tv America Tonight Al Jazeera April 25, 2014 4:00am-5:01am EDT
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only america tonight, threats and more threats. the crisis in ukraine, was again this time the evidence of a russian roll getting a direct slap from the american president. we have seen them abide not by the city of the agreement. >> albuquerque again, days after a scathing report, officers for using excessive force another suspect is shot down killed by the police.
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they are frying to circle the wagons and save face, and the reality is they have been part of the problem all along. >> and snuffed out, how the campaign to stop promoting cigarettes to kids the e cigarette, and why it sparked a new effort to put out the fire. and good evening thank you for being with us. an escalating war of words as u.s. leaders sharper complaints against moscow over the cry israeli. tensions are growing as the government cracks down on pro russian forces in eastern ukraine. and the russian president threatens push back, certainly there have been many flash points over the last six months but this time, the u.s. nato and russia are all
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sharply flexing military and diplomatic muscle in what looks to be a spiraling. >> a note toe warship in the sea, and with the arrival of america paratroopers, the u.s. and european allies are pointedly flexing their military muscle. in response to this. forces just across the boarder from eastern ukraine. >> the forces have gotten more and more ready. we have seen no significant retreat, in fact, no retreat at all, really. the force that is there is very sizable and capable. >> both so called nato exercises and month long u.s. army exercises in four countries, are meant as a show of strength, and to reassure anxious allies in the region.
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president obama on a visit accused of breaking commitments made during the crisis talks last week. >> so far, at least, we have seen them not abide by the spirit or the letter, of the agreement in geneva. informant stead we continue to see militias and armed men, taking over buildings. harassing, folks who are disagreeing with them. obama hinted that more were on the way. thursday again sounded warnings to clear occupied buildings. >> for the current government has started using the army against citizens inside the country, this is clearly a grave crime against
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it's own people. of course it will have consequences for people that take decisions like this. >> signs of the truce is over, as anti-terrorists operations in eastern ukraine, meeting mixed success. just hours of they have beaten back from check points leading, prorussian militias regained control of roadblocks. >> now a member of a pro russia. >> if there is provocation, if there's ultimatums the use of forces if necessary, we will die here, we become people standing here. >> and there was more violence, protestors were objected from a city hall, and an incident the government says it was investigated.
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a spokes men said about 30 masked men started building occupiers. >> saying they were proof that russian special forces were operating in eastern ukraine, as they had in crimea, the state department has backed that claim. >> there is a strong connection between russia and the arms militants. and other places. so this is more just further photographic evidence of that. >> john kerry just back from the region underlined the view that russian forces are involved on the drowned in eastern ukraine. peaceful protestors don't come armed and automatic weapons the latest issue from the russian arsenal. hiding the insignias on the brand new matching uniforms.
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>> the classic weapon, but the newest generation is not widely available. >> were with there any other hipts about where things were going. >> pretty only mouse language. it would be a grave mistake to consider an expensive mistake. that is clearly going down the road, and i think that is the road you are going down. he said also in a warning, the window is closing to change course.
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>> before the deadly shooting a handgun was found. >> the albuquerque police department has come under scrutiny for killing a suspect since 2010. roughly two weeks ago, family members rejoiced at a news conference held by the justice department. after hearing this statement. >> we found that officers used deadly force against people who did not pose an immediate threat of death, or serious harm to the officers.
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encounters with persons with mental illness too directly result in force. and that the problems with excessive force are systemic. >> these deficiencies combined with inconsistent implementation of policies, inadequate training, and a broken civilian oversight process, contributed to the use of excessive forbes.
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>> our goal is to reduce any type of an event, any time of a situation. where our officers always take the appropriate action. >> they are trying to save face, and the reality is they have been part of the problem all along. >> as for the mayor of the embattled southwestern city, he believes police reform is not only necessary, but attainable. >> as difficult as the
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findings are, and there are some difficult findings in the record. and we recognize that. the good news, this is an achievable goal. >> al jazeera. we are joined now by university of new mexico professor, who has been traxing excessive force issued there. we want to know what you have been involved in the protests as well. professor, we want to ask, what if you can explain what the dynamics are, have led to this situation. with the albuquerque police, being sited by the justice department for using deadly force too directly? what's the dynamic here? this is not a recent issue. i think they focus very specifically on the period up until the present time, but this is a very longest pattern that goes back to the 70's. and this is a continuation of that pattern, that it is a frightening spike. and police violence against largely homeless
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and mentally ill people in our city. that is as i said a much longer story. the circumstances that create that, is there some sense that is different than maybe in other stories or is it because you believe in the homeless, the numbers of homeless in the city. what is it? >> i think it is a combination. it is very clear, so there is a cultural of aggression, that makes it unique in these respects. the commute policing is unheard of. locally, even to regular citizens. that aren't engaged in any criminal behavior, albuquerque police officers are routinely aggressive, often violent, this is really disturbing part of that report. and that is of course exacerbated by a large homeless population, we don't just unfortunately lead the nation in the rate of violence, we also do in poverty, so the combination have made it i think even worse in
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terms of the problem of police violence, and albuquerque. then you would find in other places. so for us, it is a good beginning to have is the d.o.j. impose reyou remember toes on the police department, and then that begins a much more difficult, longer process, to stop this pattern of violence. >> does it begin with with having to change the leadership of the police department, and the city? we think that the mayor with, the police chief, moist of his leaders have to go. it is clear, and they conform the criticisms. which is that it is the leadership that is created a climate of what the d.o.j. calls unconstitutional policing with the routine use of unjustified he that will and nonhe that will force, and that happens through leadership, and training. and so there's no way these can happen or be
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effective or long term, with existing leadership in place. >> appreciate your being with us, the university of new mexico dr. david correia. >> when we return, stashing new drove. >> let's not legislate it yet, let's keep the door open against these cigarettes because it may be a way to get the people all the product that is killing them. in it for the long haul, it is the sherpa who must lead the way in the after math why this season may end before it's even started. >> >> we pray for the children in the womb >> a divisive issue >> god is life , so it's his to take >> see a 10 year old girl who's pregnant, and you tell me that's what god wants... >> a controversial law >> where were you when the
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babies lives were being saved? >> are women in texas paying the price? >> who's benefiting from restricting access to safe abortions? >> fault lines... al jazeera america's hard hitting... ground breaking... truth seeking... breakthrough investigative documentary series access restricted only on al jazeera america
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ban on advertising. the law defines cigarettes as they rolled in paper but this was something else entirely. only ten agree to air it during the super bowl, but it was fluff to drive up sales by more than 40% in some markets. suddenly the handcuffs were off. i'm jenny mccarthy. >> i finally found a smarter alternative. >> don't know what that is. >> got a bejeweled bottom. >> this is remarkable. >> joy king. cigarettes, you met your match? >> at a yearly meeting in las vegas, e cigs are all the rage. smells like a latte. >> the fda has been mulling regulation for years now, and big tobacco appears to be ready.
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with an eye on where the regulation is going. >> the reality is the fda regulates everybody today. so companies that are responsible and are effective what hasn't changed is the loss surrounding, maaing. they are still free banned for years. in fact, some of the ads appearing in magazines today look virtually identical to those used by big tobacco 40 years ago. >> it is the mar borrow man reborn all over again. the virginia slims riding a whole new way. >> matt meyers is president of the campaign for tobacco free kids. he spent his entire career trying to take down big tobacco. now he is watching his work unravel. >> a teenager today, haze never seen the mar boll roman. he has never seen a cigarette ad on t.v. our concern is the product and how it is
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being marketed happen has the potential to undue 30 years of progress, in reducing tobacco use among america's children. more than 200 countries are now selling them. >> with total sales expected to reach $3 billion this year. more than 3.5 they will outnumber in the next ten years. >> no one knows what the health effects are of puffing these things hours a day. the concern is if they become cool, it may spill over and regular tobacco cigarettes will become more cool in the future. >> the dream of a no come bus chan cigarette became
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a reality in the 80's. when it unveiled what it called the smockless prevail. >> r.j. reynolds tobacco coe company will debt market the new hi-tech cigarettes. >> the company spent $300 million developing the device, but users said it tasted like char coil, and it was abandoned in a year. eight smoker for 36 years and i saw an ad on line, and i got myself an ecigarette, and i started to do research, i saw an opportunity to stop, which i was able to do, and i thought there was a great business opportunity.
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the world found out as e cigarettes and why there's an alternative to smoking a product that kills you. to experience or try it, and go home with something that is a better alternative. >> alternative is how you may describe the vibe here. we are aural for the regulations of laws and we take that very serious here make sure we don't sell to anybody under age. there's a lot of controversial about flavors the idea is they would appeal to miners do you agree with that. >> does lemon vodka appeal to miners. >> i would say it does. >> when one started vaping they get bored of a flavor, and they are looking for something to replace that, it is keeping people using the
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vaping products rather than going back to traditional cigarettes. >> these ingredients are a mystery. and controversial. what is inside depends on who you ask. >> traditional cigarettes we know kill you, anything we can do to move people away from traditional cigarettes we support that 100%. we know that kills you, this may not. so let's do all we can to keep the doors open. >> the new regulations. they are being hailed as a step forward. but in the absence of hard science what happens in the long term is fueling passion and politics on all sides. >> i don't think anybody knows are this will go in five years or ten years. the tobacco companies are businesses. they want to mick money selling whatever they can sell. if they can create a whole new market for people that are afraid of tobacco cigarettes but
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not afraid of ecigarettes. to nonsmokers so through some form of regulation. >> let's not legislate it yet. because it may be a way of getting people off the product. can big tobacco be trusted again. >> perhaps one, of the most troubling aspect is what is going on, is that e cigarettes may have the potential, under the right circumstances. they could be helpful, but the manufacturers themselves may become the biggest impediment to actually finding out how helpful they can be. recording from new york,
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where a city wide ban will take effect this coming tuesday. >> after the break, dying for the shirts on our backs. >> i heard that a factory was falling apart. >> none of the workers wanted to go inside, but the staff became physically abuseski forced to go into work. they said if we don't go into work, they wouldn't pay our wages. they said we had to fill a quote, 24 how pieces that day. >> survivors of the worst garment industry accident ever, bangladesh's tragedy now seeking help from american consumers. later here. college athletes and a new play. the vote to unionized players at a big 10 school, and how it might be an end run. the battle to pay for play. >> the debate that divides america, unites the critics,
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a reason to watch al jazeera america the standout television event borderland, is gritty honesty. >> a lot of people don't have a clue what goes on down here, the only way to find out, is to see it yourselves. >> taking viewers beyond the debate. >> don't miss al jazeera america's critically acclaimed series borderland on al jazeera america also available on demand
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after more than 134 years will soon deliver it's last copy. the website will stay online. now been 48 days since malaysia flight disappeared again the news is no sign of the jet. on the coast turned out not to be from the plane. an object of interest. >> an afghan security guard shot and killed three u.s. doctors inside the cure international hospital. the guard was assigned to protect the hospital, but instead he pulled out his gun and started shooting. plight of worker es who toiled to put shirts on our backs came into sharp focus.
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when the deadliest accident in the garment industry history took place in bangladesh. that country seems so far away, and yet, made in bangladesh is very likely in your closet or drawers because it is one of the top three producers of apparel sold in this country. but there are a high cost associated with those cheap clothes. even now they say you can smell the death, at what was the rana plaza. the eight story factory building where clothes to some of the biggest brands were produced collapsed just hours after an engineer examined large cracks fearing the building wasn't stable, and should be evacuated. but more than 3500 workers most of them women, have been ordered back to their jobs that morning. i heard the factory was falling apart. none of the workers wanted to go inside, but the staff forced us to go
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into work. they said if we don't go in, they wouldn't pay our wages. they said we have is to fit a quote of 24 how pieces that day. >> tells me she was afraid to go to work that day. but even more afraid of losing her job. >> they forced us into the factory, after half an hour, electricity went out. they started the generator, and then the roof collapsed on to the building. the roof collapse on to a machine, and then the machine fell on me. one male coworkers of mine was killed immediately when a beam fell on him. there were four or five of us that were trapped. they didn't find us for 12 hours. >> were you frighten ped? is. >> when i was crushed i was terrified. >> did you call for help. >> there was nothing i could do. ives trapped under a machine, i had a
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three-day-old bottle of water and one of my coworkers asked for water so i gave it to him. >> is carnage was almost unmanageable. the final tally 1,134 dead, more than 2500 injured, many ways that destroyed whatever hope the workers may have had, for their future. rescuers had to cut off her amount to rescue her. she was the family's breadwinner she knew her father didn't want her to work that day, but he boss ordered her to come. he had to give his three daughters away because he cannot afford to care for him himself. the survivors say they have received at most, a a few hundred dollars for their losses. deentitles pros of compensation, from the companies that contracted with their factories. she is received nothing,
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at all. >> i want my so workers, i want the children who lost their mothers and fathers to be able to receive compensation. if i receive compensation, my coworkers seven compensation, i want it for all of us. paid for her to travel to america, to meet the people who buy clothe pros deuced in the factories, to ask them and companies like wal-mart and the children's place, to help worker as world away. >> can you tell me what you see when you look around in america? >> i have been able to see some of thend bras we were making clothing for. the brands that the management would tell us this is the brand you are making the clothing for. we were able to go to the stores and see them. the consumers were spending a lot of money, and were getle very little from it, the
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owners of the factories are getting more than us, but it is the brands that are manufacturing the money that are getting the most money from us. >> did you realize that before you came to america. >> they make a lot of money, and we make so little. i saw a t shirt that was with selling for $55. we with don't even get half of that. >> when it was opened and she had worked she made only $125 a month. working from eight in the morning until midnight, sometimes longer, to meet the production quotas. she started working when she was just 14, now at 20 years oughted, she is remarkably poised, as she speaked to american audiences about the shirts on their backs. >> have you seen much of america and do you have a sense that americans understand how difficult it is for you to make the clothed we wear? >> if we don't tell them,
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how can they understand. they are the ones that are buying the clothes we are making. do they want us to die in building collapses and fires? is that what they want? we have put so much effort. we use needs that go into our skin and have blood coming out. won't they do something for us as well. >> a number of international companies some of the big names in the u.s. industry, promise to pay into a fund to compensate the plaza workers. some are the first payments made on the anniversary of the disaster, but the fund has raised less than half of the $40 million goal. many experience have canceled the climb of a lifetime. who lost 16 of their own in last week's deadly avalanche. they want the government
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to give them more support is higher pay outs if they are killed on that job. organized the checks in that pal with u.s. he was cousin was among those who died. we are so sorry for your loss, your cousin was just 33 years old. and he was the cook for many teams of climbers, but was your cousin afraid? is are they ever afraid? yes, my cousin was afraid, last year he lad chosen not to go on the expedition. he went as a scooping, he
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was going to go up to catch 2, and as you know, cook is vital job roll in this industry. he was definitely a lot of emotional and physical pressure in this line of work. and so many risks involved in this line of work. >> we think, of course, of the cold, but there are other risks as well to those on the mountain? you can look at the nature of the avalanche coming in, snowstorm, there is the c vas, you can fall in the c vas. they may not function, you have to look after your coworkers. you have the look after your clients there is the
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indian sun, so just -- obviously the rock falling. so there's so many risk factors involved despite the risks of the -- this is seeing and this is one of the very lucrative jobs that is how it is seen in that pal. >> and sherpa, why are so many sherpa involved in this work? >> yes. so sherpas have been living in the region for 400 years. they originally came from tribbett, so we all have the same last night, sherpas and 90% of them are in this line of work, mountaineering. so normally people start
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from the bottom, you start as a recorder, and then you become teaching the staff, and then later you become a pa, and then you become a guide, and then a a car, group leader, so there is all the different rankings in this industry. you normally don't easily get is that chance to go on the summit. and in this case, my cousin was going as a cook. so -- and the -- there is -- >> gave so much. >> a lot of risk involved. >> gave so much. so sorry again for your loss. we appreciate your talking with us about the life and the work of the sherpa. >> when we return, is it work or play? big ten athletes on a new line, when that could lead to a bigger goal.
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>> on the next talk to al jazeera >> oscar winner sean penn shares his views on privacy rights, press freedom and his controversial relationship with hugo chavez >> talk to al jazeera only on al jazeera america granted -- when it comes to requiring more financial assistance. and on friday, the northwestern team will decide whether it will form a union.
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trying to level the playing field in a game that's worth beens of dollars to teams and their colleges. but very lit toll the young stars. >> this might take a while, and we understand that many of may have graduated. and feature generations of college athletes. >> the association has set the standard for how many comes in and gets spent. it's most basic rule. they are never paid. >> anybody who looked at the big time college football chanels that are in the pure business of selling rights to generate cable television money.
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with their nike contracts. or the ncaa tournament itself, can't help but conclude that this is a big business and yes, the only people that aren't treat redirect examination the free workers who create this value who are who hinted from getting paid. >> but the relationship between the players and the schools should be about to change in a huge way. a labor relations board has opened the door for northwestern football players to vote on whether to form a union as be treated as many say they are, who bring in big money to their schools. >> if you look right now, it does not guarantee that any of ux pences will be covered while playing there, and definitely not after eligibility has expired. is school isn't going to cover me,ly be left on my own.
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unijohnize and make them employees. that strikes most people. it would blow up everything about the model of athletics. they don't have a voice, they don't have a seat at the table. the dictatorship. and the places these rules and regulations without the negotiation. >> al jazeera michael joins us now, give us the straight on this. what the ncaa is saying is essentially they are giving greater latitude to support their athletes? their student athletes? >> the schools and the power conferences and
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that's the a.c.c., the big 10. and thus they bring in the largest amount of revenue. they have greater resources to do some of the things that the players would want. that also compete in big time college athletics. what they are trying to do from the stance of the ncaa, they don't want a part of a union, because you get into collective bargaining issues. and also just basic labor unions across the country. but we had a vote today by the board of directors which proposed giving those power conferences that i mentioned more autonomy in using their resources to allocate funds to student athletes in any manner they see fit. giving them more money for school, it is the cost of attending college that a lot of players have an issue with, but also giving players the chance to bring their parents to games, right
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now they don't account for it, but they say they should be able to. >> thank you very much. against flaking as the industry prepares to pony up, we will explore how this will impact the energy boom, that's coming up friday on america tonight. ahead this hour, in our final thoughts. >> this is america's classical music. >> and it was made from black people, but also white. it is a mash up of colors. and when you really look into jazz history, it isn't just the black thing. >> a break down and all that jazz will end the hour on a high note with an american in paris. the stream is uniquely interactive television.
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american history, from it's origins in the south, to the swing clubs but nowhere is jazz more loved and jazz musicians of all colors revered than in france. with an american in paris, here is sheila mcvicker. she is very much an american jazz singer, it is just that china has lived in paris since she was eight years old. >>
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you as american? is. >> no. no i have to remind them. no, i am 100% american that's why i am a little crazy, and i smile and i talk loud. >> it is a different energy. there is still time. time to? >> have a coffee. >> sit in a cafe. we still do that here. >> there's less time than that now that chain no's career is taking off in europe. after five albums and successful tours china is a hot talent on the european jazz circuit.
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d.d. bridge water one of the great voices of american jazz. the one accolades and a grammy for her tribute to another legend ella fitzgerald. >> she came to france, when she was 35 with her two kids. pretty much unknown, and rebuilt. her name. they open their arms to her. >> why france? >> she has always dreamed of france. some parts of the states you could not be considered as a human being, even. >> people are putting you on magazines and you were part of the party, just
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as much as everybody. 200 uh that african-americans also marched into europe, and music history. accompanied by their own jazz bands. for the war weary french, the joyous sound of early jazz was a revelation. and an instant tip, many black american musicians tired of prejudice, still face back home, jumped at the chance to stay and dazzle a city. where the color lines are more fluent. >> found out there's a lot of gigs and playing they can do, and they will come over and get stuck. that still dominates the pair of skyline, nose early jazz ex-patriots
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helped turn a sleepy hillside neighborhood into a bastion of the roaring 20's. >> when you look at the pictures and roof tops and the different clubs that there were up. it must have been amazing to see true musicians coming off that boat. and arriving and playing in some jazz club. that must have been cool. >> the french are the biggest supporter of jazz, and that's for the most american of music forms can is crazy. when you think about it. and no one was craziest on stage, than a young american dancer.
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when things are going really rough, and the state as lot of unknown musicians got these weird invitations from music lovers and they would fail for two weeks. and get over to the old continent, and it was a whole another world. the most famous, and the most adored american ex-patriot who ever lived in france. and she returned that love in her biggest hit, she said i have to love. >> my country. after world war ii, paris hosted another invasion. modern jazz moved underground to the basement of paris' left bank, where it became the sound track to a generation of young artists and philosophers.
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many of the most daring innovators marry ohm. >> when they would get over here, and be like hey, i am that same person you hear on that record. people would freak out. and it was made from black people, but al white, it is a mash up of colors. and when you really look into the histories then't just a black thing. in this, jazz became a french thing. that's why the mother brought her family to this musical mecca, china wasn't thrilled.
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to bring me over when i was eight, and my sister, she threw me into this culture, where they are eating sup bird. and i was like they are setting sumper, that's bambi's best friend. >> i know. of course, after a while, i learned to appreciate it. >> and china learn add larger lesson as well. it isn't about just being american, it is about considering the whole world your home, and that there are no boundaries. jazz wasn't always china's destiny. ives singing my choruses and my mom plays my songs to a & r without telling me. >> that the talent director responsible for signing art itselfs. >> he is like you have a really great voice, but there's one thing, and i was like what, and he is like you can't rap.
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and my world shatters. i am not going to be the next queen latifah. >> but you grew up in a family where it was all about the music. >> it is all about music, and art in my family. all about being who you want to be, and at least trying and going for it. >> and never let an artificial boundary limit your creativity. >> i don't need a painted brush, i don't need music. >> you are your instrument. >> yeah, and it is interesting that it is still -- it still has to be one of the most fascinating. we just don't know why we are born with this.
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>> you are sitting on top of a time bomb >> and the familiar... >> it's amazing what oil can do for gold >> and what are the human costs of the new energy boom? >> lots of men, and lots of money, your going to find prostitution >> people are just dropping like flies... >> we're paid with our lives... >> dirty power an america tonight special series only on al jazeera america >> smoke them if you have got them, because america is about to crack down on these. also speaking of rules, regulators and the rise of the machine, my week-long look at high frequency trading, tonight
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