tv America Tonight Al Jazeera May 9, 2014 9:00pm-10:01pm EDT
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fire in yemen today striking a car carrying the nation's defense minister. those are the headlines. i'm richelle carey. "america tonight" is up next with joie chen. and check out our website, attacks,. >> o"america tonight," under the gun. being be balbuquerque citizens e into their own hands. hollywood's big easy celebritiessleb --biggest celeb. what is behind this loild
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blockbuster -- credi hollywood k bit offer. biblockbuster. >> the sizzle and spice behind a hot new film. is the flavors and duties behind chef, a taste of real life and the real story of all those meals on wheels. and good evening, thanks for joining us i'm joie chen. albuquerque police, under scrutiny, paces residents angry by another -- faces residents
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angry over another shooting. the tensions running so high some locals aim at taking the law into their own hands. "america tonight"'s christof putzel. >> storming city council meetings demanding change. >> i think it sends a real message that the status quo has got to go. >> reporter: but last night they tried a different strategy. sylvia, whose neighbor was fatally shot in 2010 by police, stood silently at the podium. cited with criminal trespassing and banned from the meetings for 90 days. after an officer from the apd shot and killed an affairs colonel. 20th such incident since 2010.
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once again it is a video that's fueling the controversy. video releaseb released by appe. apd. shooting exited. >> mr. martin exist uh exited his home with a handgun in each hand, and fired shot. >> showed off the handguns he was carrying. many are wondering why the helmet cams failed to capture the incident. this one wasn't taken by the apd. it was just taken before the fatal encounter. anger against the police department reached a boiling point. it shows a homeless man illegallillegally camping.
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for over a year the justice department has been investigating the albuquerque police department. last month they issued a scathing report, saying, encounters with the police too often result in violent results. >> many blame police chief gordon eden who was appointed in february. it was eden who instituted the use of helmet cams. >> those families feel that tragedy. our goal is to reduce any type of an event. any type of a situation where our officers always take the appropriate action. that's our goal. >> do you wants to offer them any apologies?
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>> at this point we are working really hard on this situation. >> reporter: but with activists asking for his immediate resignation. christof putzel, al jazeera. >> citizens arrest of the albuquerque police chief. but he left before there was any confrontation. big screen protest that pits some of hollywood's biggest names, in the middle of is is a beverly hills. landmark. >> another beautiful day in beverly lils. shoppers tourists, but not at the beverly hills hotel. >> nobody is going to set foot in that damn hold until he is
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out of it. >> ellen de generis,. >> announce a knew pienl code that will make adultery and gay sex punishable by death. brunei is the first asian country to adopt sharia law. >> about a week and a half ago we started to see some small reports in online media that the sultan of brunei had decided and announced that he was moving ahead with imposing these taliban laws. >> executive director of the feminist ms. magazine. >> global women rights at the beverly hills hotel within a week. when we were able to verify that that was what was happening we
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decided to pull the event away from the hotel. how could we hold a global women's rights awards event at a hotel whose owner was about to impose these talbot laws? >> about ook -- be tab be talibn laws? >> about a dozen followed suit. to date the hotel has lost $1.5 million in cancelled bookings. then at a packed meeting earlier this week, the city council pushed the issue even further. >> ideally, the brunei government will repeal these horrific laws. long and rich history in beverly uls hills will not be -- tarnished by the breu niep nye action. >> clearly the campaign to boycott the beverly hills hotel has gone vierld. but what few supporters realize is that the real story begins
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here at the hotel bel air in the battle over workers rights, not gay rights. >> the sultan of brunei owns this hotel too. and in 2009 he and his country shut it -- company slut it down for renovations. -- shut it down for renovation. raised the ire of an organization called unite here. >> ness represents 20,000 hospitality works workers, cooks, bellmen, servers. >> lee shelton is a labor organizer. >> it is customary if a hotel is going to shut down with renovations that they make an agreement with the current workers that are there to come back to work after the hotel reopens. after all these are the dedicated staff that know the
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guests and have worked there for decades. >> effectively, busting the union at both luxury hotels. >> we tried to spread the word and ignite some outrage. in the celebrity community. >> the union called for boycott of the hotel bel air. >> unfortunately our message wasn't really resonating with folks. the struggles of low wage workers aren't always front page news. >> my name is pablo contrtrares. from el salvador. >> contrares also held a part time job at another hotel. >> the hotel bel air they using me like when you put the furniture, that way i was feeling. >> after being laid off he lost
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his apartment. unable to afford the mortgage. >> we knew that the sultan was anti-worker but we began to look into what else is this guy about? and at that time we quickly found out in his country when he where he is a absolute monarch it is legal to be gay. >> a local union sought help from a colleague up north in san francisco. cleef jones is a long time labor organizer long time known in the lgbt movement and founder of the aids merl quilt and 10,000 -- memorial quilt and 10,000 facebook followers. >> i saw the issue condemning the new law in brunei, it's that guy, now people are going to get good an uproar for gay people to be stoned to death, for thieves
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to have their body parts chopped off. >> jones started posting about the sultan's anti-gay laws on his facebook page. >> boy it's just amazing. >> thanks to social media jones message spread like wildfire and the union got its can boycott, even if it had to respect wrap itself in another are cause to get heard. >> even in 140 characters or less, this jumps out and pulls it into the story. >> the ceo of the sultan's hotel company, christopher cadre flew in from london, he declined an interview with "america tonight," but told the beverly hills city council that the
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sultan was being unnecessarily be singled out. >> i see no action being taken by this council in refuting those laws in those countries. >> reporter: the company who he argtd would you the victims of of any boycott. >> i'm here to talk to you this evening and to put an impassioned plea on behalf of the 650 employees and their families of the beverly hills hotel. the actions that you take have to be seriously considered. because they will affect the livelihoods of these people. >> as for pablo contreras he doesn't want the hotel workers to suffer either. >> it's important to here what
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happened just because that brunei is doing this with lesbians and gays is he not respect employees. >> he's been looking for afull time job for nearly three years. michael okwu, are al jazeera, beverly hills. >> joining us now is ted johnson, senior editor at variety, that's the organization that so closely tracks being hollywood and what's going on there. we mentioned ellen degeneris and a lot of other celebrities. >> what's so interesting about having a boycott, entertainment industry hot spot like this. the polo lounge especially that's the restaurant at the beverly hills hotel. a tight knit industry, word
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spreads fast. yes you want to go to lunch at a place where you're going to be seen. very much a see and be seen industry. but by the same toque.when something like this happens, it becomes a matter of, well, hey i wouldn't be caught dead there. so i think had a this boycott it quickly spread not just through the stars and the performers that you see on screen but the agents, the directors, the managers, the lawyers, who really do service the industry. >> can't help but notice though, this is coming right on the heels of the l.a. clippers scandal as well and that was another place that hollywood went to be seen. >> yes, exactly, exactly. in fact jay leno kind of joked at it when he held a rammy on -- rally on monday across from the beverly hills hotel. he even lewded to it.
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he said listen, there's nothing wrong with the hotel. it's the person who owns it. and i think the hotel and its workers are like the l.a. clippers. the sultan of brunei is donald sterling. that was his quip. but i think that it's not coincidental, the power of this boycott. coming right on the heels of what happened with the l.a. clippers and donald sterling. >> all right ted johnson with variety. that publication always on top of everything in hollywood, thanks very much. >> thank you. >> in the golden state, civil rights and marriage equality does remain a hot button issue. state are population hh was successfully batted down by two very big flames in the community, teleolson and david boyce. talks about john siegenthaler about that landmark decision and
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another landmark case that he and lawyer olson took opposite sides on that being bush v gore. >> why did you get involved in that civil rights area? >> this has bin one area in which not only did we discriminate against people, and there's a lot of discrimination that goes on in a social basis but this is a situation where our government discriminates against its own citizens. and as last official bastion of discrimination i think ted olson and i thought it was particularly important that we bring an end to that. >> what's the important legal issue here? >> the important legal issue is does the state have the right to discriminate against certain of its citizens based on sexual orientation, where that discrimination serves no being
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letting public purpose? one of the things we set out to proof at the trial is discrimination against who could marry, seriously harmed then them and seriously harmed the children they were raising. and perhaps not surprisingly even the defendant's experts agreed with that. it is absolutely clear when you right a person of the right of marriage, you hurt them reputationly, place in the community and economically. and the same kind of damage is done to the children that they're raising. the second thing that we set out to prove was that deprieive people of marriage equality, couldn't help anybody. didn't help heterosexual marriage, couldn't help the fact that my gay neighbor can't get married. no legitimate public purpose. it was simply a product of discrimination. a product of a belief that people were different based on
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sexual orientation. and because that didn't serve any legitimate governmental interest it was simply no governmental basis, no justification for discriminating based on who could get married an who couldn't get married. >> i've read that you and ted olson who were on different sides of the bush vs. gore case as opposed to being on the same side in the marriage equality case don't talk about this that much. >> well we talk about it some but there's not much to say. and we could repeat what we said in court but there's not much productivity in that particularly after the fact. the united states supreme court decided who was right and that's is way we decide cases in this country. you asked me about the significance of it. i think there's some negative significances about that case but i think there's a positive significance too. and after the case was over, i was interviewed by a member of reporters from around the world and i was interviewed by a
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particular reporter from russia. and that reporter said, you've got to help me understand this case a little bit better. it's very hard for me to explain to people in my country what happened here. where is your ellio yeltzen, whs the person who is prepared to stand on the tank and say this is wrong and call people out? i said well, one thing about our country is that we have such confidence in our democracy that we know that no matter who wins this election there's going to be another election in two to four years. and that election is not going to be affected by who won this election. this is not going to be a situation where the person comes in and does a coup, manipulates the electoral process. there's going to be a fair election four years from now. and if we lost this one, we have a chance to win it back next
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time. and because we have that confidence in our democracy, we are able to let the courts decide under a rule of law who it decides. >> "talk to al jazeera" fighting for love and gore with david boyce airs saturday at 5:00 eastern on al jazeera america. coming up next: reliving history a russian leader marks his territory past and present. but is he also sending signals about the future of ukraine? >> translator: i'm sure that 2014 will go into the history of this city, into the history of our whole country as the year when all citizens here, the people, recess lutely decided to be -- resolutely decided to be together in russia. >> a view of the past from an almost other worldly place. a place so dry it can support no life to track what might be the presence of life out there.
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>> today parks a special day for former soviets republics, the defeet of the nazis in 1942. another day of deadly violence for the first time russia annexed crimea, provocative could signal a turning points in the crisis. "america tonight"'s smiive sheila macvicar wit"america ton. >> most patriotic day in russian calendar. the day that signaled the are defeat of nazi germany in 1945, russian president vladimir putin watched as the biggest military
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parade seen in 20 years in red square marched and rolled past. >> this is when all of us feel especially strongly. what it means to be true your mother land and how important it is to fight for its interest. >> reporter: and there could be no mistaking just what interests he was referring to. when hours later, he made this triumphal appearance in the annexed crimea. a spectacle of war ships and fighters. a jubilation in the town of sevastopol,. >> into the history of our whole country as the year when all citizens here the people resolutely decided to be together with russia. >> reporter: in ukraine's capitol kyiv, today's commemoration of the nazi defeat
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was a more somber affair. overshadowed by the continued violence to the east and the ukrainian government's admitted loss of control there. >> we're doing everything we can in order to deescalate the situation. and this problem all means those who are terrorists, those who possess arms, we will bring to justice. >> tell that to pro-russian militants in the eastern studies of luhansk, slovyansk and donetske. that is the russian national anthem these ukrainian citizens are singing, fed a steady diet of russian, there e-they're going ahead with preparations for a referendum this sunday. the question on the ballot: do you want autonomy from ukraine?
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this russian from luhansk says she's determined ovote . >> can you understand? no kyiv authority can convince us otherwise. >> are the pro-russian militants control just a few buildings, under what conditions even who controls the voting list. all questions not likely to be answered by sunday. today ukrainian troops be fought to drive is pro-russian rebels from police headquarters on a town, between annexed crimea and russia. one of the biggest battles yet as kyiv fights to regain
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control. more than 20 people, ukraine calls them quote terrorists are reported killed and the rebilities say there could be -- rebels say there could be no talk of peaceful dialogue. >> "america tonight"'s sheila macvicar. sheila, tell us, if there is no hope for return to peaceful dialogue, what are the imloaments diplomats doing? >> sergey lavrov calling john kerry, talked about the need to return to the table, the need for a negotiated agreement, security in europe and off please make -- oh please make sure that those in kyiv talk to the militants because we can't go back to the table unless you include the militants. that's something the government in kyiv can do. feels like groundhog day, feels like this is where we were about a month ago. >> i thought that mr. putin had asked for that to be delayed, the referendum? >> there was this conciliatory
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moment where putin came forward and said really, postpone the referendum this is not a good thing to do. there were suggestions that russia was pulling back its large military force which has been sitting on the border of ukraine for weeks. the russians haven't gone anywhere and the militants say we don't listen to mr. putin and we took a vote and decided that the referendum should go ahead. >> so it will on sunday. what's happening with getting the message out. clearly both sides need to put their message out at this point. >> it's really important, when you look at the framework people's psychology what's happening in eastern ukraine in particular they're listening to this steady drip drip drip of propaganda coming from television stations in russia and what they're being told over and over again is those in kyiv are fascists, want to take away your rights as russian speaker.
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none of which are true, you hear it often enough and people begin to believe it. >> as seen in so many places in the world. >> as so many places and that is playing out in a very big way on the ground. >> "america tonight" sheila macvicar, thanks very much. when we return, cries for help from the darkness. >> bik 6:00 or 7:00, nobody will be in the town. we will run to the bush for our lives because we are still afraid of boko haram. >> robbed of their daughters. how account u.s. help? -- how can the u.s. help? and later, a recipe for life. >> you've got to know the darkness to understand how to bring life. >> from the hot new movie "chef" the real story that drove the rise of the food truck.
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>> you followed their journey across the border >> it was heart wrenching... >> now see how it changed the lives of the people involved. >> i didn't go back to the person that i was before i left... >> an emotional borderland reunion >> this trip was personal to me... this is real... >> long held beliefs >>...illegal in mexico too.. >> learn the language! come here... >>...most ridiculous thing i've heard in my life >> tested by hard lived truths... >> these migrants are being exploited >> beyond borderland... only on al jazeera america
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>> and now a snapshot of stories making headlines on "america tonight." new steps against climate change. president obama says energy efficiency that will save billions of dollars and slow climate change. more than 300 companies have pledged to go solar. >> dec parsons will be boss, until a permanent ceo is found. the nba banged richard sterling for life and fined him $2.5 million for his racist remarks. secretary-general ban ki-moon, met with pope francis, must be done without with generd
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with courage. international campaign to bring back our girls. the teen aged students who were kidnapped by the extreme it's group boko haram. they will head up the border state to follow the girls from chibak to the northeast of the country. now almost a month since the close to founder girls were forced from their beds, a calling card of the militants. the building itself is the last link draught mothers hav distrao their kidnapped daughters. a father whose two daughters were taken say parents leave their own homes at night afraid that boko haram might come back
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for them next. >> in the daytime, you see people but in the night nobody will stand and speak. by 6:00 or 7:00 nobody will be in the town. we run to the bush in fear of our lives because we're stilling afraid of boko haram. >> there is increasing outrage of the nigerian government certified and outside the country. trending for demands for actions, authorities were aware of a planned attack but within hours of warning didn't act to head it off or to move the girls to safety. >> consistent reports, seeing people descending. they kept calling for help but the help didn't come. we've had people in the military in northeast nigeria telling us that there is a war weariness and a fear noongs soldiers. -- amongst the soldiers. >> the u.s. may agree to provide
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drones for aerial surveillance and is now in place to provide logistics and communicates he support. but nigeria is unempowered and ill equipped to take on boko haram, do the nigerian forces have the will to face the difficult task of rescuing the girls? the president promises yes. >> as a father, and the president of this country, i feel pains, i don't sleep with my two eyes closed and i won't sleep with my two eyes closed until these girls are brought safely back to their parents. >> so what to do first as the u.s. team gets involved in the search for two girls, tim crockett joins us now with more on that. tim what are we talking about, if we say u.s. forces are we talking about boots on the ground, military, a significant introduction of force? what are we talking about? >> well, we've got to spread
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skill sets. we've got obviously some military experts there from various different units sponsored by more than likely the antiterrorism assistance program that will be made up ever various experts in intelligence, cries is management, intelligence -- crisis management, intelligence and crisis support. >> so are we talking about a large group? >> no, initially this is going to be a small group. this is an assistance program. they're not necessarily going to go in there and do the searching themselves. these are there to build capacity, work with other governments and obviously the nigerians to follow the lead and find out where these girls might be and how they can get them back. >> i guess that goes to the nigerian forces as well, these are folks that have not made the moves into the bush that certainly the community the families want them to. is it possible for this operation to be successfully carried out if the nigerians
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don't have the force he the commitment and the intelligence to get to those girls? >> obviously intelligence will play into it. they can't operate in a vacuum. that's partly perhaps one of the roles of this team that's going in is to help get more intelligence that can be acted upon. it is a very remote area. it is a very large area and i would imagine this group has broken up that group of girls into smaller groups and spread them throughout a number of different hideouts. so trying to track them down at effect some sort ever rescue is going to be very, very difficult indeed. >> what about the help of u.s. technologies that is to say drones, can this be effective here? >> that can certainly add to the picture. i know the term census has been used, no particular mention of drones or any other technology. but again it could be used, could be used to try and track
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down and ascertain, to help with that intelligence gathering. >> and other additional intelligence gathering that we polite be able to offer, not available in nigeria, tracking of cell phones and things like that? >> that could be brought into play here. we're dealing with a group that is becoming more and more sophisticated, so they may start to limit the use of cell phones and other forms of communication devices just to make the job all that much difficult. >> al jazeera scushtd contributosecuritycontributors , thanks very much. >> you're welcome. >> a look to the stars and consideration of what could be out there. >> it's very dry and that is very, very good for astronomy. that essentially means the stars
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don't twinkle as much. very pretty when the stars twinkle but astronomers don't like it at all. >> an in depth series on the business of making babies. surrogacy. >> you put so much emotion into the process, you're so close and then it explodes and spins out of control and it's just over. and then you're sitting there surrounded by the ruins of this whole experience. >> families making an investment in the future but the payoff: no baby. our exclusive investigation into international surrogacy. "america tonight"'s adam may begins our special series, make babies, monday on "america tonight."
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>> and now look at what's out there, far into the night sky and what it might tell us about other places in the universe. it seems to get closer to all that. it is useful to go to some of the most remote plagues on earth just to get a clearer picture. our report from al jazeera's nick clark. >> the atakooma desert in chile. the most arid place on earth. some places get no rain at all.
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>> that's very, very good for astronomy. it essentially means the stars don't twinkle very much. it's nice when stars twinkle but astronomers don't like it at all. >> how much do you love coming here? >> i love coming here, two or three times a year. the night sky is absolutely spectacular. >> ing tell scopes sit on a ridge 8,000 seed up in the andes. other are perched in the desert air too. a focus on our yearning to know just what's out there, draws hundreds of astronomers every year. >> here is my baby my favorite telescope. we use the telescope several times year and also were here early 2013, about a year ago, and one of the stars we were observing turned out to be the
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second generation star of the universe. >> mark phillips is the director of the magellan observatory and knows the significance of the observatory. >> we have to understand the work of our on universe, how life on earth came about, actually. >> all is quiet in the living quarters of the technicians and visiting being astronomers. they are creatures of the night. the telescope operators prepare to find their targets. the relentless spectacular march across the sky, full of mystery and unanswered questions. the telescope hones in on the newly discovered second generation star.
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its light is passed through a spectrograph which determines what the star is made of. >> we have a lot of carbon absorption, a lot of carbon in that star. we see that the second generation of the stars in the universe have formed from the ashes of the very first one. that that generation included some low mass stars and so we have found one of those guys and that's of course absolutely terrific, that we have the tools and the telescopes to fish out these fossil records of these very, very early times and we can study the early chemical and physical conditions of the universe. >> reporter: in observatory kitchens the magellan cooks are busy, if you wanted to know what sparked anna's ambition to be an astronomer, there was a certain tv show featuring, yes, the star
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ship enterprise. >> i've always been fascinated by stars. i love the star trek and other people in the universe, the be star system has actually worked out for me. >> you are a trekie? >> on occasion, yes. >> astronomy is all about capturing starlight which might have traveled billions of light years. kept in prime condition as they continue to explore the cost co. but they will be overshadowed by the most powerful telescope on earth. built 250 meters higher up right over there. the pace of astronomical discovery depends very much on our ability to peer into the universe.
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a whole mountain top has been blown apart all in our quest for those pending questions of energy and dark matter, black holes. the giant magellan telescope is approaching mirrors and cosmic energy. an incredible tool for stellar archaeology. >> it will be possible to use this telescope not only to look for planets like the earth arounder other stars but actually to get spectra of these planets and look for evidence of life in the atmospheres. >> meanwhile anna uses something a little less powerful. a hyper-sensitive stills camera. >> it's fascinating to combine my research work and the spectroscopic data that doesn't look very appealing because it's not apretty image but gives
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united states the real information about the cosmic images but gives us the look that the sky gives us. >> mark is on the hunt for super-novi back 4 billion years. >> we're able to see the supernova, because it took the light three billion years to get here. through these observations of supernovi, it is found that the expansion of the universe is accelerating rather than decelerating as we expected. >> more incredible pictures of a home galaxy and time compressed into seconds shows the milky way sweeping across the sky. >> we have a nice movie clip here of the rising milky way,
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especially the galactic center, you can see the structure and this is the spiral arm back lit by the big galactic center over there. there's a lot of gas and a lot of stars, very bright, that's what makes the medulla so special in the southern atmosphere. >> too faint to see here, an old old star, just discovered taking us close to the very beginnings of everything. nick clark, al jazeera, atakama, chile. >> another thought about going beyond our ordinary imagination and our ordinary limits. al jazeera critically acclaimed series borderland wraps up this weekend, after those on the trail in the foot tips of migrants. they recount their feelings after spending time with an organization that tries to help those traveling in the heat of the desert. it was an experience that changed some minds but it hardened other beliefs.
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>> some people ask well isn't putting water out encouraging people to come? and our response is that no, people are definitely not coming for our water. >> i kind of disagree, by leaving the water bottles you are kind of encouraging these migrants, it's okay to come in. >> we are out here to support life and asking questions why people are coming and why people are upset and have to make this journey. >> it is commendable the work they're doing but at the same time you are aiding and abetting illegal immigrants into this country. >> leave whatever message you feel is appropriate to you. >> i don't think they're enabling anything by coming out here and helping people 75. -- they are helping people survive. >> i wrote the date. but what i really wanted to write, in bold capital letters,
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is "go back home." >> i didn't want to support like bringing illegals here and so i didn't really know what to write on it. but the one thing i could say was that jesus loves you. >> i did struggle at this time at the time but now i'm completely on board with no more deaths. like marietta said these people are not coming here for water. that is so powerful. if i'm out there saving a life by giving somebody water i'm not doing anything wrong. i'm saving a life. >> we're talking about people that are entering the united states illegally. i made the statement initially, if i had a neighbor that was an illegal immigrant i would turn them in but i would do that if someone was selling drugs or beating a child. it doesn't matter if you are coming from a latin american country. if you are in this country illegally you are essentially committing a crime.
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>> al jazeera's antonio mora hosts. borderland. what's coming up on our being program next week, said to free addicts of their cravings but illegal here. "america tonight" investigation from correspondent adam may, coming up next week, on this program. and coming up. a foodie, ray choy, dishes on life lj lessons and how he keeps the streets of l.a. hungry for more.
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>> weekday mornings on al jazeera america >> we do have breaking news this morning... >> start your day with in depth coverage from around the world. first hand reporting from across the country and real news keeping you up to date. the big stories of the day, from around the world... >> these people need help, this is were the worst of the attack took place... >> and throughout the morning, get a global perspective on the news... >> the life of doha... >> this is the international news hour... >> an informed look on the night's events, a smarter start to your day. mornings on al jazeera america >> now inroducing, the new al jazeea america mobile news app. get our exclusive in depth, reporting when you want it. a global perspective
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wherever you are. the major headlines in context. mashable says... you'll never miss the latest news >> they will continue looking for suvivors... >> the potential for energy production is huge... >> no noise, no clutter, just real reporting. the new al jazeera america mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. download it now >> and finally tonight, a top chef with a cause. he's roy choy, best known for starting the modern food truck revolution, meals on wheels. and as of this weekend, a hot new movie. but choy's real passion lies away from hollywood. a real dish and "america
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tonight"'s michael okwu. >> it's one part sizzle. one part spice. with a heavy dose of humor. >> don't thank me until you see it. >> and heart. >> i get to touch people's magic and i love it. >> "chef" is a love letter to food. roy choy, the culinary jean just behind the scenes, could -- genius behind the scenes, where he and celebrity chefs wolfgang puc anpuck and danny chang, oveg his fleet of kobe beef trucks. but instead he spends most of his time here in the troubled and poor neighborhood of south l.a. running the modest three worlds cafe. >> it's just a cafe in south
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l.a. where the money goes back to the community and we're just trying to serve the best coffee and the best espresso, best smoothies, free wifi, a place where you can come after school and do your homework, a place where can you chill, think, think of a new idea or start a project and it's just a cafe in south l.a. >> reporter: but to this community it's a lot more than that. it's one of the only places where people can come for some cheap, healthy food and conversation. on the day we met choy at the cafe, a community meeting was being held inside. >> so now there's a place to congregate. what's going on here is a community kate meeting, getting community ogs together, making lives better you know whrai mean? you got -- you know what i mean? you got some probation, some people in and out, some activists from back in the day, some direct links to the black
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panthers. >> reporter: you don't see a lot of people investing in south l.a. but to choy this is personal. he never forgets his own troubled past. he grew up on these los angeles streets addicted to gambling and marijuana. but eventually he straightened himself out, got into the culinary institute of america and made his way for himself. the cafe is his way of giving back. >> you got to know the darkness in order to bring you know light, you know? and for me to bring this energy to the universe now and open these places and need these streets, i had to go through my own joins -- journeys. >> those journeys are reflected in the people who are hired to work here. they're students in need of a second chance. >> if it weren't for the second
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world cafe i would probably be strung out on drugs or dead right now. >> one of the things that he wants for himself is a future. and if he has a commitment to that, then that's you know then that's where our commitment begins. >> choy is mindful of the community he serves. right down to the prices charged for food and drinks of this cafe. it is run as if it were a nonprofit. the money goes back into the business so they can keep the prices low for their customers. >> big thing to look at is our pricing, you know what i mean? knowing where we're at and being respectful and understanding and caring about where we're at and making our prices affordable and approachable. it would make no sense here to open a cafe in south l.a. and charge $7 for coffee, like you can in santa monica. you got to be aware of that and sensitive of that and understand that.
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>> and he let the nearby kids from the high school give the cafe its name. >> the young sisters came up with the name, three worlds cafe. it was a coming-together of three worlds, the black community, be the asian community and i represented the other community. >> he'd pull up to a night club tweet his location and before you knew it hung over partyers were looked. on his $2 korean taco with that special sauce. >> i feel like we had a lot to do with bringing l.a. toying and break downing some racial stayed yore types, people used to call food trucks roach coaches, that's dirty, that's ugly, how could you eat off of that. now they're gourmet trucks.
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that's a special deal. >> the special roy choy touch is evidence. >> the mango bomb. a blending of mostly mango, pineapple, agave nectar. i.t. blows u -- it blows up in your mouth. >> choy tells us if this one succeeds he may open more three worlds cafes in other parts of the city. michael okwu, are al jazeera, south los angeles. >> fans who want to get a bite out of roy choy, they can see "chef," it opens this weekend. have a good weekend.
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>> on the next talk to al jazeera lawyer david boies gives surprising insight into his most historic case bush vs. gore and tells of his relentless fight for civil rights >> this is the defining issue today... >> talk to al jazeera only on al jazeera america >> outrage over reports nigeria had a chance to stop the mass kidnappings of girls and did nothing. also, as parts of ukraine are literally you burning. vladimir putin's plans to calm tensions. plus much of what we've been told about healthy eat being could it be wro?
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