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tv   News  Al Jazeera  February 24, 2014 1:00pm-2:01pm EST

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>> this is al jazeera. >> hello welcome to news hour. i'm in doha with the top world stories. out of power, now ukraine's president could face an arrest warrant for murder. >> uganda's president signs a law that could see gay people jailed for life for repeat offenses.
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>> in london with the rest of the news from europe. oil takes officer stage on a debate for scottish independen independence. navalny is among protesters arrested outside of the u.n. in new york. the latest mobile technology being shown off in spain. he's the man on the run and now on ukraine's most wanted list. an ousted president labeled mass murderer. currently putting together an arrest warrant for viktor yanukovych who fled ukraine friday. protesters remain camped out in independence square. many of them want to see yanukovych tried over people killed in the durations.
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his wrb whereabouts are still unknown. to steer the country towards peereuropean integration, it's e president decision to abandon an eu trade deal that led to all this. all this is upsetting russia recalling its ambassador to korean, al jazeera's rory challenge is in moscow. but in the ukrainian capital, h observingda, please tell us about the arrest warrant for viktor yanukovych pap ha. has it been issued yet? >> the first time we heard about the warrant is when the acting
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minister posted on the facebook page two issues. first one he said that viktor yanukovych was lath seen in the port town of balaclava in the country of crimea. then the trail went cold. and arrest, for the mass killings here in maidan. the legal procedures had indeed started, actually, this afternoon there was a forensic team, in and around the square. they were picking up evidence to put together their case. but from what owe know, the -- we know, the arrest warrant he itself has still not been issued. the prosecutor general's office says it is a matter of time. they want to make sure the legal procedures are followed the way
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they should be. >> mean whole, katherine ashton is in kiev. what is she expected to do there? >> she did come to maidan, did a tour of the place and then she went to parliament. she met with some mps there. we also know she met with the acting president who is also the speaker of the parliament and she's also due to meet a bit later on with yulio tamoshenko, the main opposition leader. the standards and poor has graded as triple c which is basically a notch above default. it is a huge issue here. now we do understand that the
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trade pact that president yanukovych was supposed to sign, and which basically started the whole crisis, isn't on the the table at the time. that will come back you once the presidential elections are done and dusted. the economic package may be a joint eu imf package, that would help the economy. it is estimated that ukraine feeds about $35 billion to stay afloat so certainly it is a huge concern. >> okay hoda. let's speak to rory challenge, in the russian capital. strong words from russia about what's happening there in ukraine. >> yeah, that's true. we've heard from two official sources in russia today. first, the foreign ministry here, basically, saying that
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what is going on in ukraine amounts to a power grab. and they went even further than that. at the foreign ministry they've accused the interim government in ukraine of using terrorist tactics. the foreign ministry here is very, very worried about what's going on and diminishing russian influence in ukraine. and particularly the fate of russian speakers in the south, and the east of the country. and the foreign ministry has been saying that the constitutional reforms that have been pushed through by the interim government shouldn't have been pushed through so quickly. and should actually have been put to a referendum p stead. we also heard from prime minister dimitri medvidev, who
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says that russia he doesn't regard the interim government in ukraine as legitimate and they are a bunch of balaclava wearing claskolashnikov wielding. >> what might russia do next? >> well, at the moment they are sitting on the side hiens and waiting to see what transpires. waiting to see if a government eventually comes to power in ukraine that is more sympathetic than the current interim government, to russian perspectives. they are not doing anything overt at the moment. and there is some kind of eye to eye-seeing between the west and russia in terms of security.
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so we had conversations going on today between nato and the head of the russian armed forces both of them saying to each other they were very concerned about the security situation in ukraine. nobody, not the west, not russia, wants to see a fragmentation of ukraine. people i think all across the world remember very clearly what happens to yugoslavia in the 1990s and nobody really want to see that happen here. russia aren't doing anything to get directly involved at least not in an obvious sense. but if there is a deterioration of the situation on the ground, and if russian speakers in the east and the south of the country start becoming on the receiving end of ethnic or sectarian violence, and start calling for russian help, then it is going to be very difficult for russia to stay out of it
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completely. >> all right, yoir, than rory t, rory challenge in russia for us and hoda hamid in the ukrainian capital. thank you. traditionally, yanukovych's power base says he accepts the authorities. >> i recognize ukraine's parliament as the only legitimate body now. we need to face the truth. a lot of mistakes including tragic mistakes have been made. and the most horrible thing is they led to people's death. for this, the president will undoubtedly be taken into account. >> a saying in eastern ukraine, antiyeunantiyanukovych protesto.
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>> still standing their ground, the pro-europe protesters, trying to repeat the miracle of kiev's independence scare in kharkiv. explaining why they should end their occupation. his plea fell on deaf ears. certified they were discussing their tactics for the days ahead an how they would resist any plans to evict them. across the square the pro-moscow demonstrators still mounding their guard beside the giant statute of lenin. but the kremlin's grip on the events appear to be loosening. a van at the headquarters of the president. an attempt to move his personal
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belongings is being stopped by the protesters here. the cardboard boxes they were taking away contained his personal silver statute of the president. >> they think we're supposed to yield with them because they are wearing masks and carrying batons. >> what we are seeing is not a single sign of remorse. hold no grasp that they are criminals. they organized the gangs. >> so far the thin black lines of the city's police have managed to prevent the two sides coming to blows. but the anger is swirling around the square. what lies ahead, nobody can tell. but rumors are rife here, the next time the man makes an appearance he'll be bringing his personal squad of riot police instead of a megaphone.
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on another tack, the interim president of venezuela, it's not clear why he resigned. presidential elections are due by mid april, the army toppled president mohamed morsi in july following protests of his rule, was appointed weeks after that. >> translator: the cabinet decided today to submit its resignation to the president. i think it is only fair to talk to the people as well. during the last six or seven months the cabinet took on a heavy responsibility. and it has carried it out with a high sense of duty. in general achieved success. but as with any other social project it can only be as successful as human ability can achieve. the government accepted responsibility while others declined. in terms of security economy or political turmoil.
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>> and the cabinet's resignation could be designed to pave the way for egypt's army chief to run for president in the upcoming elections. and the interim government was sworn in after the ousting of mohamed morsi in july. as i said, presidential elections are due to be held by mid april. defense minister and abdul fattah al sisi is expected to win the poll if he stands. but he has to resign from the government before he can officially become a candidate. karak amountswan, welcome once again to al jazeera. what do you think, is this resignation all about abdul fattah al sisi? >> that's the analysis that we have been hearing that the defense minister would have to resign in order to run for president. however it seems like a bit of overkill for the entire
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government to resign, because if he does choose to run it would grant minimal mill cover in that regard. and so i don't think that it's all about general abdul fattah alsisi. this is coming on the back of government protests from workers, that shows a lot of discontent with the economic status of the country, with the standard of living of ordinary egyptians. and this move, you know, can only misstate, but this move it seems to be an attempt to possibly head off pass unrest, and -- mass unrest and dealing with the discontent towards this government. >> did you see this resignation coming? apparently there have been rumors for a couple of weeks now of a possible cabinet reshuffle. >> that's correct.
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but we were expecting at some point that the government would announce that the cabinet would resign at a particular date. the fact that prime minister bablowi announced now that the submission of the resignation really took everyone by surprise which leaves a lot of questions as to why this is happening now. as opposed to something -- as opposed to, you know, for of a warning, i suppose. and you know, it leads to questions as to whether there are divisions within the government or if thi there haven announcements taken at the military level, or where, you know, in different sectors of the government as to which minister would be more appropriate to serve in the future. >> will this cabinet resignation mean that everyone is out or could there be some old faces in this new interim government?
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>> well, we're seeing that he is staying on as prime minister until a new caretaker government is put together. however, some new faiche faces s ibrahim mahleb, interim housing mirnt -- mirant minister and hae ties to hosne moa mobarak's government. there is question about whether the minimal sister-- minister of
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the interior will change. that remains to be seen. >> thank you once again for speaking with us. >> thank you. >> al jazeera is still demanding the release of its staff being held in egypt. it's 58 days in prison for mohamed fahmy, baher mohamed and peter greste. they are accused of spreading false news and being connected to a terrorist organization. arabic channel held since augu august, abdalla al shami has been held for months. s the u.n. says almost two and a half million people have crossed into neighboring states. but many millions more displaced within syria. in the city of aleppo, many have stayed put, despite the fighting. report on what some are doing to
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survive. about. >> reporter: shutting themselves in. that's what it's come to in syria's largest city, aleppo. people have taken to bricking up their windows to stay safe. >> translator: of course, it's safer for the children. because of shrapnel from the daily shelling. we decided to do this simple thing. >> and this is what they're trying to protect against: bombs which have left houses, buildings, and lives in ruin. many homes are deserted. streets, too. these people blame the government. >> barrel bombs he dropped on us they destroyed everything and forced the people to flee. assad has kept people off the street. we will stay here because this
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is our land and our country. >> leaving is not a decision then i anyone is making easily. >> i was born here, i live here and i will also die here. god protect them because there is no safety. 20 barrel bombs a day on aleppo. >> the city in some way shape or form has survived for 8,000 years. now it must survive a war within. liz dunkley, al jazeera. >> 18th government protesters in venezuela, live in caracas. >> the u.s. agency charged with curbing greenhouse gas emissions has its authority challenged in the supreme court. and in sports, find out why barcelona has just spent $18 million on a prayer they have
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already bought. uganda's president has signed a controversial new law that has tough punishment from for gay people. despite warnings from the u.s. and other western countries that it could damage relations, the law includes life in prison. al jazeera's malcolm webb has more from campala on the enormous pressure the president's been under from both within uganda and the west. >> he is gay and has aids. that makes life doubly difficult. this clinic provides services to people with a high risk of hiv infection such as sex workers
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and gay men. i will not be because i don't think the government will allow us to be here. or to access because they may think that the hospital itself is promoting us which is not true. >> reporter: here in parliament the antihomosexuality bill was passed after years of discussion. the president agreed to sign it into law. it is widely supported here. president barack obama said he shouldn't sign it but he is looking for support at home to run for another term and politicians here want it. religion is important to people in uganda. here at the side of the street you can buy paraphernalia just outside the church. there were some religious leaders who played a key role to mobilize the population to support the antihomosexuality
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bill. although the law is rarely enforced, it is not likely the new law could be fully enforced either. the rhetoric surrounding it has made life increasingly difficult and dangerous. medics say the bill contradicts the possibility but they're a tiny minority, others say it is a convenient distraction from widespread corruption and lack of public services. but paul and others like it, can only hope the politics will not cut off the medicines which keep them alive. >> uganda's minister for ethics and integrity, says he welcomes the law. >> it is unnatural, it is not accepted by the customs of uganda. and even the modern religions came to uganda won't accommodate
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this, which is contrary to the order of nature and therefore is criminal. >> and the white house meanwhile has condemned the new law. in a statement it said instead of standing on the side of freedom justice and equal rights for its people, today the.ugandan president signed into law the bill which criminalizes homosexuality. it reflection poorly on the country's commitment to protect the human rights of people and to protect hiv-aids. russian police have arrested about 200 people including opposition people. lauren. >> thank you very much. arrests were made outside a
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russian court. seven people were given jail sentences of up to four years on charges of rioting during the 2012 square protests against president vladimir putin's inauguration. among those arrested were the opposition leader alexei navalny and pussy riot members. >> yet another political trial in russia. people who are convicted were absolutely innocent. the verdicts were rigged. people came for a peaceful protest in accordance to law. there are no banners, no grounds to arrest anybody. >> northern scottish city of aberdeen, is the focus of high profile battle, 6 kilometers north of london to discuss the
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future of the oil industry. reporting from aberdeen, the latest battle on referendum for scottish independence. >> goes to the heart of the scottish independence debate, oil and gas. worth $60 billion to the u.k. economy every year but production is declining and exploration rates are at an all-time low. cameron says u.k. needs scotland to turn that around. >> we can afford the tax allowances and long term structure as necessary to make sure we recover as much from the north sea as possible. >> on dry land, foreign minister took aim at the comments. by funneling profits into an oil fund has become one of the richest countries per capita in the world. >> oil and gas is 50% of its
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revenues. in scotland it would be 15% of its revenues. it provides an example of how a country can steward its natural resources in an effective efficient and long term way. >> the scottish government says future oil and gas reserves in the north sea are worth $2.5 trillion to an independent scotland over the next years. that would make scotland the sixth richest economy in the world. but that figure is misleading as it's based on the most optimistic estimates possible. large profits flowing offshore. the political sparring in aberdeen coincides with a major report into the u.k. oil and gas industry by former oil tycoon sesir ian wood. major shakeup and a new independent regulatory be set up.
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the government risks leaving billions of dollars of untapped natural resources under the sea. in aberdeen, independence is more of an emotive issue rather than an economic one. >> london telling scotland what to do and what not to do. >> i believe scotland should become independent yes. >> to decide whether to split potentially ending a 300-year-old union entering uncharted waters. kim panell, al jazeera, aberdeen. spanish enclave from neighboring morocco, armed with sticks and stones, stormed the 6 meter high fence. morocco said six members of its security forces were injured. mostly trying to reach europe via spain. i'll be back with more from europe, later in the news hour,
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let's go back to. >> more in sports, top table of asian cricket for the first time, we'll have that story and much more. i must begin my journey,
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borderland only on al jazeera america >> this is the real deal man... >> hello there, welcome back. aal jazeera's headquarters here in doha. here's a quick look at the top story. egypt's cabinet stepped down, not clear why, but presidential elections are due by mid april. uganda's president has signed a controversial law with tougher penalties for homosexuals. didn't include a clause criminalizing people who fail to report gay people. president viktor yanukovych fled ukraine friday.
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protesters want him tried for crimes against protesters. katherine ashton is in kiev. what does the eu want? why is ukraine important to them? >> the ukraine's economy is on the verge of default. and if there isn't a very large and swift rescue package, the -- its problems will be profoundly serious. the eu is interested, and always has been interested, in a stable, prosperous ukraine, that is at peace with itself and its neighbors. so that is all the more acute. now, the key issue which she will be aware of is that wherever yanukovych is, the eastern and southern regions of ukraine are still to a large
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extent in the hands of his own policemen and they control the power structures there. as long as that is the case, if they do not accept the timetable and mo modalities for elections, then the elections are not likely to be national elections. so so much o of what happens in the country as a whole depends on those critical regions. >> who you do you think the eu would like to see in power in the ukraine? >> i hope the eu does not have a view on this apart from wishing to see authorities in power who are democratically elected and in the eyes of a country as a whole, legitimate. so so they would like in this absolutely unprecedented and
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unpredictable and rapidly changing situation, to see as much of a legitimate and constitutional process being observed as possible. and i'm confident she is making those points. and i think a large proportion of those she's talking to understand their importance. >> what about russia? who would they want to see taking the helm now that their political ally, viktor yanukovych is out? >> russia now has no influence in kiev whatsoever and has withdrawn its ambassador. where they do have influence is in the eastern and southern regions and it is becoming cheer that they will use that -- clear that they will use that influence to try to broker an arrangement which will be satisfactory to them. it is very hard to see how the new acting authorities in kiev could possibly agree with the russians on this, because the
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russ -- the russians see a direct connection between the fate of the post-soviet order in ukraine and the strength of the post-soviet order in russia itself. this is vital to the kremlin. even a lot of the kremlin's opponents fear that if ukraine leaves russia's other, that ukraine becomes a more asiatic or european country. it's course and future development as possible. >> james sher thank you very much for speaking to us. he is an associate professor of russia and eurasian studies. road bhoks in several advertise, rubbish disrupted
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many cities, 11 people have been killed in two weeks of protest over fuel and food shortages and high crime. for more we're joined by daniel shiner. how bad are things today? good it's a great day of tension today. as you mentioned these roadblocks in caracas and other cities, a move by the opposition, to let the government know, the people know that they're still there. there was no violence surrounding these roadblocks and traffic is again moving in most areas but i think it's a sign of the tension we're seeing here. a short while ago we spoke to lillian the wife of the opposition leaders leopoldo lopez. mr. maduro is talking about dialogue. when i talked to her, if she
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would open up dhoog -- dialogue, she said absolutely not, i don't talk to dictatorial regimes. he won't talk unless he gets guarantees he will be allowed to speak, get the microphone. those guarantees have not been forthcoming. a big stand between both the deposit and the opposition. >> daniel, thank you for that update. daniel shiner, from the venezuelan capital. one of the attackers blew himself up as he was approached. security officials looking for two others who escaped pakistani group has claimed responsibili responsibility. osama been shower has more.
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>> ever since pakistani security forces started going after fighters in the area, the tribal district of pashoer, going to the blast location which takes about five minutes, actually it took us about 20 minutes because we had to go through multiple check posts and security points. guide that there are a number of suicide attacks that the security from the tribal areas, we saw one such suicide packet being defused just a few days ago, by the bomb disposal squad. despite that there are loopholes that these fighters are trying to exploit. >> elsewhere in northwest pakistan, a senior member of the pakistan taliban has been shot dead. in the area of miranshar in
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north waziristan. killed in a drone strike in november. all right let's go back now to lauren in london for more news in europe. hi again lauren. mandatory vote of confidence, brand-new coalition government. mateo enre renzi has promised tt and political and legal reform. expected to win a slim majority in government. >> we have only one chance and it is this one. we say looking into your eyes if we fail we will not look for an alibi. if we fail it will be my own. >> a meteoric rise, all before
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his 40th birthday. local opinion. >> antonio salvi has worked for a barber for more than 60 years but recently he has lost his most famous client. the 39-year-old mayor of florence, mateo renzi. he says florence's lost is italy's gain. >> he is the best, he has ideas, he is a doer. he has energy to do thing. he never stops. it is difficult to keep up with him. i wish him good luck. >> not everyone in florence is sad to see him go. if he manages italy as he managed florence it won't go well, he will only last six months. >> he doesn't have enough experience. he went from governor of tuscany to mayor of florence. what will he do next, be pope?
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>> he was known for closing the city to traffic. he was also criticized for privatizing the local transport company and slashing the salary of council workers. once compared himself of the david of michelangelo. but his critics say he needs a lot more than that to lead italy out of the economic crisis. one of them is sylvio ben-e, who wrote a book, mateo the conqueror. bureaucracy and the huge public debt. >> florence is known as the birth play of italy's renaissance. now its mayor needs to prove he's the man to watch other the country's rebirth. claude yo levanga, al jazeera,
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florence. >> the head of the catholic church has set out a new secretariat of the economy. guided by an economic council including financial experts from outside the church. the oldest known survivor of the holocaust has died in her home in london. aged 110. alice hap sommer. 33,000 jews were killed by the nazis during world war ii, alice's story inspired a story nominated for an academy award. >> i know that we will play, and i suppose where we can play, it can't be so terrible. the music, the music.
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music is in the first place of art. >> and that's our news from europe. back to shak in doha. thank you, lauren. following his sacking last week, he was fired after revealing that around $20 billion in public money from oil sales is missing. >> one of the largest oil producers. oil accounts for nearly 90% of state revenue. 1% of nigerians benefit from wealth. the sacked member of nigeria's world bank is now regarded a hero by many nigerians for exposing that at least $20 billion in public money is missing from oil sales.
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he says the money disappeared in the last 19 months. the money was supposed to be given to the central bank by the state oil company known as the nnpc. >> nnpc's concern, going back to $20 in 19 months. go back to 2010 and do the same exercise. the number simply increases. >> allegations mean losses in public money could run into the hundreds of billions of dollars. the ex-governor says he wouldn't be surprised if he is jailed for speaking out. >> i'm not aprayed. i think if you do the kinds of things that i did, you would realize that you have put your signature on a piece of paper that says you're in trouble. but the only way this country will change is if people stop being intimidated 50 state. because what happens a group of people basically capture the state, use the state to amass huge amounts of money. they use the enormous amount of
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power, and they can jail you or we can kill you. >> many people we spoke to in abuja about the anusi sacking told me they thought the money may be funde used to fund electn campaigns. the public money may have already been squandered. >> i think a lot of it is gone. it is in the private jet on the tarmac, in the yachts being bought by these people around the oil industry, bigwigs, the young, the nouveau riche, that's the lifestyle to be funded by this money. >> nobody from the nigerian government was prepared to talk to us about why sinusi was removed.
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still to come, how your mobile phone could be the key to healthy teeth. we'll have the hatest in mobile technology. and the olympic champion who has finally been cleared to run again. we'll have that and the rest of sports.
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>> welcome back. in the united states, the obama administration is facing a legal challenge to its effort to curb grown house gas emissions. the supreme court is hearing arguments from industry groups, they want the environmental
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protection agency to be stripp stripped, for new power plants. john ackerman reports. reducing the output of carbon dioxide from new vehicles and the next generation of power generators and industrial plants. >> we are pumping out less carbon pollution. if we keep coming down this road we'll have a future of good paying jobs. >> but obama's critics say the tougher rules are costing jobs and will spell the end to coal fired power plants in the u.s. he is invoking presidential executive powers to carry out what the environmental protection agency calls its mandate under existing environmental laws. >> we are simply applying the law as it was intended to a pollutant that is regulated under the clean air act. but we've done what we've always done. we've taken a look at how to be
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reasonable and rational. >> while obama has been accused of waging a quote war on coal, he can a calls gas a less polluting bridge fuel, filling the gap of energy sources that emit no carbon i dioxide. but methane, visible here through the lens of an infrared camera, methane's impact is 30 pounds greater than co2 in accelerating climate change. >> if you release natural gas to the atmosphere without burning it you release pure met methane instead of co2. >> a new study by stanford researchers, gas escaping from hundreds of thousands of wells,
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storage tanks and corroding pipes. in a city of washington alone nearly 6,000 methane and other gas leaks have been identified in appliance. as opposed to its hard line against carbon dioxide, the obama administration has so far restrained from curbing methane, not only to save the environment but turning wasted methane into more commercial fuel. tom ackerman, al jazeera, washington. >> let's get the latest in sports. >> club has just paid out more than $18 million to the spanish tax authorities after being charged with fraud in relation to that transfer. despite making that payment, barse says it knits i insists it
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done anything wrong, to defend the club's reputation and good name. jamaican sprinter veronica brown, two-time olympic 200 meter champion, hasn't competed since being found positive for a diuretic. jason collins made his deb debut, in basketball, the most active openly gay player in the nba, having made that statement last april the 35-year-old signed a ten day contract with the new york nets. top score of 30 points. >> i understand you guys have a job to do. and i do understand that there
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is significance. but at the same time there are other athletes, all of us you mo, it's about being an athlete. it's about going out there winning competing playing hard. >> cricket's asia cup starts on tuesday with defending champions pakistan taking on afghanistan. joining a five team tournament for the first time ever this year, bangladesh is the hosts, siveret coley will lead the team in his absence. >> bangladesh conditions are pretty similar to ours, that we play in, in yind, bu india. you can't do anything lightly, you have to be at your best. >> in the recent past and also india in the last few years. we know there are strengths and weaknesses and they know our
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strengths and weaknesses as well. it's about turning up on that day doing less mistakes, you know playing positive cricket. >> roger federer, world number 8 has beaten bej min beaten benja. novak djokovic will play his opening match on tuesday. attention already turning to south korea. whond officials fro200 foibles g games. budget will be one big difference between the two hosts. >> certainly south korea won't contribute with sochi regarding the amount spent.
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south korea plans on spending $9 billion, $7 billion in tense of infrastructure. part of the reason for that is that this is the third bid, successful third bid, so much has already been in place. seven of the 13 separate venues are already there, already waiting. in terms of weather, it will feel more like winter than sochi, minus 5 sells use at that time of year. in the last few years we've seen the hundred-yearing snow record broken twice. een if they don't get cold temperatures, the artificial stuff will be in better conditions than it has been at sochi. unlike this current winter hoaks just finished in sochi, kim
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jong-il, massive park which opened this winter, there are some here in south korea calling for a joint north-south olympic team. said it would welcome a north korean team although the prospects of a joint team the pretty small. they're saying that relations on the peninsula would have to improve gaflt for that to happen. >> on our website, check that out that's it for now. >> great stuff, we'll see you later. when you hear the word mobile you probably think of phones but in an increasingly connected world, many other jajts are coming on e-.only. >> it brings together offensive,0075,000delegates.
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pondering the current and future state of mobile technology. and connected devices also have applications when it comes to sport. richie has been cycling pretty quickly. he is using this particular band on his arm to monitor the blood should you ar levels in his body. they get sent off to the satellite and then down to a website. one monitors glucose, the other monitors heart rate. also in the home it could be someone with diebts goin diabets going about their everyday life. technology in the home, this one could apply to any of us who brush their teet or have issues with brush being their teeth. what they've managed to do is
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build a toothbrush that talks to the phone. it tells you where you should brush in your mouth and how long. if you put too much tbrur on one part, the app tells you when to ease off. they have tested it and tend that people tend to brush their teeth twice as long when they have something like this. they transmits the vital place of the game, sometimes gimmicky in their nature. you go bam ten years and you see that most technology are the same, and these technologies are very much the part of our life. >> there's more news ahead on al jazeera, do stay with us if you can. thanks very much for tuning in.
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good-bye for now.
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. these are the stories we're following for you. pentagon budget cuts. the defense secretary outlining his plans to downsize. russia weighing in in the newly formed government in the ukraine.


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