tv Inside Story Al Jazeera April 1, 2014 11:30am-12:01pm EDT
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colorado rockies in the world series the year before. the president, of course, being a chicago fan. we want to thank each and every one of you for watching al jazeera america. i'm del walters in new york. "inside story" is next. check us out 24 hours a day at >> both its biggest fans and strongest opponents said that nafta was going to bring the america, mexican and canadian dismiss. now who was right about nafta? that's the "inside story." >> hello, i'm ray suarez. three big countries.
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three big economies, including the world's largest, nafta said let's mor more or less let's ged of the barriers, tariffs that complicate trade between america's three traders. nafta just passed it's 10th birthday, how has the creation of the north amercian trade zone worked not only for americans but for mexicans and canadians as well? we in the united states tend to look at nafta from a specifically american point of view. what did it do to employment, investment, manufacturing. we look less at québec, an grocery shopper in teluca or edmonton, do they make more or less with this trade law? we'll look at this today.
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we'll look at the memories of the u.s. chief negotiator. the mammoth nafta treaty between the united states, canada and mexico opened markets at a time when globalization was in its infancy. today, nafta creates 17 trillion-dollar. those against it say the treaty kills jobs, deepens deficits and hurts economic sovereignty. i sat down with one of the original negotiators former trade ambassador karla hills, for her thoughts on the treaty she helped write and it's impact today. >> what did all of the partners have that the other partners thought would be useful, were there things about canada and the nature of its economy, about
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mexico about the nature of its economy that made them a good fit for a trade relation with the united states? >> when we first started to talk about it, which i remember the trade minister of mexico approached me at dabos in january of 1990. we began to talk about how our two economies could work more efficiently together. and at that moment mexico was highly restricted . we wanted that market. 100 million people, 100 million consumers. we wanted open markets. both parties did. it was only when the rumor got out that we, too, were speaking that we got a phone call from canada saying wait a minute. you just finished a trade agreement with us. are you going to leave us out of
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this? >> is the average american better off than he or she would have been absent nafta? >> i think when you take an average picture there can be no question about it. our nation has expanded it's gdp. there are studies that show the opening of trade generates household wealth that is substantial. that we have become much more competitive globally with our northern and southern neighbors. what we have achieved is tremendous specialization as a result of our interconnectivity. those who criticized nafta focused on mexico, and has this been good for americans.
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i point out that 14% of our total world exports go to mexico. that's more than what we sell to latin america. that's more than what we sell to great britain, germany, france, netherlands combined. it's more than what we sell to the so-called bricks, the about stillans, th brazilian s, russia, indians, so was this good, you bet it was. >> when go into the store much of what you shop from is elsewhere on the planet, not in the united states. did nafta full till ross perot 's threat. >> history teaches us when you take these skills away from people, you lose those skills,
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you destroy their self-respect, their pride and their dignity. >> ross perot was an error on the jobs going south. what has occurred in the two decades since nafta took effect is global ization. we're much more inter connected in the world. jobs are moving around as products are moving around. you mention the shelves of walmart and others, but when i had my last year in office as u.s. trade representative i would go on the floor of a manufacturing facility, and it was teamin teeming with people. people screwing in bottles here. you went on an auto factory floor, and you stumbled over people. today you go on an auto factory floor, i don't care if that factory is in the united states,
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there. it's taken over by computers. the world has changed. take your mind back to 1992, you probably didn't have a laptop in your briefcase. and so we didn't deal with the digital issues or telecommunications issues. those are issues that we need to deal with. >> reporter: now there is a new urgency to tie nafta to another ongoing trade deal, the trans-pacific partnership. mexico and canada are a quarter, all who have a board on the pacific ocean. powerhouse china is not involved. recent ttp negotiations focused on tariffs, environmental protections, and intellectual properties. if the agreement is signed it would encompass close to 40% of the world's gross domestic product.
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joining us to mark the 20th birthday of the enact of ment of the north american trade agreement story. >> thank you very much. >> thank you very much. >> we heard from karla hills who was there at the beginning, ambassador, is nafta popular in canada? >> it is very popular. trade with the united states and mexico is extremely popular. and i think that for our purposes when we're here in washington we county out that canada is the united states largest customer. we buy more goods, so i think we talk about trade agreements in abstract terms. i think we have to be more effective in talking as customers from each other as well as sellers to each other.
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>> so someone standing in an edmonton supermarket or driving a truck out of québec, if we stop them and ask them did nafta work out for you, what would think say? >> they may have differing opinions. we look in three great democracies. i'm sure you'll get people in an interview who would be skeptical of nafta and people who would be positive of nafta. most of the canadian public believe that trade with the united states and mexico as a canadian country is good for our economy, and good for our neighborhood. >> ambassador mora, same question, is nafta popular in mexico? >> i think it is very popular as well. after 20 years, what we've achieved in terms of trade with canada and u.s. and more over what we have achieved in terms of really integrating at a really deep level the chain because we trade a lot with each other.
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we are the second largest customer of the u.s. as the ambassador was saying, and this is something which is normally taken for granted. we sell a lot to the u.s. of course. the u.s. is our largest market. many u.s. jobs depend on how much mexico buys from the u.s. many u.s. jobs are dependent on how much canada buys from the u.s. we have figured out to really build together and market together here and in this market in north america as well as the rest of the world. >> does that answer depend on where you are in the country. if i'm in a farm in central mexico that used to grow corn will a farmer tell me that nafta has been such a big deal for this country. >> it has, opening the market has changed the way we price
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corn, and this is commodity, and we have an open market. farmers growing corn is doing much better. we have a balanced cultural trade, we sell our fresh produce, and all sorts of vegetables, and we buy meat and poultry, and we sell, of course, lots of products. we in that sense have eventually come to a very balanced and beneficial approach on both sides. >> we're going to take a short break. when we return we'll continue this rare joint interview with the mexican ambassador to the united states, and the canada ambassador to the united states. >> scared as hell... >> as american troops
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prepare to leave afghanistan get a first hand look at what life is really like under the taliban. >> we're going to be taken to a place, where they're going to make plans for an attack. >> the only thing i know is, that they say they're not going to withdraw. >> then, immediately after, an america tonight special edition for more inside and analysis. >> why did you decide to go... >> it's extremly important for the western audience to know why these people keep on fighting...'s so seldom you get that access to the other side. >> faultlines: on the front lines with the taliban then an america tonight: special edition, only on al jazeera america
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>> ukraine. >> the artic. real reporting from around the world. this is what we do. al jazeera america. this is the 900 page document we call obama care. and my staff has read the entire thing. can congress say the same? there's more to it. >> welcome book inside story. i'm ray suarez. it's been 20 years since the enactment of nafta. it created a vast free strayed zone between the united states, mexico and canada. and we we're marking this angle verse with a closer look --we are look. did nafta become less important because something that we
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couldn't have really known about in 1990 when it was being negotiated happened, and that is the rise of china. did china end up being a player in a way that we couldn't have imagined when this trade deal was being worked out? i know this has had a big impact on mexico. >> it did. originally the first two or three years of nafta, the manufacturing activity in mexico was really booming. then an uninvited guest appeared in the room, and it was china. of course lots of manufacturing went away from the region to china. now amazingly our total cost of production in the region has come down to a very competitive level against china. in 2001 mexico had a large wage comparison to china but now
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we're very competitive. we're getting back many manufacturing new investments that are now seen in north america, mexico, of course, and this is a shared production scheme. a very value-added chain. >> does that change conversation with america. a lot of jobs did leave the united states, but they didn't go to mexico, they went to china. >> they z and now they're coming back to our region in that sense. the only silent sucking sound that we hear in mexico is mexicans consuming u.s. and canadian products. this is a different approach than what we saw 20 years back. >> has a manufacturing worker in canada had the same pressure on him and his business as one in michigan and ohio? >> yes, they've
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had a lot of the same pressures partly based on technology. partially based on outsourcing to countries like china, and it has created a lot of pressure. you heard from karla hills talking about a plant floor. if you go to a boeing plant in my old province of manitoba in winnipeg, the technology, the skills, the people that you need and the training that has to go into their jobs beforehand is quite different than it was it wa20years ago. there are obligations that we have in this trading environment. one, companies are worried about losing their intellectual property. we have to continue to work on a predictable property regime. number two, we have to train people for those skilled jobs and manufacturing even though there is less of them we can do
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a better job in north america, training people for those jobs of the future. that's something that we talked about in telucca three weeks ago. we can't stand still. we have to keep moving forward with knowledge about how best to improve our neighbor in north america. >> but are nafta partners strong center their efforts to hold on to what they've got, to be competitive against china than they are as individual countries? >> well, we're stronger as a neighborhood. just look at one of the biggest issues for attracting and retaining business, and that's predictable, affordable, reliable energy. when you look at the reforms in mexico to the constitution to allow for some invite investment into their oil sector, when you look at the innovation and developments in canada, when you look at the developments in
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united states on the energy side in this neighborhood of north america we have an incredible amount of resources. we can be more sustainable with energy efficiency. we have light vehicle emission standards, how do we continue to work on a sustainable economy, also a reliable economy. it gives us a huge advantage not only with china but the rest of the world. i think that's a great reality that we have today when the three leaders meet. >> ambassador, your colleague brought up energy resources. that was one of the things that was purposely kept out of nafta, and mexico has jealously guarded it's ability to hold on to pmex, the national oil company, as a state enterprise. is that going to change? is that something in the
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interest of not only mexicans, but all north americans. >> pmex will remain as a state enterprise. what we're doing is opening the sector for domestic and foreign investment to get licenses in the territory, to exploit hydr hydrocarbons and the energy needed to produce a lower cost of energy for companies doing business in mexico. actually, when you see the region and these north american energy communities it's not coming from a political statement. it's coming from a market reality and treatment being blessed by nature. in this sense mexico is looking forward to get the best use of its resources from these reform, which was, of course, unthinkable 20 years ago. but as we say with nafta we say
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with energy there are two good moments to plant a tree, 20 years ago and right now. right now we're planting the tree of reforms, energy being the most important one. in order to take the cost of transactions in general down. this is going to enhance the competitiveness of our shared economic space north america. >> we're going to take a short break. when we come back a look at the world in the 90s and the turn of the century that was not anticipated by nafta and the futures of the ken robinson
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talk to al jazeera only on al jazeera america >> welcome back to "inside story." i'm ray suarez and on this edition of the story we're marking the 20th anniversary of nafta, the north amercian free trade agreement. did it improve the economies of the united states, mexico and canada? we're here with ambassadors from mexico and canada. you can never anticipate everything that's going to happen. right now ambassador, the united states is waiting for a final decision on keystone. you mentioned it in the last segment, a pipeline that will
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bring canadian energy resources down through the mississippi a wit basin through the gulf of mexico. how come something like that does not fall under nafta? how come we have fights about soft wood lumber, and it doesn't just fall under the mechanism of nafta to get worked out? >> well, we've got 80% of our trade free as they say between our countries. we didn't get 100% a number of years ago, but we got a lot of predictability across our countries with nafta. oil is coming down from canada. it's just how it's getting there. it's coming down as part of a commercial--the commercial decisions that are made in the united states. we've gone from about 19% so-called foreign oil with the united states four years ago to 32%. it's just coming down on rail. >> rail instead of the pipeline.
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>> rail instead of the pipeline. the debate about the pipeline is not whether oil is coming down. they're wrong. it's a question of how it gets there. we think the safer way to send it is how the state department has articulated it with the state department report. we hope that science and merit makes the final decision on how it gets there. it is getting to the gulf coast. it's just on rail. >> ambassador mora, looking at when nafta was negotiated, it was just a few years the immigration h reform act of 1986, one of the promises of nafta was that it would reduce the need for mexican men and women head north to find jobs. has that worked? we're looking at a situation where millions of mexican nationals are living in the united states.
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they are people that we were told that wouldn't feel the need to come because things would be so much better in mexico. >> when you look at the numbers from 2010 were negative i have . the numbers in the year 2000 the border patrol apprehended 1.7 million people. in 2012, $386,000. i would say a large proportion of them in 2012-2013 are non-mexicans. in this sense mexico is not going to be a major source of migrants into the future because the mexican economy is performing much better, and of course we are facing change. in this sense migration from mexico to the u.s. has changed
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the demographic dynamics on its own and the way the mexican economy is performing well. nafta has a lot to do with that in terms of modern indication of our own economy, and now with this wave of reforms we are reducing barriers of entrance and transaction costs to profit from the domestic market and engaging them with these north american equations. >> if you're in veracruz, and you finished your high school diplomas as many young mexicans are doing, it's a question whether you head north or not, you have a something to do? >> you look at the numbers, you don't. you always will have flows. you have flows from canada, and this is a country in that sense is very attractive for
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immigrants from all over the world, but mexico is not going to be a major source of migrants. >> when i talked to karla hills about where nafta had come short, she noted that it promised that mexican truck traffic would be able to move easily in the united states as canadian truck traffic does. we're 20 years in this treaty, what's going on? >> it's very frustrating. we're moving forward but we're still not there. we have issues that are not fully solved, and some issues that appear on the way. of course, we're dealing with them, and we hope eventually that we get those agreements that were really signed and agreed upon in full force. >> will the tran trans-pacific partnership supersede the nafta agreement? >> no, i think the base principles in the north american
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trade agreement will become hopefully the base of the final agreement in the tpp agreement with our friends in the asia pacific region. the key part of that is, a, reciprocity, and, b, rule of law. all three of us in generally are are reciprocal trade agreements and rule of law enforcement. that's key of in we're involved in markets that of great size for all countries in the pacific region. there is always offensive and defensive issues at in any trade agreements, and all countries have both offensive and defensive positions with each other. but the macro-picture is rule of law and reciprocity. those are principles that are contained within the spirit and wording of our north american trade agreement. >> ambassadors, good to talk to you both, gentlemen.
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>> thank you very much. >> that brings us to the end of this edition of inside story. thanks for being with us. in washington, i'm ray suarez. welcome to al jazeera america. i'm del walters. these are the stories we are following for you. gm has some explaining to do. and its ceo will do just that in a couple of hours. the possible release of a convicted spy to save the mideast peace process. an american experts now on their way to africa, concerned about an outbreak of ebola. ♪
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