tv News Al Jazeera April 11, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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nominated. >> glad to have you with us bill. the show may be over but the conversation continues. our facebook or google plus pages, you can find us on twitter @ajconsiderthis. we'll see you next time. >> hello and welcome to al jazeera america. i'm richelle carey in new york. john siegenthaler has the nice off. no surrender. the new standoff in ukraine between prorussian separatists and government forces reaches a boiling point. highway gunmen, drivers are being hunted, all connected. fracking, the connection between earthquakes and the controversial drilling. >> 50,000 watts of --
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>> plus rose ann cash born in memphis raised in l.a. now a new yorker. answer he questions about her rashable life and -- remarkable life and career. it was deadline day in ukraine but pro-russia caiforts holerussia activistsseparatists. hoda hanime reports. >> protesters stood in the cold to oust viktor yanukovych.
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like elsewhere in the east a referendum on federalist is their main demand. but with every day that passes the list gets longer. now they also want the formation of a southeast army that would operate independently from kiev but this is not crimea and beyond the encampment there is little sympathy for the protesters. the majority look to kiev rather than moscow. >> this is crazy. these are unemployed people who have nothing to do. they are paid by russia. they represent less than 1% of us. russia will rig the ballots. >> reporter: still worry looms over the city as the protesters have also seized a large amount of weapons that were inside the security building. the government has warned several times that it will retake the building by force if
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they don't evacuate. a deadline has come and gone and there has been no action. perhaps because the authorities in kiev know that this could be a very risky operation. the encampment is gradually growing around the building. family and sympathizers who vow to protect those hold u holed up inside. >> we don't have any weapons but we can get them very quickly. >> stones and molotov cocktails ready to be used if need be. are al jazeera luganz. >> now to the vatican and an extraordinary gesture by pope francis. asking for can forgiveness caused by roman catholic priests who molested children. >> now pope francis has gone
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further in a meeting with members of a catholic children's charity. >> i feel compelled to personally take on all the evil which some priests, quite a few in number, obviously not compared to the number of all the priests to personally ask forgiveness for all the damage they have done to children. the vatican is aware of the damage, a personal moral issue with them, but the men are priests. >> soon after his election, francis promised to act decisively, saying the church's credibility was at stake. it said policies like moving pedophile priests to new parishes rather than firing them or reporting them to the police had not ended. >> the holy see has consistently
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reputation of the church above children's best interests. >> but some vatican watchers believe the report failed to acknowledge steps the church has already taken like setting up a special vatican committee bringing together liquorics and lay people including an abuse survivor. >> this was set up not just to look at the procedures that should be in place for serial tolerance of this evil but how to look after victims. the abuse was back then, the pain is now. >> in his last two years as pope, ben dick xvi defrok defro0 priests. >> we want to go back to the position we were in when poab benedict was the pope and get back to dialogue with the
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bishops. we haven't seen anything of substance. >> the real proof that the church is getting tough will only come with more considerable pros -- criminal proses accusations. the pope is not the only to issue such apologize. pope benedict xvi, pope francis went a step further. he said sanction he must be imposed on those who are responsible of such a crime, now many victims of sexual abuse by priests around the world will hope that their abusers will be finally brought to justice. claude yo lavanga al jazeera, vatican city. now to a developing story on in kansas city. the search of a serial shooter preying on drivers. one gunman has turned the roads and highways into a target zone.
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courtney key lee reports. >> there is something in the city. >> something hit the car, didn't know what it was. >> police know what it was, a but, one of more than 20 fired on drivers. the incidents weren't random. 12 were connected all believed to be from the same shooter. there have been no deaths but three were injured from gunshot wounds. this woman was one of the intended victims. >> there wasn't another vehicle in sight and we were on the right and hit on the right side. >> reporter: one said the gunman was wearing a ski mask and hood. a bullet hole near where her three-year-old was sitting. >> any time you have a random shooter with no reason or mindset behind them. >> there is a $10,000 reward for
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information leading to an arrest. tips are coming in. keeping a close eye on the road while looking out for a serial sheeter. >> joining me acknowledge evie, how did police connect the dots here? is it ballistics? >> it took them so long, you wonder how many shootings they have on the roads, it took almost two weeks to connect 20 incidents. putting a profile together without knowing who the shooter is based on the target, the bullets used, the velocity all that is there a pattern. and collecting the reports of the victims. this way you're able to put something together but it's interesting that the local authorities realize they are somewhat over their head and
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they reache reached out for thed the fbi to help them. >> do you think this is someone who is trying to scare people and is not trying to kill somebody? >> based on what we're seeing, i think this is someone who is having fun, twisted way of having fun. shooting cars, thinking the metal from the car is going to protect the person inside. it's almost as if it's a video game, almost like a disconnect, a person plays a video game, video game is controversial. similarities emotional disconnect between the shooter and what they're doing. >> i know it's difficult to know this but is this something that could clearly escalate? >> this is the thing now that everyone is looking at the shooter it may deescalate. if this is a smart individual they're going to cease and desist at least for a while.
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perhaps if it's a game with law enforcement, they have can beat law enforcement all these weeks, they've been duping them, they may up the ante, and consider it a pleasurable game. they could see the person take the initiative and engaging law enforcement almost like it's a competition. >> how are these issues usually solved? is it like someone will tell on them? how are these solved? >> think of the basics, surveillance cameras, now that they have all these incidents, you are going to pull all the surveillance cameras from the areas. even here we see some type of basically shift, somebody is saying somebody in a car shot at them. others are saying, there was nobody in a car, they came from outside, the ballistics, the range of the bullet any scratches any identifiers on the bullet. sometimes you can tell from the
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way somebody shoots at a target, their style of shooting. they're going to assess, look for a car with tags and whatnot and start looking around for people. and collecting evidence from the wilderness from any of the areas of where people could have taken the shot, any ramps or anything like that. >> and the person that is doing this could be talking about it to people in their lives and someone could pick up the phone and tell on them as well. evie pompori srvegris, former ah the customs service. thank you. the leaked senate intelligence committee's report paints a picture of extreme torture methods used by the cia during the bush administration. terror suspects in the wake of the september 11th attacks.
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the findings say the harsh methods might have been illegal even under the definition of torture that was set by the be department of justice at the time. senator dianne feinstein hinted at the report from last week. >> stands in stark contrast to our values as a nation. chronicles a stain on our history that plus never be allowed to happen again. >> still classified report. 6,000 pages long, the first techniques did not effectively detain the agency from
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extracting information from detainees. necessity of their tactics and the cia employed tactics on detainees that were not authorized while wrongfully detaining others. overall the findings conclude the agency's action he were more extensive that be it organizely reported. feinstein said the number of detainees that were affected. >> robert grenier joins us from washington. we appreciate your time very much. my first question, let's be blunt here. do you think the cia broke the law? >> no. i don't. i think there may be some individuals along the way who may have exceeded their brief and those are individuals who have been punished as a result. but did the cia as a matter of policy break the law? the answer is no. everything that the cia did in the program in question was approved by the department of
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justice, the office of legal counsel which is the highest authority to which one can turn in the federal government on questions like this. >> okay. part of this report, this leaked report though, says that the cia misrepresented some of the facts of what they were doing, to get approval. what do you say to that? >> i was not there at the beginning and so you know, you can take that for what it's worth. but the cia was very, very careful. in fact it did not start its interrogation of credit abbu zebeda, in the subject of these interrogations, they did not start these interrogations until they had full credit permission of the department of justice, knowing that that would then make them legally vulnerable.
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>> do you feel comfortable with the extent of the interrogations? do you feel comfortable. >> do i feel -- >> do you feel comfortable with them? >> i can only speak to what i saw myself. >> that's what i'm asking. >> i was there from 2004 to 2006. whether you approve of these methods or not it was a very disciplined program at that time, operating under the strict authority that was provided to the cia by the department of justice and the administration at the time. so was i comfortable with what we were doing? yes. i think in all honesty, if i were in the same situation at that time faced with the challenges and the concerns i had and given the insurances we had with regard -- assurances we had in that regard, i would have come out in the same place. >> how do you feel about this investigation that there wasn't
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much worthy intelligence that was gained by these particular techniques, do you agree with that? >> no, i don't and in fact i'm hoping that not just the summary, executive summary and the conclusions of this report will be declassified and released. i'm hoping the whole 6,000 page report will be released so that those who are interested can delve into the evidence, along with the rebuttals that are provided by cia and make their own judgments about this. it's very interesting that the senate report makes frequent reference, i understand, to a report that was done by the cia inspector-general back in 2004. and i should say that the cia inspector-general is an independent inspector-general. he is not appointed by cia, he was appointed by the senate. i can tell you the individual was strongly opposed to the program from the very beginning. in that 2004 report by that
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splerkt-general he himself said these techniques were effective in providing critical information. so again all this will come out. i sincerely hope it will all come out and i think people need to make their own judgments. >> remains to be seen how much of this report we will actually see, robert grenier we really appreciate your credit insight. thank you. surely. >> president obama appointed a nominee to replace kathleen sebelius. mike viqueria reports. >> for embattled healthy and human service secretary kathleen sebelius. after the disastrous rollout last fall the final score on speaks for itself. >> there are seven and a half million people across the country that have the security of health insurance.
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most of them for the very first time and that's because of the woman standing next to me here today. and we are proud of her for that. >> we have had many of your employees before this committee and you have to ask yourself are they being purposely misleading or are they not that smart? >> sebelius had are numerous calls for her head. and the law which they want to repeal. >> in line for fee for service would destroy the program. >> sebelius didn't help her own cause as she down played the program, as the website repeatedly crashed. >> hold me cobble for the debacle. i'm responsible. >> to are replace her, the president nominated sylvia
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burwell. republicans will use her nomination as another chance to attack health care reform. in a statement gop senator mitch mcconnell said, obamacare has to go, too. standing alongside the president and the departing sebelius, burwell welcomed her potential new role. >> i'm humbled honored and excited by the opportunity to build on the achievements that kathleen, the president, and so many others have put in place. >> that was mike viqueria reporting. coming up: death at the border. a teenager is killed. his family says it was murder. tonight our special investigation into a controversial shooting. plus tremor connection, is there a link between fracking
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border patrol made nearly 91,000 apprehensions in the rio grande valley. paul beban is on the ground in nogales a town straddling the border in mexico. >> reporter: a dusty cross and faded plastic flowers mark the spot where a boy died, gunned down in his home town of nogales, mexico. this is a story of a boy, a border and a wall of silence. sometime shortly before 11:30. p.m. on october 10, 2012, the 16-year-old died instantly when he was hit by a bullet in the back of the head.
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as he fell face down eight more shots hit him in the back. at least one border patrol agent fired from somewhere around here on top of this cliff in arizona through the fence down into the street down into mexico. why? border patrol says jose antonio was throwing rocks at them. but at least one witness says jose antonio was just walking down the street. was shooting him an appropriate response? was he a threat to armed agents up on the cliff behind the fence? his grandmother is an american citizen. she lives on the american side of the fence a few miles away from where her grandson was killed. at a bedside shrine she praise. >> translator: there needs to be justice because it seems to me, a cold-blooded calculated crime. to me it's a crime with no justification, because he wasn't doing anything. he was just walking.
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he wasn't doing anything. >> reporter: almost a year and a half after the fatal shooting, the border patrol has at last formally responded to jose antonio's family. the family's american attorney showed me a letter he received dated march 15th. >> their clients claim not to be attributed to a wrongful or negligent act or omission on the part of the united states customs and border protection. and it's over as far as they're concerned. >> reporter: montillo says the border patrol took four minutes from the time of the shooting to make this call to mexican authorities. >> let's listen to that call. montillo says the delay suggests indifference to the fact that a mexican boy had been shot. >> if they're really worried about somebody being hurt you don't wait four minutes because
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obviously the shooting had stopped. >> jose antonio's mother said the letter from the border patrol is an outrage. >> reporter: >> translator: well i think they're mad, they're wrong. it was an assassination. he didn't have a weapon, it was a murder. and a murder needs to be paid for. they can't go killing people with impunity. >> reporter: setting aside the unanswered questions of the jose antonio case, border parole does -- patrol does face attacks with rocks, more than 1700 times since 2010, 43 times they responded with deadly force. killing ten people. no border patrol agent has ever been killed by a rock. the memo instructs agents to
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take cover and not shoot, unless they are in imminent danger of threat or serie serious are har. is shooting ever an appropriate response the rocks? despite the border patrol's letter to jose antonio's family, the agents wouldn't talk about the case. or use of force policies. people think they're stonewalling, there is a lack of information, there's a lack of transparency. how does that affect the job? >> well, it doesn't really affect it too much because we don't have any control over the investigation. i explain that to people. but overall once that investigation is -- it's pending, we're out of it. you know, like i say, we cooperate fully with the investigative agency, but as far as giving information to the public we can't do that. >> surveillance cameras tower over the intersection where jose antonio was killed. but whatever images those cameras caught that night, haven't been released.
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>> translator: show me the video where my son throws rocks. and even with that, they didn't do the right thing. i want to see that video, where my son hurts them. it will be a pain inside me, that will be there until there's justice, until i know who killed my son. until i know how he has been judged. until then i will wonder whether all american border patrol agents are bad guys. >> reporter: paul beban. on the u.s.-mexico border, nogales. gls and coming up this sunday, al jazeera will air a new movie, sunday at 9, 6 pacific, border left-hand. what scientists now say about fracking and earthquakes. plus, words and music, rose ann cash. >> award winning documentary
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>> welcome back to al jazeera america. i'm richelle carey. there's a lot to cover this half hour. are frac fracking and strain one oil and gas process. and roseanne cash. first, the top stories on tonight's briefing. in eastern ukraine protesterse protestersers, ukraine has told them to leave government buildings or be forced out. are ukraine will be why participating in talks on thursday. senate intelligence committee's leaked findings follow a five year investigation into techniques used on are
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terrorist tactics. the methods were more extensive than thought of. pope francis has come under criticism from victim advocacy groups who claim he has not paid enough attention to the priest are molestation problem. fracking, how does it work? we turn to our science and technology correspondent jake ward for answer he. >> there's a fair amount of controversy and confusion around the use of lie drawl you can fracturing which is known as fracking. we should define what it is. fracking is used this in places where a company would like to
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pull oil and gas out of the earth but it's to pressurized to pull it out cheaply using conventional methods. fracking involves drilling through the ground water layer from five to 20,000 feet, a mile to three miles below the surface and the well changes direction and becomes horizontal. at that point small cracks are broken in the surrounding rock which what is called a perforating gun. the water is pumped and eventually the area around the well is basically forced to become porous and ready to give up gas or oil. the water comes back out, pulled back out and the oil and gas follows after it, until there's a horizontal plume of are oil or
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gas flowing out. fracking takes an incredible amount of water. even though the process uses a comparatively small amount of chemicals, those chemicals tend to involve known carcinogens. a theory is that a fracking operation should remain sealed off hydraulically from any aquifers, so it doesn't get into the groundwater. current why credit regulations don't why force reviolatio revef chemicals that are used and can cause tiny earthquakes. outside youngstown, ohio, between january 2011 and february 12 youngstown which had never had a recorded earthquake in its history, experienced 109
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earthquakes, one as big as 3.9 on the richter scale. it is that sizing connection that has experts worried. >> joining me is john vidale, seismologist. let's pick up on what jake just said, 109 small tremors in yongn youngstown, ohio. does frackin fracking cause ear? >> it does cause earthquakes. >> why it is so long for people to be on record for saying this? >> pumpings the water higher pressure deeper into the earth, that's been known to cause earthquakes, there's no argue with that, but a lower rate of earthquakes are triggered so it gets hard to tell if those
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earthquakes are happening naturally or a result of the fracking process. it's pretty clear frack causes at least a few earthquakes. >> earthquakes, tremors, how serious, how severe can there get? >> well you know, the issue isn't really that the injection is powering the earthquakes. it's more that the injections trigger earthquakes or at least stresses that are already there. there's really no limit how big an earthquake can be. so far it seems like injections only rarely cause sizable earthquakes. >> this other being seismic activity? >> maybe, weaker changes in the ground so these injections of fluid are more effective because they basically lubricate the cracks that move on faults. so they are tuned to make it easier to are generate earthquakes. but they generate just a few.
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>> there are a lot of people that are against fracking. might this bolster their case? >> oh, it certainly will. but you really have to go into this quantitatively. we have to tell how many earthquakes do they generate, how much damage does it cause and what we have to do is guess if there are really big earthquakes coming that these processes could set off so that's something we have to study in detail. >> do you anticipate more research on this? >> if fracking is going to be as common as it is and will accelerate in its rate of opportunity we have to examine what danger it poses. >> john vidale, thank you for coming. >> you're welcome. >> dangerous internet security bug but never told of them. credit according to bloomberg,
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nsa was aware of this issue. crediting in a statement the nsa insisted it only learned of the bug recently when it was made public. at al jazeera we often focus on stories of those who serve their country. we call it veterans voices. today first lady michelle obama announced programs that care for soldiers after they come home. often, responsibilities for family members as battle wounds heel. roxann saberi is in hartford, connect. >> cooking cleaning and caring for her four kids. over the past four years her job has gotten harder. >> sometimes he might do laundry and doesn't credit put soap in. it's frustrating whether that happens right honey?
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>> it doubles because we have to redo the laundry. >> blair's husband served four terms in iraq. the last injury ended his term in the army. >> it was seven to ten feet down, as it came up it rattled me, knocked me back and out for a while. >> his injuries recover but wounds remain. traumatic brain injury. >> before i know it three days will have passed. >> he will literally think in his mind that it's this morning. he takes mood medication, he takes an anti-seizure medication. >> to make sure he takes his medicine -- keep him company at home. crowds can make him angry and anxious. even sudden sounds from his autistic son would set him off.
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>> it is a strain but at the same time, i can't imagine not doing it because what else am i going to do? it is difficult. i don't have much time for myself. >> they survive on savings and disability. planning for the future is a struggle. >> i have to just look at today. >> who takes care of military caregivers in the united states? >> no one, really. it's difficult to kind of cope alone by yourself. >> but blare holds her hardship with a smile until i ask her what keeps her going. >> he does. he's pretty amazing. i just, after everything that he's been through, it's -- he is the strongest person that i kn know. and i love him a lot. >> roxanna saberi, hartford,
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connecticut. >> authorities are trying to figure out what caused a tractor trailer to veer off a california highway and crash into a bus carrying college students. the fedex truck and the bus burst into flame. australian prime minister says the country is confident analysis arsignals are coming fe black boxes. if the signals are from the plane the boxes are in very, very deep water. let's give you some perspective now. the plane is about 200 feet in length. if it is there it is located far below where giant squid live and at a depth deep are than the
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dubai tower the world's tallest building. far lower than the pinger locatessor used to detect the signals. it is like hi far deeper than the wreck of the titanic, took 73 years to find that. or the maximum depth of a deep sea submersible, capable of carrying passengers, nearly 3 miles under water. up next our photo of the day. ♪ ♪ >> john siegenthaler sits down with roseane cash. are talking to her about her album about the south.
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>> are if space, this is what cyclone eda looks like, making its way to cape dor peninsula, this is equal of a category 4 hurricane if it was in the atlanta. that eye coming on shore there, we're losing the eye, losing some of the definition of the storm. let's go a little bit closer this. as you can see, quite a bit of rain activity along the queensland coast. more activity before it exits towards the tasman sea. here down torts th toirdz the -e
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southwest in the u.s., the clouds have also been coming through as well. temperature wise los angeles on friday going to be down to 79°. how about ensenada, and temperatures will come down slightly, las vegas high of 83. but to phoenix, you'll have a warm day on friday, 95°, but as we go towards the weekend, it will go down to 90. that's a look at weather, why news is next.
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and her husband and collaborator john leventhal made through the trip. through her father's home town in arkansas. with 11 number 1 country singles and 12 grammy are nominations, 58-year-old cash has navigated her own are direction in the industry. with pop and rock. cash is also the best selling are 2010 ar work composed. ♪ ♪ tell heaven ♪ tell. >> roseanne cash, welcome.
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>> john. >> good to have you on the program. >> good do see you. >> you're getting rave reviews, the best work of your career. you've had so much success in your life at this point in your career, to have this? >> it feels amazing. you know, you put out a body of work and you hope that it connects with people. but you never know. and particularly in this day and age whether people aren't buying so many records as they used to. so after all of this time, i still feel like a beginner. and to have it accepted like that, and the praise come back to you, it feels amazing. i feel like the luckiest person in the world. >> when i've heard you describe this album it sounds like it started with a road trip, is that kind of it? >> kind of it, yeah. arkansas state university wanted to purchase my dad's boyhood home and they wanted the family
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to be involved. so i started going down for fund raisers. it was a perfect storm of inspiration being back in the south and reconnecting with people i knew and seeing my own ancestral musical spiritual heritage in the south. i thought it was kind of behind me and that being born in memphis was a footnote. it turned out he was really connected to it all. >> the sunken land, where is the sunken land? >> exactly that spot in arkansas where my dad's boyhood home is. ♪ who holds her hands in the sunken lands ♪ >> going back to his boyhood home, really was about my grandmother how hard her life was, that she picked cotton, raised seven children, was married to a plan who was unkind
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often and she never complained, and it was medievally hard. the thing that put this all together, i have a friend in natalie chan in florence, alabama and she has this studio she employs these women and they hand-stitch these beautiful clothes and i went down and she taught me to sew. she was threading my need many and she said, you have to love the thread. tears came to my eyes, the thought, you have to love the thread. it was a metaphor, as we were driving through the south, i was thinking about the thread. and thee songs started coming. >> the songs started coming and you started to write them on the trip or when you got back? >> both. we started writing some of them then, and we took can several be
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trips. my husband and i wrote them together, john 1 leventhal, he wrote the music i wrote the words. we went to robert johnson's grave. i mean it was incredible, the places we went. and i think we had to get the perspective and distance of coming back to new york to write some of them. >> is this about your history as well, this album? was it about family history and why is family history so important? >> i wanted to write about -- some of it is family history, the sunken lands like i said was my grandmother. i wanted my kids to know about that, i wanted them to know who their great grandparents were, if you know more about that, you know how you fit into this world. that's what happens in our age.
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we start to want to know who we are connected to, the geography we're connected to. those things are really important to me, particularly in art and music and the things we love, you know. my mother's recipes, reply daughter, the way she plays the guitar is a little bit like reply dad, you know. those things are fascinating to me. >> with the temperature dawning, 100 or more ♪ ♪ the horses falling after dusk ♪ violets willing by the door ♪ you pour your strongest coffee ♪ >> i wanted to know what was behind each song as i listened to them. and modern blue probably is reply favorite. what's behind that song? >> that's really a story about me and john, you know, traveling world, keeping your head down
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and your eyes on each other just to hold the course steady, but ending up in memphis which is kind of a mythic place-holder for home. ♪ i keep my eyes on you ♪ it's a big wide world ♪ with a million shades of modern blue ♪ >> first of all what's it like to work with your husband so closely? >> it's good now. it took us a while to figure it out. >> really? you guys worked on this wonderful work. how did you match -- you say i write a line and he writes the music? i mean -- >> that happens in all ways, i bring him a lyric or he brings me a piece of music or back and forth or i hand him a completed lyric which i did on one song. but we try not to take each other -- take it personally if we criticize each other. >> that works well? >> sometimes. you try to bring the best out in
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each other, you know? >> sure. >> it can be very romantic if you don't fall into those potholes. >> when did you know you were an artist, how young were you when you fell in love with music and art? >> really young. really, really young. i felt myself to be odd, and i came to understand that that was an artist tinge instinct and that it was valuable instead of being, you know, something you needed to push away. although it took me a long time to understand that. >> you grew up out in california? >> i did. >> and you lived in nashville for a while. is new york the longest place you've lived essentially? >> i've lived in new york 23 years. it's the longest place i've ever lived. >> everybody would assume you were from nashville or the south. what drew you to new york? >> you know that saying, she's always kind of weird, it turns out she's just a new yorker,
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have you ever heard that? >> never. >> that's knee. i was always a new yorker. from the first time i came here i knew it was my home. i love the south and i feel connected to the south, but i'm a new yorker. >> had you stayed away from the south for 20 years? >> i've been back to the south plenty, many a time, and for the long time i felt myself tighten up when i went back. >> nashville? >> like i don't belong here anymore, i'm being judged, this is not my place in the world. now i go back, i love it. i have my friends, i know a good restaurant, two of my daughters are there, they love the south. >> did you start writing more when you came to new york? >> i did. i was a songwriter always, i wrote a lot of songs in california and tennessee but i started writing prose in new york and i wrote my memoir and a
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group of short stories. >> and the new york times? >> and the new york times. >> i read you don't share at all but your life has been in the spotlight since you were a child. >> that doesn't mean i don't share my private life. i do have a private life. if i was a dancer i'd have to dance. that's what's in the dna. >> you wrote your father a letter about your love of music and art. what did he say? >> i was 12 years old. he said the greatest thing. i see that you see as i see. >> very powerful. >> yeah. >> congratulations on all of this. wonderful success that you've achieved. what's next? >> san francisco jazz festival, dublin, london, lot of -- this is an 18 month push for this record, i really believe in it
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and i have the greatest record label in the world who also believes in it so teamwork. i've got to say, it's great to see you. we have known each other for a long time. >> our fathers knew one another. >> they did. love those guys. >> great to see you. >> great to see you. >> an image that caught our attention, tonight's freeze frame from tonight's capitol. washington, d.c, where spring is finally in the air. cherry blossoms are in full balloon. that traditionally marks spring, a college team practicing on the potomac. there you see, today's top headlines in just a moment. keep it here.
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more autonomy to regions to the east. donetske and lahanz. protesters ignored a directive to leave government buildings by friday. pope francis, has come under criticism from victims' advocacy groups who say he has not paid enough attention to the problem of priest molest takings of are are children. shootings in none which are fatal. leaked brutal torture methods by the cia, investigation into the spy agency's use on terrorist suspects. are several small tremors
12:00 am
are being drained by injections in sand or fracking. those are the headlines, i'm richelle carey, up next, fault lines, taliban country. check out the headlines at are america tonight will be seen in one half hour immediately following this special report from fault lines. >> just an hours drive from kabul, is charkh district, afghanistan. as the us and nato prepares
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