tv Consider This Al Jazeera April 5, 2014 1:00am-2:01am EDT
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192,000 jobs in march. the number of private sector jobs is higher than before the recession. those are the headlines. check out the website "consider this" is next. violence threatens crucial elections in afghanistan. what it will all mean? also a while of vakry for animal rights activists. plus rwanda's image finally changing since the mass slaughter of 800,000 people. and using new antisocial networks so hide from your friends? hello, i'm antonio mora, welcome to "consider this." here is more on what is heyed. ♪
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we begin with the impending election in afghanistan to choose a new president who may well decide the fate of the u.s. presence there. thousands of ballot boxes have been distributed to some 7,000 polling places across afghanistan. election authorities have warned that only about half of those polling centers are safe from taliban attacks. but nicklas says the country is ready. >> everything has been delivered according to time line, both in regard to brood legislative and other provisions, but also the delivery ballot papers. >> the afghan security forces are in the lead country wide. the leaders and staff of the
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electoral institutions are all afghan. and the campaign period was full of open and responsible debate among the candidates, but it will be up to the afghan people to choose the future direction of their country. >> whether that direction will be determined by violence was underlined friday when an afghan police commandinger fired on two vettal journ aileses. one was killed in the attack. for more i'm joined by ambassador peter galbrath. he uncovered massive voting fraud in the country's 2009 election. good to see you again. a recent poll by an afghan foundation claims three out of four afghans want to vote, have registered to vote despite the taliban's threats.
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but we just showed a documentary of taliban operations, do you think there will be a good turnout? >> first, let me -- come comend you on that documentary. it underscores the lack of security in large parts of the country, and so in areas like what was shown in your documentary, i suspect there is going to be a negligible turnout, which unfortunately doesn't mine that there won't be very significant results reported from those places. >> and even if they want to report, a recent gallup poll showed that 70% of afghans done believe the system is fair, and while it is estimated to have 10 to 12 million reporters, there are reports that some 21 million
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official voter registration cards have been handed out. do you think this will be a fair election? >> well, the system isn't fair, and when the white house press spokesman said it was afghan owned, well that is a part of the problem. in 2009 president hamid karzai was a candidate for reelection, and he was the one who appointed the independent election commission. and they were the people who either committed the fraud or collaborated with those who committed with the fraud, massive fraud, a third of karzai's votes were bogus, but at that time there was an independent body, which could then investigate the fraud and that's one of the ways it was documented. this time, karzai has not only appointed the independent election commission.
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he has also appointed the electoral complaints commission. and it's not as many he is neutral in this race. he definitely doesn't want one of the front runners to win. and he has a preference for the former foreign minister. >> let's talk about the con tenders. this man polled second in the 2009 election, at another former former minister, and a form afghan finance minister. and you spoke to him today. what did he tell you about the run up to the election and whether he expects the election to come off successfully? >> he actually was very optimistic. he said there had been very large crowds; that the debates had been robust, and he put a -- certainly put a brave face on the fraud.
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he agreed all problems were still there, but he said the afghan people wouldn't tolerate the fraud. i'm not so optimistic with that assessment, but it certainly was encouraging to hear a degree of optimism from him. >> the question is whether americans should be optimistic, because relations with karzai have been strained to say the least. once the election is over, do you think the winner will sign the bilateral security agreement that would remain forces in afghan that karzai so far has refused to sign? >> clearly from an american point of view, any of the three leading candidates will be far superior to hamid karzai and the u.s. government knows and has good relations with all three. all three have said they will sign the bilateral security agreement. so i do expect that it will be
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signed, but the larger problems in afghanistan remain, and they could be very significantly made worse by -- if there is the kind of fraud that took place in 2009, and unfortunately i think that's quite likely. >> so you don't think that these elections in any case with so many people registering despite the violence and threats against them, just the fact that there is an attempt at democracy is a good thing? >> democracy is obviously a good thing, but if you have an election in which people do not have confidence in the electoral system, then how -- how can anybody have confidence that the person who is announced to have the most votes actually does? and i think the problem will be particularly acute if abbul la, abbulla doesn't end up winning. because he was the under up last time -- he
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comes from the north so he represents the two larger minority groups in afghanistan, and they are also the best organized, best armed groups, so last time they reluctantly accepted the result, even though they knew it wasn't fair. will they accept it this time? and if they don't, the danger in afghanistan is that what has so far been a war between -- among the poshtunes, the taliban are all poshtune, karzai and the people around him are the poshtunes, but what could happen is the conflict between the poshtunes and those on the other side if there is a fraudulent election. >> you know canthy personally
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and the shooting and of her and killing of ania neederhouse are there. >> sure. when you are in public life sometimes when you deal with washington journalists who are safely at home, they overwrite the story, and you can see it is not reliable. but the war reports they don't have to overwrite anything. they tell it as it is. they are giving you the ground truth. so it is an incredibly valuable service that they were providing, bringing the war home to people all over the world, and very dangerous, and -- this situation just underscored how dangerous the work of the war reporters is. >> and let's hope kathy recovers well. three women are running for
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office, including the office of the vice president. thank you for being with us. turning now to the collapsing peace talks between israelis and palestinians. kerry expressed his frustrations at a meeting in morocco. he said the u.s. effort was not open ended. >> there are limits to the amount of time and effort that the united states can spend if the parties themselves are unwilling to take constructive steps to move forward. so it's reality check time, and we intend to evaluate precisely what the next steps will be. >> for more i'm joined from washington, d.c. by the international editor for national public radio, and forme former jerusalem correspondent.
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i want to start by listening to what james baker had to say back in 1990. >> everybody over there should know that the telephone number is 1-202-456-1414. when you are serious about peace, call us. >> greg as he heard secretary kerry was a little bit more gentle, but is history repeating itself once again? >> yes, you do get that feeling. john kerry has made a dozen or trips to the region. he has very little to show from it, and as you heard yourself, he -- he is feeling a little bit frustrated i think. >> let's hear more of what he had to say. this is secretary kerry friday. >> this agreement between them is not over the fundamental substance of a final status
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agreement, it's over the process that would get you there and what you need to do in order to be able to continue to negotiate. >> so what he is saying is that they have only be negotiating on a framework to negotiate the substance of the issues. if they can't even agreement on a framework what hope is there? >> i agree. and they set a deadline for the end of this month to reach this framework, and even that doesn't look like it will happen. you do get the sense the wheels are startling to come off now and the friction is starting to bubble to the surface again. >> yeah, they are even struggling to keep the discussions about the framework going beyond the month of april.
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we see russia rising, egypt in turmoil, the brutal civil war in syria, should these peace talks even be a priority for secretary kerry or the u.s.? >> well, that's certainly a good question. as you mentioned you have several pots boiling in the region. those have not been resolved. there is clearly not any near term solution to those things, so i think secretary kerry is going to have to weigh how much time and money he wants to invest. jim baker who you cited earlier, he also said famously that the u.s. cannot want peace more than the two sides want it. and we seem to be in that situation with secretary kerry doing all of this pushing and not getting a lot of help from either side. >> and not only as the israelis
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and palestinians deeply divided as they have always been, they are deeply divided within themselves. the president does event represent all of them. because hamas controls gaza. and israel keeps building settlements, and there is a powerful party that wants to keep israel's hold on the west bank and even possibly annex it. so is the timing just not right for the u.s. to be pushing the peace process now? >> well, there is never going to be a perfect time. i wouldn't say now is a particularly terrible tile. the two sides have not been actively fighting for several years. they have relatively stable leaderships, but i -- i just don't see the -- the initiative coming from the israeli side. you have prime minister netenyahu who has been in office knife years now, and three years in the late '90s, he has never made a big push on the peace front.
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as you mentioned the two-headed palestinian leadership in the west bank in gaza there needs to be some united palestinian front before you can do a big deal. doing the big full settlement, i think will require unified palestinian front as well. >> now is there any interest on both of israelis and palestinian part to push this off? do they both benefit in some ways stringing the u.s. along? >> i think the scat us the quo works pretty well. the economy is going well, israel has not suffered any major attacks or major violence in recent years. life is not -- not so bad and i think that sort of status quo
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works pretty well for many israelis. the palestinians i think are very frustrated. we are seeing the leader feeling pressure. he has taken a move to sign up or to push for palestinian membership in 15 international organizations. and so i think there's a real divide there in terms of a sense of urgency on the palestinian side and much less that sense on the israeli side. >> what if the u.s. did what james baker suggested in saying here is the white house's phone number call us when you are willing to negotiate? >> well, it may come to that fairly soon, and i'm not sure that is always a bad side. sometimes when the two sides are left on their own, they may come to their own decisions about where they want to go. i think the process has to be driven
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by the israelis and palestinian, and i don't think the u.s. can force an agreement on either side. so that may not be the preferred option when you have had some serious talking going on for a matter of months, you hate to lose that, but the u.s. may have to cut its losses and say we can't keep investing. we have other fires and we're going to focus on those issues for a while. >> sad to see this possibly failing once again. greg thank you. coming up was it hypocritical to force the resignation of this ceo in the name of diversity for his personal beliefs. also we're hear from an american who has helped rwanda rebuild. and her are pictures taken by our fallen colleague. she was killed on the job friday while covering preparations for the elections in afghanistan. she was 48 years old. ♪ [ male announcer ] it's here -- xfinity watchathon week,
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years ago. should someone's personal political beliefs matter when it comes to running a company? joining us from atlanta is jason johnson an al jazeera contributor and professor of political science, and a progressive talk show radio host. it is good to see you both again. wayne i'll start with you brendan ike created the widely used java script programming language. he hadn't discriminated against lgbt employees, and the pressure for ike to resign disgusted him as it should disgust anyone interested in a tolerant and diverse society. does he have a point? >> oh i don't think so at all. the foundation for any ceo is confidence and respect. when people found out that he
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gave a thousand dollars to ban lgbt people from getting married, they lost their respect for him. there was a vote of a sense of no confidence. board members were resigning, and software developers did not want to work for him. this was a silicon valley mutiny so to speak. he could not operate in such an atmosphere, and so it was the right thing to do to resign. >> jason ike has been serving as the chief technology officer until he wassel indicated to the ceo position. as wayne is saying, is being a ceo different because he is the public face of the company. should he be held to a different standard? >> of course not. and this is unfair and intolerant. and the company is more than
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welcome to fire brendan ike and i hope he sues their pants off, because none of this had to do with whether or not he was doing his job. the fact that a number of people foukd out about his personal private politics -- it's not like he was giving speeches across the country or hanging out with klan members, this should haven't been a role in him having to resign. >> wayne where do we draw the line when it comes to the consequences of personal beliefs? how about if it was a religious-based belief? >> look, this is a little different. first of all he not only gave to proposition 8, he also gave to pat bu -- buchanan. and in defending himself he said that his position against gay
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rights might help the company in places like indonesia. so he was saying it was a bonus in places that aren't as progressive as we are. that was offensive as all be. people didn't want to be around somebody like this, particularly in silicon valley where over 80% of donations were against proposition 8. ceos are different. this was the face of the company. and people didn't like the face they were looking at. and he wasn't fired, so he didn't sue. he resigned. >> jason aren't there personal positions that are too odious to be acceptable? >> let me put this in a general sense, as an african american male i don't have the privilege
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to work at places with people who don't have to be racist. i don't care. ultimately, are you doing your job? all of these behaviors he had not done any of those things or speaking any of those things since he came to that particular pox, so it is a problem, and when you have been forced out of a position, forced into a resignation because you have political beliefs that certain people in your company don't like, yes, you can sue. yes, that is an eeoc violation, and that is a horrible precedent for how this country would operate. if someone were being removed from their position because they happened to be pro gay marriage at chick-fil-a, people would be cream -- screaming. >> that's a false equivalency, though. there is a difference between an opinion and a person. race is not an opinion, racism is.
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massageny is an opinion. being a woman is not. it's the same with being gay it's not an opinion, it's a person -- >> no, he has an opinion against right. >> and you point out as an african american you don't have that luxury but a lot of people have lost their job when they made racist comes, i'm thinking about rush limbaugh onning monday night football. >> that is completely different. >> being against gay rights is offensive -- >> but to the point that -- >> -- society saying that is ugly. it's wrong. and people who hold those positions aren't necessarily great as the face of organizations and ceo's, and we're going only to see more of this, because more people are
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going to be disgusted by trying to strip marriage rights -- >> let me make a point -- wayne, let me make a point. you brought up the silicon valley donations. and nate silver on his blog broke down those donations and found that 83% of those who donated to the gay marriage fight back in 2008, 83% in silicon valley voted, and the main 11 companies donated in favor of gay rights, 17% do nated to pro-prop 8 folks. so again, another question about where do we draw the line? should those 17% be pushed out? >> of course they shouldn't be. >> i don't think that should be pushed out, but they shouldn't certainly be ceo's.
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>> there are laws in place right now that make it illegal to discriminate against someone, and rush limbaughsy saving something about donovan mcnabb was messed up monday night football, but unless we have evidence that brendan ike was discriminating against people in the workplace, this is pure speculation. you are forcing somebody to resign because of what you think they might do one day -- >> well, according to the board he messed up -- >> because he had a series of beliefs -- >> saying that his -- [overlapping speakers] >> it's an important discussion -- >> that's evidence that -- >> guys it's an important discussion and i'm glad you both joined us today to do it. we appreciate you being here. thank you. >> thank you.
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>> more than 800,000 people were massacres in the rwandan genocide that began 20 years ago this weekend. for 100 days the world witnessed the most horrific concentrated massacre of modern times. 11,000 people were slaughtered in a single day, mostly by machetes. a day later 10,000 more were killed in a soccer stadium. the horror continued for 98 days more. the clinton administration and the international community were condemned for failing to act. >> if we had gone in sooner, i think -- i believe we could have saved at least a third of the lives that were lost. we probably could have saved 300,000 of those people's lives. it had an enduring impact on me. >> for me we will joined by the executive director of
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health builders a non-profit that builds and supports health centers around from the world. and he is the author of a memoir of his family's move to rwanda where he opened a restaurant. you moved from the u.s. with your then fiance to a destitute community to a home where you had to big human bones out of that? >> well, the major reason why was back in the late 1990s, i had been doing some work with the government of rwanda, and heard their vision of the nation. that they wanted to be the singapore of africa. and i thought that is real ambition. so after my wife and i got married, we had the opportunity
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to move to rwanda and work on poverty reduction. >> as you did all of that, you say in your book that you still see how genocide casts a shadow over everything but that it is a fading shadow? >> when we first moved there, which was just ten years after the genocide, certainly on a lot of people's faces you could see literally the scars of the genocide, but since that time, we have actually seen a country reborn. that was one of the reasons my wife decided to build and open heaven restaurant. she saw that the orphans of the genocide and those who were born afterwards didn't have access to hospitality jobs, and she thought it was a perfect opportunity to create those programs. >> but what about the shadow that is still cast. a third of adult rwandans still
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exhibit symptoms of ptsd, how serious is that shadow? what remains today of what ago? >> nearly half if not more of all rwandan's today were born after the genocide, and a good portion of the population has no recollection of the genocide. so i see it as a new country. a country that is growing on the move. his economic growth rate has been nearly two times that of the us. and it's a country where the government cares about its people and cares about the public's health. so i don't see day-to-day the scars of the genocide. what i see is a country that has really moved against all odds in the right direction and lifted over a million people in the past several years out of poverty.
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so on a day-to-day basis, we do not feel or see the scars of genocide. what we see are streetlights and sidewalks and new infrastructure and wireless on the public buses. we see a very optimistic country that is safe, secure, great place to visit. >> how much of that has been the result of forgiveness? because some estimates say there were as many as 150,000 perpetrators of that massacre, but very, very few have been punished for it? >> well, many many people spent time of the genocide for acts of genocide, and many of the most senior leaders have still gone unpunished unfortunately. that's in great result due to the lack of responsibility of the international community, but i think if you take a look at today's rwanda, there are sort of two categories of people. there are incredible people who have actually forgiven the
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perpetrators of the genocide. they tell me that the hatred just weighed too heavenly in their hearts, and they literally in many cases live right next door to the killers of their siblings or parents. and then there are thoses who tell me they have moved on and they are too busy working, studying, too busy taking care of family tasks to dwell on the hatred of the past. they are focused on the future of the nation. >> and as you said the economy has gotten better. you mentioned the great growth rate there. how optimistic are you about the future? because you still have you know -- the life expectancy is only 55.
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about two thirds still live under the poverty line? >> well, actually in terms of the poverty line those statistics are improved. and i'm willing to bet that life expect -- expectancy is over 55. and maternal mortality has dropped more than half and infact mortality as dropped as well. you don't see kids or anyone dying of malaria. family planning is free for all who want it. so really if you take a look at the last decade or two, in termsover the public health, the government has achieved some of the greatest achievements in the history of public health in terms of dropping fertility and mortality rates. >> certainly incredible progress given the magnitude of that
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horror 20 years ago, and let's hope it does become africa's singapore. again the book is a thousand hills to heaven. there are many events taking place around the world to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the genocide, and some are getting a lot of attention on social media. hermela aregawi has more. >> there is a photo exhibit on display in the hague that speak speaks of the issue of forgiveness. in each picture a victim poses with their perpetrator who they have forgiven. this woman stands with the man who burned her house down and tried to kill her children. dominique says i have lost my
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humanity because of the crime i committed but now i'm like any human being. this woman standings arms crossed next to the man who killed her children. she said in the end we realize we are all rwandans and it was due to bad government. >> a lot of you were moved by these photos . . . these photos were commissioned by creative courts a non-profit in the netherlands that is exploring the theme of forgiveness. back to you. >> straight ahead whaling wars on the open seas come to a conclusion in the courts. also why some discounts at the
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supermarket could be a bad sign. real reporting that brings you the world. >> this is a pretty dangerous trip. >> security in beirut is tight. >> more reporters. >> they don't have the resources to take the fight to al shabaab. >> more bureaus, more stories. >> this is where the typhoon came ashore. giving you a real global perspective like no other can. >> al jazeera, nairobi. >> on the turkey-syria border. >> venezuela. >> beijing. >> kabul. >> hong kong. >> ukraine. >> the artic. real reporting from around the world. this is what we do. al jazeera america.
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>> weekday mornings on al jazeera america >> we do have breaking news this morning... >> start your day with in depth coverage from around the world. first hand reporting from across the country and real news keeping you up to date. starting at 6, the big stories of the day, from around the world... >> these people need help, this is were the worst of the attack took place... >> and throughout the morning, get a global perspective on the news... >> the life of doha... >> this is the international news hour...
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>> an informed look on the night's events, a smarter start to your day. mornings on al jazeera america ♪ a huge victory in the war against whaling. a landmark ruling by the international court of justice has put a temporary stop on japan's annual slaughter of whales in the antarctic. they have long battled what japan was doing, arguing that japan was killing whales illegal illegally. it has been a long battle for the whale war's reality tv star who's controversial tactics has earned him an international arrest warrant that forced him and his crew to give on his ship
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for 15 months. >> japan has fired their first shot. they got the ninth district court in the united states to issue an injunction against us. >> for more we're joined by captain paul watson who has been battling japanese whaling and their industry for years. it's good to have you with us, captain. you basically were at war with japan saying they were killing hundreds of whales for a non-existent research program. tokyo say they will honor the ruling, but are not excluding future whaling programs. what does this mean? >> well, since 2002 we have been accused of being outlaws and terrorists, and pirates, and the court has vindicated us. so that gives us a lot moral
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authority when we return if they should return at the end of this year. >> but it is specific to antarctic can they use it elsewhere. >> the sort said they cannot use science as a mask for the activities. but the japanese whaling industry has a long history of saying one thing and doing another. so we're going to have our ships ready to return at the end of the year. and if they return we'll redirect to the north atlantic against norwegian and icelandic whaling. >> what do you say to your critics that say that your tactics are a little too aggressive and even violent? >> we're not violent. we have never caused an injury in over 40 years of our operations. we operate within the boundaries
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of the law. we only intervene against illegal activities, but we're an anti poaching group. >> one of the reasons you are so passionate about this is it's not just that some of the whales are endangers it's that these whales die terrible deaths. >> whales are very socially complex and highly intelligent creatures. and you don't kill whales inside a sanctuary. so that was our primary reason we had to protect the integrity of that sanctuary. >> why are they fighting so hard to eat while. 95% of the people say they have never eaten or rarely eat whale
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meat. so why is this still raising such passions? >> there are 6,000 tons of whale meat in storage they can't even sell. what it is is that the japanese fishing ministry will not give an inch on anything. they think if they give an inch on whales they will have to do it with other species they are overexploiting. but i think the primary reason for it is that there is a lot of expoliticians who are hired as bureaucrats, and they will simply lose their jobs, and they get high salaries. >> so this is an important victory, but as you mentioned, norway kills hundreds of whales a year, you have iceland, and parts of denmark. there is whaling in a lot of places around the world. >> yes, and this summer i'll
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have 500 volunteers landing in the peril islands to block the killing of whales there. but if japan does end whaling, then we'll be able to move to the north atlantic. >> and what about indigenous populations in place like alaska alaska. do you have a problem with their killing whales? >> personally i do, but they are not in violation of regulations. the hunths in greenland and the united states fall within the regulations. and we have been very cautious to make sure that our organization oppose illegal activities. >> good luck with your efforts. good of you to join us.
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♪ today's data dive holds out for a lower price. you may have been seeing discounts on many staples, but that may not be a good thing. the highest level have been discounted since the recession hit years ago. for example, razor blade sales are down because more men are shaving less. the popularity of pressured laundry soap cap kuls, and soda
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and potato chip sales have dropped as people try to get healthier. analysts say americans have gotten board with cereals. about 10.8% of americans personal spending is on packaged goods. lots of factors are in play. among them better deals for household items on the internet. and americans are getting older. by 2030, 19% of the population will be over 65. older people tend to be more frugal and often have different tastes than when they were younger. maybe it's time to invest in pet food. that's one market that has shown growth. coming up going anti-social on social networks. >> on al jazeera america
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>> has a backlash begun against social media and on all of the online sharing people do. a slew of anti-social apps has sprung up recently to help you avoid your friends. molly mchugh covered the subject as an editor of the daily dot. good to see you molly. people can't seem to buy a sandwich or see a movie without posting it online. people are leaving a very public trail. have we reached a tipping point? >> there is definitely a little bit of that going on. you can't log on without seeing everything that people are doing, just like you said or
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where they are checking in, going and where they spend. and that's where these things are coming in, and there's also a little bit of the fact that we want to doing these things without participating but still have accounts. >> your piece on the daily dot was titled request we need anti-social apps to save us from ourselves. break down these anti-social apps. what are they specifically designed to do? >> we have one called cloak, and there's a new one called split that recently launched. and the idea is that these networks are looking at where you are checking in and what your gps is telling your other social media groups. and it lets you know that hey this person is here maybe you don't want to go there. or these people checked in at these events, maybe you don't
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want to go. there's another one called hell is other people, but that one is little bit more of a project. >> yeah, that is a lot more intense at least in its title. >> right. >> we have social networks with friends on them, and then we get an app to hide from them? and you wrote specifically, you said the idea that we need apps to avoid the work of other apps is on one level lunasy and on the other makes all too much sense. first i'll let you talk about the lou nancy. >> it's crazy that someone had to create a thing to help me another thing that is all too similar to what they are making. and it's even crazier when you are using these apps to log in
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to facebook to avoid people who are on facebook. but there is an app for everything now, and so we're going to have to have apps for those apps, and it is insane it really is crazy, but it's just going to be how the future works and how he solve problems. >> how have we gotten to the point where something like this sense? >> billions of people having accounts on these social networks is how we have gotten to this place. i think instagram just announced they have 200 million monthly active users. that's an insane number. so it's just kind of the natural course that people have taken. >> so much of this is a grasp for privacy? let's talk -- you know, in larger terms after seeing everything that has happened in the past year with edward snowden and all of this government surveillance and all of this, do you think there is a
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privacy backlash? >> if somebody is using these apps in order to avoid the nsa or anything like that, they are sorely mistaken. this will not make it better. your only option if you are got to get off line you have to defeat your facebook instagram or whatever. it's a quiet hidden way to ignore people that are your friends on facebook. >> you grew up in theage of the internet do you feel yourself and your friends becoming less social? >> my real friends, my friends that i hang out with in real life, i see them more in real life than i interact with them on social media. that's not to say i don't have rewarding relationships with people on the internet. that's another level of friendship, but i totally understand pulling back from our social networks when it comes to the relationships that matter
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the most. >> and you also write about the more serious reasons from taking a break from social media, because you say college kids suffer from anxiety. >> there is a lot of research that points out the generation that has grown up online. it is really different for them in becoming anxious or depressed or far too tuned in and longed on all the time. there are a lot of adverse side effects. these apps aren't necessarily going to solve that, but they are reactionary to what is happening. and people are always talking about how overwhelmed they are. so there is definitely something that is happening, and the generation that grew up with facebook account is only going to experience those problems to understand. >> that's true.
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but on the other hand doesn't some of this feel like it is just cro-- cowardly and immature? >> totally. that's a good point. we also should haven't to post 18 pictures of our dogs, or every sandwich that we eat. so, you know, it's hard to say how we should act online. but i do think that the apps -- the people that these types of anti-social apps will be truly popular with are maybe a little bit younger. and for the rest of us there might just be a novelty that we look to and check in on. >> interesting. molly great to have you back on the show. the stream is uniquely interactive television. in fact, we depend on you, your ideas, your concerns. >> all these folks are making a whole lot of money. >> you are one of the voices of this show. >> i think you've offended everyone with that kathy. >> hold on, there's some room to
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