tv America Tonight Al Jazeera February 26, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm EST
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child abuse and drunk driving. those are the headlines. i am john siegenthaler seeing. see you back here. "america tonight with joy joie chen is up next. you can always get the latest on on "america tonight," ice boulders, ice jam. sure, it's winter. cold happens. but this is one for a lot of different record books and worries for what's ahead. >> when the ice comes up, if it comes out of the banks and it pushes up on the banks, anything in its way, it will push it out of the way. >> a new face-off? u cra ukraine. new clashes and questions about neighbor russia's military mo s
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moves. a bunch of amateurs. aging america: the village that nodes no bounds. meet two generations of seniors just learning how to get old. >> we simply understand each other. i think all of us are a little afraid of being up and downpand i hate people who take my elbow and try to help me across the street because i have white hair. i want to say, sonny, cut that out. ♪ good evening. thanks for joining us. i am joie chen. this is still weinter but with more artic air blowing south. it is become unbearable. it's creating a new threat. the problem is those fantastic
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skull structural ice forms on frozen rivers and lakes across north and what happens when they eventually melt? "america tonight" on why it is a buildup to trouble. >> this is the coldest, the most snow we ever had since years when i was a kid. >> whether it's getting colder or warming up, people all over the united states can't seem to cash a break from the bad weather. >> some are making the best of their frigid situation. for others, the only break they are getting is coming in the form of breaking ice. >> this ice, when it breaks loose is a powerful force. tears trees, docks. along the delaware river, the tents are making franz -- the temps are causing crunchy build up of ice pieces. it can be dangerous and lead to
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flooding. >> residents in illinois say it also pushes unpredictable pieces of ice into a path of destruction and some chunks are more than a foot think. >> the problem once it does start to flow, it gets up on land and it can shear off homes real quick >> along the allegheny river, randy brosnic has seen the ice jam phenomenon happen over the years. >> what will happen as the ice moves down the river, every time it jams, you are going to have water is going to come up. when the ice comes up, if it comes out of the banks and pushes up on the banks, anything that's in its way, it's going to push it out of the way. it's kind of like a frozen volcano. you can imagine lava going down the valuecano. this is the same pedestrianolca this is the same pedestrian. blo flooding has been a problem in lafayette, louisiana. >> flooding homes and evacuating residents.
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according to the national ocheanic and addmospheric administration, ice jams happen in various parts of the country every year. they occur most frequently in mop tanna and new york, minnesota and pennsylvania, and they can be deadly. the government reports at least seven people have died over the years during floods related to ice jams. >> laurie jane gleha, al jazeera. >> on the south shore of lake eerie, ohio has been hit by a double whammy, the city is known as the crowning jury of the south shore. the river runs through town. you can see from this video, the itsy, clogged vermillion river swelled. no one was injured but crews had to rescue several people. the town continues to keep close watch on those ice jams. homes along the river are at risk as thousands of gal options of icy water and tons of ice continue to push forward. joining us from vermillion is
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mayor eileen buett and operations manager for the city's port authority. we see you both are keeping close watch on what's going on the river there. describe it to us, madam mayor. tell us what it looks like. >> the ice looks 6 feet high and it's all over this entire area. it's staying here because the river is jammed at the railroad trestle. it probably won't go out until a thaw comes. >> what does that mean for you, mr. mccarthy, the manager of the port operations. i take it no one's moving very much in this port. >> well, it's weird. nobody is moving. our main objective is to get some of these ice jams careered out of here so we don't have future flooding. >> how do you get them clear? >> we have a barge with a hot tow on it, a backhoe machine type that breaks up the ice. it floats out into the lake.
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>> madam mayor, you were trying to get help from the coast guard over the weekend. >> yes, they did try to come in the vermillion harbor but it was too shallow. it needed 14 feet and we had 12 feet. they were only able to open the mouth of the river. >> is this normal? is this what happens there? >> every year, we have a thaw, but normally with the barge that the city hires and breaks up the ice, we might have minimal flooding but not to this extent usually. >> the concern is, though, the long-term question or, i guess, long-term here being whenever it warms up, there is a big risk that this is going to flood? >> correct. >> so describe that to me. i mean this area, you got residential areas along this? they call this the july of the south shore. you have a lot of residential area along the water? >> oh, yes. we have a lagoon area, very valuable homes in the area. you come down the river. all along the river, there are
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condominiums and other houses along the river. right now, the mouth of the river is shut. we need to get the mouth of the river open so that we can, you know, our own barge can come up and remove these or gets these jams moving along. we can't do that until the mouth is open. >> i will tell you, i grew up on lake michigan i have seen it get icy and big. it is quite dramatic to look at it. in this case, it's a threat to the your community and to others along the river there. right? >> yes, it is. >> that's why it's important that we get the mouth open as soon as possible. >> and there is -- there has been some question in other areas about the water, what's carried in it as the -- as the ice melts. there is some concern that it could pollute water drinking water in some communities. is that a risk for you there? >> no. we haven't had that problem at all no. >> are there other concerns, for example, for what might be carried downstream in this water? >> no more than comes down in any flood.
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fl flotsom, jetsom, logs, but nothing. >> have you prepared for the possibility after flood? you had some warming over the weekend. i guess that was kind of the early warning on this but as the bigger thaw happens, have you got plans in place for what are you going to do? sandba goode or move forward with flood control? >> well, sand bags really won't work on the river. we need to get the mouth open and the ice out. we do work closely with clearing county. they are helping us. we hope to, as soon as a thaw comes, we will break ice to see if we can get the mouth open. >> you are hearty folks in vermillion, ohio. i understand it's about zero degrees out there right now. we appreciate your being with us and taking time to talk to us about what's happening there, mayor eileen buland and bill mccarthy operations manager for the city's port authority. thank you very much? >> thank you. >> . looking to what's ahead in the east and west, al jazeera
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meteorologist kevin corveau is with us this evening. >> good evening. we are looking at extremely dangerous situation here across the northern plains. the temperatures, of course, they are very low. you don't see much weather up here. i will take you up closer. we have a little bit of snow going on. but it's really those temperatures and it's really the winds across much of this area. we are talking all the way from north dakota across towards michigan these are the warnings and advisories and watches out for this area. it's very, very busy. let's break it down just a little bit. first of all, the most priority here is for the blizzard warnings affecting north dakota and into parts of minnesota as well as here in eye whiowa. >> means gusty winds over 50 miles an hour as well as the snow that's on the ground will begin to dprift. >> could be three-foot drifts. very dangerous on the roads. we have, of course, winter storm warnings as well as the windchill. >> is going to be a major prop
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the temperatures right now are in the minus numbers. minneapolis is at 10. when you factor in that wind, this is what it feels like: if you are driving through this area, you need to be prepared. if your car breaks down, you need to know what to do, have proper protection if you need to get out of your car. minus 36 is what it feels like right now in fargo, north dakota. as we go for the next couple of da days, things don't get better as we go toward friday morning. this is minus 30. >> that's without the windchill. when you factor in the windchill, it is going to feel like minus 40 or minus 45 degrees. now, a much different story here across the western -- west coast. we are looking at rain in the forecast. actually, it's already begun. we are looking at a lot of rain actually. this is a drought-stricken area. we have been talking about the drought about two years now across most of the region. we will get quite a bit of rain. thursday is going to be a little bit of a break from the rain. we will get late showers all the way up the coast, all the way past san francisco. friday, it is going to be
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extremely rainy day. we expect to see most of the heavy rain down here. we are very, very close to los angeles, anywhere from five inches to seven inches. and if you know los angeles, that is extreme amount of rain. we are talking flash flooding going on across the region as well as mud slides and landslides because they have been affected by wildfire burns as well. up to the north, we are looking at heavy snow. how about thirty inches of snow? good thing about that, that is going to be the reservoir as we go towards the spring as well as into the summer. as we go toward saturday, things again to diminish just a little bit. we are going to be seeing those rain showers peter off, sunday and monday. we are looking to go back to normal conditions. form, the long-term forecast over the next three months puts us back into the same scenario we are looking at some very dry conditions for most of the area as well as overly warm conditions as well. so this is going to be a big problem. we had rain showers across the southeast. those are finally tampering off.
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>> ken, thanks very much. after the break, the threat uganda's gay community. >> this is sexual terrorism. >> coming out and going back into hiding. why gay ugandans live in fear for their lives and a view of oppression across the world. also ahead on this program, ukraine, why there is growing concern old allies could be brewing new troubles.
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decline service to the lgbt community on religious grounds. jan brewer's decision comes on the same day that texas's ban is determined unconstitutional. as the united states continues top debate marriage equality, members of lgbt are facing an n onslaught of anti-gay laws. they have already caused donor nations to threaten to cut off aid to uganda as sheila mcvicker reports, the roots of homophobia in uganda run deep. >> same-sex relationships until uganda have been illegal since before this country became independent. befo until then, no one has ever been convicted. >> may be about to change. this week, the president signed into law a new bill crimin criminalizing support for the lgbt community. >> you can be homosexual purely
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by nature. society can do something about it to discourage the trends. >> that's why i have agreed to sign the bill. >> the law makes being gay a crime for what's called aggravated sexual grievances. >> someone who off issue 80s or lisa building can get up to seven years in jail. at this a wildly popular move t.
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>> we thank him. >> it is terrifying uganda's gay community. the newspaper "red pepper" outted people it claimed were gay. the headlines screaming exposed" uganda's 200 top homo's named. people have been targeted and attacked. >> that is very dangerous. it is more dangerous than the law, itself. this is like telling ugandas, you should act now, you know. >> in what way. >> act upon these people because they are illegal. they are known for violence, you know, if there is a law frank ugisha is one of the most prominent lbgt activists. he was the first to be awarded the robert f. kennedy human rights award. he is in washington now but will return to uganda soon.
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>> at some point, someone has to take the sacrifice and stand up. it's very difficult, but we have to do it because this is the thing: if we go quiet, then gay activists have been killed: this man was accused of recruiting ugandan youth into homosexuality, a charge frequently made. he was murdered in his home. >> "they" were evangelical christians who is preach homophobia to growing numbers of
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uganda ugandans. this preacher crusades against gays. his sermons made the anti-gay law the country's number 1 issue. >> anyone has a problem with the bible says man shall not lie with another man against the lord. it is not me. you have a problem against god! >> the ugandan movement had been fueled by american evangelical preachers >> the game movement is an evil institution that's goal is to defeat the marriage-based society. >> scott lively was one of three american evangelical preachers who came to uganda in 2009 to speak out about gays and how africans can, quote, protect themselves. before we pray, i want you to know what homo sense wails do and you can weep when you see someone promoting something evil. >> most of the hate has been largely influenced by the
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preaching of american extreme evangelical groups who have said homosexuals are recruiting children and here to change african values. ment, an agenda coming into uganda to turn uganda into -- ugandans into homosexuals. >> what's the mood like. >> i am worried about people. people are worried me. i am just hoping that it doesn't get bad. >> the president said he avoided signing this bill for at least two years but lgbt activists say powerful evangelical past orders threatened they would instruct large congregations to sdwo vote for his opponent or not show up at the polls until unless he passed the bill. this has huge popular support. >> american tonight, thank you for being here.
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83 other countries have laws against same-sex partners. some it is punishable by death. >> the international gay and lesbian human rights commission joins us. jessica, appreciate your being here. i want to underscore this point. this is not a situation that is exclusive to uganda or africa in general or particular faith groups? >> you are absolutely right, joie. thank you for making that point. uganda is not alone in its crackdown. we recently saw the same-sex marriage prohibition law in nigeria, the anti-gay propaganda law be institutionalized in russia. in india, one of the most beautiful lower court rulings i have ever seen to speak to human rights and universal justice was recently overturned by independent supreme court in its
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decision to uphold the country's sodomy law. uganda is not alone its treatment of lgbt people. >> let's look at the united states. we referred to some of the laws now in controversy in legislatures around the country. generally, do we find that in the united states, gays are safer? >> lgbt people in the united states live with a high level of safety insecurity. there is no question about that. but to the gay teen who finds themselves homeless because their parents reject them, to the trans gender person who can't get a job because of equipment discrimination or the lesbian who experience gender based violence because of who she is and how she loves, then the united states can feel like the worst place on earth to be lgbt. the important thing is that people are fighting for change in the united states and abroad. >> also, i referred to this earlier, but i do want to ask
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you. i mean what do you think about the reledgeous connotations? is it more likely that there will be certain forms of oppression in particular faith-based countries? >> i -- i almost wish it were that simple. but i look at the example of chile which recently passed a gender identity recognition bill in its senate 29 to zero. it will be, when it eventually passes into law, one of the most progressive gender identity recognition bills in the world. and there is no question that the catholic church is a form i hadible influence throughout politics. i don't think rights fall simply along religious lines. i think there are a range of factors, politics, religion, economics and ideas about gender and sectixuality that impact ho people are safe or not. >> a quick thought: is there any effort at, say, embargos or sanctions against countries like uganda that have initiated these very tough laws?
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>> this is an incredibly controversial issue. there is a lot of debate about this. the uganda and lgbt movement is in heavy debate. civil society activists called for foreign governments to review their policies on foreign aid to uganda. they didn't call for foreign governments to withdraw aid. and this is a very important distinction that i hope governments around the world hear. >> said, some governments have already made decisions about how the anti-homosexuality bill and now law will affect their aid to uganda and the government of denmark was one of the first to change its policies saying its hundreds of millions of dollars a year will no longer be given to the ugandan government, but it will be distributed among civil society in uganda. >> jessica sturn, thanks. >> thank you. after the break, on "america
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tonight" neighbors with a long difficult history. whi why russia's latest moves raise concerns for ukraine's future. an unlikely a leader as you could expect to find in jackson, mississippi. >> i am a change agent. i wouldn't know what to do if i wasn't fighting for change. >> the remarkable life and sudden passing of shakw shakwe lamumba.
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the feds filed a lawsuit against itt, one of the largetest for-profit colleges in the country alleging they pushed and pressured students into loans that many could not pay back. 64% of the loans it provided are expected to default. itt has schools in nearly 40 states. >> the state of missouri executed its fourth deck row inmate in as many months. michael taylor was given a legal injection and was pronounced dead shortly after midnight. his attorneys argued it would cause inhumane pain and suffering. it did not appear that taylor suffered. violent protests began weeks ago in carakus are spedding through venzuela. protesters in san cristobal will taking up malatov cocktails claiming they have a need to defend themselves. hoping to stop the violence that's already taken at least 14 lives, the venzuelan protest called for a peace conference and pope francis asked for a
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peaceful resolution. the latest flash point is in the conduct earn part of the country, crimea, home to the black sea fleet and a center of opposition to the protest movement that has taken over the ukraine government. growing proceed russian demonstrate orders as well as the military presence have raised fears the conflict could he escalate. jennifer glass there. there have been, of course, protests and a great deal of tension there as well, jen >> reporter: that's right, joie. people are unhappy here. they say they are russian. they say they are part of russia. they say they share russian traditions and tensions are running very high here they feel what's happening in kiev has nothing to do with them. it happened quickly. they have been outlawed. then over ruled and they feel they really don't have a part in the rest of ukraine. >> some people weren't happy to see our camera. because we are foreign, they think we won't tell the truth.
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the flags are russian, not ukrainian and saylor netaparink blames the west for what's happening in kiev? >> i am not happy. first of all, it was ignite from outside. europe and america support. >> it has been a naval base since the late 18th century. home to russia's black sea fleet. >> another old sailor says aleak answers here are clear. >> 90% of the people here are russian. the russian fleet is here. we have russian traditions. it's all russian here. >> that's why they think what's happening in kiev is such a problem. >> the people here seem very angry about the fact that ukrainian has been named the official language. it makes them feel left out since virtually everyone here speaks russian. >> they say they will stand their ground to be able to keep their ways.
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crimea was always a part of russia. in soviet times they gave it away. there was no treaty. now, there is. the russians have a lease to keep their fleet here until 2042. >> that's unless the new government tries to renegotiate. there are new barricades on the edge of the city. they are on the watch for any outsiders. buses head an hour's drive away and there they clash with supporters who support the new government in kiev. minority tartars. 20 people very many been injured so far in the dispute over whether crimea should stay ukrainian or return to russia. jennifer glass, al jazeera, ukraine. tensions running high here as russia starts military exercises not far from here on the border with ukraine. >> will make people here in
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crimea feel a little bit safer. it will make folks in the rest of ukraine very uneasy. >> certainly, jen, we have been talking about the situation as ukrainians are trying to development their new government, put everything in place. this is a pretty complex time. >> it is a complex time. they need to get a government in place as quickly as thing. they are trying to get atritional government in place by tomorrow, by thursday. because without a prime minister, without a government, they can't negotiate with anybody. they can't talk to any international bodies did. they can't formally talk to other governments even though we have seen foreign ministers come in, katherine ashton. eu foreign minister was in a few days ago, ministers coming in on friday. they need a government in place. they need financial assistance. ukraine is very close to default. they only were able to get a budget together this year because russia promised them $15,000,000,000. that was in december. >> is all on hold. everything has changed. so there is a lot to do in this
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country as things change and, of course, here in crimea, it's always been very separatist. it's been a russian enclave really ever since forever. most of the people down here are russian. it only became part of ukraine in 1978. and for the most part, they have always ignored kiev so it's something kiev now has to worry about and watch and be careful about. >> and in ukraine, itself, and ukraine proper, outside of crimea, there is a question about security forces and the strength of security forces in the country. >> that's right. in kiev, it's actually rather astonishing. in the city of kiev, it's all being pat trolled by a civil defense force, by an opposition civil defense force. wisaw today the official -- we saw today the officials in kiev, the operating government, as it were, disband. those are theright police. these are the guys that are blamed for the terrible violence last week that killed dozens of
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civilian protesters in and around independence square at the height of the fighting. there is a lot of healing to do as well. but, you know, when you start disbanding forces like this, when you start changing things, you can create a little bit of uneasiness, unrest and what they don't want is a vacuum. they also don't want anyone having power that shouldn't have you ever have power. it's a tricky time for new officials. there is no official government in plates. there is an acting president. there is a parliament, but it is a very tenuous time for ukraine right now, joie. >> jennifer glass with us from sebastipol. in passing this hour, an important figure of the u.s. civil rights movement, chalk weigh lamumba, the unlikely mayor of jackson, mississippi died tuesday of heart failure at the age of 66. in his election last summer, he shocked even his most ardent supporters winning almost 90% where you couldn't possibly expect to find a community
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leader who came from the black nationalist movement. we met him when "america tonight's" visited jackson days after his inauguration. >> all right. the reality is, is that revolution is a good idea. it's not a bad idea. >> he may have been the most radical mayor of any major u.s. city. as a lawyer, he represented black panthers. before that, he was a leader of the republic of new africa, a black nationalist group. he was controversial among some of his constituents in jackson, mississippi. >> do you think you can change the culture of mississippi? >> i think that i can be a part of a change. okay? i think that jackson has to be a part of the change. >> . >> how are you doing. >> we caught up with him days after his inauguration as he adjusted to life as mayor of the largest city in mississippi? >> i have a lot of respect for him. he is a man of his word. >> what's going on, man? >> the mayor's radkill cal
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history didn't scare away his supporters. at this diner on jackson's south side, they lined up to shake his hand. >> what do you think of the new mayor? >> i think he is fantastic. >> you did? >> his political journey began at a young age. as a child, he was deeply affected by the death of emmet ti. l, a 14-year-old murdered by racists. >> eight years old my mom opened the jet magazine and showed me the maimed body of emmett 'til till. she explained to us, not om is it a problem with these few people who did this. america has a problem. america's problem is racism. >> 1968, the assassination of martin luther king pushed him to take action. he later joined the republic of new africa advocating for a separate black nation formed out of the southern states.
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>> at the time, you have to remember, we were locked out of government. and so it was very important, i think, for black people to hav a spot on earth where they controlled some land and some economy and to do some things were are important. >> is that still a good idea? >> yes. you know, the republic of africa is to go state to the u.n. so they could vote on national index but with the voting right options we got now, we can try to do some of that self determination work inside of the american electoral system. >> the mayor made no apologies for his beliefs. >> i am a change agent. i wouldn't know what to do if i wasn't fighting for change. >> revolutionary. >> it's revolution. i don't have no problems speaking of revolution. it's what king talked about. it's what jesus christ talked about. so that's what we have to have. we have to have dynamic change to make society better. >> black residents of jackson overwhelmingly voted for president obama. but for mayor lamumba, obama was
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too conservative. >> no disrespect to president obama, but i wanted the people that was in the trenches that made it possible for president obama to get to where he is at, president obama never marched a street demanding to end the police brutality. he never stood in front of the klan and said you aren't going to march here right? i have done those and more. it's not just about having a black face in the white house. it's about having the kind of character and the kind of ideas in the white house that's going to change the world. >> lamumba didn't get a chance to make those changes he desired. he died of natural causes at the age of 66, serving less than eight months in jackson city hall. adam may, al jazeera, mississippi. a look ahead here on our program: been there, done that. he has been the top cop in america's toughest city, led crux at reicher's eye lapped and tried to bring safety toray. he will explain why he has changed his mind about some
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elements of the u.s. judicial system? >> if we continue to incarcerate black men at the same rate we have for the last 30 years, 30 years from now, probably 75% of every black man in this country is going to be incarcerated or under the judicial thumb of the justice department ort some justice system. is that what we want? is that what the system was created for? the system is broken. the system has to be fixed. >> former nypd commissioner bernie carric. k learned on the other side. >> that's thursday. a hard look at how america does justice. an "america tonight" special report: crime and unusual punishment, this friday, 9:00 eastern on al jazeera america. up next here, it really does take a village. >> everybody needs a little bit of help sometimes. eventually, maybe some of us will need a lot of help a lot of
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coming up on "consider this" arizona's battle over gay rights. should the u.s. put ethical restrictions on the countries we give money to. also, the army purges ranks of soldiersfo a wide variety of infractions, many involving sexual abuse. a prom innocent supporter of the venzuelaan government. is there a trillion dollar demand for older models? we will see you at the top of the hour. now to aging america and the conversation about the tough
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challenges of growing old. with more living longer, the need for care is growing. in some senior communities, it takes a village. >> we mcback. sits tough getting older. i tripped and broke my collarbone. >> she is aging. the new hampshire went he shows little mercy sglfrnings about four or five years ago, i found myself not being able to do everything that i used to be able to. i would do everything. the 63-year-old lives in a cabin built by her father. the memories are real. so is maintenance. keeping pipes from freezing is overwhelming. >> i have no water in the winter. the heat is primarily the wood
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stove. you need to have somebody. >> having guys come over and stack the wood has been a godsend much she will need more by thend of the winter. >> they aren't a couple of college kids. dwight shank is 67. larry davis is 53. she is here by herself. it is kind of in the backwoods type of thing. so, you know, it is pretty important for us to get a good supply of wood here for her. >> i knew they were going to be mostly retired people. >> they are part of a village a new community that helps older people help each other, their village stretches through seven different towns in western new hampshire, all surrounding the manatanak mountain dwight shank grew up in the shadow of the mountain. >> i think it's as good as well get for now and should be okay.
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after a drecareer in boston, in this retired and on the land he loves has it gotten harder? >> yes. i used to downhill ski. >> what about the maintenance? >> that's a big part of living here. when you get up in the morning, you may have had a foot of snow, you have to clear the driveway being before. you have to rake it off of the roof. >> he is physically able. because he is retired, he has the free time to help others. he knows not too long from now, he will be on the receiving end. >> it made sense to me in terms of something good to do with my time but also something that i wanted to have available when i got to the point where i wasn't able to bring wood or below the snow blower or do those things to stick it out. dwight has done some recruiting for the tougher jobs. at 53, larry is the youngster of
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the group and kind of acts like it. larry doesn't spend much time thinking about who will be taking care of him one day. >> i have lived the type of lifestyle where i never thought i was going to make it to see 50. >> really? >> i have been on borrowed time most of my life. i have pushed it to some extremes with hiking in the weather, skiing mount washington and a few other things that were downing right dangerous. >> close to 7,000 times. >> do you get tired? >> if you want to get better, you have to push it harder. >> the birthdays keep rolling by despite larry's best efforts? >> all right. going to the top. we can do it. helping other seniors at ground level, he calls that good karma. >> 65 is when everything
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changes. when everything becomes, suddenly one day you were old. you didn't know it the day before but at 65 you are old. >> susan mcwinney morris came up with the idea of senior villages here in the beacon hill neighborhood of boston 12 years ago. >> everybody needs a little bit of help sometimes. and eventually, maybe some of us will need a lot of help a lot of the time. >> why is it important that the models is involved in seniors helping seniors? >> we simply understand each other. i think all of us are a little afraid of being pandered to, being dumbed down. i hate people who take my elbow and try to help me across the street because i have white hair. i want to say, "sonny, cut that out". >> 8,000 americans are turning 65 every day. she says they need something to do, to keep them off of the streets. retirement can be a little boring. >> the working world essentially stops at 65. and you have 30 more years to
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go. >> helping other older seniors is one way to fill up the time. larry davis and dwight shank are making their morning rounds. >> good morning, chuck. how are you doing? good to see you. >> how are you. >> this is chris? >> niece to meet you. >> today's task, bringing the snow tires up from the basement and catching up with friends. >> we want them in the trunk. prius. >> it's not often but it's when we need it, when we call for help. >> bobby and tuck gilbert are retired. >> plans for lunch? >> fathert we are in our 80s. we were beginning to need help. >> tuck was a minister. he has seen people grow old and planned accordingly. they bought a home that would be easy to age in and they have stopped lifting heavy things. but, there is only so much you can plan for. >> how long do you think that you will be able to stay in your home? do you have any idea? >> i have no idea. >> i don't know how long we will
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live. questions about life and death come up often. >> death is part of the way life is. and there is no kidding ourselves about it. but people sometimes say, oh, don't talk about death. why the heck not? it's there. it's going to happen. >> but there are still questions, lots of questions. >> we know one of is is going to die before the other one does. that means somebody having to choose to live alone. would we want to stay here? i can't answer that. wol find that out. >> we often said reynold, we have never green old before. we have a lot to learn. >> we are beginners at this. >> bobbi is giving her husband cooking less options just in case. >> i have never liked cooking, and i am not very good at it. >> bobbi takes special efforts to keep me learning how to cosof i am alone or if she is in the hospital for a long time or a
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nursing home. i really don't like the idea of living alone. >> he won't be alone thanks to their shared community. but for all of the benefits, there are some drawbacks. >> i actually got quite involved with one of our members on a whole variety of things. i was working with her on her computer and on her exercise machine, and sometimes we would just chat for a bit. i very much enjoyed her, and she had a sudden death that probably hit me as hard as anything realticently aside fro own family members. >> it's not part of the job description. >> it was not. i am not sure we shouldat add that but it's there. >> dwight says he has no regrets. just being part of her life, part of this community and being able to help was worth it. christoph putzsel, al jazeera, jaffrey, new hampshire. >> our special series: aging
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america could nots next too on this program with rob on the for grandma? >> it scares the day lights out of me. >> did you ever think in your wildest imagination that at the age of 86 you would live here in this house with this robot? >> no. never. different things have come up through the years that you have to acclimate to, but this is extreme. >> that's thursday on "america tonight." we want to reach out to caregivers. te tell us your stories. you can find more of our series of reports at tweet us with the hash tag: aging america. ahead on our final thoughts: a warm layer of humanity, helping a boy without a coat and millions more in syria. a viral hidden camera project next.
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al jazeera america. finally, from us this hour, we talk about what makes a difference: how do you get people to move from sympathy to action? an unusual campaign attempts to bring come palinpassion from fr cold >> reporter: this is joha. this n, 11 years old, sitting clearly freezing apparently all alone at a bus stop in the norwegian capitol, oslo. a hidden camera captured the
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reaction from strangers. they saw him teeth chattering in the cold. [speaking native toungue.) >> one by onetion they offer him the clothes off their backs. in a show of sim beelith and basic humankindness. pathy and c humankindness. the non-property group, sos children's village released the footage to inspire action. >> the inspiration was actually the work that we have been doing in sos children village in syria where the winter has been harsh
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an especially towards the children and families that are internally displaced in syria because of the war. this conflict and this war has been going on for three years and we have been seeing all of this horrible images from the war from the situation the people and return are in. it is easy to get mnumb. we tried to tell the story in a different way. to try to identify more with the situation of the children. >> more than two and a half million people have fled the fighting in syria. the u.n. says roughly half of them are children forced to live in make-shift shelters during what's been a bitterly cold winter in the middle east. more than a million more are displaced within syria. >> number is steadily rising.
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>> it is there in different camps handing out blankets and coats. >> the impact has beentre. we have had response from all over the world. i think about 15 million people all together that has viewed the film. we've had a great success withes our fundraising campaign in norway. >> means that we are able to provide children and families in a horrible situation in syria with the help that they need so desperately. children are the same. if they freeze in norway or syria, it's our responsibility to help them keep warm and to stand up for their rights and to really care. >> remember the hidden camera was done in oslo, nor wafrments.
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in t -- norway they have raised 10 times the original goal. >> that's it for us here on "america tonight" remember if you would like to comment on any stories you have seen here log onto al jazeera/americatonight. please join the conversation with us on twitter or at our facebook page. good night. we will have more of "america tonight" tomorrow. >> did you ever think that you'd be living with robots? >> no, never! >> tomorrow on al jazeera america. welcome do al jazeera tonight. jan brewer vetoed a bill that would have allowed business owners the right to refuse service to gays on religious
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grounsdz. she said the bill creates more problems than it solves. >> we are hoping that russia will not see thisds. she said the bill creates more problems than it solves. >> we are hoping that russia will not see this as sort of a continuation of the cold war. >> secretary of state john kerry warning russia against military action in ukraine. the nominees for the nutritional government in kiev will face a vote by the ukrainian parliament tomorrow. after a comprehensive sexual assault review of the u.s. military, the army is disqualifying almost 600 soldiers. the soldiers all work in so-called positions of trust and are accused of a series of infractions from drunk driving to child abuse. a congressional report says 19,000 u.s. customers used overseas banks to evade taxes and defraud the government and the report says the justice department has not pushed swiss bankers hard enough to reveal the names of those americans. those are the headlines this hour. i am john siegenthaler seeing. see you back here at 11 eastern
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8 pacific time. soccer for all, a nearly indestrustable ball that let's kids play in some of the roughest places. consider this with antonio morrow is am coming up next. i will see you at 11:00. >> arizona's anti-gayu-gay bill vetoed but a country that receives billions of aid could send gaze to jail for life. should we put moral clauses on foreign funding. the rank and fired why the u.s. army is getting rid of dozens of soldiers. countlessva venzuelans. imagine taking the dog for a walk and coming home with $10 million in treasurer. hello, i am antonio morrow. welcome to "conde
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