tv News Al Jazeera May 30, 2014 6:00pm-7:01pm EDT
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>> finding her voice >> i was not a ham, i was ham & cheese... >> and turning it around... >> you don't have to let your circumstance dictate who you are as a person >> talk to al jazeera only on al jazeera america >> 60% of v.a. facilities have been investigated. ukraine makes a multi million dollar payment to defuse the problem. and the agreement to sell the los angeles clippers at a record-setting price, but word now that donald sterling may sue over the deal.
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>> there will be a change of command at the veteran's fairs department. the president announced the move today. >> a few minutes ago secretary shinseki offered me his resignation. with considerable regret i accepted. >> it comes after the report revealed that veteran's wait times were manipulated in 60% of facilities investigated, and al jazeera white house correspondent mike viqueira has been covering this story all day, and mike, the problems at the v.a. hospitals do not end with shinseki's departure. >> reporter: i think the public pressure will go down. the heat, the scrutiny from the press will go off. but these problems are systemic. they are decades old, and many
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reacting to shinseki's departure. republicans and democrats saying this management structure has to be uprooted, pulled up by the roots and changed from top to bottom. this issue had been cascading. turning into a controversy, a scandal. there were no fewer than two reports outloi outlining the deception and mall feance. some 1700 veterans on the books as having appointments they were never able to see the doctor, and 40 died waiting to do so. now a second report comin coming from erik shinseki and rob nabors, outlining the figure you pointed out. 64% of v.a. facilities nationwide, not just phoenix, experienced the same cooking of the books. shinseki was here at the white house here in person to deliver
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that interim report. he offered the president his resignation as we heard. the president accepted and then came to the briefing room and talked about the fact that with all of this scrutiny shinseki became unable to be effective. >> he's not adverse to admitting there is a problem and going after it. but we occupy not just an environment that calls for management fixes, we've also got to deal with congress, you guys, and i think rick's judgment that he could not carry out the next stages of th of reform without being a distraction himself. >> reporter: he was blindsided, erik shinseki was blindsided, not hearing about problems.
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a lot of people are raising eyebrows because the inspector himself outlined 15 years of problems of wait times and double listings and some of the deception that really has exploded into the public view over the last several days. >> it will be interesting to see what transpires after today's resignation. live at the white house. thank you. well, erik shinseki has been facing increasing calls for members to step down. today there was widespread reaction to his decision to resign. >> reporter: there's rare by parson agreement on this one. --there's rare bipartisan agreement on this one. but it only went so far. house speaker boehner among other republicans used the occasion to criticize president obama. >> his resignation does not absolve the president of his responsibility to step in and make things right for our
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veterans. business as usual cannot continue. >> reporter: in the senate a similar thing for minority leader mitch mcconnell saying in part: >> reporter: while many called for shinseki to step aside no one thinks getting rid of him will solve the v.a.'s problems. senator berni sanders said: is it. >> reporter: the va's problems are nothing new. north carolina senator kay hagin, one of the first democrats to call for the secretary's resignation said our work is only beginning. the investigations and accountability must proceed, and we should make every effort in
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the coming weeks and months to implement reforms that insure nothing like this happens again. there are some 800,000 veterans living in hagin's north carolina, and she's counting on them to help her in a tough re-election battle. sloane gibson served in the army after graduating from the u.s. military academy in west point in 1975. secretary of state john kerry has been told he does not need to testify in the conflict in bengahzi, libya. his testimony was to be part of the hearing on the attack i in 2012. the committee's shar chair,
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four american >> white house said president obama will meet with ukraine's president-elect in poland next week. this is as ukraine's government vow offensive against pro-russian separatists in the eastern part of the country. there was more fighting there today. >> reporter: it's these men that the president-elect has vowed to punish. within minutes of the al jazeera team arriving, seven mortar shells were fired on the town.
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above the barricades the of russia and self declared republic. they have built themselves bouncersbun bunkers. evidence here that mortar barrage are random, not aimed at military targets. this is a maternity hospital. the nurses showed me the deadly shrapnel that was blown through the walls after answer attack on thursday night. it was a miracle that nobody was killed here. the barrage of shells sent deadly shards of class everywhere. one nurse showed me the basement where the children were led to take shelter as the mortars fell
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around the hospital. we found a mother nursing her newborn baby. >> of course we're afraid when our own arms are attacking us. >> reporter: the streets are empty. the sense of fear overwhelming. al jazeera. >> syrian president bashar al-assad will likely win another seven-year term in its presidential election. meanwhile, in the north residents of i dlib have two hours to evaluation. there was warning of an
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offensive. thousands have fled to nearby turkey. >> these families are from the city of idlib. they packed whatever they could take and left after rebels advised them to do so. it's under the control of the governmenters but it is surrounded by rebel territory, and it seems that opposition fighters have made it its next target. >> they issued a statement asking people in idlib to leave. hundreds are leaving for the countryside. >> the warning from the opposition came days before the government plans to hold a presidential election in areas under its control. >> people are scared afte after the islamic committee told them to leave. polling stations may be hit by mortars, and the government's
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militiamen will force people to vote, so people fled. >> reporter: some of them are arriving in turkey, and many are too scared to speak on camera. there are those who said they left because they don't want to vote on election day. others are afraid that a rebel advance would unleash heavy oh bombardment by syrian government warplanes. and others explain many want to leave but they can't. they're employees of state institutions. if they want to keep getting their salaries they will have to vote. the rebels have made advance advances in i had lib. days ago they captured a strategic region. >> the regime is hitting back. people of idlib are afraid that they will be targeted by government forces. >> reporter: the regime has made gains in central and southern syria, but here in the north it is contested territory. the rebels may not be able to win the war here, but for now
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their aim seems to be very presentin preventing people from voting. >> some heavy hitters have already joined the campaign battle for control of the u.s. senate. david shuster has detail. >> reporter: former republican presidential nominee mitt romney is taking an active role in the iowa senate race. the primary in both parties is next tuesday, and romney is now on the air with this. >> i know iowa is ready to play a crucial part in this year's elections and send a leader to washington who will demand fiscal responsibility. thankfully iowa conservatives have such a leader joni ernst. >> reporter: republicans leaders believe ernst will give the republicans the best chance of winning and take control of the u.s. senate. but last night in the final g.o.p. debate ernst had an embarrassing gaffe. she was asked about one of the violent images in her campaign
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ad. watt the time of the shootings in california. >> would you change the ad or change it or anything. >> no, this unfortunate accident surrounding the ad. >> calling it an unfortunate accident set off a firestorm. she said she misspoke. in alaska there is marvel at the campaign run by begich, long considered one of the vulnerable democratic incumbents but he's open firing at a top republican contender. dan sullivan appears to be the strongest g.o.p. candidate to win the republican primary in response to sullivan's latest ad accusing begich of not getting things done. he's running this.
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>> this is the plant that sullivan is run on. here will other places that he could film his nexted a "p next ad where i have extended jobs. >> reurgeaccordinghillary rodham clinton's book comes out next week. she wrote, quote: >> reporter: finally the washington re redskins football team, harry reid urged the team
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to change its name. the redskins responded by saying tweet at reid saying what they think the name means to them. most supported reid saying that the name is racist and insensitive. most accused dan snyder of being an idiot. yet again that view is not news. that's today's power politics. >> donald sterling's wave shelly has greed to sell the los angeles clippers, the price tag, $2 billion. they signed the agreement last night. but donald sterling refuses to give up the team last night. he gave authority to his wife to negotiate this sell earlier this month, but now he has had a change of heart. the clock is ticking because team owners are meeting on
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tuesday to strip the sterlings of their ownership rights. meanwhile we heard have sterling's attorney that he will file suit against the nba for damages. he also weighing whether to sue his wife shelly. we spoke with sports attorney xavier pope what could be decided if they sue the nba over this $2 billion deal. >> the bigger question there was independent evaluation that donald sterile wag not mentally fit? where did that come from? when was that produced? was shelly sterling's interest compromised, and donald sterling's lawyers may look to the league and shelly could say that they conspired against him to go through this process.
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>> explain the family trust issue here. that term may be unfamiliar. >> many wealthy people hold large assets in a family trust. it was set up so the sterile could go leave the slippers to his wife should he die without tax effects or administration that is involved with turning over an asset to an heir. and so now this process is now being used against donald sterling, ironically. >> that's sports attorney xavier pope. coming up on al jazeera america, google, people want parts of their online identity erased. we'll show you how that process works. vé
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>> reporter: no, it's a double edge sword because there are homeowner whose are underwater on their mortgages, and they want pricing to up, and prices have gone up over the last six years. in 2007 prices were at their highest, and then were unaffordable to americans. then prices came crashing down and were very affordable up until two years ago. what started home prices have started to go up a lot, and then interest rates went up. the share of affordable homes within reach of middle class home buyers have tightened in most markets. that's according to several reports but one in particular the real estate data company trulia. birthdayible within the reach of middle class home buyers means your total monthly payments on a home is no more than 31% of the median household income in any
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metro area. what trulia has done is compare the median income in which half earn more and half earn less and compare that on the homes on the market. san francisco is the most out of whack. and yet only 14% of the properties on the market in san francisco are now within reach of middle income buyers. that's down. that's down from 20% last year. it's not just the west coast phenomenon, michael. seven of the least affordable markets are california. in denver half the house there is are affordable compared to median income. that's down two-thirds from a year ago. and that's the problem. houses are becoming less affordable. if you missed for whatever reason you missed the last few years, you could not take advantage of 3.25 mortgage rate and lower home prices, you may be out of the game.
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>> you see people out of their jobs and the commutes get longer and you see these issues in the markets. real estate is very local. it's about the zip code, but it changes from state to state, city to city. where are these affordable markets that middle class buyers can go out. >> reporter: predictbly they're concentrated in the south and midwest. akron, toledo, cleveland, they have markets where homes are priced 81% to 86% of local areas middle income buyers. gary, indiana. detroit, michigan. 80% mark. little rock, arkansas, 88% and 83%. atlanta is at 72% way down from 79% a year ago. so they are much more affordable because of the homes are within reach of middle class home buyers. but still there are two markets
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in the entire country where it has not tightened up. in the event where you're looking to buy a house you may be coming to the end of the affordability window wherever you are. >> and as you go to other areas can you get the same income? >> in the high income areas like chicago, like francisco and like new york, it's way unaffordable these places. it's not like i'll move to san francisco and be able to afford a house. i'll move to san francisco, and be less likely to afford a house. >> google is accepting requests from europ europeans who want to be forgotten on google serbs. they want the right to have certain sites deleted. >> reporter: europeans can now fill out a form asking google to remove certain search results, critickings of this move sa
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critics say this limits freedom of expression. >> those who want to be forgotten online now have a chance by filling out this form on google. the court said people can ask search engines to results about them that are deemed inadequate, irrelevant, excessive. >> you fill in the page and you explain why you watt the links removed and then you need to up load a photo i.d. give an electro electronic signature and then submit hit. >> reporter: in a statement google told us the court's ruling requires google to make difficult judgments about an individual's right to be forgotten and the public's right to know. supporters of the court's ruling
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argue that google has the responsibility to protect people's privacy but the decision has many opponents. >> somebody makes mistakes when they are young, should that follow them their whole lives, maybe not, but people are coming out of the woodwork with these take down demands including a fe pedophile who wants news of his arrest removed. doctors with poor reviews want them taken down. >> reporter: the ruling will allow oppressive regime and rule tours control criticism. >> the best way to counter bad speech is to add more speech. that's what this country says and a lot of people would yes with. >> reporter: google is setting up a seven-person advisory committee to look at the ethical aspects of this process. michael, information will only disappear from inside europe. outside of europe those search results will still show up. >> which begs the problem will it be available here in the u.s.? >> reporter: that is a concern on the part of some of the experts i spoke to, but they say
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there are already regulations in the united states, and this concept of freedom of speech and expression that they don't think will be threatened here. it's not very likely. >> i know everyone who has googled their name. if you have access to google, and there are some people who would like to have it deligh deleted, no doesn't. >> yes, because once there it's there forever. >> a space potter i port in new mexico. the company has taken 600 reservations already at $250,000 a pop. they hope the launch's first flight is at the end of this year. the world cup in brazil begins in two weeks and tickets there have plummeted. tickets are slowing up for as little at $16 a piece.
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project. mark, i've been looking forward to talk to you all day to give me some perspective here. why was this move the right move? >> there was no doubt that as unfortunate as it is, secretary shinseki had to tender his resignation, and president obama had to accept it. this has been a political distraction, and what we need in the department of veterans affairs is the ability to start focusing on the policy. this may have been the only way to get the white house, congress, and the department in a position so that the focus can be on what needs to be done over the next several months to get things back on track. >> the time can be surprising to people because there have been calls for shinseki to resign. president obama said that was
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not called for a couple of days ago. why now would he accept this resignation? >> i think two things drove the timing of the resignation. first, the report being out on the street, the levels of the problem at the v.a. this was not just an isolated incident at the phoenix hospital, you're talking about a truly systemic problem that involves all parts of the department. the second piece is it's just begin hearing in terms of solving the challenges at the v.a. that's different than kathleen sebelius' challenges at the healthcare website. you're now at a time for the president to nominate a new
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secretary, and the department can go back and finish up the backlog and deal with these larger issues having to do with possible illegal activities by senior members of that department. >> well, this timing of this resignation obviously puts a swift change of the guard because sloane gibson takes over as acting secretary. he just joined the v.a. in february. does a power vacuum like this make the v.a. even more vulnerable at this point? >> i worry that people will think that the resignation. general shinseki will believe that the problems are now solved. nothing further from the truth. secondly, while joa sloane gibson is a fine leader, there
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are going to be new challenges ahead. the first being the confirmation in the senate for a new leader in the veteran's department. >> how do you think the veteran also ultimately take this news? >> i think if you take a look at most veteran organizations, they'll think it's a good first step. but one good thing these organizations have their eye on the prize. that is not just providing the great healthcare that the department of veteran affairs does, but making sure there is access to that healthcare for all the veterans out there. >> mark jacobson from the truman security project. thank you. >> my pleasure. >> thailand's military leaders expect to hold elections next year. they say it will take at least a
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year. and the coup was necessary to stop the turmoil. but it has not stopped the protests. central african republic two people were killed during violent anti-government protests at the capitol. protesters want the government to step down after it failed to stop the increase of religious fighting. they want to top the take attacks. 17 people were killed at a church. in the yemen, the army is worried about being overwhelmed as it battles al-qaeda fighters. >> more government soldiers join the fight against al-qaeda. they are trying to clear strategic areas after pushing
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the fighters out of a town al-qaeda had been strong. in this village jets attack an al-qaeda hide out. security forces. >> terrorism is the biggest problem we confront in yemen. with the ministry of defense we implemented measures that implement the attacks. >> reporter: here a province where the army is shelling shiite rebel positions. the government accuses of
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destabilizing yemen. >> it'sterism. those who kill and destroy people and property. we're determined to defeat them. >> reporter: they say their fight is to end years of discrimination and injustice, but fighting on two fronts may be too much for yemen's security forces. the government wants to negotiate a cease-fire so it can focus on its fight against al-qaeda. the yemeni army faces a delicate balancing act. with al-qaeda it has opted with military confrontation, but it still wants to give diplomacy a chance and convince the rebels to renounce violence and hand over their weapons. >> an arrest related to the boston bombing investigation. we have more on that and more news around the u.s. 1234 in massachusetts a young man is
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accused of impeding the bombing investigation. police say he lied about his friendship with the bombing suspects and deleted information about the tsarnaev brothers from his computer. he is not suspected of participating in the attacks or knowing about them in advance. in california santa barbara police knew about the disturbing videos posted by the young man who killed six students recently. but did not look at them. officers went to his home three weeks before the rampage. the police said they did not search his home because he was not considered a threat. florida's attorney general wants marriage ban thrown out. eight couples are suing the state. they want the state to recognize their marriage performed in other states.
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and there are just too smart to lose. the scripps national spelling bee ended with two winners, yes, two of them. >> you're cochampions of the scripps national spelling bee. >> the two co-champions. the fair tied going five rounds without either of them missing a word. this is a first time in more than 50 years the championship is shared by two students. one of the winners said that at one point they both knew that the competition really was against the dictionary, and not each other. >> i love that, friendly competition, but let's beat the dictionary and let's beat it together. they both get the money, right? >> reporter: yes, $30,000 each. >> a new campaign to end school bullying and teach life skills to 200 kids. heidi zhou castro takes a look
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at how it works. >> how many of y'all are ready for the end of school? >> reporter: these fourth graders in dallas will head to summer break with a few life lessons freshly learned. >> what did officer farmer teach you? trustworthiness, very good 37 dallas police officers have spent six weeks speeching these kids about responsibility, integrity, and bullying prevention. the idea borne of the police department is to how students see police officers as confidants and role models who stand up against bullying. >> you have 10% of the kids who actually do bully. you have 10% to 20% of the kids who get bullied. you also have that group of 60% to 80% of the kids who see it happening and don't do anything to step in. those are the kids we're trying to reach.
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>> i think it's kind of like hurting someone in a way that they don't like it, and if you do it often they could get scared of you. >> thank you so much. >> he said he learned to tell a trusted adult. >> i would tell my counselor, my principal, my vice principal, my teacher, my parents. >> just say stop. most bullies are not going to keep doing it after someone tells them to stop. it's a sense of empowerment for a kid. >> reporter: to drive home the message a dance-off to celebrate each others' quirks and differences. soon the feeling becomes infectious. >> in the end the faces say it
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we have more on the story. >> reporter: the justice department is the latest agency to require agents to record interviews of suspects. 21 states with similar laws but a lot of states across the country still do not require officers to tape interrogations. which can lead a suspect to confess to a crime he did not commit. it was a brief moment that jeffrey's words would haunt him for years. >> i falsely admitted to a murder and rape of a high school classmate. >> reporter: in 1990 he was only 16. the murder and rape consumed the small new york town. the police quickly focused on him. and after a 17-hour interrogation without his parents he confessed. >> i remember falsely telling them that there was an argument, and that--that i tackled her,
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ripped off her bra and hit her over the head with a gatorade bottle. >> reporter: a shocking admission that was not true. >> they wore me down. i was an emotional wreck. >> reporter: but it sent him to prison for 16 years. all of which could have been avoided had the jury seen the confession. >> i think it would have been clear to them that i was fearful. that i was worn down. they played a lot of psychological games with me. i was an emotional mess. >> reporter: activists say it happens all too often. near a quarter of recently overturned cases involved false confessions. >> the techniques are so forceful, so aggressive, so psychologically manipulative that yeah, they get bad guys to confess but they get innocent people to confess as well. >> reporter: across the country officers do not record suspect
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interviews. a string of recent exonerations has further raised calls to require taped interrogations. >> i think it's only a matter of time before it becomes a national phenomenon. >> reporter: in 2006 he was released after a dna test pointed to a convicted murder whose could b confession, by the way, was recorded. >> do you recognize that boy? >> it's shocking how young and vulnerable i was. >> reporter: he now works to free others in jail, wrongfully convicted by their own words. >> some critics fear that the taped confessions would keep people from speaking freely, but judges have decided that it
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actually causes them to lose cases. >> thank you. in this age of csi, it's easy to think of forensic evidence like fingerprints or pa his ticks is the surefire proof of a crime. but it can be prone to serious mistakes. jacob ward joins us now to tell us how the gold standard of forensics dna is not really. >> the problem here is that other areas of science abide by these rigorous standards. they try to be unbiased. they make their data open and available to everyone for critique. but in forensic science the criminal labs work for prosecution, so the same standards are not met, and that's true of dna. forensic science is deeply flawed. in 2009 the national academy of
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science issued a scathing report saying that the techniques linking fingerprints, hair and other items to an individual have not been validated. even culting edge dna analysis has not been subjected to the rigorous standard. >> we wouldn't have access to it, but we would be able to send a known dna sample from our a profile from a crime scene, sent it to the public of justice, and they would be able to access it, to see if it cross-references with foreseeable. >> reporter: vica became up a career in science to become a public defender. she said most dna samples are
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not complete. >> they're not robust. they are partial which means there is missing information and conclusions are being drawn that someone matches based on these marginal samples. >> reporter: here's how it could point to the wrong person. an unique dna profile consists of 13 locations, but a lot of times the labs don't map that many. either because they don't have that much stamp o sample or they save money and time from not matching that many. a dna pr profile of nine locations brought back the result of 122 people. any one of those 122 people could have incorrectly matched to the crime scene because of
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dna. with 20 matches out of 65,000. incomplete dna is used as evidence all the time. while arizona had only 65,000 people in its david beckham, california's now holds 1.4 million convicted offenders. even an exact dna match does not always identify the guilty party. investigators at a homicide in san jose, california, discovered a stranger as dna on the diseased. they identified lous can anderson. but lucas anderson was here in san jose being treated for alcohol poisoning. so how could his dna have possibly made it from the hospital where he was unconscious to a murder scene. >> the ambulance that transported lucas to be treated for alcohol was the ambulance that went to the murder scene.
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the same oxygen level indicator was put on the victim's finger. >> reporter: in the end lucas anderson did five months based on dna evidence that put him at the scene of the crime that he was nowhere near. next week, michael, in oakland right across the bay where i am, a trial will begin of a suspect named curtis tucker, a convict being tried on a decades old murder on dna evidence alone. now that we know that the dna evidence can be tainted and can convict the wrong person we should rethink basing entire cases on that basis as well. >> it's fascinating and scary as well. jacob ward, reporting from san francisco. once convicted, overturning
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a case can take years. one man's release took two decades, and he's hoping that dna testing will prove his innocence. >> we do have the best justice system in the world in theory. the problem is that it's run by human beings. human beings make mistakes. mistakes like those around the can exactly that may have led to thousands of wrongful convictions over the past three decades. one of the questions in questi cases in question is the case of lily manning. he was stent to death for the murder of two college students in mississippi. hair found in the victim's car was analyzed by the crime lab and tied to manning. >> when you heard about the fbi sending out letters that there was bad testimony about forensics in your case and other cases, how did you react to
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that? >> that was a huge sense of relief. it shed the light on so many other cases freed whitehurst is the one who blew the whistle on the crime lab. >> this thing about hair analysis being science, it's a subjective nightmare. >> i believe that the state knows that they have the wrong person incarcerated. >> they're going over something that was proven in court 21 years ago. i don't want him breathing another breath of our air. i don't want them to feed him another meal. i don't want them to put a roof over his head. it won't be final to me until he's dead and gone. >> "the system," right here on al jazeera america. well, early this week we told but the guy who was anonymously hiding cash in san
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>> brazil getting creative to cover up a mile long wall that leads up to a world cup stadium. it hired graffiti artists to paint it. >> the short distance from the stadium, one of the main stadiums in the world cup, where the opening match will be played between brazil and croatia, and along a very boring road. rail ray tracrailway track on one side and a road on the other side. a long wall, so authorities
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decided to contract with graffiti artists. to show the passion, the disappointment, the tragedy, and the ultimate victory. >> this is the wall, the largest in america. sort of an animation story of the wall. we have expression of fans at the game, the tensions of game, those driving or strolling down the road will have the sensation of watching this animation frame by frame. >> now the world cup is providing the inspiration of brazil artists expressing
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themselves, too. >> the director of the iranian video of people dancing to "happy" has been released from jail. the director and six others were arrested after the video went viral. six other people had already been released. earlier this week we told you about an anonymous millionaire who has been giving away cash. the movement is is now global. marie ines has more. >> reporter: yes, people are leaving money for people to find in georgia, north carolina, missouri, colorado. this young man found $20. this is in tampa, florida. envelope right here with money right there. and it's not just in the u.s. it's also in places like the u.k. hidden cash u.k. has left money in front of leeds city
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museum. and also in toronto one man is leaving cash there. now i spoke to the man in charge of the twitter account for toronto. he told me that he was inspired by the san francisco millionaire who started this a week ago. he told me spreading his wealth has given him a new purpose, and it's a great way to pay it forward, but it's not justibl just millionaires doing this. a woman told me she is not wealthy. she is just in a small town trying to give back. the san francisco millionaire tweeted out a very important message. he's asking people to pleasing careful. crowds are building up as everyone rushes to find the hidden money, and there is no sign that that hidden cash in san francisco will stop any time soon. he recently tweeted this out saying get your friends all over to follow us, but we got big exciting announcements coming
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soon. the bigger we get the bigger they'll be. >> and so will the crowds will get bigger as well. thank you very much. i'm michael yves, "real money with ali velshi" is coming up next. . >> it is arit is a pillar of the american dream. i'll tell where you to go in america to get the biggest bang for your housing buck. i'll tell you how we're already doing business with havana, and giant leaps for mankind. a spaceship that can land just about anywhere, and maybe a transporter like the one on-star trek. i'
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