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tv   News  Al Jazeera  March 24, 2014 6:00am-9:01am EDT

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offend people, i'm here. >> we have a right to know what's in our food and monsanto do not have the right to hide it from us. >> so join the conversation and make it your own. >> watch the stream. >> and join the conversation online @ajamstream. ♪ i want to mt. st. helens when it erupted and the devastation in the area reminds me very much of the devastation i saw. >> buried alive and a search of survivors go through the night after a wall of mud surrounds a town. >> with different colors is what it looked like. >> backlog in the lone star
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state and has one of the busiest shipping channels shut down and president obama spoke at the hague and international summit happening there but ukraine is topping the agree do for commander and chief and leaders around the world. a crew of malaysia flight 270 and what they think they spotted. ♪ welcome to al jazeera america, live from new york i'm stephanie sy and it's 3:00 a.m. in washington state where crews have been searching through the night for people missing the after a massive landslide, on saturday a wall of debris went through the town of oso, 50 miles north of seattle and a state of emergency has been declared in the area and covers a square mile. at least 8 people are known dead and more than a dozen unaccounted for after the rain-soaked mountain side came
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sliding down blanketing the town and destroying 30 homes and we have more on the rescue effort. >> nothing like they have ever seen is what many here in the community north of seattle are saying about the mudslide that devastated the region. >> it's slid a couple times in my life and but never nothing like this. >> it has been very surreal. the tragedy is unthinkable but the community has stated before on many times it comes together and friend helps family and family. >> reporter: they are comforting those who have loved ones missing. the devastation of course is overwhelming. and i had a sense that we will have hard news here but i can tell you that there are very vigorous search efforts underway. >> reporter: the earth broke loose saturday afternoon
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covering one square mile and a six-month-old baby were rescued by emergency crews on saturday but rescue on the ground stalled sunday after the terrain was declared too dangerous. >> the conditions are very, very muddy. in places it's still like quick sand. >> reporter: crews doing much of the work from the air and the community coming together to help one another at aid distribution centers. here it's neighbor helping neighbor. >> a lot of people lost their homes and everything they had, you know. and so we are just trying to come together as much as we can and support each other and everybody help do what they can. >> reporter: officials believe the cause of the mudslide is groundwater saturation from heavy rainfall in the area. monday morning of course at first light those search crew also be going back on mass and accessing as much of that very fluid, very unstable territory as they can and the governor
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continuing the search until everybody is accounted for, al-with al jazeera in arlington, washington. >> warning nearby residents to be alert for possible flash flood through the evening and we will bring in nicole mitchell. >> a drier break in the forecast something we will need to be concerned about because sometimes after the water end we have all of it pouring in the ground stream and lakes and rivers and that is what we have been seeing in the area. so especially where we had the mudslide and daming of the river and that is some of our concerns. this was the set up with the high terrain and you get the deep flow coming up, the terrain and as it lifts into the atmosphere it basically rings out so you get heavier flow coming down the mountain sides and adds to all of that and add to the fact we had a very wet february and you can see the
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core of some of this being blocked by the mountains and continuing with the rain we have had. a little break for today and another front coming in for tomorrow that will add to so so something we will have to monitor and more on the rest of the nation coming up, in a bit and back to you. >> an oil spill in tuberculosises is being called a nightmare and environmental risk and started saturday when a barge collided in galvaston bay. the accident blocked the busy houston shipping channel and threatening birds at a wildlife sanctuary, 168,000 gallons of oil may have been spilled and this incident comes as the u.s. marks another oil spill milestone and it's 25 years since the tanker exxon valdez struck a reef and causing the largest spill in history and spilled 11 million gallons of
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oil and killed hundreds of millions of wildlife and fish and birds and we will look back at the spill and the challenges that remain. president obama has joined world leaders in europe for a two day summit but it's shadowed by crimea and the president is in netherlands and will meet with britain, france, canada, germany and japan to have support against moscow's handling of ukraine and mike is at the hague and netherlands and it's worsening and how much of the meetings will center on the crisis? >> stephanie, it will dominate this meeting here. this has been scheduled for several months now and the third such meeting in the course of the last five years and nuclear security summit but ukraine on the top of the agenda and president obama arrived in the
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netherlands five hours ago and goes to amsterdam and first order of business and something the dutch host also no doubt appreciate touring the rembrandt and in front of the night watch painting by rembrant and talked about ukraine and said the world and europeans are united imposing a cost on russia and the president goes to a by lateral meeting with the chinese later ping and a number of items on the agenda and u.n. and security council last week the chinese abstained in the vote condemning russia for actions in crimea and the united states pointed that out several times and other issues on the by lateral agenda and the top is cyber security and sensitive with the chinese as well as disputed islands between japan and china and the east china sea and the marquis issue is the president called the meeting and g 7 and not the g 8 any more
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because russia is absent and now they effectively have been kicked out and the president called the meeting and not previously scheduled, on the agenda ukraine and we expect concrete information coming out of that, p president saying europe and the united states are speaking as one voice and see what kind of concrete steps they come up with at the end of the day, stephanie. >> does it seem that president obama and counter ports in the hague are on the same page right now regarding russia and the crisis in ukraine? >> reporter: well, it's a great question and much has been made of the integration that the russian economy has with the european economy and more than $300 billion of trade going back and forth annually and the question all along is will europeans make the sacrifice. the president gave an interview to dutch media before coming to europe and says if russia continues to escalate the situation we need to be prepared to impose a greater cost. sanctions obviously on the table.
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the only question is how deep will the sanctions go and how much of a financial bite will they take into russia. >> mike, this nuclear security summit meeting in the past has drawn world leaders and as you mentioned president obama is there, and ping from china is there, why is vladimir putin not at these meetings? >> reporter: that is a great question and, in fact, the russian leader if it's vladimir putin or his predecessor have been at these meetings. he is a no show considering the situation around ukraine and we do know his foreign minister sergei fedorov will be here as will john kerry, secretary of state will have a by lateral and this is another in a series of bilaterals between the two men that have not born fruit and no headway expected on that front. no one expecting vladimir putin to backtrack in crime yeah and as a matter of fact the major concern now, stephanie is what is going to happen in eastern
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ukraine. we've heard time again of russian troops on the border in eastern ukraine and the area heavily populated by ethnic russians, stephanie. >> vladimir putin not showing up and we are reporting from the hague netherlands and thank you. president obama is staying the course in the face of russia's defiance in ukraine and before his tour he spoke to a newspaper about moscow mying tarry presence in crimea and warned there will be repercussions if the situation escalates saying if russia continues on the path the sanctions we have begun to impose, the pressure on russia's economy and the diplomatic isolation will only increase and this morning we do have reports, ukraine troops in crimea are told to get out by the acting defense ministry and jennifer glasse is in sevastopol, crimea and the order came a short time ago from the ukraine's acting president and tell us what you are hearing about this order. >> reporter: well, good morning, stephanie we have
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spoken to the crimea spokesperson here and away of the order from kiev but have not received the order yet. a lot of confusion over the last week. they have been waiting here for orders from kiev for a long time, a little over a week ago russia invaded bases and pushing ukraines off bases and ships and the process is almost complete and took over another military base in the east of the country and the order out of kiev is saying because of the danger to the lives of the servicemen here in crimea and their families, families are being harassed and some people who have been thrown out of their homes, that is why the order was apparently given in kiev but it has not beneficially given to the troops here and we will wait and see how it pans out and get the troops out of here, kiev estimates 25,000 military men and family are here in crimea stephanie. >> over the weekend they lost control of an air base not far from sevastopol to pro-russian forces and, in fact, the commander of the forces as i
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understand was taken and ukraine prime minister is demanding the release of the base commander, what is happening now at balbeck air base? >> reporter: well, it's in russian control and the russians went this very aggressively on sunday and gave over the weekend they gave a deadline, on saturday afternoon gave a deadline, told the ukraines to surrender and they refused. this is a base that has been defiant and a symbol of the defiance here, a couple weeks ago the men of the base marched towards the russian soldiers with a flag totally unarmed and against armed russian soldiers demanded to take the base back and they have stood defiantly and saturday they went in with armored carriers and heavily armed ground troops and fired in the air and ukraine had to surrender and lightly armed ukraines had to surrender and the commander of the base remains in custody somewhere in sevastopol we believe.
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>> troops have been moved in place along ukraine's eastern border as well. >> reporter: that's right, a big concern about that actually the head of nato saying 20,000 troops are enough to move across ukraine to maldova on the west of ukraine and very concerning there and kiev does not want to see a move on the territory and said it cannot do much because the army is much smaller and hoping there won't be any more demonstrations or provocations in russia that does have many ethnic russians in it. >> jennifer glasse from sevastopol, crimea and thank you. in southern ukraine thousands marched sunday declaring loyalty to russia. people marched through the streets of odessa calling on russia to tashg over and want a referendum with independence of ukraine like crimea and
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pro-ukrainian crowds were in the capitol of kiev and 3,000 people gathered in independent square calling for united ukraine and the prime minister calls it russian aggression and they have the full support of the international community. long-standing border dispute between syria and turkey erupted on sunday and officials shot down a syrian tighter jet after it violated their air space. it happened along a southern border crossing near the med -- mediterranean and when the other plane did not comply it was shot down. >> translator: a syrian plane violated our air space and we took off and hit the plane. why? if you violate my air space our slap after this will be hard. >> pilot of the plane ejected safely and the second time turkey shot down a syrian
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aircraft, last september they shot down a helicopter in the same region. 529 people have been sentenced to death in one of the largest trials in egypt and a judge handing down sentences to the muslim brotherhood or ousted president mohamed morsi and all accused of violence and storming a police station and damaging property and it's part of the crack down on the muslim brotherhood which began after morsi's removal last july and 700 defendants in court on tuesday. the trial of three al jazeera journalists detained in egypt since december has resumed. the interim president tells the family of fahme he will get a fair trial and treatment and he was suffering a shoulder problem at the time of arrest and little medical attention and fahme is accused of having links to a terrorist organization and la grange rejects all charges against our journalists and demands their immediate release.
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the search area for missing malaysia airlines flight 370 has expanded after france released new satellite data and a press conference that ended a few minutes ago transport minister said he received a call from the australian prime minister saying they located two objects in their search area and they are scouring 26,000 square miles of the southern indian ocean and al jazeera's randall pinkston is in washington d.c. and this is on the heels of china saying it possibly spotted something as well. what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, stephanie there are interesting developments as they continue the search for the missing plane, mh 370. that reference to what the chinese found is very interesting because their aircraft just began to join the search yesterday and they have spotted objects that are not in the same area as other satellite sitings. now that incident mentioned by
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the australian airforce, they spotted two orange objects and a while-colored drum. what is interesting about that is that there is an australian war ship in the area which may be able to retrieve the objects and see if indeed they match mh 370. two days after the image possible debris related to air flight 370 china said one plane located what they call a suspicious object more than a thousand miles off of australia western coast and the latest clue after a weekend of other images caught by australian and french satellites led the search to focus efforts on one of the most remote locations on the planet in the indian ocean but french discovery may add confusion to the plane's whereabouts. >> the french citing is in a different location, 850 kilometers north of the current
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search area and we need to check that out as well. that is not in the area that had been identified as the most likely place where the aircraft may have needed to see. >> reporter: with more than two thirds of its passengers on board flight 370 china has also sent an ice breaker ship to join the mission to find the plane but efforts to reach the area and spot any sign of the jet will be hampered by bad weather. >> it was less than favorable and expecting an improvement in conditio conditions, however that was not the case. >> reporter: it did not stop the planes taking off today to resume the search but they will face rough conditions as a cyclone is expected to batter the area. with each potential clue leading to the possibility of finding the plane comes the announcement this morning that the u.s. morning is flying high tech, black box detectors to the zone
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and if the plane is found the location of the black boxes is crucial and their recordings could reveal not only why the net disappeared from any radar but why it would veer so far off its original course but it's a race against time because the batteries of the black box beacons will expire in less than two weeks. the high tech black box locater is called a toed-pinger locater and it's towed under the water by a ship and can go down as far as four miles but it's brought to the area only in preparation for the moment when they can actually say there is probably debris at the bottom of the ocean. and until they can find a real debris field that they can connect to image 370 they won't be using the towed-pinger locater because it has a limited range and placed in an area where they think the black box is located. >> all hands on deck on this and
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randall in washingtonnd thank you. a chaotic night on the streets of taiwan. water canons and police in full riot gear, the international issue that has thousands of students up in arms and former president jimmy carter uses snail mail with something important to say and why he is afraid to go online. >> a parent like myself with what i have it's not affordable. >> race against the clock to beat the deadline on obamacare and one woman's fight to make end meet. ♪
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♪ i have fell that my own communications were probably monitored and when i want to communicate with a foreign leader privately i type or write the letter myself, put it in the post office and mail it. >> former president jimmy carter is using old fashion snail mail for business officials and he
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says people are abusing the communications and he probably is under nsa surveillance himself and good morning and welcome back to al jazeera america and i'm sef any sy and one woman beating obama but first nicole mitchell has a check on the forecast. >> we are seeing 20s up and down the east coast and chilly in the midwest especially with the wind and feels like 7 in fargo and the winds will go up over the course of the day and the winds will be a factor and chilly tomorrow morning. not the only cold spot in the northeast and around the high we have canadian air and feeling like january temperatures today and a lot of 30s and 40s if you want the worm stuff head to phoenix, back to you. >> okay, thank you, breaking news right now in chicago, a train has derailed at o'hare international airport. reports say at least 30 people
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were injuried and none of the none appear to be threatening and it jumped the tracks and hit a platform and they are suspended and people directed on buses. a week from today is when every one in the country has to have health insurance and for some the promise of affordable healthcare remains illusive. >> reporter: pouring over bills is worry some for melinda anderson and earns $600 a week as a nursing assistant and struggles to make end meet. >> how am going to pay them, how many hours i need to work, what is going to get paid this morning. >> reporter: diagnosed went -- with endometriosis and missed the deadline to get a group policy through her job. >> i need to get insurance so i
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can proceed with having the fiber tumors removed. >> reporter: with the march 31st deadline looming to sign up for the affordable care act she went in to explore her options and her best coat she got is about $300 a month. >> and single mother like i am is not affordable. >> reporter: and earns too much money to qualify for a cheaper policy. >> yes, i'm stuck. >> reporter: for others the truly uninsured poor the city health department is still urging them to sign up. >> we had citizens tell us their insurance may be as low in some cases $25-$50 per month. >> reporter: for problems that many people experienced trying to get health insurance some say after years of being denied they can actually finally afford it now. and under the act wade got a policy for about $100 a month and calls it a saving grace for his daughter.
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>> i have a five-year-old, so i got to get it and by me being in the job status i'm in now i have to have it for her. >> we love for everyone who is -- who is eligible to take advantage of the opportunity and realize that if you don't there is going to be this period of time that you won't have access. >> reporter: after march 31st there won't be access under the affordable care act until next fall. >> i have to wonder how i'm going to pay the bills and how i'm going to get medicine. >> reporter: until she can find a better option she has to rely on an emergency room for healthcare and being billed at rates she knows she cannot afford and i'm in new orleans. >> a massive cleanup in the gulf after a major oil spill that shut down one of the busiest shipping chapels and da-ja-voo
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for people that live in alaska. >> 16 years of illness for me. >> 25 years to the day since the exxon valdez and the impacts still felt a quarter of a century later and ukraine may be just the beginning and things that russian vladimir putin is targeting another land grab. one of the poorest countries, they call it white gold but not every one is getting in on the gold rush. >> wichita state goes through kentucky in the quest for perfection and what resulted was a perfectly entertaining basketball game.
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♪ welcome back, i'm stephanie sy and these are our top stories at this hour, rescuers have found five more bodies following a
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mudslide in washington state, at least 8 people are known to have died after a wall of debris swept through the town of osso on saturday, the mudslide covering one square mile destroyed about 30 homes and more than a dozen people are still missing. the search for the missing malaysia air flight 370 enters its third week and france has new satellite images to reveal possible debris and japan said one of their planes spotted material in the indian ocean and scouring 26,000 square miles of the southern ocean. president obama is in the netherlands today for a nuclear summit with leaders and russia ramps up actions in crimea. he will meet with leaders from britain, france, canada, germany and japan to bolster international support against moscow annex. and a spill shut down the waterways and it shows the moment a barge collided with a
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tanker in galviston bay on saturday and it shut down the houston shipping channel and residue has been spotted 12 miles away in the gulf of mexico and up to 168 heavy tar have spilled from the barge and drained it and towing it to a shipyard and cleanup brought it to a stand still in the shipping channel and 70 ships have been held up because of the spill and dave reports it's still too early to tell what caused the accident. >> reporter: from the air, twisted steel clearly visible on the barge carrying nearly 1 million gallons of screw and cleanup crews are rushing to the texas coast to contain the oil which now extends at least 12 miles off shore. >> this is a significant spill. >> reporter: coast guard says one of the barges of tanks known to carry 168,000 gallons was
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breached. >> it has a type of banker fuel and heavy oil. >> reporter: it collided with a ship saturday afternoon near the city injuring crew members and it's blocking access to part of the houston's ship channel, one of the busiest in the world and two cruise ships were stranded, unable to dock. fisherman jeff roberts spotted oil residue on his boat. >> the first oil was going up the ship channel and a couple hours now is coming around the back of the design. >> reporter: the surrounding area is also a popular habitat for shore birds which the houston autobon society says it could be threatened and getting reports of oiled wildlife. >> in the environment it will move with the environment and has done so in moving out to the gulf of mexico. >> stopped the leak and removing the damaged barges from galiston as they continue to monitor air
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quality and the full reach unknown. >> that is dave reporting, 25 years ago today the tanker exxon valdez hit a reef in alaska spilling a half a million barrels of crude oil and thousands of shores and communities devastated and the cleanup and lasting effects of the spill. >> reporter: they did not have this 25 years ago, a computer simulator to teach about alaska's tricky coastal waters and it's real and the decks appear to heave on the swell and there is no better way to practice steering an oil tanker. >> as real as it gets without being in danger but it's hard to convince yourself sometimes you are not in danger. it's totally real. it's virtually real. >> reporter: when exxon valdez hit the reef in 1989 millions of crude gushed into prince williams sound and beaches were
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fouled, fish and wildlife coated in toxic tar and the cleanup in the courts went on for years. a quarter century after the unthinkable happened the waters off alaska southern coast look clean, the scenery as splendid as evident but problems with environment, animals and humans. thousands lost livelihoods as fish stocks collapsed and bob left his salmon boat to scrub beaches then he fell ill from chemicals used in the cleanup and years later it took a transplant to restore his health. >> i got an autoimmune disease and eventually my bone marrow failed and had plaskameyia and two or three other complications from that and it was 16 years for me. >> born in april and came with her ambilicus present. >> they grow quickly. >> yes.
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>> a sea otter expert and rescued hundreds from the spill and thousands perished and the doctor says these captivating animals are only now recovering in the wild. this is exxon valdez crude oil collected 25 years after the date. >> reporter: they are still finding oil on shore and rick worked on the exxon valdez disaster and cleans up spills around the world and learned transporting petroleum is risky and only one way to lower that risk. >> more oil produced and burned in the world since the exxon valdez oil spill than all of human history up until that date and it's stunning and we have to get better at using oil more efficiently and going to a low carbon sustainable economy. >> reporter: until that happens those that live in this spectacular place can't worry about another spill, the wreck of the exxon valdez did lead to
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safer shaping and demand of oil growing by the day the disaster lives on in the minds of many. daniel with al jazeera in alaska. >> government statistics show 13 of 32 different wildlife populations monitored since the spill have fully recovered. back to the crisis in crimea, reports this morning that ukraine troops will soon be ordered to evacuate the region, with russia controlling crimea, ukraine soldiers still there have been put in a difficult position and jennifer glasse has the story from an academy in sevastopol. >> the young kadets show their loyalty to ukraine and hold the ukrainian flag. this is not their regular ground, it's the military high school on academy grounds but they have not altered their daily routine that includes the ukraine national anthem.
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inside the school too nothing has been removed. here it still says glory to ukraine. but these are no ordinary times. and there is room for compassion among military men and there are big choices to make and fast. joining the russians in staying or remain with ukrainian force and leave crimea. and he has been with ukrainian navy since he started as a student nearly four years ago, he was 15. >> we are not going to the russian side. we are still with ukraine and not everybody of course but the half of us still are going to ukraine and want to serve it. >> reporter: for him a wrenching choice, most cadets are from here and if he goes he might not be able to come back. >> i want to go back to my
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parents but if they won't let me, that is my destiny. >> a big price to pay. >> a big price to pay. but what can i do? i'm military person. so i should go this way. >> reporter: he is worried there will not be a navy for him to serve in, the russians seized most of it. >> we don't want them to take the ships because that is all we have. >> our fleet and it's our country, they cannot do this. >> reporter: but they have. taking the final vessel the command ship saturday night. ukraine's only submarine captured has been moved between russia subs and the two navys used to work together and at the academy there is still some optimism. >> translator: we hope we can stay like the russian state before and work together. we would like it to be the same way now and see what happened. >> reporter: the gate here still bears the emblem and says this is the academy of ukrainian fleet but they know soon it will
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change and so they pose for photos by the gate before this becomes russian too and expand the commander to be replaced and it's not much of a ukraine navy to serve and their immediate future uncertain. jennifer glasse, al jazeera, sevastopol, crimea. >> here to talk more about the russian take over of crimea is anthony, executive director of the american institute in ukraine and it's great to have you this morning. what is the best that kiev and the west can hope for when it comes to crimea? at this point you have seen how quickly russian forces have been able to take over in that region. >> well, yeah, it's -- i think the question of crimea is a done deal. i think the russians have it solidly in control and it has been incorporated into the russian federation and no real question of lodging them from
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there. i think the only way that works possibly is through negotiation. >> the troops are not leaving crimea at this point and doesn't matter to you how strong the sanctions are. >> it doesn't matter. >> meanwhile more russian troops are moving along the eastern border of ukraine and president obama deputy national security advisor weighed in on the latest russian troop movement and let's listen to what he said. >> it's deeply concerning to see the russian troop build up along the border and creates the potential for incidents, for instability, it's likely what they are trying to do is intimidate ukraines and it's possible they are preparing to move in. >> he says it's deeply concerning, these troop movements, how would you interpret them? >> well, i think they are keeping the pressure on. what the russians are mainly concerned about is what is happening in kiev, the nature of the regime and legitimate and
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threats emanating from kiev towards the russian, i think the russian parts of the population and the russians want to remind kiev they are there and to go slow on the whole question of what they are doing vis-a-vis and they need negotiation and they said they want to return to february 21st agreement, that was originally agreed between yanukovich and western powers in russia. >> but yanukovich is gone and no way to get to february 21. >> no, but there is a way to have agreement for power sharing in kiev and yanukovich is history, that is done but in terms of having an agreement for settlement in kiev, you know, a comprehensive settlement that would solve the question from russia point of view, and neutralzation of the country, ukraine not in nato, if to enter europe with a free trade and have russia as well and russia,
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european, ukraine free trade area and integration of ukraine. >> why is this falling on deafs in the west? >> what are kerry and sergei fedorov talking about and maybe there is an effort to some type of agreement but i can tell you that the russians would love to see that kind of thing. the moment that kind of agreement would be struck the pressure in east ukraine would stop. >> let's go back to the military moves from russia and the commander breadlove had this to say about russian strategy on sunday. >> if russia is worried about a country moving towards the west, a way to solve that is an incursion, a frozen conflict and no one wants to think about bringing that nation aboard into nato because it might mean conflict with russia. >> so is general breadlove right, is this a way to ensure
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that ukraine never becomes a part of nato? >> if you look at putin's speech last week of kremlin where he signed annexation of crimea he was saying that ukraine will not be in nato regardless and this is intolerable and part of the calculation sure. >> people think that putin has grander designed other than staying in crimea and say the next move could be maldova with a separatist movement and why maldova and is it possible that is the next russian incursion that we see? >> it is ethnic romanian but one part is russian and ukrainian and those people have already indicated they would like to be annexed by the russian federation. so the political assembly in that sliver of land in
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transeastria said we would like to be in the russian federation and i don't think they will do it but he has his upon but if he were to do that it would mean russia is swinging from crimea over across the black sea coast to maldova. >> right. >> incorporating odessa which is an ethnic russian area and giving russia the black sea coast which is significant because of all the fracking and all this kind of stuff that ukraine wants to do with bp and other kind of major oil companies to develop local gas production to get out from russia gas. >> that is significant. >> what the journal may have in mind and thinking along these lines but let's hope not because it will be a total ex escalation of the crisis. >> executive director of the american institute in ukraine and thanks for coming in. >> thank you. >> taiwan authorities are coming down hard on antigovernment
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protesters. baton-wielding police cleared demonstrators from a government on sunday and they beat protesters with wooden clubs, at least 70 people were injured, dozens more arrested and accused taiwan president of forcing through a trade pack with china and more surprises from the big dance including number one seed going home, john henry smith is more with wichita state, good morning. >> good morning, stephanie, what a tournament so far and it was a great game yesterday and two games looking for respect and matched up in the best game of the ncaa tournament so far and wichita was laser point and their record was not a fluke and kentucky is living up to the preseason number one ranking and soccer is down one with a few minutes to go and going forward because he had a game of 31 and
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wsu in the lead and kentucky back and james young three of five and wildcats take it to the final seconds and down to fred for the wind, no good. cats win 78-76 and wichita state is 31-1 and kentucky is in louisville. look out for the east number one seed, virginia look dominant against 8th seeded memphis and leadingly by 27 before coasting to 78-60 win. the cavaliers will advance to the sweet 16 for the first time since 1995, next up fourth seeded michigan state. more number one seed goodness over in the west, arizona struggled in their opener against weaver state but little tribe with gonzaga and they will go against fourth side san diego state. sfan ford up set against second seed kansas and they drive and
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deposit as cardinals up for two and kansas is desperate and three and put them up and five three pointers in the dance and brad had four of them but could not hit five in the end and it was 60-57 and stanford will face dayton in the sweet 16. the only match up of two double digit seeds pitted 14th seated mercer and upset against duke against 11th seeded tennessee, a play and game qualifier fresh off an up set of 6 seeded umas and ut is playing like they should have been seeded a little higher and beating them by 19 points and they whipped upper -- up merser and the conference has three basketball teams through to the sweet 16 for the first time in 7 years and florida and kentucky are the other two and last year's
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national runner up is michigan. the dream season along with the dream career of 3,000 point skwoer is over and scores 15 points in finale but fall to bailer by 30 and the 6th seeded bears and second seeded wisconsin. 17993 chris webber ill advised time out call helped them win and unc for gets to call a time out and time runs out and iowa state wins 85-83 and the cyclones have a date with 7th seeded yukon, did you know baseball season started this weekend and not spring training but real games and australia is for the pastime and he has a game to remember sunday in the series finale and the first hit of the year and later in the inning with two on and two out and singles to right center and
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he gambles to score and he gets greedy and gets thrown out at second to end the inner and dodgers up 5-0 in the 6th and he rips a double of josh and his third hit of the game and plays deep and la wins 7-5 and sweep both games from d backs down under and that is your look at morning sports. stephanie. >> john henry smith and thank you. shr i mp forming in bangladesh is the second biggest behind garments but comes at an environment cost because it's poisoning farmland and freshwater. >> these farmers are casting their net for shrimp but not always the catch they look for, for decades he has bennetting freshwater in bangladesh but there is none to catch, shrimp flooded the areas with salt. >> translator: it's really sad,
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the freshwater fish here have a great taste and very sweet and flavorful and used to be very easy to catch. >> reporter: saltwater intrusion is harming the rain forest, the largest in the world. >> translator: shr i mp farming ruined or environment and neighbors and destroyed the communities in the area and the damage doesn't end there. many farmers create gas and flood barriers like this so water can flow in from the river toer gait their fields and this weakens the barrier and more likely to break down when disaster strikes and all the salt in the area has left their land useful for only one thing, shrimp farming. >> translator: rivers is full of salt and no option to grow rice on the land anymore and we have to farm shrimp or we might as well sell off our land. >> reporter: and he is the executive director of the
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bangladesh shrimp foundation and it's not fair to blame it. >> for thousands of years that was the environment. so at the point of time human being in their own need officially pressed and when anybody says because of this, how can it be? >> reporter: supporters and critics say there should be zoning in the south. the shrimp industry is not going away and the goal should be to let it grow and preserving the fragile echo system, i'm with al jazeera in bangladesh. >> 8 people dead, several others missing and the search for survivor whose may have been buried alive in washington state. >> propane produces 80% less carbon than diesel.
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>> green thumbs and ways to keep your lawn nice and the rest of the world looking good. >> it's unusual. is it illegal? it's absolutely not. >> guns and god, the church goer who walked out of sunday services with a new assault rifle. ♪ ♪ will you recognize me ♪ something inside me
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♪ and i can't get enough ♪ little girl
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♪ does it feel controversial to you that the church is giving away everything? >> i don't think so, it's part of life especially in the area. >> a worshiper in new york and services with a new semiautomatic weapon and people came to take part of the ralph at the grace baptist church near albany and sat for the three-hour service to win the gun and one lawmakers says they have a right to have a give away and not breaking any gun laws.
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>> it's unusual. is it illegal? no and not unethical because people can support the second amendment and i hope everybody does. >> it was donated by a gun shop and owner must gout there a scan and homeowners are gearing up for the green thumbs, giving it a workout but new tools may be in order and some companies are changing the way we power up around the yard. >> reporter: when the ceo of small engine giant brigs and stratton say it's giving way to other sources of power others are listening. stuff out there for a long time and stuff that is newer with propane and looking to the future in terms of what we can do with advanced bio fuels. >> reporter: and outside power equipment was the talk of a trade show last fall in
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kentucky. for these these are not gas tanks but propane tanks and enough to power it for 12 hours. companies that convert engines from gas to propane were represented here too. >> propane produces 80% less toxins and carbon than gasoline or diesel. >> reporter: this year americans will be using outside power gear powered by something other than gasoline and could be a hybrid like the multi purpose vehicle that also has a lawnmower deck. >> it can run 45 minutes on batteries and have gasoline engine that has backup. >> reporter: more likely the equipment will be battery powered, running motors like the equipment is a circuit board motor. >> building them for cell phones and computers and everything else and taking it to motors. >> reporter: this week cobalt announced it too is getting into
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battery-powered outdoor equipment. >> daniel is reporting and dell walters has a look at what we are following at the end of the hour. >> 8 people died after the massive mudslide in washington state. officials say more than a dozen people are still missing. a bus used in shipping channels is shut down after the oil spill and the coast guard says 168,000 gallons of oil may have leaked after a barge collided with a tanker and sank and president obama headed for the hague for the international nuclear summit and much of the focus is on the crisis in ukraine and also in our next hour what is at stake at the summit and how the conflict in crimea could effect talks plus 30,000 argentina people off the streets and killed by the military government almost 40 years ago and newly-released documents for some long, over do justice. >> a storm system impacting the east coast for the next days and bringing chances for snow and
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i'll have the forecast. >> and al jazeera continues and we are back with you in just 2 1/2 minutes.
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>> ukraine records the withdrawal of troops from crimea after pro russian forces storm its bases. >> the devastation is just unrelenting and awesome. >> rescue crews search a mile wide wall of mud from a mud slide in washington. >> this is exxon valdez crude
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oil collected 25 years after the date. >> a quarter of a century after the exxon valdez ran aground in alaska. >> new hope emerges for those seeking justice in argentina. >> good morning, welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. >> i'm stephanie sy. >> ukrainian troops in crimea will be ordered out of the region. >> it comes as president obama travels to the negligenter lands to meet with the world's financial leaders. the president and secretary of state john kerry both expected to meet with russia's foreign minister. >> this record apparently came a short time on the ground from ukraine's acting president. tell us what you're hearing.
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>> went that the order has come from the president in kiev. it is posted on his website, saying that the situation is grave here, the servicemen have their lives in danger, some have had their lives threatened here. they will be relocated and taken care of in ukraine. officials in crimea are aware of the order but have not been given the order themselves. that all comes after this morning, russian forces took over a base on the western part of ukraine, marine base. some clashes there, we understand two ukrainians were injured that in takeover. over the weekend, a real ratcheting up of tension here, russia took over the command ships, which were one of the last holdouts of the navy still flying the ukrainian flag until sunday, also took over the air base up the road from here. that was a very aggressive
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takeover, sending in armored personnel carriers, fires shot into the air. the base was famous for its troops standing their ground, marching unarmed against the russian forces when they came in demanding the base back and they flew the ukrainian flag until over the weekend. russia tightening its grip and we're getting word ukraine will pull its troops at some point although that order hasn't come to the troops yesterday. >> is the commander still in russian custody? i know ukraine's prime minister has demanded his release. >> that's right. we've seen this before. when they took over the naval base last wednesday, they took over headquarters and took the commander away, kept him for 24 hours. they reds him on the border with ukraine, basically expelling him from crimea. we understand that the commander of the base is still in custody, we think possibly somewhere here
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in as he >> president obama is landing in the netherlands this morning, meeting with the dutch prime minister and then leaders with france, britain and canada today. he hopes to bolster international support against moscow's handling of ukraine. >> europe and america are beyond the in our support of the ukraine again government and people. we're united in imposing costs on russia for its actions. the foreign minister pointed out that growing sanctions would bring significant sanctions to the russian economy. >> the president will be working on his original plans, nuclear security. delegations from 53 countries
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will negotiate how to keep those materials out of the hands of terrorists. mike viqueira is in the netherlands. how much will the ukraine crisis affect the on going nuclear talks? >> it's going to dominate these talks. they've been long scheduled. this is the third international meeting, the first in 2009 in washington. a lot of progress has been made. the president has said it time and time again, europe is not an east-west battleground. this is not the cold war, ukraine is not a zero sum game yet we hear ecos of the cold war, and the nuclear security summit tries to deal with and now the crisis in ukraine threatens to roll back all that's been accomplished so far. >> with russia and the united states at odds over ukraine, efforts to rid the world of leftover nuclear stockpiles could in in danger. >> it's a very troubling situation. we still have deep interests,
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national interests in working with russia to make sure nuclear material is secure and accounted for. >> there are warning signs. cooperation is broken down at the working level because of the ukraine crisis. the 20 year program that has guided efforts to secure nuclear materials has expired. now as the ukraine stand off escalates, russian officials have threatened to halt on its soil. ukraine is pushed to the job of ridding itself of nuclear weapons. >> it is because of the first summit in 2010 ukraine made a commitment to remove that remain material, and it is actually because of u.s. and russian cooperation that that happened. >> at this summit, no ukraine and no russia, it's president vladimir putin is taking a pass. >> in the wake of the soviet
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union collapse, the world was awash with loose nukes. 52 countries contained materials, down to 25. russia and the u.s. worked together, reducing stockpiles. ukraine, the former soviet republic was left with 1900 weapons. en 1994 they agreed to send them in russia with a pledge for ukraine's borders to be honored. since the russian invasion, ukrainian officials made it clear, they expected more to help defend their country. other nuclear states are watching. it's a question of trust. >> i do think it sets a terrible precedent, russia, the united states and britain pledged to respect ukraine's sovereignty, its territory, and to help protect it if that territory was threatened, and that's obviously been breached.
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>> the united states has its own challenges with nuclear security. >> a commitment to a safer, more secure tomorrow. >> a new facility in south carolina was designed to get rid of weapons grade blue tone them. work has been halted. that sends the wrong message to russia. >> they want to make sure russia does not get the signal that they should be stopping on their side, because they have a similar commitment. >> you can see trailing emments now of the president's motorcade arriving here at this nuclear security summit. ukraine is dominating here. on the question of loose nukes, tough white house officials insist everything is going to plan. i can promise you after talking to several officials and people that are involved in the summit and getting rid of some of these nuclear materials, there is a great deal of concern that ukraine will overshadow the progress that's been made. >> are the president and his counter parts on the same page
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rewarding the issue of russia? >> well, the president has laid it on this meeting. it was the g8, they've thrown russia out for all in tents and purposes. that was not the plan, the president is calling together the leaders of the industrial nations to talk about ukraine and come up with a key he'sive and coherent response. after the president leaves the hague, it's on to brussels, crucial meetings, a unified front is what the white house is hoping for with europe in terms of trade sanctions that will have some sort of financial bite to induce russia to change course. >> mike viqueira reporting live, thank you very much. >> at least eight people are dead and a dozen missing after a mud slide in washington state. crews are searching for signs of
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survivors. >> i understand they're going back out again today. >> yes, crews will be back as soon as the sunrises on the west coast. they plan to con versus areas that were too muddy to search over the weekend. this happened about 50 miles north of seattle. this is an aerial look before, and then after the mud slides. while some parts are still inaccessible two days later, it is an active search and rescue operation. >> the massive mud slide enveloped one square mile of rural washington state, an entire neighborhood wiped out. >> it's a tragedy, unthinkable. >> on sunday, the governor flew over the scene. dozens could be trapped under the thick and heavy mud. >> the situation is unrelenting and awesome. there is really no stick standing in the path of the slide. >> without warning, a wall of water, dirt, trees and rocks
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about a quarter mile wide and 15 feet deep raced down the hillside. it washed away some 30 homes. >> i just saw the darkness, like somebody was to grab you, and everything was gone. like three seconds. >> crews have searched for survivors from sun up to sun down, but with conditions much like quick sand, authorities don't want to put rescuers at risk. >> that's the last thing we want to do, is have 50, 60, 100 responders out there trying to find people washed down the river tragically. overnight, rescuers could hear voices coming from the mud but it was too dangerous to get to them. >> mud was too thick and deep. they couldn't hear signs of life when they got closer to the structure. the decision based on safety was to back out. >> they rescued seven by
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helicopter, including a baby. one rescue worker described the scene to similar when mount st. he will lens erupted where more than 60 perished. most have never seen a mud slide of this magnitude. >> it's slid a couple of times in my life, but never nothing like this. >> residents say the town is an old finishing village where some homes are 100 years old. communication in the area is down, no cell service, and highway still underwater in the area. the mud and debris may have dam would the nearby river. they are evacuating people in case the dam gives way. that would be catastrophic downstream. >> everybody wondering what the weather is going to be like, what conditions will those search and rescue workers have? >> minimal chances for new rain
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today before we get into more chances tomorrow. here's a look at the satellite. you can see most of the northwest and most of the west coste in general, a little bit drier, another system behind this, the rain expected to be lighter. to get into a situation like this, a few situations build up. i have the area highlighted here. this is all through february, where you can see significant rainfall through the area, some places getting 10-inches of rain, so it was a very wet february for us. this is an area where you have the terrain going up to 8,000 feet, so when rain does come up this area, a lot of times rain can't get over the mountains because of the cooling as i have the lifts, so it comes back down the mountainside and on top of it. in this area, yo you haved mud light damming a river, getting stuck in there. all the water was getting backed up. the river start to go show some flow again but still a dangerous situation. here's what we're going to see in the forecast today, not a
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lot. tuesday, more chances for rain. doesn't look like it will be as heavy as the last round, but still not needed given the current situation. milder for the whole coastline today and tomorrow. that will help a little bit, as well. the rest of the country, we also have a developing system. this area into the south will make its way up the east coast tomorrow and wednesday, could bring areas of snow. while have more on that coming up later. >> france is now the latest country providing satellite data that could lead to the missing malaysia airlines flight 370. we are in washington, d.c. china saying that one of its planes spotted possible debris in that same area. what can you tell us? >> china is saying it found two white square shaped objects in the search area in the southern indian ocean that's being
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scoured by planes from a number of nations and also some surface vessels, as well. the australians say that the u.s. navy sent its p8 poe side den to that area. inning they can confirm whatever they found in the ocean matches the plane, the search continues. >> two days after the release of shsatellite image of possible debris related to malaysia airlines flight 370, china said one of its planes located what it calls a suspicious object more than a thousand miles off australia's western coast. it's the latest clue after a weekend of other images caught by australian and french satellites have led the multi-national search to focus
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their efforts to one of the most remote areas on the planet in the indian ocean. the discovery may add more confusion. >> the french siting is i guess a piece of new material, because that's in a completely different location. that's about 850 kilometers north of their current search area. we need to check that out, as well. that's not in the area that had been identified as the most likely place where the aircraft may have entered the sea. >> with more than two thirds of its passengers onboard malaysia airlines flight 370, china sent an ice breaker ship to join the mission to find the plane. those efforts to reach the area and spot any sign of the jet will be hampered by treacherous weather as was the case on sunday. >> weather conditions out in the search area today were again less than favorable. we were expecting an improvement in cbs, however that wasn't the case.
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>> a psych loan is expected to batter the area. the announcement this morning comes that the u.s. navy is flying high tech black box detectors to to the narrow search zone. if the plane is found, the location is crucial. their recordings could reveal why the jet disdisappeared from radar and why it would veer so for of a its original course. it's a race against time, because the batteries of the locator beak consist will expire in less than two weeks. >> that high tech locator is called a toed ping locator. it can go to democratics up to four miles but only being brought in case they find a debris field. until they do, they can't use
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the locator. >> randall, thank you very much. >> a collision shuts down one of the busiest water ways in the country. >> oil is actually leaking into the gulf of mexico. how the spill is tying up shipping and stranding cruise passengers. >> decades after tens of thousands of argentineans disappeared and were killed at the hands of the government, their families are getting a new shot at justice. >> our big number of the day, love million. >> what that number has to do with this day in history.
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>> on this day in 1989, the exxon valdez wasn't ground spilling millions of glance of crude oil. >> we're going to have that story in just a
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>> add in a wind chill to the midwest, that could go below zero. into the northeast, high pressure in place is sucking down the air from canada, so it is going to be brisker today and into tomorrow. thirty's and 40's and tomorrow with possibility for snow still remaining cool, back to you. >> ok, nicole, thank you. crews are scrambling to contain a massive oil spill in texas. amateur video shows the moment a barge collided with a tanker in galveston bay saturday. thousands of gallons of oil leaked out, shutting down a huge shipping channel. >> we remove that oil from the environment as expeditiously as we can to protect our resources in the bay. >> the accident is threatening birds at a nearby wildlife sanctuary. coast guards say 1,000 gallons of oil may have been spilled,
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oil residue spotted in the gulf of mexico. >> 25 years, abthe tanker exxon valdez spilled in alaska. >> the oil spilled into the cold clear waters of prince william sound in alaska, spreading to 1300 miles of shoreline, killing hundreds of thousands of wildlife. >> the clean upand last be effects on the environment and people of alaska. >> they didn't have this 25 years, aba computer simulator to teach mariners about alaska's tricky coastal waters. the decks even appear to heave on the swell. there's no better way to practice steering and oil tanker. >> this is about as real as it gets without being in danger, although it's hard to convince
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yourself sometimes that you're not in danger. it's totally real. it's virtually real. >> when exxon valdez hit the reef in 1989, millions of liters of crude gushed into prince william sound, beaches fouled, fish and wildlife coated intoxic tar. the cleanup and court cases went on for years. the waters off alaska's southern coast look clean again, but problems remain with the environment, animals and with humans. thousands lost livelihoods as fish stocks collapsed. bob left his salmon boat to scrub beaches, then fell ill, probably from chemicals used in the clean up. years later, it took a transplant to restore his health. >> i got an autoimmune disease. my bone marrow failed. i had two or three other
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complications from that. really it was 16 years of illness for me. >> agnes was born in april. she came to us with her um bill cuss still present. these captivating animals are only now recovering in the wild. >> this is exxon valdez crude oil collected 25 years after the date. >> they're still finding oil onshore. wick steiner worked on the exon involved disaster, now helps clean spills around the world. he's learned that transporting petroleum is risky. there's only one way to lower that risk. >> there's more oil produced and burned in the world since the common valid oil spill than all of human history up until that date. it's pretty stun, so we've got to get better at using oil more
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efficiently and transitioning to low carbon sustainable energy economy with ill effects still lingering and the oil demand growing, the disaster lives on in the minds of many. aljazeera, lask as alaska. >> iraqi forces dumped between 380-520 million gallons of oil into the persian gulf. the world's largest accidental spill happened in the gulf of mexico. more than 200 million gallons of crude spilled on the b.p. deep water hoars rig. a mexican company was drilling
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an oil well when an explosion caused 140 millions of gallons of oil to spill into the waters there. >> apple and comcast may be teaming up. the two companies are in talks about a joint streaming t.v. service. apple hopes the partnership will help it by pass the congestion on the internet, meaning dealing with less buffering while you are streaming on the web. the dow jones starts at 16302, the s&p at 1866 the news schock com possibility sit at 1476 away asia ending the day higher. european markets are lower. >> economic growth is expected to pick up steam, economists finding the g.d.p. relevant rise in 2014 after that rough winter. they say stronger growth will lead to an end of the bond
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buying prom by the fed. an interest rate hike could come next year. >> president obama meeting with world leaders in the netherlands. >> they will talk about nuclear security. >> 1,400 tons of highly enriched uranium that could potentially be used in a nuclear weapon. >> how easy is it for someone to get their hands on those materials to make a dirty bomb? >> police clashed with students who took over a government building in taiwan. what their government did that they are protesting. >> the sport of basketball is increasingly becoming a world sport. one african teenager's remarkable story, coming up in sports.
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. >> the greatest vulnerabilities in the world's nuclear arsenal. >> a day to remember argentineans who died in that bloody military crackdown. >> the super computer used to help fight diseases. >> first a look at hour top stories. president obama meeting with world leaders in the hague, all trying to find ways to prevent a nuclear attack. russian president vladimir putin will not be among them. >> the meeting comes as ukraine orders its troops withdraw from crimea following a weekend of bases being sized by pro russian forces. >> at least eight are dead after a mid slide in washington state, crews looking for survivors in a 1.5-mile path of mud, a wall of mud 20 feet deep. >> the goal of this week's hague
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summit is to convince countries to give up their nuclear weapons and materials. progress has been made, but many challenges remain. >> the summit is president obama's big idea. back in 2009, he called the danger posed by the world's huge stocks of nuclear materials the most immediate and extreme threat to global security. not all of it is well guarded, leading some closer to nuclear terrorism. >> the biggest problem is the sheer amount of material in the world. there's around 1,400 towns of highly enriched uranium and 500 tons of blue tone yes, ma'am that could be used in a nuclear weapon. >> more countries have given up their stocks, but much more needs to be done. today, there are still 25 countries that hold stocks of weapons-grade material. >> worst case scenario, falling
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into the wrong hands. it only takes this much to equal the bomb dropped on hiroshima in world war ii. they could be attached to conventional weapons to spread radioactive material in a city, a so-called dirty bomb. >> highly enriched material is for research and medical needs. experts say that is not necessary, lower enriched is just as good. in some parts of the world, security is not good enough. >> in terms of concerns, people mentioned the former soviet union countries, where in the past material and accounting was not the highest standards. a truly global regime is needed with high standards and regular inspections, but not everyone wants to cooperate.
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it's not clear if tensions over ukraine will damage what has been cooperation. >> here to discuss the goals of this summit is the director of the truman security projects expert groups. mr. cost air, the conflict with russia, loose nukes and russia were a big concern after the breakup of the soviet union, the u.s. has helped secure those materials in russia over the years. is that arrangement now at risk, given the current wrist over ukraine? president putin is in the at the summit this year. >> events in ukraine will continue to take some political space. with that said, at the working level, at the professional working level, russia is still working with the united states on a very important issue of nuclear security. unless events really start to get significantly worse, i think we'll still continue to work on
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a specific area of nuclear security. >> ok, so the year before the u.s. hosted the first nuclear security summit in 2010, president obama had this to say. have a listen. >> one year ago in prague, i called to secure all nuclear materials around the world in four years. >> it's been four years. where are we? could someone today get their hands on enough plutonium or uranium in the black market to build a bomb? >> yes. the progress we have made has been significant. as in ukraine, a year ago, they gave up 500 pounds of highly enriched uranium, a significant quantity that could have been used for a number of nuclear weapons. just today on the front page of the new york times, it was talking about how japan is going to hand over to the united states 700 pounds of plutonium and highly enriched uranium.
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the good news story is the united states and obama administration has led a robust international effort to secure some of the world's most dangerous materials, but there's still a long, hard road to go. >> what are the continuing challenges of international cooperation on this issue? there are still about 25 countries that have weapons-grade uranium or plutonium. >> that's correct. one of the members of the summit, pakistan, it's a nonsignificant in a atory to the nuclear no one proliferation treaty, continuing to produce massive amounts of plutonium. it's unclear how and under what conditions that's being held. that's the bad news. the good news is pakistan is now part of an international annual convention meeting every two years where it's engaging with world leaders about the very important issue of nuclear security. that's why this summit is so important, it's bringing countries together for the first time to really talk about a set of issues that they don't maybe
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have the opportunity to address in other international forums. >> since president obama held a first summit, have countries signed off on tangible measures to lessen this threat significantly? you just spoke of pakistan. we're clearly talking about more than just one country. >> absolutely. i think if we think about some of the countries that have now handed over they're nuclear material, libya one example, ukraine another example, this is exactly the sort of progress we want to see from countries that could be dangerous spots at some point in the future. >> there are currently nine countries with nuclear arsenals, meaning they have the materials to make nuclear weapons, they have the weapons themselves. we talked about the two dozen countries that have weapons grade material. let's talk about north korea and iran, which some say are attempting to build a nuclear weapon. why aren't they on the agenda at this summit? >> well, north carolina korea
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has already detonated a clock near device where as iran does not have a nuclear weapon at this point in time best of our knowledge. the reason is they have not been invited, chosen not to attend because they are nod engaging with the international community on the rage of international legal family works. now, iran in this case is uninterested in engaging, even though it works very closely with the international atomic agency. north korea is a non-cigna atory to the treaty, iran is a cigna atory, north korea is not inspected nearly as aggressively because it's not a cigna atory, so two very different cases with each country. >> president obama has already spoken at the summit today. what are you hoping is the best case scenario to come out of
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this conference when it comes to tangible action to reduce this threat? >> i would like to see more progress of what has been announced, where you see countries slowly and methodically start to take measures where they're increasing inventory, third, we'll see conversion of research reactors that are now running down to lower enriched uranium. i'd like to see them possibly assigning to greater international cooperative regular la tear frame works or agreements so there is increased monitorrizization of these stockpiles. i would like to see if there's a bit more financing for the agency and the other international agencies that are the watch dogs to make sure this material doesn't move into dangerous hands. >> joseph costa, thank you.
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>> a border dispute erupting in turkey and syria, happened along the souther border crossing, syria says its plane was in its own territory. we have more. >> the battle for the border crossing between syria and turkey now involves turkeys military. as job rant rebels cheered, the remains of a fighter jet burn in the mountains of syria's province. it was shot down by turkish f-16s after turkey said the jet crossed into its air space. at the political rally, part of the lead up to local elections on march 30, turkish prime minister was on fighting form.
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>> a syrian plane violated our air space. our f16's took off and hit this plane. why? because if you vital my air space, hour slap after this will be hard. >> damascus said its plane was in syrian air space where turkish jets attacked. >> i reached my target, seven kilometers inside syrian territory. i completed my mission and on my way back was hit by a missile from a turkish jet. >> it's the second time turkey has downed a syrian military aircraft, after a helicopter was shot down in the aim region after straying across the border. it's the last northern border post to be captured by opposition fighters. that's another rally as the prime minister chose not to talk about syrias fighter plane,
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focusing instead on domestic politics,ion specially wiretaps, suggesting they'd been faked, addressing a sea of supporters, he lashed out at social media websites, saying twitter, you have to be honest and act according to turkish law. >> the shooting down of the syrian fighter jet will make the prime minister appear more decisive before important local elections. it also sends a strong warning to the syrian government. >> heavy fighting between rebel groups and the syrian armed forces have paralyzed the border since the start of that syrian war. >> the u.s. is sending special forces to uganda this week to track down african war lowered joseph kony. they have attacked village, evading capture hiding in the
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large jungle. coney and his group, the lord's resistance army are accused of kidnapping boys and abducting girls to serve at sex slaves. president obama offered up $5 million for information leading to his capture. >> 529 people have been sentenced to death, a judge handing down the sentences in egypt monday to supporters of the muslim brotherhood. all had been accused of violence storming a police station and damaging property. it is part of the government crack down on the muslim brother hood. a second group of 700 defendants will be in court object tuesday. meanwhile, the trial of our three aljazeera colleagues, journalists jailed in egypt have resumed this morning. they are all accused of having links to a terrorist organization. that is a charge that aljazeera rejects. as reported, egypt's interim
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government has told one journalism's family that he will get a proper trial and treatment for an injured shoulder. >> they are detained by egyptian security services on december 29 and taken to prison. these images were broadcast of their arrest, showing the interior of their hotel room. initially, the three men were held separately but now share a cell with others. one had a shoulder injury when he was detained. he's been denied proper medical attention and according to his family now can barely move his arm. >> a father of two is able to see his wife and children only once a week with one extra visit for mother's day. correspondent peter's family are commuting from australia for the hearings. interim egyptian president made a statement last week delivered to peter's parents, saying he
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will spare no effort to work towards the speedy resolution of the case. on sunday, his father received a letter from the president. in it, he says. >> i stress and reiterate the independence of the egyptian judiciary. i am certain that your son will enjoy all the rights as guaranteed and cherished by the law. i have directed the interior minister to follow up on your son's health condition and stress that call possible care must be extended to him. >> at their last court appearance, the men spent the entire hearing in cages, able to call out, asking for international engagement to tree them. today it's expected the prosecution will continue making its case. a fourth journalist has been detained since august, 2013. he's been on hunger strike since late january. >> today marking the 86th day
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that our colleagues have been held in egypt. >> taiwan authorities are coming down hard on anti-government protestors. >> baton wielding riot police cleared demonstrators from a government building, beating with wooden clubs. seventy were injured, dozens more arrested. protestors accused their president of throwing a trade pact with china. >> o'hare international airport, 30 injured, police say a blue line train was pulling into the station when it jumped the tracks and hit a platform. services have been suspended for now, riders redirected on to buses. >> on the african continent, soccer is the number one sport, basketball gaining popularity. >> a lot of players picking up the old basketball. >> you are seeing them permeate.
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the nba is holding court here in the united states, the game also impacting the world. it's a game that can open up a world of opportunities for those who play, especially on the continent of africa, where some kids are picking up the sport with an eye towards scoring in the game of life. we have one of the players's stair. >> it's september 25, 2013, and 16-year-old kobe is preparing to go to the american embassy in ghana. he's operating that basketball will open the door to a new world and better future. >> i've been waiting for this opportunity all my life. yeah. >> this is kobe's american dream, he is one of the latest in a pipeline of african basketball players who have left their country for placement in
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american high schools. >> there are so many opportunities here, go to games where coaches come and watch you play, and, you know, to help you out by training you. in ghana, it isn't like that there. >> the only child of a poor single mother in ghana, he came here for the education she couldn't afford. >> to my mom i would say combining work and like taking care of me, too was her priority, because i'm the only one she's got and it's just me and her, no father to, you know, to support. she always made sure everything was right, because i told her, i told her i want to play basketball, and firstly, i'd like to help. >> in countries like ghana, soccer is the dominant sport. this is why men like kobe's
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coach on the national team have become invaluable to american scouts. >> it's just a passion for me to have the underprivileged kids get out there and make the best of their lives and not just going to waste here. >> nearly 30% of the population lives below the poverty level. with that in mind, two years after start to go coach him, he reached out to the founder of a scouting service in philadelphia. he has begun helping african basketball players go to high schools, pro bono. >> he said hey, i've got a kid here. you have to get there. he's tough. he doesn't give me a whole lot of kids, so when he gives me one, he's normally a pretty good ball player, pretty good person. >> in the spring of 2013, after considering a number of schools around the country, white head called whitfield at capitol christian academy, a small
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private school in landover maryland. >> in kobe's case, we knew immediately he was that type of young man, humble, honest, forthright, and confidence, he had an interesting glow. >> the 6'7" freshman forward is becoming an integral part of the j.v. squad. >> his job is to come here and earn a living, and help his family out. the stakes in that sense are very large. >> welcome to your first american city. >> she's really worked hard to bring me up this way. my coach has spent time, money, you know, taking care of me and making sure i'm trained in everything that's right, so if i don't do what is expected of me, i think i wasted everybody's time and money. >> there is one player from ghana still playing in the ncaa
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tournament, you con freshman center. >> argentina marking the day of 30,000 people disappearing there. >> the new evidence that could help the families seek justice. >> roads inundated in australia, trapping drivers and turning deadly. >> this moisture in the south doesn't look like much now but could turn into our next snowstorm. i'll have the details.
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only on al jazeera america >> heavy rain creating a traffic nightmare in sydney, australia. roads were closed, drivers stranded in their cars in the quick and heavy downpour.
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one man was killed when he was swept into a street drain. two others were struck by lightning. the storm is expected to last until tomorrow there. >> welcome to al jazeera america. up next, argentineans remembers people kidnapped, tortured and killed by the government. there's information coming to light that could help their families get justice. >> first let's get a look at where the rain and snow we're looking at across the u.s. today. >> he's trying to ignore the fact that there's no snow in the forecast. here's a brad picture, a little right stuff in the midwest already. the northwest a dryer day. we have definitely good news out there today. it's the south we want to watch. already we have rain showers moving through parts of central florida, along the coast in general, especially closer to the coastline, that's where the moisture is. this starts to develop, pulls off the coast, develops more
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intensification and it's a good thing it's farther to the east. we'll be on the cusp of a few inches of snow for the east coast, but that and high winds making it feel more like winter. >> argentineans are marking memorial day nearly four years after that bloody coup there. thousands of activists were tortured and killed by the government. we report on how the country is coming to terms with its past. >> thousands of military files, information on some of those held in clandestine detention centers in the 1970's and 1980's have been turned over to the civilian authorities. they've been processed and made available to the public. there's more to follow. >> the defense minister said the argentine military has changed
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since those dark days of what became known as the dirty war. in a seven year reign of terror, the military kidnapped and killed thousands of its own people, making the documents available to the public is vital in helping the country come to terms with its past. >> it's an important, symbolic act for our society and families who want to rebuild family history. it provides documentary evidence to take the trials forward. >> the mothers of some of those victims still march every thursday afternoon outside of the government palace, demanding answers. memorials for the victims come in all forms. 25-year-old long distance runner miguel sanchez was picked up by a government death squad in january, 1978, and never seen again. >> this race is now run every year in buenos aires in memory
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of miguel. courses of eight and clue kilometers, runners of all abilities determine that the search for justice, the quest to find answers remains in the public domain. >> it's a day to remember the victims. we came to honor the sportsman. >> justice for the crimes against humanity has been slow in coming. some of those responsible are serving time in prison, but the fight goes on. now, with both the victims' families and the killers growing older, or dying,ar je argentinas engaged in a race against time. aljazeera, buenos aires. >> 30,000 were killed in that bloody seven year long military reign. >> actor james rebhorn died, the character actor was a familiar face in film and television. his career spanned five decades.
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he was known for his role on show time's home land most recently. he party in meet the parents and cold mountain. he was diagnosed with melanoma and was 65 years old. >> search crews are digging through a mud slide in washington state looking for survivors. dozens of homes were destroyed. >> a houston shipping channel was closed because of an oil spill. 168,000 gallons may have leaked into the waterways which flows into the gulf of mexico. >> president obama is at the hague for the international summit on nuclear security, focus on the crisis in ukraine. >> also ahead, congress getting back to work today. it has a large list of business to deal with, ukraine to unemployment benefits. we'll look at top priorities for lawmakers. >> a developing storm will impact the east coast the next couple days, bringing chances for snow. i'll have that fact.
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>> the aljazeera manager news continues, del is back with you in just two minutes. have a great morning.
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>> we're going to have some hard news here, but i can tell you that there are vigorous search efforts underway. >> crews in washington state searching for survivors following a deadly landslide that's killed eight and destroyed dozens of homes. >> president obama arriving in europe for a nuclear summit with world leaders as the situation in ukraine pushes to the top of the agenda. >> there has been a new clue in the emerging -- emerging in the
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search more malaysia airlines flight 370 as that enters its third week. >> this is where competing science is becoming a crucial part of the study of the seas in general. >> one of the fastest super computers in europe helping to get a better understanding and treatment of illness. >> good morning, welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. eight are dead, more than a dozen missing after a massive mud slide in washington state. crews have searched rounded the clock for signs of survivors. erika, i understand that rescue crews are going to be back at it in a short while. >> as soon as the sunrises in the west, crews will be back out there, plan to canvas areas that
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were too muddy to search over the weekend. this is an aerial look at the area before on the left-hand side of your screen and then after the mud slide. while some parts of still inaccessible, crews insist it is still an active search and rescue operation. >> the massive mud slide enveloped one square mile of rural washington state. >> the tragedy is unthinkable. >> sunday, the governor flew over the scene where dozens could still be trapped under the thick and heavy mud. >> devastation is just unrelenting and awesome. there really is no standing in the path of the slide. >> without warning saturday morning, a wall of water, dirt, trees and rocks about a quarter of a mile wide and nearly 15 feet deep raced down the hmmside, washing away 30 homes. >> i was coming down the hill, i just saw the darkness, like
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somebody wants to grab you, and everything was gone, like three seconds. >> crews have been searching for survivors from sun up to sun down, but some terrain is tenuous. authorities don't want to put rescuers at risk. >> that's the last thing we want to do, have 50, 60, 100 responders out there trying to find people washed down the river tragically. >> overnight, rescuers could hear voices coming from the mud. it was too dangerous to get to them. >> mud was too thick and deep. they couldn't hear signs of life when they got closer to the structure. the decision was that they back out. >> they managed to rescue seven hi he will cannotter, including a baby. one described the seen to similar when mount st. helen's erupted. for motor residents, they've never witnessed a mud slide of this magnitude.
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>> it has slid a couple times in my life but never nothing like this. >> residents say the town is an old fishing village where some homes are 100 years old. communications for most residents is down in the area, no cell or internet service and the major highway in the area is still underwater. the biggest concern is that the mud and debris may have dammed up a nearby river. they're trying to evacuate dozens of people, because if that dam gives way, that could be catastrophic for people living downstream. >> as always, they are watching the skies down there. for more on the weather conditions, we turn to meteorologist nicole mitchell. >> we have at least a little good news, drier skies for today and before tomorrow when that next weather system comes in, that will be beneficial. here's a set up for all of this. it wasn't just the recent rain that gets to you a situation like this, this is the month of february. you can see this core, the pinks, heavy rains, 10 inches or
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more in some cases, the city that we're talking about right on the edge of that heavy rain, it's also where the terrain lists up to 8,000 feet. when you do get the moisture, the atmosphere cools as it gets higher. that rings out the mainly. just can't hold as much moisture. that cups back down the mountain side and that's why you really get heavier mountains on that side of the mountain. because of that, and the mud slide, that congested the require. that's start to go flow, but backing water backwards, because the water hasn't been able to get through. we have a milder day today, the warm air is beneficial, as well. before that next front comes in, how that pans into the day tomorrow is not as heavy rain, but something we'll to have monitor closely. back to you. >> president obama joining word leaders in the netherlands to discuss nuclear security, security situation in ukraine likely to take up much of that
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conversation. the countries interim government will withdraw its troops from crimea. russia's growing military presence threatens the lives of the military and their families. the president plans to bolter international support against russia's handling of ukraine. we have team coverage tracking both sides of this story. mike viqueira is at the hague covering the summit. we have jennifer glasse in sevastopol. tell us about the ukrainian troops leaving crimea. >> the statement was made, confirmed that crimean forces, ukrainian forces here in crimea should pull out because of the danger to them and their families. the families are being intimidated here. we've seen ukrainian forces pushed off their bases by russian forces. we saw that happen again this
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morning. we're getting more details on the eastern area of crimea. that's a marine base, the russians went in very aggressively using grenades, firing their weapons, because the ukrainians were near the armory there. ukrainians were unarmed, but the russians have taken over that base, taken away some of the ukrainian officials in that base. it's just the latest base to fall. over the weekend, we saw the command ship which had flown the flag until sunday taken over by russian forces, as well as the air base, the biggest air base in crimea. the russians sentar mothered personnel carriers and heavily armed troops to take over that air base. that's up the road from here. >> russian troops have moved along ukraine's eastern border, the white house and top nato commander saying those troops could be on the move soon. what are russia and ukraine
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saying about that military presence there? >> well, that is a big concern. russia has about 20,000 troops on that easter border with ukraine. russia has said it wouldn't invade but reserves the right to protect the russian population there. there have been pro russian demonstrations in the eastern cities. we're hearing that the leaders there are calling for a referendum much like what was had here. that's going to concern the leadership in kiev, ukraine knowing that it can't fight against a much more powerful russian military, that was clear here in crimea. its military has been declining because it didn't see russia as an enemy, but as a partner. now of course they're eyeing those troops on the border with very, very worrysome developments and hope they will not come into ukraine proper. >> jennifer, thank you very
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much. let's turn to mike viqueira. >> this is the third in a series of international summits, some 53 leaders, heads of state represented here. this is overshadowed by the more urgent situation in ukraine. president obama landed here in the netherlands about four hours ago, took the red eye aboard air force one. already we have seen him with the dutch prime minister at the world famous museum. he posed in front of that famous rembrandt painting and made a statement with the prime minister, saying that europe and the united states are united in imposing a cost upon russia. the president meet weight chinese leader, a number of issues to go over there. even there, chain in a abstaining last week in the united states security council in that vote forced by the united states to condemn what
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russia has done in crimea. there are many other issues, including cyber security and the disputed islands between japan and china in the east china sea. ukraine is going to be the dominant issue here, no question. president obama called a meeting of the g7 now, not the g8, russia has been effectively kicked out of that gathering to deal with the issue in ukraine over the course of the next two days, the president will go on to brussels for an e.u. summit there, long scheduled, but trying to come together here with a unified list of sanctions that the united states and europe can come together and try to compel vladimir putin's russia to change course in crimea and ukraine at large. >> are they all on the same page rewarding the issue of russia and crimea? >> that is what hangs in the balance, and that is a great question, the largest question here, much has been made about the economic integration, mutual
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dependence between western europe and russia, chiefly russia exporting natural gas and oil some $300 billion in trade back and forth between the e.u. and russia, and more than $300 billion. the question is with the united states far less integrated on russia and its natural resources, what can the united states and europe agree upon as the situation deepens and gross more dire by the day. >> the united states saying it is partially suspending tourist visas for venezuelans, as the president kicked out diplomats. the embassy said the ban will effect first time applicants. >> the transport minister of malaysia stating that crews are
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stepping up the search for the missing malaysia airlines flight 370. randall, the australian discovery coming on the heels of china saying it might have spotted something, as well. what can you tell us about that? >> del, a number of interesting developments this morning, that chinese planes spotted two large white objects, in the same area as you indicate where the australian p3orion found two other objects. hopefully the objects can be found to determine if they are linked to the missing plane. >> two after after this satellite photo was released, china said one of its planes located a suspicious object more than a thousand miles off australia's western coast. it's the latest clue after a weekend of other images, caught by australian and french
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satellites have led the multi-national steven focus efforts to one of the most remote locations on the planet in the i understandian ocean. the french discovery may only add more confusion to the plane's whereabouts. >> the french sighting is a piece of no material, because that's in a completely different location, about 850 kilometers north of their current search area, so we need to check that out, as well. that's not in the area that had been identified as the most likely place where the aircraft may have entered the sea. >> with more than two thirds of its passengers onboard flight 370, china sent an ice breaker ship to join the mission to find the plane. those efforts to reach the area and spot any sign of the jet will be hampered by treacherous weather, as was the case sunday. >> weather conditions out in the search area today were again less than favorable. we were expecting an improvement in conditions, however that
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wasn't the case. >> that didn't stop australian planes from taking off today to resume the search, but again, they will face rough conditions as a cyclone's expected to batter the area. with each potential clue leading toward the possibility of finding the plane comes the announcement this morning that the u.s. navy is flying high tech black box detectors to the search zone. if the plane is found, their recordings could reveal why the jet disappeared from radar and why it would veer so far off its original course. it's a race against time, because the batteries of the locator beak consist will expire in less than two weeks. >> malaysian authorities said today all the passengers have been cleared of suspicion, but the background investigations into the pilot and co pilot continue. >> randall, thank you very much.
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>> teams are back at the site of a plane crash in colorado today, a small plane with five onboard went down 180 miles southwest of denver on saturday. it was flying from oklahoma to plant rose, colorado. it went down in 60 feet of water. workers still looking for the passengers. >> crews are trying to contain a massive oil spill in texas. amateur video showed the moment that the barge collided with a tanker. thousands of gallons of ail leaked out, shutting down the houston shipping channel. >> it's important that we remove that oil as expeditiously as we can and protect our resources in the bay. >> it threatens birds at a nearby wildlife sanctuary. as much as 168,000 gallons of oil may have spilled. the residue has been spotted 12 miles away in the gulf of mexico. >> the battle over the act ability is heating up in washington, the supreme court set to take up a case pitting
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elidgous rights of employers against a woman's rights to birth control. nearly 50 businesses of sued over being required to cover contraception, including hobby lobby which has 15,000 employees in 40 states. the owner said their religious believes keep from them providing contraception to women. >> conducting sensitive business with foreign leaders, he depends on snail mail. >> i have felt that may own communications were probably monitored and when i want to communicate with a foreign leader, i type or write the letter myself and put it in the post office and mail it. >> the former president said he thinks u intelligence agencies are abusing their ability to monitor private communications, saying democracy in the united states in his words have been compromised.
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>> congress set to get back to work with several hot items. we'll look at the topics and how the mid terms will affect things. >> the u.s. looking to step up efforts to find notorious african war lowered joseph kony. >> one of the south america's busiest airports seeing a surge in drug traffickers. getting past police and where it's all winding up.
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>> you're looking live now, the charging bull near wall street in new york city, an hour before the opening bell of trading opens for the week. welcome to al jazeera america. >> congress back in session and topping their agenda, ukraine with some members walking for tougher sanctions than those imposed by the white house. others are sounding a familiar battle cry, jobs, jobs, jobs, mark rhone joins us from
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washington, d.c. this morning. good morning. >> good morning. >> eric cantor saying: a lot of tough talk coming out of congress and washington. as the crisis unfolded, a lot of them were hitting the jet waves taking off again. is it tough talk or empty rhetoric? >> it's tough talk, but it matters. the threat of additional sanctions against russia are likely to harm the russian economy and they may be aspect effective as any actual real sanctions that we impose. >> would it have been better if those sanctions had been imposed before congress took off for another recess? >> congress should always act earlier rather than later. they like to act at the last minute. president obama has done what he can do. congress is likely to impose
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greater sanctions and extend a loan package to ukraine in support of that government. >> there are concerns among some on capitol hill that all of this tough talk is taking the spotlight away from the issue of those unemployment benefits for americans, so who wins? >> it's easier to tough talk against russia than to provide help for the long term unemployed in the united states. the senate is likely to pass extended unemployment benefits this week, but the house is unlikely to bring it to a vote because the republicans are unlikely to support it and speaker boehner doesn't want them to be forced to vote against unemployment compensation. >> when the mid terms come up, do you think this focus on ukraine and lack of focus on unemployment benefits is going to hurt politicians at the polls? >> probably not. the democrats support it and their constituents will support them for supporting it. it's unclear to me that the republican members of congress
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would find "electoral advantage is supporting it. >> you may know the nuts and boats of how this is going to be paid for but a lot of people going to the polls don't. >> the public will not pay that much attention to ukraine but it's important for the members of congress to feel they're taking a tough stand and standing up for the ukrainian people. a billion dollars, which is the aid package planned is going to pass basically unnoticed among the voters in this fall's election. >> you say that something is going to pass in congress, which at one time used to be part of the every day vernacular in washington, but more and more lately seems to be a rarity. the entire house and third of the senate facing eelection in november. how likely are we to see
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anything substantial getting done this year? >> we are not going to see any substantial new legislation. politicians have three main priorities, get reelected, gain partisan control over their chamber and enact more policy. politicians believe that they can not obtain their policy objective unless first they get reelected and second their party gains control over a particular chamber. >> one large group of voters is growing every day, hispanic voters. if immigration reform doesn't pass, who pace at the polls. >> it will absolutely not pass this year. it's unlikely that politicians will be hurt by this. the represents who are needed to support immigration reform, they fear they'll be attacked further from the right if they support it. you're not going to see support in the u.s. house of representatives this year.
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>> chick growth is expected to speed up this year after that rough winter. they say stronger growth will lead the fed and bond buying program and an interest rate hike could come next year, wall street looking to build on the gains this hour, dow futures up, starting at 16302. the s&p at 1866 and the nasdaq at 4276. >> asian markets ending the day higher, weak chinese manufacturing data raising hopes beijing will unveil stimulus measures there. european markets are lower. >> no relief for you when you go to fill up, the gas prices jumped about a nickel over the past two weeks. the rising costs for ethanol is driving prices higher. nationwide, the price for a gallon of regular, right now $3.56.
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gas prices have gone up $4 per tank in the last six weeks. >> apple and comcast could join forces. the wall street journal reporting two companies are in talks about a joint streaming t.v. service, hope to go by pass the congestion on the internet, dealing with lessburg when you are streaming videos on the web. >> let's get a look at the temperatures across the country today, we turn to our meteorologist nicole mitch he will. >> as we start off today, really the eastern half and two thirds of the country, that little warm up last week with cooler air, look at the midwest, a lot of teens and 20's, but the wind is picking up. the wind will be a factor today and tomorrow morning, wind chills could go sub zero at times with the wind stronger. funneling in colder air from canada, it's dry air, a fair
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amount of sunshine, temperatures like january with 30's and 40's for the east coast, even with chances for snow. >> ukraine ordering its troops to withdraw from crimea, the difficult decisions the men and women of the service there face amid russia's presence in that region. these two candidates taking the lead in the mayor's race in paris. why the election of either one is going to be historic for the city of lights. >> a super computer capable of doing hundreds of trillions are calculations per second and it's not john henry smith and that is lead to go advances in everything. >> wichita state would have to go through kentucky on its quest for perfection. what resulted is a perfectly entertaining basketball game.
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>> good morning, welcome to aljazeera america. i'm del walters. ahead in our next half hour, we're going to tell you about a south american airport that has become one of the busiest for air travel and drunk trafficking. >> paris could ever its first female layer. >> crimea, there are reports that ukrainian troops will be ordered to evacuate the region. ukrainian soldiers there have been put in a very difficult position. we have the story from a naval caddie in sevastopol. >> the young soldiers show loyalty to ukraine, military drills held under the ukrainian flag. this isn't their regular parade ground, it's the military high school and academy grounds. their daily routine includes the ukrainian anthem. ♪
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>> inside the school, too, nothing's been removed. here it still says glory to ukraine. these are no ordinary times, and there's room for compassion among the military men. there are big choices to make and fast, join the russians and stay or remain with ukrainian force and leave crimea. he has been with the ukrainian navy since he started four years ago when he was 18. >> we are not going to the russian side. we're still with ukraine, and not everybody, of course, but the half of us still are going to ukraine and want to serve it. >> a wrenching choice, most of the cadets staying are from crimea. he knows if he moves to ukraine, the russians might not let him come back. >> i want to come back to my
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parents, but if they won't let me, then that's my destiny. >> a big price to pay. >> a big price to pay, but what can i do? i'm military person, i should go this way. >> he's worried there won't be a navy to serve in. the russians have seized most of it. >> we don't want them to take our ships, because that's all we have. >> they are the ships of our country. they can't do this. >> but they have, taking the final vessel, the command ship saturday night. ukraine's only submarine also captured has been mooched between russian subs. two navies used to work together and there is as i will optimism. >> we hope we can stay like the russians stayed before and work together. we'll see what happens. >> the get a still bears the ukrainian emblem and the sign said this is the academy of the
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ukrainian fleet. the cadets know soon that will change. >> they pose for photos by the gate, before this becomes russian, too, they expect the commander to be replaced. they are without ships or bases in crimea, not much of a you a craneian navy left to serve here, their immediate future uncertain. >> the deputy director of the russia and eurasia program in washington, d.c., good morning. >> we are very much concerned about this development and deployment of russian troops on our eastern borders. we are ready to respond and ukrainian government is trying to use all the peaceful means and diplomatic means to stop russians. people are also ready to defend
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their homeland. >> based on what happened in crimea and georgia, are we looking at a precursor to a russian invasion? >> it's certainly possible. over the last week, russia moved troops into the border regions and carried out exercises which gives them an option to use force if they should choose to do so. i think the question of whether or not an invasion actually will follow is a political one and i'm not sure anybody knows the abc. that will depend on how events play out in ukraine and also the impact of the western sanctions and response of the international community is. >> russian president vladimir putin indicated all along that he does not want violence. are you of the opinion that we are one flash point away from a conflict between ukraine and russia? >> i certainly think it's possible. the seizure of crimea went off largely without bloodshed done
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rapidly and unexpectedly, the ukrainian forces didn't have time to fight. they have had time to prepare for the possibility of a conflict over the east, and i think there is a strong dose of patriot. >> for the ukrainian state among the military and segments of the population there. if the russians think that they can simply walk in and will be greeted as liberators all the way many in crimea saw them, it's a dangerous illusion and acting that way in eastern ukraine should be the precursor for a conflict. >> some believe the kremlin is priming the pump with pro russian rallies we're seeing in parts of eastern ukraine. are you among those that believe that? >> i think they're laying the foundation for having a military option, and i don't have any way of saying for sure that's a decision that's been made or
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not. they're putting together the pieces in case that's the decision that's ultimately going to be made. >> mitt romney over the weekend criticizing president obama's handling of the crisis in crimea. >> the president's naivete with regards to russia and his faulty judgment about russia's intentions and objectives has led to a number of foreign policy challenges that we face. >> despite that, there seems to be universal agreement on both sides osides of the aisle that n the ground are out. absence the presence of military forces in crimea and ukraine, does tough talk work when it comes to vladimir putin? >> not really. you have to be careful about letting your rhetoric get out in front of what you're actually prepared to do. one of the challenges the u.s. has faced in dealing with putin's russia over the years has been threatens consequences and then failing to follow through. it's often better i suppose as
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teddy roosevelt said to speak softly and carry a big stick than to do the reverse. >> what do you think his next step is? >> waiting to see the response of both the ukrainians and national community is going to be. i think they're giving themselves the option to use force in eastern ukraine should they decide to do so based either on the actions of the interim government in kiev, perhaps waiting until after the elections in may and seeing what the post election government in kiev does or in response to what the international community does. i think they're waiting to see the impact of the sanctions announced by the u.s. and e.u. on the russian economy before really deciding their next step. >> deputy director of the russia and you're asia program, thank you very much. >> we want to show you video that just came in this morning
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showing the mud slide devastation. you can see the construction done, eight people killed, many missing. search crews will continue to look for survivors there. >> the u.s. is sending special forces to uganda this week, trying to track down african war lord joseph kony. coney and his group are accused of kidnapping boys to serve as child soldiers and abducting girls to serve as sex slaves. last year, the president offered $5 million for an award leading to his arrest and capture. >> at least six people dead in kenya after an attack at a church there. another 20 people were injured. the gunman used automatic
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rifles, shooting church goers at sunday mass. no one claimed responsibility. kenya's interior minister saying the attackers were able to escape before the police arrived. >> a long standing border dispute between syria understand turkey erupted sunday, turkish officials shooting down a syrian jet along turkey's border near the mediterranean. two jets entered the air space, bun turned back after a warn was issued, the other shot down. >> a plane violated our air space. our f16 said hit this plane because if you vital my air space, our slap after this will be hard. >> the pilot was able to eject safely. this is the second time turkey shot down a syrian aircraft. last september, turkish f16's shot down a helicopter in that region. >> 529 people have been sentenced to death in one of the
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largest trials in egypt. a judge handing down those sentences on monday to supporters of the muslim brotherhood and ousted president morsi. all were accused of violence, storming a police station. the crack down on the muslim brotherhood began after morsi was removed from office. 700 defendants will be in court tuesday. >> the trial of our three aljazeera colleagues, journalists detained in egypt since december has resumed at that egypt's interim president telling the family of one that he will get a fair trial and proper medical treatment. he suffers from a shoulder injury and has add little medical attention. they are all accused of having links to a terrorist organization. aljazeera rejects those charges against our journalists and we demand their immediate release. >> the airport in brazil's capitol city has become one of
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the busiest in saw the america. sao paulo's airport has also become a bids hub for drug trafficking. >> police at the international airport take two passengers away, both suspected of carrying drugs. they were checking in for a flight to west africa, but fake series have a's aroused suspicion. applies find drugs tightly packed in the suitcase. an investigators takes samples of the powder. if the drops turn blue, it confirms it's cocaine. they then switch to the luggage of the second person. inside this suspect said suitcase were several of these women's purses and what the investigators did was cut open each of them and inside were these white packets. this is pure cocaine. >> it's four-kilos, a small
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portion of the 1.6 tons of cocaine confiscated from 400 passengers arrested last year, trying to smuggle it out at the airport. on just one flight last year, 24 people on the same plane were arrested for cocaine smuggling. police say the drugs are primarily does inned to africa or the gulf countries before heading to its final destination. >> africa serves as a warehouse for the drugs to be stored until they can be trafficked to europe or asia. the cocaine that goes on flights to the middle east does not leave the airport. it only passes through in-transit to the consumer markets. >> with a handful of police agents working each night, an airport that 36 million passenger's passed through after year, stopping all drugs is nearly impossible. >> behind the drug mules, there's a network of the
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nigerian mafia who run the entire trafficking operation according to this officer who didn't want to be identified. >> the mules are told to go to a hotel, later contacted, who hand them a ticket and send them to the airport. >> you are under arrest for international drug transportation. >> on this night, two arrested, no telling how many others got through, a typical night in what could be one of the world's busiest airport for drugs. >> brazil shares half of its 10,000-mile long burdener with the world's three largest cocaine producers. >> taiwanese authorities are clamping down on anti-government
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protestors. rioters were beaten with wooden clubs, some injured, many more arrested. taiwan's president is accused of forcing them into a trade pact with china. >> violent clashes in madrid, hundreds of thousands of people protesting poverty and e.u.-imposed austerity measures. the protests started peaceful, but turned violent when these fired rubber bullets. 12 protestors were arrested, as many as 100 injured, as well. >> voters in paris about to make history, we guarantee it. they are headed to the polls over the weekend, electing a new mayor. for the first time ever, the winner will be a woman. >> at stake is the chance to run all this, one of the world's most distinctive cities, and whoever wins this election in paris will make history.
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becoming its first female mayor. on the left, a front runner, socialist, on the right, natalie. >> both campaigning hard to make their marks, but doing it differently. one is a rising star on the right and a former ecology minister. while hidalgo takes a more low-key approach, she is the current deputy mayor. whoever gains the keys will keep in mind the interest of the people. this is the first electoral test
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since the election of the last president. better housing, the economy and security are the top issues. the two women are leading the race. >> politics here is still dominated by men. at times, during this campaign, the two candidates have been scrutinized in a way they wouldn't have been if they were men. >> and compared not only on their politics. >> the interests and the fact that the candidates are women can be seen in the media. when they talked about the color of their hair, how they dressed. in fact, they have to play on a double level, which is both one of seduction and to represent the image of the mayor. >> both want to reit alize paris. if gender isn't the main issue in the ballot booth this weekend, then just maybe it could lead to greater equality
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in politics here. aljazeera in paris. >> women hold just 27% of the positions in parliament in france and only 22% of the positions in the senate. >> more surprises from the big dance including a number one seed going home, john henry smith with more on your bracket woes. >> you got to give it up for wichita state, great run, two teams still looking for respect matched up in what turned out to be the best game of the ncaa tournament so far. wichita state remained laser focused. kentucky was trying to live up at long last to its preseason number one ranking. shackers down one with two minutes to go, calling for it, because he was feeling it. early stuffer, two of his game my 31 gave them the lead, kentucky comes right back. young takes the three, makes the three, he went 3-5 from deep.
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wildcats reclaim the lead. shockers season on the line, profred van vleet for the win. five three-pointers in the big dance, couldn't hit number five. the cardinals win 60-57. virginia and arizona win easily to advance to the sweet 16. a dream career of 3,000 points scorer doug mcdermott is over, lose to go baylor. tennessee won, beating mercer by
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20. >> u.n.c. versus iowa state, time runs out, iowa state wins 85-83. >> the sweet 16 starts thursday. in memphis, stanford takes on dayton. florida takes on ucla. wisconsin takes on baylor. arizona takes on san diego state. on friday at new york's madison square garden, iowa state takes on uconn followed by east top
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side virginia taking on michigan state. midwest packs pits michigan against tennessee. louisville against kentucky. >> did you know baseball season started this weekend? not spring training games, real baseball, courtesy of australia, first inning, puig singled for his first hit of the year. later in the inning, two on, two out, ethier singles to right center. approximate week scores, ethier gets thrown out at second to end the inning. the dodgers up 5-0 in the sixth when approximate week would rip a double down the left field line. approximate week's third hit of the game, los angeles wins 7-5.
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>> at least it was sunny down under. we'll be playing in the snow opening day in the states. >> pushing nor new advances in the battle against cancer, a computer trying to find accused for diseases. >> 25 years after the exxon valdez ran ashore. >> could be our next snowstorm. i'll have your forecast.
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>> there's no such thing as illegal immigration. >> al jazeera america presents... a breakthrough television event borderland a first hand view at the crisis on the border. >> how can i not be affected by it? >> strangers, with different points of view take a closer look at the ongoing conflict alex, a liberal artist from new york and randy, a conservative vet from illinois... >> are you telling me that it's
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ok to just let them all run into the united states? >> you don't have a right to make judgements about it... >> they re-trace the steps of myra, a woman desparately trying to reunite with her family. >> to discover, and one of their children perish in the process, i don't know how to deal with that. >> will they come together in the face of tradgedy? >> why her? it's insane. >> experience illegal immigration up close, and personal. >> the only way to find out is to see it yourselves... >> on... borderland only on al jazeera america >> this is the real deal man... >> welcome to al jazeera america. straight ahead, we're going to tell you about a super computer making advances in the medical world. first let's find out where it will rain and snow across the
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country today. >> a lot of people are calling foul this morning with the potential for a snowstorm. there is light snow moving through the midwest. the system toward the south we are watching carefully, bringing rain to florida and interstate 10 southward. as this develops, hits the coast and gets more moisture associated with it, look at this as it spins up the coastline. it looks like it will be far enough eastward that the coast gets grazed by it, which is a good thing. otherwise this would have a lot of snow and definitely has a lot of wind. look for possibly a little snow turning to rain tonight into tomorrow for d.c., light snow for new york city could be a couple inches. for boston on the cusp of all of this, probably just a couple inches, could get more as we watch, but definitely the wind associated. it will be interesting. back to you. >> nicole, thank you very much. >> today marking 25 years since
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a massive oil spill in the u.s., the exxon valdez causing one of the largest spills in history. it could fill 17 olympic size the swimming pools with the amount of oil spilled. >> it is one of the fastest and most expensive computer systems in the world, its value to doctors and scientists priceless. we went to barcelona to find out more. >> it is spain's most powerful computer. it has almost 50,000 micro processors capable of doing more
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than 1,100,000,000,000,000 calculations a second. it's this massive number crunching capacity that makes it so useful to researchers. >> we use this computer to simulate the target the scientists would like to know. the super computers for the advance of science, theory lapse super computers. >> this one uses $2 million of electricity each year and needs updating every three years. >> they just spent $25 million for an upgrade. this is not the world's fastest super computer. there's one in china 20 times the speed. it is one of the fastest in europe, according to its creators, one of the most beautiful. >> super computers allow engineer to say pretest aircraft designs and try out different engines before they exist in the
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real world. the computing power has been put to use modeling the earth's climate, calendarlations which involve hundreds of millions of variables. >> it has been a major focus with one project working on a simulation of the human heart. >> we are able to simulate how our electrical impulses is in the muscle. this information can be used for they are speaks like the implantation of a pacemaker or other therapies. >> researchers have been analyzing genetic sequences of tens of thousands of cancers, understanding what's going wrong inside a cancerous cell they hope will lead to more personalized diagnosis and treatment. >> sequencing is very cheap, gee gnomes can be eek wednesday the
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from hundreds of thousands of patients. you need to analyze these genomes. this is where computing science is becoming a crucial part of disease in general and in this case cancer. >> the extra computer is part of the european network of similar machines that has changed product and development. with each new and more powerful upgrade comes the increasing potential for super computers to shape and create our future. >> that super computer took two months to install and debuted in 2007. that's going to do it for this edition of aljazeera america. we leave you with a look at the destruction from that deadly landslide in washington state as crews continue to search for the missing and unaccounted for. 18 have died. there is more news straight
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ahead in two minutes. check us out 24 hours a day by going to
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jazeera. ♪ hello again from doha, this is the news hour on al jazeera. more than 500 leaders and supporters of the muslim brotherhood are sentenced to death in egypt in a mass sentence on record. also u.s. president barack obama opens talks with eu leaders as ukraine pulls the troops from crimea. searching for the missing malaysia airliner and debris off the coast of australia and a


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