tv News Al Jazeera May 19, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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al jazeera america's hard hitting... >> they're locking the door... ground breaking... >> we have to get out of here... truth seeking... >> award winning, investigative, documentary series. chasing bail only on al jazeera america >> this is al jazeera america. live from new york city. i'm michael eaves with a look at the top stories the justice department, led by attorney general eric holder brings cyber esmion arch charges against the chinese military. russia's president vladimir putin orders his troops to withdraw to his bases. other than a few soldiers, there's no signs of significant most. a victory for same-sex marriage in oregon - a judge
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strikes down the ban on unions. for the first time ever the u.s. government has filed charges against specific officials in a foreign government accusing them of corporate cyber spying. a top official said this type of espionage is the new normal. a federal grand jury indicted five chinese u.s. military officials for espionage. they targeted industries from nuclear power to solar to energy. what is likely to come from the charges? >> reporter: it's unlikely they'll ended up in court in the, and may not slow down the chinese. the justice department says this move sends a message that enough
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is enough. >> reporter: their faces adorn fbi wanted posters. five chinese military officers accused by the u.s. government of cyber espionage - stealing sensitive information from american businesses and a major labour union. >> the range of trade secrets and other legislation is significant. >> reporter: u.s. firms targeted are: >> this 21st century burglary has to stop. we will not stand idly by if someone pulled a tractor trailer up to a corporate headquarters, cracked a lock and loaded up sensitive information. >> reporter: u.s. officials say in one case that they stole
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information from solar world, just as the company lost business to solar products from china. products allegedly dumped in the u.s. at below market prices. the justice department said it traced the hackers to one level of the union liberation army, and they worked out of one office in one building in shanghai. president obama raised an issue of espionage with chinese president xi jinping in the past and insists they are the ones accused of cyber spying, especially in the wake of edward snowden's revelations about n.s.a. spying. the white house says there's a difference. >> we do not gather intelligence for the benefit of u.s. companies. >> reporter: the chinese company said the u.s. move is based on
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fabricated facts, ungrounded and ab surd. they called on the u.s. to withdraw the indictment. computery security attorney with the justice department said the six groups are the tip of the iceberg. >> i think it shows that the u.s. is taking this more seriously. it communicates to the chinese government that we are able to track the conduct and attribute specific hacks to actors, that's a message that the government is trying to get across. >> reporter: the white house where are says it wants to work with the chinese on cyber security, but the chinese said they are pulling out of joint talks. and the justice department today said that this economic espionage hurts not just american companies, but american workers who way lose their jobs if companies lose business to unfair chinese commetition. what is the -- competition. what is the dollar value? the
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government wouldn't say. lisa stark in washington. thank you a federal jury in new york found a cleric guilty of kidnapping charges among others. he could spend his life in prison. he was accused of setting up a terrorist training camp in oregon, and promoting violent jihad on a violent scale. the libyan's government attempts to stop a renegade general have hit a block. >> the commander of a force said that he and his forces are joining the battle against extremists and terrorists. this battle was declared by forces loyal to retired general
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khalifa haftar. significant development. it comes hours are another air force commander in the east of libya announced that he is joining the khalifa haftar forces. now here in tripoli the government, the caretaker government, which is struggling to impose law and order has declared a proposed initiative to end the political crisis. that initiative is made of 10 points the most important of that initiative, the most important in those points are, first, freezing the general national congress, and ask the parliament to hold a session to choose a prime minister. if it failed to do so, the caretaker government will continue its work as caretaker until a new election is held. now, the initiative sets a date for elections. that is no later than mid of august. it calls on the counter general national congress to take a
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parliamentary holiday. significant developments, all of this, telling you the situation that is unfolding in libya when you speak to libyans. they tell you that they are worried that this is the beginning to libya becoming an officially failed state, or the beginning of a civil war. russian president vladimir putin says he ordered troops deployed near the ukranian border to return to their home bases. the u.s. and n.a.t.o. say they have seen no sign of withdrawal. they called for the paul back three three -- pull back in three regions. . >> reporter: for months they've been a threatening appearance on the ukraine-russian border. 40,000 troops on exercise, though battle trained and battle ready. on monday vladimir putin ordered soldiers back to their bases.
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>> this is a postponement of a big war, which is good. it's not yet a decision not to have it at all. i mean, this is not strategic, it's tactical. a tactical giving everyone breathing space to seek a solution. >> n.a.t.o. is skeptical. so far we haven't seen a withdrawal at all. i strongly regret that because a withdrawal of russian troops would be a first important correction to de-escalating the crisis. >> ukraine's border service has noticed a reduction in russian military activity. it stopped short of calling it a withdrawal. if the soldiers head back to
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their barracks, why might putin have given the order? >> reduced military capability could be a factor. russia's army operates on a conscript base system. last year's drivers are about to be demobed and replaced by a new inexperienced draft. mr putin may be feeling optimistic about a federalized future for ukraine and looking at the costs and thinking that the sanctions that russia are incurring are not worth it. >> ukraine brought the east-west relations to a low point. russia is trying to work out who its friends are. >> translation: these relations require a rethink. together with our partners from the e.u., we are trying to conduct an analysis to better understand where we are, where tests coincide and what to do to bring them back.
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>> there may be a whiff of deescalation, but the crisis is far from over. >> a federal judge struck down organ's ban on same-sex marriage. unlike other states in which bans have been overturned. there's nothing to stop them issuing licences. alan, can you give us the details of the ruling, and what it allows specifically? >> well, what is allows is for same-sex marriages to take place, and we understand they are taking place, since after noon west coast time. in some counties you have to have a three day waiting period. you can pay a minor fee and wave the period. that is what could be happening from near portland, amid joy and celebration among gay right
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supporters. 26 payments from michael mcshan overturning a voter approved amendment defining marriage as something between one man and one woman. that has gone. judge mcshane ordering them not to pay attention and ordering them to issue marriage licences to people regardless of sex in this case. oregon joining seven other states in which judges overturned bans placed on same-sex marriages. and the latest in a victory for gay right supporters since the supreme court ruled that certain portions of the defensive marriage act were unconstitutional. in organ gay rights celebrated those opposed suffering a defeat, an organization called the national organization of marriage sought to be involved in the case, to act as a defendant in this race or speak for a defendant. the government and
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attorney-general declined to support the overturn of the ban, but that organization was not allowed to intervene. they asked for a stay. brian brown called it an ugly example of cooperation between the attorney-general and the gay marriage lobby. the stay from the ninth circuit court of appeal was not issued or allowed. it's unclear whether they had standing as the case moved forward. >> you mentioned the other seven states where judges stepped in and overruled the bans. it seems we have moved and countermoved. what comms next for the progay marriage and the antigay marriage side in oregon? >> well, for the progay side there's a lot of i dos and celebrations. for the antigay marriage side, it's not clear what the next step is, if they have one. they don't have legal standing in this case at this time.
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the state of oregon says "we like what happened", i don't see an appeal. form is super-tuesday. the battle in both parties, in six states will help to shape the fall campaign. there are tea party candidates, women candidates and intriguing messages. libby casey joins us from washington. a few months ago it looked like the senate's top republican mitch mcconnell may be in danger of losing kentucky. how is the senate race looking? >> what a difference a few months can make. mitch mcconnell pulled ahead of his tea party challenger. mitch mcconnell is in the state of kentucky, showing a penchant for tea party candidates.
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mitch mcconnell represents everything that washington is to voters. he has low approval ratings, and polls criticised his rehabilitation to obamacare, saying he has not done enough to fight spending. matt bevan has not been able to catch up. he's a businessman, making rookie missteps, including attending a pro-cock fighting rally that he thought was a prostate's rally. and voters prefer mcconnell's experience, going for his sixth term in the u.s. isn't amount we'll watch how much of a lead he has. he'll have to face the democratic nominee, allison. she is pulling neck to neck. we'll watch how much republican support mcconnell has in the next campaign. >> it's not just the republicans. what is the latest in the race
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to become pennsylvania democratic nominee. >> the republican governor tom corbett is unpopular. democrats see this as a chaps to make a move on the top job in pennsylvania. we see two main candidates - some wolf, and worked in the state. he's a businessman. he pulled ahead and got an early head on things. he got out soon with the ads. he has gotten ahead of congress woman alison swarts. she serves in washington, was popular and it looked like she'd be the presumptive nominee. she tried to go negative. it doesn't seem to gain her traction. it may backfire. pennsylvania never managed to elect a governor. we'll watch to see how alison swarts can perform.
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should be an interesting tuesday in some states. republicans are ramping up accusations that dealts and the obama administration are dishonest about what happened in benghazi. democrats are hitting back. david shuster explains. >> reporter: this weekend democratic senator dianne fienstein, chair of the intelligence committee slammed the house-led committee investigating the benghazi attacks. >> it's ridiculous. i think it's a hunting mission for a lynch mob. that's what is going on. there has been four major reports. >> reporter: dianne fienstein said all questions have been and. another has asked house democratic leader to choose him to serve on the panel.
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in the 2016 presidential race a top governor is expressing worries about the candidacy of hillary clinton. governor of massachusetts said the air of inevitability hurt clint the last time she ran. >> i worry. she's an enormously capable candidate and leader. i worry about the inevitability thing. i think it's off-putting to the average voter. that was an element of her campaign the last time. >> patrick said he hopes clinton's team pays more attention this time around and said that he will not be a candidate in 2016, whether clinton runs or not. >> in the 2014 midterm elections a billionaire climate activist pledged money. in the past he used fortune to
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make change a potent issue in pivotal states. on top of $5 million given to the democrats action committee, he -- senate action committee he pledged to raise $100 million to block the keystone oil pipeline. the administration said it will not make a decision until after the midterms. >> a tea party operation called operation american spring got off to a slow start, pointing to protests in the arab spring saying it would repry kate the pictures and crowds with 10 million people in washington. at the first rally, demanding the impeachment of obama. it happened on friday and attracted about 20 people. those in attendance could barely contain their frustration, a man noting he took the day off of work to participate.
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group leaders wouldn't say if they planned another demonstration. that's today's power politics. >> thank you. next - at&t is trying to get into the satellite tv business. we find out why the company is making a move andway it could look for the future of the communication industry. flooding in the ball cans kills dozens and uncovers another threat - shifting landmines. this is al jazeera america.
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another big media memoryinger deal is -- merger deal is in the works. at&t is moving to buy satellite tv provider direct tv for $48 billion. this comes weeks after comcast said it would buy time warner table. john terrett is here with more on the mega-merger. it's the trend. >> do you know what at&t stands for? >> i don't remember. >> it's american telephone and telegraph company. telegraph is in there all niece years later. it -- these years later.
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no one uses a telegrap. at&t, dallas based, reckons it will be worked out in a year. they are trying to move servers on to tv, freeing you will broadband for customers. there's more to it. >> reporter: at first blush you think they are unlikely bedfellows, the oldest telekom firm sniffing around a satellite television provider direct tv. look again. you'll see why the boards agree a marriage to create the second biggest cable and internet provider in the u.s. is a good idea for them. at&t means content and cash. and one had a couple of rough quarters. direct tv makes piles of money, looking for high speed technology, guess who is good at that? correct. at&t. both businesses reached the saturation point when it comes to attracting new customers.
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the possibility for growth is greater. there's no doubt at&t's move was sparked by comcast to take over time warper, which if approved would create the biggest provider of cable and internet in the company. sprint is talking about getting together with team mobile and verizon with vodafone. no one will say where it will end or whether the consumer will be better off. will at&t make it past the regulators, a lot depends what happens with comcast and time warner. if that clears the hurdles, it's likely they'll get approval to merge. if not. look out for more bids for direct tv, possibly from dish network. a move unthinkable. made possible by the comcast and
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time warner plans. >> the whole idea of pay tv is outdated. we are used to getting television over the internet. that's where it's heading and coming in. >> wall street things it could be bumpy. shares in at&t and direct tv dipped, below the $95 per share that at&t is willing to pay to get its hand on direct tv's programs. wall street was up, but down a bit for the two companies. it's all about this - getting conte content via the mobile phone sooner or later. i don't believe regulators know where in is going. they are probably as confused as we are. >> smartphones rule the world. >> ali velshi will be delving into the at&t deal and what it says about the landscape deal. what is driving the memoryingers
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and acquisitions? >> i think john is right. i don't think the regulators know how to handle it. the companies bet that bigger means better, that they have to figure out ways to make money as the expert in john's story said, that we are moving towards unpaid for television and programming. that would give comcast 30% share of what we call the pay tv market. people that pay for pay tv. regulators have a 30% of the cap. i don't know if it's reasonably. the at&t announcement has some scratching their head, thanks to the fact they had the iphone contract. a lot of people moved to at&t to get the iphone. 110 million wireless customers.
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it has broadband and has a content you-verse, they have 5.7 million home. direct tv has more than tripple the number of tv customers, it's big. it beams content over satellite and you can't when it bundles high speed internet into the package. there's 20 million customers, 110 million phone - they feel they can liverage when negotiating media deals. it's content that you look for, you can make better deals with universal or others. it could ken at&t -- could help at&t retain suppliers as they stagnate because they bundle. you know this better that i. what is direct tv popular for - n.f.l. sunday ticket.
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it has its own broadband and mobile services. you can see why at&t likes the idea of direct tv. >> a big move and trend continuing in the industry. real money coming up. what else is in the show? >> we'll take you to philadelphia. the rocky middle class. it's a 3-part series. since 1970s, there has been a mass exodus from the middle class. we look at why and what is means for the city and everyone across america. we are taking a close look at filly, yes, i did eat a chase steak. >> while in filly you have to have a cheese steak. u.s. cyber espionage charges may be symbolic, but the damage is real. details on the case and fallout next. and a college dropout wearing a cap and gown in handcuffs.
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you returning to the top story, the u.s. is going after china for cyber esbyion arch. a federal grand jury indicted five officers on many counts. they are accused of hacking into the computer systems of major companies including west iping house electric, u.s. steel and alcoa. security expert alicia joins us? why are the indictments so significant? >> it's the first time the u.s. government accused members of another country of cyber theft. those in the data security community - the clock has been
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ticking. over a year ago a forensic expert published a report linking to the building, the unit that was causing breaches to 140 companies, you take that, the economic cost, and there are reports that put it at 20 billion, you take them together, and that was putting momentum on the u.s. to take action. as expected the chinese government had a harsh response to the indictments. official statement read in pa : parpart: >> they say that it's not true. how strong is the u.s. government's evidence in this case. >> i can't speculate on what the d.o.j. relied on to put together the indictments. what i can say is the report
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that was published, that i mentioned over a year ago, was detailed, going or three years of investigations over 140 companies across 20 different sectors. what was clear from that. i worked on breaches unrelated is they are thorough and sophisticated. i imagine there's a bit of evidence linking to that military unit, but specific breaches and the steps to get there. >> it's a pretty much foregone conclusion that none of the men will see the inside of a u.s. court room to face the charges, if that's the case, why bring the charges. is it symbolic. >> i don't think so. i think there's two reasons that are important. one, it's the message communicated to the global world, that if you are in china, russia and a hacker, unless you want your face on a most-wanted sign, you may think twice about hacking into the u.s.
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america will put their muscle behind enforcement. the other thing i point out is for u.s. businesses, this is a big spotlight on the fact that companies, individuals and organizations hacking into businesses, unless you put the resources to putting your strayed secrets and data, you are likely to be a victim. >> the department of justice said these will be part of the new normal. do you anticipate that being the case? >> i do. what i have seen in the type of work i do for the better part of a decade the trade commission has been enforcing against u.s. businesses for not sufficiently protecting data in their control. and the ftc say they will continue to enforce in that area. what i think we are seeing is another side to the arsenal. now the d.o.j. is going after
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the checkpoints, where are the sources that are causing breaches to the u.s. businesses, and go after the choke points which may be china, russia or other hackers and organizations around the world. >> other than these indictments, is there anything else that the u.s. government can do to crack down on this type of cyber espionage. >> clearly we'll see the leg work, they take cyber security and cyber theft seriously. what i expect to see is an education mission to part of this. the u.s. can go after the hackers. businesses can put in the resources to protect against foreseeable breaches. consumers, there'll be data breaches. if consumers can get educated, and part of what the government is going to do is use smarter passwords and be careful about what is posted online.
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you have the consumer aspect, business, and the third side, what we see and continue to see is the government enforcing against that type of unlawful conduct. >> privacy data and security expert - thank you for the insight. south korea's president is taking action after last month's ferry disaster. park geun-hye announced the coast guard will be broken up and replaced with a safety agency. it failed to see hundreds of passengers. the south korean leader cried. more than 300 are dead or missing. most were students on a trip. the balkans struggle to deal with the worst flooding from a century. three dozen died in the past fi days, and tens of thousands of buildings have been destroyed. we took a look on a tour of the flooding in serbia. >> reporter: a town center under
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water. streets, businesses, and schools. deep under this muddy deluge. and this is serbia's most important power station. half of the country's electricity comes from here. it is now under threat. >> water rose so quickly that they had no warning. they couldn't get out of their houses in time. >> on the ground serbia's minister of defence visits a village hit by the deluge, and he is promising people help, but admits his government is overwhelmed by what is happening. >> when you have a situation which is a natural catastrophe, you can imagine the scope of the situation. >> in bosnia, many veil edges
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have been destroyed. some cleaning up started in tusla, but more landslides here are expected. >> tusla is under threat from nearly 600 land slides. we receive reports of new ones. in our district we have 1500 active landslides. >> more than 50 countries september help. this county needs dredging equipment. people here need food and water. >> translation: this is a terrible situation. we feel helpless, we don't want to be a burden to anyone. >> those hit hard by the floods, people are told to leave. military and emergency staff are being evacuated. the mighty river is rising as levies break upstream, sending a surge of water this way. >> in columbia police detained
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the driver of a bus that caught fire, killing 31 children and one adult. the bus broke down after returning from an event in the north. the driver tried to pore fuel into the gas tank. the driver ran and left the children on board. 18 scaemed. o in south sudan, the in south sudan the world health organisation says nine decided from cholera. 138 people have become sick around juba. five month of fighting displaced thousands. both agreed to a ceasefire, it fell apart within days. if it continues half of south sudan will be displaced, starving or dead by the end. year. >> in pakistan business owners worry more people are joining the taliban because industrial job opportunities are crumbling
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of the the pakistani government could reduce the reach by using economics, rather than bullets. andrew simmonds has that story. >> reporter: it's been described as pakistan switzerland - the beauty of swat valley. tourism was destroyed by the taliban. by the time the army drove the taliban out in 2009 another traditional industry was in ruins. the silk trade - there has been efforts to revive it. talk of government subsidies have not materialized. this is one of the few factories left. most of its workers used to operate three looms each - have been laid off. those left have to operate 12 of the machines. the owner has been holding on to stock because he can't sell at a profit. >> i'm only carry og on now as
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for the stake of the labourers. we'll have to close this one. >> in better times, jahn gave swat valley cheap materials. business grew. the cross-border supply stopped. with high overheads, this is what is in store now. >> what was a thriving industry providing 70,000 jobs handed down through generations reduced to scrap. this one of 500 factories closed down, about to be sold. with no jobs available, there are warnings that those falling into poverty can be attracted to the taliban for money. a union worker says it may be unthinkable, but some feel there's no alternative. >> translation: thousands worked in the silk industry, now it's so bad, some of the unemployed
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turn to the taliban, wearing suicide vests to bring money in to feed their families. >> what other option to i have? i can commit suicide on my own or take a gun in my hand. just for the money. >> while security may have impressed, business owners say the economic gloom and its consequences is an enemy pakistan's government is underestimating. >> a court in georgia says it's constitutional to keep the source of execution jobs a secretment that news and more. >> georgia's supreme court ruled that the confidentiality of the drugs is constitutional, and that decision reverses a lower court ruling. it had granted a stay of execution for convicted killer warren lee hill. a number of death row inmates
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are suing to learn the source of the drugs since the botched execution of an oklahoma inmate. in mississippi, a man was sentenced to 25 years behind bars for mailing out letters to the president. the 41-year-old was arrested last year following an fbi investigation. in january he pleaded guilty to mailing threatening letters laced in ricin to the president, a senator and a judge. one of threes patients with mers was released from a florida hospital. the man from saudi arabia recovered and is testing negative for the virus. a man in indiana and fore from illinois are the other two cases the new york activist who assaulted a police officer during an occupy wall street protest will spend three months in gaol. cecily mcmillan faces a tougher sentence of seven years in prison, charged with elbowing an officer in the eye. in my opinion of the 12 jurors
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asked the judging to show her leniency. in connecticut a woman is accused of trying to cancel a graduation ceremony by calling in a bomb threat. a 22-year-old didn't attend university but took thousands from her mother for education. when drad augusts raled -- graduation rolled around she panicked that her name wouldn't be on the roster. she phoned in the threat. police traced the number and found her cap and gown at the graduation. >> she would have been better off saying "mum, i'm not graduating." >> she faces $5,000 in fines a drug detox center is tracking trends in drug abuse from its nursery. the paediatric specialist care center is tracking infants born with adduction.
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the nurses are the first to see the signs of heroin's resurgence. >> reporter: this newborn baby girl prepares for her morning bath, her angelic face hiding a reality. she's an addict, addicted to heroin and other opiates her mother was using. at six weeks old she is going through intense withdrawal. >> her legs are probably stiff. she may be crossing her toes or curling her feet. you see a lot of tremoring. brooklyn and other babies spends the next few weeks of their lives here, at a privately run interim care center. specially trained nurses and doctors will detox the babies. in brooklyn's case it would be to her mother, if she approves she is clean. >> i was using opiates and heroin. after she was born i couldn't
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believe that i was using drugs and doing it while i was pregnant. it was like what was i thinking, do you know. detoxing a baby is not for the faint of heart. >> it's diluted morphine. it eases the pain. it works and leaves quick. we can see the symptoms. >> in the mid 90s, they were exposed to methamphetamine. >> the cofounder says they are seeing the return of heroin, replacing prescription pills as the drug of choice. why - heroin is cheaper and stronger. >> the baby is viable. they'll tell us what job is in the system, and how he has been traumatised. >> they call the babies canaries in a cage. doctors and nurses spot trends up to three years before law
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enforcement. for brooklyn the future after detox may not be with her mum. the state is unlikely to allow it. >> it's upsetting, yes. >> reporter: the reality is the majority of the babies will go to foster care. the hope is that it will not be the only place where the smallest victims of drug abuse are safe, secure and protected. less than a week after learning that a chunk of the ice sheet is collapsing, a team of scientists announce the rest of the sheet is melting faster than thought. >> the n.b.a. is moving forward with plans to take the l.a. clippers from owner donald
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sterling. we are learning more about the state of the andark tishing ice -- antarctic ice sheet. it's losing 159 billion tonnes of ice, twice as much as reported, a week after scientists said the west antarctic ice sheet is collapsing, kevin corriveau is here with more on what that means? >> it's good for technology. there's a new satellite, launched in 2010. what it found out is, yes, we are losing doubt the amount of ice. this is not just the ice sheet we talked about last week where we think it's losing support, this is the area. this is what the satellite looks like. it has two antennas on it and find a change in altitude of the ice and the snow across the
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area. what we are concerned about is not so much the east. it is losing ice as well. it's over to the west. that's where we are seeing the majority of the ice we are losing in this area from the pennsylvania down to an area including the ice sheet we talked about. west antarctic losing a majority of it. 164 out of many tonnes is coming from the area. one glacier is losing 29 feet per year. what does it mean? in a 10 year average sea level will go up a fifth of an inch. it doesn't seem like a lot. after a decade, we'll see problems. we are talking about super storm sandy as well as tif oops in the pacific -- typhoons in the passive, it's a major -- pacific. it's a major problem the n.b.a. issued documents seeking to terminate donald
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sterling's ownership of the l.a. clippers, saying the recent remarks are ground for termination under the n.b.a. constitutionle donald sterling has until may 27th to respond. a hearing in front of the n.b.a. board of governors is scheduled for june 3rdrd. the world cup is a month away. many are worried brazil will not be ready. daniel schweimler takes us inside soccer stadiums that are not finished. this stadium in sao paulo, the new home of corinne thians and the home of six world cup games, including the opener and a semifinal. it's not finished. plenty caused concern at the trial match 25 days before the tournament starts. this man said he was in charge, but couldn't tell us where to find press accreditation.
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we should have faith in god he said. these are the grand stems to the entrance to the -- steps to the entrance to the stadium which the dignitaries will climb for the opening game of the 2014 world cup. what you don't see is what i see from another angle. building materials, unfinished work. it will be finished at the last minute say f.i.f.a. officials. no, i'm not a hooligan tearing out the seats - this is one of many waiting to be installed. >> 40,000 fans saw the game between the corinne thians in a stadium with a 68,000 capacity. public transport, communications, first aid and crowd control are some of the elements tested. >> this is a truly beautiful stadium with great acoustics. it will be a wonderful sporting arena when it's finished.
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the question is - will it be ready for the start of the world cup? brazilian authorities say it will. football is a religion here. we must have faith we were told. many are placing theirs in god, rather than the world cup organizers. and we are learning that thailand's government declared martial law as the country's 7-month political crisis gets worse. it has not had a functioning government since yingluck shinawatra dissolved parliament last year, her removal failed to stop the protests. demonstrators wand an unelected government council before holding elections. the interim prime minister says he will not bow to those demand. a former united states marine spend nearly 1,000 days in prison. supporters launched a campaign to bring him home.
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credit suisse pleaded guilty to conspiracy, helping u.s. customers avoid taxes. the plea is part of a deal. the bank will have to pay a $2.6 billion fine. a senate report found credit suisse bankers would structure payments to help customers avoid declaring large transactions. it is part of a large tax evasion investigation against a dozen swiss banks. a detroit based meat manufacturer is recalling ground beef that may be contaminated with ecoli, produced by wov ver een packing company. it was shipped for use in restaurants in michigan, ohio, massachusetts, and missouri. 11 people were sick, but
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expected to recover. monday marks 1,100 days since amir hekmati was detained in iran. he was visiting his grandmother. he was sentenced to death on espionage but it was overturned. he's serving a 10 year sentence on what family say are false charges. the family are campaigning on social peedia for his release. >> reporter: family and supporters started a campaign to raise awareness and keep is spotlight on the case using the hash tag 1,000 days they are asking people to post images with signs saying free amir. this is from pastor shaun lee, with his sister-in-law and brother-in-law with a sign. this is from deena in main writing:. >> and randy:
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>> this is amir's niece: >> reporter: legislators have been campaigning to free amir. for example, like senator ted cruz, who is here with this sign. and take a look at this. this is from jim mcdermott, saying:. >> reporter: we have jeff miller of florida with the same sign. and the state department recently tweeted out: it must be a harrowing situation for him and its family former "new york times"
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editor jill abramson spoke publicly for the first time she was fired and used a little humour. >> what is next for me? i don't know. so i'm in exactly the same boat as many of you. [ laughs ] she spoke to about 1900 graduates at wake forest university. the first woman to hold the highest editorial position seemed to be relaxed and in good spirit and would not remove a "new york times" t tattooed on her back. she was said to be fired because of her management style, not because of unequal pay or treatment of women. this year california chrome has a chance to become the 12 horse to win three since 1938. stewards cleared california chrome to wear a nasal strip.
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there are specific rules on what equipment can be used. california chrome used a nasal strip during the 6-race winning streak. that will do it for this edition of al jazeera america. "real money" is next with ali velshi. you can go to the website >> telecom and television collide in another huge media merger. i'll tell you what the deal is really about, and it has everything to do with what you, the consumer wants. and china accused of hacks and computer attacks on corporate merck. i'll look at the link. plus philadelphia's rock which middle class. i'm kicking off a week-long series with a look at
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