tv News Al Jazeera May 25, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT
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>> >> announcer: this is al jazeera. hello, welcome to the newshour, i'm martine dennis in doha, these are the top stories. ukraine goes to the polls to choose its new president. pro-russian separatists threaten to disrupt the voting. more protests against a coup in thailand, despite a warning from the military not to join the demonstrations. calling for an end to the middle east conflict, pope
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francis holds an open air mass in the occupied west bank city of bethlehem. plus... >> i'm andrew thomas in tasmania australia, on an experiment to chip and track bees. they hope to find out why bee numbers worldwide seem to be in terminal decline. now polls opened across ukraine where 35 million are being asked to choose the next president. the interim government urged everyone to cast their ballot. pro-russian separatists threatened to block voters. we'll be live with hoda abdel-hamid who is close to donetsk. first, this report from nick schifrin, from the ukranian capital kiev. >> reporter: a record turn out is expected for a vote, deciding not just the state of ukraine,
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but the state of relations between russia and the west. 17 candidates are in the running. the ones in the lead want closer ties to the european union, not something that russia wants. these elections were called after viktor yanukovych fled the country and was deposed by parliament, and it is about what ukrainians want. >> translation: this election means a lot. the fate of the country is being decided today. we have never had a more important election. we kicked out viktor yanukovych, and we hope to have justice and peace now. petero poroshenko, a former economy minister was far ahead in the opinion polls and could win outright with 50% of ballots cast on sunday. the challenges the next president faces are enormous, fixing an economy, fighting corruption and closer times with europe.
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russia annexed crimea and its citizens. men in fatigues bearing knives visited this school in lugansk, and told the principal that voting should be stopped. window were broken. ballots were taken away by separatist fighters. there are places in the east where election observers will not go. the head of the big mission says their work was critical. >> this is not for us to ascertain the validity or legitimacy of the elections. our role is to observe the process. we will do so except in a few areas. >> whatever the voters decide, and whatever the observers say the crucial voice may be the one in the kremlin. russian president vladimir putin will respect the outcome. many have their doubts. >> we'll can go live to nick
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schifrin. from your report there's an array of candidates. what are they campaigning on? is it a matter of whether they look to the east or to the west? >> the main candidates are looking west wards and are petero poroshenko, who we saw, he was the member of the parliamentary committee that helped to negotiate the association agreement with europe, which has seen and analysts will see you would overhaul political life. it's a giant document calling for a form. judiciary, the economy and so on, if he were to be elected president and have the association agreement applied and to push for it, that would be significant. the person who is number two, the first and second placed candidates are almost neck and neck. viktor yanukovych has been prime minister twice, she was the woman gaoled for 2.5 years on
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charges that the west felt were trumped up by viktor yanukovych. who is now in russia. she wants closer ties with russia. the person that she is fighting for second or third place with according to the polls of last week is someone interest the east. critical of crack downs in the east, what is called terrorist and wants the rights of the russian speakers defenders. he's less pro-european union. they are broadly the three main candidates. 17 in total, two on the far right garnering no more than 1%, making for a wide choice for the voters. there's probably only about three people in the running seriously. >> thank you very much. nick spicer in the ukranian capital. let's go to the east of the country, this is where we were expecting so much tension. hoda abdel-hamid is live for us in an area close to donetsk, the
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unofficial capital of this part of the country. how are people turning out. are they managing to cast their votes? . >> reporter: well there are few that made their way to the ballot boxes and this polling station, 10% of the registered voters have come here. another polling station where we went, less than 5% of the registered voters made their way there. i think this has to do a lot with the warnings, very clear and stern from the separatist armed groups who said that they would not recognise these elections. they said that how can people vote here for a neighbouring country since, according to them, since 11 may, the day they held the referendum, this place is no more part of the ukraine, but it is the donetsk people's run lick.
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they should not be able to vote. there has been a lot of threats from workers, ballot boxes had been stolen and smashed. some used as trash cans in front of the regional building that has been taken over by the pro-russians since the crisis started. you don't have people who want to vote, and then there's an important factor. many of the people that we spoke to said even if we voted i don't have a candidate that went there. it includes candidates from this region or the party ousting victory. there's an alienation among those that view the area as eastern ukraine and not the people's republic towards kiev and the authorities and feel that no one protected them throughout the past weeks, and no one came here to talk to them and represent them back in kiev. >> it all sounds tense in the east. presumably kiev is invested
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significantly in a massive security roll out. >> reporter: well, you don't see security on this day. over the past few days what you see around this area, on roads or inside the cities is a show of force of the pro-russians, italians, men with weapons, walking around the street intimidating people. allowing the roads are checkpoints, one after the other, manned by ukranian force, the pro-russians, and some manned by the pro-ukraine self-styled defense units as they call themselves. a lot of weapons on the streets with a lot of people, and you've had quite a bit of violence, and people were worried about what would happen today. so far it's been extremely calm. maybe also because kiev has announced that there'll be no military operation or what it calls the anti-terror operation on this specific day.
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they said that everything will be calm, to allow those that wanted to vote to vote. as you can see not many heeded the call. >> thank you very much indeed. to hoda abdel-hamid. who is in the eastern part of ukraine, and to nick, who is in the west. he is in kiev, the capital, and they'll keep us up to date with developments in ukraine. hundreds of anti-coup protesters clashed with soldiers in the thai capital bangkok. they have been taking to the streets despite a warning from the thai army chief not to join demonstrations. scott heidler reports from bangkok. in bangkok an anti-coup protest started smaller. a few dozen people defined this order. >> i want you, the thai public to avoid joining the protests. the democratic system cannot operate normally. >> but the numbers grew and became louder and more aggressive. >> one of the largest anti-coup
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demonstrations here in central bonk cock. something interesting happened. it started with a heavy presence and transitioned. the crowd are chanting for democracy, elections and for the army to get out. >> i don't want to - get out. we want elections. government. that's all. >> reporter: as the troops stayed on the streets with anti-coup protests the united states responds to the coup - cancelling military exercises with thailand. >> the situation in this country, one cannot apply orders to every situation. >> reporter: the list of people ordered to come in for talks has grown including newspaper executives and corporation heads. as the army's rule expands,
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there's concern how to handle the movement and if it gains momentum. the head of the remon catholic church has -- roman catholic church has been celebrating mass. earlier pope francis met palestinian president mahmoud abbas and called on iranians and palestinians to live side by side as neighbours. >> translation: the time has come for everyone to find the courage and be generous creative in the service of common good. peace that rests on the right of two states to exist and live in peace for security why and a recognisable order. >> we can talk to our correspondent in bethlehem. you have been following the pope's progress throughout bethlehem today, hadn't you? this is probably a perfect
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example of how to avoid politics when you are in the occupied territories. >> absolutely. pope francis, before he came out he emphasised that the trip is first and foremost as a christian piil grim. it didn't stop the poll techs, he had a meeting with palestine presidents. he'll be meeting with leaders. when he got into the pope mobile. he made an unexpected stop. he stopped at the separation barrier. this is a wall that by men palestinians have been called an apartheid wall, but by the israelis, it's called a security fence. the pope got out of his vehicle, walked over to the wall and prays for about five minutes at the wall, particularly at a site that said, with graffiti "pope we need someone to speak about justice. although his words have not been
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as strong as some palestinians spoke, actions are a lot louder. >> he cheered many palestinians by arriving in the west bank arriving from amman, instead of coming through israel, the mort conventional route. >> absolutely, he was choppered in by jordanian helicopters, made a loop around the sky to the thousands of worshippers here, and that's a big sign in itself. the vatican stated they see palestine as a state of palestine, and in his speech he calls for a 2-state solution. >> what kind of tone is he establishing on this part, day 2 of his 3-day middle east tour. of course, francis is almost as loved by non-christians as he is by catholics. >> reporter: i'm sorry, i believe you talked about the tone he's portraying here.
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the tone has been the tone that pope francis has been showing as we have seen him as pope for the last year. he's reaching out to the people. the fact that he was in the pope mobile that wasn't a fully armed vehicle, i should say, it had open sides. he wanted to wave to thousands of worshippers there, who were, by the way, not just catholic. there were greek orthodox, muslims and people of all faith and countries. it's not just palestinians. we saw filipinos, americans. this is really an interesting and amazing atmosphere, and joyous atmosphere in bethlehem. >> thank you. there in bethlehem. we have a lot more to come on the programme including a report from a child improvement center in bangladesh where children say they are beaten and tortured. plus... ..after the balkans flooding comes the threat of waterborne
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disease. >> well, this is my last video. the chilling message of a man who went on a shooting rampage in california. and they've down it, real madrid fans celebrate a champion's league elliot rodgers milestone. robin has the details in sport. now then, they are not only voting in ukraine, from monday egyptians will start voting for a new president, and will vote on tuesday. the former army chief abdul fatah al-sisi is widely expected to win. if he does, he'll be the latest in a long line of military men to lead the country. we have more. [ chants ] . >> reporter: in 2011 they
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overthrow an army general. three years later they are about to elect another one. egyptians are deeply divided over the role of the military in politics. >> translation: we don't want any political role for the army. its role is to protect, not to rule. >> but it's been over 60 years since the army got involved in politics after ending the monarchy. the first generation of leaders, were seen as war heroes, tasked with liberating palestine and ending the israeli occupation. during the 30 year rule of hosni mubarak, perceived internal threats and internal ones. he turned on political opponents, imposed decades of emergency laws and prepared his son to replace him. when the egyptians rose up they distinguished between the
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despotic ruler they wanted out and the average soldier who they saw as defender of the nation. the army refused to crackdown on protesters. the military helped in the overthrow of hosni mubarak, and thus was seen as the saviour of the nation, and potential defender of democracy. that situation didn't last. army leaders formed a military council to rule an open-ended transition and clipping to power. a few months later military police crushed civilian protests before the army accepted to hold elections. the syrian president was elected. that did not mark the end of the trouble. this time popular support for the military was shown by one camp, including hosni mubarak supporters - some secular egyptians and other opponents of the muslim brotherhood. on the other hand security forces opened fire on anti-coup
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protesters killing several hundreds in cairo. the coup leader posed as a man who did not want power. that stance changed. >> translation: i announce my will to run for the egyptian president say and would be honoured to have your report. >> reporter: abdul fatah al-sisi's candidacy and the crackdown caused many to worry that a new chapter of military oppression it about to start. abdul fatah al-sisi's supporters say this is the only solution for egypt at the moment. al jazeera is continuing to demand the release of its journalists held in egypt. peter greste, mohamed fadel fahmy and baher mohamed have now been held in prison for 148 days. their trial has been adjourned until june the 1st. and they are accused of conspiring with the outlawed muslim brotherhood. a fourth al jazeera journalist abdullah al-shami has been in a cairo prison for more than
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nine months without trial. and now abdullah al-shami's lawyer filed a third grievance to the attorney-general demanding his release. he's requesting a medical report to document his poor health. al jazeera relates the charges against all its staff. now, the depart stur of michelle suleiman as lebanon's president created political uncertainty. no party has enough seats to install a new leader. various international pressure groups are jostling for influence. we have this explanation from beirut. suleiman's term ended. he left of the presidential palace with no one to replace him. neither of the two major collision groups got enough votes in parliament to elect their own candidate. >> i urge the parliament and political block to elect a president and not to bear
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responsibility of the dangers of a vacuum in the presidential post. >> that is not likely to happen soon. it's not just the lebanese mps who have a say in who will be lebanon's next president. neighbouring syria, iran, saudi arabia, the u.s., all have a say in running this small country. and they are entangled in a tug of war that is reflected in lebanon through the respective allies here. >> small conflicts inside lebanon are tied to bigger regional conflicts. when the region shakes, so does lebanon. >> reporter: steps towards reproachment between the u.s. and iran, and iran and lebanon have to an extent saved them from the war in syria. it has not helped to reach agreement on a new president. >> no one wants to concede, the regional players, without bargaining over a series of
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issues, on who controls lebanon, who will be the next prime minister, and what sort of government we'll have, what law will we have. >> for now, presidential powers are in the hands of the prime minister. it's a national unity government backed by the regional players, which gives some assurances to lebanese that a minimum level of stability will be maintained. but there is concern. >> maybe today there is regional consensus to keep lebanon quiet, what happens if things worsen, how does this impact lebanon and the chances to elect a new president. >> according to the power-sharing system, the president should be a maronite christian. divisions contributed to the failure to elect a president, adding to the christian's frustrations that they are marginalised further in lebanon. >> fight the failure to elect a president, some point to the violent turmoil over the arab
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world around them. they are proud to have a president leaving office to go home, and in a celebratory ceremony not a bloody conflict. now, a car bomb exploded outside an alcohol shop in northern iraq. at least 11 people were killed in kirkuk. the city witnessed a growing number of attacks. >> in bangladesh the age from which a person can be convicted of a crime is nine years old. we have this report - many children say they've been mistreated in the juvenile justice system. >> reporter: this boy screpd from a juvenile detention center, he's at an application center. he doesn't have fond memories of his treatment at the detention center. >> translation: first they tie us up, our hands and feet and beat us with big sticks, really
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hard. >> reporter: this is called a child improvement center. children who are found guilty of crimes are brought here to serve their time. inside there is a badminton court, a playing field and a school. but some of the children complain about being beaten and tortured. at one center riots led to fights with police. the children say they are abused and not fed properly. a growing number have been trying to escape. this is a social welfare minister, he's in charge of the juvenile centers. >> they are high finance. the boys attacking bus, giving money for burning a bus. >> reporter: an estimated 4 million children live on the streets of bangladesh, their prime targets for drug dealers looking for cheap labour. the ministry has a difficult task ahead.
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back at the shelter this boy who is almost 18 is nearing the end of his own difficult journey. he is getting training to become a carpenter and hopes to find a job. if he succeeds he'll have a shot at a normal life, one that is elusive for many of the children that go through bangladesh's juvenile justice system. time for us to check and see what the weather is doing. here is steph. we'll start with a look at bangladesh. recently we see a lot of rain. in fact, if we have a look at the satellite we see a cluster of norms that we see across the bay of bengal. this has been giving us heavy rain, and also in bangladesh, and that's where we have seen some of the worst of the weather over the past 24 hours. we show you how heavy the rain was. you get an idea of how bad the weather was when i show you the rain we have seen.
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they saw 271mm of rain in 24 hours. remember, this is the start of the rainy season. at this time of year, during the month, we'd expect 194mm. so we have seen more than that just in 24 hours. so clearly it did give us a problem. unfortunately it does look like we'll see more wet weather heading through the next few days. it's worth noting this is not the monsoon, it's further towards the south-east at the moment, across myanmar. these are rains ahead of the monsoon. what we have is a cluster of thunder storms over the bay of bengal that could develop into a tropical cyclone. whether it does or not is really a little here nor there. it's working northwards and still is going to give us heavy rain as we head through the next couple of days. for monday we look at heavy rain not only across bangladesh, but calcutta, and it's going to be there for tuesday. thank you indeed. the worldwide population of the
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humble bee is in sharp decline. no one knows why. they play a vital role in food production, so scientists in australia are microchipping bees to find out more. andrew thomas reports now from tasmania. >> until one stings you, bees are easily ignored but they are crucial. almost everything people eat is dependent on what they do. every piece of food on this planet starts off with some sort of pollination. everything starts off from a plant, and then the animals eat the plant and then it macks the meat. bees are in crisis. something called colony collapse disorder wiped out about a quarter of the world's honey bees. >> einstein said if bees disappearing we have four years to live. whether he's right or not, i don't know. but i don't want to put him to the test. >> so scientists on the australian island of tasmania are testing bees' movement.
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tiny microchips are attacked to bees with superglue. >> it's about a third of the weight that a bee can carry, it's not much, just like someone walking with a back pack. as each chip leaves and comes back to the hive, the identity is recorded to see how long it's been away. >> over 18 months, 10,000 bees will be chipped and trackedment idea is to get the broadest data on how bees move under different environmental conditions. bees are tracked in pristine conditions to establish a baseline pattern of behavior. what people expect is to find technologies, and a deep understanding of how the bee behaves, so we know how many times each bee is leaving the hive, and for how long they have been out. soon low levels of pesticides will be put into the sugar water the bees feed on and separately components of pollution to see
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if either changes bees' behaviour. bees navigate. if that information is not being perceived by the nervous system, then bees are not doing it efficiently. once it's clear what changes the behaviour and what is damning them, that can be addressed. movement patterns guide the positioning of hides relative to crops. a world with fewer bees uses them more efficiently. bees after all like being busy. still to come here at al jazeera - the trade logo on your groceries promises fair wages for all. coming up, why not all employees at certified storms are treated fairly. still to come in sport - n.b.a. champions turn up the heat in game 3 of the conference final vé
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welcome back. a reminder of the maybe stories. 35 million people are asked to choose the n president of ukraine. pro-russian separatists threatened to block voters in the east. anti-coup protesters in thailand defy a warning. soldiers fought demonstrators as they tried to arrest them. the head of the catholic church called on israelis and palestinians to live side by
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side. pope francis celebrated in the west bank city of bethlehem, the biblical birthplace of jesus christ. now, people are voting in elections for the knew european parliament in 21 out of 28 e.u. states. around 400 million people are eligible to cast their ballot. we can go live to france, and talk to jack, head of european research at the global policy institute and thank you for talking to us here at al jazeera. tell us what you think europeans will vote for. >> reporter: i think the parties will get a majority in parliament should influence the decision of the head of government regarding the choice of the new president of the commission. for the first time it has been
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slightly politicized, two candidates - one from the center left, martin schulz, social democrat and jean paul from the center right. the problem is that in spite of the desire to decide the elections, people are fairly indifferent to the outcome. >> absolutely. the people of the u.k. voted a few days ago on thursday. i don't think the names of mart join schulz or jean claude juncur would have featured in the process for them. hour are europeans -- how far are europeans affected by the aftermath of the economic meltdown of 2008? >> still separate. the mistrust on the part of the
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people - as it started before in 2005, why the french and the dutch rejected. it has magnified the mistrust of the europeans towards the institution. it's too far, too complex and in many countries in the south. that's part of the reason why nobody feels great support for the european programme. those in europe don't understand it or mistrust it or they don't like it. in prays of the u.k., as you said, many people want to get out. you have pro-europe strong, and the party was the main plank. thank you very much.
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very interesting to hear your thought. head of the european research at the global policy institute. joining us live. now, it's feared that waterborne diseases are spreading quickly after the floods in the balkans. partly submerged villages have been guarantee even the. >> reporter: locals work with teams to recover the rotting carcasses of livestock. it means watching livelihoods carted away. >> translation: everything is destroyed. all my cattle are gone. i don't have a place to come back to. it's sad to god, and i feel sorry for all of us. six villages in the region have been cut off, leaving many of the 7,000 people who live here homeless. for now only authorised volunteers are allowed in. after filming his last recovery
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mission she showed us fields turned to lakes, and dead livestock is decomposing under the scun. >> with the risk of disease and the smell of rotting carcasses obvious whelming residents are keen to clean up as soon as possible. but with the scale of that disaster undeniable. it could be weeks before they can return to their homes. many residents come here to a local school-turned-emergency shelter. more are arriving every day. the school is running out of basics. drinking water is low, they need soap and antibacterial spray to stop people getting sick. frfferents what about our problem trial judge. >> translation: what about our future. everything will be under water for a while. >> translation: everywhere speaks of humanitarian aid - we
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haven't seen it. >> after going to the school she asked to show us her house. she and her husband had been working on their home for 40 years. when the water came she only had time to take her handbag. everything else is gone. heartbreak is mirrored on the faces of most. everyone aware the real work is beginning. now, the votes are being counted again in malawi's presidential election after an attempt by the president to order a re-run. let's find out more by going to the commercial capital. malawi's election has the potential now to descend into chaos. >> reporter: it does. now it seems that president joyce banda won the round. she believes the opposition parties have been rigging the election.
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the ballot boxes will be reopened and every paper physically counted. some parties are not happy. they are saying well what guarantee do we have that the ruling party doesn't rid the election. the electoral commission told malawi that soldiers and police have been sent to warehouses are kept, trying to assure people that things will be okay, stay calm. the longer this drags on, there is a fear that there could be instability. >> the u.n. secretary-general weighed in, calling for calm, asking for the malawian people to ask for patients and constrapt. there's a serious question about the number of votes that have been cast vis-a-vis the number of registered voters. >> exactly. officials from president joyce banda's people party have
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documents where they say they have added up the figures and say some don't tally, and wonder what is going on. one reason, perhaps, why the electoral commission decided to recount the process all over again. the question is how long is all this going to take. it has not started yet. it's meant to start next week. the electoral commission was meant to release the results eight days by the latest since people voted. that will not happen. they are in court trying to get a judge to give them an extension. they are working on 30 days, one month, hopefully less. now malawi is expecting a result in 30 days time. >> thank you are for that. our correspondent live in malawi. now, there's a new report out which says that the fair trade social movement is not benefitting the employees it was
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set up to protect. fair trade certified businesses sell $7 billion worth of goods. a university of london study has investigated 1500 farm workers in two countries - in ethiopia and you ganned a. the report -- uganda. the report concluded that not all workers received fair wages. researchers found non-fair trade farmers and sellers make more money in some instances. nearly 1.5 million farmers in 70 different developing countries are part of the international fair trade scheme. it was created 25 years ago by a development and consumer groups. to be certified and be allowed to use the black and clean fair tradelabel farmers have to meet specific standards and have to pay living winter games. they also have to promise not to employ children nor engage in human trafficking.
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now, affiliated businesses produce more than 12,000 products. more than $100,000 retailers across north america and europe failed the certified products. let's talk to one of the people behind the report. hive in london is christopher kramer on economic professor at the university of london. thank you for talking to us. what specifically were you seeking to find out with this report. what was the objective of this exercise? >> good morning. what we tried to set up, to do, was to look at something most looked at. a lot of the work to date on fair trade and much of the literature focuses on the production and there's two sets of standard, one for hired labour situation, where they look more at labour standard and conditions and pay. but what we were looking at as
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well as that was so-called small standards, things like coffee, coffee and tea in uganda. and we wanted to try to understand something about the traditions of wage workers in agriculture in areas producing coffee and tea in those countries. >> one of the accusations is the fact that your sample four your study is very small indeed. i think you vetted 1500 farm workers out of 1.5 million farmers in 17 countries, and you only looked at two separate countries. >> so, we are all constrained as of trade by it budgets in what research we can do. what we put a premium on is do detailed careful remp, and a lot of the -- research, and a lot of existing research has been shoddy.
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especially much commissioned by fair trade and has not looked at the wage labour thing. our questionnaire was filled in by 1700 respondents in 12 sites across the country. we would have loved to do more countries and commodities. the key thing is to do the work carefully. absolutely right that we can only say things categorical about the findings that we got. that we embedded research findings in our report in a broader literature survey. what is clear from a lot of independent carried out is that there's a blind spot. little known about the implications for wage workers. and secondly where there has been work on that it is touches
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on concerns. and you know, there's definitely a need for research to be done in other context. that much is true. what is the bottom line from the research which you say is limited. what is the bottom line. how representative are your findings and what is your representation to the credibility of fair trade brand. our finings are representative of the areas where we did the research, and these are important producing areas. in two countries for which the commodities, coffee and cut flowers in ethiopia and coffee and tea are important foreign exchange earning to poverty reduction. the results are significant. the bottom line - what they find when you compare areas to find around where there is a fair trade producer organization. with other small holder areas in
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cases in ethiopia, and coffee and tea in uganda, where there's no fair trade, and in cases where there are larger scale, more commercial production - what we tend to find and the statistician show this is significant is that the winter games are typically lower on the areas dominated by fair trade certified producer organizations. that is striking. we knew wage employment was important. there are reasons to think that the wages particularly in smaller areas might not be any higher in areas where there's fair trade certified production, but to find the stark difference where they are lower on average, that was really, really striking to us. >> chris kramer thank you. economics professor at london university. thank you for that. later on in the day here at al jazeera, of course, we'll speak
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to fair trade. we can hear what fair trade has to say about chris kramer's findings. now, in southern california a gunman killed six people before taking his own life in a coastal college town. police say the 22-year-old posted a video about his intentions before the killing spree. brian rooney reports. >> reporter: it starred when three young pen were stabbed to death. investigators say elliot rodger then tried to get into a sorority house before shooting three girls on the street. within minutes there were two exchanges of gun fire with police in as many as nine locations where shots were fired. rogers came it a crashing shot and was found dead of a self-inflicted gunshot. 20-year-old christopher martin es was one killed. his father spoke to reporters. >> you don't think it will happen to your child until it
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does. chris was a really great kid. ask anyone who knew him. his death has left our family lost and broken. why did chris die? >> investigators say roger had written a 141 page manifesto describing his life and what he planned to do. he wanted to kill pretty girls. i would have to kill my house maids. despite a history of mental troubles, he was found with three legally purchased pistols and round of ammunition. >> if a person has not been institutionalized and not taken against their will and put on a hold. that information is not entered into a database and is not disqualifying information for someone purchasing a firearm. >> reporter: hours before the spree he posted a slat. >> after i have anhilated every
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girl in the sorority house i'll take to the streets of isla vista, and slay every single person i see there. >> at a busy friday night there were plenty of the witnesses. >> crashed, and someone was attend toing someone in the -- attending to someone in the driver's seat. thousands, if not millions of real madrid taps are celebrating today. you know, you weren't supporting real, were you. >> i was hoping atletico could one. they almost made it. that's where we start. there has been a celebration 10th european cup title. they have rurched to madrid following a 4-1 win in the portuguese capital they've been showing off the trophy to thousands of fans in madrid. it's been a 12-year wait for
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real supporters. many of the winners stayed through the night to welcome back the european champion. it was a fitting end to a thrilling competition as liz now reports. [ cheering and applause ] . >> reporter: this is what winning a 10th european cup means to the fans of real mad d madrid. it's been an obsession for the club. a real victory looks unlikely for the majority of the final. atletico madrid took the lead in the 36th minute. like real madrid they opened the stadium for fans to watch on big screams. for thousands it looked like their team would add the champion's league elliot rodgers to their la liga title one last week. real got the equalizer in the
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93rd minute thanks to sergio ramos. in the second half gareth scored a goal to make it 2-1. further goals and a penalty from cristiano ronaldo made the score a flattering real madrid 4, atletico madrid 1. despair for rivals. for real coach carlo ancelotti a trim um of as player and manager. >> i think it was okay. they are all aware of the interaction at the beginning, in the second dive. i think at the end you can see that i am a lucky man. you can see that we try to do everything until the last second of the game. real made their game by winning the first five european cups.
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the 10th triumph may counselled as the biggest ever. >> back to the basketball court with the miami heat fans, breathing a sigh of relief. after a lacklustre quarter the visitors had a comfortable lead. in the second they found the momentum. superstar lebron james doing his thing to cut the pacers lead to 6 points at the end of the quarter. heat all the way after that. scoring 26 points. miami race to a 99-87 win, leading the series 2-1. >> we hate the way we play the game. we have to come out and play like we are down, you know, 15, you know, to start the game. it can bite us in the butt if we don't prepare that way. so we are a confident group. we don't panic. >> we own a series like this,
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and everyone has seen that we can play for a while. we have seen what it had. it's great to bring in. a spark at the right time. did a great job bringing in the guys, like in game 2 as well, you know. he gave us a big spark. >> the jamaican team set the new world record at the iaaf inaugust rel relay. the fall did so without the fast et cetera man on the planet. you sane bolt recovered from a ham strict injury. it smashed the 1994 record by 0.05 seconds. >> in the next hour nico ros berg will attempt to reclaim the lead by hamiltlewis hamilton. ros berg achieved goal at monaco, but the german driver
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has been cleared of wrong toing. >> reporter: simmering rivalry between lewis hamilton and nico ros berg is starting to boil over. the mercedes pair dominated winning all five races between them. they were a class apart. ros berg was quicker than hamilton in the first run to the final round. but with less than a minutes left, the german lost control at the corner. with the yellow flags out it meant hamilton couldn't complete his run for the chance to take poll. he was not happy with second. >> it's nico's mistake. and the subsequent yellow flags meant you couldn't improve on your lap, your feelings. >> it is ironic. it's okay. i was out a couple of sometimes, it's okay. >> there would be a second poll. season for monaco based ros berg. >> i thought it was over. i thought the track would ramp
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up and someone else could beat the time. of course, in the end i'm really, really happy that it worked out. to be on poll is fantastic at home, couldn't be better. >> daniel riccardo finished ahead of sebastien vettel to take third on the grid. the australian clearly sensed the tension in mercedes. >> all three of us are not too pleased with ourselves. we left a bit on the table. we fought the car pretty hard in qualifying and trying to find a bit more from it. >> we'll see after sunday which driver is smiling. french rugby club tooulon has boecome the 13th club to wi back it back. at the millen yam stadium. george smith scored the tries, and danny wilkinson kicked 13 points in the penultimate game
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of his career. >> golf - there was movement on the leader board in the invitational. the leader is down in the that. they shed the lead at the colonial club, going into the final round. campbell all tied on seven under. world number one adam scott shot a bogey free round of 66. two shots off the lead. >> the n.h.l. kings have taken a 2-1 lead in the western conference final with a 4-3 win. chicago took an early lead. they levelled matters in the second period. they raced away. drew doubty scored. the kings are on track for a second stanley cup final appearance in three years. >> mlb's east leaders blue jays beat the atlet ecks.
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also there's been 5-2 winners on saturday. late on sunday they'll attempt to complete a 3-game sweep of oakland who are american league waste leaders. real madrid and the champion's league elliot rodgers exploits leading the news on the website. 10 european cup titles, all the big days stories are there thank you. now, the turkish film "winter sleep." the film was said to be master full. phil lavelle has more. >> the palme d'or is hard to predict. "winter sleep" was a game heard again and again and again this last week and an and a half. in is newery bill shall am's
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fifth outing, an over bearing man that controls the lives of those around him. the best of 18. >> it seems from early on to be favourite - i said to a colleague, this is the palme d'or and it ended up buying the one. >> it was a big award for tim that spall. the audiences knowing him from the harry potter movies. he was decided to be best actor for "mr turner", the bioptic of a painer, and the best actress is julien moore for "a dysfunctional family." "mummy", a director who was 25, considered the one to last. the tale of a mother whose son had adhd honoured alongside this, from a man considered the godfather of french cinema. his "good buy to language"
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surreal and revolution ray. "the wonders" took the grand prix prize, a director, one of two competing against 16 male entries, no female palme d'or winner. jane campion, the only one to have won the prize in 67 years. >> so the 67th cannes film festival draws to a close, was it a night of surprises. honestly. the man that was expected to take the prize did in the end. this year the competition was about law, the highlighting, the lack of female directors. something that jane campion is passion about. semi is hoping next year there were more than two contenders, dominated by men. you can find out about the rest of the films at the al jazeera website. coming up next, taking you through the next 30 minutes.
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