tv News Al Jazeera May 25, 2014 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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only on al jazeera america >> pro-russian separatists threaten to disrupt voting as voting begins in the ukraine presidential election. hello, welcome to al jazeera live from doha. also coming up, further protests in thailand as the coup - against the coup as more than 100 political figures remain in political tension. >> well, this is my last video. >> the chilling message of the man who went on a shooting
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rampage in california. and thousands greet the pope in bethlehem. voters have begun to cast ballots in ukraine's presidential election. we take you to a scene at a polling station in kiev. there are around $35 million voters. the election is going ahead despite violence in the east, where pro-russian separatists vowed to stop people voting. where hoda abdel-hamid is live for us in ukraine. in a town north-west of donetsk. let's go to hoda abdel-hamid right now. let's go, instead to nick spicer, reporting from kiev. >> reporter: there's a high turn out here at this polling station in kiev as there is in polling
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stations across the capital. lines going outside, voters here see the election as a chance to stablilize the country after almost six months of unrest beginning with street protests, once the government decided not to join an association agreement in europe, leading to the fleeing of the president, the annexation of crimea, tension with russia, unrest in the east. these are all changes that the president will have to face. and polls suggest that the new president will be petero poroshenko, a billionaire chocolatier, serving as economy and foreign minister. he said he wants to stablilize the economy and provide jobs and get closer to europe. >> let's go to hoda abdel-hamid, who is live in the north-west of donetsk. what is the turn out so far in that area, given the threat of
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violence by pro-russian groups? >> reporter: well, we don't have an official number, but you can see the polling station is empty. there's more journalists than voters. there has been a few trickle in. it's the same in another polling station that we went to visit. the answer is there has been so much violence in the days leading up to this presidential election, that those who wanted to vote and cast ballots probably got scared. i mean, there has been a lot of threats. some of the election commissioners have been abducted. a lot of ballot boxes were destroyed in front of everybody. for example, in the center of donetsk. certainly a lot of apprehension here and people prefer to stay home. >> that being the case, how fair do you think the polls will be, given that so many have been scared off by the threats?
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>> it will be difficult to know people, on which side of the divide they stand. we spoke to a lot of people who told us they didn't agree with the idea of separation, didn't realise the donetsk people or the lugansk people's republic who have been self-proclaimed two weeks ago. they felt a lot of them that the candidates that were in this presidential election did not represent them and many people said "i want to be part of ukraine, but certainly these are more of the same. they blamed the candidates for the state of affairs in the east, and said they have been ignored since the former president viktor yanukovych had been ousted and they blamed them for the things that have engulfed this region. you find less and less on the street who are willing open to tell you their opinion, you have to go to a side road and then they speak to you.
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>> interesting. lots of grievances they be in that part of the ukraine. that's hoda abdel-hamid. that's north-west of donetsk in the east of ukraine. let's move to other news and there are more anti-coup demonstrations in thailand where people are taking to the streets, despite a warning from the army chief not to join the demonstrations. >> i want you to avoid joining the protests. right now the usual democratic system cannot operate normally. as for the transfers of civil servants, police and military personnel we insist there was no intention to dishonour them or an agency. it was necessary to decrease the pressure. >> scott heidler has more from bangkok. >> reporter: defying orders from the government several hundred protesters against the coup gathered in the mall behind me. it took three or four hours
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since they reached the number and it was different from the protests. this came out of the wood work. there were a couple of protesters that kept growing and growing. and they left here, marching from this mall forwards victory monument, something we have not seen in the growing anti-coup movement. this comes in on a day the military calls in people to meet with them, including academics. executives at the newspapers and some business executives, particularly with energy concerns here in thailand. what is interesting moving forward, now that we see more in the anti-coup movement, will the army and police maintain this with the people, where they allow the protesters room. they weren't confrontational. also the anti-government, anti-coup protest movement. will it grow in numbers, and how will they be dealt with by the hoounta in charge of this country. >> the u.n. security council
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says it is outraged by the al-shabab suicide bomb and gun attack on the somali parliament. 10 were killed in mogadishu on saturday. >> reporter: the gun battle continued long after fighters launched a multiprong attack. a car bomb, suicide bomb blast and a stream of armed men. the target the somali government building. >> i was wounded because i was inside the parliament building. i'm lucky to have survived. >> parliament was sitting at the time of the attack. the building packed with politicians. while the mem brs of the parliament survived the assault, a soldier and some of the attackers were killed.
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al-shabab operates in somalia and kenya. it was behind the sooj of the westgate mall in nairobi. the group wants islamic law in somalia, and foreign troops, including kenyan forces, out. international forces pushed al-shabab out of the capital mogadishu in 2011. the group managed to attack targets in the city. this assault will cause more concern because the group was able to get through parliament defenses and reach somali's top politicians. . >> in neighbouring djibouti there has been a grenade attack at a restaurant popular with westerners. two have been killed, a dozen others injured. djibouti had dozens of troops, fighting as part of the african union mission and is home to the biggest military base in the
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region. a car bomb exploded outside an alcohol shop in northern iraq. 11 were killed in kirkuk. they witnessed a growing number of attacks in this city. votes are being counted again in malawi presidential election after an attempt by the president to order a re-run. as reported the election commission admits more votes were cast than there were registered voters. >> the head of the malawi commission tells the staff to ignore the president's order to nulify the elections. there were too many irregularities. fresh elections will take place, and joyce banda will not participate. the president does not have the power to cancel elections. in an election like this, where a lot of things are happening, i
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think every stakeholder, every competitor will try to look at the possibilities. >> after going to court the electoral commission was allowed to continue counting. joyce banda believes the elections were rig the by the opposition. officials showed election observers, what they say are examples of election fraud. >> if you compare the numbers already, against the total, you will find that the total number are more than the voters. the question we are asking - how did it happen. >> there were squirmishes in some areas after the president's announcement. soldiers have been deployed to stop more more fighting. malouians are surprised and shocked about the latest development. >> in one word, shambolic. as a malouian, i am affronted, i
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am embarrassed, and indeed, i am deeply offended by the travesty that has gone on in the name of an election. it is not the first election we have held. we have held elections since 1994. and by now one would think that we would have at least got the management of the process right. >> opposition leaders deny leingzs made by the -- allegations made by the president of vote rigging. the leader of the democratic progressive party is leading. president banda is trailing. those concerned about vote rigging get good news. the electoral commission reopen ballot boxes and the manual recount takes place next week. >> ordinary people say the country needs to move on. that is unlikely to happen until the crisis is resolved. we'll take you live to
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bethlehem, and in particular to maininger square -- manger [ , the birthplace of jesus christ. pope francis is giving a blessing. part of the mass that he's celebrating there. let's listen in for a little while. and as you can see, the pope is there celebrating mass with thousands of palestinian christians in manger square. that's the palestine president mahmoud abbas there, going off to greet the pope. >> earlier on both men met and spoke about the situation in the middle east. the pope had stopped and prayed as the barrier walls, that many palestinians say is the symbol of israeli occupation. we will, of course, bring you more from bethlehem and manger
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square, later in the day. there's more the come on al jazeera. >> i'm andrew thomas in tasmania, australia, on an experiment to chip and track these. they hope to find out why the numbers worldwide seem to be in terminal decline. >> and from agony to ecstasy in extra time in the unprecedented final showdown.
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welcome back. a reminder of the top stories on al jazeera. the presidential election has begun in ukraine. this is despite fighting in the east. pro-russian separatists promised to stop people voting. >> anti-coup protesters in thailand defy a warning by the army to stay off the streets. soldiers have been fighting with demonstrators they tried to arrest in bangkok. newspaper editors have been summoned for talks with military leaders the united nations security council is outraged by the al-shabab gun and bomb attack on the somali parliament. 10 were killed in mogadishu on saturday. well the libyan government is reaffirming its pledge to disband all militia. a renegade general launched an offensive against the armed groups. khalifa haftar says he wants to crush what he describes as
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terrorists and extremists. stefanie dekker frorps tripoli -- reports from tripoli. >> reporter: these are the libyan central shield forces, headed at the request of the general national congress to protect the capital. >> translation: we have been negotiating with all parties and are exerting every effort to calm things down. we want to ensure security inside the capital. >> reporter: it follows an attack on the g.n.c. by two militias inspired by the general. he launched a campaign to rid libya of terrorists, groups carrying out killings on members of the security forces and judiciary. he reappeared on saturday, saying he and supporters will continue their mission. >> translation: there is no time back. the soldiers of the national army will not return to their barracks and homes. >> reporter: the general wants a
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judicial body set up to run the country until elections in june. the newly elected prime minister says he'll go ahead with the presentation of his parliament for parliamentary approval on sunday. >> who knows how the next few days will play out. what is clear is libyans are exhausted and fed up. they want a functioning government, army and police force. for now, it's the gun that holds the power, with militias operating without impunity. al jazeera is continuing to demand the release of its journalists held in egypt. peter greste, mohamed fadel fahmy and baher mohamed have been held in prison for 148 days. their trial has been adjourned until june the 1st. they are falsely accused of conspiring with the outlawed muslim brotherhood. >> while a fourth al jazeera journalist abdullah al-shami has been in a cairo prin for more than -- prison for more than nine months without trial.
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his lawyer filed a third grievance to the attorney-general demanding his release. and is demanding a medical report to document his poor healthment al jazeera rejects charges against all staff. the departure of lebanon's president created an uncertainty. no party has enough seats to install a leader of their own choice. various groups are jostling for influence. we explain from beirut. >> reporter: the term ended. the president left the presidential palace with no one to replace him as neither group had enough votes to elect a candidate. >> translation: i urge the parliament and political block to elect a president and not bear responsibilities of the dangers of a vacuum in the presidential post.
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>> reporter: that is not likely to happen second. it's not just the lebanese mps that have a say on who will be the next president. syria, iran, saudi arabia, the u.s. - all have a say in running this small country. and they are entangled in a tug of war reflected in lebanon through the respected allies here. >> small conflicts in lebanon are tied to bigger regional conflicts. whenever the region stakes, so does lebanon. iran and saudi arabia - they have safeguarded lebanon to, an extent safeguarded them from the war raging in syria. >> i think no one wants to concede who will be president without bargaining what will bargain over a series of issues over who controls lebanon, who will be the next prime minister and the government, what law
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we'll have. for now, presidential powers are in the hands of the prime minister and his cabinet. it's a national unity government backed by the players, which gives some assurances to lebanese that a minimum level of stability will be maintained. there is concern. maybe today there's regional consensus to keep lebanon quiet. what happens if things worsen. how does this impact lebanon. according to sectarian power sharing, the president should be a marran item christian. it adds to frustrations that christians are being marginalised further in lebanon. despite the failure to elect a president, some point to the growing turmoil in the arab world and say they are proud to have a president leaving office to go home, and in a celebratory
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territory, not a bloody conflict. a prominent human rights activist has been released after two years in prison. he was found guilty of organising illegal protests, calling on the sunnis to better treat the shiite majorities. in southern california a gunman killed six before taking his lich. the 22-year-old posted a video about his intentions after the spree. brian rooney reports. it started when three young men were stabbed to death in an apartment. 22 yield elliot rodger tried -- 22-year-old elliot rodger tried to get into a sorority house before killing two girls. in three minutes there were shots. rodger came to a crashing stop in his black bmw, found dead of
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an evidently self-inflicted gunshot. 22-year-old chris martinez was one killed. his father spoke to reporters. >> you don't think it will happen to your child until it does. chris was a really great kid. ask anyone who knew him. his death has left issue family lost and broken. why did chris die? >> reporter: investigators said rodgers wrote a 145-page manifesto, scribing had life. and what he wanted to kill, pretty girls. "i'll have to kill my plate nates to get them out of the way." >> if a person has not been institutionalized or tape against their will and put on a
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hold, that information is not entered into a database and is not disqualified for information for someone purchasing a firearm. hours before he post posted a threat. >> annihilating every girl, i'll take to the streets of isla vista and slay every single person i see there. >> on a busy friday night there were plenty of witnesses. >> crashed. >> a parked car. a guy was laying in the street. someone taping to someone in the -- attending to jun in the driver's -- someone in the driver's seat. european parliamentary elections are under way in 21 of 28 countries. voting started in britain and the netherlands. 400 million are eligible to vote. the first results are expected sunday evening. >> in bangladesh. the age from which a person can
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be convicted of a crime is nine years old. we have this report - many children say they've been mistreated in the juvenile justice system. >> this boy escaped from a juvenile justice system and is in a shelter. we'll protect his memory and he doesn't have fond memories of his treatment at the detention center. >> first they tie us up, hands and feet, and beat us with big stecks, really hard. >> reporter: this is a child improvement center. children guilty of crimes are brought here to serve their time. that's playing field, badminton court and school. some of the children complain about being beaten and tortured. at one center riots led to fights with police. these people say they were abused.
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a growing number have been trying to escape. this is a social welfare minister, the man in charge of the juvenile centers. >> hi finance put the boys attacking buses, giving money, 10,000 for burning a bus. >> an estimated 4 million live on the streets of bangladesh. the prime target for drug dealers looking for cheap labour. most say the military has a different task ahead. back at the shelter this boy is nearing the end of his own difficult jumpy. he is getting training to become a carpenter and hopes to find a job soon. he may have the shot at a normal life. one that is allusive. the worldwide population. humble bee is in sharp decline,
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and no one knows why. they play a vital role in food production. scientists in australia are microchipping bees to find out more. andrew thomas reports now from tasmania. >> reporter: until one stings you, bees are easily ignored. they are crucial. almost everything people eat is dependent on what they do. >> every piece of food on the planet starts with a pollination. everything starts off from a plant, and the animals eat the plant and then it makes the meat. >> reporter: bees are in crisis. something called colony collapse disorder wiped out a quarter of the world's honey bees. if bees disappear we have about four years to live. whether he's right or not, i don't know. i don't want to put him to the test. scientists in tasmania are testing bees movements. microchips are attached to bees
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with superglue. >> it's not much, it's like someone walking with a back pack. as each microchipped bee leaves and comes back to the hive, the yoited is being recorded. over 18 months 10,000 will be chipped. they'll get broad data on huh bees move. >> being are tracked to establish a baseline pattern of behaviour. >> what people expect is a deep understanding on how the bee behaves, how many times each bee leaves the hive and how long they have been out. >> low levels of pesticides will be put into the sugar water, and then separately components of pollution to see if either changes lead to behaviour.
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>> bees navigate to a source and back. if it's not received by the nervous system, beeses are not doing it efficiently or getting back to the hive. >> wums it's clear what changes behaviour and damaging them, that can be addressed. meanwhile movement patterns can guide the position of hives relative to crops. so a world with fewer bees uses them more efficiently. bees, after all, like being busy. agony for real madrid fans turn to ecstasy at the champion's league final on saturday. their great rivals atletico led 1-0. real went on to score 3 more goals in extra time. this is real's 10th european cup win. leaving you with pictures out of
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bethlehem. this is in manger square, the birthplace of jesus christ, where pope francis is celebrating mass with thousands of palestine christians. this is his first visit to the middle east. we'll bring you more later. >> hello and welcome. i'm phil torres here to talk about innovations that can change lives. hardware and humanity and we're doing it in a unique way. a show of science by scientists. dr. shini somara shini somara is a mechanical engineer. as scientists test new building tines can they survive the most powerful twisters on the planets?
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