tv Inside Story Al Jazeera February 24, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm EST
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directing groundhog day, caddy shack and animal house. began his career writing jokes for playboy magazine. those are the hea headline. s. viktor yanukovi >> for a decade the order was get shorty. now they have. he's in jail. taking down the ceo of one of the world's most power drug cartels is the "inside story." hello, i'm ray suarez and the
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bootleggers could on the dream of the empires created by the drug trade of the 21st. the politicians and the lawmakers on the take, that part stayed the same but guzman had to manage the empire and the retailers and high-tech transportation, money landering and sheer brutality. putting guzman in a cell hasn't unravelled the empire in the past. weath whether that is different this time and is the "inside story." >> it is the end of the drug cartel elle chapo guzman. he was captured and marched to jail. the capture in mexico on
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saturday morning was the end to a 13 year manhunt. a search that intensed in the past weeks. he was captured by the mexican marines and help from the americans. in the end, it was an intercepted satellite phone call that did him in. asleep in the room with an ak-47 by his side and no shots were fied. guzman called is the world's most wanted drug lord. it mohhed tons of cocaine, marijuana and other illegal drugs over the borders and the the streets and other nations. it is something good. it is an excellent achievement from the government and gives us results and for mexico and other countries it is an important
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arrest. >> it is one of the most violent drug cartels in mexico and known for the ruthless tactics and sneaking tons of drugs under the u.s. border. the capture of guzman could impact the illegal drug supplies around the world. a number of homes he used were discovered and in some of the homes it is connected to 7 tunnels to several homes and used the city's drainage city. >> the illusiveness. he escaped a high security prison in 2001 and he escaped by hiding in a laundry van. this is seen as a political triumph for the mexican
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president, that took office in 2012 and behind the capture is a security cooperation agreement wean the u.s. and mexico called the miriad initiative and $2 million aid program that started in 2008 and reenforcing the mexican hardware and focussed on training the police and the prosecutors and preventing the violence in the first place and still a hundred thousand mexicans are killed and kaukt in the on going war between the law enforcement and the drug gangs. top members were aest ared or killed. u.s. attorney general is saying that the alleged criminal activities cricketed to the death and destruction of millions of lives across the globe through drug addiction and violen
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violence. the united states wants to extradite him for the crimes in the united states. he faces a number of drugs and money landering charges in new york, chicago, miami and texas. they have not commented about the idea of extradition and the head of the cartel is behind bars tonight. the organization is not out of business. . it is not the only cartel operating in mexico to supply the americans the drugs. for more now on the arrest of guzman, we are joined by al jazeera adam from mexico city and thank you for joining us on "inside story" and today guzman is officially charged and what are the counts? >> well, really, it is one charge, and it is for breaking the mexican drug trafficking laws and that is significant and
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showing the u.s. they are registering a charge, but they haven't started to file many of the charges against him. so we don't know yet if the government and their president is going to lay on a lot of other charges that are pending against him. if they did so, that is signalling that this man is not leaving mexico with the blessing of the government any time soon. >> what did the government say to the people of mexico. >> it is flag day in mexico and gave a speech, a patriotic speech and speaking with a strong tone and he said we really shouldn't gloat over this, this just shows we are an effective government and the decisions that the government makes the meant to make the quality of life of the mexicans better and trying to carve out a different stance than the previous presidents. and of course, behind closed
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doors is gloating and saying we brought down the guy that the last president couldn't. so he's juggling a political act and trying to convince the mexicans he's making them safer and it is unclear if they are buying the story. >> just to convince the mexicans, a lot of concern in the united states during the transition from the administrations whether the new government would keep the pressure on the drug cartels and is this cementing a reputation in that regard. >> we are setting the statements from the attorney general and other you ares officials saying it is showing great cooperation between the u.s. and mexico and this is after the cold relations formed in the early days of the presidency when he shut out the
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u.s. they are saying you can't set up shop here and in the investigative units and that made the u.s. angry and frosty to this government. this was a coordinated effort and the people taking him into custody was the mexican marines and this is showing cooperation between the north and the south. will this continue with the other a jurisdictions pushing hard for extradition and the higher ups in the department of justice are not saying they are going to ask for the extradition, it is a lower attorney generals asking for that. >> what comes to trying and holding guzman, the last time he was imprisoned they let him go.
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>> this is the question for the government, they want to show we are an effective government and he's extremely corrupt and sprawling bureau accuracy in the prisons and what they are going to do to keep this man behind bars is unclear. if they sent him or blessed extradition process, that would take a number of years because of the appeals and legal filings and such, that would be bad press for this government look we are strong and making a more modern and effective mexico and saving mexico but we can't handle guzman. they want to say we caught that man and we are going to charge him and for now he's our guy. >> adam, good to talk to you. >> thank you. >> we are taking a short break and when we come back we look at
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>> welcome back, to "inside story." i'm ray suarez. on this edition of the program we are talking about the ace rest of guzman. joining now to does what the arrest means for mexico and the fight against drug trade on both sides of the border, focussed on u.s. mexican cooperation in law enforcement and former trial attorney and from mexico city, director of security studies at the institute for mexican competitiveness and former
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intelligence officer, and john torres guide post solutions and former special act in charge of homeland security in d. c. and virginia at the u.s. immigrations and custom enforcement agency. we touched on it briefly with the reporteder in mexico city, i want to hear from a mexican whether this is a big deal or not. >> indeed it is a huge deal for a number of reasons. ethically this is tremendous, this guy was the face of mexican impunity. this guy marked the mexican institutions, the mexican justice system for 13 years and bringing him back to prison is a powerful signal that at least to some extent impunity has limits. it is important strategically because it a blow to the largest
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and most sophisticated criminal organization in mexico and it pushes the transition to smaller more local less sophisticated gangs. that transition has going on for a while. politically it is huge because it is a significant coo for the president and claiming one give a message of effectiveness and two put to rest the notion that somehow his administration was trying to re-kindle the old style of, old corrupt pact between the ruling party and the traffickers and now putting to rest those theories. >> john, number ones have been kaukt or killed in the past and their organizations have simply
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rolled on, maybe a power struggle, maybe some more killing going on around the top, but the product still moves; is less cocaine coming to the united states because of this type of arrest? >> maybe less drugs moved across the boarder in the short term because of the struggle to replace to what the lass of guzman and the senior lieutenants and the security aides that were aest are -- arrested. what we see happen is that everyone lays low, wait to see who is targeted next, are there more arrests and what will be the immediate impact and so in the short term you are going to see some impact here and then again, going back to supply and demand, as long is there is a
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demand someone tries to fill the void. >> so much capital in the form of trucks, soldiers and supply lines and product that is already acquired and it is going to go some where, too much money staked on? >> yes, there is a pipeline and within that pipeline a little bit of a wait and see and find out whether or not american law enforcement, the federal agencies involved in this operation, who are they targeting now? are they targeting people in chicago, new york, down to border in texas and across arizona and the drug routes that we see running from the mexican board to up to the united states. >> daniel, an interesting feature of this is the openness with which both mexican and u.s. governments are discussing the shared nature of the operation. there's no fear of stepping on mexican toes or giving them a
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victory lap or staying quiet about the role of the united states, what does that reflect, the more confident mexico? >> it is indicating at the operational level improved trust. the senior levels of the governments and there has been tension, and it has become public and real concerns on the american side on whether the new administration is serious about going after the lead drug trafficking organizations, at the operational level in both of the countries cooperation is effective, close and continuing. >> and is there a sign that there's no, oh, i don't know, inferiority complex here and both sides are talking about what they did together to bring guzman down without their feeling oh, no, here comes the
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big shoes from the north again? >> well, i'm not sure this is the strategic design or just the fact that the story was leaked by the u.s. agencies. in previous, in other takedowns, particularly a number of people connected to us, mexican officials say it was fully domesticated and down played the cooperation with the u.s. operations and not this time and the story break in the u.s. beforehand and my guess it wasn't possible to deny that the dea play add major role. not necessarily sure this is what the mexican government would have wanted to communicate if they had a choice. >> what is the interest, daniel, on this side of the border of
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getting guzman? >> i look at chicago. see what happens in chicago in the coming months and year. guzman made mexico the base for drug distribution to the united states. straight up to the chicago area and distribution there. as a result, we saw gang warfare in chicago and tremendous increase in the homicide rate in chicago. so i think if this impacts we are going to see on the u.s. side of the border seeing what happens in chicago. an is where i would be looking. >> was this guy an involunteer tatar and ways of cutting out the middleman and getting the product to the american midwest, was he taking the state of the art forward and being a drug kingpin? >> he was taking the state of
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the art forward and at the same time relaid on the networks in mexico and have the strangle hold on the territories and gaining new territories and as he was becoming start of the art and becoming using more technology and challenging the law enforcement to stay one step ahead or keeping up with that type of technology and taking to us where we are today. >> when we come back, americans looked on in horror for years as mexicans battled over selling americans drugs. we talk more about that. this is "inside story."
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five million bounty on his head in the united states, indicted in new york, chicago, miami and texas. no word on his indictment and we continue the conversation now on the impact of his arrest and the impact on the drug trade and the relationships between mexico and the united states. was there a place where they choose the law enforcement. >> i look at 2009 and we held a gun summit and a drug summit mexico lead by the secretary of homeland and attorney general and counter parts from mexico and ice was represented and we sat down and talked about how we were going to focus on reducing vie ensz will and drug flow and the money across the border in
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cooperate with mexican counter parts and we really made it a point back then to work together closely with the mexican counter parts and that was a moment looking back, this is going to be a big priority, since 9/11 the focus had been on terror and the networks and this was on going in the background this took a front seat. >> is there e resentment in mexico the hunger for the substances to put into their bodies that is destabilizing mexico and it is really the americans that is giving the mexico a drug problem? >> there is something to it, if tomorrow the u.s. demand were to disus appear that would smaller the pie in mexico.
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that is a cop out on the mexican side. i say that as a mexican. if you look at other countries, i like to give this example, turkey is, the spring board for 75% of heroin reaching the european market. its homicide rate is 3 per one thousand. 7 times less than mexico. morocco, spring board for cocaine. their homicide rate 1.4 per thousand. the notion that most of the problems are driven by the drug trade and if that could magically disappear that is similarlying the problem. we need to deal with the
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problems. >> our mexican institutions from the view of the united states, improving, is it a stronger mexico taking hit today than erupting 20, 30 years ago. it is showing a stronger and more effective mexican institutions, certain institutions, not all of the institutions. a year and a half ago in mexico city there was a humor and malicious joke going around that the u.s. would give the tips to the mexican authorities and they came back and saying escaped through the backdrop. escaped through the back door. no spanish word for surround. we see the mexicans are capable of carrying out the complex binational about operations without the word leaking out. that is significant. >> o during the campaign, the
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president was very critical of the prior president on the war on drugs, the decision to use the security forces inside of the country to target the cartels. he kept the pressure on and has it done it? >> the president said during the campaign and then again he would not change the strategy but do some adjustments and to that extent he has fulfilled that promise. some things are new, deconcentration and centralization of the decision making of the interior, but some of the key components, most significantly the use of the armed forces for law enforcement uses and more significantly
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continued kingpin strategy and the constant use of federal troops to impose law and order around the country. that is still going on and no signs that is going to changing any time soon. >> we are close to the end of the time, i want impressions on this improved relationship points to him ever setting foot on american soil to stand trial? >> i think there is a possibility. it comes down to negotiations but there is a possibility. >> o what has to happen, daniel? >> there will be the requests for extradition and maybe return after a life sentence in mexico. >> multd approximately jurisdictions in the united states are saying no we want him. how does that get done inside of our own justice system?
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>> not well. often the u.s. attorney who has the most influence with the attorney generals that might be able to get the first crack at the apple. i don't know if we'll ever get him back. it is likely he'll spend time in the mexican prison. >> how long will this take i'm assuming a long time to work this out? >> a long time and maybe not until the next administration. >> daniel, john, thank you all. that brings us to the end of this "inside story." the program is over but the conversation is continuing. we want to hear what you think about this edition or any of the shows, see us online or at twitter, or reach me directly. see you for the next "inside story" in washington. i'm ray suarez.
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>> in 2009 peace came to sri lanka after 26 years of civil war. >> government troops had crushed the tamil tigers - a guerrilla force which had waged a brutal insurgency seeking self-rule for the tamils c a minority making up about 12 percent of sri lanka's population mainly living here in the north.
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