tv News Al Jazeera June 7, 2014 9:00am-10:01am EDT
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the rights to carry arms everywhere they go. >> but first. gunmen in iraq have freed students after taking thermou them hostage. meanwhile, a number of districts have been taken over by fighters from the islamic state of iraq. let's get more. we can talk to our correspondent who is in baghdad. tell us more about these two separate incidents and whether they were carried out by the same group. >> that's right. the hostage crisis came to an end about two hours ago. gunmen marched into the anbar university. there was a stand off. a police station just office their university. there is a stand off for six to
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seven hours. then there are conflicting reports. some reports that would suggest that a small team of special forces soldiers went into the university. that's where the armed fighters fled. however, that's not been confirmed. we do know that the armed fighters fled to the back of the university allowing the students and university staff to leave by the front door and local police went inside, confirmed that the soldiers left, and the university was secure. this was a very unusual tact. i had not seen hostage taking like this, certainly not in ramadi. we're used to seeing a hit-and-run where three soldiers died. in anbar province, this operation that the army against isil fighters has been ongoing
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since january, but it seems of late a spike in these attacks. >> what about the other incident. the other incident to the north of ramadi and samarra. >> that's right. just two days agency isil fighters came into the city to take it over. one of them who spoke with al jazeera said we're here to clear the area of the jews. there is a large jewish community. those fighters did manage to escape. they did not announce any killing they made, but right now they're announcing that samarra is cleared. why is i this an important
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city? a shrine that for the shia here, they say the shia are heretics. all the ingredients fo for a bloody round. if something like the shrine does get attacked, the leader of isil has made very strong anti anti--shia statements, and he want to take over the leader of al-qaeda globally taking away. there is a lot riding on these attacks. he wants to be seen as the most important jihadist in the world. we're seeing a lot of that kind of thing. we also will see fighting in syria and iraq. but they seem to be stepping up operations in iraq.
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>> thank you. >> now russia's president vladimir putin ordered the board at ukraine to be tightened. the announcement came just after the new president was sworn in kiev. ukraine president said that crimea would remain part of you complain president poroshenko gave a tough talk. he said that the the rebels would have to lay down their arms. there was an opportunity for an amnesty for those who didn't have blood on their hands. but that he was prepared to take the most serious measures to end the conflict there. he said there could be no room for compromise over crimea and
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russia's annexation of that territory. >> he comewho comes with a sword will fall by the sword. we will never enjoy the beauty of peace until we settle things down with russia. the. >> meeting inaugurating the president said that ukraine will sign that agreement with the european union, an important trade agreement, but this is something that will also anger the russians. president vladimir putin has already stated signing that statement with the e.u. would be a bad idea for ukraine. it would harm ukraine interests and harm russia's and form some sanctions, economic difficulties
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could be placed on ukraine if it goes ahead with that e.u. agreement. these issues east of the country and closer integration with europe, that it's going to force president poroshenko to the table, and they'll have to make a compromise if things are going to move forward for this new president in this country of ukraine. >> how is all this going down in the east of the country? our correspondent is in doneskt. >> reporter: people are divided whether petro poroshenko can create change in the east. many people for a long time have felt alienated by kiev. they say they are already an independent country and they're dismissing poroshenko's offer to hold local election notic elections in the region. >> there were no elections of
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this poroshenko. what local elections are we talking about? yet again he's throwing around words and making promises he can't keep. >> the doneskt people republic are already in talks for the russian federation. he's continuing to ask russia for a peace-keeping force at the board. >> afghanistan's presidential frontrunner is promising to continue campaigning after two bomb attacks of his motorcade. abdullah abdullah walked away from the car bombing, but six were killed. more than 50 people have been killed in flooding that destroyed four villages. four people in the district of
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bazlam province were forced to leave their home. dozens more people are still missing. we can get the very latest from our correspondent who is in kabul. tell us about the region where these floods have occurred. >> well, this province is in the east of the country. this is very rare that this flash flooding occurred in this region of the province. there has been a large human toll, but there has been infrastructure damage well. roads have been washed away. bridges are washed away. there is so much water. so much mud that it's impossible for helicopters to reach the area as well. when it comes to aid, first responders, emergency response
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from the provincial government and central government it will be difficult to help these people in this flooding because the area is remote and cut off. 50 people have been killed. many more displaced, and frankly, a dire situation in this area of afghanistan. >> and afghanistan itself has been battered, hasn't it, of late by natural disasters. >> reporter: certainly. this time of year afghanistan experiences flooding, but this year in particular has been quite bad. just last month in the area o north of the country there was a huge landslide which effectively swallowed up a village killing hundreds of people and displacing thousands more. we were there at that disaster and it just really under scores how many challenges there are here in afghanistan. of course, at a time in this country it will be going to the
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polls in a week from now to vote for a new president. there has been attempted assassination--rather, an assassination attempt on one of the leading candidate, but many afghans have been telling us that they're determined to go to the polls. not only do they want a leader who can help with the violence in the country. someone who can improve the economy, but also a leader who can take the direction forward when it comes to helping people in these areas which is consistently badly effected by bad weather. >> in kiev, thank you. >> now the south africa president has been admitted to hospital. accord to the officing to the hospital, the president was taken in for tests. it was announced that the president would take a few days
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off from public appearances. doctors are satisfied with his condition, but they're keeping an eye on that story for you. now campaign for people to openly carry guns in public is gaining strength across the united states. a group called open carry texas have been carrying military rifles into shops and restaurant. >> reporter: he believes the answer to gun violence in america is more guns. out in the open where everyone can see them. >> if someone sees a pistol on my hip they're not going to do anything to begin with. instead of reacting to crime it's better to prevent it to begin with. >> reporter: in bistros and bars across the u.s. americans are carrying guns and unnerving their neighbors. here in texas guns are just part of the cowboy culture, but even here carrying them openly in
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restaurants and bars is still a little too much. even in the state gun convention in pistol-packing texas. go. >> for me to walk into a place and to see several people with their guns out, it boo be a little intimidating. the first question that goes through my mind, are they the good guys or bad guys? >> open carry has become so popular in the u.s. some restaurant have asked their customers to leave their weapons at home. even the nra called it count productive and weird. the nra later apologized. >> if i were to open carry my handgun i would be considered a felon. >> you got a holster. >> i got a holster. as you can see it's yes, ma'am. >> had 4 o.
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>> 44 of the 50 u.s. states allow americans to carry guns openly. texas is not one of them. this is a firearm. pistols are not. many people are trying to change the law,. >> when i enter a gun-free zone i don't feel safe. i feel safe when i can protect myself life and my family's life. >> the only institutio solution to a bad guy with a gun-- >> is a good guy with an up. >> a good shot at liberalizing the state's gun laws even more. >> more to come on al jazeera. including the promise of miracles in exchange for money.
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the performance review. pressure to keep cities from turning into clone towns. that corporate trial by fire when every slacker gets his due. and yet, there's someone around the office who hasn't had a performance review in a while. someone whose poor performance is slowing down the entire organization. i'm looking at you phone company dsl. check your speed. see how fast your internet can be. switch now and add voice and tv for $34.90. comcast business built for business.
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tightened. in afghanistan presidential frontrunner said he'll continue campaigning after two bomb attacks. abdullah abdullah walked away unharmed but six people from killed. month protes--more protests are expected a few hours from now against the spanish monarchy. we have reports from the capitol in madrid. >> reporter: spain's ruling party insists that the economy is on the road to recovery. try telling that to these women. they're carrying home food handouts from a local charity. they live in an abandoned block.
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>> ththe kingour kids have no food while the king goes on safari in africa. >> this made king juan carlos very unpopular, ultimately forcing him to step down. the timing of his application is also political. an election next year could usher more republicans in parliament. for now a center right government said it will quickly pass the succession law. >> they can't be silenced by a small noisy minority. >> reporter: this is one of the leaders that have growing minority. in just four months this young university professor has turned his movement into spain's fourth largest political force.
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>> right now the main institutions of parties are discredited. this is one of the problems of the country plus corruption and the royal house being seen as out of touch. >> this is one of the reasons why political movements are gaining ground. in this one housing project there are 200 families facing eviction because they cannot afford to pay the rent. the courts told her she has two weeks to leave. she said her family has nowhere to go. >> the system doesn't work. at least, that's what i think, and they know it. it's time for change. >> reporter: the debt crisis has changed the very fabric of spanish society. families are being torn apart by poverty. some citizens are getting more involved in politics. others are questioning the establishment, and that clues spain's monarchy.
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al jazeera, madrid. >> fighting of an opponents and proponents of a rogue general. libya's interim government said he's an outlaw. in syria activists are reporting that the military is dropping barrel bombs over a rebel-held district, and in the nearby town activists reported 12 killed in the missiles strike. a warplane has hit a rebel-controlled field. the report suggests the bomb left a large number of casualties and destruction. several barrel bombs were
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dropped on neighborhoods where a number of civilians including women and children, are reportedly killed. the leader of lebanon said if western nations want a solution to the syrian war they have got to talk to bashar al-assad. his recent re-election shows he has strong support among the syrian people. >> any political solution in syria begins and ends with bashar al-assad. there is an elected president with a knew mandate of seven years elected by millions. no one who wants to reach a political solution has to speak with you, discuss with with him and reach a solution are him. >> three people have been killed in egypt after applies try to break up a protest in guiza.
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>> dozens are accused of inciting violence that killed two people last year. a member of the muslim brotherhoods will in custody. he has condemned the decision. >> the judiciary is creating slavery for this people. the oppression stands for killing and takes orders from israel. >> three al jazeera journalists accused of supporting the muslim
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brotherhood have been held for 161 days. on thursday egyptian prosecutors demanded the maximum penalty for them. search years in jail for perimeter greste. and 15 years for mohamme mohamed fahmy, bader mohammed, and peter greste abdullah elshamy has been held since august of last year and has been on hunger strike for four months. evangelical churches are rapidly spreading in ghana. nicholas hart traveled to visit one very popular new church. >> meet the international ministry and 36-year-old superstar bishop. he's known as the miracle
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worker. many say this is one. it takes just one of his blessings to be healed of disease or chase away problems. plenty of people believe in him like mary who is here because she's having difficulties getting pregnant. >> he is amazing. highways helped so many people across the country. i really believe in his power. >> sermons are on the internet and relayed across the country. >> if you help a person someone will help you. meaning i believe if i heal people they will help me and my staff. >> he is being prosecuted for aggravated violence after he assaulted a radio journalist questioning his ability to perform miracles and his lavish lifestyle. he normally asks his followers to make occasions for miracles. but in this certain he unexpectedly offers free
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consultation perhaps because i'm filming. this service has been going on for more than seven hours, and people tell me they won't leave this search until the preacher has left. that's not going to happen until nightfall. ghanaens are deeply religious, and preachers here have enormous power and money. >> too much so, say police. >> it's big business. we've been arresting them almost on a weekly basis. people who call themselves pastors, we treat them as individuals who have committed a crime. >> if found guilty preachers face up to ten years in prison. despite allegations made against him, he is not worried. his church is thriving. his followers believe this in itself is a miracle. nicholas hawk, ghana.
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>> now restaurant in russia have seen a reduction in diners as new antismoking laws come into force. the new laws have been in effect for almost a week now. this is the latest attempt by the government it make smoking unattractive. according to russian restaurant lobby group they say customers will not return. in u.k. there is warning of losing all characteristic. this is a trend that could impact people's health and happiness. in our fifth part of our series on urbanization. >> london prides itself for being a cosmo pol cosmopolitan
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and has become the model of an urban city. away from the centers neighborhoods with carbon copy buildings and dying businesses threaten the quality of life. >> we need to make sure that smaller businesses are supported. the places are right. the streets are good places. they're not just full of cars and frightening people away. it's creating nice spaces of city that people would like to go to. >> the plan of having more of the unique and less the same has
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made hackney a place to live. it has markets to draw the crowds and it's the cutting edge of britain's vibrant fashion industry. last year it was announced they would bring in a fashion hub, a different approach than to have them dominate the area. one area has faced the same issues of high crime and poverty has left their marks but there is a change in the air. they have a thriving street dominated by businesses set up by ethnically diverse businesse businesses. transportation is here, and there is development to keep the distinct spirit. >> bring in a developer's notion
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of what should be there without recognizing what is already in place. >> improving these urban spaces about communities who live in them >> new dawn in beijing, the ancient capital of the world's fastest growing country, home to the 2008 olympics. it's the vibrant centre, the super power, where the old wrestles with the new. communism clashes with capitalism and a new global economy is born, swallowing all in its past. but one thing about its people never changes...
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the chinese love their food, and now with their new found wealth, they are indulging their stomachs more than ever. as a child, i'd grown up with the food of southern china where my father was born. in my first visit to beijing 18 years ago i realized that i'd been missing out. today the food here is as varied as it is plentiful. traditional or modern, chinese or western, china's capital caters to all tastes and needs. that's a lot of rich food, and a lot of calories too. as china's economy has exploded, so has its waist lines. today 200 million chinese are listed as being clinically obese, and that's because of changing dietary habits.
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in many ways, the story of how food has changed here is the story of china in the last two decades. so we are going to start our journey in beijing's streets to see how it all happened. my first stop is wang fujing, the biggest night market in beijing, right next to tiananmen square. this is a new government business development and tightly controlled by the police, but it's also one of the most popular tourist hotspots in the capital. and i'm here to meet 'crazy chef', a chef turned beijing rapper who rose to fame with his song 'chinese food'. >> and here comes my first
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treat. silk worm cocoons. >> it's kind of very soft in the middle, the shells quite tough, it's actually not bad at all. >> as if silk cocoon is not enough to wet my appetite, we move onto the sea horses >> yeah this is pretty good >> the food here's definitely not for the faint hearted or the healthy. deep fried star fish, deep fried swallow's spit, and certain parts of an animal which i thought i'd never eat >> i think there are some things i wont do, particularly not on tv
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>> for dessert, we settle on a plate of deep fried ice-cream. thought by many people to be a tradition chinese dish. while the ice-cream actually doesn't taste that bad, i can't help feeling a bit like a culinary tourist >> well this has been an interesting evening with crazy chef, and we've been eating a lot of crazy things. it says much about modern china, an ancient civilization going global. >> in the old beijing, street life and street food was intricately linked to the narrow alleyways unique to the city, known as hutong, where snacks used to be sold on mobile trolleys. today, as most of the hutongs here have been demolished to make way for new skyscrapers, and food vendors kept off the street to keep the city tidy, it's hard to find anything of
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the past, except in one of beijing's tourist areas. >> jiumen snacks is a collection of beijing street stalls, many of which have been around for generations, they've come together in recent years under one roof, in this traditional chinese courtyard. >> walking inside the courtyard is like going back in time - here you can find all the old favorites that beijing's streets had to offer, rice cakes, pig's intestines, fermented soy milk, stuff that people don't normally eat these today.
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are still cautious about speaking to foreigners. today, it takes a charismatic businessman to bring these families together again for a capitalist culinary experiment. >> houjia is the founder of jiumen snacks. 20 years ago, he was selling western clothes in beijing's first free market, today he's selling traditional chinese street food and the culture that goes with it. >> judging by the number of his customers, houjia has been very successful in reviving a lost
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culture. looking around me though, i can't help feeling that this is museum food, far removed from the taste of modern china. even houjia admits that he has some big rivals. >> since china has opened up for economic reform, it has also opened up to western influences. as western fashion and western music have bombarded the chinese market, a new generation of chinese are growing up with coco-cola and big macs. the arrival of fast food in china answers the need of million s of chinese who live life in the fast lane, but while it has helped drive forward china's economy, experts fear that it's driving up the nation's cholesterol level too. >> one in four teenagers in big cities are overweight.
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>> al jazeera america's presents the system with joe burlinger observing a crime >> a shocking number of these eyewitnesses get it wrong >> how much would you remember? >> dark complected... medium height... you described most of the majority of the men in america >> sometimes witnesses get it right >> when you have an eyewitness to say i saw him do it, that is the best evidence. >> and sometimes sometimes they don't >> no one is listening to us... george is innocent... >> the system with joe burlinger only on al jazeera america
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android mobile device. download it now >> 21st century china is growing at a breakneck speed, but so too is the nation's weight. as china goes global, street life has given way to modern life, and street food to fast food, much of it rich with fat and sugar. 21% of restaurants in china today sell western style fast food; in china's 8 largest cities including beijing, 50% people eat fast food regularly. but is too much unhealthy fast food the only reason that many
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chinese are becoming overweight? >> i've come to a traditional wet market in beijing to meet prof li liubai, a nutritionist at beijing university. over the last year or so, the chinese government has closed down many street markets like this, because the chaotic scene here is considered unflattering to the modern image of the olympic city. but many locals like prof li still shop here for its fresh produce. >> i do shopping here for my family, for my son whose a 15 year old boy, and my husband he
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is a vegetarian... >> oh he's a vegetarian? >> yeah >> which is quite rare in china? >> no, increased. because many people worry about heart disease. >> prof li is a government adviser on dietary management, and she believes changing diet in china has contributed significantly to the nation's weight gain. >> 30 years ago we only eat meat, pork or mutton during festival, now everyday we can eat meat. >> you've got a lot of milk here, dairy produce, but traditionally that wouldn't have been part of a chinese diet would it? >> before we feed our child with soy products, porridge, rice,
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now with the economic development, so the milk increased. >> and what about the old diet? >> you've got tofu here, it's very traditional bean curd... >> traditionally chinese eat this to supplement some protein. >> so this is protein but no fat? >> some fat, some healthy fat. >> after all the hustle and bustle, it's time for a rest. i've seen so many simple but healthy foods the chinese traditionally eat, does a richer diet actually serve them better? >> 20 years ago our three meals mostly consisted of carbohydrates, now we have so much animal products. more than 10 percent of adults in china are obese now, and 15% teenagers are overweight.
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>> china has this problem with obesity. but to be frank, when you look around, ordinary people don't look that fat, why is that? >> our body composition different from that in western countries, so even if we are very fat, from outside you cannot tell... whether we are fat or not. >> but how exactly is a rich and modern diet affecting the health of the next generation of chinese? >> i have come to an elementary school where they've started a program to get overweight kids to do more exercises, so everyday they come to school early to go through exercises to help them loose weight...
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>> this is stretching places i haven't stretched for a very long time.. the teachers has now given us the 4th set of 25 dips, and it's really starting to hurt. my knees certainly aren't as flexible as those of my young friends. i think i have to give up, i have a stitch..., this is pretty hard work too! >> and if such vigorous exercise is not going to keep their weight down, i wonder what's keeping it up?
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>> here we've got some sweet bread... some biscuits... we've got some fatty pork and some steak... some nice healthy yogurt, but this is full of sugar... traditional chinese dumplings...straight out of the factory. we've got a whole row of chocolates... deep fried chicken... hamburgers and sugary soft drinks... well we've got our shopping now, and i'm going back to prof li and see what she's got to say about this. >> i'm not surprised about it... >> the children's favorite food proves prof li's point as a nutritionist, that the nation is gaining weight on a sugar and
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fat heavy diet but as a mother herself, she confesses the reason behind teenage obesity in china is a social as well as economic. >> we only have one child, and all our hope is added onto his shoulder. >> over the last three decades, china's one child policy has produced a generation of spoilt little emperors who have too much to eat and too little time to play. >> many parents push children to learn more things and more skills from a very young age. generally from 4 years old they will learn piano or something. some parents reward children with food. when the child asks for it, we generally don't know how to refuse.
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>> if we don't do anything about this problem now, how serious will it be in the future? >> now, one in four teenagers in big cities are overweight. if we do not do anything to control the situation, after ten or twenty years, we will reach the high level of obesity just like western countries >> today on the stream. the superstars. >> i love the underdog role, it's us against the world. we have this fight and this pride to play for the country. >> pushing for success. >> we've gone so far forward, the game's really really grown. >> gaining popularity. >> people are crazy for it. >> is now the time for u.s. soccer? >> anything is possible. i believe that this u.s. team, we can beat anybody. >> the stream, today 5:30 eastern. only on al jazeera america.
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but is there a future for traditional chinese food, be it a street dish or a family meal, that is fast, tasty and healthy too? i've come to a chef's training school in for the answer. master chef li here has revived an old street dish, stir fried rice noodle, with less oil and lots more vegetables. >> the heat here you can really feel it coming off the your eye brows... and now the aromatic herbs; the garlic, the spring onions, the chili again you can smell that coming off as incredibly rich flavor, and it's amazing how quickly it cooks... and there goes in the cabbage, giving it the quick stir, never letting it stop for one second...and in with the rice
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noodles, again swirling it all up, mixing it together so that all the flavors combine...and now the sauce is a mixture of salt, sugar, chinese wine and some soy sauce of course and a little bit of oil... and the smell is incredible, really rich and coming off so quickly from the dish...just a little bit of oil to finish it off and the chef was just telling me now, that it's also important for the sauce, to remember the color of the dish this is all about a visual feast not just a feast for the stomach. and there it's done and that's all in a matter of a minute, a minute thirty and master chef is going to give me the honor of tasting this and it looks very good too, lets see how it tastes....
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this is fantastic, i'm going to have to continue on eating >> and now it's my turn. >> i've now realized one of my ambitions, and that is to become a chinese chef, and it's something i've always wanted to do since i was a kid, and that's why i learnt chinese, cause i always wanted to be able to order chinese food in a chinese restaurant, now i can cook it as well! we've pretty much come to the end of our journey through chinese street food, and it's been a journey through which we've seen an awful lot of change. china is a country gone from famine to feast, in less that 25
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years. some of the changes have been good, some have been bad, but one thing remains constant...the chinese people love their food even if it comes at a cost. >> misbehaving children locked up doing time while they should be in school. >> they have to prepare for jail >> throwing away our future >> we're using the same failed policies in districts throughout the country >> are we failing our kids? fault lines al jazeera america's hard hitting... >> they're locking the doors... >> ground breaking... >> we have to get out of here... >> truth seeking... award winning investigative documentary series fault lines the school to prison pipeline only on al jazeera america
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they need assistance. >> as the world marks 70 years since d-day the u.s. and russia try to warm frosty relations. high profile journalist gets high in colorado on edible marijuana. raising questions about its dangers. eyewitness identification, top secret cover on some of the phish's major cases. i'm antonio mora. welcome to "consider this."
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