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tv   News  Al Jazeera  March 1, 2014 10:00am-11:01am EST

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personal. >> the only way to find out is to see it yourselves... >> on... borderland only on al jazeera america >> this is the real deal man... >> hello and welcome to the news hour live from doha. we have your top stories. soldiers and armed men on the streets of crimea has the russian president asking parliament for permission to send troops to ukraine. >> we're in london with more on the crisis in the crimea. and british guantanamo bay detainee denies charges of
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providing terrorist training in syria. >> the pakistan announcement of one-month cease-fire because it says its want to revise peace talks. and as the oscars approach, why some feel they are not getting enough recognition for being blown up, beaten up, and knocked down. hello, so just in the past hour it's emerged that the russian president has asked parliament to send troops to ukraine. an increasing number of men have appeared armed in the region in the past few days. they've taken over a number of airports as well as the parliament building. the live pictures that you're looking at right now are from russia where a parliament session is being held right now on ukraine.
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now just to let you know, a majority of the population in crimea are ethnic russian. we're joined now from moscow, to tell us more about the session that we're looking at right now going in moscow. >> reporter: it's almost breathtaking how fast this situation is moving. earlier on, on saturday the lower house of parliament requested that putin step in and take decisive action in ukraine. about an hour ago vladimir putin then requested of the upper house that they allow military action in ukraine. now we have an extraordinary session of the upper house of parliament where they are going to be debasing and voting on just that proposal from the president. the way it's going to work is that they are have an statement
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and announcement to the presence within two days. now i can't imagine that it will take as long as that for them to reach their decision. we've had a succession of speakers taking the podium over the last 20 minutes or so, and the message has been absolutely unanimous. every one of the people who has got up has spoken about their approval, the need for russia to take a decisive stance about what's going on in ukraine. we have heard from the head of defense committee who said that the defense committee looked into it, and they unanimously approve the action. there was the head of the foreign affairs committee also saying that they had looked into it, and they were unanimously approving what the president was asking for.
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we have the deputy speaker of the upper chamber. they were saying there were militants from maidan who were trained in poland and lithuania, and they also called for the russian ambassador from the u.s. to be recalled. they said that yanukovych was still the legitimate head of the ukraine. so the message is absolutely the same from everyone who is speaking at the moment. the vote has not happened yet. we don't know quite how it's going to take, so we will be watching. >> errorrory, it does sound like steps are being taken for some sort of intervention. does it mean that troops will be going into crimea? >> reporter: well, we don't know exactly what it means. the proposal is quite vague. it didn't even specify crimea. it said that military
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involvement could take place in ukraine. so potentially the action could be wide. potentially it could be limited. we don't know what the timetable might be. we don't know what the objectives might be. it is being proposed by the president that it is only for the duration of political instability in ukraine, and that it is proposed for the safeguarding of the black sea fleet, and to maintain the security of russian citizens there. but beyond that we really don't know much about exactly what the russian governments or the russian president advocating here. >> thank you very much. reporting from moscow, meanwhile armed men have taken control of the airport in the region of the capitol as well as the parliament. we have more from the crimeaen
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capitol. >> reporter: how much has changed between thursday and saturday here. then the smallish crowd of protesters, now the building guarded by troops and issuing or so. go back, be gone. they enjoy the power. it isn't just the parliament building and parliament itself which has been lost to kiev. the block cases have spread to places like police and security services headquarters. overnight the state tv channel was plunged into darkness. we saw military figures insid ie the perimeters. the airport and air space controlled by people who want to keep ukraine presence out of here even on civilian flights. these things do not look like random series of incidents. airports, military installations they're all what moscow would call strategic objects and
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controlling them are crucial if they want to control events. could it be that moscow wants to use the ukrainian revolution as an opportunity to try to regain crimea. plenty of people like all of this. all these people say they would love it if moscow started handing out russian passports as they did in breakaway regions of georgia. >> awful russ russians. we kept our documents because in our souls we are russians. but we had to accept ukrainian passports in order to get a pension or to work. >> reporter: but the speed of all this has left others terrified. at this ukrainian church they were holding a service for those can killed in protest in kiev. now they see lack of government control and it frightens them. >> we wake up in the morning and don't know what will happen before the day ends. every day brings surprises. we are very worried.
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>> reporter: and we found these crimeaen taatars defending their own tv channel with sticks. >> putin gave these orders. it's impossible head of state, he warned us as troops amass on the borders that they had tanks ready. they were just looking for a reason. >> reporter: of course the russians would say it's ridiculous they are invading a place where they all right have a military presence and not at all strange to reclaim a place which historically belonged to them. al jazeera, crimea. >> let's cross over, you know, we hear reports of different groups of securing different buildings. who is in charge in crimea? >> reporter: i think that's a very good question. the new prime minister wants to
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show that he is in charge, and he declared that he was putting under temporary control the military, the navy, and the place. now lawrence was talking in his report about these men dressed in military fatigue and holding weapons that are believed to be russian that were outside of the parliament building over the past hour they have disappeared. now we asked the defense unit who is are still standing, who have been standing with them all day long where did they go? and one of the men said well, they were not here in the first place. that's just to show you how little information we are getting. but they have not disappeared from the streets of this city. we do know that they are still in front of the council of ministers where there is a protest going at the moment. protests have been waving the russian flag, have been calling on russia. they also have been calling out for president putin. we are told that that in
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reaction to him asking parliament permission to deploy troops to this region. now you have a mix of who is in charge. we have the soldiers who presumably are russian or at least have allegiance to russia. they are in front of government installation. then you have self defense unit who is say they are protecting the city exactly like the people in kiev were doing, and they seem to be taking over other buildings like one of the latest ones was a media agency here in the city. we went there. the agency is still operating, the journalists are working, but yes, indeed, their business has been taken over by these men who are covering their faces. then outside of the perimeter wall you have the ukrainian police who by and large are watching and directing a bit of traffic. it seems really that at the moment you have a makeover--a make up of the city, and it's really not clear who is in charge even though one is
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tempted to say. >> how much of this is a challenge of kiev and how much of it is between regional government and kiev. >> we had heard from here first that the former parliament did not recognize the new authorities in kiev. if you look back at what happened over the past three days you have these armed men taking over parliament in the middle of the night. and then the next day we had a new prime minister, and that new prime minister comes from a party called russian unity. he does say that he does believe--that crimea should remain part of ukraine. but you have russian flags that are flying over government buildings. on the other side we heard
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government in kiev saying that they did not recognize the new authorities in town here. so certainly not very good relations. now the only person who came from kiev, one of the two candidates for the role of prime minister in kiev. well, he cave here yesterday, and he said he had a very clear message that it was unacceptable to have a russian troops here, and that he was bringing that message to the people, to the government here. well, after that he was heckled on his way out back to the airport. so certainly one would say that there are non-existent relationship between the two. >> thank you. joining us from crimea. here on the al jazeera news hour there is much more ahead, including thousands of supporters of the prime minister rally as anti-government prote protests are scaled back in bangkok. we walked barricades with
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venezuela anti-government protesters who say they have no intentions of getting off the street. and fifa has religion covered. football'football for men and we now allowed to wear headgear. we have more coming newspaper sports. up in sport sports. >> in let's cross over to al jazeera live in islamabad. tell us what the reaction from the pakistani government has been under? >> well, as you mentioned the committee that was constituted by the government of pakistan to talk to the taliban pakistan
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committee has welcomed the move saying the talks that were deadlocked has now resumed since the taliban ha agreed to a cease-fire. the government made it clear that it would go for a policy of a quid pro quo meaning if it came under attack it would go after the headquarters. a dramati dramatic development y would now grow to the cease-fire. they said in a message sent to several news outlets including al jazeera. >> and as we're mentioning, there have been previous efforts of peace negotiations between the government and taliban, but is the taliban capable of enforcing a cease-fire on the ground?
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>> well, they have instructed the various groups to abide by the cease-fire. in fact, after the issuance of that statement another group led by the taliban, a statement saying they would abide by the agreement, it must be remembered that it was the group that took responsibility for the killing of 22 pakistani security forces personnel which led to basically the breakdown. it appears there is a consensus, and they have announced a cease-fire instructing their men to stop all activities against the security forces.
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>> in a roads side bomb no one was killed but minutes later another bomb hit police causing fatalities. well, this is the latest attack in a campaign that killed 40 polio workers since 2012. armed groups oppose pakistan's internationally vaccination program. they say it is a cover for western spying. attacks increased significantly after the ceo used the vaccination drive against osama bin laden. that has led to an increase in polio cases. pakistan's former ambassador to afghanistan said that the people against polio vaccinations are causing a lot of suffering. >> the people there, those who
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are against it, there are two big factors for it. one is the original or the very old family planning propaganda that is being done by people. they thought maybe one of the reasons is that it's containing medicine in family planning in that, or the problem where it's trying to find osama bin laden, the reaction of certain groups to the polio vaccination. i don't think that the taliban is a whole a lot responsible or claimed responsibility for it, but certainly there are groups who are against it, and we are suffering because of that. >> gunmen have reportedly shot dead a libyan colonel when an
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officer in the air defense branch targeted police and army officers in the city. >> a group of rebels in syria says it has taken over the border town where thousand of people have been killed in rebel in-fighting in recent months. >> reporter: rebels captured from the islamic state from iraq intear aiinterior. an al-qaedaa al-qaeda affiliate. this fighter was planning a suicide attack. >> our religious leaders told us they are infidels who rape women. we were he completely isolated
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from the world. we had no access to internet. they told us to launch suicide attacks against them. >> reporter: the beginning united in their fight against government troops. they all want a bigger role for religion in syria, but when it comes to the future of the country they are world' worlds . they say their target is to topple bashar al-assad. they want to establish an islamic state in iraq and syria. in this video one of its commanders is promising tribes more weapons and cash if they join their ranks. >> there are more players, they try to inter convenient. they try to support this part
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against this part because they have the whole team. >> as fighting intensifies, the fighters leader has stepped in and showing support for the front. on the ground fighting continues across the country. these fighters recently joined others to advance north. they're worried about internal fighting and th in syria. >> joining us here in the studio to discuss the various rebels groups in syria. there are reports that seem to suggest that the ifil has now
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withdrawn from parts of northern syria. tell us what you know about that that. >> there are forces that have deployed with the key stronghold of the city to the east, and to a number of towns still within the aleppo government. but on the two main roads. in terms of significance it does suggest that ifil has significant strain and pressure at the moment. today is a fifth day for them to agree to various demands imposed a week ago. could.
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>> could they regroup an come back stronger? >> it's possible that they could regroup. the sources 6 weapons are primarily from seizures from government force mis. and it is believed funneling of weapons from iraq into syria. >> are we seeing a restructuring of rebel groups? what basket is it haling on the war and what is happening on the ground. >> there is retruck yo restructd it appears to be creating divisions as we saw with the
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sacking of former chief of staff of the military council, and then his essentially disagreement with the smc for having pushed him out in the first place. >> and who funds the isil. >> it's an extremely miracley area. resources are coming from inside syria and long established sources of financing in iraq. for example, it collects and forces bordering syria, and there is private funding from individuals within the middle
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east. >> charles, thank you very much for joining us here. we appreciate it. we're taking you over to russia with breaking news from moscow. we understand that the russian upper house of parliament has approved a decision to use russian troops on the territory of you vain, so in ukraine. this is the news coming to us right now you're looking at a live picture of the upper house of parliament, who have been meeting for the last hour or so. we now hear that that session has approved a decision to use russian troops in ukraine. so we will bring you more information on that in the next couple of minutes here on al jazeera. we'll move on for now and
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tell what you is going on in egypt. general al sisi is expected to run for president. the latest line up was revealed after the previous president resigned on monday. al jazeera continues to demand the release of its staff in egypt. thethey are accused of having ls with a terrorist organization and spreading false al jazeera . al jazeera rejects allegations. and governmenanti-governmend where thousands of people have gathered in the north of the country to sho.
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>> this is a show of force by the red shirts and the message to the opposition. they made it clear that they support the caretaker prime minister shinawatra, who is under pressure from the opposition to resign. the result is a deepening divide in thailand. it's been several months since opponents took to the streets in bangkok. now the red shirts are mobilizing in their stronghold. >> we want to have the rally. this is the rural part of thailand, and they're the ones who voted shinawatra in power in 2011. now they feel the opposition is trying to prevent them from
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benefiting from state policies. >> reporter: for people here this is a fight to preserve democracy. they believe the opposition's refusal to hold elections is unconstitutional. shinawatra opponents want to replace her government with an unelected council that would perform the political system. back in bangkok the protesters have promised to keep up the anti-government campaign despite decision to remove roadblocks. instead they plan to camp out at a park. but this decision does not signal an end to the crisis since the opposition hopes a court investigation will remove the caretaker prime minister from power. >> we can continue to occupy the streets for another three or four months if we want to. but the government don't care. they don't care how bangkok people are living. >> reporter: people here have threatened to confront that
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pressure. some hard liners are talking about creating a volunteer force similar to an army to protect the government. and if they converge on bangkok, that could lead to a direct confrontation and more violence. al jazeera, northeastern thailand. >> still to come on the al jazeera news hour, more and more north korean refugees are seeking refuge in thailand. plus hollywood's unsung heroes. >> i'm matt ramsey at the rock of gibraltar where there is a real fear of a football blockade. ♪
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>> these protestors have decided that today they will be arrested >> these people have chased a president from power, they've torn down a state... >> what's clear is that people don't just need protection, they need assistance. >> hello again. here is the al jazeera news hour. the top stories, russia's upper house of parliament has approved the use of military force forcen crimea. president vladimir putin has told politicians that the situation in could crimea is ss
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and recommending used armed troops until the situation as he put it normalizes. well armed men in the capitol are still in charge of the airport, which has now been closed as well as the parliament building. and forces described as russian troops are reported to be in charge of the military base where the russian fleet it is, and the military airports. the pakistani government has welcomed the one-month cease-fire declaration. the army group said it wants to revive talks with the government. for more on the crisis in ukraine, and the rest of the news from europe let's join julie from our london news center, julie? >> reporter: thank you. well, the european union has told ukraine that it is ready to sign an association agreement at any time. it was ousted president blocking
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that deal. and shocked by reports of ukraine sovereignty. >> i hope the international community will also stand alert in up holding these principles and guaranteeing regional and international peace. >> so european and u.s. leaders while russia prepares to send troops to the crimea region. why is it so important to moscow? ukraine is an a a an autonomou.
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ukraine agreed to an exchange of cheap gas from moscow. to explain more about the geopolitical importance i'm joined by russian analyst risk management consultant. hi there, charles. >> hi there. >> the latest we've heard is that the russian parliament has approved the use of force. but the approval of use of force and the actual force o use of f. >> the rapidly developments of this story, president putin putting all the requirements needed legal and tactical to use force if he should so want to. i don't think that there's going to be immediate use of force in ukraine, but what he's done also is scrambled quickly to build a
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very strong negotiating and very strong diplomatic position. >> just how tense are things at the moment? are you surprised how fast things are going with all of these developments? it seems that there is a sense of identity at the core of this. >> yes, this is unexpected. we've had in just the past 48 hours we had a newly appointed russian prime minister in crimea appeal for assistance. that's one brick in the wall. then the parliament in russia authorize use of force. that's another brick. they're giving russian passports to ukrainians in crimea. that's another part of the plan, and it keeps piling up. i think what the president is doing is consolidating the strongest negotiating stance possible. >> tell us how significant--we touched on it there. how significant is this region to russia? and how significant to the ukraine?
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>> yes, it is of critical strategic importance to russia. you're right to point out there has been a naval presence on that peninsula since czar's era. there are historical reasons for the detachment. this is a fantastic strategic naval base. it's boarded by the european union, turkey, the caucuses, it's a tinderbox and important to the navy. we have an international test of president putin's diplomacy. >> i heard on twitter and some of the comments of this story this is moscows attempt to grab the crimea back. is it? is that taking things a little bit far? >> crimea was given to ukraine as a gift in 1954. in 1992 the russian parliament decided, well, we want the gift back. they let it stay there for a while. i don't know if necessarily
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they're going to annex the entire territory but keeping control of that part of the ukraine is of crucial importance. >> thank you for joining us with your analysis. >> thank you. >> now the basque separatist group said it will press ahead with its entire arsenal. the group declared a cease-fire in 2011 had allowed a small amount of arms to be put on use. the spanish government dismissed the move as, quote, meaningless theater. a british former inmate at the guantanamo bay was arrested last week. he denies charge related to alleged training camps in syria. >> reporter: saturday morning at a court in central london former guantanamo detainee and a 44-year-old woman appeared for
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the first time since their arrest. both face charges of terrorist offenses related to syria, allegations that they both deny. they and two others were arrested earlier in the week in the english city of birmingham. one of the two men still detained is his son, who has been accused of facilitating terrorism overseas. another battle with the law. a british citizen he moved to afghanistan, and then he moved to pakistan. he was transferred to guantanamo bay in cuba where he spent more than two years behind bars, but he was never formerly accused knoll new. this was the first time that he has been charged. he is accused of funding terrorism as well as providing terrorism training overseas. since his release, he has been campaigning for those who say
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they have been victims of anti-terrorism measures. we'll appear in court in two weeks time. >> it's back to doha. >> julie n venezuela there have been more environment confrontation between security forces and anti-government protesters. they're demanding the release of fellow students detained during two weeks of unrest. more marchs have been called for sunday. at least 18 people have been killed so far. and opposition leader has boycott peace talks called for by president nicolás maduro. he believes the crisis will get worse. >> i believe we need to create the conditions to create change. it requires being strong in the face of the government who has had problems of legitimacy from
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the start. even beyond those problems it has had problems in governing. you have economic problems that are going to start a political crisis. the political crisis in the face of the government that, let's say, covers its eyes that does not want to face problems or resolve problems. it will reach such propulsion that they will tell maduro that you must either fix the problem or go. >> roadblocks in several venezuelan cities. they have been central in the scene of fierce battles between protesters and security forces. we travel to valencia where protesters are getting more organized every day. >> reporter: they've been blocking the roads in this middle class neighborhood in valencia every day and every night for more than two weeks. they viewed our approach with
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great suspicion. a 22-year-old student agreed to talk to us anonymously. but then. [ gunfire ] >> run, run. >> reporter: an attack by the government's national guard. the latest of two or three such raids launched each night. no one was hurt, and we resumed the interview on the roof of a building. >> it is a constitutional right to protect. the situations has gotten so bad that this is our last chance. it's going to a point where, it's here or it's done. that's why so many people say in venezuela we fight for you or we lose you. >> reporter: we return the next morning. calmer now. still a scene of intense debate among the residents. protesting against rifling fighters against corruption and high crime.
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>> reporter: barricades like this one has come a focal point for resistence, a point for people to air their grievances. >> reporter: raids by security forces and the government blames the opposition for the violence, calls them fastist. the opposition has led demonstrations and peace talks, but have no options. the government has given up on them. >> here you don't see anyone attacking anyone. but of course if they attack us, we have to stake up for ourselves. we don't have any guns. we only have our hands and rocks in. >> reporter: they came to express opinions not heard by
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the inventorien government or the national media. >> there is more division between the families. more division between husband and wife. >> reporter: to the opposition barricades have become the symbol of defiance, and challenge authorities. what will happen in the next two weeks will have a major bearing on venezuela's destiny. al jazeera, valencia, venezuela. >> well, within the past few minutes the upper house of the russian parliament has approved the request from president vladimir putin to send troops to ukraine. joining us from moscow to tell us more about that approval, rory, and what happens next? >> reporter: well, what happens next is a very big question. to be hospital nobody really knows that yet except what has
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happened has gone through through extraordinary fast. consider that earlier this morning the lower house of parliament requested that putin step in and do something about what is happening in crimea. it was only about two hours ago that the announcement came out from the kremlin that putin was requesting from the upper house of parliament that it permit some sort of military involvement in ukraine. then we have an extraordinary session of the upper house of parliament that lasted barely an hour. it was a succession of speakers getting up, going to the podium, and agreeing unanimously with the president's position. some very forcefully. some more diplomatically. but there was absolutely no dissent from the line that some
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sort of russian military activity was permitted and recommended for ukraine. we heard from, say, the head of the defense committee who looked at it and approved the matter unanimously. we heard from the foreign affairs committee head who approved of it unanimously. we heard from the deputy speaker of the upper chamber who said that militants from maidan trained in poland and lithuania had taken over the country. what happens next is unclear. also something that is going to be fairly worrying development for international relations. the now they are going to recommend to president putin that is the russian ambassador to america, to the united states, is recalled. >> okay, rory thank you very much for giving us an update from moscow. well, in the last decade the number of north koreans arriving
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in thailand have increased from a few dozen a year to more than 2,000. we spoke to one woman who managed to escape. >> she risked everything when she ran away from north korea. but the life she had there was not worth living. >> if i got caught i would be killed on sight. my bravery comes from not want to go live in north korea like an animal any more. even if i got caught its better than how i was living. >> reporter: kim is not her real name, and we're hiding her face to protect her family, still in north korea. through what is called the asia underground railroad, kim reached bangkok a year ago. i spoke with her in her safe house. >> every since i moved from thailand looking back from the outside i realize the deagree of ticdictatorship and lack of humn
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rights. >> reporter: in 15 years he has helped more than 1,000 people find new home countries. >> i am focused on success because of the large number of lives at stake. i have personally killed people killed in the process of defecting. i was jailed for eight months in china and sent to north korea for a security check. >> reporter: the korean name for his organization means "two become one." his hope is for a reunited korea. thailand is the safest place for defectors from north korea. the majority who make it out pass through here thanks to an unofficial agreement between thailand and south korea. once the refugees are charged with illegal entries they're turned over to south koreaen officials. >> reporter: with the heavy of the reverend she applied for asylum from the u.s. embassy. that was over a year ago. >> i have been hearing so much about north koreans getting asylum from the international
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community, but in reality it's all words. nothing gets done. there is no action, and i'm stuck here. >> reporter: but kim things there could be a turning point ahead. >> the new generation is beginning to be aware of their situation, and are hopeful that things will change. >> reporter: but until that change takes hold or until her asylum is granted kim will have to remain in the shadows of her adopted city. al jazeera, bangkok. >> still ahead a mexican wave good buy for the second seat in acapulco. we have that coming in sports. that's next.
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>> el biggest most priso prestis annual academy awards better known as the oscars. >> reporter: in 35 years the hollywood stunt actor and stunt coordinator jack gill has been blown up, beat up, bowled over and flipped out. but one thing he has never gotten is an anomination for an academy award. >> we feel like we've been left out and we should be included. it should an no-brainer. >> reporter: gill and other stunt actors have been lobbying
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to create an oscar category for stunt coordinator. it's a surprise to many fans that there is no spot in the limelight of stunts. >> reporter: most viewers know that they use stunt people. they are not stupid. >> reporter: more than 40 stunt actors have been killed on set since 1980. i am safety has improved but deadly accident still happen. in 2011 kim lu was killed in a boat scene for "expendables 2". >> if you're in it long enough you're going to get hurt. >> reporter: stuntmen like gill said they'll keep pushing for the recognition that they feel they deserve. >> we put blood, sweat and tears into a movie for a year, and you go to the awards ceremony and
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you see your friends accepting the award and you are at home by yourself. >> reporter: maybe one of these years stunt actors who risk their lives to entertain will get a chance to see one of their own accept an award. al jazeera, hollywood. >> sports updates with jo. >> reporter: thank you. fifa has given male players to cover their heads to observe their religion. it must be the same main color of the jersey, not attached to the jersey, not pose any danger to the player or other players, and they're expected to release pictures of the approved designs in the next fuse days. they'll allow female women to
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cover their heads. it was on trial for two years and shown to be an us. success. >> you cannot discriminate. it was decided what applies to female can apply to male. and the male player in the different competitions can also have such covers. >> they take on the faroe islands saturday in an international friendly. but the game is being overshadowed by political tensions by spain. >> when gibraltar joined, there was trouble brewing. there is a real feature that there would an friendly against the farrow islands would be disrupted by traffic.
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when surprise block cases and inspections are instigated. >> yes, our contingency plans are in place. just in case this happens. it happens very often with very little warning. this queue that you can see now formed within minutes. >> the victorious stadium is just a few hundred meters from the spanish border. a blockade after the farrow island games has already irritated the spanish neighbor. we asked if tighter controls on traffic are planned for before or after the farrow island game. they declined to comment. >> gibraltar's 2016 qualifying games will be played here.
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it doesn't need uefa requirements for competitive fixtures, it will pay face pola, germany and others in portugal. >> this is the real thing. this is the top. i guarantee you that all the top players will be playing against us. >> uefa separated gibraltar and spain, a process usually reserved for warring nations, not european partners. from al jazeera, the rock of gibraltar. >> chelsea looking to maintain their one-point gap at the top of the premier league. it's still goalless. second place arsenal away at
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stoke, and it's 0-0 there. and liverpool away at southampton. a win could mean that they leapfrog manchester city into third. one game under way now is, and halftime it's 1-1. on to tennis roger federer is play forgive his sixth divide championship title taking on tom burdick in the final. a day after knocking djokovic out, and he's taking the third set 6-3. andy murray has been dumped out. murray took the first step only
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to lose the next two in tie breaks in just under three hours. still booking to reach his third final since back surgery. he'll play kevin anderson for the title. australian cricketers won the toss and chose to bat first which appears to be a good decision. they have pushed the visitors to 31318-3. afghanistan recorded it's first ever win in the asia cup. the afghans batted first and made 254 of 50 over and reply bangladesh with 222. afghanistan winning by 32 runs. and that is all the sport for now. >> thanks very much. we're back in just a moment on al jazeera. we'll have a full update for you, all the latest developments
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out of russia in just a moment.
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>> good afternoon and welcome to al jazeera america. i'm morgan radford live in new york city, and here are the stories we're following for you right now. a chilling new development in the ukraine crisis why the russian parliament approves use of military force. this after a warning for president obama. >> we're now deeply concerned by reports of military movements taken by russian federation inside of ukraine. >> and


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