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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 22, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EST

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kiev. >> constitutional changes, and early elections. it says what it wants to see is a democratic government of unity in ukraine. it repeatedly stresses in the statement. no one wants to talk on cam yes, and stresses that it wants a unified ukraine, signalling the biggest concern is that the country could split. russia is throwing its support behind russia: clsz >> turmoil from kiev to caracas,
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where opponents and supporters marched in the streets. there were small clashes between protesters and officers. since the unrest began, eight have died. venezuela's president nicolas maduro accused the opposition of trying to stage a coup with support from the united states. he expelled three u.s. documents and is asking president obama to talk about the country's crisis much the government september troops into the western state. the protests started with stupid rallying against high crime. this man has become the main face of the opposition movement. today angry venezuelans demanded his release and nicolas maduro's resignation. the rally was not unanswered. we have more from the rallies in caracas today.
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>> we see the tense day in venezuela, where thousands much supporters of the opposition and the president nicolas maduro has been out on the street. there were fears at the beginning of the day that they may clash and the police forces would clash with the opposition group. there's about a few incidents. the whole idea was for both sides in the conflict to get their people on the street, to show the other sides how much support they have. we had some important speeches by the - one of the leaders of the opposition. calling for unity among the various fragmented groups of the opposition. perhaps upping the tone a little of his rhetoric changing president nicolas maduro to put on the boxing gloves and get into the ring, saying millions
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would fight alongside him against the president. nicolas maduro standing up talking to his supporters, showing what he said were handmade nail bombs made by the opposition, used by the venezuelan authorities, and blaming the violence on the opposition, calling for a day of talking, a day of peace next wednesday, when he wants all sectors of society, all numbers in the conflict to come together to find peaceful solutions to the conflict in venezuela, and continuing accusations against the united states, saying the u.n. is funding and supporting the opposition groups who he continues to call fascist and inviting barack obama and the secretary of state john kerry to sit with him when he said he would prevent evidence of u.s. involvement in the opposition movement in venezuela. really, it's a case of both sides sitting down, analysing the turn
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out at the two big rallies in caracas to find out where they stand and try to see what the other side - how the other side will respond to the movements. >> venezuela is a country of about 29 million people on the northern tip of south america. it's roughly one-tenth the geographical size of the united states. nicolas maduro was elected president back in april. he beat his opponent by 2% of the vote. crimes like theft, kidnappings and murder plagued venezuela. government says the homicide rate is 39 people per 100,000. watchdog groups suggest it's closer to 70. in the u.s. it is 5 per 100,000, and in iraq it's 22, a country ravaged by law. inflation reached 64%.
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the highest, and one of the highest rates in the world. the response was to seize the largest train of stores and force it to cut prices. opponents say the government's persecution of the private sector is to blame or shortage of foods and goods. a large number of jobs is in the government, causing further financial burden. we turn now to john terrett. >> venezuela has the largest oil observe. the saudi king dom's gdp, potential for growth is double that of its fell opeck member. why isn't venezuela cashing in? oil production in venezuela is about 2.5 million barrels per day. in saudi it's about 9.7 million, three times more. new production facilities cost
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billions to bring online and venezuela has issues that the saudis don't place. saudis can afford it, they can't. 800,000 of venezuela oil a day or consumed domestically at highly subsidised prices, as low as a penny. you can fill up your car for the same as a candy bar here. the deposit in caracas is unable to turn a profit. as part of a pact in former hugo chavez made with caribbean nations subsidised oil flows to cuba, jamaica and haiti. venezuela has been a top supplier of oil in the united states. but the recent shale boom in north america led to experts dropping to 28-year lows. venezuela borrowed between 40 and 50 billion from the chinese to pay for social spending. the latin american company is in
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the process of paying its asian partner back in oil, roughly 300,000 barrels a day going over. increased shipping costs keep the costs down, and all of that doesn't leave room for the oil giant venezuela to make money on the raw resource. this combined with the boly var and the fact that the country imports the majority of goods means it could be a while before things turn around in venezuela. >> tonight we spoke to natalie, a restaurant owner, who says an increase in crime had her fearing for her safety and the future of her business. >> you have to be like every day watching people with the backs of supermarkets to see what they have. where do you get it. you have to run, leave whatever you are doing to run, make the line for two hours, three hours, to get the things that they can
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give you, that they give you one meal. that's the thing you can take. i have two restaurants. that's something we have to do to maintain the menu, and whatever you are selling. it's too hard. >> what about the concern of your safety, the security concern. we hear about the violence. how much does that affect your daily life. >> for one, it's scary or everybody is getting scared for me to talk today. but i'm not saying anything. i'm more scared to leave my house, because every day you come back home, you leave your job, and you pray to get back home alive or whatever. you can have any surprise on your way to your work and your house. >> have you been attacked. >> many times. >> what happened. >> well, you are driving your car, there's motorcycles near
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you, they knock on the door, put you on your face "give me your watch, cell, wedding ring", whatever that you have. they want or they take you and your car or whatever. >> what do you do for you and your family as you move forward. do you have plans. do you hope to leave the country, are you hoping elections may be called or a leader come in and fitch the problems. >> it's too hard for someone to come in and fix the problems. it's not going to happen. we need for the people to have and meet in the hands of nicolas maduro's people, that are killing our entire country. right now - usually in the month, we don't have this. we need them to be so armed. we need someone to put on or try
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to look after the country. not just for nicolas maduro, but for everyone. >> i'm curious, you said you protested, joint the union. do you worry about criticising president nicolas maduro. >> no, i don't worry. i'm not saying anything that is a lie. if you ask me, and i'm on the street protesting, i'll say the same thing. here, no one will ask you. this thing we are doing - it's time for me to speak up. it's not happening in venezuela. >> if things don't change - gnat says she'll have to close her restaurant. >> two were killed, dozens hurt after a protest in eastern
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thailand. the standoff between supporters and leadership has grown increasingly violent since november. >> still ahead - a rare show of unity. the u.n. security council make a move that could help syria. a major drug lord taken into custody. details of his arrest next.
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>> a 13 year manhunteneded. mexican authorities say they have captured the most wanted drug lord. joaquin guzman was arrested doing a joint u.s.-mex cann. he had been on the run since 2001. i spoke earlier about the arrest, and was told it puts a dent in the cartel. >> this is a huge blow for the sinaloa cartel, one of the most powerful. >> what does it mean for the
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cartel, losing someone of this stature. this is a legendary figure, arrested in 1993. he got away, probably bribed a lot of folks. >> in the laundry basket. >> his tentacles, not literally. he has been all over the place. he has business in australia, europe, the united states and americas, and now he's apprehended it's likely he be extradited to the united states to face criminal charges. >> do you think it's likely he'll get away a second time. >> if he stays in mexico, he might. we don't know that. there'll be plenty of security around him. >> do you think it will have an impact on drugs in american streets? >> as you mentioned, all the the other cartels are operating. we have the knights templar then
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the have the gulf cartel and tijuana, and the production of cocaine in south america, central america being the pass im way to the united states. >> you don't think there'll be much of an impact on the american streets? >> no. >> the u.n. security council voted unanimously to demand aid groups be allowed into all of syria. the document demands access to convoys delivering supplies. kath turner has more from the u.n. headquarters in new york. >> a rare sight inside the united nations security council chamber, support for a draft resolution of getting humanitarian aid inside sir yax. >> the draft resolution received 15 votes in favour, adopted unanimousry. >> the u.n. general showed a hint of frustration. >> this resolution should not
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have been necessary. humanitarian assistance is not something to be negotiated. ifs something to be allowed by vurt u of international law. >> there were divisions between russia and others. they were unhappy with the threat of u.n. sanctions against anyone obstructing the delivery of aid. that paragraph was taken out of the time resolution. >> the russian federation supported the draft resolution since when agreeing on the document many russian considerations were borne in mind. the document took op a balanced nature. >> the resolution demands cross-border access to syria, lifting of procedures and an end to attacks. the decision how and when will the aid be delivered. >> assad as it was to achieve
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the resolution, passing today's resolution was easy. impleme implementation is the hard part. the world must stand together so there's no delays, couple lippings, with cruel and shameless attacks on civilians. >> there's no doubt the unity is a diplomatic break through, but the impact can't be measured unless and until humanitarian aid can't be reached. >> kath turner, al jazeera in the united nations. >> the taliban is engaging in peace talks. president hamid karzai confirmed the secret meeting in dubai, saying the high peace council met with a delegation. the official leader refused peace talks. >> yesterday the taliban claimed
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responsibility at a police station near kabul. several bombers and one officer were killed. bernard smith reports on the shattered lives of police officers wounded in the conflict there. >> for much of the past six years, this has been the life, laying face down in a room. the former police officer paralyzed after the pick-up truck hit a bomb in afghanistan. >> translation: i've endured to much pain and tragedy. for the past six years my wife, god bless her, turns me over. and looks after me. after god she's the only person who cares. >> abdual joined the police as yn idealistic 22-year-old. he wanted to serve his country. there's only so much the country can do for him. abdul flew to india for surgery.
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doctors there couldn't help it. last year 80 officers were killed every week. 3,000 were injured according to the government. >> he used to tell us terrible stories from the front line, the dangers of the job, and i told him not to go. he'd say as long as i'm alive i'll serve my country. while healthy the government used him. now he's wounded and paralyzed, they don't care about him. >> abdul wants treatment in the u.s. or europe and it will cost tens of thousands. in reality this is how he'll be for the rest of his life. >> the afghan government says during the past six months the number of police casualties had fallen, from 20 a day to three or four, putting it down to providing reenforcements and put it down to attack, and stopping
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unnecessary patrols. >> it's a profession based with an enemy willing to below himself up. >> in iraq official said haned out voter id cards ahead of april's elections. they have a computer trip. the election will be the first in the country since u.s. troops withdrew in 2011. officials have not handed them out. >> the violence has worsed thousands of families to flee. >> our al jazeera colleagues in egypt have been detained for 57 days, peter greste, mohamed fadel fahmy, and mohammed badr have been accused of joining or aiding and apaiding a terrorist organization. the next court appearance is 5 march. al jazeera continues to deny the charges and demands the immediate release of staff. >> the winter olympics is almost over. how a team's failure may have
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cost the u.s. a chance to top the medal standings. why hundreds of thousands of immigrants coming into the u.s. is causing weights. >> a rapid cool down is on the way. i'll tell you more after the black.
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>> welcome back to al jazeera america. here is a look at the top stories this saturday night. mexico's most wanted drug lord is behind bars. joaquin guzman was arrested during a joint u.s.-mexican operation. the leader of the sinaloa has been on the run since a prison escape in 2001. >> mass protests in venezuela's capital. the demonstrations were mostly peaceful. thousands gathered as nicolas maduro left office. >> ukraine's parliament dismisses viktor yanukovych.
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he insists he will not step down, his rivele julia tymoschenko spoke to protesters in independence square. she was released from prison earlier today. >> ukraine is a young country farmed in 1991, declaring independence from the soviet union. in may of 1997, boris yet yeltsin visited the ukraine. relations cooled. russia stopped to supply gas, thousands froz to death. >> in 2010 viktor yanukovych was elected president. julia tymoschenko declared election fraud. >> last year they broke ties with the e.u. for closer ties to
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russia. tenses of thousands protested an aborted deal. it's the largest demonstration since the 2004 orange revolution. on december first 350,000 rallied. protesters took over the office, others occupied city hall. ukraine's president signed an anti-protest law prompting outcry. there was repeal 10 days later. protesters left city hall, after the government voted to release protesters. yesterday viktor yanukovych agreed to trim his powers, and bring the opposition into the government. that still did not satisfy protesters, who demanded he step down. >> we turn to nick schifrin. it's been 6:30 in the morning, thank you for staying up all
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night long. can you give us an update on developments that happened overnight? >> right now itself very quiet. there's a few hundred people in the square behind me. it is cold. people are hunkering down. there's a stay in the square for as long as it takes to get everything they demand. they've been fighting for so long, and sacrificing for so long. there's no one to fight against. the police abandoned the square, the opposition is non-existent. nowhere is it obvious than a 45 minute drive out of town in the president's own house. >> they came feeling proud and free. they came to see a home they considered a symbol of one man's corruption that belongs to the people. >> for years viktor yanukovych lived in a sprawling 500 acre
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estate. and oh, did he live. the massive rare car collection. the zoo filled with birds. beautiful gardens, gazebos. the gold course, the tennis court. we are grateful for the victory of the people. we've been fighting for three months for this. she would never go out of here. she'd kill anyone to stay here. until now the president's security forbade anyone coming close. now they walk around like they own the place. >> do you feel like this is your compound? >> the property of the people. >> not the president. >> not the president. yes. >> outside the buildings, people are waiting patiently to get in, and people who are defending independence square in kiev are defending properties that they consider theirs. inside you get a sense of how
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luxuriously the president lives. this will be a kittingam on -- a sitting rooment. a huge tv. a spa and a jack usee. it's the lurkry that they have been fighting. we first met sergie a day before, on the front lines. for two months he manned the barricades. he had a few close calls, and needed everyone's procedures. >> translation: we are fighting against the government abusing their powers, he says. >> your being here instead of the president. that's what you have been fighting for? >> yes, we are happy the property belongs to the people, and the people here. >> now it's sergy's to walk through and for rita and her son. she brought her seven-year-old
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son as a goodbye to a president she opposed. >> i'm happy that he ran away from here. i hope he never comes back. >> he hopes the akry faces made to -- sacrifices made to eliminate him. >> they died for our country, for democratic ukraine. they died for the future of our children. >> for so many the future began today and it was proof that sacrifices were not in vain. >> so many sacrifices for so long. you can see all the people luxuriating in walking around the compound today. you could see there was no fighting, worrying, pushing, everyone was proud to be there, and very calm. there was absolutely no tension and no looting.
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they believed that they new owned that place. they believed that the former president or the current president, i should say, took it from them. they say they'll never give it back. >> return to the people. thank you nick schifrin. >> for some americans the crisis in the ukraine may feel remote. those with family have been watching the developing crisis. diane eastabrook has more from chicago. >> this elegant home in suburban chicago seems a world away from the crisis in ukraine. >> there has been a lot of gunfire, give to dole... >> for-daraa and sasha, the crisis is a fixture in their lives as they watch news reports of violence spilling on to the streets of kiev. >> i feel like it's bad because the government is letting the police kale their own people. >> sonya and her husband adopted
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the children from separate orphanages in ukraine. 12 yooertd daraa left behind a grandmother living outside of kiev. weekly phone calls bring daraa comfort. but they bring anxiety. >> i don't want anything to happen to my grandmother. >> sonya says she walks a delicate line between keeping the kids informed and protecting them from harsh realities. >> at first they couldn't understand what is going on. we tried to explain the best we could to a kid, because it's hard to explain situations like that, so they are asking many questions. >> a mass at a ukrainian church offered sasha and daraa comfort.
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here the children pray along with others, who share their culture and language. [ speaking foreign language ] >> they also change stories with other kids, like 17-year-old anastasia, who left 13 years ago, but worries about relatives, including a cousin injured during a protest. >> it's difficult to go through, knowing that your family can be hurt, meanwhile knowing they are fighting for something we should have, which is freedom. despite the attachment to ukraine, neither sasha or daraa want to return. they both hope the peace will come to their homeland. >> as tensions between russia plays out in the ukraine, it does raise questions about the role they play.
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we'll look at the atlantic alliances future and russia's relationship - the future of n.a.t.o., tomorrow at 5:30 eastern. >> the wait for hundreds of thousands of immigrants coming into the united states is longer. the chief immigration judge told his staff that 37,000 cases have been delayed because of the government shutdown. some cases will not be heard until 2015, more than 360,000 cases are pending. >> governors are taking swipes at gridlocked leaders in washington. they are holding their winter meeting in the capital. legislative gridlock shifts more responsibility to the states, and gives governors the power to make more decisions. washington has inaction, a lot of uncertainty, we as governors
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cannot afford the inaction. we have to balance the budgets, create jobs, improve education. chris christie is under investigation. the meeting ends monday. >> a big concern for a loft of governors is the simply things like potholes on the roads. >> that is true. all the way from the north-east back to the midwest, the motor city has become the pothole city of america. an increased number of potholes across the city. when you get the water, stagnant water laying on the ground, that freezes it, expanding the enever it thaws out a bit. we are left with a hole similar to what we are seeing.
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that's the case across the country because of the cold. it's not just for the last month or so. it's been a brutal winter. it attracts out of canada, across the midwest to the north-east. we'll see a continuation of that. today was comfortable. a lot of snow melted. temperatures would plummet. a lot of the that water would freeze to the ground and we'll see an increase of potholes across the north-east. comfortable and mild in new york city. 48 degrees, above the average day-time high, and we are approaching midnight. it feels comfortable. look across pennsylvania. as we return into next week winter is on the way back.
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it will howl in from canada. we expect temperatures to drop 20 degrees back into monday. we'll continue to deal with winter across the north-west where we have storm warnings across the cascades. we are talking about 6 to 10 inches of snow. if you travel along the pass, you want to be careful. you can see the storm pushing. it continues to bring the snow showers outside of seattle headed to idaho and the western portions of montana. we'll see a foot of snow pushing east. see how chilly it is today. >> winter is not over yet. >> usa men's hockey had a chance to win a medal for the third time. that did not happen today. john henry smith is here with more. wasn't team usa's night.
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i think someone forgot to tell them to the olympics wasn't over when they played sochi. after a disappointment of losing a tight one to canada. had a chance to salvage a gold medal if they could get past finland. unfortunately they couldn't. the boston ruins minder turned away 27 shots. the americans shut out in their final six periods of hockey. finland beating them 5-0. coming home with silver in 2010, they come home with nothing this time around. >> besides having the most interesting name in the winter olympics , vic wild has an interesting story. he's an american snow border married to a russian, moved there and competes for russia. he captured a second gold medal, rallying to beat benjamin carl. the new russian citizen got a
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congratulatory call from vladimir putin. his wife won bronze in the women's portion of the event. >> age and youth served in men's alpine skiing, mario became the oldst champion winning gold in the men's slalom by 0.28th of a second. third for the bronze was henryk christopherson of norway, the youngest alpine medallist in olympic history. >> south korea is steamed about what they and others perceive to be bias judging costing kim the gold. the south korean olympic committee protested the outcome that gave the goal to another. such a protest needed to be
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filed immediately to trigger an investigation. it would not receive a protest letter. it's time for you to check the medal count: >> with three medal attempts left, russia is a shoe in to win the most medals at the games. >> here is a look at the final three medal events:
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>> now, with the leagues image sullied of late by ugly incidences of instability the n.f.l. may be about to crackdown on a rude class of words. the n.f.l.'s competition committee will consider a rule making the use of the "n" word and other words of racial or homophobic nature punishable by 15 metres for the first, and ejection for the second. this could mean michael sam could be entering a hostile environment if these successful becoming the first openly gay player. he spoke to the media on saturday and on how he would
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feel being drafted by a team whose locker room has not been tolerant or welcoming - the miami dolphins locker room. >> if miami dolphins drafted me, i would be excited to be a part of that organization. i'm not afraid of going into that environment. i know how to handle myself and communicate with the team-mates and coaches. i have been in locker rooms where all kinds of slurs have been said. i think the uneducated - as time goes on, everyone would adapt. >> after sam met with the media, we talked to agent. >> the most anticipated media conversation. how happy are you with what michael said? >> he did a great job. he's comfortable wherever he's
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at. whoever is asking questions he's more than happy to dress issues. >> michael sam gets to show n.f.l. ability to decision makers when defensive men and lion backers get a chance to work out. >> sad news. maria von trapp died at the age of 99. the last surviving members of the seven original trapp singers. they were the inspiration for the hit single "the sound of music", she died on tuesday in her home in vermont of natural causes. >> still ahead - emotional reunions. after three days of meetings with loved ones they have to the seen in years, north korean families returned home without their relatives.
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>> they've been cut off for decades, families separated by war from reunited in north korea this weekend. al jazeera's caroline malone has more on the emotional reunions. >>, "when will i see you again", he asks his brother. they were reunited briefly for the first time since 1972, when one was abducted and taken to north korea on a fishing boat. they were among 82 selected to meet family members. the north korean hostesses are caught up in the emotion. it's a rare opportunity. families were split up in the north korean war of the 1950s.
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most don't get this chance. those that do make the most of it. a father tries to comfort ace daughter. >> translation: don't cry, you shouldn't cry on this good day. we'll meet again soon. trust your father. stay healthy. >> a third of the group is over 90. at least two got sick and had to return home. >> a second group of south koreans will be allowed up to the diamond mountain resort until tuesday. it's a special type of. they don't have contact otherwise. people can't right emails. this arrangement was only agreed to by north and south korea a few weeks ago. the last junion happened more than three years ago. now the reunion is over. and these koreans had to say
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goodbye to each other. we know there's little chance of hearing or seeing from each other again. >> heart breaking to see. at the vatican, the pope appointed new card analyse. 19 appointees help the pope run the church. pope benedict xvi was also there. >> the new cardinals were the personal choice of the pope. many were from developing nations. pope francis made it clear he wants to shift the balance of power away from the vatican. the presence of pope benedict xvi was a surprise. it was the first time the former
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pope attended. it's been an important week for pope francis and the catholic church as a whole. faced with opposition, pope francis has been leading a debate on whether the church's teachings on abortion, contraception and homosexuality needs rethinking. a poll was held on what catholics think about family and sexual morals. most are rejected as outdated and realistic. >> the pope is going in that direction by paving the way for change, because it can't happen automatically. you have to take small steps because in the vatican you have to follow a certain process. >> homosexuality - i'm christian, but believe that the pope can open doors. >> the meeting came before a conference later in the year.
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the cope's attempt to modernize the church is an uphill battle. >> catholics who divorce and remarry gay couples adopting change are the norm in the western world. the church can't ignore them. >> the 19 new card analyse will be among those called to make life-changing conditions for the millions of kath likes to break with traditions. >> and that was our correspondent reporting from vatican city. >> american flags flying over u.s. military bases must contain 100% american-made materials. the major flag vendors are american companies. they were allowed to use foreign material. and amendments to the rules requires everything in the flag
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from the ink and the cloth and the flag must come from the gold old us of a. the what's app messaging app is back online after its servers went down. the company tweeted servers were restored and apologised for the 3-hour outage. facebook's c.e.o. mark zuckerberg predicts what'sapp's 450 users will grow to a billion - in the if their servers keep crashing. >> thanks four joining us. we'll see you back here tomorrow night. headlines after the break. thanks so much.
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>> you're watching al jazeera america. i'm jonathan betz in new york with the top stories. well, dawn is breaking in kiev. live pictures. earlier today a lot of costs in that country.
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ukraine's parliament voted to dismiss president viktor yanukovych. he insists he will not step down. his rival and former prime minister julia tymoschenko was released from prison and spoke to protesters in independence square. >> it's a different ukraine. it's the ukraine of free people, and you gave the gift. every one of those living today and those who will live in the future - you gave the gift of ukraine. that is why people who were at maydan, who died for maydan are heroes forever. >> meanwhile thousands opposing and supporting the venezuela government attended rival rallies in caracas. they demanded the president to resign. he accuses them of totalling a coup. >> joaquin guzman, the most wanted drug lord, was captured. he had been on his run since his
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escape in 2001. >> the national weather service confirmed several tornado struck illino illinois. one of the hardest his was pantana. >> "america tonight" starts right now. >> >> good evening, thanks for joining us for "america tonight", the weekend edition. 'm joie chen. we begin with a city by the bay and a noxious neighbour. the city by the bay and a greep


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