tv America Tonight Al Jazeera May 5, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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this wildfire started with a controlled burn that spread out of control. those are the headlines. i'm richelle carey. "america tonight" is up next. and you can always get the latest news on our website, ♪ >> on "america tonight." blood in the streets. what began as open rebellion in eastern ukraine is looking more and more like a civil war. >> my house was hit from two directions. windows have bullet holes in them. ukrainukrainians are destroying. >> leaving victims at risk.
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>> you wonder is rape illegal, nothing is done. i have to wonder, is it really illegal? >> and waving the red flag. mexico's youngest stars face down the most powerful ones. yet should an eight-year-old be sent to the bullfighting ring? >> and good evening, thank you for joining us, i'm joie chen. by the hours, ukraine looks more and more like a country on the brink, maybe already over the edge of a siferl war. civil war. both the government in kyiv and the russian government continue to blame the other were instigated the fight with little sign of resolution. we begin with an update from "america tonight"'s sheila macvicar. >> the even city of slovyansk,
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once again the focus of insurgency. to retake control. the ukrainians face fears battles. defiant in face of constant pressure. >> of the 25 that went in only five came out. they were moving in from the front from the right and the left. when we started retreating they also surrounded us from behind. we barely not them off and got through. >> locals speak of a convey of army vehicles and special soldiers dressed all in black. >> people from the sbu came here and shot at peaceful citizens. my house was shot. the road was covered with shells. at the moment we have six dead bodies and eight people are injured and in the hospital. >> translator: i was at home the land was shooting for an
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hour and a half. my house was hit from two directions. windows have bullet holes in them. ukrainian troops are destroying us. >> the armored vehicles came in that direction. then the shooting started. our self defense was here and a war began. >> reporter: both sides claim casualties and both sides have a growing number of martyrs including a 21-year-old nurse killed, witnesses claimed, by stray gun fire from a ukrainian military column. hundreds be gather to mourn her. over the weekend, pro-russian troops stormed, donetske, say they plan to hold a referendum on autonomy in a week. again kyiv that may give russia's president vladimir putin an opportunity to intervene with his military force he. russian spokesmen say putin has
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received quote, thousands ever requests for why assistance. just across did border, have been the there for weeks now, and there is no sign of any return to barracks. and in the black sea port of odessa, signs of why dozens of e-deaths last week when pro-russian militants were trapped in a building that was then turned afire.police offered little resistance and armed with sticks and woul bombs they walkn to cheers. now it was the turn for ukrainians to cheer. as the ukrainian flag was raised where separatists have briefly held are control. >> odessa have demonstrateyet again that this is really a
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ukrainian city and that the citizens of odessa cannot be easily broken. >> as ukraine's prime minister visited his supporters injured last week he blamed russia for trying odestroy his country. >> this is the part of russian road map. to grab and eliminate ukraine. >> but even as he spoke claiming he was still in control a group of his police officers threw down their shields and walked away. increasingly what is happening in eastern ukraine looks less like insurrection and more into a slide into civil war. >> sheila macvicar here tonight. is there any hope of negotiated settlement any indication there is movement there? >> there have been no new talks. the last was agreement in geneva which obliged both peashedz to to -- both sides to do certain
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things. ukrainians were to being being encompass building measures as well. everyone agrees that is dead in the water and there is no sign yet of any further way forward. we're hearing from the russian spokesperson, vladimir putin's spokesperson, thousands of calls coming into moscow from people allegedly in eastern ukraine begging for help. report warning of a humanitarian disaster building in eastern ukraine. shortages of food and medicine. that is what the russian he are saying part of the prop began today battle. >> is there much is chess-thumping. in a public venue? >> the word from russia was very robust. claiming a humanitarian disaster in the works. but weirdly quiet there were a large number of deaths last week in he yodz, where nearly -- in odessa, where a being 40 people
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died, people who died were pro-russian militants. would you have thought in the aftermath there would have been some very strong language from moscow. we have not heard that and that makes one wonder, what is russia thinking, what's on vladimir putin's mind, does he realize how close to out of control the situation is, and is he thinking about pulling back? >> whether there is a parallel to what happened in crimea, there is a referendum due to take place. where is that going ogo? >> the fru referendum is being d by the donetske people's republic. as a noitio notion an independet republic, the ukrainians are now trying to restay donetske, the independent being republic is very much in control of the center of donetske dpm it i.
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if it's proautonomy, what can, russia has between 40 and 50,000 troops say nato parked on the ukrainian border basically l surrounding eastern ukraine. would that be the moment they would choose to use them? who knows? >> a great reason for concern on all fronts. sheila macvicar, thanks very much. we're going okeep a watch on ukraine's flash point. also in a remote area of nigeria, where there are hundreds of school girls stilt missing, victims of a mass kidnapping. growing and savage threat what appear to be group's first message to the terrified parents of those young girls has now been delivered. the nightmare became even more grimace this video appeared on the -- grim, as this video appeared on the be, video, make
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a terrifying threat that the girls will be sold as slaves, maybe even as child brides. i a abducted your girls he saysi will sell them in the market. if true, technical girls wering being abducted buy group often are translated as, "western be education is sinful. " three weeks ago our men raided a bordering school in remote part of town. l nearly 300 girls forced from their beds out in the dark of the night. some escaped to tell the story but more than 250 are still missing. and angry families are pressing the government for more action. >> we want security to be doubled. we want these girls to be rescued with immediate effect. we want them back alive!
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because they are tomorrow! >> the nigerian government faces increasing pressure. good luck jonathan explained how this could happen and what the government will do. >> the problem is, will surely get them out. >> in africa himself the u.s. secretary of state john kerry pledged the united states will help. >> the kidnapping of thousands of children by boko haram is an unconscionable crime and we will do everything possible to support the nigerian government to return these young women to their homes. >> already the u.s. has offered to send fbi help but the outcry and the outrage has spread worldwide. >> we're urging the nigerian government to do more to find them. these are people's daughters, is sisters and so on. it's wrong, they need to be found and returned to their families safely as soon as possible. >> the president of the federal republic of nigeria has the might of the whole, the entire
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military of the country. he has financial resources at his disposal. and he can make things happen if he actually wants to make things happen. so there shouldn't be any excuses. >> the mass kidnapping went viral on the weekend, hashtagged #bury back our girls. hicial clint said, access to education is an inalienable right. we must stand up to terrorism. now parents hope the extra be hell will make a difference. >> life of our girls and the security because from now on we cannot do anything. >> joining us now is mo abudu, she is a television talk show host in nigeria and ceo of h eby
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live tv. why was it important for you to be involved in the demonstration had a took place earlier? >> i think it's important as media to lend voice to what happened. to show toll dater, i'm also a mother. i think every woman should have gone out there today to lend support to what's been happening. i think it's absolutely critical that we show solidarity. of course it doesn't mean the return of the girls but what it does show is that we're together in this and we feel exactly what they're feeling. >> how could, in nigeria, a sophisticated place, with a strong you know middle and upper class in your country, how could something like this be taking place? where hundreds, hundreds of children could be kidnapped? >> well, i think that you know, it's not just the nigeria phenomenon. i think this is a global phenomenon.
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we are up to this risk. as sophisticated as the world is, you still find these things still happen. we need to find ways obviously to counter that and to deal with it. it doesn't just happen not just in nigeria, but around the world. >> can you talk about the centsment the anger the community response in the country? >> well i think we're is all very -- obviously it affects us locally, we're very upset about the fact that it's happened. it's not sort of thing you want to wake up to to find your daughter or your son or your child is missing. it's very close to home and i think we're all very upset about this and we're finding -- we're looking at what are the practical steps we can take to get our girls back. we are all upset about this. >> indeed. the us attorney general earlier suggested that the fbi would be available to go and insist. dand -- assist,
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is that appropriate for nigeria to have help from outside in trying to resolve this? >> i think had a we need as much help as we can get and to solve this. so i ball three that the eu, the united states, the u.k. have all offered their support and that has been effectively i believe. i think we should all join forces to really eradicate this. >> a meaningful thing and you see that as a problem, i mean do you see that as a broader problem the force of terrorism which you've had in our country, you see this as well, is this comparable in terms of the impact on the nation in bringing the together? >> i think that it is, and i think it needs to be addressed with the same amount of vigor, the same amount of energy, the same amount of capacity needs to go into ensuring that this is fought. and i don't think we can do this on our own. i would like to see us get as much support as we can from the international community in trying to resolve this.
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>> talk show hose, ebony life tv, m-o abudo. thank you so much for being with us today. >> thank you very much. >> after the break, some surprising and disturbing being things about mothers, the world over. >> mothers are the glue that not only hold families together. i dare say mothers are the glue that hold the world together. >> and setting the record straight. >> honestly, the law enforcement response was worse than the rape. i was just interrogated, as if i was a suspect myself. they kept saying, you know you can go to jail if you're making this up, right? >> thousands of rape cases in police departments across the country bloogd a backlogged, a d look means a second chance at justice.
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>> on real money with ali velshi, a yearlong series, america's vanishing middle class... >> i'm on a mission, that i have to keep this business going... >> three families struggling every day >> we had to pull the whole retirement fund... >> real stories... real people... real advice... >> you need to pay the water bill, if you don't pay it, we're shutting your water off in a half hour
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>> how will you survive? >> the stakes are so high... >> america's middle class: rebuilding the dream on real money with ali velshi on al jazeera america >> as we approach mother's day, yes, it's this coming sunday, america steeples adore and protect its mothers. but a new report finds disspiritting news as to how we protect and care for our mothers. although it is one of the healthiest and well cared for country, save the children finds that america lacks in maternal health and that's not all. u.s. faces the highest rate of maternal deaths we have seen in
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35 years, dropping in the health and well-being category, on the first year of life, the u.s. suffers the most first day, so-called, deaths in the world, european countries combined suffer only half as many as the united states does. on a brighter note u.n. data show that maternal deaths dropped 45% over the past 23 years. in 1990, 553 mothers died, this year the number has dropped to 228,000. >> save the children your group is responsible for this report and it is so shocking to us because we think that mothers are treated so well in the united states, and respected here. >> yes. well i think report joie show that moms have a tough job arnold the world, especially in
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disaster and the world. the united states did not farewell in this year's report and in fact over the 15 years that we've done report the united states has gone from fourth in 15 years ago to 31st in this year's report. >> why? allow could that be? >> it's really, there are five things we look in the report and on a custom them the u.s. is doing well. on educational attainment and economic development we're doing well but we are not doing well on maternal mortality child mortality and representation of women on our highest forms of government. >> in a country that has the health care resources that we have how could that happen? >> well, first of all disparity of the united states between poorest moms and the health care that they can get and those of us who can get better health care, there is a big gap there. but the reason maternal mortality is so bad in the united states is high risk factors, obesity rates,
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hypertension, many being diabetes, the action to health care for poor moms is not the same as it is for sort mothers, that is driving that pla maternl death rate up. >> first days after birth, a critical moment, everybody has held a baby in their is arms and had that first day that you want so much and believe. but these deaths, why would that happen? how could that happen in the united states, is it a statistical problem? >> in the u.s. it is a immaturity. some of them are immature deaths. we have the ability to have babies at very, very early term in pregnancy. we try save those babies and a lot of cases we can't. that child mortality statistic if you look at that around the world that's a real indicator of
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what it's like to be a mother in different countries. >> after we've talked about the natural disasters and the challenges that mothers face in a disaster. >> that's right. if you look at the report this year six of the bottom ten countries and they're all in africa are countries where we have had conflict and crisis. and that is a very tough time to be a mom and be a child. if you look at a place called somalia for example, very, very high rate of moralityity for is statisticalle amother and a child than a fighter. you have more chance of dying as a mother or a child. >> in the democratic republic of con imoa. >> that's right. we say -- congo. >> we say women and children's first, it is a lot of times women and children last. >> in natural disaster as well. carolyn miles from save the
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children, thanks very much. natural disaster gets to be the toughest, both they and their children can suffer the consequence. hurricane sandy, children pn "america tonight"'s christof putzel. mothers who battled the can storm to save their kids. >> i was at work and i remember people talk, they didn't think it was going ohit that hard. >> single mothers of 7 crystal leef has never -- lee has never had it easy. >> the bay was right there. >> the coming storm was something she wasn't prepared for. >> you really thought that was the actual thing happening, that god spit the sea and the water began to rise upward. >> crystal remembers that night in october 2012 when hurricane sandy barelie barelysandy barre.
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she is the skoal care taker of two daughters and one granddaughter. one has r cerebral palsy, the other has sickle cell disease. she be weathered the storm in a small yk community of rockawayconvenes. the far rockaways were decimated 50 storm. >> i'm on third floor now i'm panicking what do i do, i don't want to show fear because my kids would panic. i got to take these kids up the hallway by myself in the dark. >> what did you do? >> i held them all night. next they came i couldn't get out. i didn't have no medicine but i can't cry. >> as day broke and the water receded, sandy left behind a
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trail of destruction. relief efforts left behind destruction but the far rockaways were forgotten. it took five weeks to find them. >> it blew the veil off that lie. they passed the community by. people who hadn't thought about it before saw fema pass this community by. >> whole reason that we ask to you come is because we need input from you. >> area do is director of the action center a nonprofit that has been working in far rockaway for 15 years. >> within this 11.5 mile stretch of land in the middle l i is a d world community. of those 45,000 residents roughly 65% of them low 200% below poverty level and this is before they lost everything when
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hurricane sandy hit. >> aria believes its was particularly difficult for one contingent, the mother of far rockaway. >> mothers are the glue that not only hold families together. i dare say mothers are the glue that hold the world together. i say this with no prejudice towards men but i say it as a fact. i am a mother. i know when i'm sick my whole household is out of sorts. if you don't hold families together the whole family comes apart. >> according to save the children worldwide women and children are up to 14 times more likely the die than men in a disaster. state of the world report took a look at how mothers fare in crisis and found in the ufs, 28 states -- in the u.s., 28 stating didn't meet the standard. such as in hurricane katrina. >> we had to get the water from
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the fire hydrant to bathe our children. >> you were bathing your children from the hydrants? >> we couldn't even purify, we got sick from the water. i got a virus from it, my granddaughter was got a virus. the water was very, very dirty but guess what we had to drink water. >> there's a notice saying pay your rent, here you go to pay your rents. you've got an apartment you can't sleep in, they are drinking out of phi hydrants, they have no shoes on their feet and you're being told where to go to pay your rent. it's a tragedy, it's just a tragedy, we knew we had to act. aria created an organization called the rockaway babies. overlooked by relief efforts they would come to their own rescue. >> we know how people are treated and it is not right.
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>> you are stuck here and there's no place to go. the businesses they don't want to care about their kids. let's help those people that really want to be helped. looking at what a situation was, you think you want her to be sitting there eating lead poison and seeping three months later with momed and mildew -- mold and mildew? heck no. we are developing pods and teens of mothers and parents so when a next disaster happens, you'll have a mother's group to know where you go for water and distribution, we're taking the power back in our community. we're prearg as best we can -- preparing as best we can. >> since hurricane sandy rockaway babes, for this group it's a support group and a safe haven. >> burden off my shoulders. you name it they gave it. i decided since you do this for
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me i want to give back. i joined the rockaway babes. since the why me, i'm going to wallow in my sorrows, i constant donate material things. i can't give you tall water but i can assist you to get the water. i can bring it to you. i can if you're too tired i can be align for you and by helping them it helped me to be strong. i wish i could have one word i could say to make the world understand how devastated this is, was and still is. i don't know everybody's story but i know i'm not the only one that feels like this and i became a rockaway mom because of it. >> for crystal, the disaster heangt recede but she -- hasn't receded but she will look to helicopter hep others. christof putzel, al jazeera, far
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rockaway, new york. >> coming up next on "america tonight." forgotten files. why hubs of thousands -- hundreds of thousands of rape cases went uninvestigated and victims without justice. >> rape's a crime that's treated very differently than any other crime. it's really the only crime when police make a judgment call as to whether or not they believe the victim. >> also ahead, a follow-up where they are opening the files for a second look. a cold case squad in the cleveland area finds a stunning record and evidence that serial rapists are still at large.
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>> how is it changing the way you live today? techknow... every saturday, go where science meets humanity... >> this is some of the best driving i've ever done... even though i can't see. >> techknow... >> we're here in the vortex... only on al jazeera america >> and now a snapshot of stories making head lines on "america tonight." scientists raising the alarm over a disease once thought to be eradicated across the world. polio an international public health emergency. there are at least outbreaks in ten countries, middle east and africa. polio is spread by infected water. prayer before town meeting. residents of greece, new york. court found prayers are consistent with a 1983 ruling
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which allows prayer before legislative sessions. target ceo steps down at that massive data breach. greg steinhoff, when the data breach hurt shoppers and damaged the store's reputation. mcmilan admitted to el boag the officer in the eye. but insisted she only did so when the officer grabbed her breast from behind. she face he seven years behind bars but her lawyer says there will be an male. nationwide, 400,000 assault kits containing evidence of possible rapes sit youe unteste.
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denies victims justice. megan from memphis was raped as a teenager but her kit kit set untested for years while her attacker raped others. "america tonight"'s lori jane gliha, talked to her about her case her cause and the man who raped her. >> the law enforcement response was worse than rape. >> it would be nearly a decade after megan was raped before she would be taken seriously. >> i was just interrogated as if i was a suspect myself. they kept saying you know can you go to jail if you're making this up, right? you're not just doing this for attention, right? >> in 2003 a stranger attacked her in her suburban memphis tennessee home. she was just 16 years old. >> you're sittings there, you are 16 years old.
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they are telling you are you sure you're raped? how are you feeling? >> it was confusing, it's just confusing. >> did you think anybody really believed what had happened to you? >> no. no. no. >> despite what she said was the skepticism of the investigators, and a threat by her attacker to return and kill her if she cooperated with police. evos decided to undergo an exam. the body of a rape victim is a crime scene, fluid hairs and skin left behind by an attacker can be tested for dna leading to the attacker's investigation. >> i came up from behind me and covered my face. there was no way i could identify him. the only chance i had was the dna they were able to collector from my body. >> evos assumed herbing dpla would be analyzed quickly.
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instead it sat on a shelf for nine years. officials can't explain why. >> if my family hadn't believed me, i don't want to think about what i would have done. >> this is evos first national television interview. she says she does not want to be known of as simply a jane doe. >> they make you think you're lying. >> they accuse me of lying. >> then don't call you back. >> no. i was on edge. this man was wearing a ski mask. i couldn't try protect myself. he could be anywhere, he could be anywhere. this plan anthony alian observing was her rapist. he would eventually admit do raping six other women. he would be sentenced for 167
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years in prison. there was a chance aliano could have been identified before he raped other women. that's when codus comes into play. once dna is extracted police look for a match in codus. having that dna on file is important. if an attacker's dna turns up at a crime scene in the future that person will still be caught. less than a year after ali aliao raped evos, they caught aliano red handed woo 16-year-old girl. she appeared to be drugged. aliano admit to having sex with her. all evidence could have been tested for aliano's dna but in
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evos case it wasn't. >> what do you think about the fact he slipped through contraction several times, he could have been -- credit the cracks several times, he could have been caught? >> it's disgusting. despite the way the police responded to my incident, it doesn't supplies me at all. >> her mother heard something about aliano, thinking it might be herb attacker, she called police and police decided to test the kit. >> when did you find your kit had never been tested? >> when i called in and they said they would send in the are being kit to be tested. >> we're sending it in now. >> it wasn't just ev offeringss kit that hadn't been tested. the city said it failed to test more than 12,000 test kiting
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dating back to the 1980s. natasha is a rape survivor 1993 new york city. raped by a stranger at gunpoint. she believes a big reason kids don't get tested is the mindset of law enforcement. >> rape is a crime that's treated very differently than any other crime. it's really the only crime where police kind of make a judgment call as to whether or not they believe the victim. >> untested kits aren't just a problem in memphis. police in detroit found 11,000 untested kits. in cleveland, 4,000. in phoenix, 3,000. nationwide, the justice department estimates there are 400,000 untested kits. >> when you brought that kit out, that's a human being. >> being organization that's working to clear the backlog. some are being sent here. this lab in suburban washington,
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d.c. is the biggest private processor of rape kits in the united states. >> the data doesn't lie. new york city has a policy where they test every single rape kit and according to the fbi new york city has a 70% arrest rate because they test every kit, whereas the rest of the nation has a 24% arrest rate. >> the enormous backlog of untested kits in memphis first came to lite whether a local tv -- light when a local tv station did a story. >> we have had fluff false starts. >> a.c. whrartoa.c. wharton jr,s speaking on behalf of the police. >> what did you feel when you found there were 12,000 plus are kits that hadn't been tested? >> i don't know, just
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frustration. >> how sure are you that the number of untested kits will stay the same and you'll find more in the next coming months. >> you can never say we are absolutely positively certain but based on the time we have been in this inquiry i'm reasonably certain that's as far as it will go. >> wharwharton says the city has launched an investigation as to why those kits have gob untested for so long. a methodology plan for testing the kits and prosecuting any crimes the city discovers. >> we're not going to miss, these kits will be tested. >> according to wharton the city has tested 2500 kits so far resulting in 90 criminal case he and at least 14 indictments. >> if you can give a noafnlg all the victims -- notification to
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all the victims out there,. >> there is no way in the world i will stand here and tell them oh no you shouldn't feel that way. all i can say is this built up over a number of years. it's going otake a while to get it done. and to get it done right. and that's what we're committed to. if any victim wants a weekly report, they're going to get it. all they got to do is ask. >> megan evos intends to hold the mayor to his word. she's become something of a salad owe. pressing him on the issue whenever she can. she's also lobbied the state of tennessee for legislation that would require the timely processing of all rape kits. >> you start to wonder, is rape really illegal? apparently it was not abig deal for the nine years that aliano was on the loose. like the law says it's illegal. but in practice i have to wonder is it really illegal?
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>> "america tonight"'s are lori jane gliha joins us now. megan a very brave woman to tell her story this way but it makes you wonder, how does this get put aside ignored for such a long time? >> there are people all over the country asking their local police departments, how could this happen? in memphis the mayor has appointed a specialing board to determine why this happened. detectives doubted her if this is a prosecutable crime, why do a rape kit. but there's also a question of if an attacker accommodation forward and admits to doing the crime, do they really need to test it, already identify the attacker. there are cases where the victim says i don't want to prosecute they don't have the other side of the case there is no reason to do the rape kit at that point. you consider the cost, all of these police departments aren't rolling in dough, it can be up in $500 to $1,000.
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that's another issue. specifically in the memphis case, they had a problem the way they stored the kits. originally they thought there was about 2,000 untested kits. but they had some at the university and sex assault center and evidence lockers. that's something they are looking atto in an effort to -- at in an effort to determine this doesn't happen again. >> lori jane gliha, thank you very much. we follow up on lori jane gliha's report at a look at cleveland prosecutors clearing the backlog and finding surprising evidence of serial predators still on the loose. and a note on what's ahead ton next "america tonight." hawjted by the -- haunted 50 memories. >> i couldn't look at reply dad. he had the same look as the guy had, the same look my dad had.
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>> what does that do to your heart that you can't look at your dad? >> it was hard. >> facing the worse over and over again. a therapy that takes victims tort darkest corns of their memories. in an increasing number of cases, it makes a difference. correspondent lori jane gliha on item works, tuesday night.
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light on the problem of untested sexual assault kits. in cliestled cleveland, ohio, lw enforcement officials are working to process, cayahoga county task force has just announced its 100th indictment. in nearly 70% of the cases involving about 150 women the attacker was a stranger. more than 30% of the indictments involve serial rape suspects and at least a third of the men dieted are john does, meaning unknown to the system and still may be out there on the streets. to shed more light on the program, brian mcdonough, cayahoga county prosecutor. can you talk to us, 100 cases
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over what period? >> it encompass he a 20 year period joie and it's the most significant opportunity for law enforcement to catch serial rapists and murderers, dna evidence the most compelling in court and what we are finding is we are able to solve a lot of cases. >> was it a surprise to you? >> we were surprised by the number of serial rapists. we did not anticipate the number of serial rapists that could remain undetect. luckily with dna technology we are able to link them to a number of crimes. our 100th indictment involved larry mcgowan who had raped five women and murdered one of them and we were not prepared for what we found regarding these first 100 cases. >> and his arrest actually was not directly linked to the dna. there were other crimes he was involved in as well. >> law enforcement had worked very hard and knew that there
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was one person responsible for this crime spree. and it was a one-man crime wave. luckily in ohio there was a new law that allowed for arrestees in felony cases to have their dna collected in the system and this was the first person that we had, were able to solve the case based on his arrest, south of cleveland, that led to identifying him in these cases. >> now you mentioned that some of these cases go back 20 years, some of these untested kits go back 20 that case is through any problem with the statute of limitations, is it possible that some of these crimes will not be resolved and people will continue to go free as a result, even if you have an awareness of who you think it is? >> we're lucky in ohio that the statute of limitations is 20 years and that is our look-back period. what we've found is we have had a handful of cases where they go back further than 20 years. at least we're able to solve the crime for victims and it's all
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about obtaining a justice for them. and even on some of the cases that were time barred on we found that some victims are satisfied that at least they have found the identity of their attacker. >> i guess it is so hard for us to understand, how so many case he could pile up and by the way, as we saw in our earlier report it is not just in your community but arnold the country in a number of cities. how could so many cases go unresolved for so long? we're lucky that. >> we're lucky that rape kits are available and done. dna wasn't available in ohio until 2001 that the statewide and national databases could be used, to identify especially in the cases of stranger rapists, so we had a number of cases that were prosecuted and now we're finding that with these rape kits, we're able to obtain dna profiles that are then able to
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link them to known offenders. it's been an increase in an evolution with regard to technology. we have also been able to indict john does in preserving the statute of limitations to finally identify these suspects later on. >> ijust one further thought here. this is quite expensive for all the communities that are facing the same problem of all these backlog cases. can you say that it's worth it? >> it is absolutely worth it. and dollar for dollar, this is the best investment a community can make. we're lucky in ohio that our law enforcement partners have made the investment to commit resources. because these are one-man crime waves and when you look at the cost of not testing the kit versus the cost of testing the kit, the benefits are tangible and you can't put a dollar amount on justice.
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news hour... >> an informed look on the night's events, a smarter start to your day. mornings on al jazeera america birthday. >> finally from us this hour in spain's famous bull fights, matadors must be at least 16 years old to get in the ring. but in mexico they start much younger. it's a family tradition that's gone on for generations. being as rachel levin reports. >> bullfighting is in his blood. >> at home he shows me his tools
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including his sword and his cape. he is scared he could get injured but dreams of one day traveling world. >> translator: i want to be a famous bullfighter and for lots of people to come and see me fight. >> three times a week he takes lessons at guadalajara's bull ring. for most of the students bullfighting ask a family tradition. in their jeans they say since the days of the spanish. they learn discipline and focus and their trainers say the earlier they start the better. >> this takes a lot of time and dedication to be able to become a professional bullfighter. so the younger you start, the more time you'll have to prepare. >> there are over a dozen of these government sponsored academies all throughout mexico. teachers here insist it's far from a dying tradition. but their critics say that
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exposing children to such violence is wrong. in this video, the most famous of the child bullfighters, nicknamed michelito, is knocked to the ground. he started his apprentice ship at just five years old. organizers are accused ever using children to boost crowds. congressman is trying to ban what he says is tantamount to child abuse. >> we are fed up in violence and every day more and more mexicans wants to do away with these sort of violent acts. mexico colombia and peru are the only countries left in south america that promote bullfighting. >> watching from the stand edison's parents admit their son doesn't completely understand the dangers. >> we don't know if he has a
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future as a bullfighter. it's a game for him and we'll see if he has what it takes. >> they say he'll support his passion until the moment comes when he decides it's really worth risking his life. rachel levin, al jazeera, guadalajara, mexico. >> it was recently banned in 1890. if you would like to comment on any of the stories you've seen on our program, log onto our website, on twitter or on our facebook page. join us, tomorrow we'll have more.
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consider this. the news of the day plus so much more. answers to the questions no one else will ask. >> it seems like they can't agree to anything in washington no matter what. juan carlos gaguaripano scott ukraine teetering on the brink of civil war - is russia winning the battle of publish perception in the east? global concern for the nigerian hostages. worried that the kidnapped girls have been taken out of the country. could researchers have found a modern-day fountain of youth in mice. moscow, we have a problem. i'm antonio mora,
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