tv News Al Jazeera May 1, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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leader over a murder over 40 years ago. >> pro russian separatists are tiektenning the grip on eastern ukraine. they hurled the rocks around the building. >> this is the prosecutor's office and the crowd has taken it over within the last couple of hours. about 3,000 people are here. they have put the riot police under siege. they have been throwing rocks and stones. in many cases the riot police have their shields and batons taking from the protestor. this is an example of how the
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government in kiev to clansing. >> there is a $17 billion bailout package for the ukraine. they are raising the taxes. the gas prices are to soar by 50% and the government is freezing the minimum wage. paul has a report from kiev. >> they are been working hard to look at the economic situation here in the ukraine and deciding whether or not not to loan the money, $17 billion could be released as early as next week. what impact will it have and the risks coming with it. there are risks. will the ukraine be able to continue to path of reform and meaning that the money is safe
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and the g-o political risks. you believe there is actually no alternative to the money, despite the risks, ukraine needs it. >> that is absolutely correct. ukraine is on the verge of bankruptcy. there is no way to refinance for the economy or for ukraine if not for the loan. >> investors think it is a positive move, but what do the people think. it is a four day national holiday here and most people are taking to the public parks. >> we work hard and the jobs no. no jobs. very many companies -- it is hard. but our people ready to go, very
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hard way to go for a better future. >> we don't want ukraine to be presented internationally as a terrible country with war and shooting. we are a good nation. we are not evil. the support from the other countries is a positive thing. >> it will help ukraine but the problem is that the government is affected and 50% of the money going to private bank accounts. >> getting on top of the debt that the country has run up it is a tough task and a tough climb, but it is clear that the people are ready for the challenge and prepared to take the risks coming with it. >> a suicide car bomb in afghanistan killed at least 11 people and injured over 15 others. it happened in the northeast. the taliban is claiming responsibility. >> talks are underway in
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ethiopia. it is feared that thousands have been killed and a million people are left homeless since the conflicts started in december. secretary of state john kerry has arrived to africa. >> john kerry is looking at what is happening in the south sudan and hoping to bring to an end the conflict. he said that sanctions are on those involved in the conflict and seen particularly as targetitarge targeting civilians based on et nicety. he said that the sanctions would be coming from countries that are laboring sudan.
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the secretary of state under scored the need for deployment of troops to south sudan and stabilize the situation. he spoke about the situation that is close to the hearts, the shrinking space for civil society and if the government should stop harassing the journalists and arresting them and using the antiterrorism laws. >> more than 200 girls are still missing from nigeria. relatives are angry at the government's failure to secure their release. however, the minister of interior denied that the country is losing the battle against the group and said he was confident that all of the abducted girls would be returning home skoon
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soon. >> it is far from the truth. let me tell you, terrorism is not a unique phenomenon. they have not been used to that. so the traditional practice that can be used to fight the common criminals and crimes. so far the government has taken every step to change the tackics and amend their ways and ensure this. this spread across nigeria and today they are pushed and confined to eastern nigeria. so the war against terror is on pause and the government forces are winning the war. the necessary forces are available to them to assure the release of these children and
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they are returning home alive and well. i can tell you that the government is concerned about the whether abouts and the conditions of these children. >> in turkey, the protestor are taking to the streets. we have a report from istanbul. they are using tear gas and water cannons. >> the state made its presence felt on the ground. it was not allowing a rally to take place here. the demonstrators tried to defie the government ban to hold the rally at the square. they gathered in the neighborhoods but the police pushed them back. >> we celebrated peacefully in 2010, 2011 and 2012, and there were no incidents, but today we have this ban. it is our constitutional right to demonstrate. >> the authorities however allowed the trade unions to lay a wreath, where a 1977 gunman
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hoped fire on the rally, more than 30 people were killed. the square has long been a rallying point for unions, but as of late it has taken on a new meaning. they were in the square for weeks. they were forced out and the state reinstated the authority over the square. >> the square has value for the government and the demonstrators but this is not just a fight where to hold a rally, it is part of the on going political struggle between those in power and those feel that the ruling party is abusing the power. >> the government denied clamping down on the freedom of expression and provided an alternative site. >> if it lasts all day it disrupts the public order and people's lives and we have
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another site for the rally. >> the center was shutdown on may day. may day has shown divisions in turkey. >> at least three suspected al qaeda fighters are killed. they were targeted in the mountain region. ten others were wounded. the al qaeda fighters fled to the area two years ago. >> al qaeda fighters claimed responsibility for the death of 11 soldiers in algeria last month. it was in the morn region and it was the deadliest in years. it came two days after the ailing president was re-electriced for the 4th term. police in northern ireland are questioning a senior member of the republican movement. he was arrested following a
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murder investigation on wednesday about. we have the report. >> there's a billboard outside of the police station and offering the suggestion of northern ireland being like every place else and inside one of the provinces is answering questions. it was 41 years ago, a mother of ten abducted. it was claimed she helped a wounded british soldier and she was an informer and she simply disappeared. it was an incident that under mined the ira's claims to fighting a just war and implicated the man that would be an architect to the peace process as the ira commander that organized the abduction. they told the journalist he's pleased that history has not
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forgotten. >> they killed my mother. these people didn't care. >> is it a criminal matter or a political one? and can the two really be separated? for years now northern ireland is conflicted with the demands, the province has to move on and on the other, always a demand for justice from people like the families of jean arresting jerry adams makes it look like no one is above the law and running the risk of perpetuating the endless cycle. they are maintaining a reck onning been the reconciliation
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will work. >> what is the right of the family, a victim's right to the investigation. >> mr. adams is maintaining his innocence. what it says about the peace process mostly the time here is no healer. al jazeera in northern ireland. >> still to come on the program, venezuela announced a 30% pay hike on may day. but not everyone is happy about it. plus, rid itself of the reputation. stay with us.
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>> welcome back. the top stories, hundreds of prorussian separatists are attacking. >> the u.s. secretary of state is warning of genocide. john kerry has flown to ethiopia. >> and turkish riot police are fighting the protestor and banning the may day rallies. a year ago the scuffles were with the long running protests. >> putin is telling that the
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ukrainian arm has to stop the protests. >> they did agree on one thing throughout the phone call and saying it is important that the organization for security and cooperation in europe should be used throughout ukraine for mediation. though some of that organization's monitors are being held by the separatist forces in eastern ukraine and they would like to do more to obtain their release. also on thursday, the foreign minister called on the kiev area to hold a dialogue and condemning the plans to hold a referendum on unity along the elections, it is a cynical plow at a time that the kiev
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government is launching the military against their own people. kiev government is saying that the government buildings are occupied by the separatist forces. there is certainly no meeting of minds between kiev and moscow right now. it is also far from certain whether in fact the likes of the chancellor and the european union are going to apply more pressure on putin. >> inflation rate that is the highest in the world, the raise in venezuela u won't make a difference. >> he wants to protect the people's quality of life and so he's raised the minimum wage by 30%. >> the increase protects the
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workers and their rights to employment and stability. >> the government already raised the wages by 10% in january, and four times last year and plans to continue increasing the salaries throughout the year. >> very positive, it is the first time that the government has taken continuing measures in a short period. the previous governments only did it when they remembered too. >> now making $675 a month. a 30% increase sounds high, but the economy in venezuela is working around the black market and what the people getting in the end is an extra $67s a month. the increases are not making a difference. >> it is a joke like everything that this government does. what food can you buy with that money? >> the inflation rate, the highest in the world, reached 57% in february. critics say that the raise is
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dangerous. >> this measure compensates. but it is worse to raise the minimum wages continuously and leads to hyper inflation, it is showing that the government lost control. >> the manager of a shoe shop says since prices are controlled this new increase in wages will put a strain on businesses. >> sales are very, very low. it is a miracle to sell a little bit and now we have to play the employees more and we are selling less. >> while the people are getting more money, the price of things are going up at a much faster speed. al jazeera venezuela. >> introducing criminal punishments based on islam law.
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the oil rich nation has the highest standards of living in asia. >> the chinese government is blaming the religious extremists for bombings. security has been stepped up in the city, the tensions have been simmering for years in the region. >> a female passenger killed in southern india after two bombs exploded on a train. 14 others were injured in the blast. one person was arrested. no one had come forward claiming responsibility. >> land fills in india's business capital next to the reside residential areas and becoming a
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health hazard. >> it is a daily chore. collecting the trash to be taken to a landfill. like most cities in india it is a process not leaving the area clean. garbage piles are a common site in the neighborhoods. for people living here it is a health hazard. >> the stench is really horrible. oop>> these residents say when the homes were built in 2004, they were assured this land fill, one of three, would move, but instead it is growing by 2500 mettic tons a day, a third of the daily waste. people refuse to leave saying that the location is ideal, but the garbage is making it difficult. it is smelling worse than it looks. there is a stench across the area. the residents are saying this isn't the worst of it.
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scrap pickers burn the garbage. >> proximity is less. it is difficult to breathe. >> some say that the solution is ending the landfill system. he uses natural bacteria to break down the garbage and recycle the waste into usable composts and plastics. he says that the methods are not used here because of the costs involved, something he says is short sighted compared to the future costs. >> [indiscernible] because of the higher costs. >> the city says that the problem is they are stuck in a 25 year contract with private companies to clean up the landfill in a similar manner.
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three years into the contract, officials are doubting the company's capabilities. >> there is efficiency on that aspect, but to use the technologies and put them on the ground and to run them, efficiencies. >> the residents are saying that the contracts should be cancelled and a better solution going forward. that is not happening very soon and leaving the garbage problem dumped on them. >> three schools are blown up in pakistan. nobody claimed responsibility for the attacks. the buildings were empty at the time on thursday morning. >> when the taliban ruled the pakistan northern area they targeted the schools and many rebuilt after the military pushed the taliban out.
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we have a report. >> this footage -- captures the moment that the taliban bomb blew up a school in the valley. during the two years the armed group ruled it destroyed more than 40 schools, many of them for girls. the reason was simple, the primary and secondary institutions were providing education that was too western and nonislamic. today the situation is very different. after the taliban was pushed out my the military in 2009, 250 schools are constructed with the help of agencies. she says she's happy to be back in the classroom. >> when the taliban was in control, they made us so afraid. i didn't go to school for two
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years. now they are gone and we are getting an education without fear. >> but the taliban is not entirely gone from the valley, and it hasn't stopped targeting the girls that want to learn. in october 2012, education activist was shot in the head on her way home from school in the main town. the armed group said it attacked her because she was antitaliban and secular. there are other things preventing the children from getting an education, most of the schools are rebuilt there is still not enough room for all of the students. >> we need more schools and classrooms. we can't keep with the demand. >> it is clear many here are determined to learn and all though the threat of violence is very real, the facts show that many young people come to
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classes is a sign of how much changed in the valley since the end of the taliban rule. al jazeera northern pakistan. >> a quarter of the detained traffic from south an america passes through a tiny country and labelled by the united nations as the world's most narco state. a hundred islands are a perfect hiding place. one of them from where we have a report on the war being waged against the drug cartels. >> when he became the director of the police the biggest challenge is the drug traffickers. >> since 2013, we have managed to arrest a number of foreigns trying to get the drugs out of the country and now they are using younger people.
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>> a series of tactics helped to make this a drug trafficking hub. it is smuggled to europe. another reason it is popular are the remote islands off of the coast. this is the largest island and taking roughly four hours from brazil to fly here. the drug trafficking issue is not something many discuss. the trade involves a number of individuals in government, business and even the military. but it is not just here, every year all the cocaine from south america to europe travels to the african countries and $1.2 billion of cocaine passes through the region.
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>> not right to put the blame on west africa, they are victims and so europeans should do more and should give more equipment and training as a whole. >> but it is this that the u.n. named the largest narco state. >> if you compare with other countries in the region, would you say more presence of drugs here? >> i don't believe. >> not enough for the government to say we are, we do not know, it is not enough, we think what they should do is work together with the partners. >> as the leader of the government will expected to deal with the problem and dismantle the drug cartels as he's said he
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needs help to do that. >> we have got updates on all of the top stories on the website, all the day's developments and views, al hi i'm lisa fletcher and you are in the stream. from sharing your car to an extra room in your house, an industry is exploding. put it's cutting out the middleman. we discuss the rise of the sharing economy right now.
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