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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 20, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EST

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today's top stories. two deadliest days in three months of demonstrations. dozens killed on both sides. the white house urging to withdraw fourses from downtown kiev immediately. as protests escalate against the socialist government. three al jazeera english journalists held in court today. and legal pot dealers in
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colorado rolling in cash, because banks won't do business with them. >> dead lie i have lenes returned to the capitol today after a truce between the government and the opposition collapse. the kiev health department, says 67 people have died in this week's fighting. and ukraine's interior minister says police will use live ammunition if attacks. here was a live look now at kiev. independent square tonight, called after a day of clashes back in washington, the u.s. is deciding how to respond. >> there are options available to the united states, and to the international community, and to our allies, to hold accountable those who perpetrate violence. against peaceful protestors.
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so the options here are before us. some of our allies are making decisions about them, this is something we are considering at the white house. >> and eu did take action. including a travel ban, and freezing assets in e, countries. on the phone with us from kiev, and jennifer we are using the word calm. highway would you describe the situation? >> it is certainly much calmer than it was in the terrible violence this morning that took so many lives. right now the protestors took back most of the area that they had lost to police overnight, they reenforced their barricades and are holding those positions. the police have moved way back, from the closest barricades. certainly not very very close stand off that we
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saw early this morning. and the reescalation is the first time we are seeing the widespread use of weapons. that's why this became such a serious event so quickly. >> we thans the foreign minister from germany, poll lance, and france met today. what came out of that meeting if anything. >> the meeting went on far longer than was expected, and the announce there had would be sames against the president government or members of the government, or anybody they sell, who was involved with the violence the list of who is involved in those sanctions will be made public. likely draft to financial sanctions.
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senior officials say is responsible for the violence. >> and jennifer, did the president talk with with the opposition leaders at all today? >> no, no dialog so far. so much mistruss here, tony, a lot of people some demonstrator say they don't trust last night's truce is a ruiz for the president, playing for time. so he is bringing in the military that's the big fear here. that he will call in the troops because this square is very large, would take a lot of forces to clear it decided hi wanted to clear them off the square like they did on tuesday. and more than two dozen people dead. they need a lot of forces and that's the big concern here tonight.
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>> he says blame for the violence goes to both sides. >> when the protestors were killed 16 of them, and ten policeman, saw the snipers, but nobody until now defied who were snipers who killed the police people. the protests demonstrating to my concern, well, and then i started that violence not to be in the speed, but
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it happened. and so naturally where is so disappointed that the loss of time, the government resigned for too late to satisfy the release of the protestors. it was not well accepted by society, was introduced and then recalled, so a lot of things happened here in the last few months, over three months which disappointed my a lot. we had a chance to prevent all this violence. at the beginning but it -- we had compromised from all the signs. >> for an extended interview to the ambassador from the u.n., you can join us tonight at 8:00 p.m., for news with john it is good to talk to you again.
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i am asking -- my first question is how would you describe the square, midden square tonight. >> right now it is just jubilation. we have some fireworks started. the parliament decision. and to take the streets over, all the forces and all the riot police out. is that sounds like a new development, to the parliament has made a declaration, and what are the details again. >> just now from the parliament is a decision by opposition on the lines and on party regional m.t.s to take it out of kiev. to just allow any use of firearms only protestors
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and to stop the blocking of the roads to any other ways around it. were opposition leaders consulting in conversations with parliament members because we know at this point, there were no meetings between the opposition. between the president. >> there was no meeting between the opposition, that's correct. because of the violence, unbelievable violence, we saw in kiev. >> so you have been giving some space by the parliament, to offer, what are the next steps. are there any plans, scheduled meeting with
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the president? or with members of parliament? >> . >> the parliament is continuing. they are right now -- so what is happening in the parliament right now is the last chance for which the results each nine of the 11 anti-protest laws were revoked by the president. on the legislative side, what more do you want to see in terms of reforms. >> we need to change the competition 2004. the actual competition in which he was elected and he changed in 2010. the performance changes to the criminal cases and the general action will
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you still hold out for new elections and new presidential elections? >> . >> so let us do this. let us recap where we are at this point. again, the news that the parliament has voted to move the police authorities. the military, all the law enforcement apparatus, from the square. correct? >> what is that the
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opposition is asking for? >> right now, it's the view of the law changed the constitution back to 2004, making ukraine parliament republic. so the presidential fab limit. >> what basically all of them are asking. and this issue is the on the line of parliament, and parliament agrees ton't co until they find a solution to the crisis. so it will go on through the night. >> so this parliament
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session will continue until there is a negotiator resolution to this crisis in all right. e.u. foreign ministers held ask emergency meeting today. they announced that the 28 nation block will impose sanctions on ukraine in response to this week's violence. phil ittner is in brussells for us, and phil, who in the ukrainian government is being targeted with these particular sanctions? tony, that's what they are figuring out right now, they need to get names of people who actually in their words have blood on theirnd has. it isn't being targeted himself, we do know that from what ministers are telling us. called for the use of extreme measures they will then be have their
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assets frozen. they will have travel impositions but it's not just the ministers that will be feeling the effected sanctions. we are being told by the european authorities that they intend to place a blockade around ukraine that will not allow at least from the western boarders any items to come into ukraine that could be used against those protestors. question have heard some very strong language.
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they scal the sanction program nothing less than black male. between the west and the east, whether they wanted to get lower to the e.u., or stay within the atmosphere of russian influence. question have heard today, that they feel it's quite the opposite. but it is the government supported by the russians that have created this issue. mrs. a clear distinction, both of them saying that it is the other side who has created the environment that led to
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this outbreak of violence. the u.s. has condemned the violence, but the white house says it is still deciding how to respond to the situation. mike joins us live from the white house now, and there was some strong words from the podium there today. >> that's correct, and the press secretary says the president is going through a range of options this in response to the sames coming from the u.s. side. after the apparent decision on the part of the e.u. to go forward with sanctions of it's own, the president is put on actively considering what those sanctions from the u.s. side must be.
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we have heard them play down the verse taj of the story line. obviously with a lot of history, in ukraine, part of the soviet union for so many years but still now residual of influence there. no question the white house, because the goal is to quell these protests. they don't want this to tun into a high stakes game. i had an opportunity to ask about that aspect of it, and after all, if vladimir putin has so much influence, in ukraine, which he obviously does at this point, why doesn't president obama in the course of all the consultations he is making pick up the phone, and talk to putin himself, here is the answer. >> our principle concern
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is not lie in whether or not vladimir putin stands to gain or lose from the on going conflict in the ukraine. our principle concern is making sure that violence in the ukraine comes to an end that the opposition and the government sit down at the negotiating table, and reach an agreement to move forward in a way. that will uninigh the government, and integrate the ukrainian government back into the international community. >> tony, here is the wrinkle, if the united states decides on tough economic sanctions what they have to balance and think about, is will that drive ukraine further into the arms of russia and vladimir putin? will it essentially go against the intended effect of the sanctions in the first place? >> all right, mike, thank you. ukrainian skier withdrew from the olympics today to protest the deaths of antigovernment protestors in her homeland. madonna says she will not
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ski in tomorrow's race, her third and best event at the sochi games. she says she could not continue to participate while people are dieing in her country. >> after i -- after day before yesterday, when i heard this information, not sleeping the whole night, i cannot do this. it's -- crazy when the president's just killed citizens of the country, when it's olympic games when it is peace in all the world. and we have almost war -- it's crazy. >> matsotska says she wants to join the protestors but has been unable to book a flight home. >> appears in court in cairo today. peter pleaded not guilty to all the charges they were accused of joining or aiding and abetting a terrorist organization, they continue to reject the charges and is
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demanding their immediate release. toymakerman has the latest? >> cameras were barred inside the courtroom at the cairo police academy where the trial of the al jazeera your honor lis was convenes. the three pled not guilty. >> we demanded the release the prosecution witnesses. >> the three are among 20 defends eight of whom were present, the rest being tried. al jazeera management expressed satisfaction that the trial was underway. we believe we will get a fair trial, and we believe that we can defend ourselves and believe we have a very deftble position. >> family members of the journalists said the charges have no merit. from my point of view, this trial is politicized. my son and coworkers are
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good patriots and they work professionally. >> he has been prepared today but he is also prepared for a outcome that perhaps we don't want. >> two of the journalists shouting from the defend's cage that they have been subject to psychologically unbearable conditions since their arrest december 29th. they said they got only one hour of exercise a day, and had no access to reading materials. the case has read protests to journalist whose warn that egypt has become one of the world's most oppressive countries. >> i think by not registering as forcefully as possible, that this is not acceptable, people think it's a perfectly fine way to proceed, and not only egypt, but other governments are following suit. >> the judge said prosecution witnesses will be heard, and the evidence considered at the next hearing scheduled for early next month. tom ackermon, al jazeera. >> coming up, milder weather now leading to
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new problems of flooring in the midwest. and why did facebook pay $19. tough questions and you'll get... the inside story ray suarez hosts inside story weekdays at 5pm et / 2pm pt only on al jazeera america i must begin my journey, which will cause me to miss the end of the game.
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after two days of declines. as you can see the blue trips were in triple digit territory. wall street likes facebooks $19 billion purchase of messaging service. facebook shares are up more than 2%, and some analysts say the deal is a smart move. joins us from yahoo's offices here, good to see you again, what is so
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special, forgive me, everyone is throwing lemons at me, because i don't know what is up, but what's so special about what's app? >> i can't tell you i was familiar with them before this deal either, but it is huge. 40 million active users. it is a messages, a texting app. it is a term control carriers imposed for text messages and photo sharing. so remain all sorts of sharing. that doesn't mean that $16 billion to keep them around is going to be worth it financially speaking but you can understand why facebook, especially given potential competition to buy this company would have paid up for it. >> so you spent that much, because you want the data base, and you want to be able to push
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advertising to them, is that part of the thinking here? most things that facebook does -- in trying to get advertisers to meet those. interestingly is that it is almost expressly about not sending people advertisements it is about not collecting a lot of their user data, not really kind of essentially creating a data base of what they do. it really seems to be one of these almost defensive deals. where facebook says there's a tremendous amount of activity going on outside of our network, we want to participate in, that so facebook stock is up tremendously, it's up by
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searchly $100 billion in value, and handed 12 billion of that value to these folks at the start up. >> all right, good to see you may call. >> severe storms are making their way from the west coast, severe storms have caused so much damage to where buildings have been damaged and destroyed. people preparing the r the possibility of flooding that's because warmer temperatures are melting all of the snow that has fallen and accumulated recently. meteorologist is here with on what we can all expect. >> we are seeing this storm get going and intensify. more severe weather is what we are dealing with. this is the radar area, right where the storm is intensifying and we are seeing these severe storms. watchings are in effect, and here is a line that is moving through the southeast here. home run all severe and pushing east.
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more isolated storms here, going through illinois and indiana, p whering around this big area, on the western side of that, we have blizzard warnings in effect. all the watches here, indicated in the severe weather threat continues and will continue. ahead of that is warm temperatures is climbing up. 20 the upper midwest here, melting all the snow oen the ground, and purposing the temperatures into the 60's and 70's, and this thing is moving. it will continue to push east, here is this line through tennessee and kentucky. waking up the mid atlantic states here, temperatures are very warm, but severe waver will continue throughout the day tomorrow. temperatures drop. >> thank you.
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out of kiev. and banned firearms, bug used against profess tors but it may not be a binding vote, we'll have the latest next. blatche
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>> al jazeera america is a straight-forward news channel. >> its the most exciting thing to happen to american journalism in decades. >> we believe in digging deep. >> its unbiased, fact-based, in-depth journalism. >> you give them the facts, dispense with the fluff and get straight to the point. >> i'm on the ground every day finding stories that matter to you. >> in new orleans... >> seattle bureau... >> washington... >> detroit... >> chicago... >> nashville... >> los angeles... >> san francisco... >> al jazeera america, take a new look at news.
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so many money stories sound complicated. but don't worry. i'm here to take the fear out of finance. every night on my show i break down the confusing financial speak and make it real. breaking news. a short time ago. to avoided further violence, this comes after the deadliest day of violence. jennifer glass follows us from kiev, take a moment here and tell us what you know as you mentioned this has just happened in the last 45 minutes or
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so. an emergency session until just a few minutes ago, they voted 236, out of two hunt 39 parliament members have them leave the square, have security portions leave kiev and not fire on protestors and let's put that introduce context. mayly it is supporters and members of the parliament and those that support them. it is only 239 lawmakers just barely enough to make a quorum, but enough to make a forum, this will be pressure on the president. he needs to sign this or veto it in the next ten days or so. >> so while it is not binding right now it doesn't go effect right now, it think it is decided to push the
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president to layoff his position on all of this. and of course, all of this comes in the parliament after a very very brutal morning of violence here in kiev. >> the deadliest day in the three-month-old protest in kiev dozens were killed on both sides. >> the protestors deny that, dead bodies on the street, a testment that they were aiming to kill. people were injuried in the chest, the neck, bullet wounds and in the head. a few people died in my hands. this hotel is now a makeshift field hospital. there's still blood on the treatment tables they don't have a lot of supplies here, but it is a good example of how the people here are making do
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with what they have. >> as news of the clashes spread, volunteers and medicines began arriving here. and another impromised medical centers around the square. independent square the community effort from yesterday. >> that seems to make protestors more determined and defiance. may will not come here to the interior ministry police. as night fell on kiev, the protestors again sent the barricades ahike, and prepared for the pant of even more conflict. >> and that's really the concern here is what will happen here behind me on independent square, the
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demonstrations continues. there are thousands of people who have come out here, reenforcing the barricades protestors also took back all of the street they lost. and they say they are ready for whoever comes next year, but they will stand their ground. >> let's put the action aside for a moment. the ukraine minister, remained defiant today, and authorized police to use live fire, what can you tell us about that. >> we saw the use of a lot of livener, and it is a game changer. not only because this is the deadliest day, the protests but basically in the short 22 year history, but i think it just escalates the stakes here. it certainly made the resolve of protestors here even more firm, and we have seen shooting on
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both sides. the protestors were shooting at the police as well. a number have been killed in the next couple of days. a total change, thing we have seen in these protests. although there were incidences of live ammunition there. the fact that they are authorized to make live ammunition, makes this much more dangerous situation.
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>> they jeered and humiliated as a force out of the building. at least six police stations have been ransacked and eyewitnesses reported that arguesal of weapons were taken. it's not possible to say who was responsible, they could have been extremist or progovernment. the situation here is slipping towards an narkky. >> the main prosecutors has been occupied in thousands of criminal files destroyed.
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>> it is clear they now lost all semblance of control here. david, al jazeera. >> it was an emotional morning era reports. >> this situation has many people in this community concerned. the priest here at the catholic church, in the center of little ukraine here in new york city tells me that as the violence escalates he is seeing more and more people showing up for services. all delivered in ukrainian. the prayer here is for peace. this church is an important point for ukrainians here. one who has family in
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kiev, told us her heart hurts when she watches the news, knowing the loves ones could be in harms way. for centuries we are fighting for the freedom. i don't know. i hope and i truly believe i can happen one day. they will come back here and stay with it, they did it. this is all so emotional for so many people. another tells me if this situation is not resolved he expects hundreds of people to pack the pews for masses on saturday, and sunday. iran has reduced the stock pile to it's lowest point in three years.
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they have not enough uranium to develop a weapon, iran says it's program is for peaceful purposes. venezuela's government says it is sending more soldiers to the west to prevent armed columbian groups from helping protestors. the put was on the fence today accusing opposition leader of trying to overthrow the government. he has been charged with bysy after turning himself in. at least six people have been quilled since rallies began. rachel is in the venezuelan capital, with lopez behind bars right now, one of the protestors doing, saying and might a protest actually take on a new focus or direction? the interesting thing that happened today is the other leader, who was the presidential candidate that narrowly lost the election came out, he gave a press conference.
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and he is calling for his own rally. so clearly he is trying to pick up the mantle if you will and be the head of this opposition movement that was begun by student as week ago. rachel it is always good to remind folks what it is has started the demonstrations and we mentioned economic concerns. but what they want from the government. inflation to come down, they are not interested -- but the government is changing. while you talked to more of the radical side, the people who follow someone like niya poled, they say we have tried to do this democratically, we hope
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this 70 disobedient. that begs the question, is this spreading outside of caraucous at all? is. >> it is outside. and in a place which is where our crew just came back. there's a complete media blackout, no natural media there, and the situation is pretty bleak. a lot of violence, accusations that the gunfire being used within -- that they have in some of this, we don't know which side that is coming from, but also in so there are other areas
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that it is just very difficult to know what is happening because the media is controlled by this government. so people are left to follow the story on twitter, on facebook, and social media. to find out what is going on, but so far it is still at the level which we say is a threat if you will to this government. >> joining me now, he is a contributing writer online. good to see you. so we know the protests have been driven by anger over economic and security concerns. and then responding in some way to them. >> first of all, thank you for having me on your show. the government hasn't shown any peaceful taking
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place in different places. there's a number of students that started these protests and noising of their whereabouts. that's something we need to be clear on. what is that the grab stray tors the protests want here, is one thing to be upset, and want your voices to be heard on these issues.
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is it to some kind of action? >> one of the 24 hours channels in venezuela, and he was basically bout out by veries of the current administration. only cable t.v., and today we heard that c.n.n. in spanish was
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also under investigation for the coverage that they have been doing. lower the inflation, the current security have undergone for so many years due to the policies of the administration. i am saying shave resident, because this started ever since he took power, 15 years ago. >> as you -- as we already know, three diplomates were expelled because they were accused of financing these protests which the united states has denied.
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the united states had the truth coming in better terms through the organizations for the american states. so as we know. >> so far, just really not an involvement from the united states per se. >> yeah. >> so that's basic will what is happening. >> robert, appreciate it. >> robert is a contributing writer for global vices online, joining us from new york. >> robert, thank you. >> today in new jersey, chris christie met with voters for the first time since the bridge gate scandal broke last month, the governor didn't talk much about the scandal but fielded questions on aeried range of topics. john was at that town hall, he joins us to
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explain there wasn't much conversation about bridge gate. >> you would think so. >> you would think. >> 500 jersey voters in one room, one of them, would mention the scandal. >> heckle or something like that, but in there wasn't a bit spoken about the scandal. i must tell you the word's media, very disappointed about this. >> yeah. >> the people there, and there were nearly 500, they wanted to talk about hurricane sandy, and in the end the governor fielded questions as diverse as autism, if you belief, reforming family law, and even federal flooding. >> sure. >> at the federal level. >> kristy did what he was clearly always intented to try is do, which is to look and sound presidential, and he did that by twisting everything that was wrong. take a look. >> you hear this administration yelling and screaming these greedy, corporations, who just take your money and don't pay you, guess who
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is greedy corporation is taking now? the federal government. they are the people who are doing it. [applause] >> and whatever you think of chris christie you have to admit he is a great speaker, he said there's a new f word, and everybody took a sharp break, he said yes it is fema. >> yes. >> mid gooness, so at the end of the meeting, what would you say? were people satisfy. >> no, i think there was a lot of disappointment. because people wanted to talk about hurricane sand and i, and why they are still out of their homes. she thought the whole thing probably been staged a little bit. and she said anyway they have other things to worry about beyond things like the bridge scandal. which is of course the media cared about. >> grig gate, people don't have their homes. that's more important, people are at this meeting that's what they are worried about.
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and not worried about the brimming. >> that puts it back into perspective. >> that's terrific. >> if there's been a lot of attention but that young woman with and a number of beam in the town hall. >> the state farms. >> thank you. and coming up on al jazeera america, the legal marijuana business in colorado is bridging in millions. refusing to do business with him. >> fin story the olympic hockey on al jazeera americ.
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>> oh my!
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well, today is tax day for the pot business in colorado, why am i smiling. 12 retailers are projected to hand over more than $100 million in tax revenue, that's a big number, but as carol mckinley, those are being paid in cash, because banked won't do business with emthis. >> when you pay your taxes do you hire combat veterans to keep thieves from stealing your money? you do if you own a marijuana dispensary. >> everybody has been shot at, everybody has been under direct fire, everybody had to deal with the enpi in one way or another. >> big al's security team is the muscle for nervous pot store owners. they are hires to transfer tens of thousands of dollars every day. >> if you look on the left here, here is a guy in a dark vehicle, who is sitting there looking out as well with. >> february 20th the the first day state and city taxes are due, hundreds of pot shops are paying
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january's entire tax bill in many cases hundreds of thousands of dollars each, all in cash, because federal laws won't allow them to have bank accounts. a lot of cash will be going to the city buildings. when armored car companies found the job too risky. >> just because these places need your help? >> they do. >> in just a few weeks, they are going to be joining denver's other 48 recreational marijuana shots. along with thatle co as pile of cash, and following that, more nerves. except the crop it yields is much moreble. >> these plants are worth thousands of dollars. protect the cop, security has no behind spots. >> they are always being
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recorded no matter where you do or say. the second thing we have is panic buttons, we al have standard operation procedures are we can shut the entire dispenry down like that. >> denver mayor is nervous too. despite the fact that the mile high city is going to reap millions in tax benefits he sees the cash as a safety problem for the city's employees. >> well, i'm always concerned when large amounts of cash come into the city. >> how much money are we talking about. >> $50,000 in cash, some of these owners. >> dan from big loaded down catch. >> 400 pot shops al jazeera. >> michael, can we talk about the women from canada? >> yes, we can. >> and the women from the united states. >> yes. >> playing hockey today
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for the gold medal? huge day. >> off times we think about the memorable wins, we will not forget this loss. it may have been one of the most anticipated match ups. a rivalry so fierce that twice during exhibition play before reaching sochi, fights broke out between those teams. the americans were looking for the first women's hockey. f the canadians mount add serious rally, scoring two goals in the final period, including the game tying goal with less than one minute to go. which game just moments after the u.s. barely missed an empty net goal that would have won the game, instead they go to overtime, and again who scored for the canadians and that will be the goal
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medal clencher. as canada scores three straight, after a 2-0 deficit, giving a fourth straight gold medal, this is the third time they have lost to canada in the gold medal fame. game. matty brought home in the gold in the first ever freestyle half pipe. she dedicated her win who died during training in 2012, burke had been instrumental in lobbying the i.o.c. to add freestyle half people to these olympics. she was third after qualifying the with two highest scoring runs to her finish and helping team u.s.a. stay atop the medical count, with 25 including eight goals. after the game, team
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u.s.a -- >> they were inconsolable. >> that was two goals in the last three minutes of that -- they had that thing locked up. >> you know, they were playing to win early, they start playing not to lose, and that's what happened. >> this is canada's miracle on ice, the headlines coming up next.
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an eight year and fourwn year sentences.
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respectively for the crime, brian stowe a san francisco giants fan was let permanently disabled by the beatings. and those are the headlines. inside story is next, if you would like the latest on any of the stories covered just head over to we are borrowing again to buy stuff. didn't we get into big trouble from too much borrowing just a few years ago? this time, it is good news, or might be. that's the inside story. hem low, ray


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