tv News Al Jazeera May 31, 2014 11:00pm-12:01am EDT
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>> if i told you that a free ten-second test could mean less waiting for things like security backups and file downloads you'd take that test, right? well, what are you waiting for? you could literally be done with the test by now. now you could have done it twice. this is awkward. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be.
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>> and finally from us this hour, an interesting predicament. if a world famous artist painted a picture on a building you opened, what would you do keep the work in place or try a get rich quick by removing it for sale. in all there will be 10,000 modern apartments, a mixture of private and government subsidized. >> we're proud that we're able to provide affordable accommodations. we can give employment and provide a source of investment for money that would otherwise leave the country. we stopped illegal land grabber and laborers have been trained for the future. >> reporter: the land grabbing talked about is happening outside of this vast scheme. warlords are building houses
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. >> do you know where the banksy installation was. >> i have no idea. >> do you know banksy? >> no. >> no worries. thanks. >> excuse me, sir, do you know where the banksy piece was? >> yes, it's one block over. >> cool. >> down here, to the right. >> thanks. soon, this man and his crew found the location where the banksy once stood. >> i don't think they should have taken it out of the building, removed it. i think they should have left it there. >> this man, true to his brooklyn roots summed up the
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local sentiment best. >> it sucks. >> red hook is an arts destine in addition of its -- destination of its own. once blue colour, this time it's blue-collar chique. people here have different ideas to those in miami about what constitutes art. >> the thing with people who find... [ ♪ music ] [ ♪ music ]
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can go to the website. join the conversation with us on twitter or at our facebook page. goodnight, we'll have more of "america tonight" tomorrow. >> al jazeera america presents the system with joe burlinger >> the dna testing shows that these are not his hairs >> unreliable forensics >> the problem the bureaus got is they fail, it's a big, big deal... >> convicted of unspeakable crimes did flawed lab work take away their freedom? >> i was 18 when i went in... when i came out i was 50... you don't get it back... >> shocking truths revealed >> the system with joe burlinger only on al jazeera america
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>> weekday mornings on al jazeera america >> we do have breaking news this morning... >> start your day with in depth coverage from around the world. first hand reporting from across the country and real news keeping you up to date. the big stories of the day, from around the world... >> these people need help, this is were the worst of the attack took place... >> and throughout the morning, get a global perspective on the news... >> the life of doha... >> this is the international news hour... >> an informed look on the night's events, a smarter start to your day. mornings on al jazeera america this is al jazeera america. i'm thomas drayton in new york. we apologise for a few technical issues. let's get you caught up on the top stories. an american soldier held in afghanistan for five years is en route to germany tonight. >> i'm allen schauffler in idaho, where spirits are high and the yellow ribbons are out on the news that sergeant bowe bergdahl is coming home. we'll have a live report.
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>> there's barb lash to the fact -- backlash to the fact that five taliban detainees were swapped. a troubling trend sparking protests. honour killings - young women murdered by parents to clear the family name. >> this morning i called bob and jenny bergdahl and told them after nearly five years in contactivity, that son bowe is coming home. president obama mansion an announcement. bowe bergdahl held by the taliban, is a freeman. in his home town people are getting ready for his home coming. yellow ribbons, welcome home signs and balloons lined the streets. sergeant bowe bergdahl was 23 when captured.
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he is now 28. he was handed to australia special operations team in -- to a u.s. special operations team. in exchange five guantanamo bay detainees were transferred to qatar. >> on june 30th it 2009 the u.s. military reported private first class bowe bergdahl missing after he failed to show up for roll call. he's finally on his way home, where his family is waiting with open arms to welcome him. >> reporter: president obama was the first person to tell jenny and the her husband that their son had been freed. sergeant bowe bergdahl rejoined the military saturday morning. defense officials say special operations forces with support from multiple helicopters and overhead surveillance and intelligence executed the operation. the exchange took place in eastern afghanistan. 19 taliban forces were present,
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there was no confrontation, no gunfire. officials say bowe bergdahl was able to walk to u.s. forces and communicate about them. he's receiving medical care and debriefing by medical authorities. the emir of qatar organised the release in exchange for a transfer of five taliban detainees, to the custody of qatar. >> the taliban have little popularity in afghanistan. i don't think they have leavers of power that would make them dangerous. plus, the qataris promised to quarantine them for a year and i think probably keep an eye on them after that. bowe bergdahl was captured in june. over the years the taliban released videos. in most of them he was forced to criticise u.s. military preps in afghanistan. >> this war is not worth the waste of human life that it cost
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both afghanistan and u.s. it's not worth the amount of lives that has been wasted - the amount of life wasted in prison, guantanamo bay, bagram - all those places where we are, you know, keeping prisoners. i'm a prisoner, i want to go home. you know, the men, afghanistan men in our prisons, they want to go home too. >> since 2011 a senior official says bowe bergdahl's recovery is a central element in america's reconciliation efforts with the taliban, as america ends its conflict. >> bowe bergdahl's father grew a beard and taught himself some of the languages of the region to help obtain his son's release. >> to each and every single one who affect this in in country,
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at the service branchs, through the stitt department, throughout the government and around the world at international governments around the world. thank you so much. >> sergeant bowe bergdahl is a last-known american pow from the afghanistan and iraq wars. >> while no one is criticising bowe bergdahl's release. senator john mccain is raising questions about the prisoner swap, and whether the five taliban posed a threat to american security. >> randall pinkston in washington. we want to note that al jazeera america's parent company is based in qatar, and financed in part by the country's government. >> sergeant bowe bergdahl is headed to a u.s. military hospital in germany. news of his release spread in his home town. residents had begun to prepare for the soldier's home coming. allen schauffler is there. a good evening for many people. >> it is quite a scope. there are signs up, and the signs in all the woinds, the store fronts saying "bowe is
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free", yell i don't remember ribbons are -- yellow ribbons are tied on virtually every sign post, free and light post. it's a day in the wood river valley as the word spread that this young man, held captive, almost five years, is finally headed home. it's tremendous for the folks that kept the yellow ribbons up. this is the response from idaho senator mike crapo when he heard the news. >> today is a day of celebration for all of us. it's been just about five years since bowe has been in custody of the taliban. today he's in the custody of the united states. we'll protect him and get him home. sentiments shared in idaho. they had huge ribbons on the cole oms of the state capital.
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lots of folks have not forgotten the young man. he may have dropped off the radar, but not the case in hayley, idaho. he'll go germany for rest, medical check-up, debriefing, and be brought to the united states to a military medical facility in san antonio, texas. at some point we assume he'll come back to idaho and back to haley, and the coffee shop that you see, which has been the center of efforts to keep him in the public eye. this is the prop pritorrest, sue martins, the opener, named the spokesperson for bowe bergdahl, and kept the torch turning for five years. what was the feeling for you when you heard that bowe bergdahl was free. tremendous relief and happy innocence for his fam -- happiness for his family and
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everywhere involved. >> you knew this youngman for a number of years. >> he worked for me off and on. this has not been without controversy. some called him a traitor. what do you feel about that characterisation? >> i certainly am not aware of that being the predominant theme here. it's one of constant unwavering love for the family, support, anything anybody can do has been offered repeatedly. that's my experience on a daily basis. >> remarkable that this little coffee shop has become the epicentre for yellow rib job hood, and people gathering in summer times and coming by to check on bowe. >> they come from the united states and other countries. >> have you heard from around the world? >> i have. people come here from other countries, they've been to other locations and gone out of their way to come to hayley. >> more on the way.
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> they may be. >> sue martin, the opener of zailies. they were planning an event on 28 june, something to recognise that berg was still -- bowe bergdahl was still in captivity. now, of course, he's not. they are moving on, they'll have the event and say hopefully it will be a welcome home bowe event at that time. certainly will be quite the celebration. allen schauffler in sergeant bowe bergdahl's home town. we told you about senator john mccain's comments, and there is more pushback to the swop of five -- swap of five taliban detainees. two lawmakers say the obama administration violated the law when it agreed to exchange five taliban detainees for bowe bergdahl, they said - the law requires congress to be notified within 30 days. the white house said the exchange qualified as unique in
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exoget -- exoget circumstances. >> talks broke down in 2012. all communication has gone through a third party. ambassador mark grossman joined me by phone, the special representative in afghanistan and pakistan from 2011 to 2012 and gave us some unsight into the negotiations >> they were difficult, and the fact that we were not able to come to an agreement in 2011 and 2012 is proof of that. we never ever ever talked to the taliban without talking about sergeant bowe bergdahl. he was always primary on our minds. but we were not able to make an arrangement in 2011/"12, which is why it was interesting that they made it today. very difficult. sometimes things don't happen when you think they will.
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here we are. bowe bergdahl is coming home. >> as we reported, qatar played a prominent role in the priper exchange. negotiations with the taliban have gone through the gulf nation. representatives have been september to guantanamo. the five must stay in qatar for at least a year. earlier we spoke with the director of the center for middle east studies at the university of denver. >> qatar envisions itself as sort of analogous to the role that switzerland plays in europe. sort of a country that tries to mediate conflict, particularly in the middle east and the broader islamic world. it likes to have good relations with all party, with the west, and tries to reduce regional tensions, and one of the big tensions in the middle east and the broader middle east has been the wars in iraq and afghanistan, and so it's tried to facilitate a reduction of
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tensions by playing a mediating role between the united states and taliban. >> looking at the relations, why do you think that is the case? >> it's a small country, but they have aspirations to crypt to the region in which they life. they are closely allied to the united states, and consider themselves part of a larger islamic world. the war in afghanistan was deeply troubling and traumatic experience for arabs and muslims, and they, i think, feel that if they play a constructive role as a mediator, they can enhance their open regional credibility and decrease tensions. that's the world view of the government in doha. >> what about qatar's role in receiving the inmates, and the assurances they had to deliver to the united states about national security. >> well, they have taken on a big responsibility, because the terms of the deal is that the
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five guantanamo bay, you know, taliban leaders will have to reside in qatar for the next year, and they'll have to be upped close surveillance. if anything goes wrong - if they escape or engage in violent activity, that will be on the onus of the government in qatar. >> he added that he expects after a year in qatar they'll be allowed to return to afghanistan. we'll look at the background of the five former senior taliban leaders used in the trade. at least one of them had close ties to osama bin laden. >> reporter: the five former top taliban leaders all in u.s. custody for over a decade will not return to afghanistan, according to u.s. officials. instead, the exchange deal requires them to remain in qatar for at least a year. a 2008 pentagon dossier reported that all posed a threat to the u.s. and its allies if released.
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none of th men have been given a cil. khairullah khairkhwa, the most senior was part of the original taliban in the '90s, and will be healed in my regard. as a former interior minister he reportedly had direct ties to osama bin laden. mohammad fazl is a well-known name among the taliban. he was not an original but joined and rose through the ranks. a former taliban deputy defense commander he's alleged to have committed war crimes, including executing civilians in 1999. abdul haq wasiq is believed to have worked with al qaeda to train fighters in intelligence methods. as the taliban deputy minister of intelligence. he was handed to the u.s. by the current afghan government in a stiping operation in -- stiping operation in stwp, after -- in 2001 after turning himself in.
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mullah norullah noori is described as a significant taliban leader detained, who served as a senior military commander against the u.s. and their allies in 2001. when he was taken into custody he held on administrative position as the head of the northern zone and was a governor for the taliban. mohammed nabi operated a sell in eastern afghanistan attacking u.s. and coalition forces and smuggled fighters and weapons. >> of the 141 detainees, 12 are afghan citizens. they are considered less important and dangerous than the taliban members used in the bowe bergdahl swap. >> we invite you to stay with al jazeera america for continuing coverage of bowe bergdahl's release. >> coming up next - thousands of women around the world are murdered by their families and communities in what are call honour killings.
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>> from cupcakes to cronuts, what makes food fashionable? plus culinary and craft-brew creations building a billion dollar industry. welcome back. thousands of women are killed around the world each year in so-called honour killages. we take a look at the murders, often committed by family members, who see it as bringing dishop our to the family. [ chants ] >> reporter:. >> reporter: dozens of pakistanis protested in islamabad, after the killing of a girl beaten to death by bricks for marrying a man her family disapproved of. by her family. >> we are shocked and def tated.
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>> nearly 900 pakistany women were victims of honour killings. >> the major issue is the mind set and the killing which is con in our societies. it's increasing day by day. >> reporter: thousands of women and girls worldwide are murdered by their own family. many killed for the dishonour of having been raped. statistics are hard to come by as many killings are unreported or reported as accidents. a widely sited u.n. statistic is that 5,000 women suffer the fate at the hands of their family or community. it's from ab annual report the commission on human rights published 14 years ago. it is thought the number is significantly higher. >> there is absolutely no honour in violence against women. >> without decent statistics, it's difficult to determine in what countries the cils happened
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most often -- crimes happened most often >> it's reported around the middle east and south asia, and reported in the u.k. and canada and in the united states. >> oh, my god... >> after calling 911 the daughters of an egyptian father and american mother were found shot to death in texas 2008. their father killed them for acting too we were. he is at large and the fbi is offering a 20,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. >> it's important to raise awareness to the issue, how no country is immune. it is an epidemic with one in three women experiencing physical, sexual forms of abuse. >> courts in many countries treat the defence of family's
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honour as a mitigating circumstances, and perpetrators often receive light sentences. i spoke to the president of the council for muslims facing tomorrow. she is featured in the 2014 documentary "honour killings", and to dr phyllis chess ler, author of "an american bride in kabul", and asked how she defined honour killings. >> i think people who perpetrate, who kill their daughters, believe that they are doing it because they must, their honour means no one else would marry into their fam lils. religious leaders, hindus, sikhs and others are not saying this must stop, it's against our religion. that must happen. in afghanistan, pakistan or parts of hindu india and over the middle east. this is seen as a crime of
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necessity. that the family feels that the daughter. average age of 17 has attacked them because she wants to go to college, because she doesn't want a veil. she wants not to marry her first cousin, slee may want to -- she may want to marry someone of her own choosing. in hindu india, it's a caste violation. >> how deeply rooted are the honour killings and certain cultures. >> far too deep rooted for our comfort and for to us be alt sleep well. it was something we thought happened out there. as phyllis says, it's happening in the west, in america, canada, u.k., europe, and it is on the rise. these are on the cases reported. in canada there were 22 honour killings since 1999. in each case it was as phyllis said - the young girl wanted to
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live here life as a canadian to, have a cell phone, friends. it was nothing extraordinary that she was done, and was murdered by members of her family. for me, one is too much. >> you bring up an interesting point. are the honour killings underreported? >> yes, they are underreported. the families, they protect the other members of the family. the community protects the other members of the family. we know in america and canada the perpetrators are prosecuted. some countries, like jordan, the peepal code -- penal code allows the perpetrator to go free. in pakistan some are celebrated, and often not prosecuted, encouraging others to keep continuing the violence against women. >> oftentimes they are covered up as forced suicides. >> yes, there's a lot of
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covering up. in the west there's a discussion that this should be called domestic violence, and it's extremely important for people to differentiate between domestic violence and honour killings. the intention ganned on honour -- behind an honour killing is the concept of honour. it's a male family member perpetuating the violence against a female family member, with the rest of the family watching in cahoots or held hostage, the community and this is the idea of the tribal culture. that the honour of the family and tried must be upheld. the honour is vested in every movement of the girl, who - what she wars, who she meets, who she talks to. this is a huge responsibility. >> i know you want to add. >> what i want to add is there are women who perpetrate honour killings of daughters.
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the high-profile case in canada, the mother was involved in that. i'm doing a study, looking at the role that women play as heroic, those that escape and testify, but also those who collaborate and the collaborators have rarely been charged. the first case that i know of in the united states, and ra hill is right, the u.n. statistic of 5,000 a year, that's true for pakistan. alone or the punjab. but we don't have comprehensive statistics. >> why is it that the female's behaviour is vital to the perception of honour. >> if a woman is perceived as not under male control or patriarchal control, if she's not subordinate enough, if she's perceived as disobedient. that family has a problem getting others to marry into the
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family. >> let's take a moment. i want to point out the numbers of honour killings in the u.s. numbers are low, data sparse, and here ring examples of some incidents. in missouri, tooepa was stabbed -- tina was tabbed to death by her parent who said he rebelled against him. in 2009, a father ran his car over a daughter for what he believed was an unacceptable lifestyle. the case with the most media attention was two sisters, shot by their father in his taxi cap after he found out they had boyfriend. heidi zhou-castro has more on that case and its aftermath. >> reporter: the final moments of 17 and 18-year-old sisters were inside their father's taxi cab, parked at this hotel outside of dallas. the sisters had been born and raised in the united states. the mother was a white american.
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their father was from egypt. police say on the night of january 1st, 2008. he gunned down his two daughters while driving him around in his cab. the moet if according -- motive, according to the mother's extended family was to punish the girls for dating american boys. the girls wran away from -- ran away from home, faring forward r fearing for their lives. they were convinced by their mother that they had their father's forgiveness. but with a time breath one of the girls ran the police to say their father had shot them. they had been shot 11 times. the extended family calls this an honour killing. the father remains on the loose. the federal bureau of investigation wants him for capital murder and offers him a $20,000 reward for information leading to his arrest.
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>> the father is still out there. >> he is at large, he has not been found. i do not think he fled back to egypt. and he abused them sexually and physically. and he then wanted them to marry some men from egypt, which they did not want to do. yes, it's true, they had boyfriend. they were academically gifted, promising and vivacious, and their mother, in my opinion should have been shot. she married at 14 to this man, older than themselves, lured them to their death. maybe she didn't apprehend that he meant what he said, but i think she's an accessory to the crime. >> if this is uniersally condemned, why is it not stopped by local government and police. why is it continuing. >> there needs to be more
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condemnation from muslim leadership. we have clerics who are quiet on the issue. so, you know, honour diaries was the first time the issues were brought out. from the surface we saw the statistics, and we want to create awareness, and eradicate the abuse against our sis strs. >> in the final moments, where do we go from here? i want to move it forward. >> in the west we have a responsibility to educate professionals who can rescue such girls and understand that these honour killings are going on. i have been privileged to submit affidavits on honour women and got political asylum on the grounds. we have teachers who lisp... >> identify the warping signs. >> absolutely. that did not happen in these cases. all of these girls tried to reach out for help, and the west
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was not ready to give it to them. now i think we can do this here. maybe we can't do it in the buyer westerly direction but we can do it here. >> thank you both. we'll have to leave it there. thank you, laid yits, for being with us. coming up on al jazeera america - a deadly week in ukraine comes to a close as authorities vow to keep up the fight against pro-russian separatists. the update is next, and your forecast. >> 5-8 inches of rain has fallen in montreal. no wonder we have flash-flood warnings. it's not the only state. i'll show you where else it's happening, and continue through tuesday, next.
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captured by the taliban. he was handed over to a u.s. special operations team in eastern afghanistan. he's enroute to germany for medical care. he's due to go to texas. the president appeared in the rose garden with the soldier's parents to make the announcement. >> this morning i called bob and jenny bowe bergdahl, and told them after nearly five years in capacity their son bowe is coming home. >> i just want to say thank you to everywhere who has supported bowe. he had a wonderful team everywhere. we will continue to stay strong for bowe while he recovers. >> the complicated nature of this recovery will never be comprehended. >> the deal to free bowe bergdahl was brokered by the amir of qatar. he was traded for five former senior taliban leaders, seep
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here, de -- seep here, detained at guantanamo bay. the taliban released the following statement: the taliban says the former detainees will remain in qatar with their families and lead a normal live. ukrainian authorities vow to fight pro-russian separatists until order is restored. 14 ukrainian troops were killed on thursday. a ukrainian germ was among the dead -- germ was among the -- general was among the dead. kim vinnell is on the ground
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with the latest. >> reporter: i think the mood hafs changed -- has changed. some say this past week has been a turning point. i think what we have seen is people in donetsk are becoming more fearful. all the fighting had been further out in slovyansk, and kramatorsk, a few hours dive. since the siege -- drive. signs the siege at the airport, dozens were killed. the separatists are in control of the city administration building, for many, up until this week, they have been able to go about their lives. this rally is an attempt to jrpt support by the people of donetsk and to strengthen their resolve for more autonomy. tomorrow in a cairo court throw of our al jazeera colleagues are due to appear,
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charged with aiding muslim brotherhood. garm have been relied -- peter greste, mohamed fadel fahmy and baher mohamed have been held in gaol for 155 days. >> reporter: this is an all-too familiar scope, al jazeera journalists in court. they are not the only ones. >> they shut down the tv station, raided the offices of media outlets. detained more than 65 journalists in july, and, in addition, they prosecuted - persecuted a lot of activists. this is the funeral of a reporter, shot in the back of a head while covering a protest in march. egypt's minister of interior agreed to provide 100 bulletproof vests for journalists covering violent demonstrations. gaoled media oars include this
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freelance photographer. he has been in toura since august last year, and has not been charged. secular activists have been targeted. this is a well-known one, the leaders of the april 6th movement. an original group behind the 2011 revolution. former head of the military abdul fatah al-sisi appears set to win the presidential election. >> abdul fatah al-sisi is going to have a lot of difficulty in the international community getting aid, invest. and having legitimacy to say that he is running the country towards a democratic government unless he releases all the journalists behind bars. and prosecute those responsible on killing journalists. last year a video came out where abdul fatah al-sisi spoke about
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the media with military germs. an officer said -- >> showing a red card to media outlets will make them stop at a certain line, or limit through self-censorship. abdul fatah al-sisi responded with... . >> translation: building a state-wide alliance takes a long time and effort. it takes a long time until you get a share of influence over the media. >> reporter: now that he's about to become president, abdul fatah al-sisi will have the power to deal with the media any way he wants. >> palestine president mahmoud abbas said there'll be a unity government announced monday, a move sure to upset israel. the formation of a palestine government will be backed by rival factions of hamas and fatah. hamas is considered is terrorist organization and expected to impose any such arrangements.
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>> it's a war of words for geps ministry. chuck hagel is accused of destabilizing south-east asia, referring to a maritimes right dispute. the remarks were made at an asian security summit. the defense secretary says china's tactics have been excessive and threatening. >> china called the south china sea a sea of peace, friendship and cooperation. that is what it should be. but in recent months china has undertape destabilizing unilateral actions asserting its claims in the south china sea. >> a chinese general shot back saying if you take china as an enemy, it will absolutely become the enemy of the u.s. >> there's good news for residents in saratoga wyoming. the river did not reach anticipated levels. it crested around 10 feet. cooler temperatures helped to slow the run off from the
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vouching mountains. a different story in minnesota, water levels high, more rain in the forecast. there's an elevated risk of flooding along the creek. >> rebecca stevenson joins us. what are they up against? >> a lot of rain coming down fast. rates are at two inches of rain coming down. it is so soggy in minnesota. this is over 12 hours. imagine the storms in the course of 12 hours. they are not moving far. they are bringing two inches of rain. and the bright areas of read and orange, that's where the tefiest rain is now. when we look at the hazard, clearly flood watches, flash flood warnings in place, and the rain overnight, through the day tomorrow, starting to push further south into parts of nebraska and iowa, and the risk
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of weather continues with the strong custody wind and lightening. in the south-east there has been a lot of rain fall. a lot of flash flood warnings here, gradually easing off. you cap see 2.5 inch of rain from new orleans, and half an inch from atlant ape. the area of -- atlanta. the area of concern will be in the midwest. upper midwest. further south we'll not see as much in the quay of thunderstorm as -- way of thunderstorm activities as we did today. low temperatures. a cool low for the west and east coast. it's getting hot. tripple digit heat for the south-west again. >> it's a large area of concern, and a slow-moving system. you'll follow the latest together, decorated golfer phil mickelson is being investigated for insider training. he may have shared private
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information with another investors. mickelson says he's cooperating with federal authorities, and has done nothing wrong. >> it's not going to change the way i carry myself. i have done nothing wrong. >> these latest developments are part of an investigation into billionaire investor carl i con that began in 2011. bees are a vital part of the eco system, they are disappearing in droves. the robotic solution that has activists concerned - coming up
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and his choir travel to sipping the praises of this tiny snelent, the hupy bee -- insect, the hupy bee. honey bees poll jipate a third of the world's crops. they have been dying off in record numbers. according to the u.s. department of agriculture. 30% of honey bees have died. while the population decline has been going on for some time, 42% more bees died last year than the previous year. sin tists here have been -- scientists here have been working to develop a honey bee. scientists want them to focus on developing bees. harvard says artificial pollination is two decades away.
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and robo bees are not a solution. scientists point to pesticides as a culprit. >> a lot of research point to pesticides. >> we are standing outside the came brig headquarters of the mon santo corporation. they are one of the world's developers of neo-nikkei tan i had pesticides that are devastating our hives and bees and much of our eco system. >> mon santo says these products have been determined to be safe for the approved intended use. harvard's lead scientist is a defense advance process. and received funding. harvard says external funding is
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provided entirely by the foundation. we can't speak to who may be interested. >> this process we said it could be used for bees, surveillance. one firm is interested. they signed a 38 million agreement. it's a worrying thought. >> think about what you do, it's making a robot. it is dying. the people that cause the death of the animal. when of choir vowed to speak out about this, one song at a time. from bees to horses. crowds were up bright and early to get a glimpse of california chrome.
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it has a chance to become the first horse in 36 years to win the tripple crown. california chrome won this year's kentucky derby and the preakness and a favourite for the belmont stakes. thanks for joining us, i'm thomas drayton your in new york. have a great night. a major foreign policy speech from president obama, how >> a major foreign policy speech for president obama. how he sees america's new role. ved who received no hope when he was at a breaking point. the school agrees that it happened. and the world mourns the loss of maya angelou
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