tv America Tonight Al Jazeera April 22, 2014 4:00am-5:01am EDT
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>> good to talk to you. >> thank you. >> that brings us to the end of this edition of inside story, thank you for being with us, in washington, i'm ray swarez. >> on "america tonight." was it murder? amid the grief, new charges the captain wasn't just negligent. but murderous. in his decision to leave the children to their watery grave. also tonight: >> if i were to take you to talk to somebody -- >> a rational approach to the irrational. simple steps could save lines.
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so why aren't more officers trained? >> my goal is to prevent another family from going through a terrible tragedy that has ruined our lives. >> and where take your kid to workday is just another day at the office. >> on a new school day we'll -- no school day we'll probably have six or seven kids in the office. >> she says bring 'em in. finding that all elusive balance. and good evening, thanks for joining us. i'm joie chen. the drama playing out now in the cold sea off south korea is moving on with anger, the actions of the crew of the doomed ferry boat were
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murderous. most of those students traveling on a field trip were missing. the death toll at least 86 are confirmed dead. the conditions are better, allowing divers to reach more bodies at least 200 of the passengers are unaccounted for. the united states is now moving a navy vessel to help in the search. while the anguish on shore grows. now as their children finally return, the parents, heartbroken and ag angry, have gun to demand answers. someone some somehow is going to pay for this tragedy. someone must be held accountable. >> i'm sun yee. mother of park he sung.
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i'm going to kill them and rip their arms off. >> after the ferry turned sharply and began to list, within just two hours a transcript of the crew's call for help paint a vivid picture about fusion and panic, what to do next. just after 9:00 in the morning the crew issues a distress call. about 30 minutes later, preparing passengers to evacuate. they can't. the ferry's intercom is broken. we have lost our ability to broadcast our messages the crew reports. even if you can't use your speaker, do your best. go out and ensure that your passengers wear life jackets or thick coats. if our passengers will have life vests will they be rescued? let them float. the four crew members, including
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the third mate who was with the vessel when the accident happened, encouraging the passengers to remain below deck. they face a number of charges including criminal negligence. south korea's president said what they did was even worse. she said it it was like murder. >> the cowk o conduct of the can and some crew memberships is unfathomable, it was like an act of murder that cannot and should not be tolerated. >> the captain said he was reluctant to have passengers abandon ship because of the strong currents and the frigid waters in the yellow sea. those conditions remain a challenge as is the effort to recover most of the children who are still lost beneath the waves. the ferry is now completely submerged upside down and flooded. divers reached the cafeteria on a lower level where they expect
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to find most of the remaining victims but the search is difficult and disturbing. >> i cannot see anything in front. nothing in front and the current underwater is too fast. the near breathing is too fast and panic sets in. >> the president of south korea has called for an investigation acknowledging the government didn't move fast enough. but what about the crew? we are joined by jack hickey, who is a trial attorney, specializing in maritime law. you were representing, of the costa concordia. >> there are a lot of parallels between the concordia and the sewol. the scenario plays out quite similarly, unfortunately. two large passenger vessels leaving at night, sailing at night, both of which veer from
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their accepted route. and something happens. something disastrous happens. and in the case of the rocks. in the case of the sewol it made a sharp turn and there was probably something in the stow, that is, the cargo on board, shifted and caused an instability, and a list. and in both ships they have a severe list. then, and incredibly, miscommunication. in the sewol you have a captain who is delaying communication, and then according to the captain, there is a wraik i -- break in the communication and he does not try to breach that by other means. and then of course, the biggest comparison here is the fact that both captains got off the vessel before the safety of the passengers was secured.
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so that's a very distinct parallel. >> right. and the thing that we of course as laymen always hear is that the captain must go down with the ship. >> right. >> is there a established maritime law that says that the captain must stay until all the passengers are off? >> you know international maritime law, specifically the safety of life at sea convention, that's really the most accepted does not say that the captain must go down with the shipt so to speak -- ship so to speak. it does say that the captain has the ultimate authority over the safety of all passengers and crew members on board the ship as well as the safety of the ship itself and cargo. so if the captain is responsible, for everyone on board and the safety, obviously the captain in times of peril, when the ship is in peril and the safety of the passengers is in peril, he's got to be there to supervise that. he's going to there to make sure that they're safe.
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in this case, he was not. >> and certainly image ra a big concern -- certainly remaining a big concern. jack hickey, thanks. >> you're welcome. >> and when we return, facing are suspects who are mentally ill and agitated. >> trying to talk to you. >> making those split second decisions that could save or end a life. >> out of the corner of my eye i thought i saw some brown but it didn't connect in my brain that it was a gun. and then i heard the gun go off. and so my son started bleeding. >> also ahead, going all the way. boston moves on in the steps and with the strength of thousands of fleet feet. why they keep on going, later in our program.
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>> results of analyses were skewed in favor of the prosecution >> the fbi can't force the states to look at those cases >> the truth will set you free yeah...don't kid yourself >> the system has failed me >> recent police shootings of the mentally ill have drawn national attention to are what is a pattern of excessive deadly force, when dealing with america's population. "america tonight" 's christof putzel speaks to a woman whose son was shot and killed by the police. >> i decided to keep his door locked, i feel it's his space and don't want anybody intruding in it. >> mary willsey visits her son
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keith's room when she wants to feel close. >> this is keith's room. this is keith's new drum set that he got for christmas, he was so delighted. i used to love listening to him playing to the drums. i just miss him because he was such a good kid and he was very loving. and i just miss hearing him, just saying every night, mom, i love you. i'm sorry. >> reporter: keith's memory haunts every corner of the house. what were some of the challenges as a mother? having a son that was schizophrenic? >> well, he did try to hurt himself one day. decided he was going to drink bleach which i knocked out of his hand. came out here, had to vacuum out,
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had the cord wrapped around his neck so i of course took it off. >> that day with the help of police she was able to get him to the hospital. but on january 5th, keith took out a strong screwdriver and mary feared for his safety. >> i thought he should go to a doctor at that point. i asked my husband to call 911. >> the first two officers that arrived quickly established a dialogue with her son then a third officer from a different police force entered her home. he quickly escalated the situation, less than a minute later, he had been tased. >> out of the corner of my eye i thought i saw something brown but it didn't connect in my brain that it was a gun. and then i heard the gun go off. and saw my son start bleeding. >> reporter: the third officer had shot keith. he died on the way to the hospital.
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the officer, ryan bassey was later indicted for involuntary manslaughter. decision. >> when you called the police that day, did you ever imagine it would end in a scenario like this? >> no. because it shouldn't have. because they should have been trained to handle this. >> keith's death is part of a troubling trend. recent shootings like this one in march of a homeless man in albuquerque, new mexico have shined a spotlight on what many see as the expensive us excessie use of deadly force. half of the people shot and
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killed in the u.s. according to a report, are due to a mental disorder. forcing the credit police department to be the safety net. >> a last level safety net that just isn't adequate for providing the level of care that a lot of people need in our community. when they're not getting treated they end up getting in contact with the police department. >> interaction with the mentally ill. >> and yet weefd equipped officers with no training dealing with these calls that is emotionally stirring up and potentially dangerous and that's a recipe for danger. >> in fact, contact with the police can inflame the mentally ill. >> commands for someone to
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comply, to make the situation safe, but barking orders at a person with serious mental illness doesn't work. >> after two high profile shootings of people who are mentally ill, colorado police, cit. >> this is a faster, safe way to deal with something we have to deal with anyway. why not train officers to effectively deescalate these situations. >> relax? i am relaxed. >> look for signs of mental illness and adjust their approach accordingly. >> what the hell you so up tight about? i got (bleep) with me right now. >> this is a 24 hour course where we
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try to train our force to deal with the mentally ill. five role playing scenarios which are very intense where they get to apply their skills and get to apply what they learn during the day. >> get you to talk to somebody. >> you can talk to me (bleep) don't you call me. >> watching this it seemed incredibly realistic. how was it for you? >> oh they're very realistic. you can feel the sweat dripping down inside your shirt because you put yourself in that situation. >> officer chad walker felt the training left him better equipped to handle the calls for the mentally ill. >> i can think we handle three or four calls for service last night. and i know one of them off the top of my hea off thetop of my head dealt with mentally ill.
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>> can you give me an issue? >> there was a ten-year-old who was dealing with autism and had an actual knife chasing his mother around the house. he looked at us started walking towards us, we knew this person's name, called him by name, asked him how he was feeling and he dropped the knife and came to us and started listening to us. and it was awesome. because it was obviously possibly a deadly force situation. that we solved using our mouths and our training. >> half of colorado's police officers are now trained in cit. colorado deploys fewer swath swat teams and deploys fewer, nationwide, cit officers are hurt less than other officers. >> it's about keeping the person in crisis safe so we can
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de-escalate the situation, get the person are saferly into custody and deal with whatever outcome is appropriate in that situation. >> yet despite its proven track record, only 25% of the police departments require crisis intervention training. in north carolina where keith was shot only one in five officers receive the training. >> i notice there are more veteran soldiers that are coming back from the war and they have mental illness problems and we're having to deal with that the best way that we know how. >> bergot chief of police are selena sutton wants to provide her are officers with training but they have no money. >> because i'm a small agency and i have a small budget it makes it really hard. >> how concerned are you that something under your watch could end in tragedy if these guys don't get the training that they need? >> it's a big concern.
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like i said, it's a big concern. like i said, if i'm not able to send an officer to the rains to use a weapon, and he didn't get to do that since he wasn't trained, it's on that same vein. >> mary willsey is an advocate of that type of training. >> i felt there were people that were not trained to handle a mentally ill person. what the heck are you doing in my home? get out, you should not be here. >> she has submitted a bill to her state representative called keith's lawl, it would make -- law, it would make mandatory. >> this is a common sense training. train them so they can deal with the population they deal with every day. my goal is to prevent another
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family from going through a terrible tragedy ha that has rud our lives. this is not going to ever bring back my son. but it might save somebody else's son or daughter. >> correspondent christof putzel rejoins us tonight. christophe, we started talking about how heartbreaking this is but upsurge of complaints. why is that? >> from 2008 to 2012 there has been serious cuts to mental health services, $4 billion to be exact. we have police responding to calls that would traditionally been done by mental health providers. what you have are these encounters that unfortunately are now ending in violence. >> and so we do hear, though, that the mentally ill are inherently violent group.
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is that the case? >> well, not really. not at all, actually. only about 4% of violent crime in the u.s. has something to do with mentally ill. so it's more when they come into these encounters with the police and they don't know how to deal with them, the situation becomes inflamed and escalates the situation. when something ends in violence it didn't necessarily have to. it's very unfortunate. >> unfortunate indeed. "america tonight"'s christof putzel, thanks very much. when we return, evidence a vicious conflict isn't over. syria's war, more signs the regime is taking a harsh hand on its own citizens, using chemical weapons and starvation to keep its people under control. and later in the program: the next steps. boston steps up and moves past
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last year 's tragedy. the motivation that keeps these runners going. >> i'm thanking god for arms and >> we pray for the children in the womb >> a divisive issue >> god is life , so it's his to take >> see a 10 year old girl who's pregnant, and you tell me that's what god wants... >> a controversial law >> where were you when the babies lives were being saved? >> are women in texas paying the price? >> who's benefiting from restricting access to safe abortions? >> fault lines... al jazeera america's hard hitting... ground breaking... truth seeking... breakthrough investigative documentary series access restricted only on al jazeera america well it's official...
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>> and now a snapshot of stories making headlines on "america tonight." after nine missions to the bottom of the indian ocean, there's still no sign of the missing malaysia flight 370. completed two-thirds of its search without finding any wreckage. over 30 days since it disappeared. vice president joe biden. his visit
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to the kyiv city. u.s. troops are now being deployed to poland in a show of support for nato allies. at least 55 suspected militants have been killed, in al qaeda operations, yes yemeni special forces high targets on the ground. syria's government announced today that country will hold presidential elections on june 3rd. that country has been deaf stated by a bloody three year civil war. killing 150,000 people and causing millions more to flee. u.s. state department called it absurd and a par di par owe did parody of government.
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sheila macvicar reports. >> president bashar al-assad made a rare appearance. if he wins the june election, a likely outcome, he will gain another seven year term, using the legitimacy of the ballot box to validate his own are rule. continue to try to retake rebel held territory. they are gaining ground. and facing accusations of once again using chemical weapons against their own people. everyone shown in this hospital in kafar zita in the strategic city of homs, have the same symptoms. shortness of breath, rebel fighters say the cause is chlorine
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gas . >> many, many killed . >> reporter: both sides are blaming each other and while it is impossible for al jazeera to independently verify these pictures they appear to show barrel bombs dropped from these helicopters. evidence of chlorine gas and only government forces fly helicopters. last august syria and assad, those attacks killed more than 1,000 citizens. international outrage led to a deal where syria agreed to surrender its chemical weapons and delivery systems. government officials are now examining these claims. >> we are investigating claims that the government was
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responsible. we take all allegations very seriously. we will continue consulting and sharing information with key partners including the obcw. >> do you think the form has covered the red line here? >> obviously there needing to investigation what happened here. >> reporter: the government says the assad regime is using food as a weapon. the result while more people in syria are now getting food assistance more of those people are now living in government controlled areas. forced sometimes at great risk into regime zones just to survive. and for palestinians, conditions are now so terrible that the u.n. has warned 18,000 face starvation as the regime
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continues to blockade the camp and prevent food from entering. for rebel fighters this may be one point of good news. rebel fight ers have posted new videos, showing a new american made weapons system. these tow antitank missiles raise the question whether the u.s. government has begun to provide weapons to ant antigovernment factions. missiles may also have not come directly from the u.s. but through an american ally like saudi arabia. which also has the arsenal. >> as if there weren't enough weapons involved food as a weapon, sheila. this is concerning, certainly there are efforts that they cannot even control right?
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>> the united nations says syria faces a severe drought, even if syria was not in the grip of civil war, this would be a problem. the impact that has on drainage tractors seed supplies access to supplies, coupled with drought, means syria's ability to grow its own food, its ability has been seriously hurt. >> you mentioned the connection to the tow weapons, the connection to the united states, that is not necessarily the case clearly. >> you can't make the pedigree totally, those that have tow missiles in their arsenals have them there because they have been sold by the united states. if these weapons came from saudi arabia there is a very good likelihood that the saudis would
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ask for permission and the united states would have grafted. >> on this business of use of chemicals again, we've been through this so recently and somehow thought this was going to be under control. >> syria agreed to surrender their weapons, and that process has largely although it's been delayed it's largely gone ahead. we're about 80% of the way there and they think they will have that piece of it done by june. in this instance, this is chlorine gas. this is the kind of stuff you can make if you have cleaners or whatever for your -- bleach, whatever. >> bleach, clorox. >> very easy to do but again as in august what is suggests is that the regime is under pressure and is trying to resolve specific geographic problems probably in advance of the presidential elections. they want as much of that territory back under their control as they possibly can when the country goes to vote on
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june third, country racked by civil war many millions of people outside the country, those are the conditions under which syria is going to vote for a new president. >> "america tonight" sheila macvicar, thank you very much. when we return, leaning in or opting out? the most inevitable or often unspoken conflict again those who do and those who don't. >> i can be professional. i can kick butt, i can do the job as good or better than anybody else and i can be the
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of the dow. for instance, can fracking change what you pay for water each month? have you thought about how climate change can affect your grocery bill? can rare minerals in china affect your cell phone bill? or how a hospital in texas could drive up your healthcare premium? i'll make the connections from the news to your money real. >> american women are leaving the workforce in record numbers, according to a study out this month from the pew research centers. and you can't blame the recession it turns out. the number of stay at home moms has ticked up since 2008, the height of the economic crisis. the question is why?
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facebook c.o.o. sheryl sandberg says, women need to lean in. but maybe it's the workforce itself who needs an overhaul. michael okwu talks to a person just like that. >> there was a time when sabrina sanders was a card carrying facetime member. >> i sleep under my desk, 18 hours a day. day in and day out. >> it's like a badge of honor, to show how much you suffer. >> it is. i've been there, i've done that. it's been 185 days since anyone took any time off. >> at the time she was a rising star and bought into the ruthless competition. >> how far they live from the office, the founders would assign a drag
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coefficient. >> the are condition was what? >> they would drag you away from the office, hence drag coefficient. hence if your drag coefficient was too high you better be super-desirable or they wouldn't hire you. >> today parsons lives in a different culture, the one she made herself. her day begins in eugene oregon with her husband noah and three young boys. the day is a flurry of math problems and musical scales. then it's out the door. >> is everybody wearing jackets? >> yeah, yeah. >> scheduling on the go. >> it is leo's turn for sleepover. >> the school for older boys and youngest.
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>> all right. come guys. >> back home she meets the nanny. finally says good-bye. and that's when things really get going. >> good. that's good i like it. that works. >> because parsons is not only a mom, she's also the ceo of the multimillion dollar tech company, palo alto software. it's a radical antedote to the silicon valley startup. >> it's probably one or two maybe three. >> as boss she allows employees to bring their children into the office, any time they like. a one woman revolt against what she now sees as the crazy culture that she used to be part of. >> i look back at that experience and i say, it's not just crazy. i have to talk about why it's crazy.
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i have to get out there and be part of that conversation. and point out that we're all fooling ourselves. it's not even realistic. >> her conversion began whether she got pregnant. she left her management position in silicon valley. she joined her father, to help start his company. >> eight months pregnant, my dad saying, what can you do, you can't bring the baby into the office, looking at my dad and saying why. >> what was your vision on how to change that climate? >> i don't think i back then i had a vision. i couldn't leave my baby at home. >> and so she didn't. when she went back to work her son was right there with you. >> you had the luxury of having that conversation with your dad
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who was the boss. but what was it like for the other workers? they couldn't have a debate about bringing their kids into the office. >> they didn't. i felt from that point from a company perspective i had to be the champion. >> the company had to be the safe place to bring their kids on sick days, holidays, vacations. stress, newborns especially welcome. >> there was some apprehension in the beginning. is the baby going to be a negative? is it going to make noise and every single time it never has been. the last woman who brought a baby into the office was lara fields. her baby, baby grace was born two years ago. >> most of my co-workers are also parents so they were all very familiar with di diaper
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emergencies. and other emergencies. >> fields was the primary earner for her family. she didn't want to give up her baby. >> i needed her with me. i'm the kind of person who needs the interaction with other intelligent adults. >> for the first six months the baby came to work every day. >> how much does this mean to you that you have this option? >> it's aplaysing. i don't have -- amazing. i don't have to choose between wanting to be a good parent and career. they are intertwined. being a good parent is part of who i am. i have a company that says we employ whole people. >> i'm curious. as a ceo is the approach good for the bottom line? >> it's good for us. >> we only have seven desks? >> seven more desks and we'll be filling those pretty quickly.
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>> parsons says company revenue has shot up 106% over the last three years in part because she can recruit and retain talented mid career employees. >> what is the direct relationship between this culture and the output that you've been able to realize? >> you know i think loyalty. i think quality of the people that we have. i think people like being here. i think there's a lot of -- we have a lot of people who are mid career here. which is when women generally drop out of the workforce, right? >> she's right. according to the center for work life policy 43% of highly qualified women with children leave their careers. >> what percentage does the fact that you can bring your children to work weigh in on your sort of dedication and loyalty to the company? >> i'm not sure i could throw out a number but it's a very large percentage. there's not really anything that a company could offer me that would make me give that up. >> that's a big statement. >> yes. i can't put a price on the
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relationship with my kids. >> there are limits here. for example, no colicky babies allowed. >> we do have some guidelines. if you bring your kids in they sit quietly beside you in your cube or your office, or we have a place in the office where there's video games and comfortable couches. this is not daycare. it's not good for the kid, not good for you. >> no no no. >> it's not always a perfect arrangement. even on the day we visited, that was apparent. >> hey, hey. >> what about the problem of employees, co-workers who don't want to have kids in the workplace? you know, who don't want, for example, to see a co-worker breast-needing a child? >> there's choice -- breast-needing a child? >> there are choices.
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most people couldn't tell when i was breast-needing because i literally had a nursing cover over the baby. if they were uncomfortable i say to them well, that's your problem, not mine. >> parsons has her critics. they have lashed out at talks she gives or her blog, mommy ceo. they have a choice. i do not expect every man and women who don't have kids to like my choice. separation of children and workplace. what's so wrong with keeping those two worlds separate? >> i think what's so wrong is that eventually it's why women get mommy-tracked, right? and i think it's crazy to think that an employee is going to choose your company over their family. what they're going to choose is to struggle with it. to hide it.
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to be noi noid 90e are annoyed at you. >> what about the challenge from working women, sheryl sandberg's outspoken c.o.o, lean in? bringing a baby to work isn't what she suggested. >> the women are quietly leaning back saying, i want to have kids one day, i want to have balance. one of the ways to get balance is to lean in. then you might get promoted, then you might have control over your schedule. >> i think there are pieces in out. i don't know what more i can do. i'm physically exhausted. i can't lean in anymore and yet i'm not getting there.
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you know what? it's time to change that. >> there are now nine babies on the way. one parent friendly company in a sea of tech companies. >> there may not be others like mine but one step at a time. it's about me being able to say, i can do it all and this is what my all is. i can be professional. i can kick butt. i can do the job as good or better than anybody else. and i can be the mother i want to be. >> michael okwu, al jazeera, eugene, oregon. >> so many tough choices that so many of us as parents have had to make. to continue our conversation we're joined by karen foster, public speaker, author of no way, baby. exploring the decision not to have children. also with us is joan williams, professor of law at the
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university of california hastings college of law, the author of unbending gender, what to do about it. that is the question many of us face. i'd like to begin with you karen. you have seen this report about parsons' company. what does it tell you about the relationship between the workers who have children and those who have chosen to be childless? >> well, i personally think this is a travesty and i really hope it doesn't spread. people who chose not to have children did not do so so that they could then be surrounded by their co-workers' children all throughout the day. in addition to that people who don't have children are already picking up the slack for parents who need to be called away for school plays and soccer games and sick days and things like that. when i hear your kids are going to come to work with you, when you're on the phone with a client and your child starts to
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get into trouble i'm going to be a babysitter for your child. i think this is incredible for people who choose not to have children and hope it does not spread. >> strong words there. is that a prevalent view and where does this go? >> i look at it from the point of view of an employer. if you set up a workplace where it's a zero-drag workplace, you're basically age at two demographic groups. one is in their 20s before they have kids and the other is people who choose not to have kids, i guess it's more than two and then men married to homemakers. in the early 20th 03 that's not whole workplace. -- century. you're not the whole workplace. you're setting up in a different way. >> maybe there's an opportunity for people who chose not to have
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children to further their opportunities in that. i just want to take a look at some of the information we found from our audience. we had an surve online survey done with the blog networks. should employers let their employees bring their children to work? predominantly yes. although some limits if place. karen so most people think it's okay with some limits. do you think maybe they're just not telling what they honestly feel? >> possibly or the majority of people out there have kids and i understand that and someone needs to raise the children. what i would like to see is a workplace that is not more family-friendly but a workplace that's more human-friendly. and by default would then be more family-friendly. in the united states of america we work an average of 60 hours a week or more yet we're less productive than many of our counterparts like the french
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with a 35 hour mandated by law work week. so the crazy culture she was talking about in the silicon valley is absolutely detrimental to the mental and physical health of everyone, not just parents. france has just passed a law you can't check your work e-mail after 6:00 p.m. all of that is not just for parents, it's for everybody. >> on the question of -- >> that is something i can get behind. >> on the question of fairness we also surveyed our viewers, if it's fair for those who don't have kids, most say, extended to all employees not just parents, joan is that a better way to look at it sort of that equality across the board? >> i couldn't agree with karen more. the best way to implement these kinds of family-friendly policies is to implement them for everybody. because after all, everybody has
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a life. not everyone has kids but everyone has a life. there's also an interesting study that shows that women without children work actually higher levels of nonpaid overtime than any other group. so sometimes, somebody allows a man to go part time, doesn't replace the hours and then dumps those hours onto a woman without children. that's just unfair. you know? i don't think that's what the mothers would want and that's just bad management. but that's not a reason to insist that the only good employee is an employee either who is chosen not to have children or has a stay-at-home spouse taking care of their children. i just think that's an assumption that today's can employers can't afford omake because it's not true. >> and it's certainly a conversation we all want to continue, i'm sure we will at another point. thank you karen foster and joan
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williams. appreciate your insight. so what do you think about letting kids into the workplace? we teamed up in the online survey with the blogger media network. you can get the results of our survey at our website at what brought these runners back to boston for this race? >> on the next talk to al jazeera >> oscar winner sean penn shares his views on privacy rights, press freedom and his controversial relationship with hugo chavez >> talk to al jazeera only on al jazeera america >> the death toll could be much higher than anyone known. >> posing as a buyer... >> ...people ready then... >> mr. president >> who should answer for those people
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won but for most the run had very little to do with winning. local photographer lucy wicker decided to celebrate the new crop of runners, boston athletes, in a photo series called, "why i run." >> the project is called, why i run. a boston marathon 2014 photography project. it began because i wanted to do a personal project, and i knew several running this year, i wanted to photograph them find out why they were running and hear their stories. >> i like to run, it gives me that energy throughout the day. i wake up and i can't miss my run anymore. >> i've just been a runner for competition sake, i ran to win, essentially as a sport. i wasn't good enough with basketball or other sports. >> i've been a runner for a long time. i love what it does for my
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fitness, for my mental space. >> there's a lot of projects going on about the marathon and while it's definitely important to focus on what happened and the people who were affected by it, the race has always been an uplifting experience in the boston area. treated as a holiday. and i wanted to focus more on the runners and why they run. and all of the good reasons to be doing this. it would start, i would get in touch with the runner, and we would pick a location. i wanted it to be somewhere around boston or along the marathon route. and then we would go and i would pretty much just take pictures of them running repeatedly. it was taken here, and we were having fun and it was a very natural shoot. i think she made me look faster than i am for sure. >> lucy's photo it was actually running club night, tuesday night i have an elite group. it was runny slushy, the worst
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night of a bad winter that she took those photos. >> for the boston marathon a lot of the training goes on in the winter and in new england the winters are very difficult. i thought that was a huge aspect to this project. i find it really inspiring how these people train in some of the worst conditions. snow, sleet, this year subzero temperatures. lucy had us meet here for our photo shoot, we took pictures that were nice and relaxed. a firefighters pulled out his truck and he said he is running for his group that lost fathers and stuff like that. being from virginia i was very excited to experience my first boston marathon. that is something we don't usually have up in virginia. >> when the bombs went off a surreal moment, people stopping on the course, putting barricades across the course
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instead of controlling the are crowds. we were told to get off the course and hunkered down. >> we were on boyleston. i was at mile point 20, heartbreak hill, the hardest part of the course and the most iconic. my boyfriend and i were cheering on dozens of friends. he coached the american red cross team so there was cheering, dozens of participants on the red cross team one moment and then in the next moment trying to locate them. and then the next moment the red cross launching into action to help people. >> after last year i felt it wouldn't be about winning so much, it would be about something bigger. >> i was thinking about arms and limbs and body and life and i'm excited. >> first time i ran the marathon was in 2009. i chose to run that marathon and this time around i feel like this race chose me.
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so i'm running for red cross. >> it's not just a race. it's not just the boston marathon which is already a massive race and a major deal in the community. it's about healing the city and the people who love boston. >> i didn't feel i could let this year go by without doing something, i wasn't entirely sure what. but i wanted to focus on the positive parts of the race, the more uplifting aspects of the marathon. i've loved seeing it come together. i've loved seeing how i've shot them all as individuals they all seemed to look right together. and i love people's responses to it. i love watching people as they look at the photos and read the stories and their comments and how they find what these people do incredible. it's like this whole circle of inspiration. >> very inspiring, as boston of
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moves tonight. if you want to learn more log on ' it is man versus machine. i'm kicking off a week-long series on the computer flash traders that are turning america's stock market upside down. also, the text startup that could change television as we know it. i'll look at what the supreme court could rule. plus i'll tell you how america could be energy independent
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