tv News Al Jazeera June 5, 2014 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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news. from washington, i'm ray suarez. >> for me, and the fellow leaders to ensure we are in lock step going forward. >> united front, the president and the allies are putting the pressure on russia over ukraine. >> russia's president seized the moment and opened the talked with kiev. you are watching al jazeera live from london. three of the imprisoned journalists appear in a court. the hunt is continuing for the killer of three police officers
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in new brunswick, canada. >> full investigation into the discovery of infant mass grave in ireland. >> hundreds of children are being evacuated from the eastern ukraine as the fighting is escalating, and they are making their way across the region. we are at the railway station there, david, give us your asesment in a moment, tell us about the evacuation of the children and where are they being taken to? >> this is train, it is called the putin express. it is taking about 500 children that are parting on the platform down to odessa and that is 20
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hours from here and paid by the kremlin and putin. he's saying getting the people through the front lines and to safety. some are being taken through the border to russia, and they are being take ton the coast of the black sea. they have their own problems, but nothing like they are facing here in the city and the air raids are going off and extraordinary tense here and most people are getting out and as soon as they can with babes in arms, teenagers, young children, they are all crowding on to the train that about to set off. >> out guns, out numbered and overwhelmed, the scene of the
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setback. they are taking everything they have left behind. not just ammunition but the body armor and the night vision equipment. even the fuel left in the tank of a burned out tank is taken out. this is not just a humiliating defeat for kiev, but no longer have ears or eyes on the border. in the communications's room the evidented of the fighting here. the equipment still humming and running. this map shows the border post that were controlled by the headquarters, one by one they are being deserted. among the separatist fighters we have found a former teacher. >> if they defend themselves we'll have battles and smoke them out of the region. we want to live a normal life without war.
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>> in the regional headquarters of the city that was hit wi the ukraine air force jets, a minister for the receive declared public announcing they are evacuating all of the children left. >> first of all, i'm a woman and mother. i want to see my children grow up in peace. i only want peace. >> this young couple posing for their wedding album. despite the happiness of their day, they are asking one question, what sofrt of future will their children face? >> david, with the children going on the putin express, to safety in odessa and with the outposts that are protected by the government and the military there now switching hands, are there many people left in that
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part of ukraine that support kiev? >> well, the thing is yes, there are. we find people here that are saying they doont want to be part of russia. they were born in ukraine. they have problems with the way that their russian speaking et nicety is being discriminated against. the president elect has a plan for that and calling the regional council elections and guarantees to the russian speakers in the region and there will be official language. if he starts to do that and come up with a plan and meets president putin and he's saying he's not going to evade the memorials tomorrow, perhaps we are beginning to see a chance that something can be done to stop this. at the moment, i will tell you,
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it is very tense in the city. you are hearing the jet fighters overhead and the sirens and all around us reports of fighting. the tanks are out, helicopter gun ships. it is a situation where you can't keep your children in the city. you don't know what is going to happen. there could be a huge number of casualties and people are looking for any way, including the express to get out of here. they don't where to go or how to go but cueing up to leave here, david. >> david, thank you for that. well, the u.s. president has accused russia of destabilizing ukraine. they are being warned that more
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sanctions could be imposed. >> the kinds of destabilizing activities that we are seeing funded and encouraged by russia are illegal and are not constructive. and that there is a path in which russia has the capacity to engage directly with the ukraine president and he should take it. >> the meeting is over and has anything really changed? >> well, probably not, david. what we are seeing here is a determined show of unity by these seven members of the g-7 in the face of what they have described at interference in the ukraine sovereign affairs. they have kicked russia out of the g-8. they are showing they are
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standing together against russia over the events in ukraine. president obama did note there was a possibility of a change of course, a change of direction by president putin, noting the partial withdrawal of the russian forces and noting the fact that putin didn't outright reject the election that took place in ukraine but sounding caution, you must see what he does not what he says says president obama. we are watching president putin's actions and if he doesn't change course we have indicated the actions and sanctions and trade and economic sanctions they are willing to level against russia if putin doesn't recognize the president elect and if he doesn't stop the flow of the weapons into ukraine
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and if he doesn't try to influence the calm separatists movement. all of that being said, the force of the direction here is moving very much in the direction of diplomacy at the moment. >> that is where i was going next as well, usually they return to their own countries but they are staying together and president putin is coming to join them. in france for the d-day, with the momentum that you hinted at encouraged and continue there? >> certainly going to try. we know they are all going to be there. president putin is going to franks. the president elect of ukraine will be there. there are scheduled leaders for france and germany and britain. not scheduled with putin and obama and ukraine.
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but saying look, i'm open to talks, we are all there, i'm not avoiding anyone. just perhaps the space is opening up now for proper dialogue at a proper negotiated solution. >> we'll leave it there for now. thank you so much. well, kiev's newly elected mayor is sworn in and presiding over the first council meeting. the former boxing champion was a key figure in the protest movement. he's promised to crank down on the corruption and calling for the people of kiev to work with the newly elected government. >> it is alleged that the attacks in the north eastern part of the country killed 200 more people. three bofrd borders were attacked on monday and the government failed to intervene. this is one of the highest death
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tolls of the on going attacks around nigeria. we have this in the nigerian capital. >> three communities in the local government area of the border states attacked by the masked men monday night into tuesday morning and they have raided the village and according to reports dressed in military uniforms and fired on theville lanls and destroyed the churches and the mosques. the residents reported that the incident to him but of yet no official comp -- confirmation about the nature of the attacks and how they took place, particularly when there are thousands of a soldiers stationed in the areas to prevent the attacks by the group no. new information on what is
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going on underground, but we understand that the authorities are investigating the reports of these attacks. >> police in eastern canada extended the manhunt for a gunman that shot dead three offers and injured two more. the people are told to stay indoors while the suspect is on the lose. we have more. >> it was early evening in a peaceful town and the shots rang out. police responded to sightings of an armed man and walked straight into a deadly gun battle and within minutes three officers are dead and two injured. this is showing the men, 24-year-old who lives locally. after evading the police, they
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are saying three new sightings of him since dawn. >> the sighting we are sure that particular individual early this morning after daylight, which is where you know a lot of the resources are focussed right now. again, that is not definitive. we have to understand that he's very mobile and still considered very dangerous and armed and dangerous. >> the residents are heeding the warning and staying indoors. >> we came outside, my daughter said a police in the area and we noticed a lock down on the street and turning the vehicles around and we noticed a staff was taking an injured officer away. >> what kind of injuries? >> blood and stuff to the top of the head and stuff. >> there is a message extending
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thoughts and prayers to all affected by the shooting. the manhunt is on going. >> it is found that senior executives were not to blame for a delayed vehicle recalling involving the ignition switches linked to at least 13 deaths. a meeting in detroit, the executive officer apologized for the pain caused by the defect parts and the company is accepting responsibility for the mistake. she announced that general motors is starting a compensation program for those hurt or lost a family member. >> i can tell you this report is extremely though row and troubling. for those of us that dedicated our lives to this company it is painful to see your shortcomings
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laid out so a vividly. as i read the report, i was deeply saddened and disturbed. >> coming up, the research that shows the deadly mers illness may be transmitted from camels to humans. >> the battle within, how australia is trying to improve the mental services for war veterans. medium height... you described most of the majority of the men in america >> sometimes witnesses get it right >> when you have an eyewitness to say i saw him do it, that is the best evidence. >> and sometimes sometimes they don't >> no one is listening to us...
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george is innocent... >> the system with joe burlinger only on al jazeera america >> now inroducing, the new al jazeea america mobile news app. get our exclusive in depth, reporting when you want it. a global perspective wherever you are. the major headlines in context. mashable says... you'll never miss the latest news >> they will continue looking for suvivors... >> the potential for energy production is huge... >> no noise, no clutter, just real reporting. the new al jazeera
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>> hello. you are watching al jazeera. here are the top stories of the hour. as intense fighting is continuing in the eastern ukraine city, the authorities are beginning to move the children out of the city to safety. canada is looking for three officers that were shot. >> senior executives were not delayed recalls for general motors. p >> the journalist's hearing is adjourned again. the prosecution asked that they face the maximum possible jail terms. the journalists are accused of supporting the brotherhood and allegations that al jazeera strongly denies.
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the prosecutions want 7 years for one and 15 years for the remaining two. el no credible evidence against them. al jazeera is continuing to demand the release. al jazeera's banned from reporting egypt, but we have been following the proceedings and gave us this update. >> the prosecution wrapped up and presented the case and they have made the final arguments and now the defense is presenting its case. we don't know how long it is going to present their case. we don't know if it is going to wrap up today or a verdict today. we know that the defense has picked apart the prosecution's case. remember, over the past few months the only evidence, if you want to call it that, that the prosecution presented was old video clips of news conferences, news reports, sometimes news
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reports from outside of egypt and they have presented pictures, items that would be in the possession of any journalist and nothing to do with the charges that the journalists face. the defense position is they have failed to present evidence linking the individuals to the crimes and even so, the prosecution making a very ominous statement alleging that al jazeera has made an alliance with the devil and the muslim brotherhood and the prosecution is calling for the maximum sentence. >> another journalist has had a court hearing postponed until june 11th.
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he's held since august of last year and on a hunger strike for the past four months. the hearing may have been postponed because he's not well enough to go to court. >> in ireland, calls for an investigation into the discovery of a mass grave containing the bodies of 800 children. the remains found in a sewage tank on the grounds of unmarried mothers between the 20s and 60s. the children died from mal nutrition or diseases. the catholic church is told they have to cooperate with the inquiries. >> we can't judge the past from our point of view or the lens, but make sure that there are a place where the people can come
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and remember. >> the european central bank lead the key interests and trying to contain the inflation. the move to go even lower is widely anticipated by the financial markets. we have market news international with us interest rates make the interest, what make this is fascinating is that the banks now have to pay to take their money out of the central bank, never been done, right? >> it is fascinating stuff, really, this negative interest rate is uncharted territory for a major global central bank. it was experimented before. this is a last ditch attempt by the european central bank to give the banks lending again, so
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the extent, listen, we are charging you to keep the money here at the ecb. we want you to take it out and put into the real economy, and lending to businesses so they can expand and hire, wages will rise, and the economy can grow again. they are concerned about the inflation, and lack of the growth here, and as a result they are taking this step. >> they say it is to fight deflation, we all hate inflation, that means that the things are going to cost more, why when inflation is half of one percent, so they want to increase it? >> basically they are worried about deflation. that you and i might decide i'm not going to buy a car today, i will wait six months to buy it when it is cheaper. i might not by the house for a while. the more people that think that
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way pull back on the personal spending and the slower the economy will grow. so deplagues has serious implications. they want a sweet spot not too high and not to low and humming along nicely. that is 2%. they are not expecting to get there until 2016 and maybe beyond and that is part of the reason they have put the steps into the marketplace today. >> does one size fit all? you are looking at falling unemployment germany and the basket case economies of greece and spain, and the unemployment rates of 25%, will the same medicine work in every one of the european countries? >> this is really the ultimate challenge and one that many people are criticizing of the european project, that you have
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a blunt instrument to work in 18 economies. greece unplace of employment 28.6%. that is the official rate. youth unemployment that is upwards of 55%. it is near catastrophic por portions and you have to wonder if the interest rates are lower, how much difference will it make if the main interest is .05%. the one thing it can't create is demand. that is missing in the european economy right now. not in the core of germany, but it is the case in the outside economies, greece, portugal and spain and potentially france, that registered no growth in the first three months of this year and could be slipping into a recession at the end of this
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year. >> thank you indeed. >> there is evidented which seems to suggest that a deadly mers virus could be spreading from camels to humans. they have studied a case in saudi arabia. one of the animals was carrying the virus before the man fell ill. professor, it had long been suspected it was coming from camels to humans, do we know that now? >> it is certainly pointing more and more to the camels as being the source of mers. in this particular case, what they were able to do is isolate the virus and showing advertise identical to the virus that killed the unfortunate person. previously we have been able to detect the presence of the virus
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and understood that camels have shown signs of the virus. this is the first time that the are yous is identified as identical. in theory, it could be the case that the virus passed from the infected human to camels, but the evidence really points to the fact that the camels are feeding this epidemic. >> so what you are looking for is the worst case scenario, could be going from human to human? >> certainly there are cases of human to human transmission. they are still inefficient. there is very little wide scale spread of the viruvirus. and when we see the human to human transition it is really in close contacts, close family members and healthcare workers. >> what about the fact that this
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is mainly at the moment at middle eastern gulf disease, most of the cases saudi arabia and et cetera and it has come to the u.s. as well, should we look at research into how it could spread into those countries? >> certainly the health authorities are very aware of the risks that the mers virus poses. you may recall over a decade ago we had a similar virus called the sars virus, which caused sars and that indeed spread around the world so from southeast asia into canada. all the evidence at the moment shows that mers isn't as ezly
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transmitted as the sars virus and there is evidence the person becoming infected was visiting the middle east. >> professor, we have to leave it there. thank you so much for the expertise. >> 70 years ago this friday, forces captured the french beach. the anniversary of d-day landings have drawn thousands to france. d-day marked the largest sea port invasion ever mounted. prince charles and his wife are attending the come rations. they are coming together and 150,000 members of the forces that risked their lives in world war two battle. we are look at one of the beaches where they landed and
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