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tv   News  Al Jazeera  April 3, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT

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what edward snowden has call add turnkey to a toll tin state. the fort hooted shot l shoot err now identified. shot and kimed three people before shooting himself, and today we are learning he struggled with mental health issues. another speed bun, it is now releasing palestinian prisoners. and reports of a program to creator social unrest, funded secretly by the united states. >> we are ing more about
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the sol accused of carrying out yesterday's mass shooting. the military says 34-year-old specialist shot and killed three people before taking his own life. another 16 people were wounded. three of the injuries are in credit cam condition. is mental health issues may have play add role in the ram pain. heidi joe is castro joins us now, what new information did we get from this news conference. heidi is not hearing us. >> we know that ivan lopez is married and has a young child. but had not shown signs of violence.
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ahad very strong evidence that he had a medical history that indicated unstable psychiatric or psychological condition. that is in fact correct, we believe than to the fundamental cause. >> in the testimony john mccue the u.s. army secretary said the suspected gunman served four months of duty in iraq three years ago, but didn't see combat or suffer any apparent wounds. the psycho therapy was more recent. >> ranging from depression to anxiety, to some sleep disturbance. he was prescribed a
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number of drugs to address those, including ambien. according to army, and later switches his specialty to truck driver the job he had in iraq. he arrived in february 2 months ago after serving at another incitylation. >> he had a clean record in materials of his behave no outstanding bad marks for any kinds of major misbehaviors. >> the suspect and his wife were from puerto rico, where his service began. >> he spent nine years in the puerto rico national guard before coming on active duty, so he is very experienced. >> the suspect's wife is
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cooperating with the fbi and is trying to help him understand his state of mind. according to neighbors they moved to this apartment complex three weeks ago. you never know who you live next door to. >> officials say there are indications that he had some sort of altercation. time days and hours to determine how any kind of altercation could have led to such violence. >> let's return now tommieddy joe castro. heidi, what can you add? is. >> ray,ry shell, beyond confirming the identity of the shooter, the command here has also given us a more clear time line of how this all unfolded. >> and the shooter ivan
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lopez, dead after shooting himself in the head. fort hood command says he had a history of mental instability, and may have sparked violence by an argument with another shoulder. two shoulders shot were the first to call 9-1-1. a female military police officer responded within four minutes. she was the officer that later confronted lopez after he opened fire in two administrative building. the command says there was many acts of heroism. >> one that shielded and saves other soldiers. got them to safety. >> this isn't the first time that the nearby cities have shouldered such tragedy. in 2009, abarmy psychiatrists 'ed fire on
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troops readying for deployment. 13 people were killed. he was found guilty and sentenced to death last august. >> we just now are getting over the shock of the last shooting over there. and now it's happening again, seems like it just the other shooting just happened. and now it is starting all over again. >> he purchased his gun from the same gun shop where he had bought his murder weapon in 2009. >> investigators say the shooting doesn't appear to be an act of terror im, but they continue to search for answers. >> now the army criminal investigation so leading this investigation. the fbi is aiding and determining a motive. we may get a better idea of that when the army releases his military records later this evening. heidi joe castro, i know you will keep us posted. >> their names, their
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ranks or yet to be made public, we do know seven of the survivors are being treated the other nine were taken to a nearby hospital. three of them are still in critical condition, but they are expected to survive. doctors say the rest are in good to fair condition. we two have nine patients here, three remain in critical condition. we have five others two of those are what i would consider fair condition. there is a possible several of them may discharge from the hospital today. some of those are fortunate to have minor injuries. >> the army says it will release the names of the victims four hours after the families have been notified. this comes as house speaker john boehner ordered flaks lowers to half staff to honor the victims. so mike, how are
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officials responding to the latest shooting. that's how we have to frame this. >> absolutely. there have been three shootings in the last seven months. 40 just blocks from here. really. and today all across washington a reaction of shock and disbelieve, as officials grope for answers on how to deal with the emerging problem. with the mental health of returning veterans. in the aftermath. >> president obama praised those that serves and mourned those that were lost. >> to see unspeakable violence happen, in a place where they are supposed to feel safe, home base, is tragic. >> in the capitol a somber speaker spoke for many. >> i want the families to know that we stand with you.
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we stand by you and is we are praying for you. >> throughout the day, political and military leaders openly struggled to understand what happened and why. clearly we may have missed something, we need to understand what that might have been. >> and whether cigle thats that could have prevented the tragedy were missed. we do quite significant screening we have to constantly evaluate this. this is something we have to deal with for a long time. and that's the consequence of 13 years of war. including expanding background checks to cover a history of mental illness. that effort collapsed one year ago this month. thursday there were renewed call for actions from the republican speaker.
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or being able to purchase weapons. >> others thing the ban should end. the logic if more were armed the shooter could have been stopped shooter. >> we need to look at having more capabilities not less. >> it came as something of a surprise today. don't expect any new efforts that gun control especially in this election, are likely to run into the same old politics that put it on the shelf one year ago this month. >> secretary hagel is asked about this. he is in hawaii for a meeting and here is some of what he had to say. >> obviously something went wrong. we have made recommendations based on
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those reviews and is we have implemented those. i going back to 2009, and noted 2010, that we will continue to make the adjustments and implement those. obviously we have again any kind we lose an individual, something has gone wrong. with us now is jim walsh. hate to talk to you under these circumstances but we appreciate your insight, is the security on military posts is it flawed? what do you see? is. >> i think of this more as a mental health screening and support issue than a security issue. although obviously there's a security dimension. traditionally, if you think about starting with 9/11, when al quaida attacks the pentagon, with a plane, and then we have to fight wars in afghanistan, with military bases are being
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attacked. so the focus as traditionally been a terrorist or somewhat outside of the base who targeted a base to commit violent. so the emphasis is is keep the outsiders out, let them come in, but in the last several years i would say four years increasing attention has been spent to some of the insiders are with they have political motivations, like the '09 fort hood shooting or this, where you with have mental health issues. and unfortunately, fort hood even a couple of years ago, had four suicide in a week, using firearms. that again, focused on attention on the fact that a lot of servicemen and women, facing emotional charges and that the job here is not so much keeping the outsiders out, but helping those inside process and deal with the mental challenges that they are facing. how do you do that without city mytizing the mentally ill?
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is [if you prisoner a service american, you are going to be scared to death about coming forward, you will negatively effect your career. >> and quite frankly, that's for civilians as well. >> absolutely. sniper applied across the board. ner afraid they will be stick mytized afraid it will impact their career. while they are in the midst of dealing with depression, and other sorts of problems. whey that will focus on is when did this person first show signs of problems did he receive is the support he needed. did he fall through the cracks. a lot of times -- it would be a mistake to immediately jump and blame mental health professionals because some are trying to hide the fact that they have problems or they stop taking their medication our present symptoms but not necessarily symptoms
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that you would suggest would lead to violence. we need to take this a step at a time, see if there's a bureaucratic problem, which the military has changed fast enough because it's a institution, is it makes the pace needed or whether this is one of those things that would be tough to stop. >> you know, we talked about to a retired colonel that said that he felt there should be more firearms. i think wrath err than let this be part of a broader gun debate, we should collect the evidence, and then look at it. people talk about a gun free zone, that is not true. at the bases of police and security, that young woman who stopped that perpetrator, she fire add weapon at him four minutes after the 9-1-1 call. >> she did indeed. >> so they are there. >> how do you prevent
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that person from getting the gun, and then entering that base? that's where you need to get at the problem. before someone has the gun on base, not afterwards. >> when you are talking about communities like fort hood, is other military installations. awful things happen in and is is that really the awful tragic bottom line? that makes people feel so helpless sometimes in. >> that is such an important point. very little context given today. the commander pointed out today there are other 100,000 people who are going in, and families and service is members and employees so i think the question i have for researchers is to go in and say we have this rate of violence, let's compare it to like situations. stirs with 100,000.
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and then as we with sift through the evidence, is there something happened here that is not happening elsewhere. so this is a question of science, rather than some of the political things we have heard. >> yet you still have to try to be better and do better. >> thank you very much. >> the shooting is getting a lot of attention on social media sites. a lot of people have been sending out this is a school in texas, this is in fort hood. this incident happened 200 yards away from her husband, she said i had a hard time driving on posts pretending it was a normal day. she goes on to say this is such a sad day, not only do we have to worry on deployment, but while they are home. also, a lot of the talk among the military
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community has been so j.r., he writes ptsb doesn't make you grab a gun and shoot up a base, stop painting war vets as a bunch of crazies. >> everyone returning from iraq should be classified as having pstd, but instead the department of veteran affairs makes you go through unreal measures to prove it. sew a service is member can defend his country but not himself, this is just insane. >> thank you very much. another blow to the middle east peace talks an important step toward with the negotiations is not happening on each side blames the other. the latest next. and a look behind a program like twitter, secretly funded by the united states to create
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social unrest, in cuba.
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the latest now fromhas jerusalem. >> the middle east peace process is lurching between crisis right now. and it isn't clear if the israelis and palestinians want it to continue, or if the u.s. can save it. over the last four days we have seen dramatic steps by both sides that the u.s. says has ledtous this point on the verge of collapse for these talks. first over the weekend, the israelis delay add release of palestinian prisoners that they promised to release in four batches. after that delay, the palestinians unilaterally went to the u.n., went to u.n. organizations and joined 15 of them, even though they propsed not to do that while while
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the talks were going on. tonight, israel has said look, we are no longer going to release these prisoners we no longer feel we have to release them, because you violated the agreement of not going to the groups. at this point, both sides are digging in. john kerry has made it his personal mission to try to solve this. he has more than 40 times that many times and at this point, he is saying we have tried all we can do, now it is up to you to make tough decisions. >> the leaders have is to lead. and they have to be able to see a moment when it is there. there's an old saying you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. >> includes last night, the u.s. met with both sides for nine hours. despite that pressure, both sides seem incline
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not to be thirsty, to continue his met fore, and so therefore what are the u.s. options. unilaterally the peace that's been negotiations with both sides or just try to continue to get both sides to keep talking. that is what u.s. officials are say they are going to try and do, whatever they can to keep the israelis and the palestinians at the table, and so far as of now, neither side is willing to officially walk away that give as little glimmer of hope to u.s. official whose keep trying and keep trying to keep them talking. there's an unlikely pair of running mates in the race. the other, a war lord. reports from kabul. >> . >> during the soviet occupation, civil war and
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taliban government. his career and the stint at the world bank make it perhaps as more qualified administrator and politician. >> i speak english, i speak the language of the democrat. my passion is is the language of the people. my village where my family live gives me deep roots in history. and mir commitment to this country's second to none. for the both of them. >> general abdul is a war lord. he is widely reported to be at least partly responsible for the massacre of 2000 taliban prisoners in 2001. that would make it harder for an administration to make peace with the taliban. and the pragmatic general often switches sides. he has been allied with
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almost every afghan leader. the 1 million plus votes that they can cast. when charismatic leaders emerge, they become more than the embodiment of their individual beings. bomb literally walk two days when hester had respect, and harnessed that energy, that is now focused on the individual, flu a collect private recess. miss advantage is his ethnicity, easily the major ethnic group, so it might hope to get their vote. >> bringing him onboard, won't be enough on it's board to get him the
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votes he needs. in fact, it may put some people off, he also does haven't a running mate, and they are the second largest group. so that also reduced his appeal. al jazeera, kabul. >> a new investigation revealed the u.s. secretly fund add program designed to cause social unrest in cuba. government agencies to build a program live twitter to target young cubans. more from lav vanna. >> well, i think the cubans will see this is very much the latest twist in a long running saga. there are books on display of the many many attempts to kill fidel castro, or undermine the guilty. no doubt, that is what they will be saying when they do comment on this.
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simply that cubans crave access to the social media, use of mobile phones, in general they don't have them, it's very very expensive. the prices are exorbitant in their eyes. but this was a way in, it is a way in to using the social media, and as we heard, something like 40,000 of them jumped at the price of using this, which is no knowledge that it was being funded by the united states authorities and the idea was that initially, they would be bland messages on this social network. and gladly when there was a strong enough -- that more provocative, more political messages would be inserted into the system as a way of mobilizing anti-cuban government movement among the young people.
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as we know that never happened the services died about two years ago, but these revelations will certainly cause a stir here at some stage. >> stimahead on al jazeera america, the latest on the accused shooter ivan lopez, and the concerns about security, at u.s. military incitylations and members of the senate open the door, to make details that the c. i.a. interrogation of post 9/11 to make that public.
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c.i.a. willey mislead the jeff about how effective the torture program was. lied about the torture programs effectiveliness, we highway patrol to find out more detail if and
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when the executive summary findings anden co collusions are released from what is a 6,300 page report. >> the president says he is egg torre lease this, how eager. >> his seriousness is thought will be seen when we find out who is going to be in charge of overseeing the release of this report to the public. if it is the white house, then perhaps we will finally know the truth. if, however, they seize control of redacting the document before the publication to the cia, a report about the cia's own misconduct with which they have already had trouble with, doesn't actually accept many of these, then the trouble isn't serious about full transparency, and the reason why some suspect that isn't keep on the entire report coming out is because it was a very
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fundamental precedent, a precedent being set here on executive privilege. people are being tortured. but because of presidential power. and if president obama is transparent about george w bush's use of that power, then what about president obama's use of the power. he may not be kidnapping and torturing people, but he is using that power to kill people extrajudicially around the world. >> okay, so how much longer before this issue is decide ised? and this debate has been going on for years. >> the report was finished over a year ago. dragging his feet on cooperation, and indeed is suggesting again that the white house hasn't really been corp. rating with with that release. the chairman said she hopes that the reports will be released within 30 days most people around here, expect this
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process is to take some months. >> so much longer than 30 days. thank you so much. in brazil is the government has promised to tackle police abuse. residents across the country has neglected in the run up for the world cup. often entire neighborhood burned down in a massive fire for electrical wiring. that's being blamed 460 of the 300 just destroyed. and the border with ginny is closed over fears of a outbreak of ebola, fears it will spread. the health organization are jumping to gun, but for police who live along the boarder the spread of the deadly virus -- nicholas hop reports. >> worried that's someone in this market is infected with a deadly ebola virus. most fruits and vegetables sold here are from neighboring ginny where it has killed more
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than 70 people. ebola is very contagious. >> we are losing customers. they know we with come from ginny, not as many people are buying from us. >> senegal sealed off the land boarder with ginny an effort to contain the virus. >> there is a very significant market, which gathers traders, from ginny, senegal, and all sorts of products are traded. >> the health minister announced new measures to prevent is the illness from spreading. the 20 with four hour crisis center has been set up. >> we take the epidemic very seriously, and our leadership at the hiation level gave orders. we are ready and
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prepared. >> there are no noun cases yet hospitals are on high alert. medical staff isolate patients showing any signs of fever. >> are et tood with lorrin and disposed of, their relatives are put under strict medical supervision. the government says these drastic measures are here to reassure the population, but instead they are making people nervous. >> some are limiting their contact to a minimum. they are the largest immigrant population. but a number of infected cases continuing to spread, there's a growing sense of fear. in turkey, the nationwide twitter band is being lifted. the highest court ordered
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the ban be lifted because it violated personal freedoms. critics say the government cut access to secure a win in last week's elections. for patients around the world, battling terminal conditions access to medicalmore phone can be limited. but as malcolm web reports progress is being made to distribute it, we will warn you, some of the images may be disturbing. >> the only thing joyce can talk about the excruciating pain in her head. she develop add tumor ten years ago, doctors say they suspect it is cancer and that it will eventually kill her. her son says shay can't afford any treatment, so they make do. we went to the hospital, and i don't know what medicine they gave her, since then we with have only been giving her mild pain kimers the pain continues. >> a picture of joyce taken a decade before is
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barely recognizing. in a developed country, her last years would have been made bearable withmore between, it is a strong painkiller widely used in the west. joyce's family shows us this scan, this is from the last time she went to hospital. it's dated 2011, since then it seems they have given up hope, they don't know what do do, and they say they have never even heard of morphine. the home is about 12-kilometers from the closest health center, even if there was, they don't have the resources to bring it to people that are bedridden. afternoon hours drive away, innings are slightly better. so be taken to patients at home. in many african countries colonial laws ban the drug. the laws and programs are among the most progressive and morphine is cheap.
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dr. ann merryman founded it. and others in pain, across africa. this year she was nominated for a noble peace prize. she told us many medics and politicians are still weary of morphine. >> they still think it is very addict tave will be used, they are afraid to use it. so you can train to use it they lose their fears and they are with colleagues who won't use it. and these are senior colleagues and the seniors are the worst. the ones my age are the worryings. she is one of the millions across africa who still have to sufficient tore the very end. >> malcolm web, al jazeera, uganda. >> in a development in texas over the controversial between drug supplier.
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more news from around the country. >> well, rachelle, let's start in texas where the u.s. supreme court will not stop an execution from happening. the appeal involved tommy lynn semis to name the supplier of the drug to be used at his execution. they refuse. the excuse will go on as scheduled later today. in washington state, medical examiners found a mystery corpse. they say the remained of one man don't match any of the descriptions of the missing persons and so far no one has file add report looking for him. the number of confirmed deaths has gone up to 30. a new report about last year's bombing. while law enforcement did a good job overall, the gun fight that happens four days after the bombing was handled poorly. one of the suspects was killed during a shooting and a police officer was
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seriously injured. in michigan a man was beaten by a mob after he hit a ten-year-old with with his truck. according to police, the accident was not the driver's fault, but when he got out of the vehicle to help the people, people from the neighborhood beat him. his godfather said the attack wasn't justified. >> we don't condone that. i stalked to mom and told her about it, and she said is no we wouldn't want with that to happen. >> he suffered brain injury is in critical condition, the boy is expected to make a full recovery. and finally, in georgia, a father went with to extremes to teach his kid a lesson. he was tired of constantly telling his daughter to clean her room. so he put all her belongings on the drive way with, and added this sign, haley, room move to the drive way, clean it next time. there you go. can you believe it, that is certainly a way to teach your kid to clean your room. >> that was a lot of work
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to move all that furniture, if he didn't make her move it back in. >> well, he painted the room, and he says that may incentivize her to have a better -- >> all right. >> to teach her a let son. >> all right, thank you. illinois is the latest state to allow people to carry concealed weapons. thousands have applied for permits but some of those are being denied because they don't meet the strict training requirements. now that is somewhat rigorous compared to some states, now, what you have to go through if you want to get that is you come in, you have several hours of classroom training which basically you learn about the concealed carry law, you learn how to holster a gun, then you go out on the shooting range, and you learn how to properly set up to shoot on the
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shooting range, handle the gun, point at a target, and then fire the firearm. just about 30 miles from chicago they have seen hundreds of people come through here. about a third of the women have been women, maybe they live alone, they go out to work, maybe they are traveling to an empty parking lot, late at night, and they want to have that protection, i talked to an instructor. even after going flu a lot of this rigorous training there are some people who opt not to get the license after all. if the threat is coming at you, if you can carrying for intercept protection, are you willing to take someone's life, some people are, some people are t no. i have had some students say i do not want to
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carry concealed. >> it expects about 300,000 to 400,000 people to apply this year. do get a license. and make the application, it takes anywhere from three to four months to get that license. train state and local police. carrying two sir ricks of this drug. founded by federal and state money. >> after more than 30 years david letterman is about to call it quits. a
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congress has allocated over 8,000 visas. so they can come to the united states. but as al jazeera reports only 2,000 have been granted leave manager f othese lives at risk. living outside washington has been an an justment, but with the help of his friends he is adaptable. still he says he worried about his fellow interpreters still living in afghanistan. >> on the three or four of them, the rest of them they are still in afghanistan. >> are they safe? >> no. >> when the afghan military took over the lead from the coalition in the fight against the taliban, it fires all of the interpreters. it says anyone who has worked with the u.s. led coalition was accused of being a spy. has set aside more than 700 special visas for the interpreter.
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but to date is granted only about 2,000, roughly 25 pest of the visas available. it's a promise he made after he saved his life on the battlefield, and dozens that say there are hundreds like him still waiting. that the united states is letting down. >> well that's correct the promise we made them, and it is our duty. >> it says it has a responsibility to make sure none of the applicants are a problem to the united states. applicants have simply prove their affiliation has put them in danger.
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it is a claim that infour rates him. he says he was on a taliban kill list for months. he hid until he and his family were granted. they will send parts of body as a warning to their family, to their american, and to the other friends. to stop working with the american. time for his friends he says is rubbing out. before the program ends next year. closing a door on those who say they were promised more for their service. kimberly al jazeera, washington. he is a leading developer of an educational programs and says schools should foes terrorists organizations talent of students at an early age.
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>> kids from avowry rashes appetite for learning. think about what children achieve from the moment they are born, most kids in the first two or three years of life learn to speak. well that's extraordinary. they go from being mute to being articulate. nobody teaches you to speak, you couldn't. you have the time, the kid doesn't reach the time of two and a half. where say we have is to talk, or rather you do. >> talk as verbs and tenses, kids absorb this stuff. kids at a very early age -- what happened is we then put them in school. and we shut down a lot of their curiosity, and we start to teach them. and it is very interesting to me that a
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lot of people by the time they get to the age or seven or eight, are suddenly bored. and get listless at the idea of going to school, and it isn't because they don't want to learn, it is because the way we teach them doesn't speak to them. >> you can catch more on talk to al jazeera that's this saturday. 7:30:00 p.m. eastern, 4:30 pacific. >> some pacific weather is brewing this evening. hi, rebecca. >> we have been watching powerful storms rolling through. now our primary area, a lot of trees down, we reported also these wind gusts are bringing in some large hail, and it started to cause a lot of problems especially in
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missouri where we now have a tornado warning. this is an essential is area, you can see how these have been developing. more and more throughout the day, bringing intense rainfall. two radar is indicating that we have the potential to see a tornado develop. so we are watching them closely, bringing these flooding rains. and they will be tracking eastward throughout the day you remember to. meanwhile to the north that's where the snow will be coming down, and that cold air just helping fuel a lot of these thunderstorms overnight tonight. thank you so much. miley cyrus and justin timberlake may have to cancel concerts over u.s. sanctions on russia is. three men who own a concert venue, they are on the sanctions list because they are considered part of russia president's inner circle. the sanctions in response to the take over have largely hit consequences of being on the list
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include asset freezes and travel bans. david letterman says he is retiring from his show next year. he made the announcement while taping tonight's episode. he said he hasn't set a date, but says that it would be about a year from now. probably going to be a great lead up to the final episode for sure. >> a update on the top stories that is next, and it's real money with ali velshi, do keep it here. >> scared as hell... >> as american troops prepare to leave afghanistan get a first hand look at what life is really like under the taliban. >> we're going to be taken to a place, where they're going to make plans for an attack. >> the only thing i know is, that they say they're not going to withdraw. >> then, immediately after,
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an america tonight special edition for more inside and analysis. >> why did you decide to go... >> it's extremly important for the western audience to know why these people keep on fighting...'s so seldom you get that access to the other side. >> faultlines: on the front lines with the taliban then an america tonight: special edition only on al jazeera america
6:58 pm al jazeera the military says fort hood shooters men stall instability plays a role in the attack.
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he kills three people before shooting himself. >> we have positively identified and are able to release next of kin have been notified the alleged shooter specialist ivan a lopez. he is 34 years old. originally from puerto rico, but we with have again, no indications at this time of any links to terrorists organizations of any type either national, or international. we now know of the nine people admitted yesterday after the shooting six have been discharged three remain in serious condition upgraded from critical. israel announced today the move may put the talks in danger. israel blame the palestinian leadership for the decision, say ising it violated an agreement to keep the process going. among the newly identified a 13-year-old boy. at least 13 people are still listed as missing.
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i'll rachelle kerry, real money with ali velshi, that is next, that is every citizen gets one vote in america, but now the very rich get something else the chance to spend a lot more money on political campaigns. also gm's failure to recall cars with a known deflect, indefensible, reprehensible, and we might be able to add another word, criminal. i'll tell you why. plus the battle lines are drawn on a midwest college campus. i'll tell you what is at stake. i'm


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