tv News Al Jazeera May 28, 2014 4:00pm-5:01pm EDT
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>> in is al jazeera america live from new york city. president obama outlines his foreign policy vision for his final two years in office saying that the u.s. must lead. new details of allegations of mistreatment of veterans at v.a. hospitals. syrian refugees line up by the thousands to vote. but some say they're doing it out of fear. and millions today mourning the death of author and poet maya
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angelou. >> president obama defended his foreign policy today during a commencement speech in new york. >> the question we face, the question each of you will face is not whether america will lead, but how we will lead. not just to secure our peace and prosperity, but also to extend peace and prosperity around the globe. >> the president told west point graduates that america should restraint before embarking on more military operations. more on what the president had to say. >> reporter: terrorists, still
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the world's number one danger, and the united states should not go it alone. >> the most direct threat to america at home and abroad remains terrorism. the strategy is. >> reporter: the president asking to fund counter terrorism around the world. he proposed something that he has been reluctant to do. help train syrian rebels. >> i will offer those who offer the best alternative to terrorists and brutal dictators. >> reporter: in the post iraq and afghanistan era force should be used sparingly. >> just because we have the best hammer does not mean that every problem is a nail.
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>> reporter: he said cooperation with allies is the best alternative. >> development and sanctions and isolation. appeals to international law, and just as necessary and effective, multi lateral military action. >> reporter: mr. obama cites ukraine as an example, isolating russia and forcing it to rethink it's actions. and iran. and mr. obama pledged more openness, citing two controversies that have plagued his administration, drone planes and spies. >> we erode legitimacy with our partners and our people and reduce accountability with our own government. >> reporter: mike viqueira, al jazeera, washington.
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>> president obama outlined proposals for his policy. libby casey with us. if you would, walk us through some of these proposals. >> reporter: the president focused on using force only when necessary, trying to differentiate his policies from the policies of the previous administration. he talked about the international order and coming together, acting as a model in the future and success stories where the international voice could speak collectively. and terrorism was the big one. a big focus the president acknowledged, and he said, really, that at this point they need to have a new strategy going forward. >> so libby. >> drawing on the successes and
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shortcomings of our experience in afghanistan to more effectively partner with countries where terrorist networks seek a foothold. >> reporter: to that end, tony, this $5 billion request that he plans to make of congress to train in other countries, to train overseas, to be able to create more of an international presence, groups who can go out and deal with these precision-oriented strikes and precision-attacks on terrorism. >> this cooperation between like-minded countries, how is this idea different from past policy? >> reporter: sorry, you have to forgive me. i've been deluged. >> wow. >> reporter: but we can keep doing this. the president is pushing back against his critics. some in congress, and saying that it does serve a purpose. just compare where the president is internationally now to where
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he was when he spoke to west point four years ago when he was talking about boosting troops in afghanistan rather than in his mind concluding in-- >> well, that was crazy. libby casey in a downpour in washington, d.c. for us. appreciate it. thank you. sorry about that. new details are emerging about just how long some veterans waited for an appointment at the phoenix veteran's affair hospital. an report released on the allegations of delayed treatment and the ensuing cover up. randall? >> reporter: a startling report. the veteran administration is admitting to a serious breach of duty in caring for america's military. the blockbuster revelation came from richard griffin, who focused on the phoenix medical center. 1700 veterans at the medical center were not registered properly, leaving them at risk of being forgotten or lost.
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the hospital falsely claimed minimal delays. the report found significant delay in access to care that negatively impacted the quality of care. now the phoenix center reported an average wait of 14 days. the review found wait times up to 115 days. the phoenix facility is the focus of these inspector general's inspection with allegations of 40 veterans who died while waiting for care. the report confirms that employees kept two sets of waiting lists to conceal the long wait times. among the recommendations for va secretary shinseki, take immediate action to provide care for 1700 veteran who is are not on any waiting list, establish veterans at greatest risk and create a nationwide review of all veterans on waitlists. john mccain a decorated veteran from the vietnam war and long time critic of the va had
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this reaction just moments ago to the inspector general's report. >> i believe that this issue has reached a level that requires the justice department involvement. these allegations are not just administrative problems. these are criminal problems. we need the fbi and the department of justice to be involved in this investigation. i also, with some r reluctance, given the lack of responsiveness to secretary shinseki to numerous inquiries from senato senators, that it's time for the secretary to step down. >> this investigation is going through phoenix and throughout the nation with a top to bottom review ordered by secretary chuck hagel.
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the president said he found the findings extremely troubling and wants the va to take steps immediately to help veterans. >> boy there is still a lot to come because this is an interim report. randall, appreciate it. thank you. syria's presidential election takes place next tuesday, but more than a million syrians who call lebanon home, and voting was a frustrating experience for many trying to cast a ballot
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ballot../m. >> they were able to prevail despite three years of very fierce battles. the opposition say these are not fair and they will not recognize them. that they are organized by the same president that they're trying to overthrow. if you speak to the people here, many have left their homes years ago and have been living like refugees in the past few years. they are here not only because they want to vote. they feel their families who are still in syria may be tarnished. they feel their owe own access to syria if they choose to return, they feel they may not be able to do so if they do not show up and vote. they feel that president assad is not going any time soon and they have to deal with this reality, and that's why they're here. we see women who are pregnant in nine months and ready to give birth. we have seep children and people
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say they are not going to leave. >> of the people who left syria since the war began in 2011 have fled to lebanon. many of the refugees are living in lebanon, turkey, iraq and egypt. many who live in jordan are also casting ballots. as we have reports from the situation, it appears to be calmer. >> i'm here outside of the syrian embassy where voter turnouts appear to be rather low although jordan is home to a large population of syrians that reaches 1.3 million and constitute 20% of jordan's population. not all syrian who is live here are refugees. half have been living in jordan for decades, the other half have been displaced by the recent
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conflicts. but those who have turned out, the vast majority of syrians in jordan are against the assad government. the guest here says it is not interested in cutting diplomatic ties with syria, and says that it will not interfere in the election, which is happening inside the embassy, which is considered syrian territory. but jordan cannot afford to cut diplomatic ties with syria, because it feels that syrian president bashar al-assad might be in power for a while. >> fugitive nsa leaker edward snowdon. ant interview comes a year after snowdon admitted that he stole a trove of documents revealing electronic programs.
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he said that he was not the low level workers that he has been portrayed to be. >> i was trained as a spy and working under a name that was not mine. they may frame it in a way that's a low level analysts but they're trying to use one position that i've had in a career here or there to distract from the totality of my experience. >> reporter: secretary of state john kerry is responding to snowdon's comments saying that snowdon should, quote, man up and come back to the united states. he also responded to snowdon's assertions that he was forced to go to russia because the u.s. revoked his passport quoting again here for a supposedly smart guy that's a pretty dumb answer. and in today's power politics. first incumbent has fall in th this 2014 election season, and the tea party has a win.
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david shuster joins us with that. >> reporter: until last night incumbents seeking election has been 139-for-139, but texas ralph hall at age 91 as the country's oldest congressman became the first congressman or senator to lose a party challenge, and was the first to loss a renomination fight in 140 years. john radcliffe beat hall 53-47% tin the state's 45th congressional district. and state senator dan patrick also supported by the tea party crushed incumbent david due hurst. he ran an attack ad that he used
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to be a deejay. [♪ singing ] >> well, the voters answered by giving patrick the victory and giving dewhurst the boot. speaking of ads, biographical spots bearing a weapon. thanks to michigan republican paul mitchell we can now add cross bow. >> creating jobs, hmm, that's a rare skill in congress. if that's not enough i can shoot a cross bow and play the accordion. just not at the same time. i'm paul mitchell, and i approve
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this message because we need more job-creating, cross-bow shooting, and accordion-playing congressmen. >> and bruce braley who is seeking his position in senate by highlighting his career as a trial lawyer. >> i spent my lifetime trying to be the voice for some who have problems that they can't solve themselves. >> if the iowa primary poll holds, braley will face jodie ernst. >> i grew up castrating hogs. so when i went to washington, i cut pork. >> castrater versus trial lawyers. do you believe in miracles. recently 50 u.s. senators
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september a letter to the national football league asking for a name change of the washington redskins and respect for, quote, tribal sovereignty. they received letters for more respect for the political respect for the dc area. washington red skin name may be racist, but they believe there is an element of racism behind congress denying washington any voting representation. >> here, here. let's take a look at wall street before we go to break. the four day rally is over. the stocks as you see fluctuated on the news of major losses to a major retailer. checking the big door, the dow dropping 42 points.
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>> my gentleman angle--my gentleman angelo, author activist has been inspiring generations. this is her story. >> across the wall of the world of rivers sings a beautiful song. it says come, rest here by my side. >> reporter: maya angelou's introduction to most of america occurred decades after she launched her illustrious career. it was 1993 when angelo became the first woman and first african-american to present a poem at the event. >> you created only a little lower than the angels have crouched too long in the bruising darkness.
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>> born margaret johnson, she dropped out of school when she was 14 years old. never attendanted college but became an author and playwright and poet. her memoryaire "i know why the caged bird sings" is another first. the first non-fiction best seller by an africa american woman. earlier she stopped speaking, traumatized by abuse. she inspired generations. >> you may bury me in the bottom of manhattan, i will rise. my people will get me. i will rise. out of the huts of history shame, i rise. >> she received the nation's highest civilian honors, the
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national medal of arts from president clinton. the presidential medal of freedom from president obama. she was nominated for pulitzer, tony and emmy awards and went on to win dozens of literary honors. she also embraced teaching, spenspending the past three decs as professor of african-american studies at wakefield. >> i realized i used to think that i was a writer who could teach, but i find out i'm a teacher who can write. i am a teacher. mainly that. >> reporter: maya angelou had one son. she died at her home in north carolina. she was 86. >> joining us now, the president of--i'm so happy you are here to talk about this amazing life.
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i don't have any fancy questions here. i want to know what are your reflections on the passing of this amazing woman. the president said today, and i'll give you this, and to tee things up, her death has dimmed one of the brightest lights of our time. what are your thoughts? >> well, first of all, maya, who i knew, for me she was inspiration. when you're in civil rights struggle like i have been for most of my life, you need inspiration, and maya always inspired me and other people. i was always amazed that somebody who started out not being able to talk because of what happened to her, and then when she did start to talk for the rest of her life she lived large, and she never bent, and she lived openly large in writing, and speaking and everything she did. i remember running into her one day in a cafe and we were
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talking about a book, a history book that i had written. she said, i was surprised when i turned to the page, and you quoted the thing where i say black women are strong. it's like they have a rod running from the top of their heads to the bottom tip of their toes, black women. we talked about that. or seeing her dance when she was in her 70s, and realizing that she still coo. she was inspirational. we never disagreed about anything except clarence thomas, but beyond that she was wonderful. >> wait a minute. what was the disagreement? what was the disagreement on clarence thomas? i want to know your position and her position. i'm not going to let you go without explaining that one? >> she supported--like many people did, she supported his appointment on the grounds that a black man with that kind of experience would understand things eventually. and i sort of didn't think so, but that was minor. everything else from her writing
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to the way she lived her life to the involvements that she had, and the writing that she left for us to read. we can still read and think about maya even though she's gone. >> that's terrific. the president said today her death has dimmed one of the brightest lights of our times. take it from there. >> well, we rise, i rise today to salute her contribution, her life, and her work, her literary genius, her actual understanding of human life, and i had the great opportunity to spend three hours in her kitchen. five years ago i went calling on dr. angelou to ask her to create a work of poetry in connection with the urban league's 100th anniversary in 2010. she sat there and said, do you know the art is common? i said, yemen, i know the ar art
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common? she said, i want to do something with him. i think it would be genius if i teamed up with him to do something for you. don't you think that's a great idea? i think that's a great idea. she created a work of poetry and with common actually performed it. did a spoken word presentation. it was memorable, it was powerful. i loved her spunk. i loved--she had a patience and an impatience. that impatience is really an i am patience with injustice, with intolerance. a giant amongst us has gone on. a great literary giant and a great personality of the 21st century has gone on. >> mary francis berry, i want to talk about the america maya angelomayaangelou witnessed in . here is a quote in the times. i thought it was important for us to talk about.
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our country is better now than it may seem to be. you can look around and see black people in positions of leadership, and they've been voted in by large white majorities, men and women who had some of the large corners and men and women who had some of the largely white universities. as son who has fought this battle for civil rights for decades, your reflections on her reflection of the changes in the country. >> well, i think is right in that anybody who has been around all this time, even if you have read the history of these times is amazed at how things have changed. to think about things you used to not be able to do like going in to certain places or jobs that people who had college degrees couldn't get. you would be amazed. but when you read about all the stuff, all the problems that still exist, and listen to them
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on the media and so on, you're taken aback. but there is no way that you cannot be overwhelmed with the changes that have taken place if you lived through the period. that's what she was talking about. >> and mark, same thought for you. they have so celebrate the transformational change, and maya was witness to that. i'm also struck how the here and now we have a supreme court that seems to be under cutting progress with the voting rights act, with challenges to affirmative action, and a political movement in the far right in this country that seems to want to erase, if you will, a whole host of progress that has taken place. while these are the best of times in some ways they are the worst of times. so we celebrate that progress before my generation and those
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who came behind me internal vigilance towards progress, towards justice, towards a better america, absolutely necessary. >> what a pleasure to have you both on the program. mark, the president and ceo of national urban league, and mary francis berry, former chair woman of the u.s. commission on civil rights and professor a of civil rights. >> thank you for having us. >> a quarter of the e.u. may not be in favor of keeping the e.u. together. we'll look at how that can destabilize. one of america's closest allies google building a fleet of driverless cars. we will show you the new technology.
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>> getting rid of the euro will now control a quarter of the european parliament. >> reporter: some european leaders bruised by this election are on a mission to reform the e.u. like françoi françois holl. >> we need change. we need an approach that recognizes that europe should concentrate on what matters, growth, jobs, and not try to do so much. we need an approach that recognizes that brussels has gotten too big, too bossy and interviewing. >> reporter: they talked about who will head the next commission. >> we just had quite dramatic european election with new
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skeptical passes, some new extreme nationalist passes. massive spectrum from the left to the right. there is a big dissident voice, and yet i just sat a meeting where you would have thought that nothing happened at all, and it was business as usual. >> reporter: they want the e.u. to focus on job investment and more and more leaders want less europe, not more. sunday's election showed that the number of people are happy with the e.u. in its current form rising. the question is can leaders fix the big problems at home while obeying the e.u.'s rules and regulations? can they create jobs and growth without jeopardizing the euro, and can they look at migration.
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no big decisions were made at this meeting. it will take many more before we know how reforms will look, but some of these leaders don't have much time. simon mcgregorwood, bras else. >> some of the anti-establishment parties are meeting today to discuss their own strategy. they're defending criticism of being racist and ex exclusionar. john, good to have you on the program. here is the analysis. >> thank you, a pleasure. >> pleasure, pleasure. here is the analysis that i want you to give your honest reaction to this. protest parties, critical of e.u. and the status quo in brussels did very well. as expected, but not really enough to upset the fundamental balance of power in brussels. what are your thoughts? >> well, you're absolutely correct. it's not going to upset
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everything immediately, and as the interview showed its typical of the european federal pseudostate, it will carry on as if everything is normal. we're not against an anti-europe union, we're against the pseudostates over the top of our nations. >> you heard the sound bite that the e.u. is too bossy and too interfering. what does a less bossy and less interfering e.u. look like on immigration, growth and austerity?
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>> well, it would look like the europe we voted to go into. when we went off to go into the european union that's the europe we were offered. we were not offered a federal super state. we were offered a free market. europe is far too bossy, etc. but this is going to expose one of the great weaknesses in the conservative party's argument that you want to be the center of europe in playing the leading role in europe. there are 27 countries, and 26 of them are not going to vote for british interests. in fact, britain has a major or a large negative balance of trade with europe and they're not going to vote to lesson that. plus the britain is the second largest contributor from europe in taxpayers. british taxpayers have been suffering like american taxpayers are, and a a growing feeling of recession. they do not like paying for
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other people to do be lazy or lay abouts. and they want to have people with free enterprise. freedom. freedom from abuse and freedom from foreign nations. you could sum up margaret thatchers strategy by this. >> and isn't that argument that you just made just a way of saying, we don't want brown people. we don't want black people. we don't want africans to be invading europe. isn't that a very nice way of making that anti-immigration argument that frankly i've heard certainly in my two and a half years working with aje in had doha? >> tony, i'm sorry, that's been the case against it, trying to brand it as color conscious, and
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to be discriminatory. what we're say something to protect the borders. in other words, we will allow anybody to come into great britain on a first-come, first-serve service, and the first person who comes in has to take the place of someone leaving. we do not want increased immigration, but we don't mind where the immigration comes from within the e.u. as long as it makes up the differences of someone leaving, and just does not leave britain grossly ove overlaiden. it's to protect the boards from gross overload. anybody can come to britain. it will be first come, first serve, and it must replace someone leaving. >> john brown is a former member of britain's parliament and john, a pleasure. thank you sir.
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>> thank you very much, tony. >> the united nations security council is meeting at this hour. this comes hours after france invited ukraine's new president petro poroshenko. today hundreds of people landed in doneskt. it comes one day after dozens of people were killed in a battle between separatist and ukrainian troops at the city's airport. thailand, the military leader is threatening critics can prison time if they engage in protest. crowds are holding rallies every day. they started monitoring the internet. now activists and journalists were all summoned by the military after they took power stating that it staged a coup to end months of unrest.
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the pakistanial ba pakistans split from the main group. the group's former leader was part of the tribe. he was killed in an u.s. drone strike last november. to complicate pakistan's efforts to reach a lasting agreements with the taliban. and in france, they say illnesses were spreading and mistake shift camps needed to be clean. they were home to hundreds of syrian, afghan and african migrants, and now they have ngo where to go. >> reporter: in just a few hours this bulldozer destroyed everything. turning these people's few possessions into a pile of
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rubbish. it was difficult for many to watch. the far right is gaining ground in france. many local people turned out to give support to asylum seekers. >> this come said you have left them with nothing. the law is not intelligent. it is weak and for animals. >> reporter: under european law these people must either claim political asylum here in france or return to the first european country they arrived in. the french authorities are trying to deter more people from coming here to calais. the refugees that i spoke to said that this will not put them off from coming here, and it will not put them off from getting to the u.k. habeeb said he can't go back to darfur, and he cannot stay in france. >> how many times have you tried
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to get across to the u.k.? >> five times. >> how did you dry? >> i tried under a car. i tried in the luggage. they found me. i'm tired of trying, but right now i have no choice. >> for now the local authorities are trying to persuade these people to go to a holiday camp with they can have a shower. but these averag refugees are ad they'll be moved far from this port. they say war and poverty they would rather sleep here in the cold because it's the only chance they have of getting to the u.k. and a better life. al jazeera, calais. >> a federal judge has ordered a temporary stay on excus executin ohio. we have that and other news making headlines today. >> reporter: all executions in ohio are delayed two and a half months. a federal judge said that this
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will allow time for arguments over the state's new lethal injection procedure. ohio uses two drugs injected simultaneously. the new procedure came about after the execution of dennis mcguire. it took him 26 minutes to die. classes resumed at the university of california santa barbara after the shooting rampage near the campus. last night thousands of mourners packed the stadium during a vigil for the six students who were killed. no. florida the murder conviction of a former fbi agent linked to mobster whitey bulger was overturned today. saying he was improperly convicted for his role in a 1992 mob hit. the statute of limitation has expired. he spent time behind bars in the murder of a gambling executive.
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banning what are called exploding targets. [ explosion ] >> reporter: the targets add a whole new dimension to the shooting experience. as these youtube videos show they explode when hit. some saying it's potentially flammable debris. this video produced by the forest service shows how easily the targets can start a fire. >> that one on a bail of hay. when it went off it started a fire within a few seconds. >> reporter: results like this have been costly. >> just over the past couple of years after these exploding targets have become popular we've seen 16 or so fires. $33 million in suppression costs. >> reporter: those fires have occurred all across the u.s. from california to utah,
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pennsylvania. in colorado the targets are links to six fighters and exploding targets was linked to this fire west of colorado springs. the targets are not illegal to sell. you can get them pretty much at any sporting goods store or gun shop. they cost $5 a shot. right now they can be used at private clubs or millions of acres of private land and could spark fires in nearby brush and timber. >> i've used these on a personal basis. >> reporter: he knows the thrill targets offer when chemicals are mixed together. >> there are two components. they ignite by a high speed bullet. but this weapons safety instructor also knows it's a danger. >> folks will use these and put them in metal containers and glass containers, and there are fragments that could hurt
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people. >> reporter: that ha target hasd to it being banned in many shooting centers. the forest center is considering a permanent ban. that means anyone using it on forestry lands could face a ban of $5,000 and six months in jail. >> maria, thank you. coming up on the al jazeera america, the mayor in chicago is considering stricter laws on gun sales, and how one man in new orleans' ninth ward is providing fresh fruit and vegetables to dozens of people for free.
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>> in an apparent about safe clippers owner donald sterling said he's not interested in selling the team. sterling was banned for life from the league. he told the nba he'll fight to keep the team. the nba is holding a meeting of team holders next week to determine in sterling should be forced to sell. rahm emmanuel with
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suggesting stricter gun laws to prevent people from using fake i.d.s. ash har quaraishi is in chicago with more. >> reporter: in january a federal judge ruled an outright ban on gun sales inside the city limits was unconstitutional. since then police chief gary mccarthy and rahm emmanuel have been pushing for stricting gun laws. a new ordinance was introduced and could require install video corders and log all gun sales and require a 72 hour waiting period. >> the city of chicago does not have a problem of too few guns. there are way too plane guns,
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and our police officers take more guns off the street than new orleans and la. >> nearly 20% of all guns recovered from crime scenes from originally sold by just four local dealers. all of them were located outside of the city limits in neighboring suburbs and municipalities. the ordinance still has to pass a vote. >> about one in five households in new orleans are considered food insecure families who aren't sure how they will put enough food on the table. these areas are called food deserts where they don't have enough access to food. >> these are radished. >> reporter: david young spent 22 years in law enforcement in indiana. now retired and living in new orleans he has turned 26 formerly blighted lots in the
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lower ninth ward into gardens. >> were there homes on these lots before you made these gardens? >> yes, there would have been a home on every lot here. and right here inside this fenced in area there are eight lots. so we're gardening there would have been eight homes before katrina. >> reporter: many people living in the lower ninth ward cannot afford or even find fresh fruit and vegetables. young's harvest goes to them. >> the fight against hunger in south louisiana is not just a fight for the quantity of food you're putting in your body. it's a fight for good quality of food. a food desert is an area where people cannot obtain access to good nutritious food in a reasonable fashion. >> reporter: ravaged by floodwaters when the levies broke, the lower ninth ward has been low so recover and many properties remain vacant. >> reporter: for people who returned after hurricane katrina they're trying to rebuild their
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lives. but the only place to get fruits and vegetables is a grocery store three miles away. >> brenda has lived her whole life here. >> a lot of us, fruits and vegetables, we can't get to the grocery store. it's all about having vehicles to go. but for the ones that don't, i mean, it's hard. >> reporter: young gets assistance from 350 volume tires from around the world who help as cultivate and maintain the gardens and help distribute the fresh food. >> is this new in new orleans? there can't be many people out here doing this. >> well, i haven't heard of any. there are people trying to make it affordable, but i haven't heard of anyone who is actually giving it away at no cost. these are honeybees, and i started keeping honeybees about two years ago. >> reporter: to help funds the gardens young keeps bees and sells honey.
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>> the gardens for me, you know, it puts a smile on my face to see it. >> when i first took over this lot it had trash out along the street, and the neighbors around went from what's going on. [ rooster crowing ] >> they're really seeing it as pretty good thing now. >> reporter: his gardens not only provide food, but a sense of community to a neighborhood still recovering. robert ray, al jazeera america. >> google is building a fleet of self-driving cars. we'll look at how it could change transportation. plus mixed messages to egypt's elections. are people showing up to vote or not. >> president obama addressed the graduating class of west point, the statements clue the foreign policy vision for the united states. ray suarez is following that coming up on "inside story."
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>> thanks, tony. since the president came to office more than five years ago the world has changed. america is still a powerful nation even an indiesible one, the president said, but it is time for a more broad-based approach to playing on the world stage that doesn't seen the military as the answer to every international problem. we're live with more at the top of the hour.
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>> the presidential campaign for egypt's former army chief said he has more than 90% of votes. al jazeera is not allowed to report it since it doe cannot confirm the inside. >> throughout the day al sisi's twitter account has been posting, going to vote, and this line of a polling station. people holding flags as they wait in line to vote. but other independent journalists and bloggers show something different. empty polls. also this is also another empty polling station in cairo. it's hard to make out, but you've got the tent over here and some empty chairs here and here as well. except for two people here
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sitting down. now the government blamed the low turn out over the last two days on a heatwave. fares on public transportation was suspended, and they hav voty will be fined for not voting. this one is writing, stark from "the game of thrones" and ramos has been written in as a candidate. >> thank you. google has had the biggest hurdles to developing automated cars are human. the cars that do not have steering wheels, pedals or gears. >> everything about cars involves faith. i have faith right now as i
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cross the intersection that none of these guys are going to hit the gas and plow right through me. everyone around us at the giants game today is assuming that no one is going to jump the curb. well, google has extended that faith even more deeply, and arrived at a design that does away with any sort of break or accelerator or that icon of control the steering wheel itself, and it has just gone with a simple start button and emergency stop button. the design stems from employees who had been commuting from work via the original self car design weren't ready to take control of the wheel if necessary. that's one of the fundamental design concepts, that the car would say, construction area, hey, cat in the road, you take the wheel. they designed it that people are not really ready for that. they're falling asleep, reading a book or texting. they're not ready to take the
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wheel in a moment's notice. they need to do away with drivers completely. so these are just passengers that you see in the video that google released on tuesday night. people just get in, strap in. they've got plenty of legroom andrea little room for their groceries, other words they're simply passengers. they're subjecting themselves to the whims of the car just as you and i subject ourselves to the whim of a train or bus driver. this is not really owning a car. that's google's whole point. they imagine these cars becoming inter changeable cocoons that take you from place to place. you say i want to go to the movies. you press the button and it takes through whether you're conscious or asleep or whatever it is that you're doing. this kne new paradigm of peoples simply cargo is not only full of liability issues, it's at simple
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fundamental act of faith that is even more of what we already do in the car environment. >> jacob ward reporting from san francisco. that's all of our time. "inside story" is next. if you would like the latest on any of our stories this news hour, head to our website at >> the president told west point's graduating class that america must continue to lead the world. spelling out the obama foreign policy, it is the inside story. >> hello, i'm ray suarez. soti
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