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tv   News  Al Jazeera  March 2, 2014 10:00am-11:01am EST

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so many money stories sound complicated. but don't worry. i'm here to take the fear out of finance. every night on my show i break down the confusing financial speak and make it real. >> hello and welcome to the news hour live from doha. we have your top stairs. >> this is actually the declaration of war to my country. >> ukraine's prime menster said ukraine and russia are on the brink of disaster and diplomatic sanctions are being imposed. >> the territory of ukraine and sang at this time have been violated and it cannot be the way to conduct international
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affairs. >> in london, more on the crisis over crimea. we'll look at how ukraine's military compares to the might of russia's armed forces. >> a knife-wielding rampage at a chinese train station. accept are a activities of blamed for leaving 33 dead. >> the prison in nepal built as a stable now houses scores of criminals. >> hello, there's no fighting at the moment, but if you believe ministers in kiev, it could be very close. ukraine says russia has declared war and the countries are on the brink of disaster all because of whoo kiev does business with and unrest in crimea. western countries are pulling out of talks ahead of the g.a.
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summit in the russian city of sochi in june. >> we have to recognize the sovereignty and territorial integrity of ukraine has been violated, and this cannot be the way to conduct international affairs, and so in addition to calling yelled's emergency meeting of the u.n. security council, the united kingdom will join our g8 countries this week and suspending our cooperation under the g8, which russia chairs this year, including the preparation meetings this week for the preparation of the g8 summit. >> meanwhile, ukraine's military says he's calling up military reserve forces and wants them to be cam both ready as soon as possible. there are increasing reports of activity by unidentified gunmen and russian troops in crimea,
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including at a ukrainian base. there's a standoff between militia men and soldiers. they are meeting and discussing the security threat. nato's secretary general said russia is threatening peace in europe. >> what russia is doing now in ukraine violates the principles of the united nations charter. it threatens peace and security in europe. russia must stop its military activities and its threats. ukraine is our neighbor, and ukraine is a valued partner for nato. we urge all parties to urgently continue all efforts to move away from this dangerous situation, in particular, i call on russia to deescalate tensions.
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>> we're covering all sides of the story. in a moment, we'll speak to them standing by, but first, let's cross over to moscow. tell us what russia's thinking exactly is at this point with nato meeting on the situation as well as comments being made by world powers, including the united states. >> yeah, well, the g8 meeting scheduled for june in sochi now looking like it's going to be more like a g4 meeting. it was going to be another of the feathers in vladimir putin's cap follow on from the successful winter olympics. he has been riding high in the russian domestic polls since then. now, this might be a blow for vladimir putin if four of the countries he was supposed to be showing up to the g8, that's the
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u.s., the u.k., france and canada, around going to be there as they are intimating. they haven't pulled out of the whole thing itself, just suspending the preliminary pleadings that mitt up to the summit. would it actually make a difference to what russia is doing at the moment? that's almost impossible to say and certainly it could be going through vladimir putin's head at the moment, but it is a sacrifice worth making if he can manage to get control of crimea, and that would be a much bigger reward than holding a g8 summit in sochi in june. >> all right, thank you very much. reporting from moscow. >> well, that's what's happening over in moscow. what about that increase in military action in the crimea region of ukraine? here's what ukraine's acting penalty had to say about the standoff over there.
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>> ukrainian troops are acting according to the ukrainian constitution and they will defend ukrainian soil. any attempt to attack the military bases will be rewarded as a direct military aggression against our country and the russian army and the leadership of the russian federation will be held fully responsible. there was no storming of the base at 5:00 a.m., but i must emphasize the situation remains extremely tense. >> let's ask robin exactly how tense the situation is in the crimean capitol, where you are. >> here behind me, things are surprisingly calm. it feels a little bit like being in the center of the storm, the eye of the storm. it's edgy, but the people who are out on the streets and who were here earlier are those who feel very much as if this is a good thing the russians appear to be in crimea, the russian
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forces on the ground and they of course support those maneuvers that are going on wholeheartedly, in particular, most significantly, a standoff now between ukrainian armed forces at a base not far from here and what appears to be as large as a whole russian battalion that has surrounded. inside this base is a contingent that has refused to surrender and hand off their weapons. we believe 17 military trucks, the russians have five armored personnel vehicles, three jeeps, two other command vehicles and the list goes on. so far, not a shot has been fired, but it certainly is contributing to a very difficult situation now with those ukrainian troops refusing to hand over their weapons. in other parts of crimea, we understand now that ukraine's
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own coast guard, naval boats have left the town and may have relocated somewhere safer in odessa. >> that's what we have out of crimea this afternoon. >> we'll speak to you later on. thank you very much, reporting from crimea. >> we also appeal to the president of russia not to make a decision as to announcing war with ukraine and using armed forces. hour aim now is to use all possible means to resolve the military conflict provoked by rauch is that without any grounds in the territory of ukraine. we feel we have to resolve it in a peatful way. >> let's go to tim friends who
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will tell us what kiev is planning to do with all these fast-moving developments. >> you can probably see and hear behind me here independence square where all this started, all day, patriotic speeches from people on the stage from people in the crowd of thousands. the prime minister saying we're on the brink of disaster, it's not a threat, it's a declaration of war. what can they do? they've got a tiny army, probably 150,000 people. well, my colleague jacki roland has been out and about listening to the political reaction and also watching as those reservists respond to the call-up. >> ukrainians are preparing themselves for war. in kiev, where there has already been so much bloodshed people express they're allegiance to
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ukraine and their defiance of russia. it's fighting rhetoric and for now it still is only talk. parliament has been meeting in emergency session. afterwards, the prime minister said russia had brought them to the brink of disaster. >> this is not the threat, this is actually the declaration of war to my country, and we urge president putin to pull back his military and to stick to the international obligations and bilateral and multi-lateral agreements signed between the ukraine and russia. >> the army opened recruiting stations across the country, nine in the capitol alone. this on the outskirts of kiev, men were waiting and you said before the doors opened. >> people have been responding
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enthusiastically to the call to mobilize. here there are young men, older men, people with military experience, people without military experience who still want to take part. we visited a total of three stations in and around kiev and already in the first few hours, several hundred people have enlisted. >> somehow, we have to win, and i can't say that we will win, but i'm sure we have to win and we will do everything. you can see people, different age from 18 to 60. they are volunteers. >> i know that russia's powerful, they have nuclear weapon, but on the other side, we have our friends in europe, and the united states who already claim their support, so we will fight until the end. >> this is the gravest confrontation between russia and the west since the end of the cold war. what started here as a protest movement has escalated beyond
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what most of the demonstrators could have imagined and it's not over yet. jacki roland, aljazeera, kiev. >> well, u.s. secretary of state john kerry has been appearing on sunday morning talk shows and he says that russia is mistaken in supporting the deposed ukrainian president viktor yanukovych. >> russia and president putin of aligning themselves termly with the person who was legitimately stripped of his power by the parliament, even by his own supporters. i think this is an enormous mistake for russia, and we hope, president obama hopes that president putin will turn in the direction that is available to him to work with all of us in a way that creates stability in ukraine. this does not have to be and should not be an east-west struggle. this is not about russia and the u.s. this is about the people of
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ukraine. >> let's find out more on the u.s. reaction and speak to rosalyn jordan from washington. kerry making the rounds on the sunday talk shows. what does the use plan to do? >> essentially the u.s. is trying to shame russia into withdrawing its troops and into realizing that there will be severe economic costs and possible visa bans, as well, if this isn't reversed quickly. the u.s. is very much of the mindset that what russia has done is illegal under at least three international laws and treaty agreements, so what they are doing by saying they are stopping their planning for the g8 summit in russia in june is just one of those steps. they are stress that go there is already consideration that they might kick russia out of the g8, which of course, is the organization of the world's
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richest economies, and they're also looking at ways of trying to essentially appeal to the business class inside russia that wants to have close economic ties with the west. they think that by making this appeal, that this will bring about more pressure than trying to resort to military options, which is something that no one wants to assert certainly not here in the united states. >> all right, thank you, ross lynn jordan reporting from washington. >> still to come, a bitter divide, muslims and central africans continue to be forced out with violence. >> protesting a law that could see them drafted into the army in jerusalem. >> a surprise on man chester city in a league cup final. we will have the results later.
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>> first, protestors in venezuela are preparing for a new round of anti-government rallies, refusing to negotiate with the president until all those arrested, including a prominent opposition leader are released. maduro says the protests are part of a washington-backed coup. the rallies started a month ago when students demanded better security. protestors are frustrated with the rate of inflation currently at 51%, high crime rates as well as a shortage of basic goods. at least 18 people have been killed and 250 injured in the demonstrations. alejandro ver velasco joins us e to talk about the protests in vends.
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in your opinion, what do they want to achieve? >> the range of demands varies and it's unclear what those have been over time. the bulk of the protestors on the streets are demanding improvements in sober yo economic conditions, although some of them have also been increasingly demanding the ouster of the resignation of the president. so it's a varied range of demands. >> do you think that they'll stay on the streets until that happens? should it happen, the ouster of meduro? do they speak for the majority of venezuelans? >> the protestsig right now seem to be abating, the number of protests are smaller than they have been over the last two or three weeks of protests,
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concentratinged primarily in middle class areas of caracas and what this suggests is that the opposition after 15 years of intense struggles against the government still has a very difficult time in appealing to a broader base, especially among popular sectors who continue to support the government, despite the coach yo and economic conditions precisely because the opposition has been unable to craft a message that will incorporate those popular sectors. >> is there any sort of indication of a political compromise, where does this go to from now? >> yes, there have been some sign i think as you mentioned in your report, the president has called for negotiations, instituted instead of peace talks, as well as invited prominent private sector leaders of business to meet with the government to try to seek some
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immediate solutions as well as structural solution to the economic problems that we were talking about before. it is true that the major leaders of the opposition have balked at these invitations, but lower levels of the opposition, for instance the governor has been attending these meetings as well as others. there are hopeful signs that this particular moment of tension is abating and it's possible to see some negotiations happening in the short term. >> i'm sure you're seeing what's happening in ukraine. how much have the protests in venezuela sort of been emboldened, if they have at all by the protests that started in kiev? >> it's hard to say. ukraine is so far away from
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venezuela that it's difficult to get a sense of how much play they get on the ground, especially amongst those popular sectors that form the core of support for the government. certainly for the middle classes who are primarily the ones staging these protests, the events happening in ukraine are the mark of potential hope. they need more to ask the government, major of the opposition have been saying that it's no good for use to seize power to actually come to power if we actually don't have the support of the majority of the population. they're playing a long game in order so that if they do come to power, their prospects for stability of high rather than trying to seek an immediate solution and having to deal with a majority of the population that is not in support of their moves. >> all right. thank you very much for joining us on aljazeera. >> the chinese government says
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it will crack down on separate activities after a stabbing left 33 dead. the attack happened at a train station. we report from the scene. >> outside the station of the scene of the attack, a temporary memorial has sprung up. a sense of outrage and disbelief from those paying their respects, those who were here at the time of the attack and others who could have been. >> the attack started over there. i came out when i heard screams and saw bodies lying on the ground. >> i was due to come to the station last night but i couldn't get a ticket. if i had, i might have been killed. >> in hospitals around the city, those injured are being cared for. an appeal has gone out for blood donations. authorities here are blaming
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separatists. if confirmed, this will be a further deepening of a decades-old conflict and happening a long way from the train station itself. >> this serious violent attacked was planned and organized by separatist elements. this incident was the most cruel atrocity. the communist party of china has paid high attention to the incident. the president instructed law enforcement agencies to investigate and deal with the case. >> this is a sensitive time in china ahead of the national people's congress gathering in beijing and security stepped up in the chinese capitol, but packed with travelers, railway stations are impossible to secure completely. >> a country the size of china has so many potential targets, the more remote, the more vulnerable. those killed and wounded had the misfortune to be in this station at the very time the attackers decided to strike.
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aljazeera. >> myanmar is allowing doctors without borders to reopen clinics in the country, but band from the home of thousands of muslims. at least 200 people there have been killed by buddhist groups since 2012. >> two explosions in the city in northeast nigeria have killed dozens. a second attack took place in a village, both assaults are in the region government forces have been fought. witnesses say theville was burned to the ground. we have an update on the attacks. >> the details of this attack on the village are still unclear. what we do know from eyewitnesses is that the village was raided late saturday night by masked gun men firing rocket propelled grenades into people's homes. the death toll might be quite high. the villagers tell us the
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background for this might be the fact they assisted the military authorities with on that pretending fighters sometime ago and this is potentially a revenge attack. so far, no official confirmation from the military or police about this attack. on the attack that happened on saturday night, the twin bombings, what we know speaking to the authorities is that at least 35 bodies were recovered by the police, but the emergency services say that the death toll could be as high as 51. no group has claimed responsibility for either of these attacks, but it does look like the work of the militants that have been behind so many killings in the region since 2009 and want islamic law imposed across the region. >> the u.n. estimates more than 150,000 muslims have fled the central african republic, the minority trying to escape the christian mobs hooven attacking them on an almost daily basis. weapon report on the
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difficulties the existing community has when trying to leave. >> they're cooking the last of the food from the last delivery of aid three weeks ago. this church is a refuge for hundreds. they are terrified of the christian militia who want revenge. living in fear and without enough to eat, they listen to news of a way out. a convoy is spotted from cameroon. no one knows when the next will come, so she decides to grab what she can and take her chance. she isn't welcome here. no more muslims here, get out, he says. within moments, in a town where muslims and christians used to live happily together, the sport begins. but this is not a game for people who are now running for their lives. no one wants to be left behind.
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it may all come down to this, so they surge at the truck in desperation. once it's gone, a boy has been separated from his parents. anguish and fear are etched on his face. strangers help him find his way back. another child, another wave of humanity. >> it is absolute chaos here as desperate families literally throw themselves, their children and whatever belongings they can hold on to on to the because of these trucks. >> stripped of his home and dignity, a man refuses to relinquish his belongings. it's all he has left and he won't leave it behind. african peacekeepers try to restore order. they spot a fighter in the crowd and take their anger out on him as their inability to stop what's happening. >> don't touch them. it's their wish, they want to
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leave. they were your brothers before, you were with them, you have to let them go in peace. the old man is the last one, clinging to his meager possessions as a woman laughs at his humiliation. when the convoy is gone, he speaks. >> i don't know what's going to happen now, but i pray the already protect them and accompany them to their final destination. if i have a message, it is that the people along the road must help them, help them to get out. >> there are no muslims here for him to shelter anymore, so the church doors are closed, the town purged of people because of their beliefs. aljazeera, central african republic. >> thousands of people take to the streets in china after a journalist is knifed and left fighting for his life.
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>> hello again, here's a reminder of top stories, troops believed to be russian are blocking a ukrainian base in crimea. ukrainian troops have locked themselves in. >> canceling preparations for the g8 meeting to be held in russia in june. nato ambassadors are discussing their next step in the face of russia's military action. china on high alert and the government ordered a security crackdown after 33 people were stabbed to death at a railway station. separatists are being blamed. >> let's get more from the
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crisis in ukraine. >> there have been protests in a number of cities against the prospect of russian military action in ukraine. >> here in london hundreds of ukrainian supporters marched to the russian embassy chantedding slogans against russian intervention in favor of ukrainian sovereignty. >> in russia, 20,000 people demonstrated in moscow in sport of president putin's stance in ukraine. a protest was held in moscow by 200 people outside the defense ministry to demonstrate their opposition to the action in ukraine. about 100 protestors were detained when they refused to clear the street. >> if it does come down to armed conflict, how do ukraine and russia's military forces compare? the russian army has 285,000 soldiers, more than four times
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as many soldiers as ukraine's with 64,750. russia has twice as many tanks, 2,150, compared to 1,110 for ukraine. russias air force has 1,389 combat capable aircraft to ukraine's 221. that's five times as many. when it comes to the navy, russia has 116 surface vessels to 11 for ukraine and 64 submarines, ukraine just one. while the number of personnel in ukraine's navy including naval infantry 16,950, russia can count on 150,000 of whom 11,000 are based in crimea itself. >> with me now is defense analyst chris. we've heard a lot of figures there. i think we get the gist, russia has got to lot more to play with than ukraine does. for ukraine, from this period of
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turmoil, how ready are they for russia. >> >> it's a very young government and putin is already exploiting that. their masters at the art of russian tactic of paragraphvasion and just to have small acts of provokation until a young government over reacts until they give the russians the moral authority as they see it to get involved in their internal affairs which is what they did to georgia in 2008 which allowed them a limited invasion. >> we look at this as a very polished force. what is it actually like? what could they be capable of? we've heard the number. >> the numbers of huge, they clearly invested a lot of money in the capitol and their equipment over decades, but they're not as good as we'd like to see them. in the west we have this image of the russian bear, still a voluntary cold war image of the russian military machine which we sort of built up ourselves. the fact is the equipment's old,
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not very good and don't perform very well. we saw that in economic knee i can't and georgia. after georgia, the head of the russian military was sacked. for them, it's a close run thing but not portrayed that way in the western media. >> how do you see things unfolding with this always goes to the people who have the more equipment and people prepared to use it the most. do the ukrainians really have the stomach to take on the russian military, probably not. young, inexperienced government, the country divided, don't know who is loyal to them. ukrainians understand that while the west are making lots and lots of noises on their behalf, they are not going to intervene. do they want to fight the russians themselves? the answer is probably know. >> what about the black sea fleet, talk to us about the context of it. >> there's to reason ukraine is
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important to russia, one is understanding what it is to be russian, cultural heritage they see as part of the russian culture. the second is the fleet, where it's harbored, good ports which can protect it, the best ports in the black see. to russia, this is important infrastructure, they will not keep it go. they said we could keep our fleet there and in return, we will give you 30% of your energy prices. that's business. the russians will not let the black sea fleet go. >> do you think we'll see negotiation first, act later? >> i don't think any of us really know the answer to that. the only thing we have to go with is two things, first of all, the russian behavior in georgia, limited, they took the ground that was important to them and didn't care what the
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west said. we've seen the west response to certain things like syria. though russia has had it's way in all the negotiations. the russia know obama is a man who wants dialogue and compromise. if your opponent is wanting compromise and you don't, you have the upper hand. >> thank you. >> that's all from us here in london for the moment. it's back to doha. >> hundreds of thousands of israeli ultra orthodox jews are taking to the streets in western jerusalem protesting a law being debated by the government to draft the ultra orthodox into the army. let's take a closer look at that community. there are up to 700,000 in israel and that means the community represents around 11% of the country's 6 million jews. the ultra orthodox reward themselves as the most religiously authentic group and stay largely separate from the
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rest of society. up until now, they are exempt from service if pursuing religious studies with that alan, tell us what it has been like and what turnout is like. >> you take a look, you can see the size of the turnout here. the organizers hope to get in the area of half a million people on the street in western jerusalem. they're probably not far from that figure. all the streets to the side are entirely full and probably somewhere in the region of one and a half to two kilometers back, people are standing right across the street. they started arriving hours ago, coming from all over israel and as we were walking through jerusalem, they are even walking along the sides of very busy roads just to get here. this is all to protect the idea that the government wants to introduce constriction for orthodox jews. they never served, but the
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government wants to thank that now. essentially they were given a pass to build up religious schools but now there are hundreds of thousands. as you can see, there is the argument by not serving in the military when everyone else does, they are not contributing to society, but that of course is denied by any of their spokesman. >> we all believe that we need to contribute and we're part of the community. we contribute in our way. we've proven that our contribution helps the community and kept the people of israel as one nation throughout 3,000 years. we are confident that what we do is the actual deed that combines and keeps the jewish nation to flourish in the future. >> from the stage, there have just been prayers. there's been times when this
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crowd that fallen silent as people have been in prayer and when they've joined together, the chorus of voices has actually been very impressive. this is the ultra orthodox community sending a message to the government, you may be looking at some sort of compromise but we can mobles this sort of strength at very short notice. it's been just a few days when they decided to hold this protest here in west jerusalem. they hope to bring 600,000, and from here, you can see just how successful they've been mobilizing a community very angry with the government, very angry with what its planning and hope it will change its decision soon. >> thank you very much, reporting from west jerusalem. >> now in hong kong, thousands of people have marched for press freedom following a knife attack on a journalist on wednesday. the former editor is still critically injured in hospital. craig leeson has more.
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>> thousands gathered outside the legislative council to hold a vigil for the journalist after a brutal knife attack. wednesday, he arrived at a local restaurant for breakfast. he was ambushed by two men on a motorcycle in what police describe as a classic try add attack. in january, he was sacked from his post as he had door of the local daily newspaper. there is now speculation that his attack was connected to an investigation into the business affairs of senior chinese figures. the newspaper has handed police articles it thinks might be connected to the attack. these attacks are on the increase. last year, billionaire magazine pub issuer was assaulted as he left his office. in a separate incident, a stolen vehicle was used to ram a home.
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>> these are signs that the hong kong society find this absolutely unacceptable and hope hong kong as a government do something about this. >> journalists warn a culture of fear is now developing in hong kong in a first of joint forces with their employers to create a cross industry representative group called the press coalition against violence. in the third protest rally in just seven days, thousands turned out to urge the government to protect press freedoms and the police to find those responsible for his attack. >> i am glad the media is united at this time, and send a very strong message to the community that we cannot tolerate violence against journalists. >> hong kong has three places on the world press freedom index
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which says beijing's influence is jeopardizing independence here. >> hong kong's leader of police said they will do all in its power to bring shows responsible for the attack to justice. craig leeson, aljazeera, hong kong. >> a landmark case in pakistan ended with the first-ever conviction for the murder of a journalist in the country. the 28-year-old was shot dead, he'd been investigating crime and armed groups. four men were sentenced to life in prison and two given death sentences in abextent i can't. >> aljazeera continues to demand the release of its staff held in egypt. they have now spent 64 days in prison, accused of limpings with a terrorist organization and spreading false news. aljazeera rejects the charges. >> another aljazeera journalist has been held since august and he's been on hunger strike for
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more than a month to protest against his imprisonment. >> a day after sworn in as egypt's new prime minister, a call for an end to protests, saying demonstrations and strikes should be stopped to given the country a chance to rebuild. he was sworn in along with his cabinet saturday and took over the position after the surprise resignation last week. >> prisons in nepal are overcrowded and fall apart and prisoners say upgrades promised by the authorities are taking for too long. we have more on prison life in rural western nepal. >> this night looked like a holiday spot. those living here have never seen this magnificent view. this is the prison. the warden that a tough job, besides managing the prison also has to make sure that the building doesn't fall apart. this is his office.
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>> this building was built as a stable, later turned into a prison. this building is over100 years old. >> prisons built between 1846 and 1941 and maintenance ignored. >> the wood is rotting. >> like many others, this one has more people than it can manage. >> this is for 20 people but houses 70 inmates. authorities fear should the number of prisoners increase, they might have to pitch tents outside to accommodate them. >> inmates have to share the narrow areas outside the believe for warmth in the winter sun. recreation is limited to a board game, the only way to make money is knitting. they all share the space with hard core criminals. as the dry season starts, the drinking water supply for the district headquarters has dried up. >> we have to buy tanks of
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water. >> a study said prisons need upgrading. for most of these inmates, it's taking much too long. aljazeera, western nepal. >> still to come on the program: made in palestine at the oscar abthriller about life in the occupied territories is up for a prize. >> no butting in, how this football manager has been hit hard with a six figure fine for his reaction to a rival player. details coming up in sport.
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>> this is the real deal man... >> hollywood's most press stage use wards the oscars take place this sunday. for the first time, a palestinian-funded movie is nominated. we have more. >> in almost all good love stories, there's an obstacle to love. in the oscar nominated film, omar, there's no exception. he is a baker living in the west bank co othersed into becoming an israeli secret agent after being accused of murdering an
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israeli soldier. it is the separation wall, the symbol of the israeli occupation that keeps him from his love, nadia, who lives on the other side. >> not everybody know that the wall is built actually inside the west bank. everybody thinks that the wall is built between the west bank and israel. in reality, most of the wall is inside west bank and cutting the life of palestinians from each other. >> got director set out to make a good movie, not a political statement but his entire cast and crew is palestinian. 95% of the funding came from palestinian donors. >> it's a story about palestinians living in extreme circumstances but despite that, they long for the things that we
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all long for around the world, and as human beings. >> a story of love and friendship, trust and bedayal. omar is his second nomination but the first time that a foreign features country of origin is listed at palestine. after his first nomination, the academy bent to pressure from israeli and listed his film as coming from the palestinian territories. >> it is a small victory for people in search of state hood. >> academy is seeing that even we don't have independent country, and we are under occupation, still we have the right to submit our movies as independent culture, and this is a step forward towards independence. >> in the film, the obstacles
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facing the lovers prove too difficult to overcome. he reaches a cultural milestone for his people, even if he doesn't take home the oscar. >> let's get a sports update. >> thank you very much. we start with football and the english cup final maybe it wasn't a surprise when city's on going striker from liverpool gave them the lead 10 minutes into the first half. two goals in two minutes after the break, and then nasri turned things around. city have just scored again. it remains 3-1 with just seconds remaining. >> to the english premier
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league, find $168,000 by his club after head butting a player. the confrontation happened in the 72 minute of newcastle's match. the manager retall 80ed with his head. he was immediately sent to the stands by the referee. the incident overshadowed the win. an investigation will be launched into the clash. >> the incident arrived on top of me and pushed me away. i tried to ease him away with me but put my head in a forward motion and you just can't do that. i apologize to him, to everyone, particularly my own fans as well. i don't think it was a head butt. it wasn't a motion that was quick and like a head butt, it was pushing him out of the way, getting him out of my face, really. >> tightening their grip on fifth place from one of thee games kicking off in the premier
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league in 30 minutes from now. things are tight at the top of the english premier league chelsea leading four points from liverpool. quite the opposite in germany where munich are now 20 points clear at the top of the league which just started. four goals down after 28 minutes, completed the scoring in the second half. a penalty here. royal have dropped points in their chase, held to a 1-1 draw by royal batiste. soriano with the spot kick. five minutes from time, a
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header. the big game this week starts in a few minutes with athletico taking on real. they also sit atop the league three points clear of barcelona and athletico. >> we know that it will be a very tough game, because and it is derby, because it is a match against the team that is fighting with us for the league, and so it will be a very difficult game, but we are going to play with a lot of confidence. >> could jump to fifth place in the table if they win and second place barcelona in one of the
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late games. man city have beaten sunderland in the english league cup. >> roger federer won his first title in months winning in dubai. the first set 6-3, but the former number one coming back to win the next two. the battle to a second title after beating kevin anderson in the final of the mexican open in acapulco. a tie break, lost the second 6-3 to his south african opponents. again on a tie break moves up to a career-high 16th in the
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rankings. >> australian contradict champion clark passed 150 as australia continue to build a large first inning score against south africa. the visitors started the day on 3-3-1 for 3 and despite losing partners regularly, scored unbeaten 161 before play was called for bad weather. >> in the caribbean, looking to square their one day series, the visitors won the toss. five of 35 overs. >> pakistan have beaten india in thation cup. the defending champions have stripped india of eight of their 50 overs. reached a target with two balls to spare. that's it, more scores later. >> every year, thousands travel to italy for the renowned venice carnival. it started as a street party for the lower classes but it's now
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keeping the local economy afloat. some of the most elaborate costumes fetch more than $34,000. we report. >> dressed to impress at the carnival of venice, thousands of tourists pack the italian city for the annual parade of costumes. behind the masks lies a tradition that keeps the local economy afloat. she has tailored costumes for 20 years. with a price tag of $30,000, she caters to wealthy party-goers. >> the real luxury is to drain, play and wear costume for one night and behind a mask, be your true self. >> the most exclusive ball in venice, the entry ticket costs $2,000. >> the first carnival in venice was held in 1860 as a festive
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for the lower classes. behind the masks, all looked the same. now carnival is for those who can afford it. >> while this party is too expensive for most party goers, it generates $60 million, thanks to the hotel rooms, private transport and restaurant bills paid for but its of affluent guests. >> we estimate that every year, carnival brings to the city 40 to 50 million euros. it is invaluable. >> while the rest of the country's economy sinking, venice is having a ball. aljazeera, venice. >> back in just a moment right here on aljazeera. we'll have a full bulletin of news, all the day's top stories
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coming your way.
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good afternoon, do you and welcome to al jazerra america i am morgan radford live in new york city. russian soldiers surround a ukrainian military base in crimea, this amid warnings of military intervention. >> it's really 19th century we haven your in the 20th censure. >> i this cannot be the way to conduct international affairs. also anti-government marches resume in venezuela. and the red carpet out in los angeles for tonight's


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