation really is. all right, rachel, good to see you. >> the very moment the opposition leader turned himself into authorities circulating through social media right now. yeah, tony, this is the image. he is going into the vehicle of the national guard. he has flowers in his hand. and he is addressing his people there. also take a look at this image. he asked everyone to wear white to this protest, and this is his wife the moment before he handed himself in, and take a look at this. this is the selfie that he took right
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beforehanding himself in to the national guard, and you can see the sea of people behind him, and there's more aerial shots. of these protests and also not only did people go out and protest, but this is -- this is in venezuela. you have thousands of protestors here that went out as well. and it was mentioning, and this is also tweeted out, the image of the workers right outside, which is the national palace. tony? >> all right, maria, appreciate it. thank you. >> the washington post reports that the u.s. is seeking a prisoner swap with the taliban in an effort to free an army sergeant.
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according to the pot, they have resumed talks to trade taliban held at guantanamo pay for army sergeant. he has been held captive, the reported plan called for five members of the afghan taliban to be released to protect the custody in exchange for his release. question for you, have you paid attention to one of those t.v. ads for prescription drugs lately? they start with how the drug will help you, will be good for you. and then the ad goes on to list all the possible side effects of taking that particular drug. by the time the commercial is over you can't remember what is good about it. the pga says this is all very confusing and wants to simplify those ads. we have all seen those ads.
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often the lists are longer than the actual commercial. here is a disclaimer for a bill which treats depression. >> you have high fever, stiff muscles and confusion to address a possible life threatening condition, or if you have uncontrollable muscle movements as three could become perp innocent. extreme cases can lead to coma or death. >> that's the abbreviated version, so obviously many people tune out a lot of that. >> yeah. >> today the fda says it wants to find out how many people pay attention. the concern is that sometimes the lists are too long, and other times they leave out important information. so one idea is to limit the ads to the most serious side effects and ad a statement like this. this is not a full risk of risks and side effects talk to your doctor before starting it. starting the day the pga is asking the public to wayh weigh in on line.
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the except period is 60 days you can go to weigh in, for now the best advice is still talk to your doctor. >> all right, thank you. in syria, opposition fighters on the ground are having a crisis of leadership after the head of the free syrian army was fired on monday. reports say abdell is the new rebel leaders on the front line. say they will continue to back. the fighters say he was forced out because of pressure from foreign governments. this weekend senator john mccain came out in full support as a viable alternative to american military action. the co-pilot who allegedly the 31-year-old pilot took control of the flight, when he landed he told swiss authorities he felt threatens in ethiopia, families say
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the death of his uncle put him on edge. more transition teen hundred children from the french territory were moved to repopulate the french country side. simon manager gregorwood has this report. >> back in paris, almost 50 years after they first arrived these young children, all were taken from their homes and families and forcibly resettled in france. a better life was promised, what they got was more like a nightmare. >> they had guns and dogs and whips and when they caught the kids they put them in -- >> the idea was to boost the population from
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france. in the 1960's was poor and overpopulated those taken thought they'd end up in paris, they were sold alive. many -- >> this thesed to be taught in schools. that's not such a long time, i think our story needs to be incorporated so we can move towards closure. >> not many people know about this past, but that is set to change. here, the national assembly politicians are recognizing first time, the frenching states involvement, and guilt in this whole affair. >> there is no miracle,
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the compensation not yet, anyway. >> this is a symbolic achievement who works so hard to publicized their cause. >> at the moment, france and reunion have a page missing in their history. we have to do this. peacefully so these people can find peace of mind. for valerie this is not about financial compensation, it is about getting france to recognize what happened to them. it's about helping them are recover, and making sure it never happens again. simon mcgregorwood, al jazeera, paris. >> and the search for the man last scene leaving after the super bowl has come to a sad end. morgan ratford has that story and other news from around america. >> that's right. in florida police have found the body of a man who has been missing for worker weeks now. the body was found in a building and police have identified it as that of
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23-year-old florida state university student. he was last seen leaving a bar on february 2nd, and this is just after watching the super bowl with his friends. authorities so far do not expect foul play. and then in tennessee a man stands trial accused of trying to kill someone with a pipe bomb. it kims his father-in-law instantly, and then his wife's mother died later. his bail was set at $1 million. >> more than 600 flights were canceled today as winter storms flew all the across the northeast, and so far it's been a hard winter for travelers. more than 75,000 flights have been canceled and that's just since december 1st, and that's the most since 1987. in fort maine, a boat load of rock salt is now stuck in port. it was headed for new jersey since a string of winter storms has left
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the state low on salt. but a 1920 law prevents that vessel from shipping to the port. so new new jersey senators are appealing to the federal government for a waiver. remember yesterday, we told you about that guy who smashed a million dollars vase. all because he got upset, well, now we have that video. >> caboom. he was reportedly upset that a miami museum wasn't displaying more work from a local artist, so he walked right up and smash at chinese vase. he was charged with criminal mischief. and then at texas exotic animal sanctuary is still recovering after a outbreak of canine distemper. one lion and six tigers were killed. to see if the virus is gone for good. >> what are you doing?
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hi. >> this is where some big cats go when their owners realize lions and tigers aren't meant to be pets. >> for the animals are no longer making money for them, like in circumstance cushions. >> come here. the exotic is a nonprofit that rehabilitates and cares for these abandoned animals. >> last year, a outbreak of canine distemper, a meise sells like virus spread here with defly abandon. >> while it being the virus, almost destroyed us emotionally, it didn't destroy us as a sanctuary. >> 22 big cats showed symptoms for the distemper virus, seven died, but 15 survived, how? because of a lot of work by the staff here.
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we would have to just con joel, and baby these tigers until they wound finally eat. we tried every different type of meat possible, and our days wouldn't end up till 2:00 the next morning just trying to get them better. >> after this tragic summer, talk about what you have done to ensure that doesn't happen again? >> well, what we have done, primarily, is to vaccinate the cats using what is the best possible vaccination available for big cats. and that is the ferret vaccine. >> there are no guarantees but no one here believes they are going to see another canine distemper outbreak, which they suspect was caused by an infected raccoon. >> and then they go in order. recently they received
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ten tigers and three cougars from a wild life business. >> the relief is almost palpable. it was heartbreaking. and now, that the cage is empty any more, it has given us a purpose. >> there are now 63 big cats here, all symptom free. al jazeera, wiley texas. >> and coming up on al jazeera america, if lions are too long, or the a travelser acting suspiciously, detames about the new technology that is popping up all over the place. we will keep an eye on this situation, fires are burning everywhere over that square. independent square, the main square there in kiev, a number of demonstrators and police killed today in clashes between police and protestors. police had warned that they would be clearing the square, as you can
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it is new technology that allows for nearly invisible cameras and other sensors. but, it has privacy advocates worried. our science and technology correspondent is in san francisco. a long way from the camera there, where some public areas are getting this type of hi-tech security upgrade, jacob in. >> that's right. there's a long history of the relationship between sort of design and security. and these are the classic
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example the combining of sculpture, nice looks baseballs here. where the giants play, and the ability to stop a mack truck, which is what the general services administration mandates from a certain kind. this technology is a new technology that basically works sensors into the invisible landscape of the existing airport, such that you aren't just getting passive security like these, but devices like this one, would be looking at you following you, identifying you that's what we are looking at here. >> yeah, and jacob, going back to the whole thing of the lightbulb, technically speaking it wouldn't be much different than security cameras would it. >> well, the difference here is that the lightbulbs that we are talking about, are essentially being worked into the existing l.e.d. sockets. technology has gotten to the point where sensors microphones all sorts of things into the existing, now las vegas and london, are the two places that really pioneer as lot of this. las vegas with it's nod
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to look over the casinos has been doing this since the dawn of videotapes. london has worked in very inknack use looking lights invisible cameras but this is a whole new level. you will not be able to tell the difference and the cameras and microphones. >> my goodness, should we be concerned -- well, i am, about being tracked by nearly everything that includes now lights. >> absolutely. i think that the lesson we are seeing in almost everything is that we are going to be monitoring on an on going basis. the thing to watch as we follow this, is the point at which the software does the work. right now it takes armies of human beings looking tat monitors to point out here is that guy we are looking for, but it is when software can do, software can recognize and do what is called track and trace, pass that image from one
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camera to the next, and keep an i.d. on that person that's when you will never go anywhere incognito again. >> mid gooness, jake, good to see you, thank you. the winter olympics in russia, actually took more of a political turn today. two members of the punk group pussy riot were among nine people detained while walking in downtown, all were later released without charges. a lot of other news from day 11 of the winter games today. jessica taft is here with those headlines, jessica, good to see you. >> one of my favorite stories, remember the old golfer. >> yes, he took down tiger, didn't he? >> he did, and that -- a few years before he was selling cell phones. >> right. >> and then he goes into the b.f.a. championship. check this out, four years ago, went to the winter games as a technician, today he leaves the games at an olympic medalist, the 27-year-old from vermont, edged out the american
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teammate, in the snowboarding cross snowboarding to bring home the bronze. he spent the last olympics literally prepping and shaping the boards for the american vancouver, saying stands at the podium today, all that went through his head, department matter when he got to wrap that american flag around him. now, then amile legle spencer was nearly leon of the 15 k buy@lon. >> nice. >> just about he was about to cross the finish line, he celebrated early, and it allowed francis to lung forward to create a photo finish, he eventually was awarded gold unlike the former cowboy who fumbled at the goal line, he was ready to celebrate early too, so that world championship. he took home the gold in the first ever men's half people. tied with six gomes they have all 20, russia,
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norway, and canada now round out that top. >> he was semibroughting for the family and friends, and whoop. >> and then the other guy comes in and forces this photo finish? >> unlike leon who -- >> from behind, fumbles and there you go. >> so this -- this is a good medal count? >> right. how many more days? >> and hockey? >> still waiting for hockey. >> u.s. men december a women's team. >> the men have been on fire. >> terrific. good to see you. >> you too. >> we are going to have a check of the headlines in just a moment, and then get you to inside story that's next.
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while you were asleep news was happening. >> here are the stories we're following. >> find out what happened and what to expect. >> international outrage. >> a day of political posturing. >> every morning from 5 to 9 am al jazeera america brings you more us and global news than any other american news channel. >> tell us exactly what is behind this story. >> from more sources around the world. >> the situation has intensified here at the border. >> start every morning, every day 5am to 9 eastern. >> with al jazeera america. this is al jazeera america, with a look at top stories. it is a deadly day, a protest in ukraine, we are going to see some
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live pictures here, there we go. a number of protestors and police, 13 in all killed in clashes right now fires are burning, i'm not sure what i am hearing the popping in the background that's happening in a protest camp, in the capitol city, this as police try to end three month against ukraine's president. another round of talks over iran's nuclear program, underway from iran, the united states, and five other countries are looking to make a permanent deal, but there is no much optimism. the meet willing produce any concrete results as sentencing hearing is underway for an 84-year-old nun convicted of domestic terrorism. they each face up to 30 years in prison.
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washington post reports that the u.s. is looking at a prisoner swap with the taliban, in an effort to free army sergeant. a short time ago, the washington report, inside story is next. >> decades of misrule, colonial neglect, poverty, fraudulent elections, the central african republic has not been good to its citizens. now amidst all the violence is it unraveling? >> hello, i'm rayre
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