tv The Stream Al Jazeera February 28, 2014 2:30am-3:01am EST
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the world is watching. >> we are hoping for the immediate release. >> that will do it for this edition of al jazeera. "the stream" is next and news at the top of every hour. thanks for watching. >> hi, you are in the stream. dubbed king of the politically incorrect, mel brooks is join "the stream" in a live and rare interview. he's reflecting on 60 years of pushing the envelope in show business. >> we are bringing all of the
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live feedback and tonight you are actually checking out something off the bucket list? >> yes, when i went to hz i made a bucket list of interviewing and mel brooks was on it. i saw all of the movies, blazeelling saddles and even life stinks and we have a community that loves the movies and mikey a saying that the movies are clas classic, the jokes are funny. mel brooks unites families, one saying if you don't love young frankenstein you are not in our family. we watch it every year. my grandmother 's favorite movie history of the world and when she passed away we laughed
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through the grief in our own way. it is good to be queen. and tooz it is good to be the host. >> yes, doing his share to shake things up oen the screen, from space balls to men in heights. in the film history of the world part one, putting a spin on the french revolution and the last supper. >> does everybody want soup? we must talk. this could be our last supper. one question, are you all together or separate checks? >> his humor is known for testing the boundaries of what is politically correct to expose the lines in satires. the blazing saddles catching the heat for the scenes. it is a classic.
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the black sheriff in the frontier town of 1874. >> with an emmy, grammy, oscar and tony under the belt, mel brooks is undeeny able in a league of his own. welcome. it is a pleasure to be here. >> we are honored to have you. any slice of the career is a win for most people and the hits are continuing to come. from the old west, to outer space and cyber space, and now it seems that everything you touch turns to gold, what is in the secret sauce? >> well, just enlarge and
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multiply what people are being and doing and then you have a funny movie. >> that's so not true. if that was so simple, everybody would have a funny movie. something special you do. i think about the movies, right, not mattering whether i talk to my dad who is 74 or a friend of mine in the 20s, everybody knows blazing saddles and history of the world, something you connected generationally with the people and what have you tapped into? >> that is a very good question. i don't know. you know, i suppose you need talent or gifted or you have to take observations and put them through some kind of brain change and come out with a plan for, you know, for presenting comedy.
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>> and you have to have the humor and he has that. and the community saying humor is able to bypass the processer. gary saying that being able to make fun and laugh at such people and nazi's and the producers stripping them of the influence and power. using comedy to examine the subjects and thinking about the beliefs in a new way. as i said earlier to you, i bought a thousand copies of your book to get you here, thank you for saying yes. this is honor me. you have been a major influence on modern comedy and have the gift to talk about slavery and more,
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and what's the subject now? >> oh, i don't know, it might be fox news. i'm not sure. >> you said it, not us. >> there's a lot of stuff happening in the world. i mean i would, maybe we should take all of congress, you know, and hang them. i don't know. we can't get anything done because of the , i mean the fighting and the in-fighting in congress. it is not fair to the public. it is not fair to the general people of america that the political insanity is not helping anybody. >> well, not just the political insanity, but what about the political correctness and the brilliant thing you have done is
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making us uncomfortable, but it is uncomfortable in a way to confront the subjects that nowadays are too politically correct to confront, have we gone too far on the politically correct scale? >> we have, we have gone too far. tough use the n word or you don't have a bad guy to topple in the end. so it is important to be politically incorrect so you can make your point about what's human and what's good and what's right and you have to be bad to be good. >> and the community is talking what's the role of the artist here. nick saying that the artist has free reign without the limits. mark is saying comedy is intended make the people laugh. anything is fair game.
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it is incumbent on the audience to know their limits and walk away. what is the line between being bold, subversive and if you will biggot or prejudice. >> i don't think there is a line. it is always, you know, it is subjective. it's in the, it's in your beginnings. it's our education. it is in our belief. why are we prejudice. why do we hate another race or person? we have been taught. my job is to unteach. to do outrageous things that explode new ways of thinking.
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>> you know, mel, you can be outrageous and you are amazing at that, but the comedy of three or four decades ago was smart, it was so fis kated and had a point. and now i'm disappointed in the comedy and do you think that the national taste for what is humor rows changed? >> no, we were taught with the black and white movies and french atone, and people billy willeder making, we were taught that one act, two act, three act structure and a story and a plot and ending and today i think movies rely
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behavior without a structure. i learned by watching the black and white fast talking movies of the 20s and 30s that told me these are little playlets and tough write a little play and there needs to be an ending. >> we have a lot of questions, quick ones before going to break, do you have a favorite scene from the films. kayly loves blazing saddles. dean asks, who is the fun niest person i don't your family. >> well, i was. the funny faces peering into the crib. >> mel brooks will be taking the questions from the biggest fans
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and now up your interaction with the show, we have a way to do that. >> tv is no longer one way, share your thoughts throughout the show and disagree with the guest, great, tell us, receive graphs and quizzes and interact with the app users in real time. you can be the third co-host, vote, tweet and record the video comments we'll feature them on air. use the air and drive the discussions on live tv. you are in the control word. download it now. >> heavily armed, combat tactics >> every little podunk
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>> >> the world lost a great man when we lost sisar. you said he was a father-figure for you. how so? >> well, i mean... ..i worked for sid. he was like a father-figure. we bonded. we had the same sense of humour. sid sisar's real talent was making fun of human baubles of humanity. we were never counter, we never did anything about the news or
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even when we had great opportunities with nixon, we never took advantage of anything political. we always did the human comedy, and sid was gifted and was, indeed a genius. he could do humans, pinball machines - anything. let me say something about al jazeera. i'm doing this because when al jazeera was first on the air and it heard about it i thought it was probably arab, muslim and - and, you know, slanted and maybe a little anti-semitic. then i saw it on my local saying in santa monica. it was like a breath of fresh air. it was like the "new york times" of news. it was neither m.s. nvc on the left or fox on the right. it was giving me the news ass b asserbestly and honestly.
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i'm happy to be here doing this even though the money is small. >> we don't pay well. >> no, no, no. >> thank you for the wonderful endorsement. >> thank you so much. i'm muslim, i'm not arab, i'm not anti-semitic. i'm paying in comments. we have a huge mel brooks fan with a question for you. take is away. >> i wanted to ask since comedy is reflective how do you keep spontaneity and train your mind to ignore the setting? >> i don't know. it's a good question. you know, it's like the ability to ad lib. something comes up, you see it and you nail it. we ought to do that. we have a 90 minute show of shows. it was all live, and 90 minutes. we had six comedy sketches and
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we did something magical, did it. >> speaking about an upcoming comedian, we have ryan here in d.c. i know mel brooks has had a huge impact on you. take it away. >> i'm curious which historical figure, unintentionally funny figure is the funniest of all time? >> i would have to say louie the 16th, because he was fooling around, repairing watches, had no idea they would shop his head off. i love the nity in a major character. >> i was watching a documentary until 3 in the morning. what do you do? >> well between one and two i eat cheerios with nonfat milk. and i think between two and three i cry and then when i'm
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finished crying i go to sleep. and that's nearly the truth. >> laughter and tragedy of life. we have the community tweeting in. jess says: watching your movies as a muslim pakistani kid i was amazed how you brought your jewish culture to the forefront. the jews were seen as ethnic and outsiders, but comedy seemed to mainstream them. do you think the same vehicle of comedy can help those marginalised today like muslims, arabs, gays and
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african-americans. >> except for lesbians, you are right. i'm kidding. it was an opportunity... >> you'll take every opportunity. >> i agree. if there is really a funny guy and he happens to be muslim, he's funny. and we're going to love him and be grateful to him for making us laugh and be grateful for things we never appreciated before. >> it women you worked in saying it could be miserable making comedy with some men, but with you it was great, because you let women be sexy and funny, and it was a rare find. it's tough for women comedians. we had cathy griffin on the show and she was talking about that. why do you think it's so snuff. >> there's a great deal of male prejudice, and i think comics, i hate to say this, like doing things at the emperor, they
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didn't think that females or that ladies had the right kind of force or timing or explosive power, and that's - that's just bull. it's nonsense. between - sara silverman, who kills me, i adore her and ellen degenrize, there are so many - the great carol burnett carried comedy through the '80s, and '90s. it's nonsense. ladies are just as funny as men, and not as funny looking, but funny. >> i had a question for you. i noticed young frankenstein. beautifully direct. brooks films made beautiful movies like "elephant man", and seems society has a thing where it loves and laughs at
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comedians, but doesn't give them respect. do you people as a director and writer your role in society hasn't been respected? >> it's a good quseestion. you take your baggage with you. i'm mel brooks, i make funny faces. i produced "the elephant man", and brought my name as far away from it. if i took my name to it the audience would expect something hilarious, silly and stupid, and we had an important story to tell with a character. >> you are referring to brooks films which is unbelievable an enterprise, which you did kind of silently. give us a sense of the movies coming out of your production company. it's amazing. >> thank you for asking that. brooks films has done terrific
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films. the first one was "my late great wife an-bancroft did "fat so", which is still a classic and i get letters with people who managed to see it. there's "francis", the story of francis farmer, a terrific film. graham clifford directed it so beautifully. and "my favourite year", maybe peter o'toole's best performance ever on film. there's "the doctors and the devils", directed by freddy francis, a brilliant film, and, i mean, there is - i'm going be on tcm some time in march, and robert osborne will interview me and we'll do six brooks films - not mel brooks, six brooks films. with some of the ones i
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mentioned. i'll let you know about it. look for tcm to broadcast. >> it's amazing when you think about it, the dimensions to you that so many don't know about. people will say "i know that", but probably didn't know it was connected to mel brooks. there can never be another mel brooks, is there a next best thing in the latest generation of comics, we'll ask mel who he thinks it is, and you tweet us the same. we'll be right back. >> these protestors have decided that today they will be arrested >> these people have chased a president from power, they've torn down a state... >> what's clear is that people don't just need protection, they need assistance.
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a question. >> it's an honour. are you able to share some of the characters of your style. do you feel it's impact comedians of this generation. >> try to get a job in a dell cat esen making sandwiches, if you fail, go back to comedy. comedy is hard. i seriously never give up. never give up. never stop being a comic. you'll make it. i promise you. >> we have a lot of community questions. i'll try to get them in. i'll give you a series. my executive producer bribed me and said i had to get this in: >> that was - that was so much fun. i can't tell you working with
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the late great john candy and with rick moranis and everybody, and all the arse holes who worked - that was their names, i'm sorry. major arsehole was in charge of them. that was so much fun. that's all i can tell you. working on the ship, a great production designer that terry marsh designed. it was fabulous. >> i think the answer was soon. one more from the producer:. . >> it's a lost art. i didn't have time to say anything else. i don't know, it comes back with the people. i mean, you know, the three - we have three new great late night
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hosts - jimmy fallon, jimmy kibel. conan o'brien, and all of them are there and literally encouraging great physical comedy. from that, something wonderful will be born and come to us, you know, on the big screen hopefully. a lot of artists, including son max. their art and craft will have to be compromised, you have carefully navigated around that in working with the big studios. how did you pull that off? >> i lied to them. i told them things i never intended to do. i told them what the budget would be and i would be over it. i was always higher than clark glaible and carol lombardi.
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i had don delou circumstances se instead. what you do is you go out to lunch with the heads of the studios, and pick up the tab and they are impressed and they buy a lot of the bullshit. >> one of my favourite quotes comes from my friend, sid sisar who says in between comes life and you have to enjoy it to the full. do you believe you have lived life? >> i think i have been doing more in between. i think i have been doing a lot more life in the last 20 years than i have show biz, which is my profession. maybe i'll get back to it a little bit. >> what a pleasure having you on the show. thank you for being here. it was a great experience. the only disappointment is what i get paid to do it.
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otherwise it was fun. it really was fun. >> new fears over the stability of ukraine. the interior says that russian military forces entered two airports in crimea. >> hello, this is al jazeera live from doha. the other top stories. police fire tear gas on anti-government protesters in venezuela. dealing with the trauma of war. the project in turkey helping the youngest victims of syria's conflict. the world bank withholds a
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