tv America Tonight Al Jazeera February 18, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm EST
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the pharmacy agreed not to sell it. and they will use another drug. "america tonight" with joie chen is up next, and you can get the latest on on "america tonight." world on fire! aingeer and activist explode in two increasingly important nations. ukraine, where a violent crack down on protesters leads to blood sh*et and deat she had an. and venezuela where the opposition leader turns himself in. leading supporters in to the streets. also tonight, the mighty residents of minnesota's great north wood and a mystery, that's rapidly dwindling their numbers.
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>> if we continuity trajectory we'll be out of moose in 2025. >> and return to the ring. the story of a young champion we first introduced you to last fall, now there is more to it. how her fighting spirit is winning over new fans. ♪ ♪ good evening of course thanks for being with us, i am joie chen. a day and night of deadly violence as police and protesters clash in two nation's capitals, we begin in ukraine where after weeks of continuing protests, police stormed the main opposition camp. the result is this. flames, fireworks, guns grenades all lighting up the skaoeufpl it's the blood iest day since the protests began last november. the protesters took over
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independence square after the president rejected ideal with the union in favor of closer ties with russia. but the latest clashes began outside apartment after the opposition accused the government of ignore its demands, the protesters through rocks and fire bombs as riot police moved in. the police fired back and tear gas and stun grenades at least 13 people are dead, including six police officers. he feel we spoke with chris miller a journalist who has sweeping all day and night and i asked him about the injuries that he has seen. >> reporter: i watched a young man i believe he was a teenager, certainly no more than 21, 22. get shot in the eye. i am pretty sure that he will lose the eye as a result. but he was bleeding profusely, and screaming at the top of his lungs, medics took him away to an glance where he was rushed
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away from the scene. >> and you are seeing all sorts of other injuries there, you said, people have suffered a lot of cuts, bleeding? >> reporter: this -- just this evening i watched one man lose his hand after he didn't release a -- some type of explosive in time. and just recently another journalist of ours said a riot police officer after lost a hand after a grenade exploded before he could get it away. besides those people, people are limping away with leg injuries, they've got gashes and cuts on the head from either hand to hand combat or shrapnel from police grenades. many, many people on the square are injured. -- right now it's likely that you would see more people injured than not injured. >> is there any indication that the protesters are trying to move out of this square?
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that this is going to spread somehow? >> reporter: here, no, they are thinkerring down in the square. they want to defend independence square. this is their home base, they have already lost their headquarters, which is the trade unions building. police are now in possession of that and there is a fire burning on the sixth floor, police have also taken up position on the roof top of that building and snipers are firing in to the crowd of protesters. where the protests have spread are out west. in the western part of the country. predominantly more pro western pro european based they are storming government offices and buildings, including police headquarters in. east we haven't seen much acti action. but there are protests in other western regions of the country. >> is there any indication that they can move to some sort of resolution that some sort of negotiations are taking place to
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stop the violence? >> right now, opposition leaders of klischko are sitting down with the president, victor january cove itch. according to our sources, but it's unclear exactly what is being discussed. kwoeubsly thobviously the protee laid out their demands, i am sure she asked that the president resign, restore a constitution from 2,004 that lessons the power of the president and more power in the hand of the parliament and cabinet of ministers. but it's unlikely that either of those will happen. jankovich has not backed down in the last three months and people don't expect him to back down right now. >> chris miller from the coul kv post. thanks so much for being with us. >> reporter: sure. thank you. >> we will keep an eye on the developments of kiev. which are also watching another
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capital where government forces and protesters also clash today, 10s of thousands of venezuelans flooded the streets of caracas, marking the seventh day of student-led protests in that capital city and a country that is oil rich. but also suffers a wealth of economic problems and a growing sense of division. a dynamic opposition leader, or as the government sees him, an instigator of unlawful protests. leopold owe lopez stand at the center of the latest demonstrations, or he did until today when he turned himself in to police. lopez a harvard educated activist says he isn't guilty of inciting violence, though he has urged students to rally in a series of protests that turnedded deadly last week. >> translator: we are tired of crime, censorship and people getting killed every day.
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>> the fury has spread rapidly through social media in a country where traditional outlets are heavily tilted towards the government. venezuela now led by nicholas ma due oh, the hand held successor to hugo chavez has been plagued by allegations of corruption, growing crime and rising inflation. but he has urged his own supporters in to the streets. and accused the united states of backing rebel groups, even announcing the expulsion of three u.s. diplomats this week, blaming them for recruiting students to the anti-government protests. >> we have seen many times that the venezuelan government tries to distract from its own actions by blaming the u.s. or other members of the international community for events insight venezuela. >> this time it appears the opposition won't be distracted even with lopez off line. protesters continue to flood the streets and increase pressure on
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ma due owe's government. >> translator: there is a lot of division right now. but we have to not stop in the boxing rink against each other. >> to help us understand what is behind the unrest we turn to professor of history and politics at directional university. also author of "we created chavez." we appreciate you being with us, we mentioned mr. lopez's education and relative wealth versus mr. maduro, is this a matter of class here? >> it's not only about class, but it's certainly a major part of it. as you mentioned, leopold owe lopez comes from the upper crust of the upper crust of the venezuelan society. he's descended from the first president of venezuela and these are the pima customed to running the country and being in power and don't like to be displaced
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parts of what happened when chaff is he is was elected they were being replaced from below from popular movements from the urban poor especially and these are the people that have been given a new voice under in government. so what has manifested is very much a struggle between classes. these protests are not reducible to upper and middle classes certainly lean that way. the millions of supporters who voted for maduro and continue to vote for the chavez block tends to be largely from the poorest segments of society. >> you note here, maduro's strength. is it still his majority, right? the opposition is a smaller force still at this point? >> yes, it is. and that's something that needs to be recognized because part of what happens with all of the rhetoric that comes especially through twitter, from the opposition, the idea that venezuela is trying to get rid of maduro. the reality is what that does is to repeat the historical
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silencing of the poor majority of the country, those who did vote for maduro and those that would role voyt for him again today and the chaff east at thats. the segment of this population, the moore radical chaff east at thats. are not about what's going on in the government. they are building organizations of participation and communes and really why this distraction is going on, a lot of people are just still building a new society. >> we only have a few seconds left but i want to get to the relations with the u.s. and the indication of mr. maduro that the feeling that the united stateu.s. isbehind this is thatd what about that given that they are such an oil-rich nation. >> we should be perfectly clear, if you look at the united states budget this is money in the millions of dollars earmarked for this venezuelan opposition despite they have behind anti-democratically in the past. that's certainly clear.
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at that the same time, this opposition doesn't need the us to make tactical decisions like it's doing now. it's capable of doing that on its own. >> directional university's george, thank you very much for being with us here. >> thanks for having me. when we return, a mystery in minnesota's great north woods. where are all the moose gone? >> if we continuity trajectory re, we'll be out of moose in 2025. >> following the trail of minnesota's most majestic creatures and tracking what or who is responsible.
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♪ ♪ across north america, turns out this moose populations are in steep decline. in some cases biologists say moose are literally dropping dead and are not sure why that is. "america tonight's" adam may traveled to the heart of moose country in minnesota where scientists with the state department of nas resources are using a high-tech method to try to help save this icon i can mit society animallal. >> reporter: it's a grace against time to time the moose in northern minnesota. rapidly moving from engaging erred too near extension in this part of the country. >> if we continuity trajectory we'll be out of moose in 2025.
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>> reporter: biologist michelle and her team are scrambling to find out why the mammoth mammals are dieing at such an alarming right. this one traveling with her calf is being corralled in to a state research project led by my sell, the study, the largest of its kind anywhere in the world. >> yeah, if you can get her it's get her in the same spot. >> reporter: first, the moose is darted with a tranquilizer from the air. then a team of researchers get up close to take medical sampl samples. behind me right now what the research team is doing is actually taking blood samples from the cow and measuring the entire animal for their resear research. the moose is then outfited with a gps collar that tracks her movements. if the animal stops moving the
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research team gets an alert. >> this is set up to have a motion sensitive trigg fore mortality. as long as it's moving on an yxz plane plain it's in live mode. if it's motionless it goes in to mortality mode and able to transmit that message to our smart phones. >> reporter: then what you do do? >> then we are ready to responsibility. the came is to get to the moose within 24 hours of its death. >> our whole goal is is to get a whole carcass out and bring it to a board certified pathologist to his get the best that crop is a possible. >> reporter: these 1,000-pound animals can die anywhere in the expansive forest and have such high levels of body fat that their bodies did he compose quickly. so receiving an exact location and getting there fast is keep. this year they collared two
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dozen moose. and they don't travel in heard so trying to find them is difficult even in the best of conditions. trent brown is known as a gunner leaping out of a helicopter in waist deep snow collaring moose five times his size. how curious are you as to what is happening with these moose? >> very curious, you know, it's very important to try to figure out what we can to try to keep the species going along, we are just doing a small part here and we are just here for a few days and we help out trying to catch them, but it's the biologists from minnesota that are trying to answer some of the questions. >> reporter: this $2 million state-funded project is n now in its second year. the department of natural resources pays for the helicopter and the survey of the moose every single year. the numbers in the north eastern section of the state have gone from 8,000 to right around 3,000. and that dramatic drop off has taken place in under 10 years.
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last year, biologists found a moose mortality rate of 20%, that's almost double what it should be. >> we still don't know a main driver. so, you know, getting to the health-related ones, we know wolves are having an impact and that's no surprise. we have a healthy wolf population in minnesota and have for a long time. but on the health-related side, we are seeing liver fluke related mortality. some brain worm and, you know, we have seen some winter ticks, but also seeing still unknowns. >> reporter: we are talking about more than a half a dozen things that could be contributing to this. but you haven't been able to nail down one certain cause yet? >> no. and we are trying. but i think it's going to take some time yet. and our challenge is do we have enough time before there aren't moose left in minnesota to answer the questions.
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>> reporter: photographer lives in the heart of moose country but he says he barely sees moose anymore. >> back 10 years ago you see 10 or 12 of them mainly. you see a group of four here and another group of four. >> reporter: you didn't see that anymore? >> i haven't, i saw just one single one the other night and a few nights i'll see all cow and a calf maybe together. but that's where i really night it is you just don't see the amounts like that. that's the easiest way for me to know that it is very different than it was 10 years ago. >> reporter: he spends hours every morning hiking in the woods of north eastern minnesota, look the illusive moose. >> when i am looking for them my eyes see differently in to the woods now than they used to. i have learned what that black spot out there is going to look like. that i mainly don't see. >> reporter: you can actually get close to them before they get spooked. >> i watch their ears like a horse you can watch their ears and see it. sometimes it's a hundred feet, sometimes i have been within 20 feet at some point in
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sometimes standing next to the truck so i knew i had a way out and so neither me or them would get hurt. i have had them come close, one of the little calves as i was sitting taking pictures was more curious and walked within one lane of me, 15, 20 feet away or something like that. he sales his photographs online and to local gift shops and is hopeful the research will save the moose he has grown to love. >> they are part of what is wild about the area which is what drives me and a lot of people to the area that the wolves and moose, and it is the north and it is something wild out there. >> reporter: moose have been roam this is wild landscape for centuries. the monarch of the forest is an icon in minnesota's north woods. >> they move at their own pace, so, you know, we are too rough in our society, you know, you should take a lesson from a moose, you know, chill out. hang out in a swamp, not such a bad thing. >> reporter: here the animals image adorns everything.
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from t-shirts to copy cubs. >> there is moose everything as you drive around the north woods and an encounter with a moose is usually thought to be pretty magical and folks that have those encounters talk about it for years to come. and just you know, the idea of being able to drive up here, knowing moose are there, hoping to see one, and having that anticipation is something that all minnesotaans want. >> reporter: but for scientists there are stark reminders that the moose in the north woods are in serious danger. how is this moose behaving when you first observed it? how is that different than how moose normally behave? >> it had its held tilt today the left and ears were flopped down and walking in circles. we were able to walk up to the animal within 10 feet way, even five feet it didn't even try to get away from us. it item walked and circles and wasn't aware of our presence. we went out with a team on the ground and youths niced the an math and are trying to get it
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down to the veterinary to get a conclusive diagnosis. >> reporter: seth green is a biologist for a native american tribe near the canadian border. >> moose are a primary subsistence specie for the band. and they are very interesting in what's causing the population declines from a natural resources standpoint and subsistence perspective as women. >> reporter: green is working with the state using the same gps collars on tribal land and sharing ha his data. he has been studying moose for several years and he thinks much of what is happening can be linked to global warming. do you think humans are to blame for this. >> i do. i think it's a reflection of our changing climb a the things that are affecting moose that are parasites transmitted from deer. deer increase under warmer temperatures and shorter winters. the things affecting moose winter ticks, tick numbers are high when we have early snowmelt
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which is also indicative of a warming climate. >> reporter: may shell says she needs to collect more information before saying anything for certainly. but she says climate change is entirely possible. >> having warming winters is harder for moose because in winter they have their winter coat on which is amazingly thick and defense, they have evolved to have a coat like that to survive harsh winters if they are all of a sudden having a warmer winter they can't dissipate that heat effectively. >> reporter: this year her team is also outfitting moose with special mortality transmitters recording the internal body temperature of the movements one thing they agree on is the rapid moose population decline in minnesota could mean more trouble ahead. >> most concerning for me is the fact that we may start to see declines in other species as well. >> moose are kind of a keystone species, right? and we know an animal like this,
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if there is climate change-related impacts, you know, it would be shown up first in animals like moose in minnesota. >> reporter: moose populations across north america declining all eyes are on minnesota's state of the art research. hoping to solve this moose mystery before it's too late. >> and "america tonight's" adam may sends us an update. minnesota has just leased its aerial population survey for 2014, it's now estimated that there are more than 4,000 moose in the state. while that is higher than last year, the long-term trend still points downward, that's what worries the biologists. the department of natural resources hopes that the collaring project will help them not only track but mitigate the slide. ♪ ♪ we'll keep the focus on climate change and its impact on our environment next time on "america tonight." as northern californians face something that they have never seen before.
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>> wow. you know, it's pretty sobering. you can literally from here you can walk across the river and you shouldn't be able to do that. you actually don't -- you can't even do that usually in the summertime. this is lower than i have ever seen it. it's scary. it's very scary. >> california's drought emergency and how communities are facing the challenge. that's wednesday on "america tonight." ahead tonight after the break, a prayer for peace and perhaps probation. why an elderly nun's mission brought her inside one of the nation's top weapons facilities.
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lineman richie incognito tweeted an apology to his former teammate jonathan martin. incognito was one of three players accused of harassing mar turn the university of mississippi the fb civil is investigating the did he filing of a statue of james meredith the statut statue of the first k student at a former all-white university it have discovered with a noose around its neck and a con federal flag over its face. a execution may be on hold. attorneys sued the oklahoma pharmacy involved saying the drug could cause inhumane pain. it is unclear whether the settlement might cancel or delay taylor's execution by lethal injection. and it was judgment day in knoxville, tennessee for an anti nuclear weapons activists sister megan rice who happens to be a
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an eight your feared none. she was sentenced to 35 months behind bars, two peace activists arrested with her were sentence today 62 months in, a case that began under the cover of darkness [ we will stand with you ♪ >> the sister act that got her in trouble. breaking in to an ultra secured nuclear weapons facility at oak ridge, tennessee. very early one more than, in the summer of 200020, sister rice, along with two other peace activists, used bolt cutters to snip through three bashed wire fences at the y12 security complex. the target of their act of defines a half billion dollars storage bunker that holds the nation's supply of bomb-grade uranium, although they set off alarms, they spent more than two hours inside the restricted area, long enough to splash blood on the wall of the. butter and paint messages before they were caught.
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afterwards the facility insisted there was never any danger of them reaching material that his could be detonated or used to assemble a dirty bomb. but the highly publicizes intrusion by an elder any nun of the fort knox of our rain young was an embarrass think. some officials praise the activists for exposing security weaknesses they were order today pay $53,000 in fines. the protesters asked for leniency saying their mission was simply to draw attention to the nation's stockpile of nuclear weapons. if a nun can break in to one of the nation's most secured nuclear facilities, what does that tell us about security measures in place? we are joined by party stock don senior investigator at the project on government own site. what does it say? how significant is it that an elderly, 84-year-old nun and two companions can clip their way in and spends two hours inside before even being caught? >> it was about a half an hour before they actually got
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stopped. >> five minutes -- >> it's incredible. i mean, two minutes. if this had been a terrorist it would have been a cake walk to have a detonation, as you probably know it takes -- they were outside this building, and the building has 300 to 400 metric tons of highly enriched our rain yum. >> the one thing that terrorists watt more than a warhead is highly enriched you ar uranium e you can take 20 pounds and drop it on another piece and you get a debt nation the sides of hiroshima. >> the but the indication from the government was, oh, well, they weren't in any area or they weren't in any position to detonate anything. >> okay, this is my favorite thing. they were outside a building that's also are a foot and a half thick. they could have taken a shape charge or a pod charge and blown doors off, blown a huge hole in the middle of the wall. you know, and as you noticed the
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guards couldn't see them and here is this new, beautifully designed building, and we said all along, that you don't have, you know, you don't have good sight from these things from these towers. >> you said we say. >> pogo. very critical of the design of the building. >> so in terms of government oversight when your project looks at it you were clear that this security measures were a problem. now, is it just physical security? there has been a lot of attention on cyber security, for example, in all kind of power plants. is there an indication that there is a general lack of security overall on both the physical security and cyber security levels that could put us all at risk? >> serious cyber security ones. i think that the labs are more of a problem than the production facilities on that. >> what has been done? what has the government done as a result of what happened here? >> okay. the most incredible thing is
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when megan and her cohorts -- >> the nun involved in this case. >> the nun involved in the case, yes. as soon as that was -- as that was over they did a big investigation, they fired a whole bunch of contractors, and other people which should have been fired for sure. and they went -- they had teams that went from site to site to site and trying to figure out what the situation was. and they found horrendous problems. you know, and so it just -- you know, -- >> but are you confident that there is greater security now as a result of all of that? >> yes, slightly for the near term. but i think they have problems. the interesting thing about this is that you can't test for surprise. surprise is the one thing that -- the big advantage that the terrorist has. and this is only one that i know of where a surprise happened.
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and all of a sudden they weren't prepared for that the a all. at all. in fact, the guys in the tower couldn't even see what was going on right below them. and -- >> and why did so much time pass? i mean, why were these three people able to stay inside long enough to spray paint graffiti -- >> well, a lot of it had to do with a number of the -- of the -- the cameras and censors were turned off because they were getting sick of them are squirrels and rabbits and everything running up against the fence so they disarmed them. >> thank you for being with us, peter stockton senior investigator on project government oversight. pogo as you referred to it. thank you very much. >> pogo. after the break, a return to occupy new york.
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york with the goal of occupying wall street. their campaign turned in a nationwide movement from equality but the message was quickly over shadowed. cecily mcmillan was one of thousands of protesters forcibly removed by police. she says that she was beaten and bruised and now she's the one facing trial. "america tonight's" laura jane reports. >> reporter: on the night of march 17th, 2012, a group of police officers swept in to new york city's park. they were trying to break up a demonstration marking the 6-month anniversary of occupy wall street. then 23-year-old cecily mcmillan was in the park that night. she says in the chaos, she felt a hand grip her right breast from behind and she instinctively threw up her elbow. it turned out, she had struck a police officer. mcmillan says she suffered a seizure after being detained and
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beaten li by police. officer carried her out to on a curb and stood surrounding her convulsing bod. >> i they took her oust the handcuffs finally. >> eventually giving her an oxygen mask. it took 15 to 20 minutes before an ambulance took her way. in the youtube videos up loaded late that night. you can hear the confusion and certain from bystanders. >> where are the medics? >> she's still on the ground. people haven't called an ambulance. >> reporter: these are photos her friends shared taken while she was in nypd custody. further help to piece together the altercation. the dark mark above her eye in the print on her chest, she claims, are black and blue evidence that a police officer assaulted her. >> i saw her being dragged over there. her skirt was way bop her bottom. they dragged her over there. i ran to get one of our medics. >> reporter: but the nypd did not charge any officers with assault in her case, instead,
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cecily mcmillan faces charges of second degree assault with a possible seven-year prison term. now two years later, her trial is set to begin. of the almost 8,000 occupy wall street arrests around the country are country, a quarter to be place in new york city. according to a joint report from nyu and the fordham school of law. aggressive over policing was widespread in the police response to occupy wall street. from the batons and pepper spray, to denial of medical care. the arrests were often illegal and most led to charges being dropped. >> we aren't do anything we are peaceful protesters. >> reporter: mcmillan's lawyer says the policeman she elbowed left the mark on his right breast. and that her arrest was an example of overly aggressive policing. legal proceedings for mcmillan's trial are ramping up with jury selection in march. the race ar case's outcome willa vert not only her behavior but
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how the new york city police department handled a protest that turned in to may am. >> we did reach out to the new york city public information office of the police department up there for more information and comment about the case, we have not, however, received any response from this. joining us now is attorney martin s t.o stoller. he is now representing cecily, appreciate your being with us. we note here hundreds of cases. were there any similarity to her case? >> not to cecily's case, most of the cases that the arrest were for rather minor offenses, there were very, very few felony arrests and so we had about three how arrests all in all. and about 90% of them were dismissed. that is a pretty sad statement on policing of the protests when 90% of all the arrests wind up with no court action whatsoever.
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>> what does that tell you, if 90%, 9 out of 10 cases are dismissed? what does that tell but the cases? >> that tells me that the cases were lousy cases, that there was over policing. that people were arrested without a real good reason to arrest them and the cased didn't stop up in court. cecily's case is different. the reason it's different is that there is videotape that shows cecily actually elbowing this officer and hitting him below the eye. leaving a nice bruce o bruise os face. what the videotape doesn't really show, but is close, is that the reason cecily's arm went up in the air like this is that as she was exiting the park, this is the six-month anniversary of the taking of the park, people were assembled in the park and a very friendly and quiet manner, sell cespedesly wasn't there to celebrate the anniversary, she was there for another reason, but as she is exiting the park and a police officer has told her you have to
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get on you of the park this is about midnight. she's grabbed from behind on her right breast and reacts like any woman would. training, not training, the reaction, it says, whoa, what are you doing? with that reaction. >> how does that get to be a felony charge i guess is the part i am not getting? >> the claim was made after cecily was arrested, that this police officer, who got hit in the face, was he is courting another person out of the park, and somehow cecily purposely came over and interfered with that arrest by whacking the guy in the eye. that was what the claim was made when she was arrested, that was the claim that was made when she was brought before a judge some 40 hours after she was taken in to custody. >> and there was one other felony case, right? >> there is one other felony case from the 3,000 arrests that stuck that was the case of a
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young man who mistakenly brought a weapon that was licensed in his home state in to new york, the weapon was found in a knapsack insides of a van, nobody was injured but it was clearly a crime. that was the only other felony that was prosecuted out of 3,000 arrests. cecily's is the second felony and the only one that is going to go to trial. >> quick thought here, what does this tell us as we look on these occupy protests and what are the future of such things that policing is going to be done is going to be done with a heavy hand like this, do you think. i certainly hope not. people's right to protest, speak out. that is an area where police activity should be curtailed. it's not something we should encourage, that's what makes america different and something that the contusion says every
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18 peopled killed, including miss percent size president joe biden is urging restrained, so far no solution. venezuela's critical divide deepens today, thousands march no and against president mo due owe. the leader turned himself in to the police, an 84-year-old nun sentenced to 35 months in prison after being convicted of a sabotaging a nuclear facility. sister me an rice and two others broke in to a complex in 2012 to protest weapons storage is the others sentence today 62 months. a new report out today says raising the nation's minimum wage from 7.25 to 10.10 would lift 900,000 people out of poverty. but according to the nonpart an congressional budget office it could also cost about 500,000 50
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jobs. those are the head lines, i am john siegenthaler, i'll see you back at later. how the u.s. may have is a using weapons of tomorrow today. "consider this" with antonio mora is up next. and you can get the latest news on the violence in ukraine explodes and turns deadly. we'll get reaction from kiev. also venezuela's up rising gets more dangerous by the day with no end in sight as an opposition leader is arrested. how will hillary clinton's time at the state department impact her presidential run. how does she compare to her successor he john kerry. and sobriety test devices in the age of legal marijuana. welcome to "consider this." here is more on what's ahead. ♪ ♪
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