tv America Tonight Al Jazeera May 20, 2014 4:00am-5:01am EDT
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reach me at ray suarez news. see me next time. i'm ray suarez. >> on "america tonight": shot in the arm. the case for childhood vaccinations gets a booster from a report outbreak of measles and the worries of the return much other childhood deceases. why a growing number of parents say no to shots. >> what would happen if we didn't get vaccination egg? >> i think we would be a lot healthier. >> you do? >> i do. >> also ahead secrets and spies. criminal charges as the u.s.
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goes after china for stealing all american ideas . >> for the first time we are exposing the faces and names behind the keyboards used to steal american businesses. >> and second thought: with just weeks to go to the world's biggest kickoff, correspondent christof putzel is in rio as thousands of residents take to the street in protest. >> good evening, thanks for joining us. i'm joie chen. it has been so long since measles has been a problem in the united states that many don't even know what the symptoms look like. but measles is back in a big way.
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the cdc reports 216 cases this year in 18 states, more cases than in all of last year already. public health officials warn this will likely be the worst year for measles since it was eraeradicated in 2000 and they e seeing the return of measles, as a decision by parents. "america tonight" correspondent michael okwu in california. >> so we don't vaccinate our kids. >> that might shock many parents, but holly bloomhart and her husband shannon are part of a growing well healed minority, in orange county, can california. >> we are aware of the foods we eat, nonorganic. gmo. >> instead of vaccines they rely on holistic regimens, she and
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her husband own a chiropractic office that cater to residents. bloomheartbloomhart started thit vaccinations when she was a high flying recruit. she found studies linking vaccines to conditions like asthma and add and there were other concerns. >> i started learning that some of the vaccines had aborted fetal tissue or different dna things from animals or from insects and those kinds of things concerned me. >> reporter: the fact is that various times fetal tissue and insect cells have been used to grow virus for vaccines. but none of that tissue was in the vaccines. still bloomhart failed to take them.
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and it ended her military career and she has no regrets. >> what would happen if nobody vaccinated their kids at all? >> i think we would be a lot healthier. >> you do? >> i do. >> but we would be exposing ourselves to are diseases. >> but the body is a self-healing organism. >> what would you say if the doctors say these are necessary? >> i disagree. >> many parents agree with her. in the county's beach front community, vaccinations are are plummeting. it has dr. matt zahn worried. >> realize when your child is not getting vaccinated, they are generally safe against measles. they are hitching a ride on the protection that all of the other
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children are getting to keep them from getting sick because all the other sidz out there are -- kids out there are getting vaccinated. in orange county and all around the country we will see the increase in case he of measles. >> that's exactly what's happening now. the county is battling cases of measles, all young children of health workers. one pediatrician is not worried about the pluming vaccination rates. half of his children aren't vaccinated. >> i say that's a okay decision. >> if a whole lot of other parents make that decisions these are the consequences that we might fay face? >> do i say that quite often in my discussions. i found most parents don't consider the public health benefit when they're making decisions for their own individual child.
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should they consider those issues? yes. do i fault them for not considering those issues? not so much. i don't hold that against them. >> reporter: that view has made him controversial in medical circles but a hero to many parents. million s have read his book that warns about vaccinations. >> do parents bear any responsibility for outbreak? >> as clinicians, we all bear the responsibility to do the right things to keep our children safe. the science is solid getting vaccinated between one and four years of age with your mmr is the safest thing odo. people are entitled to their own opinions, not to their different set of facts. >> the biggest information out there that's been out there from dr. sears and maybe from others is it's just measles. measles happens. look,
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nobody's died from it. it's not a serious disease. of the 22 persons that we have identified with measles seven of them have been hospitalized. it can make you badly ill. if we have a thousand people get measles, one of the thousand will die. those are the numbers we see in the united states consistently. it is not a disease to trifle with. >> even for parents who do believe in vaccines, dr. sears offers a vaccination. three-year-old twins colton and gunnar chen have been dreading this trip to the doctor but today they're off the hook. thanks odr. sears. no vaccine for another two months. dr. sears tells parents that it's okay to slow down the cds schedule. >> so why do it
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any credit differently? why watch the kids suffer? >> some babies don't handle the vaccine schedule very well. there are side effects that occur, not very often but side effects do occur. >> such as? >> brain swelling encephalitis, seizure reactions. >> but those are extremely rare right? >> they are, they are very rare but parents don't want to be one of those statistics. >> you have to realize that the persons who are at most risk for these diseases are young kids. and so if you wait till older in life to get vaccinated, you'll get your child vaccinated but you may miss the boat in terms of the highest risk period of time when they could get sick. >> orange county is not the only wealthy area struck by a measles outbreak. the trend is playing out across the country. affluent areas from new york
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city to san francisco have seen vaccination rates drop and measles cases spike. the issue has become a political lightning rod. all 50 states require schoolchildren to be vaccinated. with exemptions for medical or religious reasons. but now, 19 states including california, allow parents to file philosophical exemptions. in january, california passed a law requiring a pediatrician arps signature for those -- pediatrician's signature for those exemptions. >> ayes 24, noes one, the bill passed. >> have you been filing those forms? >> it does slightly infringe on people's rights to make medical decisions. >> i want to come talk to you about immunization. >> reporter: to combat falling vaccination rates the county has
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launched educational outreach programs. we listen in as these school readiness nurses spoke to parents at a local preschool. this one's in anaheim, the center of the outbreak. >> we wanted to make sure you guys understand how important it is to keep your children vaccinated and keep them up to date. >> these mothers told us they've all vaccinated their children. how concerned are you about the measles outbreak here in orange county? >> translator: it worries me a lot because i had a little sister that was two years old that passed away from measles. >> how old were you at the time? >> translator: i was seven years old. >> reporter: fanning the flames of the antivaccine movement are hollywood celebrities like kristin
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cavalerri, and jennie mccarthy who blamed the measles mumples mumps vaccine for her son's autism. >> we'll take measles and mumps for autism any frickin ps day of in day of the week. >> there are occasions when vaccines have triggered autism. >> the results, authorities have found no link. >> i think people have to recovery that all evidence, all information out there is not created equal. when the cdc says they have conducted credit studies that
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have looked credit at thousands who have received the mmr to see whether the vaccine works, that is very good information that the vaccine has worked but that it is safe. overwhelming evidence is that the vaccine is safe. this overwhelming of the immune system there is no scientific basis behind it. >> which is way of saying this is poppycock. >> it is nonsense. >> how do you think it's going to be resolved ten, 15, 20 years from now? >> these measles outbreaking change minds, change people' perceptions. the beauty is we have a way to keep you safe and your child safe. ged get your child vaks vaccinated. >> be being miebl
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michael okwu, orange county, california. >> now it's coming back and we're breaking records this year with 216 cases so far this year. and we think a lot of the problem is, parents aren't getting their children vaccinated. >> on techknow... >> i'm at the national wind institute, where they can create tornados... >> a greater understanding... >> we know how to design for the wind speeds, now we design for... >> avoiding future tragedies >> i want a shelter in every school. >> techknow every saturday, go where science, meets humanity. >> this is some of the best driving i've ever done, even though i can't see. >>techknow >> is there an enviromental urgency? only on al jazeera america
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in depth, reporting when you want it. a global perspective wherever you are. the major headlines in context. mashable says... you'll never miss the latest news >> they will continue looking for suvivors... >> the potential for energy production is huge... >> no noise, no clutter, just real reporting. the new al jazeera america mobile app, available for your apple and android mobile device. download it now >> every saturday, al jazeera america brings you conversations you won't find anywhere else... >> your'e listening because you wanna see what happen... >> get your damn education... >> talk to al jazeera only on al jazeera america >> oh my... >> the spread of dangerous into even deadly disease. we continue our focus now on a big worry for public health officials, the measles. rapidly outbrai outbreak this ys already affected more
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in 2014, and a public alarm of a third spreading virus, mers virus, middle east respiratory virus, raises particular concern because the victim apparently became infected after briefly meeting with someone who had been in saudi arabia. >> this is the first in-country transmission of the mers virus. >> is no longer considered sick but the virus in 18 countries and more than 170 people have died. the spread of mers and measles dr. ann shook, the director of the cdc's center for immunization and respiratory diseases joins us now. dr. shooket, the return of
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measles with such epidemic vengeance, what's behind us? >> it's more than 50 years since the measles vaccine was introduced in the united states and we've had huge progress around the world with substantial reduction in worldwide deaths. now 122,000 children still die from measles each year but it used to be more than a million that die from measles. here in the united states, we have eliminated the spread but now it's breaking through again, 216 cases again this year and it's we feel because a lot of parents aren't getting their children vaccinated. >> in the mind of american health workers? >> the majorities, we are having measles imported to the united states. travelers going to countries where measles is still circulated, bringing the virus back and spread into communities where few people have been vaccinated.
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overall most children are vaccinated against measles but there are pockets where that isn't a common practice and that's where we're seeing the virus spread. as we have seen in ohio quite recently with the disease. >> exactly, exactly. >> what about mers? >> the vast majority of mers have been occurring on the arabian peninsula with most in saudi arabia. but two people traveled back from saudi arabia develop the virus with hospitalization and so forth. now we have a third individual who appears to be developed an antibody, after contact with a person with mers. we're not seeing the decease as frequently as we are with measles but there is no vaccination for mers. so that's a concern.
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>> if anybody hasn't seen it since it hasn't been seens for a long time in the u.s. >> with mealz we have an old disease. with mers we have a new disease that people aren't thinking of. we need doctors and suspicious. when you see a person with a fever and rash, you need to think measles. it's still out there. this virus is not gone. about 20 million infections every year around the world. with mers we want people to think about this. when they have cough and severe respiratory disoms, ask drafl -- symptoms, ask people have they traveled from the middle east. we want public health officials to think about this and evaluate a person for a possible infection. >> dr. ann shooket at the cdc's center for immunization and respiratory
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diseases. thank you very much very muc. >> you're welcome. >> enough is enough. >> criminal charges for ugly gorilla. will washington do more than draw a line in the sand? later here a hoist of issues. -- a host of issues. thousands gathered to protest as brazil gets ready to kick off its world cup. >> al jazeera america presents the system with joe berlinger >> mandatory minimums are routinely used to coerce plea bargains >> mandatory minimums >> the whole goal is to reduce gun crime, now we've got people saying "this isn't fair"... >> does the punishment always fit the crime? >> had the person that murdered our daughter got the mandatory minimum, he wouldn't have been out. >> the system with joe burlinger
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ordered his troops to pull back from the ukrainian border. although are nato are sees no evidence that it is happening. in an effort to stop chinese espionage, u.s. draws a line in the sand. claiming that the choins stole stole -- chain choins -- chinese stole from american businesses. >> according to the justice department, these are the men behind a state funded cyber-espionage program targeting american companies. today the doj charged five chinese military officers, stealing trade secrets and other sensitive information. >> while the men and women of
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our american businesses spent our business days innovating, competing in the global marketplace, these members of unit 61398, were spending their days in shanghai stealing the fruits of our labor. >> the are six targeted united states steel, westinghouse and solar world. >> cyber-theft impacts real people in real and painful ways. when these cyber-intrusion occurs, production slows, plants close. workers get laid off. and lose their homes. >> it's the first time the united states has publicly charged foreign officials with cyber-espionage and the announcement threatens us-china relations. but for attorney general eric holder it was time to seend
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message. >> when -- send a mefng. >> when a foreign nation uses thesing capacities against a revenue foreign nation for the benefit of state on accompanied we news say enough is enough. >> china's foreign minister called this absurd. >> government sponsored cyber-theft of other trade secrets and other information for are economic gain is not something we can are rm tolerate. >> credit it is your honor likely they will ever be arrested. sarah
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hoye. al jazeera. >> let's get to that. is it really a meaningful thing to say we're going to charge chinese nationals but they're in the chinese military, we're never going to be able to prosecute them? >> i think this is more of a statement quite frankly and the u.s. saying enough is enough. this type of activity has gone on for many years and the u.s. has spoken with the chinese government about it. they feel they haven't seen any noticeable results. they are throwing down the gauntlet the line in the sand and say if you cross over this is what's going to happen. >> what is going to happen? >> i hope it starts a dialogue that there chinese will step back and say we need to do something about it. it's unlikely that they will get extradited and show up in a u.s. courtroom. were they to travel outside of china if they went on vacation for example into europe or elsewhere for example, they
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could be arrested merely passing through those borders. there is some type of impact on the individuals charged. >> let's talk about the cyber-crime. the number that gets thrown around a lot is $300 billion. what does it mean? >> i can tell you anecdotally, i have worked with companies in the gooft and in the private sector that -- government and the private sector that have slos hundreds of millions of stock value, intellectual property, research and development, et cetera, where they say they have invested in their company for million years, now it's being manufactured for pennys on the dollar. >> stealing their intellectual property is an economic loss for them in hard dollars. >> absolutely right. it cuts
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across every industry. retail, communications, across every sector, every industry. >> but what about other cost for example of hiring security firms to chase the things down? >> there's all sorts of cost. lost business opportunity, lost property , it's the cost of keeping your network secure after the security is breached. >> is there anything way to really stop cyber-crime this way by the government? >> i think this is a long term problem with no short term solution. i don't know that we'll ever solve it. i think it's something that's got to be managed and that will go on indefinitely. one other thing that's important. this is not just a u.s. problem. this is a global problem. these are countries around the world that are seeing their intellectual property being stolen not just the west but around the world. >> and giant corporations that operate on a global
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scale. >> absolutely. >> thanks for being here. >> the health of one of our al jazeera colleagues abdullah al shami. has reached a critical stage. has been taken to solitary confinement. his lawyer fears he is employees to death. al shami is being held in tora prison. less well-known is that the notorious prison holds at least one u.s. citizen whose family in northern virginia fears he may be days away from death himself. credit his een brother barreled recognized mohamed sultan over 100 days on a hunger strike, where he has lost more than 90 pounds. had to be brought into a cairo
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courtroom on a stretcher. >> what did you think when you saw those pictures? >> all my life i have known my brother he was fairly big, over 200 pounds. it was heartbreaking to see him that way. >> his brother outside washington, d.c. a political science major. given his brother a crash course in american and egyptian civics. mohamed sul dan finished his economics degree at being ohio state. he returned to egypt last summer to care for his mother. sultan was quickly caught up in protests against the military led government that ousted mohamed morsi.
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>> that doesn't go up or down when you break the principles of democracy. you don't get to choose when you want to oust a president. you wait until the term is done. >> fluent in english and arabic, sul dan was popular -- sultan was popular with film crews. >> why why why? >> mohamed was hit in the arm by a sniper's bullet which very nearly missed hitting him in the head. 11 days later, security forces came to his parents' house to arrest sultan's father. but he wasn't home. mohamed was arrested instead. >> one of our friends that live in the same apartment, he said it was in the middle of the night and he heard police officers and a bunch of police officers coming into the building. and he heard someone that sounded like mohamed being taken away.
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>> a month later, sultan's father was captured too and brought to the same prison. but there are big differences between the men. the father's a member of the now outlaud muslim brotherhood and an egyptian. mohamed sultan says he has never been a member of the brotherhood and he is a u.s. citizen. >> is he entitled to different protection as an american citizen? >> in the arab world and especially in egypt you used to be up until 2012, yeah. >> officially, or it was just understood that -- >> it was just understood. it was just understood. like in 2012, there are two ngos that got arrested in egypt and hillary clinton herself went to egypt and applied pressure and the charges were dropped and they were sent back to america. >> five months after his arrest sultan tried to reach out through a
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smuggled op ed and a growing social media campaign. >> dear president obama. >> finally change we can believe in. >> the state department says the welfare of u.s. citizens incarcerated abroad is a top priority. although there have been exceptions though. it says it cannot demand the citizen. there are people going to say, your brother took a risk. he knew what he was getting into. he was in raba, he had spoken out on television. in a sense, this is their process, he knew what he was getting into. >> yeah, but my brother would have never taken that risk had he not lived here and seen the democratic process in america. >> he says his brother is taunted in prison. >> police officers interrogating him, they say where is this government you are so proud of. they protect their citizens all over the world.
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they mock him in president. >> he feels abandoned by his brother whom he campaigned for in each election but he's adamant the spirit is not prone. >> what would you say, would you strike? >> of course not. of course not. >> but he might die? >> it's for acause. of course he's my brother and i'm afraid he's going to die and the thought of that makes me cry sometimes. but it's not just about him anymore. >> sultan's story raises interesting questions about what the united states ask can do for its citizens. professor, talk to us about this particular incident. i mean, is it possible that the u.s. could really do something? could the state department get him released with a phone call or two? >> well, i don't think the state department could necessarily
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secure the release of mohamed sultan with a phone call. if it was secretary kerry making the call to his counterpart, then i think answer could be yes. i do think the united states has significant pressure and power that it can exert that it hasn't exerted, not known this case but as you intimatein your question, about the larger political freedoms in egypt, not only mohamed sultan, the al jazeera journalists and others. he is not the only egyptian in custody. there have billion egregious attacks against freedom in egypt in the last several months and the united states hasn't spoken out forcefully and hasn't done enough to tell the egyptian government that this is unacceptable. >> does the u.s. have broader political interests at stake in blanks how much pressure it
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wishes to apply? >> well, this is correct. be this is always the case, the united states has multiple interests and human rights and security are supposedly interests of the united states, but there are much more tangible interests, like securing passage of u.s. naval vessels through the very important suez canal. or overflight rights over egypt or intelligence cooperation with regard to terrorism and so on. and consistently the united states although it's talked about democracy and human rights and rule of law and so on have privileged those other interests over the things that are supposedly the principles that we have spoken with earlier. >> that is what his brother says motivates mohamed sultan. that he believes he in that form of democracy, and was there 95
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naive tak nievete involved? >> he was participated in a rally i don't think anything illegal about that against a certain political event a coup that took place in egypt last summer. and quite frankly the fact that he is egyptian plaish and not a blue eyed blond haired kid from iowa that also complicates the matter. the egyptians are less likely to treat him as an american and w.h.o. no, sir? whether the americans are as adamant in forcefully pursuing this case as a result of that. and then lastly, it has to be said that the egyptians have been increasingly critical of u.s. talk about democracy and human rights over the last year have shown signs of moving away from the united states during
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that period. >> even in the case of a u.s. citizen, as we've said, professor samir shahata, appreciate you being with us. >> thank you. >> coming up next: poor sport. >> i just see a mega-event where the less well off classes are secluded. we can't even afford to see brazil play. what is this world cup for? >> thousands have gathered at world cup veb u venues, why they're jeering not cheering. >> and angels helping migrants on the most dangerous journey of their lives. >> investigating a dark side of the law >> they don't have the money to puchace their freedom... >> for some...crime does pay... >> the bail bond industry has been good to me.... i'll make a chunk of change off
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there's more to financial news than the ups and downs of the dow. for instance, can fracking change what you pay for water each month? have you thought about how climate change can affect your grocery bill? can rare minerals in china affect your cell phone bill? or how a hospital in texas could drive up your healthcare premium? i'll make the connections from the news to your money real.
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judge. >> just over three weeks before the start of the wrorld's biggest sporting event the world cup in brazil, in a country that lives for what we call soccer, you would imagine that national pride and excitement would be running high at this point. instead thousands have taken to the streets in violent protest ahead of the tournament. in rio is "america tonight"'s christof putzel. >> i am in frond of the stadium which was recently renovated for the world cup. the last time brazil had the world cup was in 1950. ask how many times brazil has won the world cup and the answer is on the tip of their tongue. just how engrained soccer is in the culture here. >> brazillians have been playing
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soccer since we were in cribs. we were born kicking the ball. >> reporter: brazil so ecstatic when it was announced it would hold the 2014 world cup. but evening amongst brazil's hard core soccer fans the enthusiasm has waned. it has cost brazil $11.5 billion in taxpayer money. the construction of some of the stadiums is still behind schedule and in recent weeks the country has been hit by a wave of descrieks leaving thousands of -- strikes leaving thousands of residents strand he who rely on public transportation. shocked by this year's lack of enthusiasm. >> i think the other world cups they weren't held here in brazil, you could feel the excitement building up to the games. long before the games you would see the street decorated, dogs would wear brazil soccer shirts
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and i'm not really seeing that this year and we're only a few weeks from the game. >> the donated patriotic decorations, but now we see signs about brazil not protests. still many people live in favelas. people's passion for soccer is being lost. i know mine is. >> reporter: according to a recent poll, down from 70% three years ago and with the games less than a month away, tensions around the country are mounting and thousands have turned out to protest.
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a bunch have gathered, things have gotten violent around the country. teachers lined up, being there are about i'd say a couple thousand people right behind me. first row a bunch of them are wearing marvegz so they can -- masks so they can hide their identity because they feel this might turn violent. >> people protesting the world cup that was supposed to catapult this country to stardom but instead will go down as the most expensive ever staged and among the most trouble. christof putzel, al jazeera, rio de janeiro. >> the world will be watching. there are more troubles closer to home in the past month. hundreds of migrants from central america have gotten
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stuck in mexico after a ban meant to keep them off the beast, a freight train that carries many migrants north to the u.s. border. but many are still taking the risk and jumping on board. known as attracting criminal elements, the baste is more dangerous than before. as adam rainey found in vera cruz state. >> the padronas, every day they see men, women and children who dream of a better life in the united states but who often don't make it there. their leader, no norma romero, has been waiting for this train. it's known as the beast for the death and destruction it leaves if its
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path, carrying migrants from central america to plex co. this train was nearly empty. another one will come soon and that might be nearly full. she wants to hear their stories. >> migrants are considered merchandise. everybody tries to take advantage of you. that is the saddest thing of all. that's why it's important for you to speak out. do you think you were a criminal just because you left your country? why did you leave? >> i left for work, we canned live in honduras, my kids can't even study. they killed one of my sons. they grabbed him at school and killed him. >> that's why he brought his youngest son on this journey. >> where are you from? >> i'm from guatemala.
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>> her husband was murdered and she left her children behind in hopes of earning money to send home. >> i have six children. and they were asking for things i couldn't buy. all i could do was give them my heart. whatever happens, i'm not going back. i just can't. my youngest is only four years old. it hurts too much when i can't give them what they need. >> norma and other women soothe their pain in the only way they know how, by offering them a home-cooked meal. their work starts early. it's a rush to prepare food for hundreds of migrants. they often don't know what time they'll arrive. all they know is that they will come. a train passes at least once every day.
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>> translator: it doesn't matter where they're from. all we know is they are hungry, they want a better life. if they can't find it in their country they have to leave and leaving their family is not easy. >> reporter: she's convinced people in her town to help however they can whether it's fresh baked pastries or donateor the donated tortillas. norma is there. a rare moment when the government shines the light on the plight of these people. far from the spotlight are the thousands of central american migrants who disappear unnoticed on their journey through mexico every year. they're fleeing crime and poverty and violence, only to be
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caught up in a world run by criminal gangs. >> they are easy prey for those who abuse them. robbing them and taking from them the little they have. when they don't pay, they get thrown from the train. they get mutilated and sometimes they die that way. >> the father from honduras has seen people meet that fate. >> translator: there's a lot of danger on the train from both corrupt police and criminals. the bodies you see along the tracks are not people who jumped. they were thrown off by those trying to extort them. we see people thrown off the train because they didn't have $100 to pay. >> reporter: in am, the state -- in april, the state of ver vera cruz sued the company that runs the train. it's a ban that is only partly
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enforced as this video shows. trains now speed through stations where they used to stop, migrants here and in southern mexico are taking greater risk to jump aboard the beast. meanwhile, there are more arrests and deportations by mexican authorities. the leading activists says the only way to are abuse is something the government will likely do. >> translator: the government doesn't want to allow migrants free transit for two reasons. first it goes against u.s. interests and politics. also, much of the money organized crime earns extorting trafficking and abusing applying rants goes into the lands of the authorities. >> the mechanismen can government and the private railroad company refused to speak to us despite repeated
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requests. activists say a repeated number of women and children are making the trip including this boy. asks him where he's from. honduras, are you alone, the boy says yes. for the patronas, it's been a long day of preparation. they heard another train is approaching and people down the tracks say it's full. they only have a few moments to pack the food and throw it to hungry migrants. when the train finally arrives, the work the hard and dangerous. migrants feel a rush of excitement despite the risks. this day like every other day the paternas, gom come out to give food to the migrants. they aren't even getting on the train because it's so
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dangerous. some are now walking ton highways. others are walk in the train's wake but the journey is a brutal and long one. the father and son from honduras left the train three months ago. they have been walking ever since. the odds are against them. they hope to reach the u.s. some day. ada adam rainey. al jazeera, mexico. >> the risks left behind. >> it was collecting them to clean up the desert. as we started collecting them we realized that they were really personal. they were no longer just objects we were picking up. >> shoes and pants to backpacks and baby bottles make the migrant's journey come to life just a few miles away from the mexican border. "america tonight"
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they need assistance. >> telecom and television collide in another huge media merger. i'll tell you what the deal is really about, and it has everything to do with what you, the consumer wants. and china accused of hacks and computer attacks on corporate merck. i'll look at the link. plus philadelphia's rock which middle class. i'm kicking off a week-long
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