tv Consider This Al Jazeera February 27, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST
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>> they feel that they were left out antonio of what has been happening in kiev. one thing that particularly angered people here is the fact that the new authorities in kiev, one of the first things they did was make ukranian the official language of the country. most people here speak russian. and that made people feel very left out and very angry. and that is what we have been seeing here in crimea as we have been here over the last few days. crimea is used to be a part of russia. there must be fear in ukraine
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about keeping it separate. is there a danger that crimea and other parts of the eastern ukraine could want to somehow split off from the rest of the country? >> well, i think they very much want to make sure that the ties with russia stay not the same certainly as strong as they are largely industrial soviet area industrial. and 70% of the industrial exports go to russia. so, much of it's economy is dependent on russia. the ties very, very close. obviously you have the borders very close here. crimea, russia's black sea fleet is here. so many -- there is a lot of the economy is connected here in crimea. so, i don't know about splitting off. no one is talking separatism and perhaps that was an encouraging sign for them today. they are still talking about autonomy. but if you talk to people in
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the streets, many of them say that they really want to stand with russia and be with russia. they are frightened about who the people are in kiev. you to have understand that russian television stations are here for weeks calling the demonstrators this n kiev facists, terrorists, they call it a coup, an armed uprising. so that has made people here very frighten and worried. there is a big climate of fear about who those people are. new checkpoints have sprung up outside of all of the cities on all of the roads. and that is what these armed men say they are doing. they say they are protecting the people. >> jennifer glasse as always thank you for your time. >> for more on ukraine and the u.s. reaction of what is going on there. we are joined by the author of soviet fates and lost alternatives to the new cold war. he is a contributing editor
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for the nation. and we are also joined with the editor and publisher of the nation magazine. it is great to have you both with us. i want to start with you. you just heard jennifer glasse talking about the situation in crimea. how worried are you about this big divide between the pro russians and ukranians? >> well, let's leave worry aside and do analysis. what is happening, i fear is the descending of a new cold war divide between west and east. but not this time in far away berlin, far from russia but right plunk on russia's borders, right through ukraine, which means through the heart of russia's historical civilization. even if ukraine doesn't for mallly split into two states as it might, but this divide isn't going away. and if i'm right, think what that now means. a new cold war with all the
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dangers of the old one but now right on russia's borders. that can't be good for anybody. >> from the government perspective in the u.s., what does that mean. geo politically ukraine is crucial. it is the biggest european country and it is a big border with russia crimea as we have said was part of russia in the past. so, what does the u.s. do given the importance? >> well secretary of state john kerry has been in touch with his colleague, neither country wants to intervene at this stage. in america, let's understand first of all there is no lust or desire on the part of the american people to intervene and get entangled in global war. we have seen that. we saw that with syria. it is interesting that foreign minister and john kerry have already over syria last august worked out a diplomatic approach. i think the eu, the united states and russia have to be deeply concerned about a very grim reality.
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ukraine is bankrupt. probably needs 35 billion in short assistance. russia has been subsidizing natural gas. is the eu, which is already dealing with austerity politics to bail out, is the united states which needs to rebuild at home and invest in infrastructure ready to intervene in another country. so there are real limits on both countries, the united states and russia. >> though kerry and labarov have been talking to each other. russia went right ahead and conducted a massive drill with 150,000 troops right on the border of ukraine. you have written that you are concerned that the american media and american government has demonized vladimir putin. i'll ask you the worry question. what do you see happening? >> the absolute worst could happen. the worst would be hot war that russia would cross the border into crimea that is a russian enclave on russia's
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border and nato would send its troops into the western. and that could happen, that almost happened in 2008, which was a proxy war. it is important to ask not to point the finger, but to find a way out. who is responsible for this danger of a new cold war on russia's borders? who is responsible? now the american press, washington, the whole media, except you guys says putin is responsible, putin is a devil. put dinh all this. that is not what happened. tell you a fact. in november, when all this began and the protesters came on the streets in kiev to protest that the president of kiev democratically elected though not a good guy would not sign the agreement with the eu, what did putin say? >> why does ukraine have to choose. why must it be either or? why can't we work out a deal where russia and europe help ukraine? >> -- wait a minute. >> but how he wanted to keep
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ukraine -- >> excuse me. this is something nobody wants to here hear. if you don't want to hear it, nobody will. putin said don't make it either or. we will join europe in helping ukraine. and europe and washington, d.c. said no. you crane has to choose between us and russia. that's the question you have to ponder. why did we say no? >> and it shouldn't be a zero sum game. >> i understand that point but you do have a russian president who is saying the collapse of the soviet union is the biggest tragedy and talking about wanting to keep ukraine within its influence. >> part of the problem goes back to the root cause which is nato. at the end of the cold war. a great statesman said one of the great eras of the post cold war era was that we expanded nato. you have to look at the post soviet space. every -- almost every post soviet country has u.s. military bases or nato encroaching on it. but put that aside.
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this is a moment where if the eu, united states and russia want to find a way to stabilize ukraine. want to ensure that the far right, ex freemennist elements have been inflamed in this atmosphere do not come to the fore, boy do they have an imperative to work together. i can't believe the back channels this knows countries aren't working overtime. and labrov because diploes massey involves people. he had a good relationship with john kerry and did not with hillary chinon. >> something else that steve inbrought about the conversation that was leaked. you said the essential revelation was high level u.s. officials were plotting to midwife a new anti-russian ukranian government by ousting or new centralizing the demically elect president, that is a coup. would a coup really have been in u.s. interests? obviously that has ended up
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happening. thank you. obviously that is what happened. and we are embasing it. did it seem to be a popular uprising to a great extent. >> hold on just a second. just a second. tough guys with masks over their face carrying weapons in the streets are dictating to the elected parliament new legislation and by are going to say okay that's a popular uprising? in 45 million people. >> there is certainly extreme elements. >> let me disagree with steve just a bit because i do think that there were elements which at the outset wanted to push back against a corrupt system. but the extremists have won out. they were the strongest elements. you see it in the moderate opposition which the eu was desperate to prop up. they were losing out. the impact of an extremists ukranian government on geo political politics or the u.s.
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would be -- >> you know what colin powell used to say? you break it, you own it. >> the united states doesn't want to own it. >> excuse me. we broke it and now own it, why do we own it? remember what happened last friday. washington and the european union brokered what they said was a way out. including the president of the country. included new elections in december. included x, z, everyone agreed. foreign minister said great. the next day, the paper had been overthrown by the people in the streets. what does the united states do now that they say we are sorry or never mind? >> ethis trying to put a good face on a terrible situation. you know what else they are doing? now that they have got to cough up 35 billion they are turning to putin and saying remember two weeks ago you offered 15 can we have it now. >> as katrina said it will be -- >> it is a sobering reality. it is a pleasure to have you both here. thank you for coming in. >> turning now to the ongoing
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crisis in venezuela. have the protesters and the opposition reached a crossroads. a peace conference was attended by opposition business leaders but not by political leaders. and the president declared thursday and friday holidays in advance of next week's caranva which means they will be shut down for a week. will it stop the momentum they had? joining us now representative of one of the student organizations. he has been among the student leaders of the demonstrations that have at times paralyzed the country. good to have you with us. what has the reaction been among opposition of the peace conference yesterday? some of the top business leaders in the country the head of venezuela's largest company were there. >> yes, hi, thank you. thank you for this opportunity.
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actually yesterday in this convention while madura was talking about peace and dialogue, one student was being shot. many students were being detained and suffering vial frenches the government. so the situation here in venezuela we have two realities. the reality madura wants to show on television and the reality we are living on the streets. streets are full of violence and abuses from the government, representation and abuses from para military groups from the government and students trying to fight against this situation. >> but how much violins is there on the patter of the demonstrators too because there has been some evidence of that. yesterday we had a government supporter on the show who argued that there is a lot of violence coming from the students and the opposition. >> well, in these days of 15 people killed, we had 700
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people who have been protesting, detained. and we have students who have suffered abuses. what we are asking for a justice. we have no guns, no weapons. the government is the only group who has guns and violence. and power. we have no violence and we fight against the police or the army. we only want people to talk about the situation. we are totally peaceful and we want no confrontation and fights between venezuelans. so the violence is not from our side. >> what kind of demonstrations were there today? >> well today we had more than 10,000 people to el rosal, an
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avenue here. we all demonstrate our intention. we want dialogue. we want to talk, trying to find a solution to the crisis here in venezuela. but we won't sit at the same table with maduro while he is torturing students. we want to demand the immediate release of all students who are unjustly detained and we want to make sure we are going to have a better situation in the violence crisis. we are having 47 people killed every day by violence. we are having a crisis in food, an economic crisis. we have food scarcity and we are living in severe censorship here. if maduro wants to solve this crisis and situation and wants to sit with us and talk about the crisis going on, he has to show a real commitment with the situation. for me it is way easier to talk to you guys outside of
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venezuela and outside of venezuela than having an interview in a tv channel here. so we are in a critical situation and ask nicholas maduro to get involved in the problem and get solutions to respond to the people and not to political speeches and trying to increase popularity and bringing venezuelans into fighting each other. >> if he releases the students and other political prisoners, you would be willing to sit down and talk. what do you want? you are not demanding an ouster of the government, are you? >> yes, we are not demanding maduro to go out of office. we are demanding the government to change the way they are running the country. if the government commits releasing the students who are unjustly detained and political leaders, if the government changes the economical policy in order to warrant people to get access to food. if you go to a public super
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market you will see long long-lines of people and they can't go inside the super market until the military tells them to go. they can't buy whatever they want. three days ago there was another that people can only buy once a week in public super markets. if you go to private super markets you find people fighting each other, hitting each other for one liter of milk or one pound of coffee. so we are living a silent war. we are living a confrontation between venezuelans and if maduro wants to change this situation, the student movement will be there, changing the situation and finding solutions. if maduro doesn't answer this question and doesn't commit with the reality we are living, of course people will try to find changes. but that is -- that political changes are related to political leaders and people trying. >> i want to get a quick final question in. carnavale has been extended. the government supporter we
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had thinks that the protests are winding down. do you think carnavale will deflate the protests? >> okay well today we start it here in caracas. we talked to the people and said there is no carnavale, there is no beach or vacation for venezuelans because a student who died two weeks ago, he won't have carnava. another student who was shot in the head won't have carnavale. here is the commitment where the students movement, there is no varnavale and i change having that for a better country. if i have to stop going to the beach and make sacrifices and getting involved in the situation in order to get a change in venezuela we will be there. nicholas maduro can change vacations. that isers responsibility for him because what is happening is not solved with vacations.
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what is going on is not solved with beach. what is going on here in the streets and what is happening here for us needs real solutions and responsibility from the government. i understand the situation here in caracas. we understand that the people demand immediate changes and if nicholas maduro thinks he will solve the country sis telling people to go to the beach he is completely wrong and will respond and receive the answer of people next sunday we well be on the streets on the day typically people go to the beach all people from caracas will be on march and say we want changes. >> thank you very much for joining us and talking about the venezuelan situation. appreciate it. coming up, putting yourself on the line to protect others. a nuclear engineer is fired after talking about clean-up at the most toxic site in america. also a global day of action to free al jazeera journalists in egypt. and a look at the threat to
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imprisoned al jazeera journalists in egypt. three al jazeera english journalists have been detained in egypt for 61 days. in all, 20 al jazeera staff are part of ongoing proceedings. charges include having links to terrorist organizations and spreading false news. al jazeera rejects all charges and continues to demand the unconditional release of its staff. on thursday, thousands of protesters and dozens of countries around the world marked the movement saying journalist is not a crime. the movement, even reached capitol hill. hank johnson lent his support. >> i rise to all the call attention to the continued imprisonment of journalists in egypt and to restrictions on press freedoms worldwide. >> as protests reverberated from cairo to the u.s. white house sporksman carney
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spoke out against the imprisonments. >> we remain deeply concerned about the lack of freedom of press. the government's targeting of journalists on questionable claims is wrong and demonstrates is disregard for the protection of basic rights and freedoms. we are closely watching the trial of al jazeera staff and journalists in egypt. >> let's bring in our photojournalist who knows the three al jazeera english journalists. he was in cairo for the three year anniversary and was held captive in syria. we are joined by david keys in washington, d.c. and executive director of advancing human rights an organization focused on advancing liberties. g good to have you both on the show. on capitol hill, what were you trying to accomplish? >> today we met with congressional staff from the left and right spectrum. and were there in in order to
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get them to commit to the idea of changing the street names of embassies of dictatorships to those of political prisoners. it is an idea i raised and they accepted the professionals and we are moving forward and i very much hope that egypt -- egyptian embassies can be maimed for political prisoners. this was done in 1984. and we hope to change the streets in front of the embassies of iran, syria, egypt, china, return and many other countries. that hold political prisoners. >> symbolic gestures. but do you feel there is an intention to help out reporters around the world? >> it depends. i think there are some members of congress who are committed and others are just paying lip service. so long as the white house refuses to condition aid to improvements in human rights, i think the egyptians will feel that they have a free
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hand. the amendment of 1975 tied most favored nation status to the right of free immigration. and given the billions of dollars sent to the dictatorship we have a responsibility and opportunity to advance basic human rights simply by conditioning that aid to respect for freedom of speech and the freedom of these detakenned journalists. >> we spoke with the director of the square, a documentary nominated for an oscar that tracks the arob spring and she knows one of the journalist who is in prison and had this to say. >> one of your al jazeera journalists is a dear, dear friend of ours. i went to high school with him. so i personally know the accusations against him are not true. and so, there are definitely a lot of people in this time
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being arrested and accused of things. >> you know the three al jazeera english journalists. what was your reaction when you heard they were arrested and going to be tried for these charges? >> personally i'm not surprised considering that it seems to be an overall trend in the world now to see journalists as a threat towards different regime or policies being directed by the regimes. so, and therefore they have a saying in who gets to go inside his own nation especially western journalists who might tell stories that he doesn't want the world to see. >> and you have talked to other people who have been held prisoner in egypt. they are not being held under anything resembling decent conditions? >> no, it is not. it is kept very secret. and the army is a tough organization. and the proof for that is the fact that now egypt is looking at russia and is pulling away from western world and its
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traditions and maybe a more democratic state and looking for something more hard in terms of their policy. >> david. let's look at the bigger picture. rotters without borders supplied a map that shows the increasingly hostile environment for journalist. the areas you see the darker colors, those are the most dangerous areas. and every day we are seeing violence against reporters in russia, egypt, venezuela, mexico. pretty much around the world. is enough being done to help them and what can be done? >> no, i don't think enough is being done. if you take the case of egypt, the arrest of journalists and bloggers is nothing new. the same is true of journalists in saudi arabia, we have seen some in china being arrested left right and center. what can be done, leader in the free world can speak on
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behalf of these judgists, raise their names in meetings condition aid to improvements in human rights and i think collectively, if we stand up for these political prisoners and journalists we cannot only see their release but the gradual reform of liberal societies. just relently i had my own experience a heated confrontation with iran's foreign minister over the imprisonment of one who has spent four years in prison for criticizing the regime and a outcry. he was briefly released from prison. he was econvenient tullely reimpressonned once the media pressure died down. but when the free world stands up for these political prisoners, we can see tremendous improvements in human rights. we just need to main true to our principles and stan up to
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our tyranny. >> we did hear a call for these journalists. how do you operate as a photojournalist? you went in and have gone to war zones and were held captive as i said earlier in syria. but it is a war zone. now by are talking about countries that have established governments that aren't war zones and are in effect intimidating journalists. how can you do your job? >> it has become almost impossible. i mean, knowing now you have to deal with your own safety and surrounding of people targeting you because you are western journalists. as a photographer, knowing you have to deal with your own safety and be able to take pictures in your environment has become a big challenging. what are the consequences to the rest of us if reporters can't do their job? >> there are intense fighting. and killings and so on. they are now being reported just to go inside syria at
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this point is suicidal. we just don't go anymore. >> jonathan and david good to have you on the show to focus on this important issue that is happening. thank you. >> and let's see how this is on the web. >> antonio, it was great to see people all over the world coming together. not just in support of our journalists in cairo but also in support of journalism. take a look at this map that shows you what is trending most. in london protesters stood in silence holding black balloons. in kenya supporters gathered holding signs saying journalism is not a crime. al jazeera's international headquarters, employees took a break and in solidarity with their colleagues. in sydney also protesters huddled in the rain to show their support. here in new york, we are standing in full support of
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journalist and the campaign isn't over yet. tweet us your photos and show your solidarity with the journalists behind bars around the world. check out our web site for more. antonio back to you. into thank you. and. now to whistle-blowers who are raising troubling questions at one of the most toxic locations on earth. the power reservation in washington state is where plutonium was created for the first atomic bombs. radioactive sludge left behind has been plagued by delays, design problems and fears that a nuclear chain reaction could occur because of the safety issues. the issues are flagged by high-ranking employees who say they suffered retaliation for speaking out. for more we are joined from seattle, washington by donna bushy who until two weeks ago was head of the clean-up at
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the site. she was fired on february 18th for her company called unprofessional conduct. she said she was fired for speaking out about speaking up about serious issues. this is the energy department's largest clean up anywhere in the united states. trying to take those 56 million-gallons of radioactive sludge that were in underground tanks. they are trying to turn that into solid glass. it is a massive project. how does this work? >> well the 17 self-tanks are distributed over quite a few square miles with an intricate net of pumps and pipes. when it is pumped to facility that i was previously supporting, we would then treat that waste chemically to get some of the more dangerous constituents out of it and then after we had treated it chemically we would put it into a melter with glass heat
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it up to high temperatures. >> the tanks that were underground were beginning to leak. they were old and the danger was some of them were fairly close to the colombia river and there is fear that somehow some of that radioactive material could get into the river. >> it is a fear based on reality. the single shell tanks which were actually decommissioned in the 40s and 50s, those tanks are known to have been leaking into the environment for years. we have confirmed that over a million gallons of this highly radioactive waste is actually in the aquifer and is moving towards the columbia river. >> now, you were very concerned about safety issues in this incredible project because it is more than 12 billion already. it has been going on for a decade. there are cost overruns it will probably cost billions of dollars more. what were the main safety
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issues you were seeing? the main safety issues is the radioactive waste with water generates hydrogen. when it comes into the waste treatment plants facilities in the chemical modifications to treat that waste it creates additional hydrogen gas. so that hydrogen can get trapped in pipes. it gets trapped in vessels and my biggest safety issue with the hydrogen is it clearly had no control strategy to make sure that we did not have a detonation. so my job function is to makes sure that we adequately designed it to safely treat the waste. >> when you talk about detonation, how big a detonation are we talking about? >> oh, it would be a detonation in the vessels in our pre-treatment facility that would impact portions of
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160,000 gallons of that waste. and if you saw the videos of fukushima that was a hydro yen detonation with the fuel interacting with water. so it is a very hydrogen reaction. >> now, you were a key employee of this company. on february 18, executives called you in and said you were being fired for unprofessional conduct? >> now we invited them to come on the show. they declined. you were fired again for speaking out about these safety issues and they said though you urs supports her right to express her personal views. oar reaction to that? >> my reaction to the canned
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statement is what they have been saying since i chose to file for whistle-blower protection. but it can say that the department of energy has known since january that they had intentions to remove me from my position and officially asked the department of energy who did not approve that. and coincidentally a couple days later was terminated. my belief is that i raised safety issues because i was in a key prominent position and they made the decision to get rid of me. into the energy department has said they oversee the project and they said that they did not sign off on your termination. and your termination also raised safety concerns. are you concerned, i'm sure most people watching are concerned as we listen to this anyone who speaks up about concerns at any kind of environment like this would be
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doomed? >> i think that that fear is genuine. secretary came to hamford to reach out to whistle-blowers in june, six of us were actually scheduled and had a meeting with the secretary and his staff. of the three people, 5 of us have been terminated. >> you are not objecting to the new -- you think this could be done safely? >> yeah, i absolutely. i'm a nuclear engineer and i have deathcated my career to cleaning up sites like this. and it is imperative that we get the waste out of the tanks into a safe matrix so it is not leaking into the groundwater. >> donna, appreciate your time thank you for joining us tonight. thank you. >> straight ahead. designer jeans. using modern technology to plan your family? putting the squeeze on
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use of invitro fertilization or ivf is exploding in the u.s. leading to some huge ethical questions. it is leading to the creation of designer babies and is that a bad thing? also a more controversial version of ivf could lead to what people are calling three parent babies has opponents up in arms. do we draw the line on what is acceptable and what is not? joining us here in new york arthur kaplan, director of the gigs of medical ethics. arthur it is great to have you on the show. ivf is growing by leaps and bounds. more than 60,000 of the babies born in the u.s. were born through ifc. -- ivf. >> enormous explosion worldwide. i'm going to say it is well over 200,000 babies.
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what used to be an oddity has become routine. in how much witt is parents who have fertility issues and how many of it is parents who are actually doing this because they want a new jen tinge screening for a possible disease they are they might be transmitting? >> that is a great question. i would say if we went back, seven years, 95% of people infertile. today, i'm going to bet there is probably 10 or 15 percent growing of fertile people saying i want to avoid disease. i'm going to make embryos though we could make them the old birds and bees way, i want to make sure i don't have a child with a problem. >> and the reality is that doctors can develop embryos. we have been able to put it in a dish, not hurt it. it grows normally. you take the dna out of the cell, you run the usual test you run on you or me. >> incredible.
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>> science physical thon. >> now one case that is getting a lot of attention is a woman who has something called gss. i won't try to pronounce the disease. that leads to a very painful death. and she had invitro and basically looked at all the imbringios in the dish. in the dish. >> and they figured out which ones did not have the gss gene and they discarded those embryos and she went on to have healthy babies who will not have that disease. >> to me i know that it is morally controversial to intentionally destroy an embryo but when you can pick out the ones that will have a horrible disease or live a shortened life span it seems to me the ethical thing to do to avoid creating that burden for a person. so that type of screening of embryos. >> and for a breast cancer
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gene or increase the likelihood of bareness cancer where do you draw the line? >> so that's the big question. and i would say this. when you are talking about a certainty of disease. you see flawed genes, you know you will have a child with tays country hs or other conditions rare that are bad for the baby. i think there you can screen with abandon. we get requests to say how about a boy or girl? i don't think that is a disease. we won't do it at my school. the but some places are doing it. and in other countries they will as well. so, for me, if it is a clear cut disease state or the high risk of a clear cut disease i think you can screen morally. when it is just a difference, when it is just a taste, i start to have ethical reservations about that. >> and some people are -- it is not just the sex, they are looking --
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>> freckles. there are plenty of things that can be put on the table. i'll give you one. in many societies being an albino is viewed with horror. not a big deal, you put on sunglasses and wear suntan locations. but inmy parts of the world they don't want someone without pigment in their skin. is that a disease? there are two nobel prize winners who have been albinos. and that is something that the disability advocates would say. a lot of people who have been incredible have incredible conti -- contributions would never have existed. >> let me give you an example. i had a request from a deaf couple and said we want testing. and i saiding on okay. you want to avoid that? they wanted to create a child that was deaf just like them. so that's a separate question can you use genetic testing if it makes the child worse off or less than they might have been. and my question is no. i don't think we should have honored that request. >> so many questions being
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raised and none more than this news this week about people in britain and here in the united states looking into this possibility of what are being called three parent. i will let you explain. >> it is not as awful as it sounds. remember your high school -- as the cells are dividing. it takes power. you need energy. not a lot. a little part of the cell mito chondria is the battery pack. when it doesn't work you get diseases or a child who is deaf. we can take the little power packs from a normal egg and put them into an egg from the woman who has this condition, fertilize that, voilá you have repaired -- think of it as an organ transplant. we will transplant the mito chond ria. there are three people involved. because you have a power pack doesn't make you a parent. >> opponents of this really
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are up in arms. and they are raising things that said there is no way to know what the consequences are. >> true. >> could this be something that creates serious problems? >> there are two concerns yet izturisics are raising. is it safe? well you have to do it in animals and even in cells and we have seen enough evidence to say we are close to being sure you can make a healthy child this way. 100%? no, honestly is medicine 100% true about anything before we start it? until you try it in humans, no. so i'm ready to say given how horrible these diseaseses are you get across the line. other issue, we start doing this, aren't we going to head down theroid to engineering designer babies and perfect babes? i'm not willing to hold these family hostage to the future. i'm happy to have the fight should we have perfection or designer babies. but i'm not going to say to the mom who wants a healthy baby. you can't get that fixed
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because 15 years from now we are all going to be freaking out about yougenic says. >> we are well into the realm of science fiction. >> and plenty more to talk about. >> arthur, thank you. >> thank you for having me. straight ahead. why so so many breakfast tables doing away with orange juice? and penguins are popular around the world. now they may be giving us important clues about the environment. >>
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somehow o.j. reached popularity in the mid-90s. three out of four american households buying it and keeping it in refrigerators. but the department of citrus admits o.j. has been on decline for 15 years. in an annual psychle that ended last september only 563 million-gallons of o.j. sold. that is the lowest level since they started keeping track in the late 90s. so what happened? higher hurt. in the last decade it costs 440 a gallon, now it averages $6.20. crops were hit hard by major frosts in the '80s. then an inspect born disease called citrus greening has affected many crops. the disease has helped slash america crops by 20%. less supply means higher prices. also families in the u.s. don't sit down for breakfast like they used. the american journal of lifestyle medicine published a
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report saying the first meal of the day has seen a steady decline since the early 70s and one this 5 americans don't eat it at all. then as america has gotten healthier or attempted to, there is increased concern about the high levels of sugar in orange. and o.j. is facing stiff competition from other juice and sports drinks. still, it doesn't seem o.j. will get squeezed out of the morning ritual any time soon. coming up the letsons we can learn from penguins that can pay major dividends down the road. >>
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is there a new victim in the battle against climate change? a study over nearly three decades has found that penguin chicks are increasingly dying due to the is everrity of southeastern argentina. 200,000 breeding pairs of these peng wings are affected. is climate change affecting the future of these birds. joining us from seattle washington, the professor of biology at the university of washington and director for the center of penguins. she is the lead author of the study. great to have you with us. in your study, you track the survival rates of nearly 3500 penguin chicks in that area over the course of nearly three decades. what did you find? >> well, i think that the
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thing that people have to realize is that it is really hard to do long term studies. but long term studies really inform us about the world and what we should worry about and not worry about. that to me has been the exciting part of doing this study. >> it must have been exciting. but what did you find? >> we found that climate has already changed and increasing the reproductive failure of the penguins. there is a lot of let the the penguins face. there are 17 species of penguins. 11 are considered endangered or vulnerable. penguins have a tough time making a living. they are also ocean sentinels. they tell us what is happening to them is also happening to us. and climate change is taking place and is affecting penguins. not only those but other species. what we show over a 3 deer year period is that penguins are being affected by the extreme storms that occasionally come. doesn't happen every year.
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just like katrina doesn't happen every year. but when you have the vents, it can kill over half of penguin chicks. and two-thirds of the chicks don't survive. that is just from natural causes. so how much worse then does that make the situation, the third that survives, half of those die? >> yeah, but, what happens is in some years, the majority cause of death is the rain events. the storms. so, that can wipe out most all the chicks from a year. so, the penguins live a long time that's the good news. many of them live up to 30 years. they have many years to reproduce. but if every year you lose most of your kings, having new events that add on to your problems and being able to reproduce and raise young is just an increasing problem. >> and one of your findings is that the birds are laying eggs on average three days later because of all the storms how does that affect them?
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>> well, the interesting thing is kind of complicated to think about it this way. but penguins 30 years ago were more sin chronus. they would lay their eggs over a 13 day period. and in some years they melee their eggs over a 27 day period. so what happens is that the time when the chicks are vulnerable, chicks are vulnerable getting wet in these rainstorms until they are 41 days of age. so, if they get wet and then there is a cold night, that is what kills them. it is not only these penguins but chinstrap and the daily penguins in the antarctic peninsula. so this is a widespread problem for wildlife. and of course, we are starting to see the same problems for people because we are getting more severe weather as the climate models have predicted. when we get severe weathers it kills people as well as penguins. >> and you found in your study
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that -- well your study is not the only one that found this in storms have aced bird populations, similar studies on fall donees in canada. heavy rains were killing hatch also and the rains were increasing. were you surprised to see such similar findings? >> i think that is one of the strengths of these particularly long term studies because they show us that the cases are models that are predicting what is going to happen are pretty good and that we should worry about these problems. ha is certainly true for these penguins. but it is not only penguins affected by the storms. there are other seabirds living in same places and other mammals living in the same places that have problems with this large rain fall vent. >> well, let's hope something can be done to protect the beautiful animals. everybody loves penguins. professor -- we are right up against the end of the show so
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we have to say good-bye. we thank you very much for joining us. the show may be over but the conversation continues on our web site. you can find us on twitter at aj consider this. see you next time. >> >> good evening, welcome to al jazeera america. i'm john seigenthaler. deep flying crisis. ukraine's unrest moves closer to the russian border as new reports of gunmen trying to seize two new airports. storm front - reeling from doubt, mudslides and flooding. extreme weather and mandatory evacuations in california. >> breaking their silence - the sweeping accusations of sexual assa
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