tv News Al Jazeera May 24, 2014 3:00am-3:31am EDT
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we looked after them very well. we provide them a good facility. thailand's military rulers detain former ruler yingluck shinawatra, and other political figures. [ speaking foreign language ] as anti-coup protests begin in the capital bangkok. hello, you're watching al jazeera live from doha. live from the programme -
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northern separatists in mali agree to a ceasefire after humiliating government troops. we will ask whether civil war has been averted. syria's al-nusra front takes its allies to task for being excessively moderate. anti-government protests in turkey as demonstrators raise protests against the police and the ruling ak party. more thai leaders have been summonsed to a meeting with coup leaders who have detained former prime minister yingluck shinawatra and other political figures. yingluck shinawatra was taken into custody after being called to a meeting with the general. she's been held at an undisclosed location after the government was forced out in a coup.
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the military tried to reassure the public about the welfare of the detainees. >> the former leader of the country will be looked after. they'll be well looked after. talking about the word detention, i understand that the english word perhaps we have a very negative name. of course, it have a negative meaning. i don't deny that. the way we deal with this case, we looked after them very well. we provide them a good facility. >> meanwhile anti-coup protests have been taking place in bangkok. hundreds of people gather outside a shopping mall in the city's north demanding an end to military rule. they scuffled with police, who tried to move them away. now for the latest from veronica pedrosa. you are at one of the anti-coup
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rallies. let's make this clear. these are anti-coup rallies not necessarily in support of former prime minister yingluck shinawatra. >> reporter: no, indeed. let me explain to you i'm at the anti-coup rally. we are at a complex and several hundred of people have been here for a couple of hours. in the last few seconds there was nobody around me, as you can see the police lined up against me on this side, on my right-hand side, and on the left-hand side there is a crowd of ordinarily civilian subjects who are taking pictures, shouting at them. it is spontaneous. and as you say, the military rule that was imposed was justified, explained as a means to bring peace and order to the country between the opposing
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political sides, and what you are seeing now is kind of a small-scale resistance and disorder that is to do with the coup. now, the military has said, as you mentioned, that they detained politicians from both sides of the divide, but this is really like a time out for both sides; is that right. what happens next? >> reporter: this is a question this everybody is asking the military when they are doing press conferences. what became apparent this morning was that 35 more people are being added to the list of personalities who were summoned to report to the military. they include, for the first time, academics, which seems to be another indication that freedom of expression would be the first victim as human rights
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activists put it, of the marshall law, the military rule. the military said on tuesday morning that this was not going to be a coup. two days later it became a coup. the military say that those politicians will be released within seven address. what they are doing is summoning more people who will probably be detained as well. so there is a gap between what is being said and what is being done, and he said human rights are in free fall in thailand. >> we'll have to let you go. we can see the soldiers behind you, the riot police shuffling along. no doubt trying to clear the protests. veronica pedrosa reporting from bangkok. move on to another story. three rebel groups in northern
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mali agreed to a ceasefire deal. it was reached with the help of the u.n. and african union. the recent fighting threatened to descend into all-out law. the army launched an offensive to retake the rebels hold. 20,000 were killed as the rebels added more towns to their games. let's break this down. the story of mali's recent turmoil was complex. the government was forced out in a coup in 2012. army officers said it failed to contain a rebellion by fighters in the north. a month later the rebels took control of the north and declared independence. within weeks the toureg group and another group formed an alliance and declared the area under their control, which is an islamic state. but their pact did not last
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long. fighters backed by al qaeda turned on the mlma and took over the cities. the fighters began to push towards the government controlled south. in january last year the french were asked to intervene. they did so and pushed out the al qaeda-backed rebels. within a few months the government signed a peace deal to pave the way for elections. but the truth was fragile and broke down earlier this month. al jazeera's correspondent is with me now to talk about this ceasefire. now, we have been in the situation before but the previous ceasefire broke down and nothing happened after that. more violence conditioned. what is the difference this time around. >> the situation changed. when the ceasefire was signed in june, al qaeda was very strong
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in the north, and had already a presence there. and everyone was unhappy with that situation, and the rebels, the m l.a. rebels, the tower egg and the arab rebels felt that they had to give more so that they can five, and they give a lot in the ceasefire. they accepted that mali returns to the cities, and that the they will group in places and disarm. and that they aspire. they are stronger. al qaeda has been ousted much the connection has been detrimental. now that al qaeda has been ousted, the world now can listen to the aspirations and they are powerful and organising themselves. it's a different situation now. france seems to be willing to listen to the tower egg aspiration, and other countries. mali has been defeated. humiliating, so they feel they
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have to do something to stop the momentum, and they have achieved that. everybody now should be satisfied, and probably the conditions now are better for a possible return to negotiations. >> at the same time not all the rebels are included in the ceasefire. the ansad een is not involved. why not. >> because of the al qaeda connection, ansal dean is connected to al qaeda, some joined the other groups that signed the agreement. the tyre ag elements need to leave al qaeda, because they have been targeted by western powers and f.a.r.c. al qaeda is out of the picture. and with it the faction that was close to al qaeda. now we have groups with nationalist aspirations, a situation going on for half a century. and this situation will not go
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away until their demands are addressed. they wanted independence at times, but have to be realistic, like in the agreement, like now. they wanted an autonomy. mali never discussed that idea. >> it's a complex situation. >> thank you for speaking to us. our correspondent there. >> a bomb attack in pakistan's north-west tribal area killed six security personnel. the men were on control when an improvised bomb exploded. two others were injured. pakistan's prime minister confirmed he will attend the ipp august ration ceremony for india's new prime minister. narendra modi made the invitation to nawaz sharif. they have a strange situation and fought several wars, mostly
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over the kashmir. protesters in india urged the government to control armed troops. there was support for general khalifa haftar. he says he wants to crush hard-line militias backed by the libyan government. >> the syrian branch of al qaeda, the nusra front asked its ally, the islamic front to modify the manifesto. the document doesn't call for the creation of an islamic state. it led some to believe the group is trying to attract western support. syria's al qaeda branch does not operate independently on the syrian battlefield. it fights alongside other groups against the government. with an aim of creating a safe base. the powerful ally, the islamic front has broken ranks. the new manifesto calls for a
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state of law that stays away from fundamentalism and radicalism. the group describes it as an independent syrian decision. >> the manifesto is agreed by most of the groups. we didn't consult nusra, but we expected them to agree, if they don't we leave the argument aside. >> nusra did react and said the manifesto contradicted islam, because it called for fighting extremists, not infidels. it called for justice instead of revenge. it called for cooperation with the individual parties. these could be fighting islam, and the manifesto called for a state of law. >> reporter: so far mousse ra hasn't -- nusra hasn't condemned their allies. they have labelled groups traitors. it's not clear if and how the
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relationship will be affected. it's called for street protests when the united states labelled it a terrorist organizations. it is made up of syrians and took orders from the al qaeda leadership. this has prevented the west from providing the islamic front with weapons. there are those that believe the new manifesto was a message to the community. >> it coincided with a visit to jerba. he is asking for weapons, the manifesto avoided mentioning some arab countries, which are talking about fighting terrorism. >> the is lamic front denies it's reversing its policy. the new position may find it new allies, and it may create a risk with a force like al nusra. >> egypt's presidential election
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campaign has ended. friday was the final day of campaigning for next week's vote which former military chief abdul fatah al-sisi is expected to win. three people were killed in the western oasis city. in fighting between supporters of the deposed president and security forces. in cairo abdul fatah al-sisi supporters took to the streets to cheer on the choice for president. and abdul fatah al-sisi called for a strong turn out in the election on monday and tuesday. >> i ask all egyptians, especially women who prove their deep sense of patriotism by going to vote. i want to ask the young people to participate regardless of who you want to vote for. i want egyptian men and women to know irrespective of religion and ideology that there is something we share, our love and application for egypt. >> the trial of three al jazeera
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journalists in egypt has been adjourned until june the 1st. peter greste, mohamed fadel fahmy and baher mohamed have now been held in prison for 147 days. they are falsely accused of conspiring with the outlawed muslim brotherhood. al jazeera is appealing to world political leaders to secure the release of journalists abdullah al-shami. he has been in a cairo prison for more than nine months without trial. al jazeera rejects the charges against all its staff and demands their release. >> near heart island in new york. a grave site for almost 1 million unclaimed and unidentified bodies buried over the past 200 years. coming up, we follow a mother who visits the grave site of her still born baby 18 years later. >> the world footballer of the year returns home as real madrid
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welcome back. a reminder of the top stories on al jazeera. [ speaking foreign language ] in thailand anti-coup protesters are calling for an end to military rule. army spokesmen told reporters the former prime minister yingluck shinawatra is being treated well in custody. three rebel groups in northern mali agreed to a ceasefire with the government.
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it means the malian army must stop military operations and agree to a prisoner exchange with the rebels. more on the aftermath of the army coup. the u.s. suspended aid in other countries, such as japan, indonesia and new zealand - criticise the coup. we speak to a columnist with the thai newsagenciy "the nation", and says there's a risk of more street protests and violence. >> if the military doesn't quickly give us a time frame for the restoration of elections and democracy, more and more people will be frustrated. it's not people that support yingluck shinawatra, but thais fed up with having the military intervening in politics and suppressing civil liberties. by shutting the ears and eyes
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and mouths of the people, i don't think it will give thailand a lasting solution. they can't maintain a semblance of piece and order as people protest against the coup. this is less than 48 hours after the coup was staged. >> fighting conditioned overnight in istanbul after two men were killed when police tried to stop protests. the government accused the demonstrators of provocation, and the city's top official called for calm. anita mcnaught reports from istanbul. >> reporter: he came to tanned a funeral in -- attend a funeral in istanbul. but the bistoppeder was shot and died in hospital. 24 hours later, this funeral was for him. as mourners gathered for a second time at the same loss of worship, they chanted antipolice and ain't government slogsons.
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>> a police officer with a mask fired from the opposite side. from a corner over there, they shot a guy there. >> it's not approach that a police bullet killed him on thursday morning. he was not a demonstrator. cctv from the courtyard showed him falling to the ground, fatally wounded. istanbul's governor said that 14 police rifles have been confiscated for forensic analysis. in ankara turkey's prime minister defended the actions of police, working in a tense and combative environment. and mask wearers were not the security forces. >> translation: they said it was the anniversary of the protest and what did they do? they have terrorized the neighbourhoods. they attacked with petrol bombs, masks and fireworks. a petrol bomb landed in the police van, and officers were
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wounded. >> antipolice and anti-government protests continued in the neighbourhood. another died overnight in squirmishes with police. this time it was a home made fragmentation bomb that killed him. the anniversary of the protest is may the 30th. protesters are trying to provoke a crisis. demonstrators say the reason they are on the streets is because police brutality and human rights are more of an issue than ever. what is not in dispute is the core neighbourhood is an enduring center of trouble. it was the scene of a funeral in march, a teenager who died after months in a coma, hit in the head by a police tear gas cannesister during the protest. the recently dead miners were another source of demonstrators
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anger. the area leftist and alevi, a turkish branch of islam. this area feels under siege, and says that shooting in the courtyard of a religious house is unacceptable. representatives called for nation-wide protests op sunday. >> russian president vladimir putin says he will recognise the outcome of ukraine's presidential election on sunday. but tensions are high in the east where pro-russian separatists threatened to bar people from voting. three were killed during fighting of an armed pro-russian group and kiev loyalists. it happened in the eastern villages. the separatists say the pro-government supporters stumbled spon a check point. >> the international nuclear watchdog says iran cut its stockpile of sensitive material
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by 80%. the international autoomic number agency says it's helping with a delayed investigation into suspected weapons research. >> a businessman linked to iran's biggest banking fraud has been executed. he was convicted of disrupting the economic system in a 2.6 billion scam. his trial raised questions about corruption of the former president mahmoud ahmadinejad's government. many new yorkers may never have heard of heart island. it is home to a dark secret. it's an island where about a million unidentified and unclaimed bodies, as well as still born babies, are buried. for the first time eight mothers are allowed to visit the burial site. kath turner reports. >> reporter: from the air, heart island looks beautiful, ser each and unremarkable.
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this sliver of land is a burial site for one million pore or unknown people. the graves are dug by inmates from rikers island prison. around 1,000 still born babies are among the dead. >> mj, good to see you. >> in 1995 mj adams and her husband couldn't afford a funeral to their newborn son. they agreed to let the city do an autopsy and bury him. six weeks later mj was told there'd been no autopsy and no one could tell her where she'd been taken. >> to not know what happened to the body of your child is unacceptable for any mother. >> belinda hunt campaigned for more transparency, using the request to create a database of bur yols, and that's how slee found mj's late son.
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heart island is off limits to the public and relatives. after several lawsuits and hearings, the department of correction agreed to let eight women visit the grave site. 18 years after giving up her son, mj's search ended. >> i didn't have an image of where he was. to stand and look around and have closure and see the final resting place, you know, it's given me certainly peace. >> i don't recall this year 5 new york city council members introduced legislation to strfr heartisland from the department of correction to parks and recreation, meaning it would be accessible to the public. it is yet to be lifted for a public hearing. >> mj's husband walter calls it prison for the dead. >> there's veterans out there from all the wars. there's the first baby to die of aides in new york city buried
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out there, and no one can go there. that's wrong. and it needs to change. >> reporter: burials on the island go on today. with so much restriction, peace is hard to come by. the u.s. won a major case against china at the world trade organization. the w.t.o. sided with washington after beijing applied input duties of up to 22%. china has been told to stick to the existing trade rules. sports news and real madrid take on atletico mad rid in the champion's league final on saturday, giving the world football are of the year a chance to win the title on home soil. >> reporter: portugal's famous son came home. cristiano ronaldo is in lisbon
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for the final against atletico - another moment in the spotlight, an opportunity to ipp spire. >> greatness on a football pitch leads to responsibility off it. if you think cristiano ronaldo is a footballer kicking a piece of plastic for millions, think again. here in portugal, he's an icon, an inspiration, moulding the mines of millions of youngsters. >> it's not just portuguese youngsters that cristiano ronaldo inspires. his appeal is global. >> he has learnt from the past, that he needs to be more of a team player. this is where cristiano ronaldo began his career. as an 11-year-old. himself following in the footsteps of the lights of lewis feto and deco. >> an example for the kids, and you have responsibilities, but he knows what to do. there's a lot of pressure, the
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people look for us. >> cristiano ronaldo was paid the equivalent of $12 a game as a ball boy here at the sporting stadium. his first income from football. today he receives an estimated $45 million. every young player in this city wants to be the next cristiano ronaldo, an impossible dream. to be like cristiano ronaldo - that's an achievable goal. lisbon based journalist wrote the book "a journey through portuguese football", he sees the cristiano ronaldo effect first hand. >> everything that cristiano ronaldo does is reflected in the case, in attitudes, what they wear, how they act. they have critics about the perception, that he was too arrogant. it's changed and people respect him for what he has done because he got to where he is by hard work. he shot through the clubs flake for under 16s, under 17s, sunday
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8s, and the b team all in one season before scoring twice on deb u. the most popular photo at the fun park is this one - whether you play football or not. all the latest news on the website. >> president obama has a new job for his housing secretary so he's tapping san antonio mayor for secretary of housing and urban development. what will be in his inbox when he comes to washington? that's the inside story. you
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