tv News Al Jazeera May 30, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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have absolutely skyrocketed. >> dave zyron. thank you for joining us. the show may be over but the conversation continues on our website bein or facebook or twitter. we'll see you next time. time. >> hi everyone, this is al jazeera america. i'm john siegenthaler in new york. insider trading probe. reports the fbi's golfing champ phil mickelson, billion air karl ikon and we'll have the latest. veterans affairs secretary eric shinseki gone. now this former fugitive tells us the secrets that made him an infamous cyber-attacker.
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♪ greatest joy you'll ever learn ♪ >> plus an improvised life. kurt elling stops by. why he's considered one of the top jazz vocalists of his generation. >> we begin tonight with a developing story involving one of the richest men in the world and biggest name in sports. according to reuters, the fbi and sec, are investigating insider trading.between karl ikon and phil miblgson. alsmickelson.
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the securities and exchange commission is looking into whether mickelson and walters may have, traded on ikon's bid to buy clorox. said he has never die you vulgdd insider trading. ariva what is insider trading? >> quite simply, using insider information to buy and sell stock. if you're corporate officer or director and you get information that something's going ohappen to your company either good or bad and you trade on that information or you provide that information to someone else and they trade and profit from that, that's a no-no according to you know federal sec rules and it can cause you to be federally
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prosecuted face a large fine and end up in jail. >> if you are investigating any insider trading case what do prosecutors look for? >> well, it's going to be a circle evidenccircumstantial ev. yes, i provided information at a that's not available to the public, nobody is going to say that. what was the timing of your trade? any other information that they can use to try to connect the timing of your trade with the information that they believe was reported before it was made aware -- or made public. >> and how difficult is this to prove? >> very difficult cases to prove john. because again you are dealing with circumstantial evidence. you are not going to have direct evidence, not having someone typically coming forward and confessing they provided some type of confidential information. the burden is very high.
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in this case it's important to note this investigation has been apparently going on for a couple of years. this whole bid by ikon was in 2011. we're already in 2014. my suspicion is the federal prosecutors do not have what they believe to be an ironclad case because they do not have being charges filed at this point. >> the martha stewart case, she went to prison as a result of that but you say it's hard to prove. >> her case was again you have this eyekon million air lifestyle expert and she made some sale of a stock in pharmaceutical company allegedly after she learned the fda wasn't going oproblem of one o oare aae
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drugs. in the last six months or so we have seen federal investigators being very aggressive going after federal trading. >> ariva martin thank you very much. >> thank you john. >> it is a surprise to no one that eric shinseki resigned as secretary of veterans affairs today. for many it was long overdue. growing scandal around the department. for president obama the issue now is one of damage control. still he says shinseki is not to blame but understands why he left. >> i think his belief that be he would be a distraction from the task at hand. which is to make sure what is broken gets fixed to make sure the veterans get what they need. >> ill will not defend what is indefensible and i will take
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responsibility for it and i do. >> many lawmakers said that he had to go but that his resignation won't fix problem. randall pinkston has that part of the story. >> john, something rare in washington today. bipartisan agreement, republicans and democrats supporting the resignation of eric shinseki. house speaker john boehner. >> his resignation though does not absolve the president of his responsibility to step in and make things right for our veterans. business as usual cannot continue. >> reporter: in the senate a similar theme from minority leader mitch mcconnell. the kentucky republican released a statement in part, what's needed is an agreement with the president and his allies in congress to join republicans in legislation that would help fix system. while many have called for shinseki's resignation no one
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thinks getting rid of him alone would solve all of the va's problems pf. ernie sanders, said punish those possible for the manipulation of wait times. extend far beyond issues ever manipulating appointment schedules. north carolina senator kay haig en says our work is owning again. our investigations plus proceed and we must make every effort in the coming weeks and months to implement reforms that make sure that nothing like this happens again. of course politics always at play for senators like kay hage nrveg who are in tough battles for reelection. in hagen's case there are 800,000 veterans living in north carolina.
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john. >> all right randall thank you. taking over for shinseki is his deputy, sloane gibson. the one time baker joined the va just three months ago. gibson will serve as interim secretary. until the president finds a replacement. what will it take to get the va back on track? jonathan betz. >> first the big picture and oprice. the veterans affairs department is the largest health care provider in america. its annual budget is $165 billion for 2015. that is three times what it was in 2001. its workforce some 320,000. 1300 facilities and a desperate need for more doctors with 400 vacancies. to you to fix it? the options, first privatize medical treatment. gop law make rs want vets who
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wait more than 30 days for an appointment to receive private care, to regular hospitals at the expense of the va. remember, va doctors have extensive experience in combat-related experience. worries, that would limit the expertise. would rural vets be well received? option 2, expansion. the senate is considering funding as many as 27 new facilities. hundreds of billions of dollars. another option, reorganization. like establishing a national hot line so combats veterans receive attention immediately. home monitoring devices. there's also cloud technologies. integrating information statements would i allow physicians to track things. like appointments and referrals. any gaps in care would be flagged and allow doctors to respond accordingly.
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jonathan betz, al jazeera new york. >> shinseki stepping down wasn't a surprise but the white house press secretary leaving today is. there was an emotional moment when president obama showed up in the briefing room to announce jay carney's is departure. he'll stay on until mid june. most thought the saga of the los angeles clippers was coming to an end. but donald sterling's lawyers filed a lawsuit against nba asking for damages of more than 1 billion. meafs. michael eaves. >> resolving the dispute over who owns the l.a. clippers, the price tag, $2 billion. the buyer cmpl former microsoftz
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steve ballmer. including donald steferls. we've also learns from sterling's attorney, he is asking for damages from the nba of $1 billion. he's also wondering whether to sue his be wife shelley. john. >> michael thank you. the fight for 15 movement is catching on across the country. it started in seattle and monday the city will vote for its own $15 per hour minimum wage. not everyone is completely happy with the ordinance dlug woman behind the ordinance. that is seattle council woman suana. be be it's good to see you suana.
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>> thank you for having me. >> first what's your reaction to this $15 proposal, should it pass? >> it should pass and i voted for it in committee yesterday. and we have to look at what's happened in seattle. in seattle we are going ohave the highest minimum wage of any city in the country. and this is going to transfer nearly $3 billion from the top, from the ruling elite to the most lowest paid workers in the city. this is a real change from what's been the status quo which is all the wealth flowing from the workers who produced the wealth to the very top. >> is it everything you wanted? >> it's not everything we wanted but to be honest with you nothing in capitalism is. this is a class struggle and we have to fight for every inch we can get. and what you've seen in seattle is a live demonstration of what can be achieved when working people, when low-wage workers, when activists moving to struggle and demand in a really
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bold manner that the government really push to change income inequality. if you have seen the loopholes that corporations were able to achieve here that's a push to see that these need to be even stronger. the fight-backs is going to depend on the balance of forces. >> receipt me stop through. you've heard the critics. so are you concerned that businesses will leave seattle and they won't be able to afford these wages? >> if you look at all the evidence, just the absolute conclusion from 1500 different studies of minimum wage increases all across the nation, including in my own state washts, there is no evidence to washington state, there is no evidence to show business flight. local businesses especially loam businesses depend on consumption
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ability from the residents. we are talking about low income workers who will have a little bit more to spend. when they have a little extra money, they don't have the money to fly paris. where are they going ospend it? in the local economy. most of the local industries experience a boost when the minimum wage is increased. >> do the critics use your own viewpoint to criticize you? i mean you're not a big fan of capitalism, you're a socialist. how do they react to what you believe in? >> well, most of the corporations are expected liz hostile to socialist ideas. that shows us that we cannot rely on either the business establishment or the politicians that support them. we have to rely on our own strength and that is why the reason we succeeded here is because we built the grass roots strength. we launched the 15-now campaign
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right after my election last year and we really put the democratic party establishment on notice. you claim to stand for the people and you're not doing anything for them. you've had worse inequality and the social iforts are pushing for e--- social ifortists are pr change. we wants to talk about how we can take this struggle outside seattle and into many cities in the nation. >> you are councilmember within the city of seattle. would you have higher aspirations when it comes to politics? >> i think that's a really good question. it shows that we as working people representatives, don't have personal ambition. i don't have personal ambition for myself but if the movement requires me to step up i will. outside of me we need more
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independent candidates to step up. we need an independent political party for working people and we need presidential candidates who will separate themselves from the democrat party and republican party and provide a worworking class alternative tht all the young people looking for political solutions can look to. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. >> are in a bankrupt city, maintaining the city's parks is low on the are agenda. but bisi onile-ere has more. >> they call themselves the detroit mower gang. it's a group of volunteer land landscapers who spend one day every other week taking care of detroit's neglected parks.
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tom and his group haven't stopped since. >> people will come out and play on the swings, which is very satisfying. before you got there they had no place to play and after you left they did. >> the bankrupt city has 300 parks but can only afford to maintain half of them. the result, overgrown parks with grass and trash. places to avoid. >> it was pretty bad and wasn't well kept at all. >> rhonda smith a mother of three, said her neighborhood park goon deteriorate when the city was forced to stop maintaining it a few years ago. during the gap the mower gang rolled in and smith was thankful. >> when services are lost it just always lets you know there is a ran ram in a bush. we don't have to sit back and
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wait for city. >> volunteers will spend hours to take on this one project. they are determined to take on grass and weeds in some of detroit's toughest neighborhoods and many of them don't even live here. jim cawmple joine kaufman joinep over a year ago. he spends an hour and a half to help out. >> in 2013, the city maintained only 25 parks. in 2014, it's jumped to 150. >> there's a certain saskts in a job well done and sometimes you have to pay to make that happen. >> and for detroit mower gang there's still a lot more ground to cover. bisi onile-ere, al jazeera,
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detroit. >> well, it's hurricane season it starts sunday and the president is urging americans to get ready. rebecca stevenson is here to tell us what we might expect this sen. rebecca. >> john it is that time of year that meteorologists get excited, risk-seeking americans do too. around the atlanta it's time oget boards ready to put over the windows once again as we go into a season that's actually been forecast nea below or near normal. last year we had a number of hurricanes forecast and we didn't end up with much of anything. keep in mind we could have a devastating tornado or tornado spond by lurkz. water temperatures nice and warm getting primed and ready. 80° mark, lines show they get
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warmer heading towards equator. around the gulf of mexico, especially from the west of cuba to the florida coastline, to the atlantic or up the texas coast. what we're seeing is somewhat quiet conditions. we've got a forecast of el nino developing and we've heard el nino does not help hurricanes get very strong. however, that doesn't mean it won't lap. as we look at what's going on now, we have a development we're keeping an eye on outside the yucatan peninsula. it's still sometime to prepare john even though we have a lower than normal forecast for hurricanes, wu just don't know how -- we just don't know how strong one will get. >> thank you. rebecca. california have ordered nearly 3,000 users in sacramento valley to stop pumping water from
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streams. the biggest water curtailment since 1977. some water users still have no limits. stephanie stanton reports. >> in the middle of the desert, 60 miles outside los angeles, water is plentiful and farmers are flourishing. eugene owns this lush 680 ache are alpha iacrealfalfa farm. >> i wish they didn't have to go through this. >> californians have been fighting for water rights for more than a century. a battle of have and have nots. they gave some land owners unlimited access to rivers and streams while others who don't have senior rights have been required to conserve. >> these have been established for a long long time and people that own those rights have invested a lot of money in their operations. so i don't think they should be cut off. >> some 3800 entities have these
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senior water rights. more than half are major corporations including the state's biggest utility, pacific gas and electric. this year, the state be cut itsing water delivers by 95%. >> allocated on a first in time first in use basis. the people who were there first have a first right to the water allocated. >> the state doesn't necessarily have an accurate picture of how much water they actually school. this is one -- they wea actually consume. within unlimited water source this farm has been largely unfamilied 50 drought. still, eugene nebeker who is also self-reporting welcomes stricter monitoring. >> in times of drought it just seeming logical we know how much water is being used. >> the battle over california's
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found connect with the rape crime. two suspects remain at large. fez jamil reports if india. >> the young age of the victims is adding to the outrage in this case. and the family is actually accusing the police of dereliction of duty. later when the body were found refused to file criminal charges against the accused. the villagers got so upset they even surrounded the bodies, still hanging from the trees and refused to let them turn over to the police before criminal
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charges are filed. the two police officers are suspended and will be charged. gang raping of a paramedical student here in new delhi. the issue of rapes which have been underreported in the country before then. now india's own crime statistics show that a woman sw in this country is raped every 22 minutes a figure many women's groups have been underestimated. there have been laws to protect women after that infamous gang rape, but many of these issues still occur guide having new laws. first american suicide bomber in syria, the man carried out a suicide attack may 25th for al qaeda. officials were tipped off by
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posts on twitter and teu youtube that implied he was -- and youtube, loading a truck with bombs alongside other men already identified as suicide bombers. coming up next, true confessions or are they? how videotaped interrogations could change the criminal justice system. plus perfect pitch. the science behind throwing a 100 minor fast ball. if i told you that a free ten-second test
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mile an hour fast ball t ba >> this is al jazeera america, i'm john siegenthaler in new york. the state of affairs at the veterans affairs. ing secretary shinseki is out. what veterans are saying about that scandal. standing up against bullying. children get a tough lesson from police. ♪ you can use some exotic views ♪ >> my conversation with grammy award winning jazz musician kurt elling.
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are it's been months of scandals for the department of veterans affairs and general eric shinseki has resigned as secretary. wait lists sometimes for months before receiving treatment they needed. i spoke to bob gould of veterans radio about the scandal and asked him about his view of the va. >> what the va means to veterans. the mission statement of the va health care system is to honor all american veterans, all american veterans and serve them with extraordinary care that improves their health and well-being. that statement is in stone. that statement isn't going ton changed one iota. the va hearin health care systes patient centered. it all begins with the model that is managed care, it doesn't -- what it does is put everything into focus, into
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perspective so that the veteran does get the appropriate care. and it all starts on their end visit with the primary care physician. they are the captain of the team. they are the one that do the referrals. and i want to say to all you veterans out there that when you come to the va first of all you're with other veterans. you know that really makes a big difference. you're sitting down in a waiting room, you're with somebody that might have been in the same outfit. you see the badges you see the hat you see the uniforms you exit the conversation. coming to the va it's veteran center. there are a number of service people that serve the veterans at the va system are veterans themselves. it is veterans helping veterans. >> bob gould of veterans radio. the autopsy is back, james bird was shot three times by
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officers once in the back. the 38-year-old was armed with a knife when he was killed. the justice department gave a scathing review of the police department's overall use of force last month. be albuquerque is in negotiations with the department over reforms. videotape confessions are often used but the number who falsely confess is staggering. jonathan betz reports. >> it was a brief moment but jeffrey's words would haunt him for years. >> i falsely admitted to a murder and rape of a high school classmate. >> in 1990 he was only 16. a murder investigation of a teen aged girl consumed his small new york town. police quickly focused on him and after a seven hour in tear gaition without his parents he -- interrogation without his
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parents he falsely confessed. >> i remember telling them there was an argument aand that i tackled her and ripped off her bra and i hit her over the head with a gatorade bottle. >> forced out with undue pressure by police officers. he ended up in prison for 16 years. >> it would seem to be clear to them i was fearful and i was worn down and they played psychological games with me and i was a mess. >> it happens all too often. nearly a quarter of recent bl. >> so psychologically
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manipulative,. >> they get innocent people to confess as well. >> yet across the country officers do not record suspect interviews. >> sir, you are free to go. >> a string of recent exonerations, have required taped interrogations. >> i think it's time that it will become a nation wide phenomenon. >> a convicted murderer whose configures by the way was recorded. >> do you recognize yourself back then? >> barely. it's shocking how young and vulnerable i was. >> he now works to free others in jail. wrongfully convicted by their own words. jonathan betz. adges, new york. >> when authorities make mistakes, overturning a wrong conviction takes years. this week on the system.
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one man's release after two decades. he is hoping dna evidence can prove his snen innocence. >> human beings makes mistakes. >> manipulated forensic evidence that may have led to thousands of wrongful convictions over the past three decades. one of the cases in question is the case of willie manning. manning was sentenced to death in 1992 for the murder of two college students in starville, mississippi. hair found in the victim's car was analyzed 50 fbi car lab and tied to manning. >> when you heard about the fbi sending out letters that there was bad testimony about the forensics, in your case and a whole bunch of other cases how did you react to that? >> that was -- that was a huge sense of relief.
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i mean it hit the lied lite of so many other cases where this has happened, you know. >> ed from whitehurst was the fbi agent who blew the l whistle on the fbi crime lab. >> it is not about science. it is a subjective nightmare. >> blief that the state knows they have an innocent person incarcerated. interthey are going over something in court proven 21 years. i don't want him to breathe another bit of air, i don't want to put a roof over his head and it won't be l over until he's dead and gone. >> the system airs 9 bl eastern, 6 pacific on sunday. teaching life skills to over
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1200 kids. heidi zhou-castro takes a look. >> how many of you are ready for the end of school? >> these fourth graders in dallas will head into break with a few life lessons many recently learned. >> what did the farm he teach you, trustworthiness, very good. >> dallas police officers have spent six weeks teaching these kids about responsibility integrity and bullying prevention. the idea born of the police department is to have students see officers as be confidants,. >> you have 10 o20% of the kids that get bullied so you also have that group 60 to 80% of the kids who see it happening and don't do anything. those are the kids we try to
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reach. >> martin is one of the kids. >> bullying is kind of like hurting someone in a way that think don't like it and if you do it often they could get scared of you and don't tell the counselor or teachers. >> thank you so much, sir. >> izira says he has learned to tell a trusted adult. >> i would either tell my counselor my principal my vice principal, my teachers or even my parents. >> it's real simple, just say stop. most bullies are not going to continues to do it after someone tells them to stop. it's a sense of empowerment. >> following this, a dance-off to celebrate each other's quirks and differences. soon the feeling becomes infectious. in the end, they say it all.
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this is one summer sendoff that these kids won't soon forgets, with wisdom that will hopefully even last longer. heidi zhou-castro, al jazeera, dallas. >> hacking for change. coders and software developers are gathering this weekend for the second national day of civic hacking. it's a global event. not exactly how it sounds. to share ideas. not hacking as you know it. as kevin mitnick knows it. i asked him if the government can trust hackers enough to wok together and how citizens can protect themselves from cyber-hackers. >> in the past there have been informants like jurcht peterson, he turned out -- justin earn
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peterson. who was doing credit card hacking. be selling them right under the secret service's nose as he's working as an informant. so traditionally, in hacker cases the informants that have been working for government have been actually kind of double-agents, doing illegal stuff on the side while at the same time doing stuff for the government. >> so let's just say you wanted to get into my bank account. if you sat down at a computer today could you do that? >> well, let me tell you that -- >> you were going to say you probably could. >> i get hired by companies and financial institutions, manufacturing, a whole slew of clients. and we have 100% success rate. when they hire us to break in physically, technically or using a technique which is called social engineering, we always get in. so the statistics that i saw on
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your show before you brought me in as a guest really didn't surprise me. because see it in the field. >> right. so if you can do it, but you're now legal and you're doing it for a company, you're helping companies but if you can do it there are bound to be people out there just like you who can do it, right? >> oh, absolutely. and that's the problem, that security technologies really haven't evolved enough to really protect us against the threats out there. i mean with social engineering, with social engineering when the hacker uses manipulation, deception and influence oconvince a computer user into revealing information or do action item like open up an e-mail and by simply doing this if the person that is sent the e-mail opens that attachment the hacker can take over control of their computer. and this is called social engineering. this works all the time. >> i got to ask you though. you spent five years in prison
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right? >> five years. >> spent some time in solitary confinement as well. >> yes because the federal prosecutor told ajudge that not doesn't they have to hold me without bail but in solitary confinement because the prosecutor told the judge that i could pick up the phone, dial into norad and whis intoolg the phonwhistle into thephone and lr weapon. >> why would a company trust you? >> because of my track record. it's kind uf like pablo escobar becoming a pharmacist. >> people don't think that's a good idea. >> i have clients. i definitely are a track report over the last 14 years of being able to perform security services from businesses globally and they're extremely happy with my work. even large financial institutions. so can i be trusted?
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100%. now that's not to say that every hacker can be trusted. >> how do people protect themselves from hackers? >> well, as a consumer, you know there's lots of things you could do, with companies, companies have to do things a little bit differently. one simple thing if you are at a coffee shop or the airport using open wireless i would use a low cost vpn service. vpn stands for virtue private network. what it does when you are connecting to computers it actually encrypts everything you are doing. if someone is monitoring the wireless network there's nothing they can do. >> what about your phone? >> a smartphone is a phone and a computer together.
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i would keep my firm wear always updated at the newest release. i would also be very careful about opening up any hyperlinks that someone sends in an e-mail or in a text message and i would use a strong pass code. like for example with the apple iphone you could choose a simple password which is a four digit number or you could choose a complex password which is longer. i would recommend using a complex password because it's more difficult to crack. >> kevin, thank you for being on the show, we'll have you on again maybe to talk about some of the things people can do to protect themselves. thank you. when it dom comes to major league pitcher, jordano from
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cadges throwkansas city throws o over 100 miles an hour. >> how can he do this? a kinetic chain. what jordana ventura does so incredibly well, before putting that foot down when he drops all of that energy and releases it into mechanical force he then begins a process in which all of it is moving up through his body, it rotates through his trunk, it comes over his shoulder at thousands of degrees a second releases the elbow for some of the fastest heat the game has ever seen. the difference between a 90 minor fast ball and one that hits triple digits is a strategic difference.
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a 95 minor fast ball will travel from the mound to the plate. but for every mile an hour faster that jordana ven jordanan throw it, quantifiable way, if you get the miles per hour wrong by even two miles an hour, that's going to be either a strike or afoul ball. so the heat that he can so scijtdly fall is always going to be within that margin of error that messes a player up. the thing of course is that ventura has now discovered the hard way just how much force he was putting through his elbow because monday he was taken out of the game complainining of bil tboelbowpain. the elbow is a fragile
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sophisticated piece of machinery. it is a hinge and a pivot joint. and something that fragile and sophisticated means you're putting especially jordana ventura an incredible amount of force through this little tiny joint not meant for that. he is inevitably going to cause damage othat joint. but for now he's going to be an incredible strategy force for royals. >> that is jake ward. coming up. our picture of the day. kurt elling. and improvised life from the grammy winning artist.
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>> severe weather has been a concern especially in the upper midwest. this is where saturday starts. we're expecting thunderstorms to break through with a lot of wind and hail. however, tornado risk is going ocome in especially billings to denver and dodge city. eye on the sky. watch your local radars, because these storms will become dangerous especially sunday the most active day. today was an active day in florida and wind gusts and hail too, with these storms coming through with a lot of rainfall. two to four inches. more rain in places that don't need it. just saturated. we've already got a high water table so flash flooding will be
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a big concern in the southeast. whereas if you build off to the west it's all about building heat, triple digit heat coming in. overnight, east coast, west coast, cool lows in the 40s and 50s. and in the end of the day, cooler temperatures in the south and southwest. comfortable weekend for some but watching for severe weather for others. al jazeera america news continues. continues.
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♪ get my hands on you ♪ and make you mine ♪ >> kurt elling is considered one of the greatest jazz vocalists working today. he won a grammy for best album. in fact, every one of his albums have been grammy nominated. made him a favorite for fans and critics alike around the world. joining me on set is kurt
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elling. >> thank you. >> standout male vocalist of our time. what is it like to get high praise like that? >> oh, well, it certainly strokes the ego. i think the more important thing to me is helps my music get out to a couple more people. ♪ we'll just fly >> maybe a couple more fans will come out and we'll get to meet them and people we haven't met yet and try to have a good time. >> where does your passion for jazz for singing coming from? >> i think jazz music is really exciting because it invites individuality. and it invites and demands cooperation between musicians. if the real music if the best possible music is going ocome out we have to get a common language together in order to create something of beauty in tandem with one another in real time in front of a live
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audience. >> the critics give you high praise. and how you're different. how are you different from other jazz singers? >> i'm living. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> well, yeah. >> i think that's a big part of it. >> i can't put it into words myself sometimes but there's something different about what you do. can you explain it? >> i can tell what you my intention is. my intention is to correc invese the best parts of jazz histories past and when possible bring it into the present and anticipate the future. i write what's called vocalese lirkvocaleseand i improvise soln how to sing those solos.
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>> do you see yourself as an interpreter? >> i see myself as an interpreter but as a jazz musician you're automatically an interpreter. a coherent melody. >> you don't know what's going ocome out until it comes out? >> no you don't. you want to learn from the best of music history because i want to say creative juxtaposition is important. >> ♪ >> nature boy, your performance of nature boy which is remarkable. it strikes me again how different it sounds, and yet, reintroduces me to a song i haven't heard in a long time. >> well that's nice of you to say. that's definitely the kind of flavor that we're going for.
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>> what does it mean to be a successful jazz performer who has had all this beautiful stuff written about them. how tough is it on the jazz performer these days? >> on the economic front, it's always been, tough, i know of a couple that have gotten wealthy-wealthy, as a rule jazz musician, we are out there playing the game, doing 200 plus nights on the road and i'm paid from the experience on the road. ♪ >> you're from chicago but your latestal intum about new york, a building called 1619 broadway. what's the significance of that building, they call that the brill building. >> it's the hoax of people who want to write and produce hit records. in its heyday it was home to
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people like carole king and jerry goffin. bring you songs like "on broadway appointed. >> give me a sense of what kind of music do you like? what era of music do you focus on, or are you across the board? >> when i'm at home i like to listen to a combination of cds i haven't heard yet from people who are on their way. because i always want to be turned on to something i haven't heard before. and i like to do that in combination and in juxtaposition with some of my favorite jazz records people like, miles davis and people like lester young, and you know great saxophone players like wayne shorter. >> you are from chicago, you now live in new york? >> i'm from chicago, proud
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chicagoan. i'm living in new york threrng g the city. cutting edge in manhattan specifically, there are a overwhelm bunch of people in not that manhattan is lackin lackinn jazz, you've got the storied, jazz clubs, like birdland and another place that's triepg to o open up. god bless them for it. new york city is overflowing with jazz riches in the way it always has been. but jazz has never been the popular music. in its heyday it was peripheral music. in the swing era in the early '50s when most people were paying attention to swinging jazz music. ♪ ♪ are.
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12:00 am
>> on "america tonightmentful" force "america tonight": leaving veterans despr care. any change comes too late for the fallen soldiers who just couldn't wait for help. >> we've been told we need treatment and they said we don't really have any space for you or time for you. >> the system that led america's veterans down and why change at the top may not be enough to stave next generation of wounded.
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