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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm EST

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washington i am way suarez. >> welcome to aljazeera america. i'm del walters. president obama once again calling for a year of action during his meetings with the nation's governors today. the defense secretary expected to announce a major plan to shrink the military to its smallest size in decades. >> ukraine's ousted president now a wanted man, why russia said that deal with ukraine is used as a cover for a power grab. >> every time a black person does something like this, you break down a barrier. >> one man overcame adverse city
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with his knowledge of fine wine. >> president obama hosting the nations governors at the white house. state leaders from both parties meeting with the president and vice president, the president addressing bipartisan issues from minimum wage to the affordable care act. mike, what came out of the meeting? >> the president had the assembled governors, the annual meeting, he had them here last night for a black tie din western today for a meeting. he said once again, sort of a mini state of the union in comments about an hour ago. he wants a hike in the minute come wage, immigration reform, but all of these things in congress now on a very far back burner. it doesn't look at though we get deeper into this mid term election year that they're going to be seeing any action in
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congress and the president once again saying this will be a year of action with congress or that congress, of course the problem with that limited in scope what the president can do by check order. they go of an election year, republicans think there is political hay to be made with the affordable care act. no one needs to be reminded of the troubled rollout of the affordable care act. while the administration thinks they have their feet under them now, republicans believe americans oppose it and are going to use it as a political weapon time and time again. only half of the accepted the federal money to expand the medicaid program, the health insurance program for lower income americans. the president spoke to that earlier today. >> and while congress talks about repealing the affordable care act or doing this or doing that to it, places like california and kentucky are going gang busters enrolling
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more americans in quality affordable health care plans. >> the president joking with the governor, some presidential aspirants said to be among them that they were busy measuring the drapes. last night, he said make yourself at home, which as i'm sure many of you are literally trying to do eventually. >> there is one person, one governor missing action today. >> right, speaking of possible presidential aspirants, chris christie, not here today, really keeping a low profile at this set of meetings. he was there for some of the behind the scenes meetings of the national governor's association. what's really odd about it is he is the chairman of the republican governor's association. no indication that he's going to be stepping down as he deals with an active investigation over the bridge gate controversy in new jersey. but governor christie, a no show for the public events this week in washington. >> mike viqueira in washington, thank you very much. >> the pentagon looks to shrink
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the military to preworld war to levels, chuck hagel expected to announce those cuts, including eliminating an entire class of air force attack jets. some members of congress would try to block the proposal. at the peak following the september 11 attacks, it had 570,000 troop totals fighting two wars. president obama pledging to end both wars, reducing troop levels to 490,000, but after today's pentagon proposal, those numbers could drop to between 440,000 and 50,000, the smallest military since 1940. >> the supreme court looking to clear the air today, the court just finished hearing arguments to determine exactly how much power the federal guest will have when it comes to regulating greenhouse gases. we are in washington, d.c. with the latest. >> we just heard the oral arguments unfold. it's a nuanced case but at the heart is a question of whether the e.p.a. overstepped its
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bounds when figuring out which plants could emet greenhouse gases, what the limits would be. the e.p.a. has regulatory authority to monitor things like cars and buses, moving sources. they always wanted to look at stationery sources, power plants, cole fired power plants, everything from oil refineries to chemical facilities. the question tailed is whether or not the e.p.a. went too far. this is coming up in a big symbolic way. president obama has talked about using his executive authority, that pen and phone to go ahead and make regulations when he feels that congress isn't acting. we heard a lot of pushing from both sides of the supreme court, some of the more liberal justice questioning really what is pollution and how is this supposed to be measured and then some of the more conservative justice, finding some real questions about just however the e.p.a. has gone. >> do we have a sense where industry stands on this, how industry groups feel. >> some groups have sided with
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about a dozen republican-led states to fight the e.p.a.'s regulations, but there are some companies that don't have as many issues with these regulations. in fact, one filed a friend of the court brief saying that it's created new plants hasn't found these regulations burdensome. the e.p.a. actually decided to omit smaller plants from regulation, which could be seen as a gift to the smaller plants. it's ironically gotten them into trouble here from the critics who say it's an arbitrary decision, the e.p.a. may omit them now but go after them later, even though the e.p.a. says that's not our plan. some smaller plants and companies do think that these regulations are good for them, because it's not forgetting the malar operations. >> live from the supreme court in washington, thank you very much. >> overseas, an arrest warrant is issued for ousted ukrainian
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president vickian, who is now on the run, the warrant accusing him of mass murder for allowing the government to open fire object protestors last week. meanwhile, his whereabouts are as yet unknown after he was ousted and fled the capitol. we are live in kiev, there is speculation that viktor yanukovych maybe in crimea. have we heard anything more on this? >> the acting interior minister said he lost the track of viktor yanukovych, tracing him to crimea. he went by helicopter, tried to leave the country, stopped by border guards in crimea on sunday night didn't go to an official residence, instead stayed in a private hotel. there he also dismissed his secret service guards. the president very much on the run right now. the arrest warrant being issued and the police here, the
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actually the security police kind of the militia that is the acting police now saying very actively looking for him. i am crimea they say they're close. the argument sent a clear signal is era is over, dismissed his government today, dismissed his constitutional courts that four years ago gave him sweeping pours. they reversed that, as well. >> russia recalling their ambassador, condemning the ouster. what does that mean for relations between ukraine and russia? >> ukraine very concerned about relations with russia. the ukrainian -- sorry, the russians saying that the uncertainty here is the reason they recalled their ambassador, saying it's a threat to russian interests here. they fear they're going to have to look at the gas deal they made in december, worth $10 billion to ukraine and crucial to ukraine's industry,
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so russia kind of flexing muscles here. it's not only the $10 billion deal, there's a $15 billion cash loan that they also promised in december to ukraine that ukraine desperately needed. that's sort of what made people, made protestors come out even more on the streets. they had wanted to turn towards europe and president yanukovych, former president yanukovych turned toward russia, so the e.u. foreign policy chief is here and the ukrainians want to know what kind of deal they might get from the europeans. >> russian's foreign ministry saying that peace deal reached in ukraine is a cover for a power grab, the ministry criticizing support for ukrainian presidential elections in may, saying it should be put to referendum. we are joined live from moscow. what is russian is that's official response? >> we apparently seem to be
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having problems establishing communications with russia. we will try to reestablish that communication and when we do will bring it back. >> a lot of people who make your favorite breakfast cereals have been locked out of work for months. a look at a big labor dispute involving kellogg's. >> despite strong opposition from the north, military drills between the u.s. and south korea now underway. >> aging america... the sacrifice growing children endure, to care for their parents >> i left my job as a lawyer... >> best ways to cope... my husband was like a single father... >> my mother said: "take care of dad" on al jazeera america
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>> al jazeera america is a straight-forward news channel. >> its the most exciting thing to happen to american journalism in decades. >> we believe in digging deep. >> its unbiased, fact-based,
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in-depth journalism. >> you give them the facts, dispense with the fluff and get straight to the point. >> i'm on the ground every day finding stories that matter to you. >> in new orleans... >> seattle bureau... >> washington... >> detroit... >> chicago... >> nashville... >> los angeles... >> san francisco... >> al jazeera america, take a new look at news. this is the 900 page document we call obama care. and my staff has read the entire thing. can congress say the same? there's more to it. >> welcome back oh aljazeera america. i'm del walters. south korea kicking off its annual joint military exercises with the u.s., those taking place despite opposition from the north. we have more. >> there are two separate drills that will take place. the first is a computer simulated drill called key resolve. that will take place over the
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next eight days. the second exercise is code named bald eagle. that involves air, ground and naval military exercises, both korea, saw the korea and the u.s. maintain these are difficult exercises, and that they look at various scenarios of a north korea invasion. north korea say these are invasive exercises and threaten nuclear attacks if these go ahead. coincidentally, these are taking place at family reunions are happening in north korea. now these are family reunions between families separated during the korean war between 1950 and 1953. these families haven't seen each other since then. north korea has threatened to stop this reunion going ahead if these exercises in fact into continue. the u.s. has said that it might
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back off from these exercises by not involving aircraft carrier and strategic bombers. this seems to have done the trick, north korea has said that it will allow the family reunion to go ahead. these exercises will take place now over the next eight weeks, and these will be watched carefully by one of north korea's allies, china who has a great interest as it increases its military stake in the region over the kind of might that the u.s. is able to wield throughout these exercises. >> the bulls are running on wall street this morning, the dow higher right now, up 186 points. the s&p an pace to set an all time record. we will be watching the markets closely. >> in what could be a sign of things to come, netflix will pay comcast to speed its streaming service, coming a month after
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the federal court ruled against its net neutrality. >> a labor dispute at kellogg's now into its fifth month. the cereal company and workers at a stalemate after labor talks broke down. more than 200 workers have been locked out. >> after 53 years on the same job, kay davis never thought it would come to this. >> no matter what, we're going to stick together. >> she is normally inside the plant in memphis managing the production of fruit loops but for the past four months, she's been on the picket line. the cereal company locked out davis on 200 of her coworkers. >> they're not allowed back into the building until their union agrees to a new contract. kellogg is using replacement
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workers to operate the plant. >> we don't have anything to negotiate, because all they want is casual help and alternative work and we're not going to go for it. >> the workers make an average of $28 an hour and don't have to contribute to their health insurance premiums. to cut costs, kellogg plans to change the union contract for future hires by increasing the number of temporary workers and paying them $6 less an hour with different benefits. a kellogg spokesperson said we need to improve the plant's cost structure and flexibility, because the current cost structure is not sustainable and puts at risk the long term viewability of our memphis operations. kay davis fears a new contract with more casual workers will mean her hours will be cut or worse, she'll be forced out altogether. >> they're not going to take these middle class jobs that there's very few good ones left in this city, and we're not going to let them take it and
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put casual help in here. >> with neither side budging, kellogg not only locked out the employees in october, it cut off their health insurance. >> it's hard for me to see my coworkers leaving their homes, losing their automobiles, their children not having insurance. that's hard. kellogg's was a family. to have this happen to us is like losing a child. >> the company says it wants to settle on what it's calling a fair and competitive contract. the workers say the only way they see this ending is for the national labor relation board to rule that the lockout is illegal and violates a master contract kellogg's has with thein. in response a representative told aljazeera: an investigation is ongoing. >> coming up, former missouri defensive end michael sam talking to the media about coming out. today, he'll have a chance to
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showcase his skills. >> it is the highest honor in the world of wine, an amazing story of a young man who oversame adversity. those stories and more when aljazeera returns. ♪
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